"Go on and prosper; there is nothing so useful in science as one of those earthquake hypotheses, which oblige one to face the possibility that the solidest-looking structures may collapse." Letter from Prof. Huxley to the Author. June 2, 1889. THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES INTRODUCTION In former days it was possible for a man like Johannes MÜller to be a leader both in physiology and in comparative anatomy. Nowadays all scientific knowledge has increased so largely that specialization is inevitable, and every investigator is confined more and more not only to one department of science, but as a rule to one small portion of that department. In the case of such cognate sciences as physiology and comparative anatomy this limiting of the scope of view is especially deleterious, for zoology without physiology is dead, and physiology in many of its departments without comparative anatomy can advance but little. Then, again, the too exclusive study of one subject always tends to force the mind into a special groove—into a line of thought so deeply tinged with the prevalent teaching of the subject, that any suggestions which arise contrary to such teaching are apt to be dismissed at once as heretical and not worthy of further thought; whereas the same suggestion arising in the mind of one outside this particular line of thought may give rise to new and valuable scientific discoveries. Nothing but good can, in my opinion, result from the incursion of the non-specialist into the realm of the specialist, provided that the former is in earnest. Over and over again the chemist has given valuable help to the physicist, and the physicist to the chemist, so closely allied are the two subjects; so also is it with physiology and anatomy, the two subjects are so interdependent that a worker in the one may give valuable aid towards the solution of some large problem which is the special territory of the other. It has been a matter of surprise to many how it came about that I, a worker in the physiological laboratory at Cambridge ever since Foster introduced experimental physiology into English-speaking nations, should have devoted so much time to the promulgation of a theory of the origin of vertebrates—a subject remote from physiology, and one of the larger questions appertaining to comparative anatomy. By what process of thought was I led to take up the consideration of a subject apparently so remote from all my previous work, and so foreign to the atmosphere of a physiological laboratory? It may perhaps be instructive to my readers to see how one investigation leads to another, until at last, nolens volens, the worker finds himself in front of a possible solution to a problem far removed from his original investigation, which by the very magnitude and importance of it forces him to devote his whole energy and time to seeing whether his theory is good. In the years 1880-1884 I was engaged in the investigation of the action of the heart, and the nature of the nerves which regulate that action. In the course of that investigation I was struck by the ease with which it was possible to distinguish between the fibres of the vagus and accelerator nerves on their way to the heart, owing to the medullation of the former and the non-medullation of the latter. This led me to an investigation of the accelerator fibres, to find out how far they are non-medullated, and so to the discovery that the rami communicantes connecting together the central nervous system and the sympathetic are in reality single, not double, as had hitherto been thought; for the grey ramus communicans is in reality a peripheral nerve which supplies the blood-vessels of the spinal cord and its membranes, and is of the same nature as the grey accelerators to the heart. This led to the conclusion that there is no give and take between two independent nervous systems, the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic, as had been taught formerly, but only one nervous system, the cerebro-spinal, which sends special medullated nerve-fibres, characterized by their smallness, to the cells of the sympathetic system, from which fibres pass to the periphery, usually non-medullated. These fine medullated nerves form the system of white rami communicantes, and have since been called by Langley the preganglionic nerves. Further investigation showed that such white rami are not universally distributed, but are confined to the thoracico-lumbar region, where their distribution is easily seen in the ventral roots, for the cells of the sympathetic system are entirely efferent in nature, not afferent; therefore, the fibres entering into them from the central nervous system leave the spinal cord by ventral, not dorsal roots. Following out this clue, I then found that in addition to this thoracico-lumbar outflow of efferent ganglionated visceral nerves, there are similar outflows in the cranial and sacral regions, belonging in the former case especially to the vagus system of nerves, and in the latter to the system of nerves which pass from the sacral region of the cord to the ganglion-cells of the hypogastric plexus, and from them supply the bladder, rectum, etc. To this system of nerves, formerly called the