[Names, etc., marked with an asterisk occur only in the notes; where names occur in both text and note (on different pages), the numerical note-references are printed in italics.] A Abercromby, General, ii. 276, 285 Abingdon, Earl of, i. 90 Abingdon, Lady, i. 90 Abington, Mrs. (Fanny Barton), ii. 4 Abolition of Slave Trade, the, ii. 239, 294 Acland, Colonel John Dyke, i. 325 *Acland, Sir Thomas, i. 273 Acton, Dr., his kindness to Gibbon, i. 36, 37; his misfortunes, i. 67 Acton, Mrs., Gibbon's opinion of, i. 38 *Acton, Lord, i. 37 *Acton, Sir John F. E., i. 37 Adam, PÈre, i. 92 Addington, Dr. Anthony, attends Gibbon's father, i. 122; predicts recovery of George III., i. 122; attends Godfrey Clarke, i. 238, 241 *Adelaide, Madame, i. 326; ii. 292 *Aitken ("John the Painter"), the Bristol incendiary, i. 301 Albemarle, Lady, i. 207 Alien Bill, the, ii. 363 *Allen, Ethan, i. 270 Almack's Club, i. 283 Althorpe, Lord, ii. 18 America, resolutions of Congress, i. 242; Declaration of Independence, i. 283; troubles with, i. 249-251, 256-265 passim, 270, 272, 278, 284, 287 et seq., 316, 324, 325, 329; ii. 9, 25, 69, 151; treaty with France, i. 333 Amherst, Colonel, i. 174 *Amory, Thomas, The Life of John Buncle, i. 189 *Amyand, Sir George, ii. 184 Ancaster, Duchess of, ii. 300, 315 Ancram, Earl of, ii. 275 Andrews, Richard, ii. 126, 138, 184 *Annual Register, quoted, i. 17, 108, 146, 156, 220, 371 *Anselme, General, ii. 314 Apsley, Lord, i. 149 *Arbuthnot, Admiral, i. 363, 384 Arles, Archbishop of. See Dulau, J. F. M. Armitstead, Mrs., marries C. J. Fox, ii. 179 *Arnold, Benedict, i. 270, 275, 294 *Arnould, Sophie, ii. 211 Arras, Bishop of (M. H. de Conzie), ii. 266 *Articles, Parliament and the XXXIX., i. 147 Ashburnham, Lord, i. 225; ii. 305 Ashburton, Lord, i. 90, 238; Madras Council prosecution, i. 362; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, ii. 13, 96 Ashby, Mrs., i. 253, 287; ii. 22 Associations, formed to support the Government, ii. 349, 352 *Astley, Sir John, i. 148 Aston, Lady, i. 38; ii. 135 Aston, Sir Willoughby, i. 38; ii. 135 Atwood's Club, Gibbon joins, i. 152 Auckland, Lord (William Eden), American Commissioner, i. 332; Gibbon's colleague on Board of Trade, i. 366; his advice to Gibbon, i. 387; M.P. for Woodstock, i. 390; created a peer, ii. 25; squib on his mission to France, ii. 148; signs treaty between England and France, ii. 152; Gibbon's claret, ii. 282, 288; at the Hague, ii. 365; Gibbon's host at Beckenham, ii. 395, 397; his Journal and Correspondence quoted, ii. 19, 35, 57, 92, 157, 158, 162, 172, 265, 397-399 Augusta, Princess (Duchess of Brunswick), i. 65, 149 Austria, Emperor Leopold of, his meeting with King of Prussia at Pilnitz, ii. 271 Austria, Empress Maria Theresa of, i. 394 *Autobiography, Gibbon's, quoted, i. 25, 29, 173 *Avranches, Bishop of, ii. 324 B Bach, Johann Christian, appointed Director of Public Concerts in London, i. 204 *Baddeley, Mrs., i. 146 Bagshot camp, review at, ii. 304 Baker, the Jesuit, receives Gibbon into Roman Catholic Church, i. 1 *Ball, Dean of Chichester, i. 399 Balsamo, Giuseppe. See Cagliostro, Comte de Baltimore, Lord, i. 91 *Bankes, Mr., M.P. for Corfe Castle, ii. 97 Banks, Sir Joseph, ii, 218, 226, 239 Barazzi, M. (Banker at Rome), i. 71, 72 Barbary, and Spain, i. 265 BarrÉ, Colonel Isaac (the Black Musqueteers), i. 26, 145, 238, 240, 250; Paymaster of the Forces, ii. 19 *Barri, Madame du, i. 313, 314 *Barrington, Viscount, i. 349 *Barrington, Sir J., i. 89 Barrington, Shute (Bishop of Durham), i. 195 Barrymore, Lord, ii. 303 BarthÉlemy, Marquis de, ii. 355, 370 Bartoli, M., i. 59 Barton, Mr., i. 142, 193 Barton, George (Lord Sheffield's footman), i. 250, 252 Bassano, Duc de, ii. 367 Bathurst, Earl, i. 341, 393 Batt, John Thomas ("Lawyer Batt"), Master in Chancery, and Commissioner for auditing Public Accounts, i. 191, 196, 216, 240, 261, 265, 273, 279, 390; ii. 136, 158, 163, 218, 225, 239, 244, 313, 330, 349 Batten, Mr., i. 162 *Bavaria, Elector of, i. 334 Bavois, Madame de (Miss Comarque), i. 82, 83, 220 Bayley, Mr., i. 17, 119, 152, 249 Bayley, Dr., ii. 394 Beauchamp, Lord, i. 247, 393; ii. 6, 32, 102 Beauclerk, Lady Diana, i. 82, 279, 304, 348 Beauclerk, Topham, i. 82, 279, 280, 299, 304, 333, 348 *Beaumarchais, i. 371 *Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle, i. 284 Beauvais, Bishop of, ii. 342 Beauvau, Princess de, i. 314, 319 *Beckford, Lord Mayor, presents "Remonstrance" to King, i. 113 *Beckford, Mr., and Gibbon's library, ii. 300 Bedford, Duchess of, i. 262 Bedford, Duke of, ambassador to France, i. 30, 32, 35; and the British Coffee-House, i. 201 *Bedford Correspondence, the, quoted, i. 28 Belmore, Lady, ii. 275 *Belmore, Lord, ii. 275 Bellamont, Lord, his duel with Lord Townshend, i. 180, 182 *Benfield, Paul, i. 308 *Bengal, famine in, i. 184 *Bentinck, Lord Edward, ii. 350 Beriton, Gibbon's Hants Estate, i. 128, 153; ii. 6, 138, 175, 182, 189, 199 et seq., 222 et seq., 227, 234, 240 Berkeley, Lord, i. 58, 74 Berne, Canton of, ii. 283, 295, 299, 316, 370 *Berry, Miss, on Gibbon's library, ii. 301 Bertrand-Molleville, Marquis de, ii. 311, 329 BesanÇon, Gibbon at, i. 36 *Besson, Madame, i. 60 *Best's Personal and Literary Memorials quoted, i. 396 *Biographie Universelle, ii. 326 Birch, Rev. Dr. Thomas, ii. 366 *Biron, Duc de, ii. 290 Biron, Duchesse de, ii. 289, 324, 333 Black Musqueteers, the, i. 26 Blackstone's Commentaries, quotation from, ii. 205 Blessington, Earl of, i. 2 Blondel, Gibbon's valet, ii. 124, 131 Board of Trade, Gibbon appointed Commissioner of, i. 354, 366; vote passed against: Burke on value of, i. 378; suppressed, ii. 14 Bobbin, Benjamin, i. 35 Boissier, i. 94, 105 Bolingbroke, Lady (Lady Diana Spencer), i. 82, 85 Bolingbroke, Lord, "the Bully," i. 82, 85, 312 *Bollmann, M., ii. 292 Bolton, Duke of, i. 39, 44, 153 Bolton, Theophilus, i. 81 *Bombelles, Madame de, ii. 115 *Bondeli, Julie von, her account of Gibbon and Mdlle. Curchod, i. 40 *Bonfoy, Captain Hugh, R.N., i. 189, 265 Bonfoy, Mrs. Hugh (nÉe Eliot), i. 189, 220, 266; ii. 386 Bonham, Mr., ii. 175, 182 Bontemps, Madame, i. 31, 35 Boodle's Club, Masquerade given by, at the Pantheon, i. 212, 215 Bordot, M., i. 22 Borromean Islands, i. 57 Boston, attack upon the teaships in the harbour, i. 205; Port Bill, i. 206, 208; investment of, i. 257, 258 *Boswell's Life of Johnson quoted, i. 273 *Boufflers, Duc de, ii. 289 *Boufflers, Marquise de, i. 312 BouillÉ, Marquis de, ii. 254, 256, 270, 285, 286, 329 Bouillon, Duc de, ii. 256, 334 Bouillon, Madame de, ii. 334 Boulogne, Gibbon at, i. 27 Bourbon, AbbÉ de, ii. 115 Bourbon, Duc de, ii. 237, 269 Bourcard, M., ii. 45 Boydell, John (Lord Mayor), his edition of Shakespeare, ii. 276, 359, 374 Bradley, Thomas, i, 35 *Bramston's The Man of Taste, i. 124 *Brandt, i. 143 *Brathwaite, Colonel, ii. 19 *BrentÈs, Madame de, i. 81 Bricknall, Mr. Gibbon's lawyer, i. 131, 133, 141, 150, 153 Bridgewater, Duke of, i. 27, 28 *Brienne, Cardinal de (Archbishop of Sens), ii. 162, 181 Brighton, Gibbon's house at, ii. 3, 7 BrissonÉ, Madame de, i. 2 Brissot, J. Pierre (de Warville), ii. 258, 259, 318, 325, 350 *Bristol, Earl of, i. 21, 265; ii. 15 Bristol, Countess of. See Kingston, Duchess of Bristol, toll-gate riots at, ii. 390 Bristow, Miss, ii. 105, 117 British coffee-house, the resort of Scotchmen, i. 201 Broglie, Duc de, ii. 269 Bromwich, Mr., i. 93 *Brooke, Member of Madras Council, i. 362 *Brooklyn, battle of, i. 287 *Brooks's Club, i. 283, 376 Brown, Lancelot (the landscape gardener known as "Capability Brown"), i. 203 Bruce, James, of Kinnaird, ii. 226 Brunswick, Antiquities of the House of, ii. 228-232 Brunswick, Hereditary Prince of, ii. 115, 117 Brunswick-WolfenbÜttel, Duchess of, (Princess Augusta of Wales), i. 65, 149 Brunswick-WolfenbÜttel, Duke of, i. 149, 272, 277; Commander-in-Chief of Austrian and Prussian armies, ii. 311, 319; his retreat, ii. 319, 326, 346; his manifestoes, ii. 368 *Brydges, Sir Egerton, ii. 302 Buckinghamshire, Lord, i. 394; ii. 275 BudÉ, General, ii. 302, 327 *Bull, Lord Mayor, i. 201 *Burges, Sir James Bland, his account of Gibbon's first meeting with Pitt, ii. 28 Burgoyne, General John, his motion on the E. I. Co., i. 184; in America, i. 249, 291; his surrender at Saratoga, i. 324, 325; refused admission to Court, i. 338 *Burgoyne's Maid of the Oaks, i. 219 Buriton. See Beriton Burke, Edmund, i. 148; Goldsmith's Epitaph, i. 202; meeting at Captain Horneck's, i. 207; description of, in Goldsmith's Retaliation, i. 210; "a watermill of words and images," i. 240; "a Committee of Oblivion," i. 248; the New York Remonstrance. i. 256; on E. I. Co., i. 294; Tickell's Anticipation, i. 348; the Madras Council prosecution, i. 362; his Establishment Bill, i. 376; ii. 28; on literary value of Board of Trade, i. 378; Paymaster-General, ii. 18, 34; Sheridan sinks into arms of, ii. 172; criticises Dr. Price's work, ii. 210; his Reflections on the Revolution in France, ii, 237, 249; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 237, 251; his speech on Quebec Bill, ii. 246; his strictures on Lally, ii. 274; attacks Paine's Rights of Man, ii. 297; "Mr. Fox's coach stops the way," ii. 306; Irish Roman Catholics, ii. 321; Philosophers in France, ii. 325; plan for settlement of French refugees, ii. 331 *Burney, Dr., ii. 375 *Burney, Miss, i. 148; on Miss Sarah Holroyd, i. 181; Lawyer Batt, a "prime favourite" of, i. 240; on Lord Eliot, i. 273; her reference to "Pliny" Melmoth, i. 326; her opinion of Lord Sheffield, i. 392; Lady Miller at Bath, ii. 2; Lady E. Foster, ii. 15; Madame de StaËl at Dorking, ii. 375 Burrard, Sir H., ii. 84, 93 Burtenshaw's Manifesto, i. 221, 228 *Burton, Rev. David, Canon of Christ Church, ii. 135 Bute, Lord, i. 45, 50, 82; the Ministerial Club, i. 84; the Irish Catholics in arms, ii. 350 Byng, John, i. 60 *Byron, Lord, his definition of "ridotto," i. 124; his attack on Hayley, i. 398 C Cadell, Thomas, Gibbon's publisher, i. 222, 279, 282, 285, 364; ii. 152, 157, 158, 176, 243, 282; Gibbon's letter to, ii. 313 Cadogan, Dr., ii. 123, 310 Cagliostro, Comte de (Giuseppe Balsamo), ii. 45, 54 Calonne, Chas. Alexandre de, ii. 162, 237, 269 Cambis, Madame de, i. 312; ii. 290 *Cambis, Vicomte de, i. 312 Cambridge, Richard O., i. 108, 279; ii. 226; his family called by Gibbon "eloquent nymphs of Twickenham," i. 192, 197; "the Cantabs," i. 228, 233 Camden, Lord, i. 149, 333; President of the Council, ii. 13, 306 *Campazas, Friar Gerund de, i. 144 *Campbell, Lord, and the Rosslyn MSS., ii. 372 Cane, Eliz. Bridget (Mrs. Armitstead), ii. 179 Caplin, Gibbon's servant, i. 197, 230, 248; ii. 8, 9, 59, 110, 119, 131, 166 *Carey, General, i. 282 *Carhampton, Earl of, i. 146 Carleton, Sir Guy (Gov.