A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Adashef, 50, 52.
Alarm Tower, 58.
Aleviso, Fioraventi, 44, 148.
Alexander Gardens, 15, 153, 224.
Alexandrina Palace, 264.
Alexis, St, 23, 176, 253 ff.
Alexis, Tsar, 116, 120 ff, 134, 137.
All Saints’ Church, 205.
All Saints’ Day, Fire on, 257.
Ambrose, Archbishop, 257.
Amusements, 237.
Annunciation, Cath. of, 293 ff. and see Blagovieshchenski Sobor, Church of, 149.
Arbat, 49, 82, 225, 295.
Archangelski Sobor, 190 ff.
Architecture, Muscovite, 3, 223, 302;
arches, 168;
Church, 181,
diversity of, 225;
Domestic, 169, 225, 228;
Ecclesiastical, 177;
Origin of Muscovite, 168;
of “Skorodom,” 220, 301.
Arms of Moscow, 36, 125.
—— of Romanofs, 125.
—— of Russia, 36.
Art, Bookbinders’, 192;
Byzantine examples, 122, 142, 261;
church, 192, 194;
decorative, 246;
ecclesiastic, 182;
frescoes, 192;
gems and jewellery, 198;
Gothic influence on Muscovite, 141, 280;
ikon-portraiture, 183;
metal work, 243;
pictorial, 221;
wall-paintings, 188, 195.
Askold and Dyr, 5.
Ascension Convent, 257, and see Vossnesenski.
Assumption, Cath. of, 185 ff;
and see Uspenski Sobor.
—— Church of, 89.
Baati, 16.
Balaam, Metrop., 253.
Barmi, 140.
Basmanovs, 74, 91, 98.
Beards and Fines, 216.
Belskis, 81, 91.
Best, Harry, 240.
Bells, Founding, 159.
—— Moscow, 157 ff.
Belvederes, 41, 117, 154.
Bibliography, 307.
Bielo-Gorod, 40, 82, 207.
Bielo-Ozersk, 52, 92.
Black Clergy, 253.
Blagovieshchenski Sobor, 44, 130, 193 ff.
“Blessed Willie,” 67.
Blessing the Water, 150.
Bogoloobski, Andrew, 15, 87.
Bogoyavlenni Monastyr, 27, 255.
Bomel, Dr E., 72, 278.
Borodino, Battle of, 286.
Borovitski Vorot, 41, 291, 299.
Bowes, Jeremy, 43, 62.
Boyards, 63;
customs of, 227;
duma of, 81, 134.
Brides of the Tsars, 118, 120.
Bruce, Field-Marshal, 210;
Tomb of, 261.
Byzantium and Moscow, 32.
—— Style of in, 261.
—— Symbols of, 140.
Cannon, 96, 160, 300.
Carriages and Harness, 140.
Caspian, Jenkinson on the, 273.
Cathedrals, Location of, 164;
see Sobor and Xram.
Chancellor, R., 132, 276.
Chani-Bek, 253.
Chapel of St Dmitri, 189.
—— St Gabriel, 196.
—— St George, 196.
—— Sts. Peter and Paul, 189.
—— St Samon, 197.
see also Church.
Characteristics of boyards, 100, 115, 237.
—— Ivan IV., 78.
Characteristics of Peter I., 206.
—— Moscow, 1, 141, 301.
—— Moscow Citizens, 237.
—— Moscow Princes, 10, 47.
Charm of Moscow, 225, 252.
Chasovia, see Chapels.
Chastok, 245.
Chemiaki, 28, 31, 145.
Chibanov, 53.
Christianity in Russia, 3, 6, 32, 86-95, 174 ff.
Chudov Monastyr, 92, 253 ff.
Church, Russian, 172 ff;
feasts of, 263, and Tsar, 55, 69, 116, 215;
and Western Church, 32, 95;
saves Moscow, 23, 101.
Church of St Ambrose, 266.
—— St Balaam, 266.
—— St Catherine, 259.
—— Sts Constantine and Helen, 174.
—— St George, 259.
—— St James, 266.
—— St Jehosaphat, 266.
—— St John the Baptist, 130, 148.
—— St Lazarus, 41, 45, 127.
—— St Nikanor, 266.
—— St Nikolas, 209.
—— St Prokhor, 266.
—— St Saviour’s, 161.
—— the Apostles, 188.
—— Nativity and Flight, 127.