nervi erigentes, I gave the name pelvic splanchnics, in order to show their uniformity with the abdominal splanchnics. These investigations led to the conclusion that the organic system of nerves, characterized by the possession of efferent nerve-cells situated peripherally, arises from the central nervous system by three distinct outflows—cranial, thoracico-lumbar, and sacral, respectively. To this system Langley has lately given the name 'autonomic.' These three outflows are separated by two gaps just where the plexuses for the anterior and posterior extremities come in. This peculiar arrangement of the white rami communicantes set me thinking, for the gaps corresponded to an increase of somatic musculature to form the muscles of the fore and hind limbs, so that if, as seemed probable, the white rami communicantes arise segmentally from the spinal cord, then a marked distinction must exist in structure between the spinal cord in the thoracic region, where the visceral efferent nerves are large in amount and the body musculature scanty, and in the cervical or lumbar swellings, where the somatic musculature abounds, and the white rami communicantes scarcely exist. I therefore directed my attention in the next place to the structure of the central nervous system in the endeavour to associate the topographical arrangement of cell-groups in this system with the outflow of the different kinds of nerve-fibres to the peripheral organs. This investigation forcibly impressed upon my mind the uniformity in the arrangement of the central nervous system as far as the centres of origin of all the segmental nerves are concerned, both cranial and spinal, and also the original segmental character of this part of the nervous system. I could not, therefore, help being struck by the force of the comparison between the central nervous systems of Vertebrata and Appendiculata as put forward again and again by the past generation of comparative anatomists, and wondered why it had been discredited. There in the infundibulum was the old oesophagus, there in the cranial segmental nerves the infraoesophageal ganglia, there in the cerebral hemispheres and optic and olfactory nerves the supraoesophageal ganglia, there in the spinal cord the ventral chain of ganglia. But if the infundibulum was the old oesophagus, what then? The old oesophagus was continuous with and led into the cephalic stomach. What about the infundibulum? It was continuous with and led into the ventricles of the brain, and the whole thing became clear. The ventricles of the brain were the old cephalic stomach, and the canal of the spinal cord the long straight intestine which led originally to the anus, and still in the vertebrate embryo opens out into the anus. Not having been educated in a morphological laboratory and taught that the one organ which is homologous throughout the animal kingdom is the gut, and that therefore the gut of the invertebrate ancestor must continue on as the gut of the vertebrate, the conception that the central nervous system has grown round and enclosed the original ancestral gut, and that the vertebrate has formed a new gut did not seem to me so impossible as to prevent my taking it as a working hypothesis, and seeing to what it would lead. This theory that the so-called central nervous system of the vertebrate is in reality composed of two separate parts, of which the one, the segmented part, corresponds to the central nervous system of the highest invertebrates, while the other, the unsegmented tube, was originally the alimentary canal of that same invertebrate, came into my mind in the year 1887. The following year, on June 23, 1888, I read a paper on the subject before the Anatomical Society at Cambridge, which was published in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. 23, and more fully in the Journal of Physiology, vol. 10. Since that time I have been engaged in testing the theory in every possible way, and have published the results of my investigations in a series of papers in different journals, a list of which I append at the end of this introductory chapter. It is now twenty years since the theory first came into my mind, and the work of those twenty years has convinced me more and more of its truth, and yet during the whole time it has been ignored by the morphological world as a whole rather than criticized. Whatever may have been the causes for such absence of criticism, it is clear that the serial character of its publication is a hindrance to criticism of the theory as a whole, and I hope, therefore, that the publication of the whole of the twenty years' work in book-form will induce those who differ from my conclusions to come forward and show me where I am wrong, and why my theory is untenable. Any one who has been thinking over any one problem for so long a time becomes obsessed with the infallibility of his own views, and is not capable of criticizing his own work as thoroughly as others would do. I have been told that it is impossible for one man to consider so vast a subject with that thoroughness which is necessary, before any theory can be accepted as the true solution of the problem. I acknowledge the vastness of the task, and feel keenly enough my own shortcomings. For all that, I do feel that it can only be of advantage to scientific progress and a help to the solution of this great problem, to bring together in one book all the facts which I have been able to collect, which appeal to me as having an important bearing on this solution. In this work I have been helped throughout by Miss R. Alcock. It is not too much to say that without the assistance she has given me, many an important link in the chain of evidence would have been missing. With extraordinary patience she has followed, section by section, the smallest nerves to their destination, and has largely helped to free the transformation process in the lamprey from the mystery which has hitherto enveloped it. She has drawn for me very many of the illustrations scattered through the pages in this book, and I feel that her aid has been so valuable and so continuous, lasting as it does over the whole period of the work, that her name ought fittingly to be associated with mine, if perchance the theory of the Origin of Vertebrates, advocated in the pages of this book, gains acceptance. I am also indebted to Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner and to Dr. A. Sheridan Lea for valuable assistance in preparing this book for the press. I desire to express my grateful thanks to the former for valuable criticism of the scientific evidence which I have brought forward in this book, and to the latter for his great kindness in undertaking the laborious task of collecting the proofs. LIST OF PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS BY THE AUTHOR, CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF VERTEBRATES.
A series of papers on "The Origin of Vertebrates, deduced from the study of Ammocoetes," in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, as follows:— CHAPTER I THE EVIDENCE OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Theories of the origin of vertebrates.—Importance of the central nervous system.—Evolution of tissues.—Evidence of PalÆontology.—Reasons for choosing Ammocoetes rather than Amphioxus.—Importance of larval forms.—Comparison of the vertebrate and arthropod central nervous systems.—Antagonism between cephalization and alimentation.—Life-history of lamprey: not a degenerate animal.—Brain of Ammocoetes compared with brain of arthropod.—Summary. At the present time it is no longer a debatable question whether or no Evolution has taken place. Since the time of Darwin the accumulation of facts in its support has been so overwhelming that all zoologists look upon this question as settled, and desire now to find out the manner in which such evolution has taken place. Here two problems offer themselves for investigation, which can be and are treated separately—the one dealing with the question of those laws of heredity and variation which have brought about in the past and are still causing in the present the evolution of living beings, i.e. the causes of evolution; the other concerned with the relationship of animals, or groups of animals, rather than with the causes which have brought about such relationship, i.e. the sequence of evolution. It is the latter problem with which this book deals, and, indeed, not with the whole question at all, but only with that part of it which concerns the origin of vertebrates. This problem of the sequence of evolution is of a twofold character: first, the finding out of the steps by which the higher forms in any one group of animals have been evolved from the lower; and secondly, the evolution of the group itself from a lower group. In any classification of the animal kingdom, it is clear that large groups of animals exist which have so many common characteristics as to necessitate their being placed in one larger group or kingdom; thus zoologists are able to speak definitely of the Vertebrata, Arthropoda, Annelida, Echinodermata, Porifera, Coelenterata, Mollusca, etc. In each of these groups affinities can be traced between the members, so that it is possible to speak of the progress from lower to higher members of the group, and it is conceivable, given time to work out the details, that the natural relationships between the members of the whole group will ultimately be discovered. Thus no one can doubt that a sequence of the kind has taken place in the Vertebrata as we trace the progress from the lowest fishes to man, and already the discoveries of palÆontology and anatomy give us a distinct clue to the sequence from fish to amphibian, from amphibian to reptile, from reptile to mammal on the one hand, and to bird on the other. That the different members of the vertebrate group are related to each other in orderly sequence is no longer a matter of doubt; the connected problems are matters of detail, the solution of which is certain sooner or later. The same may be said of the members of any of the other great natural groups, such as the Arthropoda, the Annelida, the Echinodermata, etc. It is different, however, when an attempt is made to connect two of the main divisions themselves. It is true enough that there is every reason to believe that the arthropod group has been evolved from the segmented annelid, and so the whole of the segmented invertebrates may be looked on as forming one