This little volume now starts upon its way to visit the homes of those who, with us, desire above all things the overthrow of the liquor traffic. When it knocks at your door, kindly admit it and treat it as a welcome guest—a loved friend; remain blind to its faults, and see only the good intended. We send it forth, not for its literary merit, not for any honor to ourselves, but as a faithful record of the work accomplished by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the State of New York during the two decades just closed. It was written at your request, and it is yours, not ours. That it may be of benefit to the work and a pleasure to the workers is all we ask. We commend it to you with earnest prayers and best wishes. FRANCES W. GRAHAM. leaf Mary T. Burt Mrs. Mary Towne Burt TO OURCONSECRATED LEADER,MARY TOWNE BURT,AND TO THETWENTY-TWO THOUSAND WHITE RIBBONERSOF THEEMPIRE STATE,THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATEDBYTHE AUTHORSOFFICERS, 1894.PRESIDENT: MRS. MARY TOWNE BURT, 217 W. 134th St., New York City. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: MRS. ELLA A. BOOLE, A.M., West New Brighton, S. I. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: MRS. FRANCES W. GRAHAM, 274 Church St., Lockport. RECORDING SECRETARY: MRS. GEORGEANNA M. GARDENIER, 64 E. Cayuga St., Oswego. TREASURER: MRS. ELLEN L. TENNEY, 484 Madison Ave., Albany. STATE HEADQUARTERS: No. 30 WEST 230 STREET, NEW YORK CITY. COUNTY STANDARD BEARERS,1894
TABLE OF CONTENTS.Sketch of Mrs. Esther McNeil, Veteran Crusader Sketch of Mrs. Allen Butler, first President Sketch of Mrs. Maria Hyde Hibbard, second President Sketch of Mrs. Mary Towne Burt, our President Sketch of Mrs. Ella A. Boole, First Vice-President Sketch of Mrs. Frances W. Graham, Corresponding Secretary Sketch of Mrs. Georgianna M. Gardenier, Recording Secretary Sketch of Mrs. Ellen L. Tenney, Treasurer Financial Statement, 1874-1894 Officers, 1874-1894 Annual Meetings World's Fair Banner LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.* * * * * Mrs. Mary Towne Burt Mrs. Esther McNeil Mrs. Allen Butler Mrs. Maria Hyde Hibbard Mrs. Mary Towne Burt Mrs. Ella A. Boole Mrs. Frances W. Graham Mrs. Georgeanna M. Gardenier Mrs. Ellen L. Tenney border |