—— Our Saviour on High, 128, 161.
—— Vasili Blajenni, 47, 65, 179.
Churches of the Bielo-Gorod, 205, 209, 225.
—— Kitai-Gorod, 204.
—— Kremlin, 185.
—— Palace, 127 ff.
—— Suburbs, 246, 249, 307.
—— Zemlianni-Gorod, 181, 209, 225.
Citizens and Tsar, 34, 54.
City of Churches, 138.
Constantinople, see Byzantium.
Convent, Ascension, 257.
—— Conception, 260.
—— Nativity, 251.
—— Nikitski, 224.
—— Novo Devichi, 265.
—— Strastnoi (Passion), 260, 301.
—— Zachatievski, 260.
Convent-Life, 258, 269.
Cossacks, 91, 263.
Crimean War and English in Moscow, 282.
Cross, Pre-Christian, 7;
Russian, 182, 196.
Cruelties, 33, 49 ff, 150, 212, 215, 232, 240, 246, see also Ivan IV. and Peter I.
Customs, of early Slavs, 7;
of MediÆval Moscow, 132;
curious, 248, 265.
Daniel Mikhailovich, 17.
Danilovski Monastyr, 17, 264.
Delagardie, General, 100.
Dissent and Dissenters, 202, 204 ff.
Diversity of Moscow, 225.
Dmitri Donskoi, 23, 139 ff.
—— “first false,” 91 ff.
—— Ivanovich, 51, 85.
—— “second false,” 101, 103, 107.
—— of the “terrible eyes,” 19.
Dogma and Ritual, 177, 200.
Dolgoruki, family, 15, 118.
—— Yuri, 12.
Dom Chukina, 223.
Dom Romanovykh, 108.
—— Usupov, 219.
Domostroi, 50, 235.
Don Cossacks, 91, 105.
Donskoi Monastyr, 82, 263.
Drinking habits, 235-236.
Dukhobortsi, 203.
Duma of the boyards, 134.
Ediger, 27.
English in Moscow, 54, 58, 62, 210, 270 ff.
Epiphany, 255, and see Bogoyavlenni.
Etiquette, Muscovite, 43, 97.
Eudoxia, (Donskoi), 258.
—— Striechnev, 119.
—— Lapunov, 216.
Euphrosina, 258.
Express trains, 303.
Fairs, 38, 238.
Famine, 104, 147, 205, 238, 277, 301.
Kontchaka, 19.
Kourbski, Prince, 53.
Krasnoe Kriltso, 126, 164.
—— Ploshchad, 110, 238.
—— Vorot, 219.
—— Ugol, 132.
Kremlin, 13, 22, 40;
derivation of, 22;
dwellings in, 40;
sights of, 147 ff;
view of, 13;
walls, 23, 149.
Krim-Tartars, 82.
Krimski-Brode, 265.
Krimski-val, 265.
Krutitski Vorot, 122, 142.
Kulikovo, 139.
Kutaifa, 154.
Kutchko, Stephen, 12.
Kuznetski Most, 208.
Latin in Moscow, 145.
Lazarus, Church of St, 41, 45, 127.
Le Bruyn, 232.
Legal Procedure, 239.
Libraries, 257.
“Life for the Tsar,” 110.
Lithuania, 52, 76, 82.
Lobnoe Mesto, 93, 152, 251.
Mahommedans and Muscovites, 17, 23, 28, 34, 38, 64, 182, 265.
Maiden’s Field, 265, and see Novo Devichi.
Mamai, Khan, 23 ff.
Marina-Roshcha, 209.
Marosseika, 218.
Marriage customs, 232, 241, 250.
Mary of Vladimir, 187, 257.
—— Church of, 204.
Matvievs, 121, 130.
Medich, 147.
Miaschanska, 209.
Michael, Tsar, 109, 111 ff.
Milosavskis, 120, 259.
Minin, Cosma, 106, 114.
Mniszek, Maria, 97, 100, 113, 258.
Monasteries, early, 27;
existing, 253 ff;
see also Convents.
Monks and Monasticism, 253 ff.
Mordva, 249.
Morozof, Boyard, 73.
—— Boyarina, 202, 222.
Moscow, Arms of, 36;
charm of, 2, 226, 251;
derivation of name, 11;
fires in, 16, 23, 25, 49, 104, 227;
the golden, 141;
looted by the French, 293;
sieges of, 25, 27, 91, 105, 152;
unconventionality of, 2;
views in, 1, 251;
winter in, 226.