big division, the Appendiculata, all the members of which will some day be arranged in orderly sequence, but the same feeling of certainty does not exist in other cases. In the very case of the origin of the Appendiculata we are confronted with one of the large problems of evolution—the origin of segmented from non-segmented animals—the solution of which is not yet known. Theories of the Origin of Vertebrates. The other large problem, perhaps the most important of all, is the question of the relationship of the great kingdom of the Vertebrata: from what invertebrate group did the vertebrate arise? The great difficulty which presents itself in attempting a solution of this question is not so much, as used to be thought, the difficulty of deriving a group of animals possessing an internal bony and cartilaginous skeleton from a group possessing an external skeleton of a calcareous or chitinous nature, but rather the difficulty caused by the fundamental difference of arrangement of the important internal organs, especially the relative positions of the central nervous system and the digestive tube. Fig. 1.—Arrangement of Organs in the Vertebrate (A) and Arthropod (B). Al, gut; H, heart; C.N.S., central nervous system; V, ventral side; D, dorsal side. Now, if we take a broad and comprehensive view of the invertebrate kingdom, without arguing out each separate case, we find that it bears strongly the stamp of a general plan of evolution derived from a coelenterate animal, whose central nervous system formed a ring surrounding the mouth. Then when the radial symmetry was given up, and an elongated, bilateral, segmented form evolved, the central nervous system also became elongated and segmented, but, owing to its derivation from an oral ring, it still surrounded the mouth-tube, or oesophagus, and thus in its highest forms is divided into supra-oesophageal and infra-oesophageal nervous masses. These latter nervous masses are of necessity ventral to the digestive tube, because the mouth of the coelenterate is on the ventral side. The striking characteristic, then, of the invertebrate kingdom is the situation of a large portion of the central nervous system ventrally to the alimentary canal and the piercing of the nervous system by a tube—the oesophagus—leading from the mouth to the alimentary canal. The equally striking characteristic of the vertebrate is the dorsal position of the central nervous system and the ventral position of the alimentary canal combined with the absence of any piercing of the central nervous system by the oesophagus. So fundamentally different is the arrangement of the important organs in the two groups that it might well give rise to a feeling of despair of ever hoping to solve the problem of the Origin of Vertebrates; and, to my mind, this is the prevalent feeling among morphologists at the present time. Two attempts at solution have been made. The one is associated with the name of Geoffrey St. Hilaire, and is based on the supposition that the vertebrate has arisen from the invertebrate by turning over on its back, swimming in this position, and so gradually converting an originally dorsal surface into a ventral one, and vice versÂ; at the same time, a new mouth is supposed to have been formed on the new ventral side, which opened directly into the alimentary canal, while the old mouth, which had now become dorsal, was obliterated. The other attempt at solution is of much more recent date, and is especially associated with the name of Bateson. It supposes that bilaterally symmetrical, elongated, segmented animals were formed from the very first in two distinct ways. In the one case the digestive tube pierced the central nervous system, and was situated dorsally to its main mass. In the other case the segmented central nervous system was situated from the first dorsally to the alimentary canal, and was not pierced by it. In the first case the highest result of evolution led to the Arthropoda; in the second case to the Vertebrata. Neither of these views is based on evidence so strong as to cause universal acceptance. The great difficulty in the way of accepting the second alternative is the complete absence of any evidence, either among animals living on the earth at the present day or among those known to have existed in the past, of any such chain of intermediate animal forms as must, on this hypothesis, have existed in order to link together the lower forms of life with the vertebrates. It has been supposed that the Tunicata and the Enteropneusta (Balanoglossus) (Fig. 2) are members of this missing chain, and that in Amphioxus the vertebrate approaches in organization to these low invertebrate forms. The tunicates, indeed, are looked upon as degenerate members of an early vertebrate stock, which may give help in picturing the nature of the vertebrate ancestor but are not themselves in the direct line of descent. Balanoglossus is supposed to have arisen from the Echinodermata, or at all events to have affinities with them, so that to fill up the enormous gap between the Echinodermata and the Vertebrata on this theory there is absolutely nothing living on the earth except Balanoglossus, Rhabdopleura, and Cephalodiscus. The characteristics of the vertebrate