rg@html@files@45815@45815-h@45815-h-6.htm.html#p118" class="pginternal">118. Carmelites of Winchester diocese, the, 183. Cartmel priory, 157. Cary, Richard de, Mayor of Oxford, 127. Caspar Camentz, on the plague at Frankfort, 66. Castlecary, 84. Catania, 13, 14; - flight of people to, 14;
- death of Gerard Otho, the archbishop, 14.
Cattle left to wander in fields, 62, 139. Cecchetti, signor, on medical faculty of Venice, 31. Cemetery, difficulty as to, at Winchester, 110; - at Avignon, 40;
- at Tournay, 53.
CÉrisy, St. Vigor's abbey of, 185. Charterhouse, London, old cemetery at, 94. Charterhouse of Somerset, 170. Chastiloun, John, sheriff of Bedford, etc., 179. Chauliac, Gui de, 8, 43. Chedworth, Sir Thomas, and Anglesey priory, 177. Chedzoy manor rolls, 168. Cheshunt, convent at, 177. Chester, county of, 145; - accounts of County Palatine, 145;
- archdeanery of, institution in, 145;
- city, St. John's in, 145;
- St. Mary's priory, 145.
China, origin of plague in, 1, 2; Christchurch priory, Hants, effect of mortality on, 184. Christian charity destroyed by plague, 13, 20, 39, 38, 44, 46, 63, 119. Church, effects of plague on the, iv, 205, seqq.; - benefits to, from middle classes, v.
Churches left without services, 205-6. Chus or Koos, trade routes through, 4. Cities, depopulation of, 161. Clement VI, pope, 44. Clergy, reason for calculating mortality of, 75; - poor pay of, 206;
- proportion to lay people, 205-6;
- ignorance of some at this time, 207;
- secular and regular, proportion of, 211;
- mortality amongst, 77, 203-4;
- dearth of, 152, 172, 205, 214;
- regulation of fees of, 105;
- demand higher stipends, 206.
Clerics not in sacred orders appointed to benefices, 206. Clevedon, 84. Clistel, the lord of, 117. 72. Europe, lines of Eastern trade with, 4. Evercreech, 84. Exe, villages on the, 89. Exeter, diocese of, date of plague in, 80, 87; - episcopal registers, testimony of, 88;
- institutions of, 87, 172;
- city of, St. Nicholas, 89.
Families swept away by plague, 65, 148, 169. Farming, change in the system of, 200. Farms, small, in use before the plague, 201. Feodosia, S., otherwise Caffa, 4. Ferriby priory, 152. Fifteenth century, the, a period of reconstruction, 219. Fish, scarcity of, 197; - increased price of, 196;
- supposed spread of epidemic through, 42.
Fishing boats convey infection, 89. FitzEustace, Thomas, Inq. p.m. on, 177. FitzRalph, archbishop of Armagh, on decrease of Oxford students, 126. FitzWilliam, John, 154. Flanders, 51. Fleurchamps abbey, 67. Flight of people before plague, 154. Florence, 16, 20-25. Food, spread of infection through, 42; Fordingbridge, 112. Foswert, 67. Foucarmont abbey, 46. Fourteenth century, common view as to, i. Fowey, the estuary of, 89. France, S. Luce on population of, 54; - condition of rural, in 14th century, 55.
Franciscans, Wadding on effect of plague on, 216. Frankfort, 66. Freeman, professor, on real greatness of middle ages, 217. Fremington, 89. Freshford, 85. Friars, of Piacenza, deaths amongst, 19; - in Provence, mortality amongst, 44;
- mortality of, 45;
- of Winchester diocese, falling off in numbers, 183;
- of Our Lady, Norwich, 129.
Frodsham manor, 145. Frome, 85. Funerals, regulations for, 28. Furniture of French houses, 55. Fyfhide, William de, 112. Gall, St., abbey of, 70. Gallarete, 62. Garstang, 156. Garter, foundation of the Order of the, i. Gascoigne, Thomas, on decrease of Oxford students, 126. Gascony, 46, 48. Gayton, near Towcester, 193. Gaza, 2. Geneva, Lake of, 205. Ordinations, effect of plague upon the, 181, 183, 208. Ordinations, faculty to archbishop of York for extra, 152. Orvieto, 27. Ospring manor, 104. Otho, Gerard, archbishop of Catania, 14. Oxfordshire, date of pestilence in, 125. Oxford City, 126; - mayors die, 126;
- plague pits in, 127.
