Above, tsits-itl.
Aboard, si-it-hwu.
Afraid, sÁ-si-si.
Again, hon-Áng.
Alive, É-yÉ.
All, o-hun´na;
that's all, aukhk.
Always, wÚt-an-su;
I always work, wÚt-an-su chÁ-ai.
Ankle, tsuts-hÓ-kwi-sun.
Arrive at, to, tuss´tsen.
Arm, tsÁi-is.
Arrow, yetcht.
Arrow head, of wood, katstl;
of iron, kum-tin-Ái-in; (kum-tum, iron.)
Autumn, tchin-sÓt-le.
Axe, s'k?k-um´.
Back, the, stets-i´kwun.
Bad, kwaukh, s'hÁ-as.
Barberry, "Oregon grape" (berberis), she´tchin.
Barbs of fish spear, tsÓ-kwÁi-ten.
Bark, chai-Íkh.
Barnacle, tsÓhngt.
Bat, klat-li-pi-Á-han.
Basket, mo-hÓi;
cedar bark, t'shÓ-ikl;
fir root, sp'chu.
Beach, kokh-hwÉng-u.
Beads, kwÉ-kwe.
Bear, black, s'chi-kwÁitsh;
grizzly, kwÁi-it-shin.
Beaver, skÉ-yau.
Beard, kwun-tsen.
Behind, il-kwÁ-us.
Berries (generic), s'chÁ-yuk-w'tl.
Bilberry, yÉ-hum.
Sea ducks (generic), mÓ-?k.
Small land birds (generic), tsit-sum.
Crane, si-É-hu.
Crow, skwa-kwa´to.
Duck, mallard (a. boschas), te´nuk-sen.
Duck, surf (f. perspicillata), klÉ-yin.
Duck, velvet (f. fusca), ko-mat´sin-hlai.
Duck, harlequin (f. histrionica), sus-sÁu.
Duck, scaup (f. marila), swÉt-st.
Duck, goosander (m. merganser), ko-?kw.
Eagles, bald (Haliaetus), kwÁi-eng-s'n.
Eagles, golden (Aquila), ku-tÁit-sin-hu.
Goose, yukh-hÓ-na.
Guillemot, sas-sÉ-mats.
Gulls, kwun-nÉ, ku-tÉ-uk.
Grebes, kla-Ái-kun.
Grouse, dusky, gnÉ-et.
ruffed, stÉ-yu-h?ng.
Heron, sn?k-ho.
Jay, s'hÁikh-hai.
Pigeon, hum-Ókh.
Raven, sku-to´.
Sandpipers, ske´uks.
Black, un-uk-Áikh, an-nu-kÁikh.
Blanket, swi´shi-atl;
of dog's hair, skum-Éng-utl.
Blood, stÓ-yu-kum.
Blue, kus-kus-sho´it, an-nu-kwÉ-o.
Board, se-y't-hu.
Body, ni-chi-chÁi-ten, n's-tats-kl.
Body, parts of:
Head, sk?ng-i.
Hair, si-at´t'n.
Face, sats.
Ear, skong´us.
Eye, kÁi-in.
Nose, nuk´s'n.
Mouth, tsÚ-ts'n.
Tongue, tikh´wh'lts.
Teeth, tchin´nis.
Beard, kwun-?t-s'n.
Neck, h?ng-en.
Arm, tsÁi-'s.
Elbow, sk?p-hai.
Wrist, s'h?ts-kwats.
Hand, s'ch-hats´.
Fingers, s'ch-hats´.
Nails, ts-sh?ts.
Breast or Chest, tsung-utl.
Woman's Bosom, skub-Ó.
Back, stets´i-kwun.
Leg, s'hun-na.
Ankle, tuts-hÓ-kwi-sun.
Foot, kl-tÁ-s'n.
Toes, kl-tÁ-s'n.
Bone, st-zum.
Heart, ha-chin-nin´.
Blood, sto´yu-kun.
Skin, kÓ-wi.
Penis, shel´la.
