AAaron, The rod of, 204 Abbott, G. F., 21 Abel, The burial of, 178 Abner and David, 358 Abraham, 319 Achish and David, 358 Adam, Language of, 13; Æsop, 29; Afanasiev’s Russian Tales, 22, 195, 293, 326, 331 Ahikar, The story of, 29–31; Alans, 15 Albigenses, The, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 123 Alexander the Great, 57, 125; Allegorical use of animal tales, 31 “Alphabet of Ben Sira, or Pseudo Sirach,” 209, 213, 357 Amazons, 285 Amber, Fly in, simile for transmission of folk-tales, 37 Ambrose, St., of Milan, and the Ambrosian chant, 48 Anadan, 355 Andersen, Hans C., 35 Angelic sparks, i.e. glow-worms. Angels, The fall of the, 38, 39; Angromainya, 27 Animals, Man and, relations between, 2; Animism, 2 Anne, St., and the magician, 203 Ant, The, Origin of, and why it is cut in the middle, 283; Ants, The, and the cricket, 207 Ape, The, and the dog, 361. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, etc., 25 Apollo, 244 Apostles, The, 39; Apples, Worms in, 122 Arabians feed Elijah, 280 Arabic literature, Animal tales in, 31; Arianism and Manichaeism, 41; Arius and religious minstrelsy, 47 Arkir, Stories from, 355 Armenian, The, and the hoopoe, 288 Armenians, 15 Arnica, 283 Asiatic folk-lore, 2 Ass, The, lion frightened by, 331; Autos-da-fÉ, 45 Avesta, The, 26; Avianus, 32 BBabrius, 32 Balkans, Races of the, 15; Basil, The Hexameron of, 28 Basile, St., 257 Bear, The, and the tom cat, 333 Bear, The Great (constellation), 80 Bee, The, 25, 38; Beetles, Horned, 102; “Belief” in fairy tales, 3 Beliefs, Ancient, in folk-tales, 37, 39 Ben Sira, Hebrew alphabet of, Animal stories from, 357 Benfey, Pantschatantra, 324, 326. Benjamin, Bishop, of Moldavia, 120 Berachya, 32 Bible, The, in the vernacular, Arians, 44; Biblical legends, 57, 278, 319 Bird of heaven, The, 256 Birds, The king of the, 151; Black One, The, 241 Blackbird, The, 151 “Bluebeard” 34; Bogomilism, 25, 26, 31, 36, 44; Boris, King, 44 Broadside, Political animal, 33 Brick-carrier daughter, The (bee), 69 Bubureaza, 113 Buddha, 25 Buddhist teaching of metempsychosis, 23 Buffalo, The, and the gnat, 310; Bugs, Charms against, 223 Bukovina, 58; Bulgaria, Survivals in, 10; Bulgaro-Vallachian kingdom, 51 Bulgars, 15; Bull, The, in the Avesta, 96 Bullfinch, The origin of the, 158 Bull-fly, The, 102 Bulls or cows of the Lord, 103, 107, 109 Burgundy, Arianism in, 43 Bush, The wonderful, and the cuckoo, 164 Butterflies with the sign of St. Anne’s ring, 203 Byzantine myths, 12 CCain, Children of, 139 Calf, The “wise,” 275; Cannibal innkeeper, The, 259 Car, The Great (Great Bear), 80 Cards, Playing, The gipsies and, 24 Carnation, The, as test of sex, 282 Carpenters, The, and the Cross, 184, 190 Carpocapsa pomonella, 123 Cat, The, the animal of the devil, 123; Cathars, The, 26, 31, 41, 45, 46, 50, 52, 54, 123 Catholic Church and Arianism, 45; Catholic countries, The saints in, 40 Ceremonies and customs, 36 Cerna, 117 Charles II., 55 Charms, 58; Cherries, Lady Mary and the, 202 Children in the wood, 225 Christ, 39; Christian, The first, executed for heresy by Christians, 46 Christian tales, Apocryphal, 344 Christianity and the unity of folk-lore, 11; Christians and the heathen, 130 Christmas, Old (person), 346 Christmas carols, Mystical, 57; Christophorus, 287 Church, Animal satires and the, 32 Churches, Eastern and Western, The division between, 44 “Cinderella,” 34; Civilization, The, of the near East, 56 Clergy, Satire of, in animal tales, 32 Cloot, Pierre, 33 Clouds, The, and the rat, 318 Coccinella septempundata, 113 Cock Robin cycle, 55 Colouring, The, of animals, 148, 156 Comparisons in folk-lore, Haphazard, 12 Constantinople, 52; Continuity in folk-tales, 10, 15, 16 Conybeare, Prof., 30 Cossack Tales (Bain), 335 Cow, Charm for a, against the evil eye, 350; Cow-fly, The, 102 Cowherd, The rude, and the gad-fly, 114, 116 Cox, Miss, Cinderella, 34 Creation, Conception of, 39 Creation of man, 38 “Creation” tales, 1, 4, 22, 34, 35, 57; Cricket, The, origin, 205, 206, 207 Cricket, The little, 107 Crow, The, the ugliness of fledglings, 170, 172; Crown of paradise, The, 256 Crucifixion, The, 184, 190, 195 Crusades, The, 41 Cuckoo, The legend of the, 49; “Cuckoo’s ring”, 204 Culex pipiens, 199 “Culture,” 2 Cunning of the weaker animals, 22 Czechs, 22 Dacian survivals, 10 Dacians, 15 DÄhnhardt (Oskar) Natursagen named, 26, 27, 65, 72, 83, 84, 87, 88 Danube, The, 120 Days as divinities, 274 Death, The angel of, 365 Devil, The, belief in, 38; Devil worship. Devil’s daughter as nun, 134 Devil’s horse, The (dragon-fly), 97 Dib-dib, The, 331 Dionysios, St., 92 Dog, The, and the wolf, 79; Dog-headed people, 284; Dogma, 38 Dogs and cats, Men changed into, 122 Dogs, St. Peter’s. Doomsday, 85 Dositheus, Archbishop, 120 Dove, The, in legendary tales, 275; Dragon, The, of Cerna, 118 Dragon-fly, The (devil’s horse), 97 Drunkenness, Animal characteristics, 92, 93 Dualism, 25, 36, 38, 39, 49; Duck, The, The girl who becomes a duck, 261; EEagle, The, 139; Earth, God and the making of the, 62, 65, 67; Easter beetle, 107 Easter eggs and orchard worms, 123 Eastern and Western civilization, 56 Eastern Church and persecution, of Hellenism and paganism, 50; Ebionite conception of Jesus, 48 Education and the destruction of folk-lore, 55 Egypt, 30 Egyptian ideas of the passage of the soul, 344 Egyptian influences, 23 Elephantine, The Papyri of, 29 Eliezer, Chapters of, 178 Elijah. Emperor, The, and God, 126 Enchantments. Enoch, Book of, 39 Europe, Animal stories of, 2 European folk-lore, Animal tales the earlier stages of, 3, 8 European languages, 13 European nations a spiritual unit, 2; Eutemias Zygabenos, 51 Eve and the devil, 210, 213, 219 Evil, Origin of, 110 Evil eye, Charms against the, 103, 348, 349, 350, 351 Evil One, Evil creations of, 49 FFables, Animal, 1, 4, 22, 28, 29, 57 Fairy, The wooing of a, 247 Fairy tales, 1; Fates, 274 Fathers, The Christian, and the Physiologus, 28 Fauns, 89 Fenrir, 84 Finch, Thistle, and ruffled feathers, 156 Fire, The Devil and, 80, 86, 87 Fish, The, and his seven wings, 182; Flea, The, and the gnat, 306 Fleas, Origin of, 219; Flies on the dead, 215; Flint, The, and sparks, 87 Flood, The, 90 Floria and the king of the storks, 263 Flower under pillow to test sex, 267, 282 Flute, The magic, 251 Folk-lore, Problems, 1; Foot, Origin of instep, 215; Foreign elements in languages, 17 et seq. Fox, The, the “clever” outwitted, 22; France, The Goths in, 41 French Reynard cycle, 33 Frere, Mary, 28 Friars, The mendicant, 41 Frog, The, and the Lady Mary, 190; GGabriel, The Archangel, 99, 101, 104; Gad-fly, The, and the cattle, 114, 116 Gaster, M., Chrestomatie Romana, 58; Genoese and Venetian traders and St. George, 120 George, St., and the dragon legend, 16, 98, 101; George, St., Life of, 120 Ghirosana, Ana, 117 Giants, The, 90; Gimlet, The, 218 Gion, 287 Gipsies, 15, 17; Gipsies’ bird, The (wagtail), 161 Gipsy, The, and the swan queen, 249 Giurgiu, 121 Glove, The fur, becomes a cat, 212, 213, 214 Glow-worms, 25, 38; Gnat, The, and the flea, 306; “Gnat and the Lion, The,” 22 Goat, with wings, 86; Goat’s knees, The, 27 God, 26, 38, 39, 48; Goddesses of fate, 21 “God’s hens” (swallows), 274 Gods, The heathen, rob Paradise, 99 Goldfinch, The, elected king of birds, 168; Gonzenbach’s Tales, 57 Goths, 15; Grape vine, The. Grasshopper, The mower, 127; Greece, Bogomilism in, 51 Greek Church. Greek folk-lore, 50 Greek, Modern, folk-lore, 20, 21 Greek mythology, 244 Greek myths, 12 Greeks, 15 Grimm’s Tales, 49, 57, 88, 167, 178, 235, 293, 309, 324, 331 HHaemus, Mount, 42 Hahn, J. G. von, Albn. MÄrchen, 21, 57, 78, 85, 93, 313, 324, 326 Haltrich’s Transylvanian Tales (VolksmÄrchen), 22, 293, 309, 335 Hanauer, Folk Lore of the Holy Land, 219, 230, 331 Hare, The, and the frogs, 314; Harris, J. Rendel, 30; Hart, The, and the making of the world (carol), 95 Hawk, The, and the young crows, 172; Heaven and hell, 111 Hebrew and the origin of languages, 13 Hedgehog, 64; Helias, 101 Hell, Creation of, 111 “Hell, The Harrowing of,” 101 Heresy and the Reynard cycle, 33; Heresy-hunting in Greek Church, 50; Heretical myths, The Goths and, 49 Hero tales, 57 Heron, The, and the digging of wells, 176 Hesperides, The golden apples of, 248 Hills, The creation of, 65 Homiliary, The, 120 Hoopoe, The legend of the, 49; Hornet, The, curse on, 138, 139; Horse of St. George, 98 Horse, The, of the Sultan, 329 Horses, St. Peter’s, 76 Hound, The, and the fox, 290 Hungarian language, 18 Hungarians, 15 Huns, 15 Husband, The, under a spell, 237 Hymns, Greek (or Syriac), 48 Hypoderma bovis, 115 Ialdabaoth, 48 Iana, sister of the Sun, 245 Iblis, 219 Ileana Cosinziana and Voinic, 104 Ilie, St. (Elijah), 99, 101, 103, 279 Incantations. Indian fables, 29 Indian literature, Animal tales in, 28 Indo-European languages, 14 Innkeeper, The brutish, becomes a bullfinch, 158; Inquisition, The, 42, 89, 123; Instep of foot, Origin of, 215 Ion Creanga, 58 Iorgovan, Ioan, the knight, 118, 121 Iran, 26 Italy, Survivals in, 10; JKKetzer, 41 Kieff, 25 King god, Annual, The slaying of, 10 King Log and King Stork, 304 King of all the birds, 238 Kite, The, and the digging for water, 178 Knight, The, and the dragon (ballad), 117 Kolumbatsch, The poison-fly of, 117 Krauss, Friedrich S., South Slavonic Tales, 22, 88, 209, 293, 308, 323, 330, 334 Kutzo-Vlachs of Macedonia, 58, 193 Kynokephaloi, 286 LLady-bird, The, 113 La Fontaine’s Fables, 312 Lamb, The wolf and the, 27; Language, National, 13 Lark, The, wedding, 228, 229; Legend or creation stories, 4 Legends, Adaptation of, 143 Leopard, The, and the fox, 331 Ler, 245 Letts, 22; Leviathan, 366 Life allotted to man and animals, 336 Light, Little, 240 Lightning, 66 Lion, The, Blood of, to water the vine, 92; Lithuanians, 22 “Little horse” (locust), 127 “Little master” (thistle-finch), 157 Locust, Mower (Locusta viridissima), 128 Locusts, Plague of, 125 Loki, the God of Fire, 84 Lot and Abraham, 204 Lucanus cervus (bull-fly), 103 Lucidaria, 52 Lygaeus equestris, 107 MMacedonia, Bird tales in, 20; Magic, The Gipsies and, 24 Magpie, The, aids the devil, 216 Maiden, The wicked, and the Archangel Michael, 111 Man and animals, Relation between, 2; Mangiuca, S., 58 Manichaean teaching in Russia, 53 Manichaeism, 25, 26, 31, 36, 41, 44, 48, 51 Marian, S. Fl., Ornitologia and Insectele, 58 Marie de France, 32 Mariolatry, 49 Mary, the Virgin, 39; “Metamorphoses” in Greek mythology, 21 Michael, Archangel, 99, 101, 110; Midrash Abkhir, 92 Migration of folk tales, 4, 6, 7 Milham, The bird, 365 Milk, The Holy Mother and the gift of, 108; Mill, The devil and the, 80 Miracles, 204 Mithras, The bull of, 96 Mohammedans, Heretics become, 46; Mole, The, and the making of the earth, 65, 67; Mongol invasion, Influence of, 23–27 Monkey, The, Length and manner of life of, 337. Moon, The Sun and, 72; Moral character of the stories, 58 “Morals” to animal tales, 1, 8, 28, 29 Mosquito, The, origin (Emperor Pic), 199; Mother-in-law, The wicked, becomes a swallow, 188 Mountains, The origin of, 66; Mouse, The, cursed by the Holy Mother, 185, 186; Mugur, 285 Mummers, Fair of the, 221 Musca Columbaca, 118 Mythology, Heathen and Christian, 244 NNadan, 30 Naxia, 92 Neculea, The land of, 256 Nessus, The Shirt of, 299 New Testament, Animal tales and the, 30 Nica, the shepherd, 94 Nicaea, Council of, 42 Nicodemus, The Gospel of, 101 Nightingale, The colour of the, 148; Nimrod, 319 Noah and the animals in the ark, 90; Nornes, 274 Northern mythology, The raven in, 279 “Nun,” the messenger, 131 OOak, The, and sparrow, 196 Oaks without leaves, 88 Occult practices and the Gipsies, 24 Ockley, Simon, 31 Odin, The ravens of, 279 Olt, The River, 95 Omens of the raven, 280 “Oral” literature, 19; Orchard worms, 123 Origins of folk tales, 5, 7, 36 Owl, The, and the wren, 301; Ox, The, why it has no hair on its nose, 359 Oxen of the Lord, 109 PPachytylus migratorius, 125 Panchatantra, The, 6, 29, 324, 326, 330. Pann, Anton, Proverbs and Tales, 29, 31, 58 Pannonia, 43 Paradise, Satan loses, 98; Parallelism in folk tales, 6, 12 Parker, H., 28 Partridge, The, why she is mottled, 155; Peacock, The, in sun myths, 245 Pelasgian survivals, 10 Pelican, The, and its pouch, 145 “Perfecte,” 123 Persian Empire, 26 Petchenegs, 15 Peter and Asan, 51 Peter, St., and the fallen angel, 75; Peter the Great, 55 Philology, Comparative, Analogy of, with folk-lore, 14, 16 Philomela and Halcyon, 21 Physiologus, 27 Pic, The Emperor, the sun, and Lady Mary, 199 Pine, The, and the soul, 341 Planudes, 30 Plover, The, and Our Lady, 183 Pobres, 26 Pointer, The, 317 Poison-fly of Kolumbatsch, 117, 120 Poles, The, 22 Political animal broadsides, 33 Politis, N., 88 Polycrates, 272 Polyphemus, 262 “Popa” (priests), 125 Por, Emperor, 124 Porus, King, 125 Poultry, Charm against the illness of, 349 Prehistoric survivals, 10 Priests and nuns, The Emperor Por and, 124; Priscillianites of Spain, 45, 49 Priscillianus, 46 Provence, 41 Proverbs, 29 Pumpkins, The titmouse and, 146 Q“Questions and Answers” (Lucidaria), 52 RRalston, Russian Folk Tales, 65, 178, 195, 213, 219 Rat, The, journeys to God, 318; Raven, The, 170; Religious character of Rumanian animal tales, 1, 5; Reverence, Lack of, in the stories, 39 Reynard cycle, 54 Reynard the Fox, 8, 31; Ring, The, and the fish, 271 Roads and pathways, 179 Romans, 15 Rosebush, The, and the soul, 341 Royal Asiatic Society, Journal, 30, 356 Rumania, The saints in, 40 Rumanian animal tales, Characteristics of, 1; Rumanian language, Slavonic in, 17, 18; Rumanian peasantry, Superstitions of, 55 Rumanian Popular Literature, History of, 30. Rumanians of Latin origin, 10; Rushava, 117 Russia and the transmission of folk-tales, 24; Russian tales, 22, 26, 27; Ruthenians, 22 Sahula, 31 Saineanu, L., Basmele RomÂne, 72, 258 St. George, 121. Saints, The, 39, 40; Saints, Lives of the, 120 Samodiva. Sanziana, 117 Sarcophaga canaria, 215 Satan. Satan worship, 89 Saturday, Holy Mother, 236 Satyrs, 89 Saul and David, 358 Saw-fly, why is it red? 104; Saxons, 15 Scapegoat, The, 89 Schott, A. and A., 58 Scripture characters, legends of, 57 Sea, The, divided, 268 Sects, Influence of, 55 Seed of the earth, The devil and, 61 Seirim, 89 Semitic languages, 14 Serpent as deceiver of Eve, 219; Seth, The dog dwells with, 362 Setter, The, 317 Sevastos, 319 Sezatoarea, 58 Sheba, Queen of, 239 Sheep, made by the Devil, 22, 88; Shepherd, The polite, and the gadfly, 115, 116 Shirt, The poisoned, 299 Sicily, Survivals in, 10 Sila Samodiva, 238 Silkworm, The, its origin, 193 Sin arises among men, 110 Sindbad the Sailor, 262 Singing of the birds, 151 Skeat, Walter, 28 Slavonic language and the Rumanian language, 17; Slavonic tales, Parallels with Rumanian, 22, 33 Slavs, 15, 50; “Sleep” ring, 204 Smiths, The, and nails for the Crucifixion, 184 Snake, The, 82; Snake-bite, Charm for a cow against, 351; Solomon, King, gift of the tuft to the hoopoe, 230; Songs and ballads, Religious, 48 Sorcery, 55 Soul, The pilgrimage of the, after death, 341; Spain, The saints in, 40; Sparrow, Christ’s curse on, 195; Sparrow-hawk, The, 302 Spider, The sullen, 70; Spiritual unification in religion, 11 Stag, The, and the maiden, 95 Starling, The, variant of Partridge, fox, and hound story, 293 Stars, The, fallen angels, 74; Steel, Mrs. F. A., 28 Step-mother, The wicked, 225 Stone, The, eats the Devil and becomes a wolf, 84 Stork, The, and the waters of life and death, 263; Sultan’s horse, The, 329 Summer, The thrush and the making of, 153 Sun, The, stolen, 99; Sun, Festival of the, 246; Survivals in folk-tales, 9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 36, 37, 38 Swallow, The, and the Holy Mother, 185, 186; Swan, The, The king and swan maiden, 249; Swine, Blood of, to water the vine, 92 Sword, The, and the threads, 269 Synaxarium, 120 Syntipas, 330 Syrians, 15 TTannhÄuser legend, 204 Tartarian language of the Bulgars, 18 Teeth of children, Crows and, 175 Temple, R. C, 28 Temple, The burning of the, and the swallows, 188 Teodorescu, G. Dem., 58 Teutonic mythology, 49 Theodosius and Arianism, 42 Thessaly, 116 Thieves, 76 Thrush, The yellow, 151; Thumb, A., Bulletin of John Rylands Library, 93 Thunder, 66 Thursday, Holy Mother, 236 Tiger, The, and the lion, 308 Titmouse, The, and the pumpkin, 146 Titus the wicked, 357 Toads, 82 Tobit, Book of, 30 Toledo, Council of, 47 Tomtit, The, and the stork, 305 Toothache, The ant as a remedy against, 283 Tophail, Ibn, 31 Tortoise, The, Origin of, 180; Totemism, 2 Transmigration of the soul into animals. Transmission of folk-tales, 4, 6, 7, 16, 36 Transylvania, Saxon colony in, 22; “Tree, The world,” 49 Tristram and Isolde, 248 Turkish conquest, 52 Turks, 15 Turtle dove and its song, 149; Twilight, The stolen, 99 Tylor, E. B., on beast tales in his Primitive Culture, 8 VValens, Emperor, 42 Vallachia, 51 “Vegetation god,” 10 Vermin, St. Peter and, 144; Vilas, 21 Vine, The, none before the flood, 90; Virgin, The. Visions of St. Peter, Paul, and the Lady Mary, 344 Vitae Sanctorum, 120 Vixen, The, and the tom cat, 332 Voinic inflorit, 104 Volga, The, 44 Volsunga Saga, 47 Vultures, 302 WWagtail, The gipsies’ bird, 161; Wanderer, Poems of the, 15 Wart, Mole, charm against, 179 Wasp, The, as the Gipsy’s bee, 135, 137; Water, The birds dig for, 176, 178 Waters made holy by Baptism, 80; Weasel, Charm if bitten by a, 354; Weaver son, The (spider), 69 “Wedding Feast of Tom, The,” 22 Wells, The birds dig, 176, 178 Wheelwrights (bull-flies), 103 “Who killed Cock Robin?” 33. “Who killed the cat?” 33 Widow, The, and her two children, 69 Wife, Bad, Charm against, 132 Willow tree, The, St. Mary, 344 Wind, The, 126; Wine, Noah and, 91; Witchcraft, 54, 55; Witches, 89; Wlislocki’s Zigeuner-mÄrchen, 65, 87 Wolf, The, 25; Woman, Inquisitive old, who became the woodpecker, 141; Women, The lark and the taming of, 296 Woodpecker, Origin of the, 141 World-wide range of fairy lore, 4 Worms in apples, 122; Wren, The, lends its tail to the wagtail, 228; YYgdrasil, The Northern, 345 GLASGOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. 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