Quick Links to Index Letters [ A][ B][ C] [ D][ F] [ G][ H][ I] [ L][ M] [ O][ P][ R] [ S][ T][ V] [ Y] Page | A. | Agriculture, most important occupation of Indians, | 20 | Alcohol, effect on Indian temperament, | 34 | Amulets, worn by women, | 19 | Animals— | Domestic, kept by ancient inhabitants, | 55 | kept for pets, | 25 | Arts of the ancients, fine examples discovered,
| 53
| B. | Baskets, making of, | 30 | Bleeding, favorite remedy, | 37 | Bones, measurements of, | 51 | Bristol Museum, objects from collection of, | 13 | British Honduras, Northern, geographical description of, | 14 | British Museum, objects from collection of,
| 13
| C. | Candles, method of making, | 31 | Canoes— | making of, | 28 | used for trading along rivers, | 29 | Ceremonies, the four principal, | 42 | Ceremony, Cha chac, at ripening of corn, description, | 42 | Charms worn by women, | 19 | Chief— | power practically absolute, | 35 | rarely dies natural death, | 35 | strongest subchief usually succeeds, | 35 | Childbirth, methods of facilitating, | 38 | Children, love for and disposition of, | 33 | Chronology, three periods of Mayan civilization, | Page | Machete, used as tool and weapon, | 28 | Malaria— | chief scourge of Indians, | 36 | treated by sweating, | 36 | Marriage— | age of, | 32 | all degrees of racial mixture, | 34 | ceremony often delayed, | 33 | Maya women to Negro men common, | 33 | not legal among Santa Cruz unless performed by certain official, | 33 | obligation somewhat loose, | 33 | usually by Catholic priest, | 33 | Massage, practiced by midwives, | 38 | Maya, progenitors of present inhabitants, | 15 | Medicine, list of plants used as, | 38 | Men— | cruelty of, often in nature of reprisal, | 18 | dress of, | 18 | example of cruelty of master to servant, | 18 | have no desire to accumulate wealth, | 18 | mental characteristics of, | 17 | occupation of, | 17 | skillful in finding routes and in following tracks, | 18 | stoical in bearing pain, | 18 | Metate— | superseded by hand mills, | 17 | use of, | 21 | Milpa— | many fruits and vegetables grown in, | 20 | preparation of, | 20 | Moccasins, making of, | 19 | Mosquitoes, carriers of malaria, | 36 | Mounds— | abundant on fertile soil, | 50 | classification of, | 49 | contents indicate physical appearance of ancient inhabitants, | 51 | manner of construction, | 65 | Museum of the American Indian, objects from collection of,
| 13 | O. | Odor, peculiar, | 16 | Oils, for cooking and lighting, | 31 | Ornaments, worn by ancient inhabitants,
| 52 | P. | "Pine ridges," description of, | 14 | Plants, list of, used as medicine, | 38 | Pottery— | ancient, description of, | 54 | ancient, ornamentation of, | 54 | slight attempt at decoration, | 28 | Pottery making— | exclusively by older women, | 28 | no polish, glaze, or paint applied, | 28 | rendered unnecessary by iron pots and earthenware, | 17 | Property, disposition of, at death, | 33 | Punishment— | fine, flogging, and death only methods of, | 35 | for witchcraft or sorcery, | 36 | imprisonment as, unknown, | 35 | R. | Religion— | ancient inhabitants, | 56 | Catholic priests not permitted for many years, | 41 | Page
| Christianity a thin veneer, | 42 | four principal ceremonies, | 42 | human sacrifice by the ancient inhabitants, | 57 | Indian conception of, | 40 | native priests appointed, | 41 | Religious altars, draped and decorated, | 28 | Rum— | made locally, | 34 | women usually drink privately,
| 34 | S. | Sandals, worn by ancient inhabitants, | 52 | Santa Cruz tribe— | emigration of, | 13 | estimate of population, | 13 | measurements of, | 15 | physical description of, | 15 | policy of extermination of, by Mexican Government, | 13 | Smallpox— | terrible scourge, | 37 | treatment for, often disastrous, | 37 | Snakes used as food, | 24 | Spinning— | method of, | 29 | no longer practiced, | 17 | universal among ancient women, | 55 | Spirits, belief in, | 40 | Superstition, "Santa Cruz" oracle, | 41 | Surgery, practice of,
| 37 | T. | Teeth, filed and filled with plugs, | 51 | Tobacco— | curing of, | 30 | vanilla leaves mixed with, to give flavor and fragrance, | 30 | Torch used in fishing, | 25 | Tortillas, preparation and cooking of, | 21 | Traps used in capturing game, | 24 | Turkey, use of, in Cha chac ceremony,
| 45 | V. | Villages— | description of, | 32 | foreigners not permitted to reside in, | 32 | frequent changes of sites, | 27 | locations of, carefully concealed,
| 32 | W. | Weapons— | defensive, of ancient inhabitants, | 53 | offensive, of ancient inhabitants, | 52 | Weaving— | method of, | 29 | no longer practiced, | 17 | Women— | dress of, | 19 | in gala costume present attractive appearance, | 16 | industrious workers, | 17 | jewelry and ornaments worn by, | 19 | obscene and disgusting language used by, | 16 | occupation of, | 17 | personal cleanliness of, | 16 | physically and mentally superior to men, | 16 | social characteristics of,
| 16 | Y. | Yucatan, geographical description of, | 14 | Yucatecan tribes, immigration into northern British Honduras, | 13 | [1] Que los indios eran muy dissolutos en bever y emboracharse, de que les seguian muchos males, como matarse unos a otros, violar las camas ... y pegar fuego a sus casas.—Landa, RelaciÓn de las Cosas de Yucatan, chap. XXII, p. 122. |   |