- Abbas the Great, Shah of Persia, wishes to introduce printing into Persia, 119
- Africa, question as to first introduction of printing into, 123
- Aldrich, Stephen J., of the British Museum, an authority on incunabula, 208
- Ancina, Bishop, his integrity, 169
- Antequera Castro, Joseph, author of a book printed in Paraguay, 133
- Baber, Rev. H. H., his Museum catalogue, 85;
- his plan for an improved catalogue, 90
- Bailey, J. B., on subject indexes to scientific periodicals, 225
- Beresford, General, prints proclamations in Buenos Ayres, 136
- Bethnal Green Library, its contrivance for the accommodation of books, the prototype of the British Museum sliding-press, 267
- Bible, the foundation of the system of classification adopted at the British Museum, 212
- Blades, William, his "Enemies of Books," 283-287
- Bond, Sir Edward Augustus, K.C.B., Principal Librarian of the British Museum, his services to the British Museum Printed Catalogue, 15;
- his negotiations with the Treasury, 65, 73, 94;
- memoir of, 335-339
- Bonifacius, Joannes, author of the first book printed by Europeans in China, 121
- Bradshaw, Henry, 209
- British Museum Catalogue, how far a model for other catalogues, 7
- Canevarius, Antonius, collector of books and amateur of bindings, 164-166
- Carlisle, Nicholas, 312
- Cary, Rev. Henry, 295
- Classed indexes to Museum Catalogue, how to be made, 106
- Classification of Books on the shelves of the British Museum, Library, 211
- Clemente Patavino, early Italian printer, 201
- Cole, Sir Henry, 84, 109
- Collins, C. H., Esq., of Edgbaston, advocates a classified index of scientific papers, 22
- Colophons of the early printers, 197-209
- Cordier, M. Henri, Chinese bibliographer, 121
- Crestadoro, Mr., advocates dictionary catalogues, 46
- Cutter, C. W., his report on catalogues, 46;
- his cataloguing rules, 48
- Dewey, Melvil, on the decimal system of classification, 80
- Douglas, Professor R. K., Keeper of Oriental Books and MSS., his catalogue of the Museum collection of maps, 15;
- supervises catalogue of accession titles, 74
- Duarte y Quiros, founder of a college at Cordova, La Plata, 134
- Dury, John, 175-190, passim
- Edwards, Edward, 320
- Electric Light in British Museum, 253, 254
- Ellis, Sir Henry, his Museum catalogue, 85
- Ewart, William, M.P., founder of free public libraries in Great Britain and Ireland, 36
- Fire, protection of libraries against, 258-261
- Fortescue, G. W., Keeper of Printed Books, his subject indexes to British Museum catalogue, 10
- Foscolo, Ugo, 289
<THE END Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original. Ellipses match the original. Page 340 is blank in the original. The following corrections have been made to the original text: Page 152: publication is greatly lowered.[original has a comma] Page 172: the Rome of the seventeenth[original has "seventeeth"] century Page 321: the staunch[original has "stanch"] persistence with which Page 341: Bible, the foundation of the system of classification[original has "classifiation"] adopted Page 342: Photography, advantages of its introduction[was split across a line break without a hyphen] as an official department of the British Museum, 16, 17,[original has a semi-colon] 85, 86,[original has a semi-colon] 234-252 Page 343: Thompson, Sir E. M., K.C.B., on use of blotting paper in the Middle Ages, 171[original has a period instead of a comma and page number is missing] |