

Abensberg, battle of, 277.
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, victory of over the French in Egypt, 178.
Aboukir, battle of, 134.
Abrantes, Duchess d', 20.
Abdication, Napoleon's first, 405.
Second, 491-2.
Acre, siege of, 128.
Ajaccio, birthplace of Napoleon, 11.
Destruction of, 25.
Landing of Napoleon on return from Egypt at, 138.
Alexander, Czar, at Austerlitz, 200.
Interview of, with Napoleon on the Niemen, 248.
Meeting of, with Napoleon at Erfurt, 261.
Alliance of, with King of Prussia, 349.
In Paris, 1814, 403.
Visit of, to Josephine, 417.
Alexandria, conquest of, 113.
Alps, passage of the, 154-61,
Alessandria, conditions of peace signed at, 173.
Alvinzi, Austrian general, in Italy, 82.
Success of, on the Tyrol, 83.
Defeated at Arcola, 88.
Amiens, peace of, 179.
Rupture of peace of, 183.
Ancients, Council of, conduct of on 18th Brumaire, 143.
Angouleme, Duchess d', 437.
Anne, Grand Duchess, of Russia, 320.
Arcola, battle of, 85.
Arcis, battle of, 396.
Astorga, Napoleon at, 273.
Augereau, (Marshal and General) at Millessimo, 53.
At Arcola, 86.
At Castiglione, 74.
At Jena, 220.
At Eylau, 235.
Conduct of in 1814, 412.
Austerlitz, battle of, 204.
Autun, College of, 15.
Austria, efforts of, in Italy, 1796, 50.
Insincere policy of, to France, 1800, 177.
Joins Bourbon coalition, 189.
French campaign in, results of, 1805, 197.
Treaty with France after Austerlitz, 209.
Declares war against France, 1809, 274.
Armistice with France after Wagram, 302.
Treaty with France, 1812, 312.
Policy of 1813, to France, 354.
Joins alliance to dethrone Napoleon, 435.
Preparations of, for re-invasion of France, 439.
Avignon, Napoleon victorious at, 27.


Bagration, Russian general, in 1812, 320.
Death of, 329.
Bamberg, Napoleon's headquarters at, 214.
Barras, member of French Directory, 32.
Selects Napoleon to defend the Convention, 38.
Bassano, battle of, 79.
Bauer, M., tutor of Napoleon, 20.
Bautzen, battle of, 354.
Bavaria, invasion of, 275.
King of, joins the Allies, 368.
Baylen, battle of, 259.
Bayonne, meeting of Charles IV. and Napoleon at, 256.
Beauharnais, Eugene, first meeting of, with Napoleon, 43.
In Egypt, 130.
At Wagram, 296.
In retreat from Russia, 334.
Succeeds Murat in command of troops, 348.
Defeated in Italy, 1813, 373.
Beauharnais, Hortense, 305.
Beaulieu, Austrian gener'l, in Italy, 51.

Beaulieu, defeated by Napoleon, 72.
Bellerophon, Napoleon on board the, 501-3.
Belliard, General, defeated at Alexandria, 178.
In campaign of 1813, 401.
Bennigsen, Russian general, retreat behind the Wkra, 231.
At Eylau, 234.
Defeat of at Friedland, 248.
Beresina, passage of the, 343.
Berlin, entry of Napoleon into, 1806, 226.
Berlin decrees, 228.
Berthier, Major-General to Napoleon, 48.
Marshal and General, at Rivoli, 91.
Bessieres, (Marshal and General) in Italy, 68.
At Austerlitz, 205.
In Spain, 259.
At Essling, 290.
Death of, before Lutzen, 352.
Bernadotte, (Marshal and General) in Italy, 100.
On the 18th Brumaire, 144.
At Austerlitz, 204.
Conduct of, at Jena, 221.
At Wagram, 296.
Joins the Allies, (Crown Prince of Sweden), 350.
In campaign of 1813, 361.
Bertrand, General, at Elba, 421.
At Waterloo, 482.
Accompanies Napoleon to St. Helena, 503.
Blucher, Prussian general, at Jena, 222.
Defeat of, at Lubeck, 226.
Commander-in-Chief Prussian army, 1813, 349.
In command of Silesian army, 1814, 378.
In campaign of 1815, 440.
Narrow escape at Ligny, 452.
At Waterloo, 479-88.
Bonaparte, Letitia Ramolino, mother of Napoleon, 9.
Bonaparte, Charles, father of Napoleon, 15.
Bonaparte, Eliza, 23.
Bonaparte, Jerome, in Russian campaign, 317.
At Waterloo, 466.
Bonaparte, Joseph, at Autun, 15.
Made King of Spain, 258.
Head of the Council in Paris, 380.
Bonaparte, Lucien, President of Council of Five Hundred, 142.
In 1815, 490.
Bonaparte, Napoleon (see Napoleon).
Bonaparte, Pauline, at Elba, 418.
Bourbon, Monarchy, restoration of, 410.
Bourmont, General, treason of, 446.
Bourrienne, Napoleon's early friendship with, 15.
In Egypt, 132.
Borodino, battle of, 325-29.
Boulogne, headquarters of French army at, 191.
Brienne, Military school of, 9.
Arrival of Napoleon at, 15.
Battle of, 381.
Brueyes, Admiral, death of, 122.
Brumaire, the 18th and 19th, Revolution of, 143-61.
Brune, General, defeats Austrians on the Mincio, 177.
Brunswick, Charles William Frederick, Duke, defeat of, at Jena, 226.
Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of, killed at Quatre-Bras, 454.
Brussels, headquarters of British army 1815, 440.
Bulow, General, at Waterloo, 464.
Repulsed by Count Lobau, 478.