-General of Canada), i. 270, 276, 277, 286, 290; siege of Ticonderoga, i. 294 Carlisle, Lord, his opinion of Madame Geoffrin, i. 29; appointed American Commissioner, i. 332; Lord Privy Seal, ii. 34 Carmarthen, Marquis of, ii. 28, 86, 327 Carnarvon, Marquis of, i. 39, 44; ii. 303 *Carnatic, Nabob of the, i. 209, 308 Carter, Miss, ii. 135 Castries, Marquis de, ii. 210, 267, 269 Catch Club, The Noblemen and Gentlemen's, i. 200, 283 Catherine, Empress of Russia, i. 158, 270; ii. 247 *Cavendish, Lord George, i. 232; ii. 350 Cavendish, Lord John, his amendment on American affairs, i. 240, 273; ii. 32; Chancellor of Exchequer, ii. 13, 18, 34 CazalÈs, Jacques Marie de, ii. 252, 269, 274 Celesia, Madame (nÉe Mallet), i. 18, 21, 62, 124 Celesia, Pietro Paolo, i. 18, 20, 62 Chandieu, Mdlle. de, ii. 43 *Charlemont, Lord, i. 85 *Charles Emanuel III., King of Sardinia, i. 58 Charles X. (Comte d'Artois), ii. 203, 204, 251, 266 CharriÈres, Madame de, ii. 43 Chateauneuf, M. de, French Resident at Geneva, ii. 317 Chateau-Vieux, Swiss regiment of, ii. 270 *Chatham, Earl of, returns to public life, i. 112; his American Bill, i. 251; his boast, i. 290; conciliation for America, i. 324; his death, i. 338 Chatillon, Marie Jeanne de. See Bontemps, Madame Chauvelin, M., ii. 362, 366, 367, 370 Chelsum, Dr. James, on Decline and Fall, i. 295 *Chermont d'Amboise, Marquis de, i. 314 Chesterfield, Lord, i. 25, 150, 158; his Letters, i. 195; his Portraits, i. 313 *Cheyte Singh, Rajah of Benares, ii. 26 Chichester, Earl of (Lord Pelham of Stanmer), i. 200 Chichester, Lady, i. 200 *Child, Mr., author of English and Scottish Popular Ballads, i. 283 *Chimay, Prince de, i. 312 Choiseul, Duc de, i. 312, 314, 318; ii. 286 Cholmondeley, Earl, i. 262 Christian VII., King of Denmark, i. 143 Christie, Mr., ii. 69, 83 *Chudleigh, Miss. See Kingston, Duchess of *Cibber and Vanbrugh's The Provoked Husband, i. 366; ii. 29 *Clare, Lord, i. 132 Clarges, Lady (nÉe Skrine), ii. 135 *Clarges, Sir Thomas, ii. 135 Clarke, Godfrey Bagnal, Gibbon's intimate friend, i. 144, 148, 155, 201, 205, 208, 211, 214, 219, 222-224, 229, 232, 238, 241, 244 Clarke, George Hyde, i. 61 *Clarke, Jervoise, i. 89, 90 ClaviÈre, Etienne, ii. 315 *Cleland, John, i. 53 *Clermont-Tonnerre, ii. 329 Cline, Henry, ii. 393 Clinton, Sir Henry, i. 349, 384; ii. 71, 153, 240, 377 Clinton, General Sir William, i. 249, 300; ii. 71 Clive, Lord, i. 184, 238 Clive, Mrs., i. 175 Coalition Ministry, the (1783), ii. 34, 86, 92 Cobham, Lady, i. 314, 316 *Coblentz, the rallying-point of the EmigrÉs, ii. 265 Cocoa-Tree Tavern, i. 84 *Coke, T. W., M.P. for Norfolk, ii. 33 Coleraine, Lord, i. 146, 148, 310 Colman, George, "The Luminous Historian," etc., i. 59; ii. 154; Gibbon's opinion of The Man of Business, i. 202; his description of Gibbon in Random Records, i. 213 Comarque, Miss. See Bavois, Madame de Concord, the March to, i. 257 *Conches, M. Feuillet de, ii. 257, 352 CondÉ, Louis Joseph, Prince de, ii. 237, 265, 269 Congress, American, i. 242, 250 Conway, General, i. 84, 85, 287; Commander-in-Chief, ii. 13, 18, 20, 32 Conway, Hon. and Rev. Edward, ii. 112 Conway, Hon. William, ii. 7, 18, 20, 32 Conway, T., i. 247 Conzie, Marc Hilaire de (Bishop of Arras), ii. 266 *Cook, Captain, ii. 218 *Cooke, Dr., Provost of King's, Cambridge, i. 108, 157 *Cooke, Thomas, known as "Hesiod" Cooke, i. 284 *Cooper, John, M.P. for Downton, i. 250 *Coote, Sir Eyre, ii. 26 Corcelles, Madame de, ii. 43 *Corisande, La belle, ii. 265 *Cork, Earl of, i. 34 Corn Regulation Bill, ii. 239 *Cornelys, Mrs. Theresa, and the Soho Masquerades, i. 131 Cornwallis, Hon. F. (Archbishop of Canterbury), i. 319 Cornwallis, Lord, in America, ii. 171; campaign against Tippoo, ii. 275, 285 Courtenay, Hon. Charlotte, ii. 24 Courtenay, Harry, i. 18 Courtenay, Lord, ii. 24 Coventry election petition, i. 393 Cowper, Earl, i. 65 *Cowper, William, i. 83 Coxheath Camp, i. 340, 346; Lord Sheffield at, ii. 18, 25 *Cradock, Joseph, i. 143 *Craon, Prince de, i. 314 Crauford, "Fish," ii. 67 *Crauford, "Flesh," ii. 67 Crauford, Mrs., Gibbon's landlady, ii. 164 Craufurd of Auchinames, ii. 388, 400 Craven, Lord, i. 148 *Crewe, Lord, ii. 350 *Cromwell, Major Henry, ii. 72 Cromwell, Oliver (solicitor), ii. 72 *Crosby, Lord Mayor Brass, i. 130 Crousaz, Catherine, ii. 81 Crousaz, Madame de. See Montolieu, Madame de Cumberland, Duchess of (Mrs. Horton), i. 146, 150, 154 Cumberland, Duke of, i. 146, 149, 150, 154; ii. 3, 111 *Cumberland's Fashionable Lover, i. 143 *Cunningham, Captain, i. 310 Curchod, Mdlle. Suzanne. See Necker, Madame Custine, Adam de, his incursion into Germany, ii. 319, 332 Cuthbert, Dr., attends Gibbon's father, i. 115 D d'Agnesseau, Madame, ii. 333 *d'Allonville, Comte, ii. 326 Dalrymple, Sir John, Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, i. 131 Damas, Comte, ii. 286 Damer, Hon. John, i. 139, 144, 287 *Damer, Hon. Lionel, ii. 350 *d'Arblay, Madame, Diary and Letters, quoted, i. 108; ii. 15, 211, 284, 302 Darby, Captain, i. 257, 258, 260 *d'Argenteuil, M., i. 294 d'Argout, Comte, ii. 280 Darrel, Mr., i. 7, 20, 74 Darrel, Mrs., i. 7, 17, 38 Darrel, Robert, ii. 34, 280, 376, 400 Dartmouth, Lord, i. 258, 278 d'Artois, Comte (Charles X.), ii. 203, 204, 251, 266 *d'Assas, Chevalier, ii. 204 d'Augny, M., i. 31, 35 *d'Aunoy, Madame, MÉmoires de la Cour d'Espagne, quoted, i. 202 *Davis, Henry Edward, i. 355 *Davy, Sir Humphrey, i. 139 Dawkes, Mrs., i. 204 *d'Ayen, Duc, i. 305; ii. 333 *Dean, Sir Robert, i. 85 Deane, Silas, i. 301, 334; ii. 66 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, History of, i. 259, 261, 264, 275, 277, 279, 285, 295, 304, 342, 355, 366, 396; ii. 21, 119, 143, 152, 170, 230 Deffand, Madame du, on Madame Geoffrin, i. 29; on Voltaire's La Princesse de Babylone, i. 91; her reference to the Neckers, i. 281; her life in Paris described by Gibbon, i. 312; on Gibbon and Madame de Cambis, i. 313; on Bishop of Arras, ii. 266 *Deffand, Marquis du, i. 312 *Defoe's Memoirs of Captain Carleton, i. 273 *de la Borde, Jean Benjamin, ii. 54 Delacour, Dr., i. 268, 304, 336, 337, 394; ii. 10 *Delaval, Lord, ii. 275 *Delaval, Sir Francis, ii. 275 *de la Warr, Lord, i. 107 *d'Enghien, Duc, ii. 237 Denhoff, Countess, i. 149 Denmark, Christian VII., King of, i. 143 Denmark, Juliana Maria, Queen Dowager of, i. 143 Denmark, Queen Caroline Matilda of, i. 143 Denmark, Revolution in, i. 143, 144, 146, 149 *d'Ennery, Comte, ii. 280 Denton, Mrs., i. 130 Denys, Madame (Voltaire's niece), i. 43, 92 *Derry, Bishop of, ii. 15, 388 d'Estaing, Comte, i. 337, 350, 370, 384, 395 Devonshire, Duchess of, i. 33, 370; ii. 300, 310, 312, 315, 319, 327, 339, 388 Devonshire, Duke of, ii. 15, 305 Deyverdun, George, Gibbon's intimate friend, i. 82, 83, 110, 158, 188-214 passim, 232, 236, 255, 262, 291; offers his house to Gibbon, ii. 41, 108; his description of Lausanne society, ii. 43; Gibbon's host at Lausanne, ii. 75 et seq.; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 89, 118; his illness, ii. 176, 179, 188; and death, ii. 194, 207, 229; Gibbon's letters to, ii. 35, 45, 54; his letters to Gibbon, ii. 39, 52 *d'Haussonville, M., his Salon de Madame Necker, i. 40, 41 *d'HÉnin, Prince, ii. 211 d'HÉnin, Princess, ii. 211, 290, 322, 324, 329, 334, 342, 349, 377 Diary, the (newspaper), ii. 351, 370 *Dictionary of National Biography quoted, i. 283 Digby, Captain, i. 334 *Dillon, Mr., i. 180 *Dillon, General, murdered, ii. 299 *Disraeli's Calamities of Authors quoted, i. 23 *Dodsley's tragedy of Cleone, i. 18 Dorchester, Earl of, i. 139; ii. 350 d'Orleans, Regent Duc, i. 312, 326 Dorset, 1st Duke of, i. 139 Dorset, 3rd Duke of, Ambassador at Paris, i. 226; ii. 86 *d'Orvilliers, Count, i. 349 Douglas, Lady Catherine, ii. 377, 387 *Dowling, Surgeon, ii. 295 Down, Charles, i. 244 Downes, Rev. Dr. Dive, i. 205 Downshire, Marquis of, ii. 5 Draper, General Sir William, ii. 22 *Drouet, Postmaster, ii. 254, 326 Drummond, Andrew, i. 71 Duane, Mr., i. 201, 218, 226, 234, 261, 264 Dulau, J. F. M. (Archbishop of Arles), ii. 322, 325; his murder described, ii. 333, 341 *Dummer, Thos. Lee, i. 90, 250 Dumont, M., ii. 258 Dumouriez, M., ii. 299, 319, 326, 368 Duncannon, Lady, ii. 310, 312 Duncannon, Lord, ii. 18, 19 *Duncombe, Thomas, i. 250 Dundas, Hon. Henry (afterwards Lord Melville), Treasurer of Navy, ii. 19, 86; Lord Advocate, ii. 85; Secretary of State, ii. 247, 306; Abolition of Slave Trade, ii. 294; suggests coalition between Pitt and Fox, ii. 306; king's message for augmentation of forces, ii. 365 Dunning, John. See Ashburton, Lord d'Ursel, Duke, ii. 83 Dutch, fears of war with, i. 348, 353 Dutens, Louis, i. 56, 59 *Dutensiana, i. 314 Dux, George, i. 52 E *Eames, John, i. 89 Eardley, Lord (Sir Sampson Gideon), i. 225, 332; ii. 216 East India Company, the, i. 184, 186, 209, 308; ii. 85 *Eccentricities for Edinburgh quoted, i. 59 *Eden, Sir Robert, ii. 397 Eden, William. See Auckland, Lord Egerton, Sir Thomas, i. 148 Egremont, Lord, i. 247, 249; ii. 175, 182, 305, 388 Elgin, Thomas, Lord, Envoy at Brussels, ii. 383 Elkin, Sir George, i. 16 Eliot, Captain John, i. 62 Eliot, Hon. Edward James, i. 390, 394; ii. 19, 20, 22, 143 Eliot, Hon. John, i. 217, 229, 380 Eliot, Lady, i. 98, 110, 122, 131, 132, 365 Eliot, Lord (of St. Germans), i. 70, 84, 183, 188, 193, 228, 230, 231, 254, 273, 342, 367, 369, 374; Gibbon's appeal to and defence, i. 385, 389 Eliott, Admiral Sir George A. See Heathfield, Lord Elizabeth, Queen, story of Lord Essex's ring, i. 276 Elliot, Grey, ii. 69 *Elliot, Lady, ii. 374 Elliot, Sir Gilbert, i. 251; on treaty between France and U. S. A., i. 333; his daughter's marriage, ii. 25; his Life and Letters quoted, ii. 172, 306, 351, 374; his support of Government, ii. 305; Duke of Portland's views of Alien Bill, ii. 363 Ellis, George, editor of Fabliaux, etc., i. 139; Sir Walter Scott on, ii. 184; lines on Pitt in Rolliad, ibid. Ellis, Governor Henry, i. 73 *Elliston, Mrs., of South Weald, i. 70 Elmsley, Peter, the bookseller, i. 372; ii. 60, 94, 105, 113, 126, 158, 214, 314, 388 *Elstob, Lewis, i. 118, 372 Elstob, Mrs., i. 372 Ely, Lady, i. 266 Ely, Lord, i. 265 Ely, Madame, ii. 386 Erskine, ii. 297 Essai sur l'Étude de la LittÉrature, Gibbon's first published work, i. 20, 80 Essex, Earl of, i. 276 Establishment Bill, i. 376 Etienne, Gibbon's valet, ii. 243, 253 Exchequer Bills, issue of, ii. 382 Exeter, Lord, i. 65 Exilles, Fort, i. 59 *Eyre, Mr., printer, i. 263 F *Falkland, Lord, i. 282 *Fanshaw, Miss, ii. 284 Farquhar, Sir Walter, ii. 393, 395, 398, 401 *Farquhar's The Twin Rivals, ii. 102 Faukier, Mr., i. 163 Featherstonhaugh, Lady, i. 232, 235, 246, 249 Featherstonhaugh, Sir H., i. 162, 214, 235, 247, 249 Featherstonhaugh, Sir M., i. 56, 67, 83, 84, 131, 162, 247 Fenestrelle, Fort, i. 59 *Ferguson, Lieut. James, killed by Captain Roche, i. 209 FerriÈres, M. de, ii. 318 *Fersen, Comte de, ii. 292 *FeuchÉres, Madame de, ii. 237 Firth, Miss, ii. 82, 91, 98, 334; Gibbon's letter to, ii. 98; and Severy's studies, ii. 167 Fischer, M., ii. 260, 283, 375 *Fitzherbert, Mrs., ii. 150 Fitzjames, Duchess of, ii. 324 Fitzmaurice, Lord. See Shelburne, Earl of Fitzpatrick, Lady Mary. See Holland, Lady Fitzroy, Mrs., i. 90 Fitzwilliam, Lord, ii. 305 Flanders, invasion of, ii. 299 *Fleming, Sir John, i. 261 Flood, Henry, i. 264 Florence, Gibbon at, i. 63 *Floyer, Mr., Member of Madras Council, i. 362 Foley, Mr., English banker at Paris, i. 33, 36
Foote, Samuel, his Bankrupt, i. 192; A Trip to Calais stopped by Duchess of Kingston, i. 265 Ford, Mrs., Gibbon's housekeeper, i. 192; ii. 8 Fordwich, Lord. See Cowper, Earl Fort Louis, surrender of garrison to Austrians, ii. 396 Foster, Lady Elizabeth, described by Gibbon as "a bewitching animal," "goddess," "still adorable," "Bess," etc., ii. 15, 81, 117, 300, 308, 310, 312, 319, 339, 388; Gibbon's letter to, on Lady Sheffield's death, ii. 380 Foster, John. See Oriel, Lord *Foster, John Thomas, ii. 15 Fothergill, Dr., i. 177 Fowler, Mr., ii. 340 Fox, Charles James, supports Church of England, i. 148; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 151; his debts, i. 198, 264; on troubles with America, i. 249, 256, 303, 324, 328; the king's debts, i, 308; on the Canadian Expedition, i. 333; Tickell's Anticipation, i. 348; his lines on Gibbon as Commissioner of Trade, i. 354; on Sheffield's Regiment of Horse, i. 380; M.P. for Westminster, i. 388, 390; "the black Patriot," ii. 4; Secretary of State, ii. 13, 34; resigns office, ii. 18; and American independence, ii. 25; George III.'s behaviour to, ii. 34; sale of his library, ii. 68; his two India Bills, ii. 86; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 85, 92, 96, 251, 356, 360, 372; suggested union with Pitt, ii. 92, 306, 307, 330; no compromise, ii. 97; his "Martyrs," ii. 102; "the man of the people," ii. 179; his marriage, ibid.; twelve hours' talk with Gibbon, ii. 180; speech on treaty between Russia and Turkey, ii. 246; on Abolition of Slave Trade, ii. 294; his half-support of Grey's motion, ii. 297, 320; "but fifty followers," ii. 305; rejoices at retreat of Prussians, ii. 320; "detestable" on French affairs, ii. 330; on the calling out of the Militia, ii. 349, 350; his motion for an Embassy to France, ii. 350, 353; opposes Alien Bill, ii. 364; Duke of Portland's adherence to, ii. 367, 368; opposes augmentation of forces, ii. 368 Fox, Hon. Stephen. See Holland, 2nd Lord France, fears of war with, i. 289, 317; treaty with America, i. 333; war with, i. 339; ii. 362, 374; treaty with England, ii. 152; war declared against Francis Joseph, ii. 279; war with Austria and Prussia, ii. 319; treaty with Geneva, ii. 325, 331, 345; war with England, Holland, and Spain, ii. 362, 374 Francillon, M., ii. 283 *Francis Joseph, of Austria, ii. 279, 292 Frankland, Miss Anne (Lady Chichester), i. 200 *Frankland, Sir Thomas, i. 200 Franklin, Dr., i. 162, 243, 310, 313 Fraser, General, i. 264, 299, 363 Fraser, General Simon, i. 325 Fraser, Mrs., "Donna Catherina," i. 300; ii. 105, 117 Fredennick, M., ii. 260 *Frederick the Great, i. 158; ii. 210 Frederick II. of Prussia, i. 143; ii. 137 Frederick William of Prussia at Pilnitz, ii. 271 French Revolution, ii. 246, 249, 270, 287, 293, 311; massacres of September, 1792, ii. 312, 321, 351; and Ireland, ii. 320; murder of Louis XVI., ii. 360, 365 Frey, M., escorts Gibbon to Lausanne, i. 1 *"Friends of the People," an association for reform of representative system, ii. 297 Fullarton, Colonel, ii. 168 Fuller, Miss, called "Sappho" by Gibbon, i. 196, 198, 202, 208, 241 Fuller, Rose, i. 196, 208 G Gage, General, i. 206, 257, 258, 260, 266 Gage, William Hall, Viscount, "the green plumb," i. 225, 227 *Galovkin, Comte FÉdor, i. 81 *Gansel, Major-General, i. 109 Garrick, David, as "Sir John Brute," i. 19; Gibbon a friend of, i. 201, 289, 333; in Hamlet, i. 203; letter from Gibbon to, quoted, i. 317 Gascoyne, Bamber, i. 366 *Gates, General, i. 325 Gazette, the, i. 257, 392 *Gazetteer, the, i. 146 Gee, Mr., i. 3, 6 *Genlis, Comte de, i. 326 Genlis, Madame de, her opinion of Madame de Cambis, i. 313; of Princesse de Beauvau, i. 314; on Decline and Fall, i. 326; on Dr. Tissot's skill, ii. 77; her story of Gibbon and Madame de Montolieu, ii. 154 Geneva, threatened by French, ii. 317, 322; the Government at, ii. 318; treaty with France, ii. 325, 331, 345; new constitution of, ii. 370 Genoa, Gibbon at, i. 61 Gentleman's Magazine cited, ii. 289, 301, 302, 314, 349 Geoffrin, Madame, i. 29 *George II., ii. 321 George III., i. 45; grants pension to M. de Viry, i. 56; his intervention in Denmark, i. 143; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 154; reviews fleet at Spithead, i. 186; the King's speech and America, i. 238; negotiates for hire of Russian mercenaries, i. 270; and Sir H. Palliser's leg, i. 356; his behaviour to Fox, ii. 34; refuses to dismiss ministers, ii. 100; his illness and recovery, ii. 181, 191; and Lally, ii. 285; reviews troops at Bagshot, ii. 304; proclaims tumultuous meetings, etc., ii. 305; Lally's Plaidoyer, ii. 375. George IV. See Wales, Prince of Germain, Lady George, i. 328 Germain, Lord George. See Sackville, Lord *Germain, Sir John, i. 198 Germanie, M. de, ii. 291 *Gibbon, Mrs., nÉe Porten (Gibbon's mother), i. 2 Gibbon, Mrs., nÉe Patton (Gibbon's stepmother), her opinion of Miss Catherine Porten, i. 2; marries Gibbon's father, i. 7; Gibbon's inquiries about, i. 8; subjects of Gibbon's letters to:— Dr. Turton, i. 16, 114, 150, 371; money troubles, i. 19, 352, 359; his own health, i. 83, 114, 150, 158, 246, 321, 322, 371, 377-379, 399; ii. 12, 108, 129, 141, 166, 248; his father's accident, i. 26; Paris and the Parisians, i. 28-32, 315, 320; Duke of Bedford, i. 30, 32; M. d'Augny: Madame Bontemps, i. 31; Dr. Acton at BesanÇon, i. 36; his life at Lausanne, i. 39, 42, 49, 50; ii. 76, 88-141 passim, 177; Mdlle. Curchod, i. 40 his father's reproaches, i. 98; his father's illness and death, i. 97, 105, 106, 118; fall of the ministry, i. 112; the "Remonstrance" debate, i. 113; Lenborough, i. 126, 158, 182, 185, 187, 210, 289; Beriton, i. 128, 153; ii. 175, 206, 248; "the formal Mr. Bricknall," i. 131-133, 141; Danish revolution, i. 143; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 154; house-hunting in London, i. 171, 172, 175, 179; James Scott's death, i. 177; the Townshend-Bellamont duel, i. 180, 182; his "notions" of London life, i. 188; his friend Deyverdun, i. 188, 210, 262; ii. 89 et seq., 177, 207; "an approaching daughter-in-law," i. 197; Johann C. Bach, i. 204; masquerade at Pantheon, i. 215; "Mrs. Gibbon of Northamptonshire, not of Bath," i. 216; Madame de Bavois, i. 220; offer of a seat in Parliament, i. 230, 231; M.P. for Liskeard, i. 234; Godfrey Clarke's illness and death, i. 238, 244; his Parliamentary life, i. 248, 253, 289, 325, 331, 365, 373; his History, see Decline and Fall; story of Essex's ring, i. 276; the Neckers, i. 283, 306, 320; ii. 122; Garrick, i. 289; two answers to his History, i. 295; Dr. Hunter's Anatomy Lectures, i. 304; her groundless fears, i. 305, 306; his Paris friends, i. 315; Duke of Richmond, i. 316; Madame de Genlis, i. 326; at Coxheath Camp, i. 346; his views on matrimony, i. 351; a Lord of Trade, i. 366, 378; Lord Eliot, i. 369, 374, 386, 391; his MÉmoire Justificatif, i. 371; Mrs. Williams, i. 372, 374; Irish trade, i. 373; Lord Sheffield's first speech, i. 380; a dissolution expected, i. 380; the Gordon riots, i. 381, 382; Sheffield and the Northumberland Militia, i. 381; Sir Henry Clinton, i. 384; weary of political life, i. 391; George Scott's death, i. 393; M.P. for Lymington, ii. 1; at Brighthelmstone, ii. 3, 7; Hayley, the poet, ii. 8, 17; North's resignation, ii. 13; Board of Trade suppressed, ii. 14; Lady Elizabeth Foster, ii. 15; Rockingham's death, ii. 17; at "Single-Speech" Hamilton's house, ii. 21; Mrs. Ashby, ii. 22; Pitt, ii. 28; Mrs. Siddons, ii. 29; the Coalition Ministry, ii. 34; retires from Parliament, ii. 58; his Lausanne plans, ii. 58, 61, 64, 71; his propensity for happiness, ii. 88; society at Lausanne, ii. 89, 90, 122; climate at Lausanne, ii. 129; changes in English politics, ii. 131; a regimen of boiled milk, ii. 142; his house and garden, ii. 142, 248; a ministry of respectable boys, ii. 143; intention to visit England, ii. 155; the two Mr. Gibbons, ii. 159; Sheffield Place, ii. 160; Bath, ii. 161; his compliment to Lord North, ii. 170; Cadell's discretion, ii. 176; Hugonin's neglect, ii. 207; the French Revolution, ii. 249, 308; the Sheffields' visit to Lausanne, ii. 309; her illness and recovery, ii. 348; his return to England, ii. 381, 384; at Althorp, ii. 391; his illness, ii. 394, 398. Her letters to Gibbon, ii. 385, 399 Gibbon, Edward (father), subjects of his son's letters to:— First impressions of Lausanne, i. 1; Voltaire, i. 5; a stepmother, i. 10; studies under Pavillard, ibid.; proposed Swiss tour, i. 13; Holland, i. 15; Sir George Elkin's marriage, i. 16; the Lottery, i. 17; King's Scholars' play, i. 18; the Celesias, i. 18, 62; Dr. Maty: Mdlle. de Vaucluse and M. Celesia, i. 20; his London friends, i. 21; hopes of Parliament, i. 23, 45; paternal doubts and suspicions, i. 34; Taafe, i. 35; gambling losses, i. 36, 47; Dr. Acton and BesanÇon, i. 37; the Swiss Militia, i. 38; financial troubles, i. 45-48, 51, 52, 55, 69, 71, 73, 93-107 passim; Mont Cenis, i. 55; Turin, i. 56; Venice, i. 61; his friend Guise, i. 62; Rome, i. 66; Trajan's Pillar, i. 67; Barazzi the banker, i. 71; Sir T. Worsley, i. 78; a burgess of Newtown, i. 88; the Putney Writings, i. 93; Gosling's mortgage, i. 94, 95. His death, i. 117 Gibbon, Edward— 1753-1772. Under Pavillard's care at Lausanne, i. 1; a gambling scrape: his appeal to Aunt Catherine, i. 3, 4; Voltaire at Geneva, i. 5, 43; his father's second marriage, i. 7; his plans and studies, i. 9-11; his father's silence, i. 13; returns to England, i. 15; the Lottery, i. 17; the Celesias, i. 18, 20; distressed for money, i. 19; his quarrel with Dr. Maty, i. 21; a seat in Parliament—ambitions, hopes, and fears, i. 23, 45; in the Hants Militia, i. 25, 87; at Boulogne, i. 27; friends and acquaintances in Paris, i. 28, 33; Thomas Bradley's affair, i. 35; Dr. Acton at BesanÇon, i. 36; with his old acquaintance at Lausanne, i. 38 et seq.; Mdlle. Curchod, i. 40, 81; the fall of our tyrant, i. 44; unhappy circumstances of our estate, i. 47; a mixture of books and good company, i. 49; Lady M. W. Montagu's Letters, i. 53; proposed tour in Italy, i. 54; Turin, i. 55, 58; Borromean Islands, i. 57; his snuff box and the King of Sardinia's daughters, i. 58; Milan, i. 60; Genoa, i. 61; Florence, i. 63; Englishmen at Florence, i. 65; Rome, i. 67 et seq.; ways and means, i. 69, 100 et seq., 127, 136, 165-170; the very worst roads in the universe, i. 73; least satisfied with Venice, i. 75; Austrian etiquette, i. 80; separations increase daily, i. 82; the "School of Vice," i. 84; "Monsieur Olroy's" marriage, i. 85; a burgess of Newtown, i. 88; Ranelagh Gardens, i. 89; Voltaire ruined, i. 91; the Putney Writings, i. 93, 105; paternal doubts and suspicions, i. 98; the deed of trust, i. 99, 101; Wentzel, the oculist, i. 105; the plain dish of friendship, i. 108; the "Remonstrance" debate, i. 113; his father's illness and death, i. 115, 117, 121, 122; Aunt Hester's kind letter, i. 121; detained by Ridottos, i. 124; the Soho masquerade, i. 131; the eternal Bricknall, i. 133; "Farmer Gibbon of no use!" i. 138; "Quis tulerit Gracchos," i. 140; these Denmark affairs, i. 143, 149; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 146, 151, 154; the Pantheon, i. 147; Worthy Champions of the Church, i. 148; the business of Lord and Lady Grosvenor, i. 149; Dr. Nowell's sermon, i. 151; Sir R. Worsley, i. 153; Lord Sheffield's editorial methods, i. 155; Deyverdun's arrival, i. 158 (see also Deyverdun, George); Master Holroyd's death, i. 160; a sprained ankle, i. 161; the loud trumpet of advertisements, i. 163; a tenant for Beriton, i. 165; Lady Rous' house, i. 171-175; North's somnolence, i. 173; James Scott's death, i. 177 1773-1783. Bellamont-Townshend duel, i. 180; a due mixture of study and society, i. 183; the E. I. Co., i. 184, 186, 209, 308; ii. 85; sale of Lenborough, i. 186; ii. 83; Hume: W. Robertson, i. 190; Foote's Bankrupt, i. 192; the beauties of Cornwall, i. 194; declines publication of Chesterfield's Letters, i. 195; an approaching daughter-in-law, i. 197; Fox's debts, i. 198; Kelly's School of Wives, i. 199; a dinner at the "Breetish" Coffee House, i. 201; Colman's Man of Business, i. 202; heads of a convention, i. 205; Boston Port Bill, i. 206; Mrs. Horneck, i. 207; great news from India, i. 209; receiving one friend and comforting another, i. 210; Johnson and Gibbon—a contrast, i. 213; Boodle's triumph, i. 215; all the news of Versailles, i. 218; Lord Stanley's fÊte champÊtre, i. 219; Madame de Bavois, i. 220; Godfrey Clarke's illness and death, i. 223, 238, 