Part 1. Customs, Ceremonies, and Mode of Life
Introduction 13
Habitat 14
Personal characteristics 15
Dress 18
Industrial activities 20
Agriculture 20
Procuring food; cooking 21
Hunting 23
Fishing 25
Construction of houses and furniture 26
Pottery making 28
Boat building 28
Spinning and weaving 29
Minor industries 30
Tobacco curing 30
Basket and mat weaving 30
Social characteristics 32
Villages 32
Marriage and children 32
Drunkenness 34
Chiefs 35
Diseases and medicines 36
Games 39
Religion 40

Part 2. Mound Excavation in the Eastern Maya Area

Introduction 49
Classification of the mounds 49
Ancient inhabitants of the region 51
Physical appearance 51
Dress 52
Weapons 52
Houses 53
Arts 53
Musical instruments 54
Food 55
Spinning and weaving 55
Games 56


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