Oxford University, students decrease through plague, 126, 210. Oxford, St. Frideswide, 125, 192. Padova, Andrea di, a doctor at Venice, 31. Padua, 26, 61. Painted glass, influence of plague on manufacture, 203. Paris, 46, 47. Parishes, depopulation of, 105, 142; Parliament, prorogation of, 93. Parma, 28-30. Pastoral clergy, necessity for providing, 214. Patent rolls, evidence of the mortality upon the, 76. Pater noster, meaning of instructions upon the, 208, note. Pembroke, county of, 118. Pentrich, 147. People, sympathy of clergy with, 214; - become masters of the situation, 200.
Pepys, Samuel, his description of Bristol, 86. Pestilence, the great, date of commencement, 1; - its arrival in England, 73;
- character of, 7, 10, 11, 35, 49, 60, 62;
- special type of, 7, 36, 43, 117, 119;
- rapidity of infection of, 60, 74, 119;
- not affected by climate, 36.
Petrarch, his account of the plague at Parma, 28-30. Pessimism of present day, 217. PfÄfers, 63. Philip of Valois, Queen of, dies, 47. Philip VI consults doctors upon the epidemic, 49. Piacenza, 4, 18-19. Pilton priory, 89. Pinchbeck, Emma de, prioress of Worthorp, 137. Pisa, 26; - effect of plague on morals at, 32.
Platiensis, Michael, his account of the plague in Sicily, 212. Stoke, Hayling Island, 187. Original printed spelling and grammar is generally retained. Footnotes were renumbered and moved from the ends of pages to the ends of chapters. Ellipses look like the originals. Original printed page numbers are shown like these: "[p-xiii]", in the front matter, or else like "[p013]". Original SMALL CAPS Looks Like THIS. The transcriber created the cover image, and transfers it to the public domain. The page images available to the proofreaders and to the transcriber were nearly illegible in a few places, especially in the small print in some footnotes. The first footnote on page 157 is perhaps the worst example of this: three different images, presumably from three different printed copies of the book, failed to clarify whether the correct reading is "Treasury of Receipt 21a/3", as rendered herein, or not. Page 9, footnote: "simoon" was printed, and is retained, but perhaps "simoom" was meant. Page 19: "northen Italy" changed to "northern Italy". Page 35, first footnote: comma inserted between "Austriacarum" and "Scriptores". Page 40: "crosssd" changed to "crossed". Page 61: "familes" changed to "families". Page 63: "PfÄffers" is spelled "PfÄfers" in the index. Page 65: "Heiligenkreuz" is spelled "Heiligen Kreuz" in the index. Page 80: closing quote added to the sentence that ends thus: "the burial-place of its victims". Page 85: "Doulting" is retained, although it is spelled "Doulton" in the index. Page 118, etc.: The words "Shereborne" (in the Index), "Sherborne" (p 118, 163), and "Shireborne" (p 185, and in the Index) have all been retained, although two or all three may have the same referent. Page 133: in "brother Philip Dallying, late sacrist of Ely", changed "Dallying" to "Dallyng", to agree with index entry. Page 134: "Robert de Spronston" is spelled "Sprouston, Robert de, 134" in the index. Page 143: "Dodinton" is spelled "Dodington" in the index. Page 152: "Rievaux" changed to "Rievaulx" (abbey). Page 177: "Fitz-Eustace" is spelled "FitzEustace" in the index. Pages 221–244, Index: there are several entries that apparently refer to locations within the front matter, where page numbers were designated by Roman numerals. These references generally seem to be incorrect. For example, under the heading "Black Death" on page 223, there are four entries that refer the reader to pages iii or vi, but these pages were the title page and the second page of the Table of Contents, respectively. Similarly, under the heading Calais, the reader is referred to page i, which is the half title page of the printed book. These incorrect references have been retained. Page 226: changed "archdeanery" to "archdeaconry", under the index entry "Chester". Page 234: in "Lincoln, county of, Escheators' accounts", changed "Escheators'" to "Escheator's" to agree with page 150. Page 235: "Mallinge abbey" to "Malling abbey" to agree with text on pages 104 and 106. Page 237: "Oxford, St. Frideswithe" changed to "Oxford, St. Frideswide", to agree with text. Page 244: in "Wivelscombe, the bishop of Bath and Wells at,", changed the name to "Wiveliscombe". "Wyclif" and "Wyclifite" were changed to "Wycliff" and "Wycliffite", respectively, to agree with the text. |