244; a new man for the county, i. 225; Romanzow's victory, i. 227; offer of a seat, i. 228; M.P. for Liskeard, i. 229; dissolution and election, i. 231; Wilkes at the Mansion House, i. 231; a visit to Bath, i. 231; his anxiety for Mrs. Holroyd, i. 237; deep in America, i. 243 (see also America); a party of foxhunters, i. 247; troops for America, i. 249; North's conciliatory scheme, i. 251; a silent member, i. 253; presentation at Court, i. 255; the march to Concord, i. 257; a great historical work, i. 259; his History going to press, i. 261; nothing new from America, i. 265; his dog the comfort of his life, i. 267; his stepmother's small-pox, i. 268; difficulty in raising troops, i. 271; at work on his History, i. 273; the book almost ready, i. 275; story of Essex's ring, i. 276; his History published, i. 279; the Neckers in London, i. 281, 282; poor Mallet, i. 283; Dr. Porteous, i. 285; an Irish edition of the Decline and Fall, i. 288; fears of French war, i. 289; Howe's proclamation, i. 291; Suard translates his History, i. 293; two answers to his book, i. 295; SeptehÊnes' translation of Decline and Fall, i. 297; a war of posts, i. 299; "John the Painter," i. 301; his uniform life, i. 302; Hunter's Lectures, i. 304; his stepmother's groundless fears, i. 306; starts for Paris, i. 309; pleasures and occupations in Paris, i. 311; his success in French society, i. 313; his friends and acquaintances, i. 315; no risk of war with France, i. 317; Duc de Choiseul, i. 318; a martyr to gout, i. 321; weary of the war, i. 323; Saratoga, i. 324; Madame de Genlis, i. 326; London a dead calm and delicious solitude, i. 327; conciliation for America, i. 329; suing for peace, i. 331; war with France, i. 333; his private affairs, i. 335; "in attendance of my Mama," i. 336; d'Estaing's fleet, i. 337; Keppel and the French frigates, i. 339, 343; Coxheath Camp, i. 340, 346; Brighton unsuitable, i. 345; Paul Jones, i. 347; battle of Ushant, i. 349; an effort of friendship, i. 351; advice to his stepmother, i. 352, 362; prospect of a place, i. 355; Palliser and Keppel, i. 356; his plans of economy, i. 359; Parliament and the Roman Empire, i. 361; a crestfallen ministry, i. 363; at work on his second volume, i. 365; a Lord of Trade, i. 366, 373; disclaims the History of Opposition, i. 369; his MÉmoire Justificatif, i. 371; Holroyd for Coventry, i. 375; Rodney's victory, i. 376; "a mighty unrelenting tyrant, called the Gout," i. 377; Gordon Riots, i. 380; his two volumes in the press, i. 382; his seat uncertain, i. 385; another seat promised, i. 387; M.P. for Lymington, i. 387, 400; ii. 1; defends his conduct in Parliament, i. 389; weary of political life, i. 391; the Coventry election, i. 393; Holroyd created Lord Sheffield, i. 395; the reception given to his two volumes, i. 397; his annual Gout-tax, i. 399; his house at Brighton, ii. 3; French and Spanish ships in the Channel, ii. 5; Brighton in November, ii. 7; William Hayley, ii. 8, 17; his advice in a quarrel, ii. 9; noise and nonsense of Parliament, ii. 11; fall of North's ministry, ii. 13; his loss of office, ii. 14; Rockingham's death, ii. 17; Shelburne's ministry, ii. 19; immersed in the Roman Empire, ii. 21; his Hampton Court Villa, ii. 23; Lord Loughborough's marriage, ii. 24; relief of Gibraltar, ii. 25; enthusiasm for Sir George Eliott, ii. 27; Pitt, ii. 28; Mrs. Siddons, ii. 29; the dearth of news, ii. 31; Shelburne resigns, ii. 33; Coalition Ministry, ii. 34; his view of English politics, ii. 37; proposes to settle abroad, ii. 38; Deyverdun offers his house, ii. 41; Lausanne society, ii. 43; his gratitude to Deyverdun, ii. 45; his hesitation to accept, ii. 47; his friend and valet, ii. 49; hopes of a political place, ii. 51; social habits at Lausanne, ii. 52; decides to leave England, ii. 55; plan of joining Deyverdun, ii. 57; his departure necessary, ii. 58; his reasons, ii. 61; his preparations, ii. 63; farewell to Sheffield Place, ii. 65; the Peace of Versailles, ii. 67; his departure delayed, ii. 69; the Sheffields' kindness, ii. 71 1783-1794. His journey through France, ii. 73; the AbbÉ Raynal, ii. 75; the charms of Lausanne, ii. 77; a pension, for Miss Holroyd, ii. 79; proud of Fox, ii. 85; North's insignificance, ii. 87; his daily life, ii. 89; the zeal and diligence of Sheffield's pen, ii. 91; sale of his seat, ii. 93; a factious opposition, ii. 95; arrival of his books, ii. 97; a happy winter, ii. 99; Parliament dissolved, ii. 101; a free-spoken counsellor, ii. 103; English friends, ii. 105; the reign of sinecures over, ii. 107; his house and garden, ii. 108; his hospitalities, ii. 111; his pecuniary affairs, ii. 112; a list of his acquaintances, ii. 115; Prince Henry of Prussia and Mdlle. Necker, ii. 117; thoughts of marriage, ii. 118, 220; loses Caplin, ii. 119; invites the Sheffields, ii. 120; a temperate diet and an easy mind, ii. 123; his establishment at Lausanne, ii. 125; Pitt a favourite abroad, ii. 127; a young man at fifty, ii. 129; changes in English politics, ii. 131; his reported death, ii. 132; a curious question of philosophy, ii. 133; his countrymen at Lausanne, ii. 135; Achilles Pitt and Hector Fox, ii. 136; his History delayed, ii. 139; his health improved, ii. 141; "glories of the landskip," ii. 142; Aunt Kitty's death, ii. 144; books longer in making than puddings, ii. 147; hopes to visit England, ii. 149, 155; building a great book, ii. 151; a citizen of the world, ii. 153; his arrival in London, ii. 157; the two Mr. Gibbons, ii. 159; visits his stepmother, ii. 161; a miserable cripple, ii. 163; an unlucky check, ii. 165; an act of duty at Bath, ii. 167; his work and friends, ii. 169; the horrors of shopping and packing, ii. 171; dines with Warren Hastings, ii. 173; sale of Beriton, ii. 175, 189; back at Lausanne, ii. 177; Deyverdun ill, ii. 179, 187; George III. insane, ii. 181; Hugonin dead, ii. 183; Hugonin's deceit, ii. 185; George III. recovers, ii. 191; "the Saint ripe for heaven," ii. 193; Deyverdun's death, ii. 194, 207; "fierce and erect, a free master," ii. 197; a defect in Beriton title, ii. 199; his idea of adopting Charlotte Porten, ii. 201; a life interest in Deyverdun's house, ii. 203; the authority of Blackstone, ii. 205; Deyverdun's loss irreparable, ii. 207; France's opportunity, ii. 209; French exiles at Lausanne, ii. 210; "dirty land and vile money," ii. 213; legal forms benefit lawyers, ii. 215; Sheffield M.P. for Bristol. ii. 216; Aunt Hester's will, ii. 218, 225; a comfortless state, ii. 221; his Madeira almost exhausted, ii. 223; Bruce's Travels, ii. 226; M. Langer, ii. 227; history of the Guelphs, ii. 229; servitude to lawyers, ii. 231; seriously ill, ii. 233; an annuity for Newhaven, ii. 235, 240; Burke's Reflections, ii. 237; Corn Law and Slave Trade, ii. 239; a bargain with the Sheffields, ii. 243; snugness of his affairs, ii. 245; danger of Russian war, ii. 247; effects of French Revolution, ii. 249; Burke a rational madman, ii. 251; Sheffield an anti-democrat, ii. 253; flight and arrest of Louis XVI., ii. 255, 286; the crisis in Paris, ii. 257; Sheffield at the Jacobins, ii. 259; safe in the land of liberty, ii. 261; Switzerland's strange charm, ii. 263; Coblentz and white cockades, ii. 265; the sights of Brussels, ii. 267; military forces on French frontier, ii. 269; the Pilnitz meeting, ii. 271; a distressful voyage, ii. 273; Lally, ii. 274; the demon of procrastination, ii. 277; peace or war in Europe? ii. 279; an amazing push of remorse, ii. 281; Maria's capacity, ii. 283; Lally Tollendal, ii. 284; the hideous plague in France, ii. 287; Massa King Wilberforce, ii. 289; a month with the Neckers, ii. 291; Jacques Necker, ii. 292; the march of the Marseillais, ii. 293; an asylum at Berne, 295; democratic progress in England, ii. 297; Gallic wolves prowl round Geneva, ii. 299; the destiny of his library, ii. 301; his Tabby apprehensions, ii. 303; Opposition and Government, ii. 305; the attempted Pitt-Fox union, ii. 306; taint of democracy, ii. 309; Brunswick's march on Paris, ii. 311; every day more sedentary, ii. 313; French invasion of Savoy, ii. 314; Geneva threatened, ii. 316; prepared for flight, ii. 319; the Irish at their old tricks, ii. 321; the liberty of murdering defenceless prisoners, ii. 323; Sheffield's emigrants, ii. 324; Brunswick's strange retreat, ii. 326, 346; occupants of the hotel in Downing Street, ii. 329; the Geneva flea and the Leviathan France, ii. 331; the Gallic dogs' day, ii. 333; neither a monster, nor a statue, ii. 335; Severy's state hopeless, ii. 336; France's cruel fate, ii. 337; Archbishop of Arles' murder, ii. 339-342; common cause against the Disturbers of the World, ii. 343; Montesquieu's desertion, ii. 345; Necker's defence of the king, ii. 347; associations in London, ii. 349, 353; "Is Fox mad?" ii. 350; Sheffield's speech, ii. 353; the Egaliseurs, ii. 355; the great question of peace and war, ii. 358; the Memoirs must be postponed, ii. 359; a word or two of Parliamentary and pecuniary concerns, ii. 362; Duke of Portland and Fox, ii. 363, 367; Louis XVI. condemned to death, ii. 365; a miserable Frenchman, ii. 367; poor de Severy is no more, ii. 369; his letter of congratulations to Loughborough, ii. 372; the Pays de Vaud, ii. 373; Madame de StaËl at Dorking, ii. 375; a pleasant dinner-party in Downing Street, ii. 377; Lady Sheffield's death, ii. 379; the cannon of the siege of Mayence, ii. 382; safe, well, and happy in London, ii. 384; intends to visit Bath, ii. 387, 389; Lord Hervey's Memorial, ii. 388; a tÊte-À-tÊte of eight or nine hours daily, ii. 390; at Althorpe, ii. 391; a serious complaint, ii. 393; hopes of a radical cure, ii. 395; in darkness about Lord Howe, ii. 397; reaches St. James's Street half-dead, ii. 400; account of his last moments, ii. 400, 401 Gibbon, Miss Hester (Gibbon's aunt), "the Northamptonshire Saint," i. 7, 134, 244, 295, 398; ii. 91, 185, 187, 190, 193, 218, 222, 225; Gibbon's letters to, i. 15, 121 Gibbon, John, Bluemantle Pursuivant at Arms, ii. 162 Gibraltar, relieved by Rodney, i. 276; by Howe, ii. 19, 25, 27; defended by Lord Heathfield, ii. 25 Gideon, Sir Sampson (Lord Eardley), i. 225, 332; ii. 216 Gilbert, Mr., of Lewes, i. 244, 248, 295 Gilbert, Bett, i. 7 Gilliers, Baron de, ii. 330, 377 Glenbervie, Lord (Sylvester Douglas), ii. 180 Gloucester, Duchess of, i. 173 *Gloucester, Duke of, i. 131; his
