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POCKET EDITION of THE WORLD’S CLASSICS (each with a portrait) is printed on THIN OPAQUE PAPER, by means of which the bulk of the stouter volumes is reduced by one-half.
OF ALL BOOKSELLERS HENRY FROWDE The World’s Classics The best recommendation of The World’s Classics is the books themselves, which have earned unstinted praise from critics and all classes of the public. Some two million copies have been sold, and of the volumes already published nearly one-half have gone into a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, or ninth impression. It is only possible to give so much for the money when large sales are certain. The clearness of the type, the quality of the paper, the size of the page, the printing, and the binding—from the cheapest to the best—cannot fail to commend themselves to all who love good literature presented in worthy form. That a high standard is insisted upon is proved by the list of books already published and of those on the eve of publication. A great feature is the brief critical introductions written by leading authorities of the day. The volumes of The World’s Classics are obtainable in a number of different styles, the description and prices of which are given on page 1; but special attention may be called to the sultan-red limp leather style, which is unsurpassable in leather bindings at the price of 1/6 net. April, 1913. LIST OF THE SERIESThe figures in parentheses denote the number of the book in the series Aeschylus. The Seven Plays. Translated by Lewis Campbell. (117) Ainsworth (W. Harrison). The Tower of London. (162) A Kempis (Thomas). Of the Imitation of Christ. (49) Aristophanes. Frere’s translation of the Acharnians, Knights, Birds, and Frogs. Introduction by W. W. Merry. (134) Arnold (Matthew). Poems. Introduction by Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. (85) Aurelius (Marcus). The Thoughts. A new translation by John Jackson. (60) Austen (Jane). Emma. Introduction by E. V. Lucas. (129) Bacon. The Advancement of Learning, and the New Atlantis. Introduction by Professor Case. (93) Essays. (24) Barham. The Ingoldsby Legends. (9) Blackmore (R. D.). Lorna Doone. Borrow. The Bible in Spain. (75) Lavengro. (66) The Romany Rye. (73) BrontË Sisters. Charlotte BrontË. Jane Eyre. (1) Shirley. (14) Villette. (47) The Professor, and the Poems of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne BrontË. Introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (78) Emily BrontË. Wuthering Heights. (10) Anne BrontË. Agnes Grey. (141) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. (67) Brown (Dr. John). Horae Subsecivae. Introduction by Austin Dobson. (118) Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). Poems: A Selection. (176) Browning (Robert). Poems and Plays, 1833-1842. (58) Poems, 1842-1864. (137) Buckle. The History of Civilization in England. 3 vols. (41, 48, 53) Bunyan. The Pilgrim’s Progress. (12) Burke. Works. 6 vols. Vol. I. General Introduction by Judge Willis and Preface by F. W. Raffety. (71) Vols. II, IV, V, VI. Prefaces by F. W. Raffety. (81, 112-114) Vol. III. Preface by F. H. Willis, (111) Burns. Poems. (34) Butler. The Analogy of Religion. Edited, with Notes, by W. E. Gladstone. (136) Byron. Poems: A Selection. (180) [In preparation Carlyle. On Heroes and Hero-Worship. (62) Past and Present. Introduction by G. K. Chesterton. (153) Sartor Resartus. (19) The French Revolution. Introduction by C. R. L. Fletcher. 2 vols. (125, 126) The Life of John Sterling. Introduction by W. Hale White. (144) Cervantes. Don Quixote. Translated by C. Jervas. Introduction and Notes by J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly. 2 vols. With a frontispiece. (130, 131) Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. (76) Chaucer. The Works of. From the text of Professor Skeat. 