Above, se-suk´tl. Adze, s'chum´mun. Afraid, sÁi-sin. After, il-kwÂ-wus. Alder, skwang-l'tch. Alive, hal-ikh, hal-lÉ. All, makw, mokw. Always, wai, wa-hÁi, o-wÁi-la; always so, wa-hÁi-yu shung angs. Angry, kwin-tun. Arm, ta´lo; my arm, n´ta´lo; right arm, si-la-me´?s; left arm, suk-kwe´?s. Arrow, yitcht. Ashes, kwÁi-chp. he is at Lummi, la-si la N?kh-lum´mi. See also "live," "be." Axe, ku´kum. (kum-mut, to chop.) Back, the, stas-kwitl. Bad, h'as, s'has. Bag or sack, chu-kwal´. Bail a boat, to, chi-kwÁst; (in Simiamoo), kwul´lut. Bald, ko´a-lekw. Bark, of the fir, chul´li; of the cedar, sl-kwum´. Basket, potato basket, kl-pak; load basket, s'pi-cha; small basket, pep-chalkh. Beads, large blue kind, shkwe´-kwun; small white do., tsuts-hut; small green beads, tchi-kwul-lekh´. It is in the house, lÂk-si Á-lung. Bear, black, schut´hun; grizzly, kwe´chin. Beard, kwin´s'n; moustache, kwinks. Beaver, skul-lÁu. Before (in point of time), kwul-hÉs-lut-sin. Belly, kwul´la, klas. Below, klakhl. Bird, water fowl, mo´?k; small birds, tsÉts-at-sum. Eagles, golden eagle, kwul´-lung-sen; bald eagle, yukh-wul-la. Hawks, pa-Áls, tsekhw-tsukhw, tul-kwe´mitl, tsi-ha-litsh; sparrow hawk, sus-so-wak-chil-la. Owls, great horned owl, che´-tung-hu; small owl, kwai-el-hu. Woodpeckers, logcock, skwul-lut´tun; flicker (P. Mexic.) tse´a-k't; small woodpeckers, tsut-tung. Swift (Cypselus), kuk-sÁtch. Kingfisher, sus-she´la. Robins (T. Naevius), kwus-kuk'h; (T. Migrat.), tsel-tcha. Warblers, hu-hwul-lush. Chickadee (Parus), ts-ka-yis. Finches (generic), tch-kwa´kwa; ground robin, tul-tulk-si-nun; snow finch, tchi-sa-wutsh. Wren, te´ti-tum. Raven, sku-takh. Fish Crow, sku-kwa´ta. Blue Jay, chi-ya. Magpie, s'hun´nun. Pigeon, hum-Ókh. Ruffed Grouse, skwuts, skwuts´ha. Dusky Grouse, ng'e´et. Sand-hill Crane, slem. Plover, chit-hun-natsh´. Oyster Catcher (hematopus), swÓ-kuk. Yellow-shank Snipe, skuk-ka´-ye. Beach Birds, small snipe (?generic), pel-latsh, skeks. Curlew, muk-muk-kwa. Swan, ho´ha-han. Snow Goose, kla-wukh-han, kla-hwa´han. Canada Goose, Ákh-ha. Brant (Bernicla), hul-hul´tsh, hul-hul´cha. Mallard (a. Boschas), ti-nuk-sen. Teal (Nettion), hus-natch, chil-si´set. Shoveller (Spatula), klel-luk-tuk-sen. Gadwal (Chaulelasmus), shes´-sun-na. Sea Ducks (generic), kwal´-hu. Golden eye (Clangula), hul-hul-lul´o-witl. Canvass back (Aythya), hÓkh-ko-nitsh. Spirit Duck (Albeola), hekh-kun-nÉ, k'k-hun´na. Merganser (Mergus Am.), kwa-?kw; (Mergus Serrator), skum-matsh. Cormorant, mas-sitch. Gulls, large kinds, kwun-nÉ; small kinds, skÓkh-kwa. Loons (Colymbus), swa´kwun, hwekhw-kwus. Grebes (Podiceps), sk?l-kuls´, hwa´nitsh, hwut-tis. Guillemot (Uria), sko-kwa-kwuts, ko-k?kh-kuts. Birds, parts of: Beak, nuk´sunsh (v. nose). Wing, ki-ka´al, sk-kÁ-al. Feathers, stli-pal-kan, stakw. Down, skÁi-us. Tail, klap-Ái-sin-itsh. Gall, mus-suns. Entrails, uk-khes. Gizzard, s'he´a-kwuns. Liver, t'a-kas. Heart, tsa-li. > Jealous, s?-si-si. Kick, to, lum-mat´. Kill, to, k'chÂ-tukh, ku-chel´la. Kiss, to, nukh-wh'm-kwÓst. Knife, shpÁl-tin; do. with one edge, il-kÁkh-han; two-edged, wat-cha-han. Kettle, iron, sklÁ-lup; wooden, sko´ten. Know, to, Do you know SkÉ-ukl? (a man of that name?) hut-chÉ-tus-hu SkÉ-ukl? Lake, s'weltsh. Lance, st-kwÁi-itch. Large, mokw. Laugh, I, nun-nÁi-yung-sen. Lazy, sa´hung, sakhw; I am lazy, sa´whung-sin. Leaf, s'chÁ-sun. Leap, to, hwÉ-tung. Leg, slÁ-hutsh, skÁ-kun; calf of leg, kÁtl-sun. Lend, to, a-yil. Liar, kai-yÁ-kan. Lie, I, hukh-kÁi-ya-kun. Light, adj., stÁ-tu. Lightning, cha-Á-kwa-chuk, cha-kuts-o-kikh. Like, shun-Ángs. Listen, imp., ni-hwÚ-i-yan. I