Cartaux, General, in command at Toulon, 28.
Carnot, member of French Directory, 32.
Appoints Napoleon commander of Army of Italy, 44.
Minister of war under Consulate, 154.
In 1815, 437.
Cairo, French army march on, 114.
In the occupation of the French, 121.
Revolt at, 124.
CambacÉrÈs, Consul with Napoleon, 151.
Cambronne, General, commander of the Guard, 425.
Wounded at Waterloo, 484-5.
Campo-Formio, treaty of, 104.
Castiglione, battle of, 74.
Caulaincourt, French diplomatist, in retreat from Russia, 345.
Employed to negotiate treaty in 1814, 383.
Pleads Napoleon's cause before Czar Alexander, 402.
At Fontainebleau, 404.
After Waterloo, 494.
Cervoni, Adjutant, interview with Napoleon, 26.
Causse, General, at Dego, 54.
Charleroi, engagement at, 448.
Chebreis, engagement at, 116.
Champaubert, battle of, 384.
Champ de Mai, ceremony of, 441.
Charles, the Archduke, Austrian commander in Italy, 98.
Forced to abandon Italy, 198.

Charles, the Archduke, invades Bavaria, 275.
Defeated at Eckmuhl, 279.
Defeated at Essling, 289.
At Wagram, 301.
Charles IV., King of Spain, abdicates, 255.
Clouet, Colonel, treason of, 446.
Coalition, Bourbon, 190.
Code Napoleon, anecdote of, 36.
Formation of, 180.
Colli, General, defeated by Napoleon, 53.
Colombier, Madame du, 21.
Committee of Public Safety, 34.
Concordat, signing of, 179.
Conspiracy, to assassinate Napoleon, 176.
Convention, French, Napoleon undertakes defense of, 39.
Confederation of the Rhine, established, 211.
Dissolved, 373.
Consuls of the French Republic, 148.
Continental System, adopted by Prussia, 249.
Modification of, 309.
Consular Government, organization of, 149.
Corunna, combat at, 272.
Consul, life, Napoleon appointed, 182.
Corsica, birthplace of Napoleon, 9.
Revolution in, 24-5.
Craonne, battle of, 392.
Culm, engagement at, 364.


Dantzic, surrender of, 242.
Davidowich, General, defeat of, at Roveredo, 78.
Danube, French army crosses the, 295.
Daru, M., at Boulogne, 191.
Daru, Count, at Moscow, 353.
Davoust, (Marshal and General) at Austerlitz, 205.
At Jena, 221.
At Eylau, 238.
At Eckmuhl, 284.
At Wagram, 296.
In Russia, 315.
At Moscow, 332.
Desaix, General, in Egypt, 114.
In Italy, 163.
Death of, at Marengo, 169.
Dego, battle of, 54.
Dennewitz, battle of, 364.
Desvaux, General, killed at Waterloo, 469.
Dneiper, Ney crossing the, 341.
Dresden, arrival of Napoleon at, in 1812, 313.
Entry of Napoleon into, 1813, 353.
Engagement at, 362.
Druot, General, at Elba, 421.
At Waterloo, 482.
Duroc, General, Napoleon's first meeting with, 29.
Duroc, death of, at Bautzen, 355-6.
Dugommier, General, at Toulon, 31.
Dubois, General, death of, 78.
Ducos, Roger, Consul with Napoleon, 148.
Surrenders at Baylen, 259.
Dufresne, General, at Waterloo, 470.
Dupont, General, at Friedland, 246.


