1. Group of Santa Cruz Indians 18
2. Maya girls fishing 26
3. Fish drying on one of the cays off the coast of Yucatan 26
4. Maya Indian houses. a. Leaf-thatched house, b. Indian house on Rio Hondo 26
5. Maya woman, 105 years old, spinning cotton 29
6. Maya loom 29
7. Sketch map of British Honduras, with adjacent parts of Yucatan and Guatemala, indicating the positions of mounds excavated 59
8. Figurines of warriors from Mound No. 1 60
9. Figurines from Mound No. 1 60
10. a. Section through earthwork inclosing circular space, Santa Rita. b. Section of wall through Santa Rita 70
11. Egg-shaped vase from Mound No. 5 70
12. Metates and brazos from Mound No. 6 75
13. a. Small pottery seal. b. Bowl in which skull was found, c. Skull 75
14. Skull and bones from Mound No. 8 80
15. Stone objects from Mound No. 10 88
16. a. Model of jadeite bivalve shell, b. Light-green jadeite mask, c. Ax head, or celt. d. Terra-cotta cylinder 91
17. Painted basin and cover from Mound No. 16 105
18. Pottery from Mound No. 16 107
19. a. Decoration on vase shown in figure 60. b. Decoration of vessel from Mound No. 17 110
20. Incense burner from Mound No. 24 119
21. a. Small vase decorated with human head. b. Human bones from Mound No. 29 125
22. Painted clay figurine from Mound No. 33 131
23. Pottery vase from Yalloch, Guatemala 142
24. Pottery vase from Yalloch, Guatemala 142
25. Pottery vase from Yalloch, Guatemala 142< gn="top">113
66. Fragment of pillar found in Mound No. 20 113
67. Another view of incense burner shown in plate 20 119
68. Incense burner decorated with crude clay figurine from Mound No. 25 120
69. Crude clay figurine found in Mound No. 25 121
70. Crude clay figurine found in Mound No. 25 122
71. Small pottery vases found in Mound No. 26 123
72. Red pottery vase found in Mound No. 27 124
73. Pottery vessels found in Mound No. 31 128
74. Chocolate pot found in Mound No. 31 128
75. Pottery vessels found in Mound No. 32 129
76. Head cut from limestone found in Mound No. 32 130
77. Greenstone mask found in Mound No. 32 130
78. Soapstone lamp found in Mound No. 33 131
79. Rough pottery vessel found in Mound No. 33 132
80. Objects found in Mound No. 34 132
81. Figure in diving position on small vase 133
82. Design incised on femur of deer found in Mound No. 39 135
83. Copper object found in Mound No. 39 136
84. Ruins found in Mound No. 40 137


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