Moshi, 177, 255.
Moskva river, 100, 150, 153, 264.
Most (Bridge), Kuznetski, 208;
Kammeni, 305;
Krasnoe Kholmski, 262;
Krimski, 265.
Mstislavskis, 82, 91.
Muscovy and Britain, 73, 270.
—— Lithuania, 37.
—— Livonia, 33.
—— Poland, 81 ff, 132.
—— Tartary, 23 ff, 132.
Muscovites of British descent, 283.
—— allied with Tartars, 21.
Museums, 220.
Mystery Plays, 142.
Napoleon, 124, 290 ff.
Naryshkin, Family of, 121.
Natalia, Tsaritsa, 121, 130.
Nativity, see Rojdestva, 181.
—— Church of 181.
—— Convent of, 251.
Neglinnaia, 15, 49, 153.
New Rows, 238.
Nicholas, patron saint, 184.
—— of Galstun, 157.
—— Stylite, 218.
Nijni-Novgorod, 38, 307.
Nikita, Saint, 224.
—— the preacher, 203.
—— Romanof, 277.
Nikolskava, 153.
Nikolski Vorot, 24, 153, 297.
Nikon, 177, 201.
Nobles, Muscovite, 42, 81, 87, 114.
Novgorod the Great, 5, 38, 57.
Novi Riadi, 238.
Novo Devichi Convent, 87, 265.
Novo Spasski Monastyr, 262.
Oddities, 208, 248.
“Old Believers,” 203.
Oleg, 5.
Olga, 6.
Opritchniks, 56, 59 ff.
Orthodoxy and Dissent, 95, 202, 204.
Orujenia Palata, 139.
Osliabia, 24.
Osman and Ahmed, 13.
Ostankina, 209.
Otrepief, 92.
“Our Saviour on High,” Ch. of, 128, 161, 280.
Pageantry, Church, 243.
—— State, 123, 137, 243.
Palace, Chequered, 38.
—— Golden, 82, 128.
—— Granovitaia, 43, 124, 131.
—— Great, 124.
—— Irene’s, 80-82, 87.
—— Lesser Golden, 127.
Palaces, early, 40;
site of, 124.
Paleologus, Thomas, 32.
—— Sophia, 33, 128, 232.
Panagies, 257.
Passport, 304.
—— “to St Nicholas,” 246.
Patriarchs, Passage of the, 127.
—— Sacristy of, 197.
—— 86, 96, 106, 177 ff, 215.
Patriarshia Riznitsa, 197 ff.
Pecherski, 165, 253.
Peresvet, 24.
Peter I., 111, 121, 206, 209 ff, 215.
Petrovski Monastery, 250.
—— Palace, 301, 306.
—— Razoomovski, 209.
Philaret, Patriarch, 109, 116.
Philip, Metropolitan, 55.
—— Church of, 197.
Plague Riots, 257.
Plate, 140.
Pleasure Palace, 154, 166.
Pojarski, Prince, 107, 114.
Poland and Muscovy, 81, 132.
Poles in Moscow, 101.
Polish Invasion, 99 ff.
Potieshni Dvorets, 154, 166.
Prince and Peasant, 107, 114.
Processions, 126, 243 ff.
Proverbs, Muscovite, 216.
Prud, Chisty, 12, 251.
—— Krasnoe, 306.
—— Lizin, 261.
Public Buildings, 224.
—— Clocks, 195.
Quaint survivals, 244 ff, 249, 276.
Queen Elizabeth, 77, 85.
Ramparts, Kitai-Gorod, 38, 238.
—— Kremlin, 148;
town, 209, 306.
“Red,” see Krasnoe.
Redeemer Gate, 181;
and see Spasski Vorot.
Regalia, 140.
Relics, 189, 192, 196, 255; and see Moshi.
Restaurants, 252, 304.
Riding-School, 224.
Rites, Funeral, 246;
Marriage, 38, 77, 250.
Ritual of Russian Church, 184, 199.
Rojdestva, 181, 251.
Roman Church and Orthodoxy, 86, 95.
Romanof, Anastasia, 49, 109.
—— Dynasty, 109 ff;
House, 108, 228.
See also Alexis, Peter, Philaret, etc.
Rostopchin, Count, 287.