clandestine marriage, i. 146; on Decline and Fall, i. 396 Glynn, Serjeant, the advocate of Wilkes, i. 90 Godolphin, Lord, i. 172 Goldsmith, Oliver, Gibbon's friendship with, i. 191, 202; his "Captain-in-Lace," i. 207; quotation from his Retaliation, i. 210 *Gonchon, M., ii. 352 Gordon, Duchess of, ii. 157, 164, 168 Gordon, Lord George, i. 376; "No Popery" riots, i. 380; sent to the Tower, i. 382 Gordon Riots, the, i. 381 Gosling, the banker, i. 94, 126, 166-168, 332; ii. 110. 281 Gosling's mortgage, i. 94, 116, 126, 166, 187 Gould, Colonel. i. 114, 159, 274 Gould, Mrs., i. 114, 159, 272, 274; ii. 386 Gouvernet, Comte de la Tour-du-Pin, ii. 329 Gower, Lord, i. 148; ii. 86, 255, 311, 360 *Grafton, Duchess of, i. 27 Grafton, Duke of, i. 26, 90, 112, 278, 377; Lord Privy Seal, ii. 13 *Grammont, Duc de (de Guiche), i. 89; ii. 203, 265, 266 *Granby, Marquis of, i. 192 Grand, M., banker at Lausanne, i. 4, 61, 74, 81 Grand, Mdlle. Nanette. See PrevÔt, Madame Grantham, Lord, ii. 19 *Grasse, Comte de, ii. 16 Graves, Admiral Lord, i. 384 Gray, Booth, i. 254, 264 Grenville Act, the, i. 233 *Grenville Correspondence, i. 44 *Grenville, George, i. 45, 85, 233, 243 Grenville, James, ii. 19, 93 Grenville, Lord, ii. 362, 366 *Greville, Hon. Charles, i. 366 Grey, Mr., and the "Friends of the People" resolution, ii. 297, 305, 320 Grey, Sir Charles (afterwards 1st Earl), ii. 396 Grey, Sir W. de. See Walsingham, Lord *Grey, Thomas de, i. 366 *Grimaldi, Marquis Jeronymo, i. 30 Grimstone, Mrs., ii. 339 Grosvenor, Lady, i. 149 Grosvenor, Lord, i. 82, 149 Guiche, Duc de. See Grammont, Duc de Guilford, 1st Lord, ii. 86, 164, 238 Guilford, 2nd Lord. See North, Lord Guines, Duc de, ii. 210 Guise, Sir William (Gibbon's intimate friend), i. 40, 50, 56, 61, 63, 79, 80, 82, 87, 195 Gunning, Sir Robert, British Envoy at Petersburg, i. 270 *Gustavus III., King of Sweden, ii. 279 H Hague, the, Gibbon at, i. 15 *Hailes, Daniel, ii. 86 *Hales, Sir Philip, i. 250 Hall, James, i. 26 *Hallifax, Sir Thomas, i. 393 *Hamilton, Emma, Lady, i. 74, 214 *Hamilton, Lord Archibald, i. 148 Hamilton, Sir William, British Minister at Naples, i. 74 Hamilton, William Gerard ("Single-Speech"), i. 343; ii. 21, 31, 396 Hammersley's Bank, ii. 303 Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape, R.N., ii. 81, 93 Hampden, Lord, ii. 135 Hampshire Militia, i. 25, 109; Gibbon major in, i. 51; colonel, i. 87; "father" of, i. 346 Hanger, William (Lord Coleraine), i. 146, 148, 310 Hanley, Mrs., ii. 159 Harbord, Hon. Harbord (afterwards Lord Suffield), i. 250, 252 Harcourt, Earl of, i. 9 Harcourt, Mr., i. 232, 233 Hardy, Sir Charles, i. 347; ii. 72 Hare, James, politician and wit ("the Hare and many Friends"), i. 201 Harris, John, Lenborough Estate Agent, i. 95, 127, 165, 167, 170; ii. 104 Harrison, John Butler, Gibbon's opinion of, i. 27 Harrison, Mrs., i. 87 Hartley, David, M.P. for Kingston-upon-Hull, i. 240 Harvey, Stephen, i. 95 Hastings, Marquis of. ii. 396 Hastings, Warren, i. 209, 349; Governor-General of India, ii. 26, 85; his trial, ii. 172; Gibbon dines with, ii. 173 *Hawkins, Sir CÆsar, ii. 393 Hayes, Mrs., i. 21 Hayley, Mrs., i. 399; 11, 14 *Hayley, Thomas, ii. 17 Hayley, William, i. 398; ii. 8, 162; his Essay on Epic Poetry, etc., ii. 17, 21 *Hayti, independence of, ii. 280 *Hazlitt, on Thos. Amory, i. 189 Heathfield, Admiral Lord, his defence of Gibraltar, ii. 25, 27; his Sussex estate, ii. 240 Heberden, Dr. William, called by Dr. Johnson "Ultimus Romanorum," i. 83 HelvÉtius, Claude Adrien, author of De L'Esprit, i. 29 *HÉnault, President, i. 312 Henley, Lord. See Northington, Lord *Henry, Robert, ii. 23 Herbert, Lady Charlotte, ii. 106 *Herbert, General the Hon. W., ii. 375 Herefordshire Militia, and the Bristol riots, ii. 390 *Hertford, Lord, i. 190; ii. 32; interdicts Foote's The Capuchin, i. 265 Hervey, Lady ("Molly Lepel"), i. 21, 29 Hervey, Lady Elizabeth. See Foster, Lady Elizabeth *Hervey, Bishop (of Derry), ii. 388 *Hervey, Lord, the "Sporus" of Pope's Prologue to the Satires, i. 21 Hervey, John Augustus, Lord, Ambassador at Florence, ii. 388 Hesse, Landgrave of, i. 272, 277 Hesse-Rheinfels-Rothenburg, Prince Charles of, ii. 332 *Hill, Dr. G. B., i. 83, 273 Hill, Sir Roger, i. 139; ii. 4 Hillsborough, Lord (Marquis of Downshire), ii. 5 Hobart, Harry, i. 212 Hobson, Mrs. (Miss Comarque and Madame de Bavois), i. 82, 83, 220 *Holcroft, Thomas, ii. 154 Holland, Lady (Lady Mary Fitzpatrick), i. 247 Holland, Lady (Elizabeth Vassall), ii. 257 Holland, 1st Lord, i. 198 Holland, 2nd Lord (Stephen Fox), i. 198, 247 *Holland, 3rd Lord, ii. 257 Holland, Gibbon in, i. 15; fears of war with, i. 348, 353; war with France, ii. 362; "abject state" of, ii. 376 *Holland's Memoirs of the Whig Party quoted, ii. 388 Holmes, Mayor of Newtown, i. 88 *Holmes, Sir Robert, i. 89 Holmet, i. 89 Holroyd, Hon. Maria (afterwards Lady Stanley of Alderley), her letters to Gibbon, ii. 157, 167, 216, 245, 271, 273, 322, 340, 353; Gibbon's letters to, ii. 259-266, 337 Holroyd, Isaac, i. 180, 237 Holroyd, J. B. See Sheffield, Lord Holroyd, John William, i. 160 Holroyd, Miss Sarah M., i. 180, 237, 336, 342, 345 Holroyd, Mrs. (Sheffield's mother). Gibbon's letter to, i. 160 Home, John, author of Douglas, etc., i. 202 *Hood, Lord, ii. 179 Horneck, Captain Charles, i. 207 Horneck, Mrs., i. 207 *Hornsby, William, President of Bombay Council, ii. 85 Horton, Mrs. (Duchess of Cumberland), i. 146, 150, 154 *Hotham, Commodore, i. 349 Howe, Admiral Lord, i. 283, 291, 332; the relief of Gibraltar, ii. 19, 25, 27; First Lord of Admiralty, ii. 86; dock-yards shut to strangers, ii. 173; his search for the French fleet, ii. 397 Howe, General Sir William, his campaign in America, i. 249, 287, 300, 303; his American mission, i. 283, 332; occupies New York, i. 290; captures Fort William, i. 298; captures Philadelphia, i. 323 Howe, Thomas, i. 91 Hugonin, Francis, i. 7, 128, 157, 163-165, 196, 199, 213, 246, 277, 344, 348; ii. 138, 183, 185, 234 Hume, David, i. 8, 22; referred to in Mason's satire, i. 190; his essay on Polygamy and Divorces, i. 202; his *Kingsbergen, Admiral, ii. 247 *Kingston, Duchess of, i. 265, 281 *Kingston, Duke of, i. 265 *Kippis, Dr., ii. 305 Knight, Gowin, i. 18 *Kolbel, Baron, i. 319 *Korff, Baroness de, ii. 254 L *Laborde, M. de, ii. 329 La Brunette, Fort, i. 59 Laclos, FranÇois C. de, ii. 258 *Lacretelle, ii. 326 *Ladbroke, Sir R., i. 201 La Fayette, Marquis de, i. 305; ii. 311, 324, 329 Lake, Miss, Gibbon's landlady in St. James's Place, i. 82, 83 Lally, Comtesse, ii. 274, 284 Lally-Tollendal, M., ii. 19, 211; Burke's opinion of, ii. 274; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 284, 337; his Strafford, ii. 284; at English Court, ii. 285; his opinion of Lord North, ii. 287; his escape to England, ii. 311; at Sheffield Place, ii. 322, 324; his Songe d'un Anglois and Plaidoyer pour Louis XVI., ii. 375; Sheffield's guest in Downing Street, ii. 377 *Lamballe, Prince de, ii. 312 Lamballe, Princesse de, ii. 312, 352 La Motte, i. 34; ii. 283, 293, 328 La Motte Piquet, i. 334 *Langara, Admiral, i. 376 Langer, M., ii. 227 Langlois, Benjamin, M.P. for St. Germains, i. 391 Lansdowne, Lord, ii. 350 Lascelles, Mr., i. 140, 191, 216, 240 Lauderdale, Lord, ii. 297, 320 *Laudohn, Field-Marshal, i. 158 Laurens, Henry, ii. 72 Lausanne, Gibbon at, i. 1-14, 37-55; ii. 74-157, 176-217, 219-223, 227, 241, 246-252, 255, 277-282, 290, 296, 308-319, 322, 325, 331-340, 345-348, 354-361, 369, 377-381 *Lauzun, Duc de (Duc de Biron), ii. 290 Lauzun, Duchesse de (Duchesse de Biron), ii. 289, 324, 333 Lavington, Lady, i. 319, 336 Lavington, Lord, i. 319, 336; ii. 214 Law, Rev. William, author of the Serious Call, i. 7, 398; ii. 218 Lee, Arthur, i. 334 Lee, Captain, i. 89 Lee, General, i. 284, 302 Lee, Mrs., i. 126, 184, 199, 201, 208 Leeds, Duke of, ii. 247, 302, 327 Leigh, Mr., i. 27 *Le Marchant, Sir Denis, i. 91 Lenborough Manor, Gibbon's Bucks estate, i. 69, 186, 384; ii. 64, 81, 83, 93, 96, 112, 124. See also Lovegrove, Mr. Lennox, Lord George H., i. 225, 226, 232 Leopold II., Emperor of Austria, at Pilnitz, ii. 271; his death, ii. 279, 292 *Lepel, General Nicholas, i. 21 Lepel, Molly (Lady Hervey), i. 21, 29 Le Rebours, Postmaster at Pontarlier, ii. 357, 361 Lescure's Correspondence SecrÈte sur Louis XVI., etc., i. 314; Vie de la Princesse de Lamballe, ii. 352 Lessart, Antoine de, Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs, ii. 292 Lessart, M. de, Paris banker, ii. 94, 99 Lethieullier, Benjamin, M.P. for Andover, i. 240, 247 *Lethieullier, Smart, i. 240 Levade, M., ii. 268, 275, 339 *LÉvis, Duc de, ii. 266, 290 Lewisham, Lord, ii. 86 *Leycester, Sir Peter, i. 90 Liancourt, Duc de (Rochefoucault), ii. 324 *Library, Gibbon's, its fate, ii. 300, 301 Lichfield, Earl of, Jacobite leader, i. 34 Ligne, Prince de, ii. 83, 137 *Ligonier, Lord, i. 180 Lincoln, Lord, i. 388 Lisburn, Lord, i. 376 Liskeard, Gibbon M.P. for, i. 229, 234 Liverpool, Lord (Charles Jenkinson), i. 264; Secretary at War, 349; ii. 2; Gibbon's host, ii. 9 Llandaff, Bishop of, i. 240 Lockwood, Mr., i. 134 *Loftus, Rev. Smyth, i. 328 *London Evening Post, i. 130, 180 *Long, Dudley, i. 391 Lonsdale, Earl of (Sir James Lowther), i. 82 Loughborough, Lord. See Rosslyn, Earl of *Louis XV., i. 218 Louis XVI., i. 218, 334; ii. 204, 226, 252; his escape and recapture, ii. 254 et seq., 285, 286, 311, 324; declares war against Francis Joseph, ii. 279; defended by Manuel, ii. 341; his murder, ii. 360, 365, 374; England's mourning for, ii. 374; Lally's Plaidoyer, ii. 375 Louis XVIII., ii. 265 *Louis Philippe, i. 326 *Louvois, Marquis de, ii. 211 *Lovat, Lord, i. 264 Lovegrove, Mr., tenant of Lenborough, i. 186, 201, 205, 207, 210, 235, 239, 261, 286; ii. 84 Lowther, Sir James (Lord Lonsdale), i. 82 Lucan, Earl of, ii. 135, 162, 392 Lucan, Lady, ii. 400 Lucca, the Opera at, i. 66 *Luckner, Baron de, ii. 269 Luff, Mr., i. 138, 167 Luna, Miguel de, i. 243 Luttrell, Colonel, i. 91, 146, 247, 249 *Luxembourg, MarÉchale de, ii. 289 *Luynes, Madame de, i. 314 Lymington, Gibbon M.P. for, i. 387, 400; ii. 1 Lyons, Gibbon at, i. 77 Lyttelton, Lord, i. 65 Lyttleton, Hon. William, i. 273 M Macartney, Lord, i. 220; Governor of Caribbee Islands, i. 369 *Macaulay, Lord, on Sheridan's knowledge of stage-effect, ii. 172 *Mackay, member of Madras Council, i. 362 *Mackenzie, Hon. Stuart, i. 56 Macpherson, James, author of Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands, etc., i. 202; History of Opposition, i. 369 Madras Council, arrest of Lord Pigot, i. 308, 362 Mahrattas insurrection, the, i. 349, 350; peace with, ii. 26 Maine, Sir William, i. 240 *Malden, M. de, ii. 256 Mallet, Arabella. See Williams, Mrs. Mallet (or Malloch), David, author of the ballad William and Margaret,$1, 283; his tragedy Eurydice, i. 19 Mallet, Dorothea. See Celesia, Madame *Mallet du Pan, ii. 318, 329 Mallet, Mrs., i. 31, 34, 315 Malmesbury, James. Earl of, ii. 184; "the audacieux Harris," ii. 300; on Fox, ii. 306; his Diaries and Correspondence quoted, ii. 350, 363 *Malmesbury, Lady, on Duke of Portland, ii. 306; on England's mourning for Louis XVI., ii. 374 Malouet, Victor, ii. 311, 324, 329, 377 Manchester, Duke of, i. 154; ii. 67, 82, 86 Mann, Sir Horace, i. 65 Mansfield, Lord, Royal Marriage Bill, i. 154; Sayer's alleged plot, i. 272; on war with France, i. 339; trial of members of Madras Council, i. 362 Mansfield, 2nd Lord, President of Council under Pitt, i. 333, 383 Manuel, Louis Pierre, ii. 311, 341 Maret, Hugues B. (Duc de Bassano), ii. 367 Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, i. 394 *Marie Antoinette, ii. 203, 285; her letter to Comte de Fersen quoted, ii. 292; her distrust of La Fayette, ii. 329 Marriage Bill, Royal, i. 146, 151, 154 Marseillais, march of the, ii. 293 Martin, Samuel, his duel with Wilkes, i. 50, 51 Marvell, Andrew, i. 284 *Mason's satire, An Heroic Epistle, etc., i. 190 Masquerade, the Soho (Carlisle House), i. 131 Massachusetts Charter Act, i. 329, 331 Massey, Miss, i. 118, 119 Massey, Mrs., i. 352 *Mathews, Henry, Diary of an Invalid, ii. 40; on fate of Gibbon's library, ii. 301 Matthews, Mr., i. 200, 207, 235, 269 Maty, Dr., i. 18, 20; quarrels with Gibbon, i. 21 Mauduit, Isaac, author of Considerations on the Present German War, i. 240, 243, 247 Maury, AbbÉ, ii. 252, 270 Mayence, siege of, ii. 382 Maynard, Mrs., ii. 271-273 Melmoth, William ("Pliny"), i. 326 Meluner, Captain, ii. 375 Melville, Lord. See Dundas, Hon. Henry MÉmoire Justificatif, Gibbon's, i. 371 *MÉmoires LittÉrraires de la Grande Bretagne pour l'An 1767, by Gibbon and Deyverdun, i. 82 Mentrond, M., ii. 267 Mercier, Sebastien, author of Tableau de Paris, ii. 82, 115 *Meredith, Sir W., i. 147 Mesery, M. de, i. 40 