
Some Authorities.

Testimonies by Eminent Men.


Some Authorities.

The following books are recommended for perusal to follow up the study of the foregoing:—

  • "The Kingdom of God is Within You"—Tolstoy.
  • "What is Art?"—Tolstoy.
  • "Slavery of Our Times"—Tolstoy.
  • "The First Step"—Tolstoy.
  • "How Shall We Escape"—Tolstoy.
  • "Letter to a Hindoo"—Tolstoy.
  • "The White Slaves of England"—Sherard.
  • "Civilization: Its Cause and Cure"—Carpenter.
  • "The Fallacy of Speed"—Taylor.
  • "A New Crusade"—Blount.
  • "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience"—Thoreau.
  • "Life Without Principle"—Thoreau.
  • "Unto This Last"—Ruskin.
  • "A Joy for Ever"—Ruskin.
  • "Duties of Man"—Mazzini.
  • "Defence and Death of Socrates"—From Plato.
  • "Paradoxes of Civilization"—Max Nordau.
  • "Poverty and Un-British Rule in India"—Naoroji.
  • "Economic History of India"—Dutt.
  • "Village Communities"—Maine.

Testimonies by Eminent Men.

The following extracts from Mr. Alfred Webb's valuable collection, if the testimony given therein be true, show that the ancient Indian civilization, has little to learn from the modern:—

Victor Cousin.

(1792—1867). Founder of Systematic Eclecticism in Philosophy.

"On the other hand when we read with attention the poetical and philosophical movements of the East, above all, those of India, which are beginning to spread in Europe, we discover there so many truths, and truths so profound, and which make such a contrast with the meanness of the results at which the European genius has sometimes stopped, that we are constrained to bend the knee before that of the East, and to see in this cradle of the human race the native land of the highest philosophy."

J. Seymour Keay, M. P.

Banker in India and India Agent.

(Writing in 1883.)

"It cannot be too well understood that our position in India has never been in any degree that of civilians bringing civilization to savage races. When we landed in India we found there a hoary civilization, which, during the progress of thousands of years, had fitted itself into the character and adjusted itself to the wants of highly intellectual races. The civilization was not prefunctory, but universal and all-pervading—furnishing the country not only with political systems but with social and domestic institutions of the most ramified description. The beneficent nature of these institutions as a whole may be judged of from their effects on the character of the Hindu race. Perhaps there are no other people in the world who show so much in their characters the advantageous effects of their own civilization. They are shrewd in business, acute in reasoning, thrifty, religious, sober, charitable, obedient to parents, reverential to old age, amiable, law-abiding, compassionate towards the helpless, and patient under suffering."

Friedrich Max Muelier, LL.D.

"If I were to ask myself from what literature we hear in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of one Semetic race, the Jewish may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human, a life, not for this life only but a transfigured and eternal life—again I should point to India."

Michael G. Mulhall, F.R.S.S.

Statistics (1899 ).

Prison population per 100,000 of inhabitants:

Several European States 100 to 230
England and Wales 90
India 38

—"Dictionary of Statistics," Michael G. Mulhall, F.R.S.S., Routledge and Sons, 1899.

Colonel Thomas Munro.

Thirty-two years' service in India.

"If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to convenience or luxury; schools established in every village, for teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic; the general practice of hospitality and charity among each other; and, above all, treatment of the female sex, full of confidence, respect and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilised people, then the Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe; and if civilization is to become an article of trade between the two countries, I am convinced that this country [England] will gain by the import cargo."

Frederick von Schlegel.

"It cannot be denied that the early Indians possessed a knowledge of the true God; all their writings are replete with sentiments and expressions noble, clear and severely grand, as deeply conceived and reverently expressed as in any human language in which men have spoken of their God.... Among nations possessing indigenous philosophy and metaphysics, together with an innate relish for these pursuits, such as at present characterises Germany; and in olden times, was the proud distinction of Greece, Hindustan holds the first rank in point of time."

Sir William Wedderburn, Bart.

"The Indian village has thus for centuries remained a bulwark against political disorder, and the home of the simple domestic and social virtues. No wonder, therefore, that philosophers and historians have always dwelt lovingly on this ancient institution which is the natural social unit and the best type of rural life; self-contained, industrious, peace-loving, conservative in the best sense of the word.... I think you will agree with me that there is much that is both picturesque and attractive in this glimpse of social and domestic life in an Indian village. It is a harmless and happy form of human existence. Moreover, it is not without good practical outcome."

J. Young.

Secretary, Savon Mechanics' Institutes.

(Within recent years).

"Those races, [the Indian viewed from a moral aspect] are perhaps the most remarkable people in the world. They breathe an atmosphere of moral purity, which cannot but excite admiration, and this is especially the case with the poorer classes who, notwithstanding the privations of their humble lot, appear to be happy and contented. True children of nature, they live on from day to day, taking no thought of to-morrow and thankful for the simple fare which Providence has provided for them. It is curious to witness the spectacle of coolies of both sexes returning home at nightfall after a hard day's work often lasting from sunrise to sunset. In spite of fatigue from the effects of the unremitting toil, they are, for the most part, gay and animated, conversing cheerfully together and occasionally breaking into snatches of light-hearted song. Yet what awaits them on their return to the hovels which they call home? A dish of rice for food, and the floor for a bed. Domestic felicity appears to be the rule among the Natives, and this is the more strange when the customs of marriage are taken into account, parents arranging all such matters. Many Indian households afford examples of the married state in its highest degree of perfection. This may be due to the teachings of the Shastras, and to the strict injunctions which they inculcate with regard to marital obligations; but it is no exaggeration to say that husbands are generally devotedly attached to their wives, and in many instances the latter have the most exalted conception of their duties towards their husbands."