3 vols. Vol. I (42); Vol. II (56); Vol. III, containing the whole of the Canterbury Tales (76) Cobbold. Margaret Catchpole. Introduction by Clement Shorter. (119) Coleridge. Poems. Introduction by Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. (99) Cooper (T. Fenimore). The Last of the Mohicans. (163) Cowper. Letters. Selected, with Introduction, by E. V. Lucas. (138) Darwin. The Origin of Species. With a Note by Grant Allen. (11) Defoe. Captain Singleton. Introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (82) Robinson Crusoe. (17) De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. (23) Dickens. Great Expectations. With 6 Illustrations by Warwick Goble. (128) Oliver Twist. (8) Pickwick Papers. With 43 Illustrations by Seymour and ‘Phiz.’ 2 vols. (120, 121) Tale of Two Cities. (38) Dufferin (Lord). Letters from High Latitudes. Illustrated. With Introduction by R. W. Macan. (158) Eliot (George). Adam Bede. (63) Felix Holt. Introduction by Viola Meynell. (179) Romola. Introduction by Viola Meynell. (178) Scenes of Clerical Life. Introduction by Annie Matheson. (155) Silas Marner, The Lifted Veil, and Brother Jacob. Introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (80) The Mill on the Floss. (31) Emerson. English Traits, and Representative Men. (30) Essays. First and Second Series. (6) English Essays. Chosen and arranged by W. Peacock. (32) English Essays, 1600-1900 (Book of). Chosen by S. V. Makower and B. H. Blackwell. (172) English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin. Chosen and arranged by W. Peacock. (45) English Songs and Ballads. Compiled by T. W. H. Crosland. (13) Fielding. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Introduction and Notes by Austin Dobson. 2 Illustrations. (142) Galt (John). The Entail. Introduction by John Ayscough. (177) Gaskell (Mrs.). Introductions by Clement Shorter. Cousin Phillis, and other Tales, etc. (168) Cranford, The Cage at Cranford, and The Moorland Cottage. (110) The ‘Cage’ has not hitherto been reprinted. Lizzie Leigh, The Grey Woman, and other Tales, etc. (175) Mary Barton. (86) North and South. (154) Ruth. (88) Sylvia’s Lovers. (156) Wives and Daughters. (157) Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Maps. 7 vols. (35, 44, 51, 55, 64, 69, 74) Autobiography. Introduction by J. B. Bury. (139) Goethe. Faust, Part I (with Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus). Translated by John Anster. Introduction by A. W. Ward. (135) Goldsmith. Poems. Introduction and Notes by Austin Dobson. (123) The Vicar of Wakefield. (4) Grant (James). The Captain of the Guard. (159) Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter. (26) Hazlitt. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. (124) Sketches and Essays. (15) Spirit of the Age. (57) Table-Talk. (5) Winterslow. (25) Herbert (George). Poems. Introduction by Arthur Waugh. (109) Herrick. Poems. (16) Holmes (Oliver Wendell). The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. (61) The Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Introduction by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll. (95) The Professor at the Breakfast-Table. Introduction by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll. (89) Homer. Iliad. Translated by Pope. (18) Odyssey. Translated by Pope. (36) Hood. Poems. Introduction by Walter Jerrold. (87) Horne (R. Hengist). A New Spirit of the Age. Introduction by Walter Jerrold. (127) Hume. Essays. (33) Hunt (Leigh). Essays and Sketches. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. (115) The Town. Introduction and Notes by Austin Dobson and a Frontispiece. (132) Irving (Washington). The Conquest of Granada. (150) The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Introduction by T. Balston. (173) Jerrold (Douglas). Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures, Mr. Caudle’s Breakfast Talk, and other Stories and Essays. Introduction by Walter Jerrold, and 90 Illustrations by Keene, Leech, and Doyle. (122) Johnson. Lives of the English Poets. Introduction by Arthur Waugh. 