Mesery, Madame de, ii. 83 *Michaud, ii. 326 *Michelet, ii. 75 *Middleton, Dr., i. 83 Midleton, Lord, i. 210, 232, 236 Milan, Gibbon at, i. 60 Milbank, Sir Ralph, i. 344 Militia Bill, New, i. 366 Militia, calling out of the, ii. 348 *Millar, Andrew, i. 222 Miller, Anna, Lady, Letters from Italy by an Englishwoman, ii. 2 Miller, Sir John, i. 159 Miller, Sir John Riggs, ii. 2, 8 Miller, Sir Thomas, M.P. for Lewes, i. 240, 247 Milner, Sir William, i. 19 Milton, Lord (afterwards Earl of Dorchester), i. 139; ii. 350 *Ministerial Club, the, i. 84 *Minto, Earl of, ii. 25 Mirabeau, Marquis de, i. 35; his La Monarchie Prussienne, ii. 192; a king's dowry, ii. 203; his "corps," ii. 269; and M. de Narbonne, ii. 292; his description of Lord Malmesbury, ii. 300 *Miscellaneous Works, Gibbon's, referred to, i. 20, 84, 375; ii. 87, 400 Moira, Lord (afterwards Marquis of Hastings), ii. 396 Molesworth, Sir J., i. 273 Molyneux, Lord, ii. 262 Monciel, Terrier de, ii. 329 Monkeith, Mr., i. 168 Mont Cenis, i. 55 Montagny, M. de, i. 61; ii. 195, 203, 229 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, Gibbon's opinions of her Letters, i. 53 *Montagu, Wortley, i. 6 *Montague, Mrs., i. 294 *Montconseil, Marquis de, ii. 211 Montesquieu, his invasion of Savoy, ii. 314, 315-317, 322, 326; escapes from arrest, ii. 345; report of the Diplomatic Committee on, ii. 346 *Montgomery, General, i. 275 Montolieu, Madame de, ii. 43, 154 Montolieu, M. de, ii. 43 *Moore, Dr. John, Archbishop of Canterbury, ii. 397 *Moore's Memoirs of Sheridan, ii. 172 *Mordaunt, Hon. and Rev. George, i. 19 *More, Hannah, ii. 75 *Morning Chronicle cited, i. 212; ii. 91, 172, 351 Morning Post, i. 291 *Mortimer-Ternaux, his Histoire de la Terreur quoted, ii. 352 Moss, Mrs., ii. 167, 249, 295, 300, 321, 331, 343 *Mouchy, MarÉchal de, ii. 329 *Moultou, Pastor, i. 41 Mounier, J. Joseph, ii. 211, 274 Mountstuart, Lord, i. 56 Mouschkin Pouschkin, i. 227 *Moustier, M. de, ii. 256 Mulgrave, Lord, i. 376 *Munro, Sir Hector, i. 349 *Murphy's Grecian Daughter, ii. 29 Murray, John, Resident at Venice, and Ambassador at Constantinople, i. 76 *Mutiny Bill, the, ii. 95, 101 *Mysore, third war in, ii. 276 N Naijeiraud, ii. 367 Napier, Sir Gerard, i. 25 Naples, Gibbon at, i. 72 *Napoleon Bonaparte, Essai sur l'Histoire de la Corse, ii. 75 Narbonne-Lara, Comte de, ii. 292, 347, 375 Nassau, Madame de, ii. 43, 266 Nassau-Siegen, Prince of, ii. 265 National Assembly, the, ii. 279, 280; and English Nonconformists, ii. 305 Necker, Jacques, i. 41, 81; Directeur GÉnÉral, i. 304; ii. 115; Mrs. Mallet's resentment, i. 316; "no sign of jealousy," i. 320; his Administration des Finances, ii. 115, 128; and the States-General, ii. 181; ordered to quit France, ii. 204; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 237; his treatise, ii. 251; North's opinion of, ii. 287; his defence of the king, ii. 334, 347, 370; warmly attached to England, ii. 373 Necker, Louis (Germanie, M. de), i. 291 Necker, Madame (Suzanne Curchod), Gibbon engaged to, i. 40, 41; her description of Gibbon's visit, i. 81; Gibbon's friendship for, i. 281, 283, 306, 312; Mrs. Gibbon's suspicions, i. 306; at Lausanne, ii. 111, 115, 116, 122; Gibbon at Geneva with, ii. 291; Montesquieu's surprise visit to, ii. 345 Neville, Mr., i. 28, 30, 370 New Monthly Magazine, ii. 301 New River Share, the, i. 100, 167, 168, 335, 344; ii. 190 *Newcastle, Duke of, i. 50 Newhaven Estate (Meeching Farm), Gibbon's, ii. 218, 235, 240, 242, 244, 250 Newton, Mr., Gibbon's solicitor, i. 127, 132, 169, 205-207, 227, 261, 269; ii. 113, 127, 139, 146 Nicholls, Mr., ii. 169, 171 *Nichols' Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century quoted, i. 7, 263 Nichols, John, ii. 301, 313, 314, 328 Nicol, George, ii. 359, 374 Nivernois, Duc de, i. 31, 314; ii. 375 "No Popery" riots, the, i. 380-382 *Noailles, Comte Charles de, ii. 329 Noailles, Comtesse Charles de, ii. 329 Noailles, Marquis de, French Ambassador, i. 305, 333; ii. 259 Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club, The, i. 200, 283 Nonconformists and the American war, i. 271; relief from Sacramental test demanded, i. 373; their sympathy with the French Revolution, ii. 305, 320; and Pitt, ii. 305, 320 *North Briton, the, i. 50, 91 *North, Lady, ii. 4 *North, Lady Anne, ii. 198 North, Lord, Prime Minister, i. 112; his opponent BarrÉ, i. 145; his support of Church, i. 148; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 151; his somnolence, i. 173; proposed reconstitution of E. I. Co., i. 184; Boston Port Bill, i. 206, 208; conciliation for America, i. 250, 251, 271, 324, 329, 331; Gibbon's opinion of, i. 255; ii. 82, 87; his illness, i. 303; on Irish trade, i. 338, 373; on Sussex Militia, i. 341; his windows broken by mob, i. 356; Madras Council prosecution, i. 362; the Militia Bill, i. 366; on Burke's Establishment Bill speech, i. 376; a seat for Gibbon, i. 387; at Bushey, ii. 4; Sheffield's guest in Downing Street, ii. 11; resigns office, ii. 12; "balance of the country in his hands," ii. 21; Warden of Cinque Ports, ii. 23; Gibbon's attachment to, ii. 28; union with Fox and Rockingham, ii. 32; Secretary of State, ii. 34; eulogised in preface to Decline and Fall, ii. 170; succeeds to Earldom of Guilford, ii. 238; his kindness to Lally, ii. 285, 287; his death, ii. 311 North, Major Frank, ii. 238, 244 Northington, Lord, i. 142; ii. 34, 60, 135, 136 *Northumberland, Duke of, i. 82 Northumberland Militia and the Gordon Riots, i. 381; ii. 28 Norton, Sir Fletcher (Speaker), i. 238 *Notes and Queries, ii. 301 Nott, Mr., ii. 262 Nottingham, Countess of, and Lord Essex's ring, i. 276 Nowell, Rev. Dr., i. 151 Nugent, Lieut.-Colonel, i. 132 Nuneham, Lord (Earl of Harcourt), i. 9 O Ochs, M., ii. 262 *Oglander, Sir J., i. 90 *Oliver, Alderman Richard, i. 130 *Oliver, Lieut.-Governor Andrew (Massachusetts), i. 205, 240, 243 Oliver, Mr., i. 177 Onslow, Mr. and Mrs., i. 83 Orford, Lord. See Walpole, Horace Oriel, Lord (John Foster), i. 200, 261, 269; ii. 136 Origines GuelficÆ, ii. 227 Osborne, Sir George, i. 91 Ossory, Earl of, i. 27, 274, 296, 333, 373 Ostervald, Madame, ii. 79 Oude, Sujah Dowlah, Nawab of, i. 187, 209 P Pache, Jean Nicolas (Mayor of Paris), ii. 368 Palliser, Sir Hugh, his charges against Admiral Keppel, i. 349, 356, 357 Palmer, Mr., arbitrator in Lenborough dispute, i. 205, 207 Palmerston, Lord (father of Prime Minister), i. 50; member of the Catch Club, i. 283 *Panin, M., Russian Foreign Minister, i. 270 Pantheon, the, The Pantheon Rupture, etc., i. 146; Boodle's masquerade at, i. 212, 215 Paris, Gibbon in, i. 28-36, 311-320; Treaty of, i. 28; Gibbon's opinion of, i. 317 *Parker, George Lane, i. 90 Parsons, Sir William, i. 204 Pascal, a parallel between his and Gibbon's writings, ii. 396 Patton, Miss Dorothea. See Gibbon, Mrs. (stepmother) Patton, W., i. 30, 51, 169 Pavillard, M., Gibbon's tutor, etc., at Lausanne, i. 1 et seq., 40; his description of Gibbon, i. 2 *Payba, Abraham, i. 6 Payne, Lady. See Lavington, Lady Payne, Sir R. See Lavington, Lord Peachy, Lady, i. 162 Peachy, Sir James, i. 162, 234 Pearson, General Sir Richard, i. 397 Pechell, Master in Chancery, i. 102 Pelham of Stanmer, Lord (Earl of Chichester), i. 200 Pelham, Thomas (2nd Earl of Chichester), ii. 60 *Pembroke, Earl of, ii. 375 Pembroke, Lady, ii. 106, 110 *PenthiÈvre, Duc de, i. 326 *Percy's Reliques quoted, i. 284 *Peterborough, Earl of, i. 19 Petier, M., ii. 258 *Petit Manin, ii. 351 Philadelphia, capture of, i. 323 Pigot, Admiral, i. 362; ii. 16 Pigot, Lord, Governor of Madras, i. 308, 362 Pigott, Charles, The Jockey Club; or, A Sketch of the Manners of the Age, ii. 297 Pilnitz, meeting of King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria at, ii. 271 Pitman, Mr., i. 197, 267 Pitt, General, i. 247 Pitt, George (Lord Rivers), i. 54, 56 *Pitt, Lady Harriet, ii. 22 Pitt, Mrs., i. 247 *Pitt, Thomas, M.P. for Old Sarum, ii. 32 Pitt, William, i. 45, 50; and the Stamp Act, i. 84, 85; Chancellor of Exchequer, ii. 19; Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 28, 127; resigns office, ii. 34; Prime Minister, ii. 86, 97; suggested union with Fox, ii. 92, 306, 307, 330; his moderation, ii. 96; his silence, ii. 97; waning popularity, ii. 136; scheme for Irish trade, ii. 137; "the Hero of the day," ii. 162; Fox's opinion of, ii. 180; the Regency Bill, ii. 181; Ellis' lines in Rolliad on, ii. 184; a desperate plunge, ii. 226; Corn Regulation Bill, ii. 239, 245; on war with Russia, ii. 247, 249; French view of, ii. 286; Abolition of Slave Trade, ii. 294; the representative system, ii. 297; supported by Whigs, ii. 305; his rumoured Plan of Reform, ii. 330; meets Gibbon at Eden Farm, ii. 398 Poix, Prince de, ii. 329, 377 *Poix, Princesse de, i. 314; ii. 334 Poland, partition of, i. 158 *Poland, Stanislaus Poniatowski, King of, i. 29, 158 Polier, Colonel, ii. 43, 370 Polignac, Duchesse de, ii. 203 *Polignac, Prince de, ii. 204 *Pompadour, Madame de, i. 313 Ponsonby, William, Lord, i. 65 Porchester, Lord (afterwards Earl of Carnarvon), ii. 375 Porten, James, i. 2, 7, 101, 124 Porten, Lady (Mary Wibault), i. 220, 246, 250 Porten, Miss Catherine (Gibbon's aunt), i. 2, 17, 182, 220, 235, 241, 288, 304; ii. 1, 18, 21, 69, 82, 91, 121, 144; Gibbon's letters to, i. 2, 5 Porten, Miss Charlotte, ii. 201, 221 Porten, Miss Judith. See Gibbon, Mrs. (mother) Porten, Sir Stanier (Gibbon's uncle), i. 177, 204, 220, 246, 250, 266; ii. 10, 201 Porteous, Dr. Beilby (Bishop of London), i. 285 *Porter, General, M.P. for Stockbridge, i. 149 Portland, Duke of, i. 231; ii. 18, 34, 305; Lady Malmesbury's opinion of, ii. 306; Lord Sheffield's host at Bulstrode, ii. 329; on Fox's conduct, ii. 351; supports Alien Bill, ii. 363; enthralled by Fox, ii. 367, 368 Pouschkin, Mouschkin, Russian Ambassador in London, i. 227 *Powell, Harcourt, M.P. for Newtown, i. 89 Powell, Mr., his offer to pay Fox's debts, i. 198 *Powney, Portlock, M.P. for Windsor, i. 388 *Powys, M.P. for Northamptonshire, i. 331; ii. 97 Poyntz, Mrs., i. 33 *Poyntz, Stephen, i. 33 *Pratt, Lord Chief Justice, i. 51 PrevÔt, Lieut.