
At the annual reunion of the regimental association held in East Bridgewater, Aug. 6, 1903, the question of publishing the history of the Third Regiment was enthusiastically discussed and approved. Much valuable material had already been secured by one of the members and the prospect was bright and encouraging that an interesting and valuable narrative could be produced. A committee of ten, one from each company, was chosen to prepare histories and rosters of their respective companies, to aid in compiling the general history. It was unanimously voted that the work of compiling and publishing the history be committed to Chaplain Snow, under the supervision of the Committee. Several changes have since been found necessary to be made in the construction of the Committee, as some of the members first appointed were not able to do the work assigned them. No great delay, however, has been caused by these changes, and the preparation of the volume has been made with reasonable diligence and dispatch.

In compiling this work the writer has acted as annalist rather than author. This is usually the fact in the narration of history, but particularly so in the present case, since the work has been largely to arrange materials, and in many portions in nearly verbatim form, as they were furnished by others. The labor has proved an agreeable pastime and this is the only remuneration sought or desired. Should the volume receive a gratified welcome from the comrades who served with me in the old Third Regiment this fact will be regarded as bonus in addition.

The Third Regiment does not presume to claim, in any special sense, the honors of a very eventful career. Circumstances beyond its control made this impossible. Equipped with unserviceable arms, which were duly condemned but never exchanged for better ones, and being assigned mainly to garrison duty, the term of service of the Third Regiment was completed without the gravest hardships. I am sure, however, that the regiment had the esprit de corps requisite for the sternest military service and sacrifice. It only lacked the opportunity to prove itself. This proof has been given in a measure at least, by those who re-enlisted and did noble service in other regiments, particularly the Fifty-eighth.

I have been greatly assisted in the collection of materials, and in their verification, by many of my comrades, and their interest has been to me a decided stimulus. The names of the most prominent ones are given in connection with the articles which they have contributed.

Besides the valuable aid rendered by the Committee, especial commendation is due to Major A. S. Cushman of East Orange, N. J., whose contributions are of eminent value as matters of history.

Charles A. Snow,

Chaplain, 1862-’63.


Notes.—Cities and towns mentioned in this volume may be understood as being in Massachusetts. Otherwise the states are designated in which they are located.

The photos representing the field and staff officers, also the line officers, were taken at about the time of enlistment in 1862.


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