O Rab an' Dave an' rantin' Jim, The geans were turnin' reid When Scotland saw yer line grow dim, Wi' the pipers at its heid; Noo, i' yon warld we dinna ken, Like strangers ye maun gang— "We've sic a wale[1] o' Angus men That we canna weary lang." An' little Wat—my brither Wat— Man, are ye aye the same? Or is yon sma' white hoose forgot Doon by the strath at hame? An' div' ye mind foo aft we trod The Isla's banks before?— —"My place is wi' the Hosts o' God, But I mind me o' Strathmore." It's daith comes skirling through the sky, Below there's naucht but pain, We canna see whaur deid men lie For the drivin' o' the rain; Ye a' hae passed frae fear an' doot. Ye're far frae airthly ill— —"We're near, we're here, my wee recruit, An' we fecht for Scotland still." [1] Choice.