- Agnosticism, 70
- Amycus and CÉlestin, 64
- L’Anneau d’AmÉthyste, 29
- Monsieur Bergeret À Paris, 61 n.
- Bierce, Ambrose, 50
- Blasphemy, 68
- Brandes, Georg, 9, 13, 19
- Adrienne Buquet, 119
- Caine, Hall, 56
- Calmette, M.F., 8
- La Chemise, 99
- The Church and the Republic, 89
- CollÈge Stanislas, 14
- Colonial Movement, 96
- Coloured Races, 95
- Contemporary History, 14, 29, 35
- Crainquebille, 54
- The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, 15, 17
- A Daughter of Lilith, 119
- Les DÉsirs de Jean Servien, 15, 22
- The Dream, 57
- Dreyfus, 36, 52
- The Elm Tree on the Mall, 37
- The Famished Cat, 15, 17
- Food, 113
- Le Genie Latin, 55
- The Gods are Athirst, 15, 22, 83, 86, 87
- The Graven Stone, 119
- Gulliver’s Travels, 35
- Histoire Comique, 119
- Historical Work, 77
- Japan, 96
- Jocasta, 15, 16
- Komm l’AtrÉbate, 65
- Lady of Verona, The, 64
- Lane, John, 10 n.
- Life of Joan of Arc, The, 78, 86
- Literary Criticism, 55
- Love, 115
- Machiavelli, 49
- The Merrie Tales of Jacques Tournebroche, 118
- Mother of Pearl, 23
- La Muiron, 65
- My Friend’s Book, 14, 21, 22