Ebersberg, battle of, 285.
Eckmuhl, battle of, 279.
Egypt, French expedition to, determined upon, 110.
Disembarkation in, of Napoleon, 113.
Improved condition of, under Napoleon, 123.
Napoleon leaves, 136.
Lost to France, 178.
Elchingen, battle of, 194.
Elba, exile of Napoleon to, 413.
Arrival of Napoleon at, 414.
Napoleon on the island of, 415.
Departure of Napoleon from, 421.
Emperor, Napoleon proclaimed, 1804, 186.
Enghien, Duke d', execution of, 185-6.
England, French project of invasion of, 1797, 108.
Refuses to treat with Consular Government, 152.
French preparations for invasion, 1802, 179.
Declares war on France, 184.
Alliance with Spain, 258.
Joins alliance to dethrone Napoleon, 435.
Erfurt, meeting between Napoleon and Alexander at, 261.
Erlon, Count d', at Quatre-Bras, 454.
At Waterloo, 468, 471.
Essling, battle of, 289.
Eylau, battle of, 234-41.


Fesch, Cardinal, uncle of Napoleon, 311.
Ferdinand, Prince of Spain, disputes of, with his father, 253.
Proclaimed King of Spain, 255.
Resigns his throne. 257.
Five Hundred, Council of, dissolved 147.
Fox, English statesman, 42.
Effect of the death of, 212.
FouchÉ, Minister of Police, 142.
Opposed to Russian campaign, 310.
Treason of, 440.
Conduct of, after Waterloo, 494-97.
Fontainebleau, treaty of, between France and Spain, 254.

Fontainebleau, arrival of Napoleon at, 1814, 401.
Treaty of, (abdication) 408.
Napoleon attempts suicide at, 409.
Adieu of Napoleon and Old Guard at, 410.
Arrival of Napoleon at, on return from Elba, 432.
Francis II., Emperor of Austria, meeting of, with Napoleon, 207.
Advice to Napoleon in 1814, 389.
After surrender of Paris, 417.
France, condition of, on Napoleon's return from Egypt, 140.
Invasion of, 378.
Frankfort, manifesto issued by Allied Princes, 375.
FrÉjus, arrival of Napoleon at, on return from Egypt, 139.
Arrival of Napoleon at, on return from Elba, 422.
Frederick the Great, Napoleon at tomb of, 227.
Frederick William, King of Prussia, 349.
Friedland, battle of, 242-47.


Gasparin, Representative of the people, at Toulon, 29.
Gap, Napoleon at, 424.
Genoa surrender of, to Napoleon, 172.
Gerard, General, at Ligny, 451.
Godoy, Minister of Spain, 255.
Gourgaud, General, at battle of Brienne, 381.
At retreat from Waterloo, 487.
Accompanies Napoleon to St. Helena, 503.
Grenoble, arrival of Napoleon, on return from Elba, 427.
Gross-Beeren, battle of, 364.
Grouchy, (Marshal and General) in Russian campaign, 342.
Operations of, before Waterloo, 456-57, 465.
One cause of defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, 472-3.
Guadarrama, passage of the, by Napoleon, 270.


Hanover, conquest of, 185.
Hanau, battle of, 372.
Hatzfeld, Princess, Napoleon's clemency to, 228.
Haulpoult, General d' death of, 240.
Heilsberg, battle of, 242.
Holland, Napoleon's appointment in, 38.
Hohenlinden, battle of, 177.
Hundred Days, the, 437.


Institute of Cairo, organized by Napoleon, 123.
Imperial Guard, organization of, 68.
Iron Crown, order of, instituted, 188.
Italy, Army of, Napoleon appointed commander-in-chief, 44.
Condition of, in 1796, 45.
Improved state of, 65.
Napoleon crowned King of, 188.
Invalides, Hotel des, resting place of Napoleon, 506.


Jaffa, massacre of prisoners at, 126.
Retreat of French army from, 131.
Jena, battle of, 218-25.
Joubert, General, at Rivoli, 89.
Jourdan, Marshal, commander of Army of the Danube, 153.
Defeated in Spain, 359.
Josephine, marriage with Napoleon, 44.
Coronation of, as Empress, 187.
Divorce of, 304-6.
Visited by Alexander, 417.
Death of, 418.
Junot, General, first meeting of, with Napoleon, 29.
In Italy, 75.
In Egypt, 129.
Invades Portugal, 254.
In Russia, 324.


Keith, Lord, announces decision of British Government effecting Napoleon, 502.
King of Rome, (Napoleon's son) birth of, 308.
Anecdote of, 398.
Kirgener, General, death of, 355.
Kellerman, General, in Italy, 100.
At Marengo, 169.
At Waterloo, 472-77.
KlÉber, General, at Alexandria, 114.
Commander of the Army of Egypt, 137.
Death of, 178.
Flight of Napoleon from, 332.
Krasnoi, engagement at, 321.
Battle of, in retreat from Russia, 340.
Kozietulski, Polish general, in Spain, 264.
Kremlin, (Moscow) Napoleon at, 330.
Kutusoff, Russian general, at Austerlitz, 204.
At Borodino, 325.
In pursuit of French army in Russian retreat, 338.


Lafayette, member of French government, 1815, 491.
Laon, battle of, 392.

Labedoyere, Colonel, loyalty of, to Napoleon, 426.
At Waterloo, 482.
Lannes, (Marshal and General) at Dego, 54.
At Lodi, 61.
At Bassano, 79.
In Egypt, 129.
At Montebello, 162.
At Ulm, 196.
At Austerlitz, 205.
At Jena, 220.
At Eckmuhl, 279.
At Ratisbon, 283.
At Essling, 289.
Death of, 293.
Landshut, battle of, 278.
Lauriston, Count, at Wagram, 298.
In Russia, 333.
La Belle Alliance, Napoleon on heights of, 462.
La Salle, General, French cavalry leader, death of, 301.
Las Casas, General, accompanies Napoleon to St. Helena, 503.
Lavalette, in Egypt, 130.
In 1814, 400.
Le Brun, Consul with Napoleon, 151.
Lefebvre, (Marshal and General) at Jena, 227.
At Dantzic, 242.
In Spain, 259.
In Russia, 330.
Lefebvre-Desnoettes, General, at Waterloo, 471.
Leipsic, battle of, 365-71.
Leoben, provisional treaty of, 102.
Legion of Honor, established by Napoleon, 180.
Ligny, battle of, 449-53.
Lobau, Count, at Waterloo, 470.
Repulses Bulow's corps, 478.
Lobau, Napoleon decides to fall back on, 291.
Napoleon on the island of, 294.
Lodi, battle of, 59-63.
Lombardy, conquest of, 97.
Lonato, battle of, 74.
Napoleon's escape from capture at, 76.
Louis XVI. attacked by the mob, 22.
Execution of, 26.
Louis XVIII., correspondence with Napoleon, 174-5.
Protests against Napoleon's usurpation, 187.
Restoration of, 416.
Flight from Paris, 432.
Restored to the throne in 1815, 499.
Louis, Prince of Prussia, death of, 216.
Louis, the archduke, defeated at Abensberg, 277.
Louisiana, sale of, by Napoleon, to U. S., 185.
Lubeck, battle of, 226.
Luneville, treaty of, 178.
Lutzen, battle of, 352.
Lyons, Napoleon issues proclamations at, 430.


