Company B, Third Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. [Written by Sergt. Benjamin S. Atwood.] This company was formed by consolidation of three companies of the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Company K from Carver furnished captain and forty-six enlisted men; Company B, of Plymouth, furnished first lieutenant and thirty-one enlisted men, and Company H, from Plympton, furnished second lieutenant and twenty-one enlisted men, making a total of one hundred and one. These three companies served under Col. David A. Wardrop the first three months of the war at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, Va. The Third Regiment was detailed immediately upon its arrival at Fortress Monroe for service on United States gunboat Pawnee, which went up to Gosport Navy Yard, there helped destroy the Navy Yard, sink the ships and pulled the Cumberland out, when they re Company B formed of the three companies aforementioned, reported for duty at Camp Joe Hooker and organized as follows: Capt. Thomas W. Griffith, from Co. K. First Lieut. Charles A. S. Perkins, from Co. B. Second Lieut. William S. Briggs, from Co. H. First Sergt. Asa Shaw, from Co. K. Second Sergt. Charles W. Griffith, from Co. K. Third Sergt. Job B. Oldham, from Co. B. Fourth Sergt. Benjamin S. Atwood, from Co. H. Fifth Sergt. James R. Robbins, from Co. B. Corp. George A. Shaw, from Co. K. Corp. John M. Cobb, from Co. K. Corp. Hosea S. Bumpus, from Co. K. Corp. Andrew T. DeMerritt, from Co. K. Corp. Amasa M. Bartlett, from Co. B. Corp. Charles M. Perry, from Co. B. Corp. William S. White, from Co. H. Corp. Gideon Shurtleff, from Co. H. Musician John Murdock, from Co. K. Wagoner Lorenzo N. Shaw, from Co. K. The members of the company were recruited from seven different towns as follows: Carver, 30; Plymouth, 29; Middleboro, 11; Plympton, 10; Wareham, 12; Rochester, 3; Kingston, 5; East Bridgewater, 1. The ages of the company were as follows: 22, less than 20 years old; 29, from 20 to 24 years inclusive; 16, from 25 to 29 years inclusive; 18, from 30 to 34 years inclusive; 8, from 35 to 39 years inclusive; 8, from 40 to 44 years inclusive. Average age, 26 years, 9 months. Corrected Roster of Company B.[The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city or town, the place of enlistment.] Thomas B. Griffith, Captain. Born in Carver, May 17, 1823. When three months old his parents moved to Middleboro. When seventeen years old he went on a whaling voyage around Cape Horn. On his return he clerked for the Ellis Foundry Company several years, and was postmaster at South Carver at the same time. In 1853 he with Jesse Charles A. S. Perkins, First Lieutenant. Born in Plympton, Mass., June, 1828. When a young man he went to Plymouth and learned the printer’s trade. During President Buchanan’s administration he served as postmaster in the town of Plymouth. He was for many years publisher and editor of the Plymouth Rock, a publication quite extensively circulated throughout Plymouth County. He was commissioned first lieutenant of Company B, and served with the regiment through its nine William S. Briggs, Second Lieutenant. Born in Middleboro and was twenty-eight years old when he enlisted. At the time of the consolidation of the three companies he was second lieutenant of Company H. He was quite an extensive dealer in fast horses before and at the time of his service. He continued the same after being mustered out. He located at Providence, R. I. He bought a large farm in Raynham, Mass., and died there Aug. 27, 1897, at the age of seventy years. Asa Shaw, First Sergeant; 29. Born in Carver. Died April 25, 1865. Charles W. Griffith, Second Sergeant; 27. Born in Carver. Died Dec. 31, 1893. Job B. Oldham, Third Sergeant; 29. Served with Company B in the three months’ service. Died in Plymouth, Feb. 8, 1879. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. Benjamin S. Atwood, Fourth Sergeant; 29. Born in Carver, June 25, 1840. He lived in Plympton at the time of the first call and went as private in Company H, Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Plympton Rifles. He served full term and was discharged with the regiment. Soon after his discharge he was commissioned first lieutenant in Company H. On consolidation of Company H with B and K he was appointed fourth sergeant; served his time as such and was mustered out with the regiment. After the close of the war he settled in Abington, and has been a manufacturer of wooden boxes in Whitman (formerly South Abington) for many years, where he now resides. James H. Robbins, Fifth Sergeant; 31. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan 1, 1901. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. George H. Shaw, Corporal; 28. “The Tall Corporal on the Right.” Carver. Resides at 205 Centre St., Middleboro. John M. Cobb, Corporal; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Carver. Hosea C. Bumpus, Corporal; 24. Born in Wareham. Died at Wareham. Buried in Centre Cemetery. Amasa M. Bartlett, Corporal; 23. Born in Plymouth. Has lived in the Old Colony since the war. Now lives in the vicinity of Boston. Andrew DeMerritt, Corporal; 29. Born in Carver. Lives in Middleboro. Charles M. Perry, Corporal; 19. Born in Plymouth. A bright, smart young man. Died soon after being mustered out. Gideon Shurtleff, Corporal; 38. Born in Middleboro. While in the service Gid’s laugh was as good as an extra ration of whiskey. After being mustered out he lived in Duxbury. Died in North Duxbury, Mass., in 1897; age, seventy-two years. William S. White, Corporal; 44. Born in Plympton. Served many years with the Massachusetts militia before his enlistment. Died in Brockton, May 3, 1897, and was buried in Plympton. John Murdock, Musician; 38. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Feb. 22, 1886. Lorenzo M. Shaw, Wagoner; 39. Born in Carver. Died in Carver in 1893. Privates. Atwood, Stephen; 19. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Sept. 15, 1899. Atwood, Ebenezer E.; 25. Born in Carver. Resides in Kingston. Atwood, Josiah W.; 19. Born in Carver. Resides in Carver. Bumpus, Hiram W.; 33. Born in Wareham, June 24, 1829. He lived in Wareham a few years after being mustered out, and then went to Pennsylvania for about twenty years. He returned to Wareham, where he now lives. Bryant, Charles E.; 34. Born in Plympton, Oct. 27, 1827. Resides in Kingston. Farmer. Briggs, James W.; 35. Born in Middleboro. Moved to Plympton a few years after being mustered out. Died in Plympton, Jan. 2, 1901, age, seventy-four years. Barnes, Benjamin F.; 18. Born in Plymouth. Nurse in a hospital while in service. Lives at 450 Cottage St., New Bedford. Bates, Nathaniel B.; 24. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Sept. 27, 1882. Bates, James H.; 18. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, July 15, 1865. Bryant, Zeneas Frank; 29. Born in Plympton. Acted as company clerk during the service. Died at Chelmsford about ten years ago. Bradford, Ebenezer N.; 25. Born in Plymouth. Killed on railroad at Cape Horn, Canada, Jan. 28, 1870. Buried at Burial Hill, Plymouth. Bartlett, John N.; 29. Lived in Wareham, where he died in 1894. Buried at Centre Cemetery. Bradford, William H.; 21. Born in Plympton. Died in Middleboro, June 5, 1892; age, fifty-two years. Burgess, Ebenezer; 18. Born in Wareham. Resides in Wareham. Chandler, John B.; 32. Born in Carver. Killed in railroad accident at Brockton, May 12, 1896. Buried in Middleboro. Cobb, Charles S.; 22. Born in Charlestown. Resides in Kingston. Chase, Charles H.; 34. Born in North Carver, April, 1828. Died in Boston, Oct. 4, 1897. Chapman, John F.; 22. After being mustered Cobb, Sidney O.; 18. Born in North Carver, Nov. 13, 1844. He enlisted in September, 1862, as a private, served nine months and was mustered out with his regiment June 26, 1863. After being mustered out he lived in Carver and Plympton, and finally settled in South Abington, now Whitman. He served as constable and police officer for many years, and more than twenty years as deputy sheriff of Plymouth County. He died Jan. 19, 1899, and was buried in Colebrook Cemetery, Whitman. Chandler, William B.; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Middleboro. Cobb, Allen; 44. Born in Middleboro. Died in Middleboro, Aug. 10, 1890. Cobb, Joseph F.; 26. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Dec. 30, 1878. Cornell, William H.; 18. Born in Carver. Discharged for disability, May 9, 1863. Doten, George H.; 30. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Dec. 25, 1896. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. Donnelley, James; 31. Born in Kingston. Died in Kingston, Oct. 16, 1877. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery, Plymouth. Darling, George; 34. Lived in Middleboro. Died Mar. 3, 1879. Dempsey, Robert M.; 23. Lived in Middleboro, where he was employed by the Murdock Parlor Grate Company. Died Dec. 22, 1893. Dunham, Henry A.; 30. Born in Carver. Resides in Middleboro. Dunham, Ellis D.; 21. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Oct. 26, 1904. Ellis, Barzillai F.; 44. Lived in East Bridgewater. Died July 8, 1887. Gammons, Edward A.; 20. Born in Wareham, Jan. 15, 1842. After being mustered out of the service he went into the employ of the Wareham Bank and Wareham Savings Bank. In 1885 he was appointed cashier of the Wareham Bank, now the National Bank of Wareham. He was also appointed treasurer of the Wareham Savings Bank, Gammons, John W.; 22. Born Feb. 12, 1840, at Wareham, Mass. After being mustered out of the service he worked at his trade as a nailer in different factories. He then went to sea, and took in several passages around Cape Horn. He was captain of several vessels. The last fifteen years of his life was spent in the coasting trade, making passages to the various ports on the Atlantic coast. Died and was buried at Centre Cemetery, Wareham. Griffin, Harvey B.; 22. Born in North Plymouth. Resides in North Cambridge. Hall, Sylvester S.; 34. Born in Litchfield, Me. He died April 26, 1877, at Wareham. He first enlisted in Company G, Eighteenth Massachusetts Infantry. He was discharged for disability, and re- Harlow, Martin L.; 18. Plymouth. He served the term of his regiment and was mustered out in Lakeville, Mass., June 26, 1863. He lived in the different towns around the Old Colony, and finally settled in Whitman. He was appointed postmaster by Grover Cleveland, and afterwards by President McKinley. He died Aug. 12, 1899, and was buried in Carver. Holmes, Nathaniel; 27. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan. 21, 1887. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. Harlow, Ivory W.; 23. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides and works at his trade as a carpenter. Holmes, George H.; 21. Middleboro. Born in Greenwich, R. I. Died in the Massachusetts Soldiers Home at Chelsea, April 6, 1904. Buried at Wareham. Holmes, Samuel N.; 19. Plymouth. Discharged for disability, May 4, 1863. Unknown. Holmes, Isaac S.; 43. Plymouth. Discharged for disability, May 27, 1863. Unknown. Irving, William; 31. Born in Carver. Went West soon after being mustered out, where he died a number of years ago. Jenkins, Benjamin S.; 18. Born in Plymouth, where he died Nov. 14, 1877. Johnson, Charles W.; 27. Resides in Plymouth. Mass. Jackson, George F.; 21. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Sept. 11, 1884. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. Jefferson, Salem; 44. Rochester. Born in Douglas, Mass., Sept. 16, 1805. Died Aug 4, 1893, in Rochester, Mass. Buried in East Rochester, Mass. Lucas, Adoniram B.; 24. Middleboro. Born in Carver. He served full time with the regiment and was mustered out of same. He has always lived in Plymouth County and still resides in Whitman. Leach, Thomas M.; 24. Born in Plympton. Died at Crescent Grove, Minn. Lobdell, Isaac F.; 27. Born in Plympton, where he died Nov. 9, 1876. Mange, Winthrop H.; 24. Born in Kingston, where he now resides. Occupation, a slitter. Manter, John D.; 36. Born in Wareham. Died in Newbern, N. C., Feb. 6, 1863. Buried in Centre Cemetery, Wareham. Murdock, John; 36. Carver. Neal, James; 37. Born in Plymouth, where he died Jan. 15, 1885. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. Nickerson, Joseph S.; 18. Wareham. Oldham, John R.; 18. Born in Wareham. After being mustered out he enlisted in the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts. Killed at Petersburg, Va. Perkins, Henry F.; 27. Born in Kingston. Died in Plympton, March 22, 1877. Buried in Soldiers Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden. Place, Charles C.; 33. Plymouth. Place, Isaac H.; 37. Born in Plymouth. Died at Plymouth, May, 1888. Buried at Vine Hill Cemetery. Pierce, Moses W.; 19. Born in Rochester. Lives in East Rochester, Mass. Penniman, Prince E.; 33. Cook for the officers while in service. Lived in Middleboro. Died at Onset, Mass., Aug. 17, 1904. Paulding, James S.; 42. Born in Plymouth. Raymond, Thomas W.; 21. Born in Rochester. Has lived recently in Brockton and Plympton. Ramsdell, Cornelius, Plympton. Resides in Whitman. Robbins, Herbert; 18. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides. Raymond, Samuel B.; 34. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth and was buried in Burial Hill. Sherman, Leander L. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides. Spooner, William F.; 19. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan. 27, 1872. Smith, Thomas; 23. Born in Ireland. Died in Plymouth, Mar. 30, 1894. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. Sherman, James E.; 22. Born in Plympton. He resided in Plymouth after being mustered out, where he kept a store. He died May 31, 1897, and was buried at Oak Grove Cemetery. Sears, James F.; 21. Died in Lynn. Shaw, Alonzo D.; 21. Born in Carver. Died at Newbern, N. C., April 18, 1863. Shaw, Edward W.; 24. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Jan. 29, 1902. Shaw, Ezra; 21. Born in Middleboro. Died in Carver, Aug. 15, 1893. Shaw, Jesse M.; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Fall River. Shaw, Nathaniel Jr.; 25. Born in Carver. After being mustered out he kept a grocery store in Plymouth. He died April 13, 1903. Stringer, Andrew; 19. Born in Carver, where he now resides. Sampson, John; 42. Born in Wareham. Died in 1880 and was buried in Centre Cemetery. Shurtliff, Benjamin, Jr.; 22. Born in Middleboro. Unknown. Tillson, George W.; 18. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, May 13, 1895. Washburn, Philip M.; 23. Born in Kingston. Resides in Somerville. By occupation, a carpenter. Washburn, Joseph G.; 21. Born in Carver. Resides in Maine. Ward, Ansel B.; 19. Born in Carver. After being discharged from Company B he re-enlisted in Willis, Marcus M.; 34. Born in Middleboro. Unknown. Wrightington, Henry; 23. Lived in Brockton. Died Dec. 8, 1892. Wright, Edward S.; 40. Born in Plympton, where he always lived. He served many years with the Massachusetts militia. He died in Plympton, May 19, 1901. |