live there, lak-si tel-lÁ. Long, in dimension, kla-kut. Look out! kwÁ-la. Looking glass, skwo-nÁ-sung, sku-ko-nÁ-sung, hu-ku-nÁ-sing; the image or reflection in the glass, kukh'-kutl. Louse, nus´sun. Love, to, n?s-tlÉ, nis-klÉ. There, ta-lÁ; there it is, e-i-tÉ-i-ti, Át-la-ti. They, nan-Étl-ya, kw'si´a-hÁl-tun. Thing, things, stang; every thing, nukw-stang. It is noticeable that in this language, as well as in the Nisqually, Chinook, and probably in others, the word for "thing" is the same as that for "what." Thief, kÁn-kan. This, ti´et-hla. Thou, nukw; thyself, tin-tsi´la; you are a Kanaka yourself, Kanaka tin-tsi´la. Thousand, o-pÁntsh. Thread, twine, hwÉ-lum. Three, klikhw, kl-whÁi-la, kl-whalt-hu. Throat, haung´en. Throw, to, as a stone, tsi-lakh; to throw away, hwÉlt-hu. (In the Simiamoo dialect, É-kwut; to throw away with violence, tim-mut.) Thumb, sus-tÁls. Thunder, s'hÓ-hwas. Tides: Flood tide, kum´mul. Ebb tide, hi-klatl'h. High tide, kum-kum´mul. Low tide, sham´shum. Tobacco, smÁ-nush. Tobacco pouch, smÁ-na-shÁ-la. To-day, ti-a-kÁis, ti-o-skwÁ-chil. Toes, s'chus'sun, snÓ-hwl-shin. To-morrow, kwÁ-chil, kwÁi-ikhl. Tongue, tÉ-whls. Trees, forest, s'ki-lÁ-lung-hu. Red pine (P. ponderosa), kwa-kwa-yÉ-la-hilp. Dwarf pine (P. contorta), kwÁkhwl-ch. Spruce fir (Abies Menzesii), chi-kwut´lp. White fir (A. grandis), sko´-me-yuks. Hemlock spruce (Abies —— ——), s'ke-Éltch. Yew, tlng-kÁlsh. Cedar (Thuja), h'chÁ-chiltsh. Red cedar (Juniperus), pits-in-Ái-ilp. Arbutus (A. Menzesii), k?-kwÉltsh. Trailing arbutus (A. uva-ursi), kwun-neltsh; the leaves of this vine are used for smoking. Birch, kats-ul´tch. Maple (A. macrophylla), kum´ an-ilp. Vine maple (A. circinata), shÉ-chulp. Alder, s'kwÁng-ultsh. Crab apple tree, kukh-whÉtsh. Fruit of do., ka-Ákhw. Elder, tsÉ-wukh. Willow, swul-lÉtsh. Trees, parts of: Roots, ko´mel-lokh. Fir cones, ta-mÁ-ku-kuns. Pitch or rosin, smÁ-nitsh. Leaves, sats-tlÁ. Fir bark, t'chul-le. Cedar bark, shl-k?m. Inner bark of do., skwekhw. Willow bark (used for making seines), swÁ-lakh. Rotten wood, pi-kwÁi. Two, chus-sa, chÁ-sa, tch's-salt-hu. Uncover, to, kut-lÉst. Understand,— I understand that, hut-che-tu ti-ats; I don't understand, o-nÁ kwins-hu-chet; Do you understand Clallam? hut-che-tut kwus-sa N?s-klÁi-y?m? Urinate, chÉ-wa. (This applies to either sex, there not being a distinction made, as in the Nisqually.) Walk, to, s-tung, sh-tung. Want, to, sklÉ; I want, n's-klÉ; I don't want, Á-wa sins-kle. Warm, kwass, kwÁ-lus. Warrior, nus-chang-kun, mich-kul´lo-wutl. Wash, to, (the hands), tsuk-sÉ-sumg; (the face), tsuk-wÁ-sung; (clothes), tsuk-ul-kwo´-tung; I wash, sa-kwum´sun. Water, kaukh. Waves, skwut-la-lÁk-un. We, ninglkh, kl-ning-ulkh. Wet, kluk-sÉt, tsa-mung. What, stang, stang-wut; what is that? stang ti-Á? what are you doing? stang nis-chai? what? (in answer to a call), stang? what is the matter with you? es-tang hat-su? what do you want? stang sins-kle ti-nuk-wa; what is your name? (vide "who.") Where, a-hÉn; where is my gun? t'hÉn-ku ken po-yuk? I don't know where, kwÁ-hen ish-tuk´ka; where do you come from (whence you?) tsa-hÉns-hu, tsa-hÉnts-hu? where are you going (whither you?) t'whÉns-hu, twÉntst-hu? Whistle, to, sh-pi-lÁs. White, puk'h. who did that? wat´la kwuts-chÁi-a ti-a? what (literally "who") is your name? wat-tun-mÁ? wat kud sna? Wife, n'stÁ-lush (same as husband). Wind, st-chÂng. Winds: West, ste-wut. W. N. W., tent-sa-luk. N. W. and North, s'chÁ-yum. S. S. |