- Accra, 286, 303, 307
- Agbandi, 62;
- Aledjo, beauty and healthfulness of, 85;
- mission station at, 86;
- grass fires at, 87, 281
- Alfred, our interpreter, 54, 102, 103, 169, 244, 309
- AnÂ, native village, 57, 60
- Antelope, 134, 151, 152, 153
- Arrows, poisoned, European shot by, 142
- Ashantis, 159
- Asmani, Schomburgk's personal "boy," 179, 229, 309
- Atakpame, 28;
- Audassi, 66
- Babies, native, 270
- Bafilo, the bairam festival at, 90;
- cotton industry at, 92;
- artificial "pearls" made at, 95, 251
- Banjeli, 237; beautiful situation of, 238;
- arrival of mail at, 241;
- a pig purchased at, 242;
- punishing carriers at, 244;
- chief of, 245, 249, 250
- Bapure, 112
- Bassari, 239, 241;
- iron market at, 247, 250, 251;
- station house at, 252;
- Mr. MuckÈ, Sub-District Commissioner of, 252;
- our house at, 253;
- I entertain the wives of the Mallam Mohammed at, 257, 291
- Bats, a plague of, 139;
- Beapabe, native town, 251
- Bedford, Duke of, 19
- Beer, native, 111
- Bees, wild, 259
- Beetles, beautiful, 240
- Berger,
enberg@html@files@45442@45442-h@45442-h-2.htm.html#Page_63" class="pginternal">63
- Kaiser's birthday, 203
- Kamaa, river, 253, 280
- Kamina, wireless station at, 29;
- Kara, river, 122
- Katscha, river, 250, 251
- Kersting, Dr., 70, 85, 90, 234, 252, 254
- Kola nuts, 219, 259
- Konkombwa, first contact with, 112;
- boisterous welcome by at Gerin-Kuka, 115, 138, 147, 211 et seq.;
- dancers, 217 et seq., 231, 234, 236, 239, 247
- Kuepers, Mr., Government schoolmaster at Sokode, 68, 278, 286, 288, 289, 292
- Kugnau, native village, 227;
- incident with the Konkombwa at, 231, 232, 237
- Lange, Mr., engineer, 57
- Las Palmas, 25, 310
- Leopard, adventure with a, 100, 194, 196
- Lizards, 38, 194
- Lome, capital and port of Togo, 21, 27, 184, 253, 284, 303, 304, 305, 307
- Madeira, 21 et seq., 196
- Magu, native village, 147, 197
- Malfakasa, 280;
- Mallam Mohammed, of Bassari, 257;
- his house, 170, 190, 195, 196, 203, 211, 223, 225, 227, 233, 236, 245, 252, 287
- Sleeping sickness, 287
- Soap, native made, 267
- Sokode, 68, 103, 159, 186, 234, 261, 283, 284, 285, 288, 292
- Soldiers, native, 199, 200
- "Songu," native rest-house, 137
- Sumbu, native village, 156, 164 et seq.;
- Snakes, adventure with a venomous, 100, 183
- Sudu Mountains, 284
- Tabalo Mountain, 282
- Tamberma Fort, 128;
- Tax, head, native, 129
- Teneriffe, 25
- "Tick-birds," 188
- Tim plain, 284
- Tschaudjo, native tribe, 69 et seq.;
- Tschokossi, native tribe, 128, 141, 145, 147, 156, 168, 176, 185, 192, 201, 265, 274
- Tschopowa, welcome by natives to, 221;