List of changes made to the original text: Page 9, “poloi” changed to “polloi” (the hoi polloi) (we’ll ignore the wrongness of using “the” as well as “hoi”; our author is an expert on postage, not Greek) Page 51, “controvening” changed to “contravening” (contravening the constitutional rights) Page 57, “be” changed to “he” (but he showed no hesitancy) Page 73, “neswpapers” changed to “newspapers” (indeed newspapers in general) Page 85, “Posmaster” changed to “Postmaster” (what our Postmaster General is after) Page 89, “italization” changed to “italicization” (my italicization of certain of its phrasings) Page 91, “Massacheusetts” changed to “Massachusetts” (hulling beans in Massachusetts) Page 123, “naratives” changed to “narratives” (historical narratives about the civil war) Page 123, “evidenee” changed to “evidence” (shall be made to appear by evidence) Page 125, “bureauocracy” changed to “bureaucracy” (Next to a bureaucracy) Page 150, “perparatory” changed to “preparatory” (the names and locations of preparatory schools) Page 183, “wastful” changed to “wasteful” (the loose, wasteful methods) Page 199, “bagagge” changed to “baggage” (transports them in the baggage cars) Page 208, “hubub” changed to “hubbub” (not going to raise any noisy hubbub) Page 213, “dominition” changed to “domination” (independent of party domination) Page 213, “presistently” changed to “persistently” (which the government persistently refuses) Page 214, “tonnaged” changed to “tonnage” (his estimated tonnage of franked and penalty matter) Page 225, “unsurps” changed to “usurps” (in such practice usurps the function) Page 232, “accunt” changed to “account” (Expenditures on account of previous years) Page 236, unnecessarily duplicated word “has” deleted (has, so far as I have seen, [has] shown) Page 250, “uniformely” changed to “uniformly” (uniformly, if not entirely, support) Page 251, “franchiess” changed to “franchises” (private enterprise under franchises from the government) Page 259, “reveneus” changed to “revenues” (this raid of the express companies on postal revenues) Page 261, “accure” changed to “accrue” (the surplus shall accrue) Page 264, “remembeerd” changed to “remembered” (When it is remembered) Page 269, “testimnoy” changed to “testimony” (the testimony of numerous other railroad representatives) Page 277, “befudling” changed to “befuddling” (a lot of befuddling, alleged data) Page 280, “dominent” changed to “dominant” (the dominant factors involved) Page 287, “abitrary” changed to “arbitrary” (unjust regulations and arbitrary impositions) Page 296, “corruscations” changed to “coruscations” (with rhetorical coruscations) Page 307, “doue” changed to “done” (shipping is done by railroad employes.) Page 312, “throught” changed to “thought” (when thought reached the conclusion) Page 345, “af” changed to “of” (the possibility of collecting a higher rate) Page 345, “approbrium” changed to “opprobrium” (there is no opprobrium in the word) Page 354, “mecrhants” changed to “merchants” (one-night-stand city merchants) Page 359, “spoilation” changed to “spoliation” (the spoliation and exploitation) |