Abbot, mode of election of, 44;
confirmation of election of, 47;
installation of, 47;
duties of, 40, 42;
position of, as regarded his community, 48;
position of, in choir, 49;
his seat in cloister, 18
Abingdon, river tolls at, 81
Ablutions, morning, 118
‘Accusations,’ at Chapter, 124
Aidan, St., Celtic apostle of North of England, 12
Ailesford Convent, 241
Aldgate, Christ Church or Holy Trinity, 225
Alexander III. and the Crutched Friars, 246
Alien priories, 41, 218
Almoner, duties and qualifications of the, 90;
presided over the monastic school, 93;
superintended daily Maundy, 92;
had to prepare Mortuary Rolls, 93
Altar, High, one of the most important parts of the church, 15;
in charge of sacrist, 66;
linen, care of, 67
Altars, side, 16
Andrew’s, St., on Coelian Hill, Benedictine Monastery at, 217
Anthony, St., founder of Eastern monachism, 3;
details of his system of monachism, 3, 4
Antiphoner, duties of, 110
Archivist, 64
Armarius, 61
Ascetae, 2
Ashridge, Convent of Bonshommes at, 249
Aske, Robert, and schools for girls, and nunneries, 163
Asperges, 132
Aspersorium, 132
Aubrey, John, recollections of, 154;
account of nuns, 177
Auditorium, 32
Augustine, St., mission of, 214
Augustinian Canons, 225;
in Ireland, 226
Augustinians in Ireland, 226
Aumbries for towels, 19
Austin Friars, 241
Barnstaple Priory, 218
Basil, St., his Rule, 7, 8
Baths, arrangement for, 103
Beaumont, Lord and Lady, 162
Bec, Abbey of, 186
Bedtime, hours of, 153
Bellringers, duties of, 208
Benedict, St., birth of, 7;
Patriarch of Western Monks, 7, 213;
and the Opus Dei, 13;
his Rule, 8;
the spirit of his Rule, 8
Benedictines, account of, 213;
English, united into Congregations, 191
Benefactors, prayed for in Chapter, 127
Bermondsey Abbey, 218
Berno, abbot of Gigny, 217
Bethlemite Friars, 246
Bishop, relations with regular houses, 180;
and monastic elections, 182;
sometimes invited to appoint superiors, 184;
visited alien priories, 185;
blessing of abbots, 185;
appointed coadjutors to incapable superiors, 188;
privilege accorded to newly elected, 188
Black Canons, 226
Blood-letting, process of, 88
Bodmin Priory, 188
Bonshommes, The, 249
Book of Nurture, 166, 167
Books, repair of, 62
Boots, night, 101, 112
Bread for Holy Eucharist, preparation of, 67
Breakfast, 120
Breviator, 64, 93;
duties of, 210
Brewing, 76
Brief, or Mortuary Roll, 64
Brief-bearers, duties of, 210
Bruno, St., and Carthusians, 221
Brusyard Convent, 238
Buckland, abbot of, 187
Butler, Dom, Introduction to “Lausiac History of Palladius,” 3 seqq.
Caldaria, 24
Camerarius, duties of, 100
Candle-making, 68;
candle-making at Grace Dieu, 173
Candles, allowance of, to monks, 69
Canonici, 222
Canons, Augustinian, 225;
Black, 226;
Gilbertine, 229;
Premonstratensian, 226;
Regular, 222;
White, 226
Canterbury, situation of church at, 13
Cantor, duties of, 58
Capitulum, or Little Chapter, 123
Caritas, 79, 138
Carmelites, account of, 238
Carrels, in cloister, 20
Carriers, duties of, 209
Carrow, visitations of, 178
Carthusians, description of, 221
Cassian, Conferences, 7;
follower of Egyptian monachism, 6
Caterer, duties of, 202
Cathedral Priories, 40
Cellarer, duties of, 72
Cemetery, in charge of sacrist, 68
Chamberlain, duties of, 100;
assistant, 101
Chapter, daily, 121;
business conducted in, 126;
faults, 124;
process of, 123;
benefactors prayed for in, 127;
Chapter Mass, 120;
sealing of charters in, 125
Chapters, General, 190
‘Charlet,’ 205
Charters, sealed in Chapter, 125
Chester, situation of church at, 13
Choir, position of, 15;
one of most important parts of church, 15;
entrance to from cloister, 15
Chrodegand, bishop of Metz, 222, 225
Church, British, Celtic in origin, 11;
situation of in English monasteries, 13;
care of monks for impropriated, 194
Circas, 56
Circatores claustri, 56
Cirencester Abbey, 226
Cistercians, 218
Citeaux, and the English houses, 221;
General Chapters at, 190
Clement IV. and the Austin Friars, 241
Clement V. suppresses Templars, 233
Clerkenwell, headquarters of Hospitallers, 230
Clothing of monks, 100
Cluniacs, system of government, 217
Cluny, General Chapters at, 190
Coadjutors, appointed to help incapable superiors, 188
Collation, or Reading, 152
Collectarium, 117
Collectors, diocesan, often religious superiors, 189
Columba, St., 10;
Rule of, 214
Columbanus, St., Rule of, 11
Commanderies, 230
Common life, definition of, 5
Communion of junior monks, 119
Community, honour shown to, 37
Compline, 153
Conferences of Cassian, 7
CongÉ d’Élire, 44, 183
Convent seal, custodian of, 64
Convocation dues, paid by religious houses, 189
Cook, work of, 25;
duties of monastery, 205;
abbot’s, 202;
cook for fish, 207;
duties of guest-hall, 206;
infirmary, 204, 207;
‘pittance,’ 206
Co-operation, foreshadowed under monastic tenure, 199, 200
Council of Lyons and Pied Friars, 242
Cowick Priory, 186
Cox, Rev. Dr., 155
Cressets, 69
Crossed Friars, 246
Cruets, cleansing of, 67
Crutched Friars, 246
Custodes Ordinis, 122
“Custodies,” Franciscan, 237
Custumaria of Glastonbury, 196
Cuthbert, St., shrine of, 16
Decorum at table, rules for, 142
Denney Convent, 238
Deposition of superiors, 191
Discarius, duties of, 211
Discipline, in Chapter, 124
‘Disport,’ 23
Dinner, 136;
reading at, 138, 141;
serving at, 139;
feeding of the poor at, 141;
dead monk’s portion and place at, 141
Dominic, St., 234
Dominicans, or Black Friars, 234;
at Oxford, 237
Door-keepers, duties of, 210
Durham, hour of Vespers at, 149;
Halmote Rolls, 196, 199;
The Rites of, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 31, 32, 34;
grace-cup of, 24
Edingdon, Convent of Bonshommes at, 249
Education of girls, 162
Election, of superiors, process of, 183;
formal documents needed in an, 46;
by acclamation, 44;
per compromissum, 44;
per viam scrutinii, 44
Emptor, 80
England, early monachism in, 9
Essenes, their practices, 1
Euphemia, abbess of Wherwell, 155
Exemptions of monasteries from episcopal control, 180, 181
Exennia, 77
Feet-washing, or Mandatum, 84;
arrangements for weekly, 103
Felix of Valois, St., founder of Trinitarians, 245
Ferriby Priory, 233
Fish-cook, 206
Franciscan Friars, 237
Frater-house, 21
Fraternity, grant of, in Chapter, 126
Fratry, 21
Friars, the, 234;
Bethlemite, 246;
Black, 234;
Crossed, or Crutched, 246;
Grey, 237;
of the Holy Trinity, or Trinitarians, 245;
of Our Lady, or de Domina, 245;
of St. Mary de Areno, 242;
Pied, or de Pica, 242;
Preaching, 234;
of the Sack, 241;
White, 238
‘Frumenty,’ 205
Gardener, duties of, 209
General Chapters, 190
Generale, 151
Gilbert, St., of Sempringham, 229
Gilbertine Canons, 229
Glastonbury, subject to episcopal jurisdiction, 181;
tenants of, 196;
tenure of land by tenants of, 196;
tenants of, at Christmas, 198
Goldstone, Thos., prior of Canterbury, 35
Gospel at Matins, ceremonies connected with, 114
Grace, at meals: before, 138;
after, 33;
XII., Library, 34
Monastic life, origin of, 1
Monasticon, Dugdale’s, 245
Monte Cassino, Benedictines at, 213;
destroyed by Lombards, 214
‘Mortrews,’ 205
Mortuary Roll, 64;
preparation of, duty of almoner, 93
Mount St. Bernard’s Abbey, 158
Music, instructor of, 61
Mustardarius, duties of, 208
Nicke, Bishop, visitation of in 1514, 178
Norwich, Episcopal Visitations of the Diocese of (edited by Dr. Jessop), 178;
Pied Friars at, 242
Novice-master, duties and qualifications of, 105;
his seat in the Cloister, 18
Novices, 21;
reception of, 106;
training of, 106;
profession of, 108
Nunnaminster, girls’ school at, 177
Nuns, account of, 154 seqq.;
account of by John Aubrey, 154, 177
Obedientiaries, 58
‘Observants,’ 237
Officials, weekly, 109
Opus Dei, 13
Orders, Military, 230
‘Oriel,’ 23
O Sapientia, 34
Oxford, Dominicans at, 237
Pachomius, St., founder of a monastery, 3;
details of his system of monachism, 4, 5
Palladius, Lausiac History of, 3
Paris, Matthew, 246, 249
Parliament, abbots and priors in, 195;
monastic, 128
Penance, Brethren of, 241;
use of Sacrament of, 118
Penitentia, Friars de, 241
Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 221
Petronilla, Dame, cellarer of Grace-Dieu, 158 seqq.
Pied Friars, 242
Pilgrimage of Grace, and the Convents, 163
Pittance, 151;
pittance-cook, 206
Pocket-money for monks, 105
Poor Clares, 238
Pork, as food, 160
Porter of monastery, 19
Precentor, duties of, 58;
librarian, 61;
archivist, 64;
one of custodians of Convent Seal, PLYMOUTH
[1] Texts and Studies, Cambridge, vol. vi., No. 1, p. 233.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid., p. 234.
[4] Ibid., p. 235.
[5] Ibid., p. 236.
[6] Ibid., p. 247.
[7] Ibid., p. 256.
[8] The Celtic Church of Wales, J. J. Willis Bund, p. 166.
[9] A preceptory of Knights of St. Lazarus, temp. Edw. III.
[10] For London, see also Clerkenwell and Haliwell.