1. When reading, writing, or doing other close work, be sure to have good, clear light, preferably over the left shoulder if writing, and not directly in the eyes nor reflected sharply from the paper. 2. Do not hold your work less than 12 inches from your eyes. 3. Do not use the eyes too long continuously—rest them a few minutes occasionally by closing them or by looking into the distance to relax them. One should do this at least every hour, especially if reading fine type or doing intense, delicate work. 4. Keep away from places where stone chips, sparks, or emery dust is flying. If you have to work where such dangers exist, wear goggles. 5. If strong light bothers you, wear slightly brown non-magnifying glasses outdoors, with a broad-brimmed hat. 6. Avoid the common towel and do not rub the eyes with dirty hands. Contagious eye disease is spread in these two ways. Questions