
The following problems are to be answered without the use of figures. Read each problem carefully and decide whether your answer should be yes or no. Each question requires one or the other of these words; no other answer will be counted correct. Put the answer to the first question on the first line, and in the margin of the paper, mark it number 1. Use a separate line for each problem and be sure to number your answer to correspond. If you are not sure of the answer, guess at it and pass on to the next problem. When you have finished, sign your name and grade at the bottom of the paper, and wait quietly for the others.

1. It took George thirty-one seconds to read these directions carefully. John read them in twenty-seven seconds. Can George read faster than John?

2. Mary was born in February, 1910. Her cousin, Marion, is four months older. Was Marion born in 1910?

3. John went with his two brothers to the park. One brother spent twenty-five cents, the other spent thirty cents. John spent more than these two together. In all did they spend more than one dollar?

4. When flour sells at eight cents per pound, I can get a barrel for twelve dollars. A barrel of flour weighs almost two hundred pounds. Would I save more than a dollar by purchasing flour by the barrel?

5. My father bought a talking-machine for sixty-five dollars, and a dozen records for twenty-five dollars more. Will a hundred dollar bill pay for both?

6. The regulation boy-scout pace calls for a mile in twelve minutes. Could a good scout cover four miles in an hour?

7. Coffee grows only in tropical countries. Do you think we import much from Alaska?


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