—— Traitors’, 150.
—— Tsaritsa’s, 150.
—— Watch, 245.
Traders, Muscovite, 237.
“Tranquil” Tsar, 145.
139; and see Orujenia Palata.
Treasury, Churches, used as, 41.
Tretiakov Art Gallery, 221.
Trial by Combat, 240.
Trinity Church, 154, 294.
Triumfalnia, 223.
Troitsa Monastery, 12, 24, 27, 31, 101.
Troitski Vorot, 154, 291.
Turberville, 232.
Tver and Moscow, 18, 21, 57.
“Twenty Nations,” Invasion of, 286 ff.
Uglitch, 21, 85, 97.
Ugol, Krasnoe, 132.
Universities, 224.
Urusov, Princess, 202.
Usbek, Khan, 22.
Uspenski Sobor, 22, 117, 130, 158, 185 ff.
Usupov House, 219.
Val, Krimski, 265.
—— Zemlianni, 289.
Varoegers, 5.
Varvarka, 228.
—— Vorot, 238.
Vasili I., 26.
Vasili II., 28, 31.
Vasili III., 37.
Vasili Blajenni, 67.
—— —— Ch. of, 47, 65, 67, 179.
Vasili the Blind, 26;
“the squint-eyed,” 28.
Vassian, Archbishop, 34, 52.
Vehicles, Primitive, 247.
Vereshchagin, 221.
Vekkhospasski Church, 128, 161, 280.
Vestments, Sacerdotal, 198.
Views of Moscow, 251.
Virgin of Jerusalem, 187.
—— of Kazan, 205.
—— of Pechersk, 165.
—— of Smolensk, 141, 244.
—— of Vladimir, 187 ff.
Vissotski, 251.
Vladimir, the Great, 6, 139;
the Brave, 28;
Town of, 23.
Vladimirski Vorot, 205.
Vladislas, Tsar, 101.
Voievodes, 35, 42, 63.
Vorot, or Gate,
—— Arbatski, 82.
—— Borovitski, 41, 149, 291, 299.
—— Florovski, 24, 151.
—— Ilyinski, 39.
—— Jerusalem, 151.
—— Krasnoe, 219.
—— Krutitski, 122, 142.
—— Nikolski, 24, 153, 297.
—— Prechistenski, 41, 149, 291.
—— “Red,” 219.
Vorot Redeemer, 24, 58, 151.
—— Spasski, 58, 151.
—— Sukharev, 208.
—— Tainitski, 150.
—— Troitski, 154.
—— Varvarka, 238.
—— Vladimirski, 205, 207.
—— Vosskresenski, 141.
Vosskresenski Vorot, 141 ff., 201, 244.
Vossnesenski Monastyr, 44, 257 ff.
Vsevolojskis, 120.
Vsevoloshski, 28.
Walls of Bielo-Gorod, 82.
—— of Kitai-Gorod, 38, 238.
—— of Kremlin, 23, 148.
—— of Zemlianni-Gorod, 209.
Watch Towers, 245.
Weapons, Muscovite, 139.
Winter in Moscow, 226.
Wives of Ivan IV., 77.
—— of Peter I., 213, 216.
Wizards, 77, 121.
Women in MediÆval Moscow, 8, 33, 48, 61, 62, 72, 81, 86, 118, 121, 137, 213, 216, 231 ff, 269, 278.
Xenia, Princess, 94.
Xram, 298, 299.
Yauza, 249.
Yermak, 63, 81.
Yuri Dmitrovich, 28.
—— Dolgoruki, 28, 36.
Zabielin’s private life of Tsars, 134.
Zachatievski, 260.
Za-ikono-spasski Monastyr, 205.
Zamoskvoretski, 264, 293.
Zapieha, 101.
Zaporogians, 91 ff.
Zariadi, 205.
Zarutski, 113.
Zemlianni Gorod, 209.
Zlatoustinski, 219.
Znamia, 243.
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: |
the villiage of Palekh=> the village of Palekh {pg 132} |
upon fete days=> upon fÊte days {pg 134} |
timbers will sagg=> timbers will sag {pg 168} |
as an old man=> as on old man {pg 175} |
a raised dias=> a raised dais {pg 181} |
orignal=> original {pg 182} |
interest to Anglican’s=> interest to Anglicans {pg 308} |
??????=> ?????? {pg viii} |
??????=> ?????? {pg 226} |