Chap. Page
I. Ted Disapproves 9
II. An Exciting Day 22
III. Ted does not think much of the Guides 29
IV. The Fanatics 40
V. The Cad of the Regiment 46
VI. The Outbreak of the Mutiny 52
VII. Weighed in the Balance 60
VIII. The Fight in the Arsenal 69
IX. Defence of the Commissioner’s House 89
X. Hope and Despair 104
XI. In the Clutches of Pir Baksh 111
XII. The Treachery of the Guides 122
XIII. Tynan makes his Choice 134
XIV. The March of the Guide Corps 145
XV. Ted’s First Battle 154
XVI. The Post of Honour 162
XVII. With the Gurkha Picket 173
XVIII. Ted’s Hopes are raised and dashed to the Ground 181
XIX. Ted’s Friends are Bewildered 201
XX. An Adventure on the Ridge 214
XXI. Wombwell’s Menagerie 229
XXII. Ted Distinguishes Himself 243
XXIII. Ted Extinguishes Himself 255
XXIV. Pir Baksh renders Tynan a Service 266
XXV. To the Rescue 282
XXVI. Lucknow Relieved 298
XXVII. An Encounter with the Nana Sahib 312
XXVIII. The Final Scene at Lucknow 330
XXIX. Jim Disposed Of 342


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