treatise on, 187; Alexander fond of, 485; rooms for, 485 Bater, 252, 297 Bathing arrangements in gymnasium, 479 ff. Bathroom at Delphi, 486; Beauty, Greek love of, 88 Belistiche, 159, 462 Beni-Hassan, wrestling scenes at, 9, 372 Boat-races, 221, 229, 240, 508 Bolas, 314 Boxing— - In Crete, 9, 10, 403;
- in Homer, 17, 417;
- in Eastern Aegean, 33;
- at Priene (?? ??????), 496;
- popularity of, 131, 402
- Himantes, 402;
- sphairai, 406, 136;
- himantes oxeis, 409;
- caestus, 411;
- represented on bronze situlae, 412
- History of, in Greece, 414;
- conditions of, 415;
- position of boxer, 419
- Use of left hand, 422;
- use of right hand, 423;
- the crushed ear, 425;
- foot-work, 425;
- defect of style, 427
- Amycus and Polydeuces in Theocritus, 428;
- in Apollonius Rhodius, 430;
- Dares and Entellus in Vergil, 431, 172;
- laws of, 432
- Practice for, 433
Boys, competitions for, 80; - pankration for, 161;
- Claudian, Augustan, 175;
- Isthmian, Pythian, 271
Bull-baiting at Cnossus, 10 Burgon vase, 242, 457 Bybon, inscription of, on weight, 83 Bye, importance of, 370, 374 Caestus, 136, 172. Callippus of Athens, pentathlete, bribes opponents, 134, 136 Caprus of Elis, pankratiast, 320; principle of the throw, 322; typical positions, 323; stance, 327; backward swing, 330; the forward swing and throw, 331; modern styles, 333; competitions in, 337 Dolichos, 51, 270, 279, 281, 284 Domitius Tutus, Q., votive offering of, 222 Dorian invasion, 42 Dorieus of Rhodes, boxer, 130, 375 Doryphoros of Polycleitus, 95 Drachma, value of, 262 Drill, textbooks of, 374 Dromeus of Mantinea, pankratiast, 375 Dromeus of Stymphalus, dolichodromos and trainer, introduces meat diet, 126, 505 Dromos, at Sparta, 467 Drumos of Epidaurus, inscription of, 285 Dumb-bells, halteres used as, 310 Elaiothesion, 490 Elean embassy to Egypt, 68 Eleans and Pisatans, 43, 142 Eleans, ??????? of, 51 Elis, synoecism of, 115; - the new city, 117;
- treaty with Heraea, 46
Empedocles of Aetna, 207 Epaenetus, inscribed halter of, 298 Epaminondas and athletics, 127 Epharmostus of Opous, 180, 228 Ephebeion, 490, 495 Epheboi, 99; - reorganized by Lycurgus, 148;
- training of,, 149 ff.
Ephesus, stadium, 266; Epicharinus, hoplitodromos, statue of, 94 Epidaurus, athletes fined for bribery, 148 n.; Epigrams, athletic, 172; Epinikia, 78, 105 ff. Etruscan wall-paintings, funeral games, 27; Euagoras of Sparta, chariot-race, 133 Eumastas, inscription on weight, 83 Eumelus, 34 Eupolemus of Elis, runner, 267 Metrodorus of Pergamum, gymnasiarchos, 497 Midas of Agrigentum, flute-player, 230 Military competitions, 150 ff.; Milo of Croton, wrestler, 82, 310, 375, 377 Mosaic, from Tusculum, 176, 447; - from baths of Caracalla, 189, 411
Mud, wrestling in, 376 Mule chariot-race, 71, 460 Mummius at Olympia, 162 Mycenae, absence of athletics, 11; Myron of Sicyon, 59 Myron, sculptor, 95 Nemea, origin of festival, 66; - similarity to Olympia, 66;
- Hellanodicae at, 66, 225;
- control of, 223;
- history of, 224;
- the winter Nemea, 224;
- the sanctuary, 224;
- date, of, 225;
- programme of, 225;
- athletic character of, 226;
- nature of competition at, 226
Nero at Olympia, 171; Nicasylus of Rhodes, 271 Nicogenes of Athens, Agonothetes, decree in honour of, 150 Nicostratus of Cilicia, last successor of Heracles, 174 Nudity in athletics, influence of, 86 Oenopides at Olympia, 140 Oil, use of, in athletics, 273; - in gymnasium, 477, 490;
- supplied by gymnasiarchos, 477;
- large quantity used, 502
Oligaethidae of Corinth, victories of, 217 Olympia, buildings and monuments at— - Altar of Zeus, 53
- Altis wall, 119, 156
- Bouleuterion, 69, 116, 119
- Colonnades, 120, 156
- Exedra of Herodes, 171
- Gymnasium, 159, 488
- Heraeum, 48, 52
- Heroum, 156
html#Page_108" class="pginternal">108, 198;
- Paidonomos, 151, 497
- Paidotribes and gymnastes, distinction between, 503
- Paidotribes, dress of, 474;
- Palaestra and gymnasium, difference between, 468
- Palaestra, different types of, 469;
- of Miccus in Plato, 471;
- life in, 149
- Palm of victory, 76 n. 1
- Panathenaea, reorganized by Peisistratus, 74;
- why not Panhellenic, 75;
- programme of, 75, 230;
- recitations at, 230;
- musical contests at, 230;
- athletic, 233;
- equestrian, 235;
- prizes at, 75, 231, 232, 234, 241;
- fewness of Athenian victories at, 235;
- tribal competitions, 239;
- regatta, 241;
- prizes, 241;
- prize amphorae, 242;
- stadium, 263
- Panathenaic amphorae, 75, 241-245
- Panhellenic festivals, cycle of, 67
- Pankration, alleged brutality of, 435;
- Philostratus’ description of, 438;
- combination of wrestling and boxing, 439;
- various throws, 440;
- leg-holds, 441;
- stomach throw, 442;
- kicking, 445;
- strangling, etc., 446;
- ground-wrestling, 448;
- Uffizi wrestlers, 448
- Paradromis, 483
- Parthenon, Panathenaic procession on frieze of, 230;
- athletic type on, 102;
- apobates on, 238
- Patroclus, games of, 15
- Peisistratus, 73, 74
- Peleus, pentathlon of, 362;
- wrestling with Atalanta, 387
- Pelias, funeral games of, 30, 353
- Peloponnese, the home of athletics, 9
- Pentathlon, commended by Aristotle, 136;
- Xenarches of Sparta, chariot-race, 225
- Xenocles of Maenalus, wrestler, 375
- Xenocrates of Agrigentum, chariot, 210
- Xenophanes, protest against over-athleticism, 79, 272
- Xenophon, 130;
- account of battle of Olympia, 196, 363;
- on javelin-throwing, 356
- Xystarches, 175, 176, 506
- Xystos, 483
- Zanes, 134, 174
- Zosimus of Priene, gymnasiarchos, 496