Maitland, Captain, negotiations with on Napoleon's behalf, 499-501.
Macdonald, (Marshal and General) at Wagram, 298-301.
In Russian campaign, 315.
In campaign of 1813, 360.
At Leipsic, 369.
At Lyons, 428.
Mack, Austrian general, 193.
Surrenders at Ulm, 196.
Madrid, insurrection at, 257.
Surrender of, 266-68.
Mallet, conspiracy of, 344.
Malta, capture of, by Napoleon, 112.
Mamelukes, Egyptian cavalry, Napoleon's opinion of, 114.
Mantua, siege and fall of, 81, 96.
Marboeuf, Bishop of Autun, 15.
Marbot, General, in Spain, 270.
Marengo, battle of, 164-71.
Napoleon visits battlefield of, 188.
Marie Louise, illness of at Vienna, 286.
Napoleon's marriage with, 306.
Empress-Regent, 350.
Last interview with Napoleon, 380.
Departure from Paris in 1814, 398.
Return to Vienna, 417.
Marseilles, Napoleon at, 26.
Maret, French diplomatist, at Nogent, 383.
Sends secret message to Napoleon, 420.
Marmont, (Marshal and General) at Nice, 34.
In Italy, 81.
At Wagram, 296.
Defeated at Salamanca, 326.
At capitulation of Paris, 400.
Joins the Allies, 406.
Massena, (Marshal and General) at Montenotte, 52.
At Biestro, 53.
At Lonato, 74.
In Switzerland, 153.
Appointed commander of the Army of Italy, 173.
Success of, in Lombardy, 198.
At Eckmuhl, 279.
At Ebersberg, 285.
At Essling, 289.
At Wagram, 296.
Melas, Austrian general, in Italy, 73.
Defeat of, by Napoleon, 172.
Memingen, capitulation of, 193.

Meneval, private secretary to Napoleon, 20.
Menou, at Alexandria, 178.
Menou, General, defeat of, 41.
Released from prison at Napoleon's request, 43.
Merfeld, General, at Leipsic, 367.
Metternich, Diplomatist and Minister of Austria, 358-9.
Milan, entry of Napoleon into, 64.
Surrender of, 71.
Arrival of Napoleon in 1800, 161.
Milarodowitch, Russian General, 330.
Milhaud, General, at Waterloo, 471.
Millessimo, battle of, 53.
Mincio, French Army advances on, 67.
Moncey, Marshal, at the defense of Paris, 399.
Moncey, Captain, in Russia, 325.
Mondovi, battle of, 54.
Mont St. Jean, village of, near Waterloo, 459.
Montbrun, General, in Spain, 265.
Montenotte, battle of, 51.
Montholon, General, accompanies Napoleon to St. Helena, 503.
Moore, Sir John, in Spain, 269.
Death of, at Corunna, 272.
Montebello, battle of, 163.
Montereau, battle of, 387.
Montmirail, battle of, 385.
Morla, Thomas de, governor of Madrid, 267.
Moreau, General, operations in Italy, 155.
At Hohenlinden, 177.
Joins the Allies in 1813, 362.
Death of, at Dresden, 363.
Mortier, (Marshal and General,) invades Hanover, 185.
At Krasnoi, 340.
At capitulation of Paris, 399.
Moses, fountains of, Napoleon visits, 124.
Moscow, arrival of French army at, 329.
Conflagration of, 330-32.
French retreat from, 334.
Moskowa, battle at, (see Borodino.) 325.
Mourad Bey, Mameluke chief, defeated, 120.
Mouton, General, at Abensberg, 278.
Murat, (Marshal and General; King of Naples), at battle of Sections, 40.
Takes Captured Standards to Paris, 56.
In Egypt, battle of Aboukir, 134.
At Austerlitz, 205.
Murat, at Jena, 220.
At Eylau, 237.
In Spain, 255.
In Russia, 315.
Resigns command of troops, 348.
Negotiates with Allies, 373.
Treason of, to Napoleon, 377.
Efforts of, to regain his throne, 438.
Death of, 439.
Muiron, death of, at Arcola, 87.


Napoleon, (As the name "Napoleon" appears several times on almost every page of this book, and the events chronicled herein relating to him are indexed under their separate titles, it has been thought advisable to omit their repetition under this heading).

"Napoleon's Grotto," 14.
Naples, Napoleon's policy towards, 71.
National Assembly, French, 23.
National Guards, take up arms against French government, 38.
Napoleon's address to, 379.
Naumburg, fall of, 217.
Nelson, Admiral, in pursuit of French fleet, 111.
Defeats French in Bay of Aboukir, 121.
Death of, at Trafalgar, 199.
Ney, (Marshal and General) at Ulm, 196.
At Jena, 221.
At Friedland, 245.
In Russia, 324.
At Moskowa, 329.
Heroism of, in retreat from Russia, 337.
Rejoins the Emperor at Orcha, 341.
At Kowno, 346.
Sent to arrest Napoleon, 430.
Rejoins the Emperor, 431.
At Quatre-Bras, 453.
At Waterloo, 464-486.
Execution of, 493.
Nice, Napoleon at the headquarters of the French army at, 33.
Napoleon imprisoned at, 34.
Niemen, passage of the, 317.
Nile, arrival of the French army at the, 115.
Battle of the, 122.
Notre Dame, Cathedral of, Napoleon's coronation at, 188.
Northumberland, Napoleon transferred to, 503.
Napoleon's departure from, 504.


O'Meara, Doctor, incidents of Napoleon related by, 10, 44.
Accompanies Napoleon to St. Helena, 503.
Orcha, Marshal Ney's arrival at, 341.
Osterode, Napoleon establishes headquarters at, 241.
Oudinot, (Marshal and General,) at Friedland, 245.
At Wagram, 296.
In Russian campaign, 315.
In 1813, 360.


Paoli, General, Governor of Corsica, 24.
Pavia, submission of, 64,
Insurrection at, 67.
Paris, Napoleon's first arrival at, 19.
Napoleon solicits employment in, 37.
Napoleon returns to, after first Italian campaign, 106.
Welcomes Napoleon after Marengo, 173-4.
Return of the Emperor to, after Friedland, 251.
Return of French army to, after Russian campaign, 346.
Defense of, 1814, 399.
Capitulation of, 400.
Entry of the Allied Army into, 1814, 403.
Napoleon returns after exile to Elba, 433.
Napoleon's departure from, to begin campaign, 1815, 443.
Entry of the Allies in 1815, 498.
Interment of Napoleon's body in 1840, at, 505-6.
Pius VI., Pope, peace negotiations of, with Napoleon, 71.
Pius VII., Pope, signs concordat, 179.
At coronation of Napoleon and Josephine, 188.
Imprisonment of at Fontainebleau, 303.
Release of, 377.
Platoff, hetman of the Cossacks, 232, 320.
Poland, Napoleon fixes his headquarters in, 280.
Policy of Napoleon to, 1812, 319.
Poniatowski, Polish prince, death of, 370.
Ponsonby, General, death of at Waterloo, 467.
Portugal, invasion of, 254.
Insurrection in, 258.
Prague, congress of diplomatists at, 357.
Headquarters of the Allies, 361.
Prussia, prepares for war against France, 213.
Treaty with France, 1812, 312.
Declares war against France, 348.
Joins alliance to dethrone Napoleon, 435.
Pradt, Abbe, French ambassador at Warsaw, 345.
Provera, General, defeat of in Italy, 94.
Pyramids, battle of, 117.


Quatre-Bras, battle of, 453.
Queen of Prussia, with Prussian army, 215.
At Jena 225.
At Tilsit, 249.
Quasdonowich, Austrian general, defeated by Napoleon, 73.


Rapp, General, in Russia, 336.
Ratisbon, storming of, 280.
Napoleon wounded at, 281.
Rastadt, Congress of, 105.
Revolution, French, 23, 25.
Reign of Terror, 26.
Regnier, General, in Russia, 315.
In campaign of 1813, 357.
Rheims, battle of, 393.
Rivoli, battle of, 90-2.
Rochefort, Napoleon at, 498, 500.
Robespierre, intercession of, for Napoleon, 34.
Rome, incorporated with French Empire, 303.
Roveredo, battle of, 78.
Royal Military School, Napoleon at, 18.
Russia, joins Bourbon coalition, 1805, 189.
Relations with France in 1811, 309.
Declares war against France 1812, 312.
Invasion of, by Napoleon, 318.
Results of French campaign in, 346.
Joins alliance to dethrone Napoleon, 435.


Saalfeld, battle of, 216.
St. Helena, arrival of Napoleon at, 504.
Death of Napoleon at, 505.
St. Cyr, (Marshal and General) in campaign of 1813, 360.
St. Dizier, engagement at, 381.
St. Domingo, expedition to, 179.
St. George, battle of, 94.
Salamanca, battle of, 326.
Sardinia, annihilation of army of, 55.
Savary, (Duke of Rovigo,) in Egypt, 119.
At Marengo, 166.
Diplomatist, in Spain, 256.
Negotiates with Captain Maitland, 499.
Saxony, Elector of, ally of Napoleon, 230.
Fidelity to Napoleon, 345.
Saxons, defection of, at Leipsic, 369.
Saragossa, siege of, 260.
San Juan, Spanish General, 263.
Schleiz, engagement at, 217.
Schwartzenberg, Austrian general, in 1813, 361.
In the invasion of France, 378.