-Colonel, i. 81 PrevÔt, Madame, i. 81 Price, Dr. Richard, ii. 210; Chairman of the Revolution Society, ii. 305 *Priestley, Dr., ii. 210, 305 Provence, Comte de (Louis XVIII.), ii. 265 Prowse, Mr., i. 33 Prussia, Prince Henry of, ii. 5, 111, 115-117 Prussia, King Frederick William of, his meeting with Emperor of Austria at Pilnitz, ii. 271 *Public Advertiser, Letters of Junius first published in, i. 108; Woodfall assistant editor of, ii. 91 Pully, Mademoiselle de, ii. 324 Putney Writings, the, i. 93, 106 Q Quebec Bill, i. 256 R *Rae, Fraser, ii. 172 Ragobat or Ragonant RÁo, i. 349, 350 Ranelagh Gardens, i. 89 *Ranelagh, Lord, i. 89 Ravaud, Mrs., ii. 2, 8 *Ravensworth, Lord, i. 27 Raynal, AbbÉ, ii. 75, 82, 111, 115 *RÉaux, Taboureau des, i. 304 *Redding, Cyrus, Recollections of the Author of Vathek, ii. 301 *Rees, Dr., ii. 305 *Reeves, Mr., ii. 349 *Regency Bill, ii. 181, 306 Remonstrance Debate, the, i. 113 Rennell, Major James, ii, 212, 226 Revenue Returns (1798), ii. 276, 288 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Queen of Denmark's portrait, i. 143; Colonel BarrÉ's, i. 145; Mrs. Bonfoy's, i. 189; Gibbon's companion, i. 191; ii. 24, 162; Goldsmith's epitaph, i. 202; a friend of Eliot, i. 273; Gibbon's portrait, i. 364; ii. 114; Lord Sheffield's, ii. 212, 214, 216; his death, ii. 311 Rhodes, Mr., ii. 224 Richardson, Mr., and S. Sayer's arrest, i. 272 Richmond, Duke of, his reception of Gibbon at Paris Embassy, i. 30, 32, 35; his influence in Sussex, i. 225; at Madame du Deffand's, i. 312; his popularity in Paris, i. 316; his slight skirmishes with Gibbon, i. 317; in Sussex Militia, i. 336, 342; Master-General of Ordnance, ii. 13, 18, 86, 374; his house burnt, ii. 275; on French affairs, ii. 286; the Pitt-Fox union, ii. 307; his kindness to Madame de Biron, ii. 334 Ridley, Major, i. 81 *Ridley, Sir Matthew, i. 81 *Ridotto al fresco, i. 114, 124 *Rivarol, ii. 330 Rivers, Lord (George Pitt), i. 54, 56 Roach, Miss, i. 16 Roberts, Mr., i. 201 Robertson, William, author of History of Scotland, etc., ii. 132, 190, 292 *Robespierre, ii. 256, 311 Roche, Captain David, his quarrel with Lieut. Ferguson, i. 209 Rochefoucault-Liancourt, Duc de, ii. 324 Rochford, Lord, i. 272 Rockingham, Lord. ii. 13, 17 Rodney, Admiral Sir George, i. 91; defeats French at Cape St. Vincent, i. 376; M.P. for Westminster, i. 388; defeats French in West Indies, ii. 16 *Rogers, John, i. 69 *Rogers, Thomas, i. 393 *Roland, Madame, ii. 252 Roman Catholic Relief Bill (Ireland), ii. 115, 320 Romans Club, the, i. 89 Romanzov, Count Nicholas, ii. 266, 269 Romanzow, Peter A., 223, 227 Romberg, Messrs., of Ostend, ii. 191 Rome, Gibbon at, i. 66-72, 74 Ross, Sir John, i. 369 Rosset, M., ii. 283, 293, 328 Rosslyn, Earl of (Solicitor-General Wedderburn), i. 173; his defense of E. I. Co., i. 185; "artful and able," i. 240; his speech on America, i. 249; an agreeable companion, i. 302; on war with France, i. 339; Attorney-General, i. 347; Madras Council prosecution, i. 362; his kindness to Gibbon, i. 365; ii. 82, 91, 163; on war with Spain, i. 377; L. C. J. of Common Pleas, i. 387; and Mrs. Abington, ii. 4; "places are cheaper than mackerel," ii. 19; his second marriage, ii. 24; his Irish expedition, ii. 30; Lally a favourite of, ii. 274, 285; suggested Pitt-Fox coalition, ii. 306, 351; Lord Chancellor, ii. 344, 351, 367, 368; Gibbon's letter of congratulations, ii. 372; Gibbon's last visit to, ii. 397 Rotombeau, ii. 351, 353 Rous, Lady, i. 171, 173-175 *Rous, Sir John, i. 171 Rousseau, J. J., i. 41; ii. 261, 289; his Lettres de la Montague, ii. 318 *Rowe's Jane Shore, ii. 29 *Royal Foresters, the, i. 87 Royal Marriage Bill, the, i. 146, 151, 154 Royal Society, Gibbon a member of the, ii. 187 *Rumbold, Sir Thomas, President of Madras Council, ii. 85 Rumford, Count of (Sir Benjamin Thompson), ii. 72 Russell, Lady, i. 282 Russell, Sir John, i. 191, 196, 216, 218, 282; ii. 65 Russia, peace signed between Turkey and, i. 223; probability of war with, ii. 247; rupture with France, ii. 280 Russian mercenaries, proposed hire of, i. 270, 272 *Rutland, Duke of, ii. 86, 115 S Sackville, Lord (Lord George Germain), i. 198, 226, 240, 249, 296; Colonial Secretary, i. 278; his hope, i. 290; his wife's death, i. 328; Fox's censure, i. 333; his windows broken by mob, i. 356 Sainsbury, Mr., ii. 189, 199, 224, 233 St. Cierge, Madame de, ii. 43 St. Domingo, insurrection in Island of, ii. 280 *St. John, Sir H. Paulet, i. 142 *St. Omer, Bishop of, ii. 266 *St. Pierre, Bernardin de, ii. 75 St. Vincent, Earl, ii. 396 Sainte Croix, Bigot de, ii. 329 Salms, Princesse de, ii. 267 Sandwich, Lord, i. 356, 357; Lord of the Admiralty, ii. 374 *Sardinia, Charles Emanuel III., King of, i. 58; Victor Amadeus III., King of, ii. 265, 312, 315, 319 *Saville, Sir George, i. 375 Savoy, French invasion of, ii. 314 *Saxe-Teschen, Duke of, ii. 137 Sayer, Stephen, i. 272 *Scawen, Captain, i. 207 *Scholl, Dr., ii. 301 Schomberg, Count de, ii. 223 *Scindiah, i. 350 Scott, George, i. 130, 372, 393 Scott, James, Gibbon's intimacy with, i. 99-101; his death, i. 177; Gibbon's letters to, i. 82, 92, 115-117, 119, 126, 159, 161 *Scott, Sir Walter, his address to George Ellis in Marmion, ii. 184 Seeker, Archbishop, i. 285 *Selwyn, George, his Correspondence quoted, i. 29, 58, 82, 343, 347, 356, 388 SeptchÊnes, Le Clerc de, translates part of Decline and Fall, i. 296 Serle's Coffee-House, i. 218 Servan, Joseph, ii. 315, 332, 368 Severy, Wilhelm de, ii. 162, 163, 165, 172, 176, 199, 206, 242, 287, 303, 316, 336, 358, 366, 369 Severy, Madame de, ii. 43, 178, 222, 335, 369 SÉvignÉ, Madame de, i. 260 Shakespeare, Voltaire protests against French translation of, i. 294; Boydell's edition of, ii. 276 Sharrock, Captain Robert, i. 26 Sheffield, Lady (Miss Abigail Way), i. 85, 139; Gibbon's letters to, i. 241, 262, 301, 363, 386, 392; ii. 5, 11, 26, 65, 77, 115, 166, 168, 169, 335; her death, ii. 377 Sheffield, Lord (J. B. Holroyd), subjects of Gibbon's letters to:— Borromcan Islands, i. 57; amusements at Turin, i. 58; Gibbon's snuff-box, ibid.; Milan, i. 60; the Neckers, i. 81, 282, 305, 312; ii. 236, 251, 291, 345; Sheffield's marriage, i. 85; Gibbon's father's illness and death, i. 86, 115, 117; "Farmer Gibbon," i. 138; Denmark Revolution i. 144, 146, 149; "Datch," i. 145; the Pantheon, i. 146, 215; Parliament and the Thirty-nine Articles, i. 147; Royal Marriage Bill, i. 151; Dr. Nowell's sermon, ibid.; a sprained ankle, i. 161; Beriton, i. 164, 167, 196, 247, 344; ii. 6, 182 et seq., 222, 227; Lenborough, i. 165, 186, 205-207, 269, 296, 332, 335; ii. 64, 81, 83, 96, 112, 124; the New River Share, i. 167, 168, 335, 344; ii. 190; Lord North's somnolence, i. 173; ii. 24; the E. I. Co., i. 184, 186; ii. 85; Hume: W. Robertson, i. 190; Deyverdun, i. 191, 255; ii. 74-157 passim, 176, 178, 191, 194; Lord Holland and Fox's debts, i. 198; British Coffee-House, i. 201; Boston Port Bill, i. 206, 208; Mrs. Horneck, i. 207; Sujah Dowlah, i. 209; war with Spain, i. 212, 344; Boodle's masquerade at Pantheon, i. 215; Godfrey Clarke's illness, i. 223, 227, 239; Lord Sheffield and Sussex, i. 225, 232; Romanzow and Pouschkin, i. 227; offer of a seat, i. 229; Sheffield's withdrawal, i. 233; Gibbon M.P. for Liskeard, i. 234; Clive's death, i. 238; debate on Address, i. 240; troubles with America (see America); de Luna's book, i. 243; Decline and Fall, i. 263, 264, 277, 285, 361; ii. 151, 187; Spain and Barbary, i. 265; proposed hire of Russian mercenaries, i. 270; Sayer's arrest, i. 272; Hon. John Damer, i. 287; Howe's proclamation, i. 291; La Fayette in Paris, i. 305; Lord Pigot, i. 308, 362; Madame du Deffand, i. 312; Paris and the Parisians, i. 313, 317; Duke of Richmond, i. 317; Princesse de Beauvau, i. 319; Gibbon's gout, i. 321, 322; ii. 163-165, 215, 221, 233; Saratoga, i. 324; France and America, i. 333; the French fleet, i. 337, 338, 343, 347, 363; Admiral Keppel, i. 339; Tickell's Anticipation, i. 348; troubles in India, i. 349, 350, 357; Palliser and Keppel, i. 356; Militia Bill, i. 366; Macartney captured by French, i. 369; rumours of Civil War, i. 375; the Sussex protest, ibid.; Burke's Establishment Bill, i. 376; Rodney and the Spanish fleet, i. 376; the Sussex Dragoons, i. 384; ii. 23; Gibbon M.P. for Lymington, i. 387; the Coventry sheriffs, i. 393; Mrs. Abington, ii. 4; ships to warn West Indian fleet, ii. 5; list of new ministry (1782). ii. 19; Hyder Ali, ii. 19, 26; Lord Howe and Gibraltar, ii. 19, 20, 25; Lord Loughborough's marriage, ii. 24; Fox and American Independence, ii. 25; Lord Sheffield's Coventry speech, ii. 32; Gibbon's Lausanne scheme, ii. 56 et seq.; the custody of Gibbon's books, ii. 60, 62, 63, 149; an odd peace, ii. 67; the Triumvirate from Dover to Boulogne, ii. 72; Sheffield's Observations on the Commerce of the American States, ii. 73, 82, 148; Gibbon at Lausanne, ii. 74-157, 176-252, 255, 277-380 passim; AbbÉ Raynal, ii. 75, 82; Lady E. Foster, ii. 81; Fox and his India Bills, ii. 86; Gibbon's opinion of North, ii. 87; Miss Hester Gibbon, "the Northamptonshire Saint," ii. 91, 185, 187, 190, 193; Loughborough's kindness, ii. 91; Miss Frith's scissors, ii. 91, 97; Coalition Cabinet, ii. 92; "prudence and patriotism," ii. 93; Gibbon's hopes of compensation, ii. 101; "Fox's Martyrs," ii. 102; a free-spoken counsellor, ii. 103; ways and means, ii. 104, 110, 113, 127, 138, 146, 182-258 passim, 280, 281, 290, 300, 312, 360; Mrs. Fraser, ii. 105; society at Lausanne, ii. 111, 124, 135; Pitt's popularity on Continent, ii. 127; Sheffield's Observations, etc., on Ireland, ii. 128; Gibbon's reported death, ii. 132; Achilles Pitt and Hector Fox, ii. 136; Joseph IGibbon's loneliness, ii. 215; Reynolds' portrait of Sheffield, ii. 216; happy though unmarried, ii. 220; Aunt Hester's death, ii. 222; the Newhaven property, ii. 235, 242; Burke's French Revolution, ii. 237; Gibbon's hospitality at Lausanne, ii. 242; Louis XVI., ii. 255, 360; the Sheffields' visit to Lausanne, ii. 277; improvements in house and garden, ii. 278; peace or war, ii. 279; the St. Domingo insurrection, ii. 280; Madame de StaËl and her father, ii. 292; march of the Marseillais, ii. 293; the "Friends of the People," ii. 295; Austrian Croats and Gallic cannibals, ii. 296; fate of the Gibbonian collection, ii. 301; Brunswick's march on Paris, ii. 311; Madame de Lamballe's murder, ii. 312; French invasion of Savoy, ii. 315; Geneva threatened, ii. 317, 322; preparations for flight, ii. 319; fears of siege removed, ii. 326; Mr. Nichols, ii. 328; treaty with France delayed, ii. 331, 345; the Gallic dogs, ii. 333; Montesquieu and the Neckers, ii. 345; Brunswick's retreat, ii. 346; BarthÉlemy, ii. 355; Geneva Revolution, ii. 355, 370; Fox deeply tinged with democracy, ii. 356; Gibbon's proposed return to England, ii. 357, 371, 379; plan of work, ii. 359; de Severy's death, ii. 369; Lady Sheffield's death, ii. 377; siege of Mayence, ii. 382; Lord Hervey's Memorial, ii. 388; the Althorpe library, ii. 392; Gibbon's serious illness, ii. 393-395; at Eden Farm, ii. 398. His letters to Gibbon, ii. 217, 224, 232, 238, 239, 243, 245, 253, 254, 256-258, 268, 272, 274, 275, 283, 294, 295, 302, 304, 319, 328, 343, 348, 350, 361, 367, 368, 373, 376, 382, 395; his pamphlets mentioned: Observations on the Commerce of the American States, ii. 72, 82, 148; — on the Manufactures, Trade, and Present State of Ireland, ii. 128; — on the French Treaty and Commerce, ii. 148; — on the Project for Abolishing the Slave Trade, ii. 217; — on the Corn Bill now depending in Parliament, ii. 239 Shelburne, Earl, i. 26, 373; Secretary of State, ii. 14, 17; Prime Minister, ii. 19, 25; resigns, ii. 33 Shelley, Sir John, i. 351 Shelley, Lady, ii. 31 Shelly, Mrs., ii. 386 Sheridan, i. 333; his speech on Begums of Oude, ii. 172; lines on Lord Glenbervie, ii. 180; "Friends of the People," ii. 297 Siddons, Mrs., Gibbon's opinion of, ii. 29 Sidney, Mr., i. 40 *Simolin, M., ii. 254 *Simpson, Mrs. J. Bridgman, i. 153 Sivrac, Duchesse de, ii. 111 Skipwith, Mr. (Gibbon's co-executor of Clarke's will), i. 239, 244, 245, 254 Slave Trade, Abolition of, ii. 239, 294 *Sloane, Sir Hans, i. 29, 89 *Smith, General, ii. 85 *Smithson, Sir Hugh (Duke of Northumberland), i. 82 Smyrna Coffee House, i. 19 Soho masquerade, the (Carlisle House), i. 131 *Southerne's tragedy of The Fatal Marriage, ii. 29 Southouse, Mr., Gibbon's solicitor, i. 93, 95, 96, 98, 102, 103, 127 *Southwell, Lord, i. 6 Spain, troubles with, i. 212, 344; Expedition v. Barbary, i. 265; Rodney's defeat of Spanish fleet, i. 376; war with France, i. 362; convention between England and, ii. 226 Speed, Miss Harriet (Comtesse de Viry), i. 314, 316 Spencer, Lady, i. 33, 370; ii. 300, 310, 312, 400 Spencer, Lady Diana. See Bolingbroke, Lady, and Beauclerk, Lady Diana Spencer Lady Elizabeth (Lady Pembroke), ii. 106, 110 Spencer, Lord, i. 33; ii. 135, 187, 305 Spencer, Lord Charles, i. 376 *Spencer, Lord R., i. 366 *Spring Gardens, Vauxhall, i. 114 StaËl-Holstein, Baron de, ii. 292 StaËl-Holstein, Madame