Testes, ng-at'sun.
Boil, to, kwÁi-yis.
Bone, st-zum.
Bore a hole, to, t'sluk´wut.
Both, chÁ-sa.
Bow, s'ho´mo-ten.
Bow-string, sul-kwÁ-tchin.
Boy, swÉ-wa-?s, scha-chi-aitl.
Bracelets, tso´me-chin.
Break, to, ti-kwut´.
Breasts of woman, skub-Ó.
Bring, to, an-Ákh´w;
bring that, (imp.) an-akhw ta-sÁi-ya.
Broad, kl-kÚt.
Brother, elder, s?t-hÓ-nuk;
younger, sÁi-tchin.
Bucket, skÓ-tun.
Buffalo, kwÁisp.
Buy, to, tÁ-kws.
Burying ground, mÁ-kwa.
Bye and bye, hets.
Canoe, Chinook pattern, o-Ót-hus;
Cowitshin do., stÉ-watl;
ducking canoe, sno'h-wh'l.
Carry, to, Óng-ut-un.
Carpenter, worker in wood, skai-Án-hwu.
Catch, to, kl-kwÚt.
Cedar bark, si-Ó-we;
wood, ts-shÁi.
Chest or breast, /> 7, tsakw-tsÁi-ya.
8, tats-sÁi-ya.
9, t'kwÁi-ya.
10, o-pen-Ái.
Cardinals of Valuation—
1, n'sakt´hu.
2, n'shÁit-hu.
3, kl-whÁit-hu.
4, nu-sÁit-hu.
5, kl-kut-shÁit-hu.
6, tukh-hung-Áit-hu.
7, tsak-sÁit-hu.
8, tats-hÁit-hu.
9, t-kwÁit-hu.
10, o-pen-Áit-hu.
11, o-pen it nitzo.
12, o-pen i'tchus-sa.
20, t's-kwuss.
30, h'l-l?tl-sha.
100, na-tcho-wutsh.
1000, p'nÉ-itsh.
Old, snuk-ai.
Old man, kwil´tchuk;
old woman, kwil´tchuk slÁ-ni.
One, nit´zo, nat´so, n'sÁkt-hu.
Otter, land, skÁ-atl;
sea, tum´-mus.
Oulakan, a small fish, klais.
Out doors, as-saktl´.
Oyster, klÓkh-klokh.
Off shore, tsÁt-so.
Paddle, a, h?ng-ut.
Paddle, to, ist.
People, tl-stÁi-ing-hu, ats-il-tÁi-ing-hu.
Penis, shel´la.
Pigeon, hum-Ókh.
Pipe, pÁ-akw.
Pitch, tchÉ-uk.
Plank, sÉ-y't-hu.
Plants, etc.:
Barberry (berberis), shÉ-tchin.
Berries (generic), s'chÁ-yuk-w'tl.
Bilberry, yÉ-hun.
Grass, s'hats-Ái.
used for mat thread, klutl.
Kamass (squilla), k'whlÓ-i.
Rush, cat-tail, kwo-?t.
Sallal (Gualtheria), tak´a.
Salmon berry, al-e´lo.
Strawberry, tÉ-yukw.
Tobacco, smÁ-nash.
Point or end, elk'hs.
Pound, to, as grain, tsut.
Pour, to, kwi-yet´.
Porpoise, s'h?-ma-hÉns.
Prairie, spelh´han.
Pregnant, as-kwÁ-kwai.
Presently, kwa-kwÁt-hu.
I, absolute, ut´za;
copulative, prefixed to a verb, ats;
suffixed to do., sun, sen, sin.
My, na, n's, n, n'skwai.
Thou, nukw;
copulative prefixed, chin;
suffixed, hu;
or in the imperative, chi.
He, if present, tsa-nukw;
absent, netl.
We, nung'l, kl-ning´utl.
Ye, nukw, kl-nukw.
They, kwas´sa, tsÂ-ta.
Prongs of fish gig, sta-whÁi-uts.
Push, to, ch?ng-ut.



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