Schoenbrunn, attempt to assassinate Napoleon at, 302.
Treaty of, 303.
At Ulm, 196.
SÉgur, Count, in Spain, 264, 266.
Senate, French, conduct of in 1813, 375-77.
Serrurier, Austrian general, at Mantua, 95.
Sections, defeat of the, 40.
Sieyes, member of the French Directory, 142.
Consul with Napoleon, 148.
Smith, Sir Sydney, at the siege of Acre, 127.
Smolensk, capture of, 321.
Retreat of the French army to, 337.
Somosierra, combat at, 263.
Soult, (Marshal and General) at Austerlitz, 205.
At Jena, 220.
At Eylau, 235.
In campaign of Spain, 272.
At Waterloo, 482.
Marches towards Paris, 495.
Spain, policy of Napoleon to, 253.
Napoleon exercises rights of a conqueror in, 268.
Results of war with, 274.
Conditions in, 1812, 310.
Disasters of French in, 1813, 374.
Suchet, (Marshal and General) in Italy, 163.
In Spain, 374.
Sweden, joins Bourbon coalition, 189.
Syria, Napoleon's expedition to, 125.


Tallien, member of French Directory, 38.
Tagliamento, passage and battle of, 99.
Talleyrand, French diplomatist, 109.
Perfidy of, to Napoleon, 374.
Thabor, Mount, battle of, 129.
Tilsit, treaty of, 248.
Arrival of Queen of Prussia at, 249.
Tolentino, treaty of, 98.
Tolly de, Barclay, Russian general, 313.
At Wilna, 315.
Torre di Capitello, Napoleon reduces fortress of, 24.
Toulon, delivered to the English, 26.
Napoleon in command at, 27.
Re-capture of, 31.
Trafalgar, naval battle of, 199.
Tuileries, Palace of, storming, 22.
Napoleon takes up his residence at, 150.
Return of Napoleon to, after exile at Elba, 433.
Turreau, commander of military force at Nice, 46.
Turkey, Napoleon seeks a commission to, 37.


Ulm, surrender of, 195.
Ushant, Napoleon's last view of France, 501.


Valence, Napoleon at, 21-2.
Vandamme, General, defeated at Culm, 364.
Valoutina, battle of, 324.
Vaubois, General, defeat of in Italy, 83-4.
Vendemiaire, 13th, 41.
Venice, Republic, fall of, 102.
Vernet, French artist, at defense of Paris, 399.
Victor, (Marshal and General) at Marengo, 164.
At the Beresina, 342.
At Montereau, 387.
Vienna, entry of Napoleon into, 1805, 199.
Treaty of, after Austerlitz, 210.
Surrender of, 1809, 286.
Congress of, 420, 435.
Villoutreys, Colonel, treason of, 446.
Vittoria, defeat of French at, 374.


Wagram, battle of, 296-99.
Washington, Napoleon honors, 151.
Waterloo, bivouac of, 458-62.
Battle of, 463-86.
Wellington, Duke of, in Spain, 326.
In Spain, 1813, 350.
Final success in Spain, 358.
Commander-in-chief British army, 1815, 440.
At Waterloo, 458-88.
Wertingen, battle of, 193.
Wilna, headquarters of Napoleon at, 318.
Witgenstein, Russian general, 316.
In command of Russian army, 349.
Wrede de, General, at Wagram, 298.
Wurmser, Austrian general, in Italy, 70.
Wurmser, replaces General Beaulieu, 72.
Defeat of, 77.


Znaim, armistice at, 302.

Transcriber's Notes:

Punctuation standardized; minor typographical errors silently corrected.

Spelling inconsistencies resolved when a word or name is mostly spelled the same way in this book, but unchanged when no clear preference can be found.

On devices that support it, clicking a blue-bordered illustration will display a larger version in the same window.

Within the text, the changes identified on specific pages below are indicated by dotted lines under the affected words. On devices that support it, hold the pointer over the word and an explanation will appear.

Page 139: 'Battle of the Pyramids' illustration included in List of Illustrations, but missing from transcribed copy; taken from another edition.

Page 187: 'Allegorial' unchanged; it's spelled this way in several editions.

Page 263: 'and from the sea cost' could be 'coast' or 'east'

Pages 151, 182, 508: 'CambacÉrÈs' spelled three different ways; all changed to 'CambacÉrÈs'

Page 315 refers to a map 'as will be seen by the map,' but there are no maps in this book.

Page 411: caption reads "1814" but should be "1812"

Index: Many alphabetizing sequence errors corrected.


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