de, i. 41, 115, 291, 292; escapes from Paris, ii. 311; birth of her sons, ii. 319, 347; rescues Princesse d'HÉnin, ii. 324; Miss Burney on, at Dorking, ii. 375; Lord Sheffield's guest, ii. 377 Stafford, Marquis of, ii. 306 Stamford, Lord, i. 254 *Stamp Act, the i. 84 *Standish, Sir Frank, i. 90 *Stanhope, Mrs. Eugenia, i. 195 Stanhope, Philip (Lord Chesterfield's son), i. 188, 191, 195 *Stanislaus Poniatowski, King of Poland, i. 29, 158 Stanley, Lord, his FÊte ChampÊtre, i. 219 Stanley, Rt. Hon. Hans, i. 29, 44, 148 *States-General, meeting of the, ii. 279 Stawell, Lord, ii. 26, 175, 182, 189, 199 *Steward, Colonel, i. 398 Steward, Mr., i. 18 Storer, Anthony Morris, i. 207; ii. 67, 86, 87 Stormont, Lord (2nd Lord Mansfield), i. 314, 333, 371; President of Council, ii. 34, 305 Strahan, William, printer to His Majesty, i. 222, 263, 279 Strange, Lord, i. 90 Strathmore, Lord, ii. 276 Stratton, member of Madras Council, i. 362 *Strode, William, i. 89, 90 *Struensee, Dr., i. 143 Stuart, Andrew, M.P. for Lanarkshire, i. 366 Stuart, Gilbert, View of Society in Europe, etc., ii. 22 Stuart, Mrs., ii. 11 Stuart, Sir Simeon, i. 84, 92, 105, 112 *Sturm's Religious Meditations, etc., i. 181 Suard, J. B. Antoine, translates Decline and Fall, i. 292 Suess, George, Gibbon's valet, ii. 49 Suffield, Lord, i. 250, 252 Sujah Dowlah, Nawab of Oude, i. 187, 209 Sulens, Mdlle., ii. 43 Sussex Militia, i. 336, 340, 361 Sutton, Sir Richard, i. 260 *Sweden, Gustavus III., King of, ii. 279 Swiss Guard massacred in Paris, ii. 312, 322, 355 Swiss Militia, i. 38 Sylva, Madame de, ii. 388, 400 Sydney, Lord (Tommy Townshend), i. 151, 210; ii. 19, 86 T Taaffe, i. 6, 35 *Taboureau des RÉaux, i. 304 *Talleyrand, ii. 292, 326 *Tandy, Napper, ii. 115 *Tanjore, Rajah of, i. 209, 308 *Tankerville, Earl of, i. 67 Tavistock, Marquis of, i. 27 Temple, Lord, i. 50, 185-187; ii. 19; the "stormy petrel" of politics, ii. 86 Tessier, M., i. 278 Theodore, Charles, Elector of Bavaria, ii. 265 *Thiars, Comte de, ii. 324 *Thiers, M., ii. 326 Thomas, Dr., i. 223, 224, 241 Thompson, Sir Benjamin (Count of Rumford), ii. 72 Thompson, Sir Charles, i. 261 Thurlow, Lord, Attorney General, i. 173; Lord Chancellor, i. 341; ii. 13, 86; dismissed, ii. 306 Tickell, Richard, on Gibbon's snuff-box i. 58; his pamphlet Anticipation, i. 341; on Brooks's Club, i. 376 Tippoo (Hyder Ali's son), ii. 19; defeated by Cornwallis, ii. 276 Tissot, Dr. Simon AndrÉ, ii. 77, 105, 108, 115, 130, 179 Titchfield, Marquis of, ii. 363 Tollemache, Hon. W., i. 386 Tonyn, Governor of Florida, i. 300 *Toussaint d'Ouverture, ii. 75 *Towers, Dr., ii. 305 Townley, Colonel, i. 148 *Townshend, C., i. 347 Townshend, Hon. John, i. 58, 376; ii. 18, 19, 179 Townshend, Lord, duel with Lord Bellamont, i. 180; Master of Ordnance, ii. 34; on Coalition Ministry, ii. 34 Townshend, Thomas. See Sydney, Lord Trade and Plantations. See Board of Trade Trajan's Pillar, i. 67 Tremlet, Life of Almanzor, i. 238, 243 Trevor, Mrs., i. 361; ii. 148, 153, 279, 284 Trevor, Hon. John Hampden, ii. 135, 274, 279, 294 *Truguet, Admiral, ii. 314 Tryon, Governor, i. 284 *Turgot, M., i. 304 Turin, Gibbon at, i. 55 Turton, Dr. John, attends Goldsmith, i. 16; Gibbon, i. 114, 150, 371, 378; Godfrey Clarke, i. 224 *Tyers, Jonathan, i. 114 Tylney, Lord, i. 60 Tyrconnell, Countess of, ii. 275 *Tyrconnell, Earl of, ii. 275 Tyrone, Lord, ii. 112 U *Unitarian Society, the, ii. 305 *Ushant, battle of, i. 349 V *Vallant, Paul, ii. 60 *Valmy, Duc de (F. C. de Kellerman), ii. 319 *Valory, M. de, ii. 256 Van Berchem, ii. 370 *Vanbrugh's The Provoked Wife, i. 19; The Provoked Husband, etc., i. 366; ii. 29 Vassall, Elizabeth (Lady Holland), ii. 257 Vaucluse, Mdlle. de, i. 20 Venice, Gibbon at, i. 75 *Vergennes, M. de, i. 334 Verney, Earl, i. 126, 167, 170, 332 Vernon, Mr., i. 149 Versailles, Peace of, ii. 67 *Victor Amadeus III. of Sardinia, ii. 265 Viry, Count de, Foreign Secretary to King of Sardinia, i. 56, 314 Viry, Countess de, i. 314, 316 Voltaire, at les DÉlices, near Geneva, i. 5; at Ferney, i. 43; Gibbon on his acting, i. 43; his financial difficulties, i. 91; protests against French translation of Shakespeare, i. 294; quotation from his MÉlanges de PoÉsies, ii. 154; his death, ii. 258 *Volunteer movement, the, i. 373 W Waldegrave, Lady, i. 131, 146, 154 *Waldegrave, Lord, i. 146 Wales, Prince of (George IV.), ii. 97, 150, 173, 181, 368 *Wales, Princess Dowager of, i. 143, 149 Walpole, Horace (Lord Orford), his writings quoted on "The Seven Years' War," i. 14; Madame Geoffrin, i. 29; Duke of Bedford's temper, i. 30; Lord Lichfield and the Jacobites, i. 34; correspondence with Sir H. Mann, i. 65; ii. 16; Mrs. Cornelys, i. 131; the Pantheon, i. 146; Lord Chesterfield's Letters, i. 195; Kelly's School of Wives, i. 199; Colman's The Man of Business, i. 202; Louis XV.'s daughters, i. 218; N. America, i. 231; America: Ireland—Journal of Reign of George III., i. 271; ii. 68; the story of Essex's ring, i. 276; Tessier's acting, i. 278; Mrs. Damer, i. 287; introduces Gibbon to Madame du Deffand, i. 312; American privateers, i. 317; Lord North and America, i. 329; Admiral Keppel, i. 340, 343; on Gibbon's Vindication, i. 355; his quarrel with Gibbon, i. 396; Lady Miller, ii. 2; combined French and Spanish fleets, ii. 5; Lady E. Foster, ii. 15; on Rodney's defeat of Comte de Grasse, ii. 16; Fox's library, ii. 68; Sheridan, ii. 172; peace with Spain, ii. 226; Necker's fall, ii. 236; Gibbon's admiration for Burke, ii. 237; Essay on Modern Gardening, ii. 375 *Walpole, Sir Edward, i. 146 *Walsingham, Lord, i. 387 *Warburton, General, i. 65 Ward, Colonel, i. 258 Ward, Dr., i. 8 *Waring, Walter, i. 375 Warkworth, Lord, i. 82 *Warren, Admiral Sir Peter, i. 90 Warren, Miss (Countess of Abingdon), i. 90 Warren, Sir George, i. 301 Warton, his picture of Gibbon, i. 364 Warville, de. See Brissot, J. Pierre *Washington, Fort, taken by British i. 298 Washington, George, i. 279, 286, 298, 300, 303, 323 Watson, Dr. Richard (Bishop of Llandaff), criticizes Decline and Fall, i. 289, 291, 295 Watteville, M. de, ii. 316 Way, Miss Abigail. See Sheffield, Lady Way, Benjamin, i. 139, 157, 243 Way, Mrs. Benjamin, i. 259 *Way, Gregory Lewis, i. 139; ii. 64 Way, Lewis, i. 85, 139 Way, Richard, i. 173, 186, 187, 200, 201, 205, 207, 211, 213; ii. 104, 113 Webster, Lady (Elizabeth Vassall), ii. 257, 388 *Webster, Sir Godfrey, ii. 257 Wedderburn, Alexander. See Rosslyn, Earl Wentzel, Baron de, the famous oculist, i. 105, 112 *Wesley, Dr., his Calm Address to our American Colonies, i. 271 *Westmorland, Lord, ii. 321 Weymouth, Lord, i. 333, 371; ii. 5 *Whately, Thomas, i. 243 *Whitbread, Mr., ii. 368 Whitehead, "the hirer of horses," ii. 104, 113 *White's Club, "The School of Vice," i. 84 Whitshed, James, M.P. for Cirencester, i. 239 Wibault, Miss Mary (Lady Porten), i. 220, 246, 250 Wilberforce, William, ii. 32; Abolition of Slave Trade, ii. 239, 294; "Massa King," ii. 289 Wilbraham, George, i. 144, 229 Wilkes, John, his duel with Martin, i. 50; expelled from House of Commons and outlawed, i. 91; chosen Alderman, i. 93; the Middlesex election, i. 146, 251; his illness, i. 223; elected Lord Mayor, i. 233; on Lord George Germain, i. 290; the Royal debts, i. 308 *William III., ii. 321 *Williams, Captain, R.E., 118 Williams, Mrs. Arabella, i. 118-121, 123-125, 372, 374; ii. 4 Williamson, Mrs., i. 95, 97, 100 *Wilmot, John, ii. 216 Wilson, Sir Thomas S., i. 225, 232, 233, 237 Winchester Camp, Gibbon at, i. 25 Windham, William ("Weather-Cock"), M.P. for Norwich, ii. 60, 305; Secretary at War, ii. 306, 363, 369 Windsor, Captain, i. 343 Winton, tenant of Beriton, i. 164, 167, 196, 199, 201, 213, 244, 246, 346; ii. 84 *Wolfe at Quebec, i. 145 Wood, Mr., i. 107 Wood, Mrs., ii. 267, 282 *Woodfall, Henry, ii. 92 Woodfall, William ("Memory Woodfall"), editor of Morning Chronicle, ii. 82, 91, 97, 246, 250, 368, 370 Woolfe, George, i. 35 *Worcester, Marquis of, ii. 216 Worsley, Sir James, i. 34, 88 Worsley, Sir Richard, i. 34, 82, 111, 153, 261; ii. 4, 10 Worsley, Sir Thomas, i. 34, 44, 50, 52, 76, 78, 87, 88, 90 *Wraxall's Historical Memoirs quoted, i. 381; Posthumous Memoirs quoted, ii. 275 Wray, Mrs., i. 20 Wurtemberg (Wirtenbergh), Duke of, i. 91 *Wyatt, architect of Pantheon, i. 146 Wyndham, Lady F., i. 247 Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, i. 148 Wyttenbach, M., ii. 260 X Xaintes (Saintes), Bishop of, ii. 342 Y *Yarborough, Earl of, i. 153 *Yates, Mrs., i. 252 *Yeo, Edward Roe, i. 393 York, Duchess of (Princess Frederica of Prussia), ii. 275 York, Edward Augustus, Duke of, i. 54, 65; ii. 275; with troops in Flanders, ii. 376, 394 Young, Arthur, ii. 324 Young, Sir George, ii. 19 THE END. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. [1] Anna, Lady Miller (1741-1781), author of Letters from Italy, by an Englishwoman (1776), a verse-writer and a well-known character at Bath, held a literary salon at her villa at Batheaston. She held, writes Walpole, January 15, 1775, "a Parnassus-fair every Thursday, gives out rhymes and themes, and all the flux of quality at Bath contend for the prizes." An antique vase, purchased in Italy, was placed on a modern altar decorated with laurel, and each guest was invited to place in the urn an original composition in verse. The author of the one declared to be the best was crowned by Lady Miller with a wreath of myrtle. Selections from these compositions were published at intervals. "Nothing here," said Miss Burney in 1780, "is more tonish than to visit Lady Miller." Lady Miller died suddenly at Bristol Hot Wells on June 24, 1781. Her husband, Sir John Riggs Miller, died in 1798. [78] The Hon. George Augustus North (afterwards Lord Guilford) and Lord Lewisham were two of the seven commissioners named in Fox's India Bill. [156] Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (edition of 1862), vol. vii. p. 119. [234] The actual fusion of parties did not take place till July, 1794, when Lord Camden had died and Lord Stafford retired, and Dundas, retaining the Colonies, resigned the Secretaryship at War to Windham. It was delayed by the indecision of the Duke of Portland, of whom Lady Malmesbury said, "The Duke of Portland is our Duke of Brunswick—no party will be led to victory by either" (Life and Letters of Sir G. Elliot, vol. ii. p. 72). [317] Thomas, Lord Elgin, was appointed in August, 1792, Envoy Extraordinary at Brussels. Subsequently appointed Ambassador at Constantinople in 1799, he collected the Elgin marbles. In letter 421 on page 3, "Brighthelmstone, August 24th, 1871.", the transcriber has changed 1871 to 1781. Page 229: "que vers la fin de ce periode"—the transcriber has changed "ce" to "cette". Page 300: "With regard to those which are entrusted ——[1] it could not surely be offensive to ask him for a written acknowledgment." The transcriber has added the dash where the original had a blank space. Index: "*Eyre, Mr., printer, 263". Since no volume number was given, the transcriber has appropriately added "i". Index: "his daily life, ii. 189;" The transcriber has changed 189 to 89. Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical error. For example, the following inconsistent spellings have been retained: Armstead/Armitstead Buriton/Beriton Campden/Campdon Coblenz/Coblentz Craufurd/Crauford Crouzas/Crousaz d'Aguessau/d'Aguesseau Dumourier/Dumouriez Elmsly/Elmsley Francoise/FranÇoise Lenbourough/Lenborough Lessert/Lessart Malmesbury/Malmsbury Montesquieu/Montesquiou Rennell/Rennel Sheffield Place/Sheffield-place Stael/StaËl |