blic@vhost@g@html@files@59573@59573-h@59573-h-8.htm.html#Page_101" class="pginternal">101 championed, then deserted by Wilson, 48 refuses to sign Versailles Treaty, 57, 94–5, 180 renewal of dispute with Russia over Mongolia, 183–4 invited to Washington Conference, 510 victim of European imperialism, 499, 515 “Christian Science Monitor,” 244–5 Cilicia, 150, 152, 156, 159, 163, 443–4, 452–3 Clemenceau, Georges, 28–31, 40, 42–3, 50–1, 57, 64–5, 97, 116, 119, 365, 421–2, 565 Coanda, General, 307 Colby, Secretary, 243 Colby note to Russia, 217–24 Communism, does not attract outside Russia, 173 failure of in Russia, 172–6; in Italy, 349–55; in Germany, 388, 394–5; in Hungary, 321–2; in Serbia, 287–9; in Bulgaria, 142 Constantine, King, 415, 419–20, 428–9, 432, 435 Constantinople, see Straits Continuation conferences, 69, 160, 180, 519–43 Cordon sanitaire policy, 251 Crete, 491 Crimean War, 474 Cuba, 24–5 Cuno, Chancellor, 410–12, 574–5, 580 Curzon, Lord, 184, 364, 457–9, 483, 494, 500–1, 539, 421–2 treaty with Turkish Nationalists, 452–5 abandons Cilicia, 159, 188, 452–4 opposes Great Britain in Near East, 469–90 attitude toward Germany explained, 544–60 occupies Ruhr, 561–89 financial weakness of, 587, 591, 595–6 foreign policy of, 605–7, 609–10 Franchet d’EspÉrey, General, 156 Franklin Bouillon, Senator, 452–4, 460, 483 Frankfort, Treaty of (1871), 121 Gade, Commander, 220–23 Galicia, Eastern, 237–8, 241–4, 295, 328, 520, 604 Galicia, Western, 237 Geddes, Sir Eric, 559 Genoa Conference, 193–7, 270–2, 534–7 George, King of Greece, 429, 435 Germany, armistice with, 3–17, 21–3 did not surrender unconditionally, 19–21, 51 war responsibility, 8, 23, 33, 50, 54, 73, 77 blockade continued after armistice, 16, 23, 50 war prisoners held, 16, 23 excluded from Peace Conference, 26 colonies divided among enemies, 34, 374 required to evacuate Posen on renewing armistice, 46 internal conditions since the war, 55–6, 386–414 her Drang nach Osten blocked by Paris treaties, 130, 297 makes treaty with Russia at Genoa, 194–6 resists reparation payments, 389–414, 519–543 passive resistance in Ruhr, 561–84 France’s fear of, 544–560 Gibraltar, 373–4 Malta, 487 Manchuria, 79, 97, 116–7, 373, 404, 414, 483, 549, 557–9, 563, 569, 606 Ruhr, France threatens to occupy, 398, 404, 411, 529, 532, 534, 541–3, 546, 561 occupation of, 208, 228, 500, 561–84, 606–7 Spartacist, insurrection in, 394–5 Rhodes, see Dodecanese Riga, 209, 215 Riga, Treaty of, 201–2, 215–227, 240–2 Root, Elihu, 114 Rumania, aggrandizenment of, 24, 123, 125, 275, 295–316 participation in Peace Conference, 24, 25, 64, 298–302 intervention bought by secret treaty, 34, 122, 137, 265 protests against Treaty of St.-Germain, 64–8 annexes Bessarabia, 203, 212, 300–2 common frontier with Poland, 241 occupies Budapest, 299 signs treaties, 307 finances of, 587 Russia, Soviet, Entente Powers in war with, 35 excluded from Paris Peace Conference, 57, 180 stands behind Turkey, 162–5 internal evolution and foreign policy of, 167–204 makes treaty with Afghanistan, 185, with Turkey, 187–9, 453, with Great Britain, 186, with Germany, 194–7, with Poland, seems to break physically at Paris, 48 ignorant of secret treaties, 48, 158 deceived on mandates question, 157–9, 374 tries to keep Versailles terms secret, 52 lauds treaty in statement to press, 59–60 betrayed into defending Old World diplomacy, 66–8 denies accuracy of Peace Conference records, 67 urges ratification of Versailles Treaty, 72, 106–7, 506 note to Austria-Hungary, 217–18 opposes Italy on Fiume question, 48, 86, 101, 346, 365, 422 joins in asking Venizelos to occupy Smyrna, 160, 421–3 Wirth, Chancellor, 401, 404 Wojciechowski, President, 255 Wrangel, Baron, 154, 167, 182, 192, 194, 204, 527 Yudenitch, General, 182, 192, 212–13 Zara, 283 Zeligowski and Vilna, 207, 225–9, 245