2 vols. (83, 84) Keats. Poems. (7) Keble. The Christian Year. (181) [In preparation Lamb. Essays of Elia, and The Last Essays of Elia. (2) Lesage. Gil Blas. Translated by T. Smollett, with Introduction and Notes by J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly. 2 vols. (151, 152) Longfellow. Evangeline, The Golden Legend, &c. (39) Hiawatha, Miles Standish, Tales of a Wayside Inn, &c. (174) Lytton. Harold. With 6 Illustrations by Charles Burton. (165) Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome; Ivry; The Armada. (27) Machiavelli. The Prince. Translated by Luigi Ricci. (43) Marcus Aurelius. See Aurelius. Marlowe. Dr. Faustus (with Goethe’s Faust, Part I). Introduction by A. W. Ward. See Goethe. Marryat. Mr. Midshipman Easy. (160) The King’s Own. With 6 Illustrations by Warwick Goble. (164) Mill (John Stuart). On Liberty, Representative Government, and the Subjection of Women. With an Introduction by Mrs. Fawcett. (170) Milton. The English Poems. (182) [In preparation Montaigne. Essays. Translated by J. Florio. 3 vols. (65, 70, 77) Morris (W.). The Defence of Guinevere, The Life and Death of Jason, and other Poems. (183) [In preparation Motley. Rise of the Dutch Republic. Introduction by Clement Shorter. 3 vols. (96, 97, 98) Palgrave. The Golden Treasury. With additional Poems, including FitzGerald’s translation of Omar KhayyÁm. (133) Peacock (W.). English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin. (45) Selected English Essays. (32) Poe (Edgar Allan). Tales of Mystery and Imagination. (21) Porter (Jane). The Scottish Chiefs. (161) Reid (Mayne). The Rifle Rangers. With 6 Illustrations by J. E. Sutcliffe. (166) The Scalp Hunters. With 6 Illustrations by A. H. Collins. (167) Reynolds (Sir Joshua). The Discourses, and the Letters to ‘The Idler.’ Introduction by Austin Dobson. (149) Rossetti (Christina). Goblin Market, The Prince’s Progress, and other Poems. (184) [In preparation Rossetti (D. G.). Poems and Translations, 1850-1870. (185) [In preparation Ruskin. (Ruskin House Editions, by arrangement with George Allen and Sons.) ‘A Joy for Ever,’ and The Two Paths. Illustrated. (147) Sesame and Lilies, and The Ethics of the Dust. (145) Time and Tide, and The Crown of Wild Olive. (146) Unto this Last, and Munera Pulveris. (148) Scott. Ivanhoe. (29) Lives of the Novelists. Introduction by Austin Dobson. (94) Poems. A Selection. (186) [In preparation Shakespeare. Plays and Poems. With a Preface by A. C. Swinburne and general Introductions to the several plays and poems by Edward Dowden, and a Note by T. Watts-Dunton on the special typographical features of this Edition. 9 vols. Comedies. 3 vols. (100, 101, 102) Histories and Poems. 3 vols. (103, 104, 105) Tragedies. 3 vols. (106, 107, 108) Shelley. Poems. A Selection. (187) [In preparation Sheridan. Plays. Introduction by Joseph Knight. (79) Smith (Adam). The Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. (54, 59) Smollett. Travels through France and Italy. Introduction by Thomas Seccombe. (90) Sophocles. The Seven Plays. Translated by the late Lewis Campbell. (116) Southey (Robert). Letters. Selected, with an Introduction and Notes, by Maurice H. FitzGerald. (169) Sterne. Tristram Shandy. (40) Swift. Gulliver’s Travels. (20) Tennyson (Lord). Poems. (3) Thackeray. Book of Snobs, Sketches and Travels in London, &c. (50) Henry Esmond. (28) Pendennis. Introduction by Edmund Gosse. 2 vols. (91, 92) Thoreau. Walden. Introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (68) Tolstoy. Essays and Letters. Translated by Aylmer Maude. (46) Twenty-three Tales. Translated by L. and A. Maude. (72) Trollope. The Three Clerks. Introduction by W. Teignmouth Shore. (143) Virgil. Translated by Dryden. (37) Watts-Dunton (Theodore). Aylwin. (52) Wells (Charles). Joseph and his Brethren. With an Introduction by Algernon Charles Swinburne, and a Note on Rossetti and Charles Wells by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (143) White (Gilbert). History of Selborne. (22) Whittier. Poems. A Selection. (188) [In preparation Wordsworth. Poems: A Selection. (189) [In preparation Other Volumes in Preparation. Bookcases for the World’s ClassicsTo hold 50 Volumes ordinary paper, or 100 Volumes thin paper: In Fumed Oak, or Hazel Pine, polished, with two fixed shelves. (22 x 21½ x 4¾ inches) 0 6 0 To hold 100 Volumes ordinary paper, or 200 Volumes thin paper: In Mahogany, French Stained and Ebonized, with fancy ornamental top, and three adjustable shelves, best cabinet make. (44 x 36 x 6 inches) 1 10 0 OF ALL BOOKSELLERS HENRY FROWDE |