upon which this second theory is based are the notochord, the respiratory character of the anterior part of the alimentary canal, and the tubular nature of the central nervous system; it is claimed that in Balanoglossus the beginnings of a notochord and a tubular central nervous system are to be found, while the respiratory portion of the gut is closely comparable to that of Amphioxus. The strength of the first theory is essentially based on the comparison of the vertebrate central nervous system with that of the segmented invertebrate, annelid or arthropod. In the latter the central nervous system is composed of— 1. The supra-oesophageal ganglia, which give origin to the nerves of the eyes and antennules, i.e. to the optic and olfactory nerves, for the first pair of antennÆ are olfactory in function. These are connected with the infra-oesophageal ganglia by the oesophageal commissures which encircle the oesophagus. 2. The infra-oesophageal ganglia and the two chains of ventral ganglia, which are segmentally-arranged sets of ganglia. Of these, each pair gives rise to the nerves of its own segment, and these nerves are not nerves of special sense as are the supra-oesophageal nerves, but motor and sensory to the segment; nerves by the agency of which food is taken in and masticated, respiration is effected, and the animal moves from place to place. In the vertebrate the central nervous system consists of— 1. The brain proper, from which arise only the olfactory and optic nerves. Fig. 3.—Vertebrate Central Nervous System compared with the Central Nervous System and Alimentary Canal of the Arthropod. A. Vertebrate central nervous system. S. Inf. Br., supra-infundibular brain; I. Inf. Br., infra-infundibular brain and cranial segmental nerves; C.Q., corpora quadrigemina; Cb., cerebellum; C.C., crura cerebri; C.S., corpus striatum; Pn., pineal gland. B. Invertebrate central nervous system. S. Œs. G., supra-oesophageal ganglia; I. Œs. G., infra-oesophageal ganglia; Œs. Com., oesophageal commissures. 2. The region of the mid-brain, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord; from these arises a series of nerves segmentally arranged, which, as in the invertebrate, gives origin to the nerves governing mastication, respiration, and locomotion. Further, the vertebrate central nervous system possesses the peculiarity, found nowhere else, of being tubular, and the tube is of a striking character. In the spinal region it is a small, simple canal of uniform calibre, which at the front end dilates to form the ventricles of the region of the brain. From that part of this dilated portion, known as the third ventricle, a narrow tube passes to the ventral surface of the brain. This tube is called the infundibulum, and, extraordinary to relate, lies just anteriorly to the exits of the third cranial or oculomotor nerves; in other words, it marks the termination of the series of spinal and cranial segmental nerves. Further, on each side of this infundibular tube are lying the two thick masses of the crura cerebri, the strands of fibres which connect the higher brain-region proper with the lower region of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Not only, then, are the nerve-masses in the two systems exactly comparable, but in the very place where the oesophageal tube is found in the invertebrate, the infundibular tube exists in the vertebrate, so that if the words infundibular and oesophageal are taken to be interchangable, then in every respect the two central nervous systems are comparable. The brain proper of the vertebrate, with its olfactory and optic nerves, becomes the direct descendant of the supra-oesophageal ganglia; the crura cerebri become the oesophageal commissures, and the cranial and spinal segmental nerves are respectively the nerves belonging to the infra-oesophageal and ventral chain of ganglia. This overwhelmingly strong evidence has always pointed directly to the origin of the vertebrate from some form among the segmented group of invertebrates, annelid or arthropod, in which the original oesophagus had become converted into the infundibulum, and a new mouth formed. So far, the position of this school of anatomists was extremely sound, for it is impossible to dispute the facts on which it is based. Still, however, the fact remained that the gut of the vertebrate lies ventrally to the nervous system, while that of the invertebrate lies dorsally; consequently, since the infundibulum was in the position of the invertebrate oesophagus, it must originally have entered into the gut, and since the vertebrate gut was lying ventrally to it, it could only have opened into that gut in the invertebrate stage by the shifting of dorsal and ventral surfaces. From this argument it followed that the remains of the original mouth into which the infundibulum, i.e. oesophagus, opened were to be sought for on the dorsal side of the vertebrate brain. Here in all vertebrates there are two spots where the roof of the brain is very thin, the one in the region of the pineal body, and the other constituting the roof of the fourth ventricle. Both of these places have had their advocates as the position of the old mouth, the former being upheld by Owen, the latter by Dohrn. |