Abbe J. A. Dubois.

Missionary in Mysore. Extracts from letter dated Seringapatam, 15th December, 1820.

"The authority of married women within their houses is chiefly exerted in preserving good order and peace among the persons who compose their families: and a great many among them discharge this important duty with a prudence and a discretion which have scarcely a parallel in Europe. I have known families composed of between thirty and forty persons, or more, consisting of grown-up sons and daughters, all married and all having children, living together under the superintendence of an old matron—their mother or mother-in-law. The latter, by good management, and by accommodating herself to the temper of the daughters-in-law, by using, according to circumstances, firmness or forbearance, succeeded in preserving peace and harmony during many years amongst so many females, who had all jarring interests, and still more jarring tempers. I ask you whether it would be possible to attain the same end, in the same circumstances, in our countries, where it is scarcely possible to make two women living under the same foot to agree together.

"In fact, there is perhaps no kind of honest employment in a civilised country in which the Hindu females have not a due share. Besides the management of the household, and the care of the family, which (as already noticed) under their control, the wives and daughters of husbandmen attend and assist their husbands and fathers in the labours of agriculture. Those of tradesmen assist theirs in carrying on their trade. Merchants are attended and assisted by theirs in their shops. Many females are shopkeepers on their own account and without a knowledge of the alphabet or of the decimal scale, they keep by other means their accounts in excellent order, and are considered as still shrewder than the males themselves in their commercial dealings."


Books on Liberty and Freedom

The Ideal of Swaraj.

In Education and Government by Nirpendra Chandra Banerjee with an introduction by C. F. Andrews.

Those who are out of sheer prejudice and incapacity for political thought, sneer, at the goal of Swaraj proclaimed by the National Congress as merely a destructive and at best a visionary ideal as well as those who in spite of their approval of the goal are unable to visualise it in concrete contents, will do well to read this interesting and instructive book by an ardent Bengali patriot and ex-school master. The author has political insight, and faith in the country's capacity. He recognises that the soul of India is in her numerous villages in rural centres and has given out practical suggestions for national reconstruction along sound lines.

Mr. Andrews has written an introduction to the volume wherein he has dealt with the value of the Swaraj ideal and his own conception of the same. It is a useful publication worthy to be placed in the hands of our young men and women.—Hindu.
Price Rs. 1.

India's Will to Freedom.

By Lala Lajpat Rai. A collection of Writings and Addresses on the present situation and the work before us. "We in India should, one and all, take a vow that whether we have to lay down our life, whether we are mutilated or hanged, whether our women and children are mal-treated, our desire for Swaraj will never grow a little any the less. Every child of this land, whatever his religion or persuasion, should swear that, as long as there is life in his limbs, or breath in his nostrils, he would strive for national liberty."
Price Rs. 2-8.

Footsteps of Freedom.

By James H. Cousins. "Another stunt which will also be vigorously vamped by the opponents of dyarehy, in fact of all reform will be the absolute necessity of politically educating the masses of India before giving them any measure of political freedom. In a book of charming essays which he has just published through Messrs. Ganesh & Co., of Madras, under the title of "Footsteps of Freedom" Mr. James Cousins attacks this particular fallacy and shatters it convincingly." Ditcher in Capital.
Price Rs. 2.

Freedom's Battle.

A comprehensive collection of Writings and Speeches of Mahatma Gandhi on the present situation including The Khilafat Wrongs, The Punjab Agony, Swaraj, Hindu-Muslim Unity, Indians Overseas, The Depressed Classes, Non-co-operation, etc., with an historical introduction by Mr. C. Rajagopalachar.

"The war that the people of India have declared and which will purify and consolidate India, and forge for her a true and stable liberty is a war with the latest and most effective weapon. In this war, what has hitherto been in the world an undesirable but necessary incident in freedom's battles, the killing of innocent men has been eliminated; and that which is the true essential for forging liberty, the self-purification and self-strengthening of men and women has been kept pure and unalloyed."

The best preparation for any one who desires to take part in the great battle now going on is a silent study of the writings and speeches collected herein.
Price Rs. 2-8.

GANESH & Co., Publishers, Madras.


Obvious typographical and printer errors have been corrected without comment. In addition to obvious errors, the following two changes have been made:

Page 62: 'four' replaced with 'our' in the phrase: "... to deepen our slavery."

Page 115: 'cover' changed to 'cower' in the phrase: "... will not cower before brute-force...."

Other than this, any inconsistencies in the author's spelling, use of grammar and punctuation have been preserved in this text as they appear in the original publication.

Two possible printer errors which have not been corrected in this text include:

Page 116: "... the will give up his profession;" probably should read, "... he (or 'they') will give up his profession...."

Page 119: "It is worth nothing that these things are...." probably should read, "It is worth noting that these things are...."


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