- Adams, Mrs., 13.
- Adams, Miss A. M. (Mrs. Corrie Grant), 67, 69.
- Albert Victor, Prince, Duke of Clarence, 64.
- Aldis, Mrs., of Newcastle, 46.
- Alexandra, Princess of Wales (Queen Alexandra), 64.
- Archer-Hind, Mr. R. D., 24.
- Armitage, Mrs. E. (_nÉe_ Bulley), 25.
- Associates of Newnham College, 91.
- Association for Promoting the Higher Education of Women in Cambridge, founded, 13; amalgamated with Newnham Hall Company, 33.
- Balfour, Miss Alice, 38.
- Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., 118.
- Balfour, Prof. Francis Maitland (_see_ Laboratories: biological), 38.
- Bateson, Mrs. Anna, 13, 14, 24.
- Bateson, Miss Mary, 93 _seq._
- Bateson, Dr. William, 95, 102.
- Bathurst, Hon. Selina, 64, 93.
- Bedford College, London, 6.
- Birmingham University, 46.
- Bonney, Rev. Dr. T. G., 13.
- Boreham, Mrs., gives telescope to Newnham, 126.
- Bristol University, 46.
- Brough, Mrs. (_nÉe_ Lloyd), 69.
- Browne, Bishop G. F., Sec. to Syndicate for local lectures, etc., 11, 47.
- Bryce, Lord, on North of England Council, 9; first Sidgwick Memorial Lecture, 108.
- Bulley, Miss Amy (Mrs. Brooke), 25.
- Bursar, title of, 118.
- Butler, Canon Geo., 9.
- Butler, Mrs. Josephine, 9.
- Butler, Rev. Dr. H. M., Master of Trinity, 102, 103.
- Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 97.
- Cayley, Professor A., 14, 47.
- Champneys, Mr. Basil, 28, 87.
- Chapel, why none in Newnham College, 60 _seq._
- Charter of 1917, 115 _seq._
- Clay, Mr. C. J., lends room for first lectures to women in Cambridge, 14.
- Clough, Miss Anne Jemima, starts Newnham, 2; early education and experience, 5; helps in work of Northern Council, 13; comes to Cambridge, 18; her character and ideas, 22 _seq._; removes into Merton Hall, 26; into Bateman Street, 28; into Newnham Hall, 28; chaperones to lectures, 40; life in Newnham, 58, 59, 60, 64, 68 _seq._; success of her policy, 55, 18; his character and influence, 20 _seq._, GLASGOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD.