
a’, all.
aboon, above.
ae, one.
ahint, behind.
aiblins, perhaps.
ail, illness.
ain, own.
airt, direction.
ajee, crooked.
alloo, allow.
almous, charitable, alms.
an, if.
Andrew Ferrara, name for a sword.
anent, about.
argol bargol, bandy words, haggle.
atweel, well.
aught, possession, property.
auld, old, eldest.
ba’, ball.
bachle, old shoe.
bailie, city magistrate.
bairnswoman, nurse.
bakes, biscuits.
banes, bones.
barming, interest.
barrow’t, borrowed.
bars, boars.
bawbee, halfpenny.
bawkie, birds, bats.
because, cause, reason.
beild, shelter, refuge.
bein, bien, comfortable, well-provided.
beltane, May-day fair.
belter, blows repeated.
belyve, by and by.
ben, into the inner room of a house.
benweed, coarse grass.
betherel, betheril, beadle.
big, biggit, build, built.
bir, force.
birling, spending.
birr, sound emitted by anything flying forcibly with noise.
bit, small.
black-aviced, of a dark complexion.
blae, blue.
blate, shy, bashful.
blethers, foolishness.
blithes-meat, homely entertainment, generally of bread and cheese, given after the birth of a child.
blob, honey.
bob, dance.
book, record in the books of the kirk-session, for publication of the banns.
boynes, tubs.
brae, side of a hill.
braw, beautiful, fine.
breeks, breeches.
bress, chimney-piece.
broo, liking.
brous, race at a country wedding.
bubbly-jock, turkey-cock.
buckie deevil’s, wicked imp.
buff nor stye, neither one part nor another.
bumming, buzzing.
buss, kiss.
but, into the outer room of the house.
by common, by the common, out of the common.
by hand and awa, out of hand.
by ordinare, out of the ordinary.
bye-word, proverb.
callan, lad.
canny, lucky, cautious.
caption and horning, legal arrest.
carritch, catechism.
cast, aid;
cast out, fall out, quarrel;
cast the glaiks, deceive.
cauld, cauldrife, cold, chilling.
causey, path, street.
cess, tax.
change-house, small public-house.
chapin, quart.
chapse, choose.
cheatrie, cheating.
chucky-stanes, small pebbles.
chumley-lug, chimney-corner.
claes, clothes.
clap, stroke.
clash, tittle-tattle, gossip.
claught, clutched.
claut, blow.
clavering, clavers, clishmaclavers, wordy nonsense.
claw, clause.
cleckit, brought forth.
cleeding, cleiding, clothing.
clocks, beetles.
clunk, noise of liquor shaken in a barrel.
cockernony, gathering of a woman’s hair in a knot.
cod, pillow.
coft, bought.
cognos’t, recognized.
concos mancos, concos montis, &c., = non compos mentis, not of a right mind.
condescend upon, specify particulars of.
conjunct, conjunk, conjoined.
cook, manage dexterously.
coom, coomy, begrime, dirty.
coothy, couthy, genial, kindly.
cottar, cottager.
cowp, overturn.
cracks, familiar talks.
craighling, coughing.
creel, basket.
crown-o’-the-causey, middle of a street.
croynt awa’, shrivelled up.
crunkly, rumpled.
cry, be in labour.
cuff, back part.
cuif, simpleton.
curdooing, love-making.
cut, a certain quantity of reeled yarn.
daff, sport.
daud, thrash.
dawty, fondling.
deacon, head-man.
deaved, deafened.
’deed, indeed.
dee’t, died.
deil, devil;
deil-be-licket, nothing.
deleerit, delirious.
den, hide.
devaul, divaul, leave off.
ding, drive, push.
dinna, do not.
dirl, tingle, ring.
dispone, allot, dispose.
dividual, individual.
divor, bankrupt, beggar.
dochter, daughter.
docken, dock herb.
doddered, decaying.
doddy, sulky.
dodrums, doldrums, melancholy.
dods, fit of sulkiness.
doited, crazed, in dotage.
doo, dove.
doolie, sorrowful.
door-cheek, door-post.
dorts, sulky.
douce, sensible.
dourness, stubbornness.
dow, be able.
dowf, melancholy.
dowie, languid.
drammatical, dramatic.
drammock, meat, pulp.
draughty, artful.
dree, endure.
dreigh, wearisome.
drook, drench.
drumly, thickly.
Dumbarton youth, a person beyond thirty-six years of age.
dure, hard.
dwinlet, dwindled.
dwin’t, pined away.
dyke, ditch.
ee, een, eye, eyes.
eik, eke, addition.
eild, time of life.
ends and awls, all one’s effects.
erles, earnests.
ettle, try;
ettling of pains, pains of trying.
even, compare, equal.
even down, right down.
excambio, exchange.
expiscate, fish out by inquiry.
expone, explain.
eydent, busy.
faik, abate.
fand, found.
farl, cake.
far’t, well, ill, good, bad-looking.
fash, fasherie, trouble, vex, vexation.
fash your thumb, trouble.
fasson, fashion.
feart, afraid.
feckless, frail.
fey, mad, as if with the doom of death on him.
fin’, find.
firlot, a measure.
flannen, flannel.
fleech, coaxing, wheedling.
flichtering, flying.
flit, remove from one house to another.
Florentine pie, large pie.
flyte and flights, scolding and fine ways.
foistring, shilly-shallying.
forbears, ancestors.
forbye, besides.
forenent, opposite, in front of.
forton, fortune.
fou’, foolish, drunk.
freats, omens, superstitious observances.
frush, brittle.
frush green kail-custock-like, as brittle as the pith of colewort.
fyke, fykerie, whim, trouble.
gaberlunzie, beggar.
gae, gaun, go, going.
gairest, greediest.
gait, gate, way, method.
galravitch, romping, rioting.
gane by himsel, gone beside himself.
gar, gart, make, made.
garsing, wandering.
gauger, agent.
gausey, jolly-looking.
gausie, bowl.
gavaulings, revellings.
gear, stuff, possession.
geck, toss the head.
geni, genius, special vein.
genty, neat, genteel.
get, gett, child.
gethering, gathering;
gie, gied, give, gave.
gin, if.
girns, snarls.
glaikit jocklandys, inconsiderate persons.
glaiks, rays.
gleds, kites.
gloaming, twilight.
glooms, frowns.
gore, strip of cloth.
gouden, golden.
gouk, fool.
goun, gown.
gowan, daisy.
gowls, noise of the wind.
gratus, gratis.
green, long.
greet, cry.
groat, coin worth an English fourpence.
grumphie, pig.
gruntel, snout.
gudedochter, daughter-in-law.
gudefather, father-in-law.
gudesister, sister-in-law.
gumpshion, sense.
gushet, piece let into garment.
hag, hew.
haggis, pudding made of the pluck, &c., of a sheep, with oatmeal, suet, onions, &c., boiled inside the animal’s maw.
hain, be penurious.
hainings, earnings.
hairst, harvest.
halver, halves.
hansel, present.
hap, warm garment.
happing, covering.
harigals, the pluck.
harl, trail.
harns, brains.
hateral, heap.
haudthecat, advocate.
haverel, foolish, nonsensical person;
havering, havers, nonsensical talk.
heck, hay-rack in a stable.
heckle, flax-dressing comb.
heere, a certain quantity of reeled yarn.
hempy, rogue worthy of hanging.
heritable, heritable bond.
herry, herri’t, harry, harried.
hesp, hank.
het, face, heart.
hirpling, limping.
hobbleshaw, uproar, hubbub.
hoggar, stocking-foot.
hogget, hogshead.
horse-couper, horse-dealer.
host, cough.
howkit, dug.
humlet, humbled.
ilk, ilka, each, every.
illess, harmless.
implement, full performance.
income, used in reference to illness.
indoss, endorse.
infare, feast at the reception of bride into her new home.
infeftment, investment with property.
ingons, onions.
intil, to.
intromit, interfere.
jams, projections.
jawp, splash of mud.
jealouse, guess, suspect.
jimp, leap.
jink, turn suddenly.
jo, joe, sweetheart.
jook, bow, dodge.
kail, cabbages;
soup made from them.
kail-yard, kitchen-garden.
ken, know.
kern, peasant, boor.
kintra, country.
kirk, church.
kirk and a mill, mak a, do what one likes.
kist, box, chest.
kithing, appearance.
kittle, generate;
knowe, hillock.
kyteful, belly-full.
lade, mill-race.
laft, loft.
lair, stick or sink in mire.
lameter, cripple.
lang-kail, coleworts not shorn.
lang look, long way off.
lang-nebbit, long-nosed.
lave, rest.
leafu’ lane, by one’s, quite solitary and alone.
leddy, lady.
leet, list.
leil, loyal.
lilt, sing cheerfully.
linty, linnet.
lippen, look confidently.
lippy, bumper.
little-gude, the devil.
loan, open place near a farm.
loup, leap.
loupen-steek, dropped stitch.
low, blaze, flame.
lown, calm, still.
lucky, an elderly woman.
lug, ear.
mailing, farm.
mair, more.
marrow, equal.
marrowed, partnered.
maun, must.
mawkins, hares.
meal-pock, meal-bag.
mean, be condoled with.
meikle, much.
mento mori, i. e. memento mori, remember thy death.
mess or mell, mix or meddle.
midden, dunghill.
mim, demure.
minny, mother.
mint, give a hint or sign.
misleart, unmannerly.
moiling, drudging.
morn, the, to-morrow.
moully, for want of using.
muckle, much, large.
mudge, stir.
mutchkin, pint.
na, no, not.
nabal, nabob.
nane, not.
near-be-gawn, narrow, stingy.
neest, next.
neives, nieves, fists.
neuk, corner.
new-kythed, newly shown.
no, not.
non compos mentis, not of a right mind.
novelle, novel.
oe, grandchild.
o’ercome of the spring, burden of the song.
ony, any.
or, ere.
ouer, oure, over.
ourie, shivering.
outstrapolous, obstreperous.
overly, too much.
paction, agreement.
panel, prisoner at the bar of a criminal court.
partan, crab.
past-ordinar, extraordinary.
pat, pot.
pawkie, pawky, sly, artful.
pendicle, pendant.
penure, stingy.
percep, perceived.
pile, grain.
plack, copper coin worth one-third of a penny.
plane-stanes, pavement.
playock, child’s toy.
plenishing, furniture for a house.
ploy, sport.
polonies, polonaise, woman’s dress.
pook, pull.
poortith, poverty.
pourie, cream-pot.
preces, chairman.
precognition, preliminary examination.
pree, taste.
prigging, beating down.
prin, pin.
provice, provost.
puddock, frog.
pursuer, prosecutor.
quean, hussy.
quirk, quibble, trick.
rabiator, bully, robber.
ram-race, running headlong with bent head.
ramstam, forward, incautious.
randy, disorderly.
rant, noise, make a noise.
ream, cream.
redde, advise, warn, beg.
reelie, reel, Highland dance.
remede, remeid, remedy.
respondent, respondenting, defendant, defending.
reverence, power.
riant, smiling.
rig-and-fur gamashins, ribbed leg-protectors.
rippet, small uproar.
riving, tearing.
rookit and herrit, rooked and harried.
roos, roast.
roupit, exposed for auction.
routing, bellowing.
roynes, rinds.
rug, tear.
rung, heavy stick.
sae, so.
sauly, sally.
saut, salt.
sauvendie, knowledge, understanding.
scaith, harm.
scantling, draft.
scart, scratch.
scog, shelter.
scoot, term of utter contempt.
scried, drinking-bouts.
scrimpit, penurious.
scud, beating.
sederunt and session, sitting of a court.
seek, no to, not far to find.
session, on the, on the parish.
shank, handle.
shawps, shells.
sho’elt, shovelled.
shoo, push away.
shoogle, shake.
sib, related.
sic, such.
sicker, sure.
sin’, since.
skailing, dismissing.
skeigh, proud.
skelp, beat.
skews, oblique parts of the gable.
sklater, slater.
slaik, slabber.
smeddum, powder.
smiddy, smithy.
smoor’t, smothered.
smytcher, impudence, term for a child.
snaws, snows.
sneck-drawer, artful fellow.
snod, trim.
snood, ribbon for binding the hair.
snooled, broken in spirit.
sonsy, jolly.
sooking, sucking.
soopit, swept.
soople, souple.
sosherie, enjoyment.
sough, sigh.
sourrocks, leaves of the sorrel.
speat, full flood.
speer, ask.
spree, frolic.
sprose, boast.
spyniel, a quantity of spun yarn.
steek, close.
stirk, young bullock.
stoor, dust.
stot, a young bull.
stoup, measure.
straemash, kick-up.
stricts, exact letter.
stroop, spout.
sumph, softy.
suspection, suspicion.
swap, exchange.
swattle, swallow.
sweert, averse.
syde, long.
syne, ago;
sin’ syne, since then.
tae, toe.
ta’enawa, changeling.
taigling, delaying.
tak tent, take care.
tansie, yellow-flowered herb.
tap o’ tow, head of flax, easily kindled;
so, of a choleric person.
tavert, senseless.
tawpie, tawpy, ill-conditioned, awkward, esp. of a girl.
taws, whip.
tead, toad.
teetles, titles.
telt, told.
terrogation, inquiry.
thir, these.
thole, endure.
thrangerie butt and ben, constant work all through the house.
thraw, turn.
thrawn, obstinate.
threep, maintain stoutly, threaten.
throughgality, frugality.
tilt, till’t, to it.
tirl at the pin, work at the latch.
tocher, dowry.
tod, fox.
toom, empty.
tot, total.
touzle, rough caressing.
tow, flax.
towt, passing fit.
traike, last.
trance-door, door from the passage to the kitchen.
trig, neat.
trotcosey, garment to cover the neck and shoulders.
trow, know.
trump, Jew’s harp.
tuggit, pulled.
tumphy, dumpish person, dullard.
twa, two.
twa-three, two or three.
tweesh, betwixt.
tynes, loses.
unco, something out of the common.
unco-like, strange.
uncos, news.
virl, ring round the end of a cane.
wabster, weaver.
wadset, reversion.
waff, passing wave.
waling, choosing.
wally-wae, lament.
wamling, rolling.
ware, expend.
warrandice, warrant.
warsle, warslet, wrestle, wrestled.
wastrie, wastefulness.
wat, wot, know.
waur, worse.
wean, child.
wee, small.
whang, large slices.
whaup, curlew.
wheen, few.
wheest, be silent.
whilk, which.
whin-bush, ragstone.
whir, whiz.
windlestrae, grass.
wise, will, advise.
wissing, wishing.
wizent, wizened.
wrang, wrong.
wrangeously, wrongly.
writer to the Signet, solicitor.
wud, mad.
wuddy, halter.
wull, will.
wyte, blame.
wytid wi’, accused of.
yett, gate.
yill, ale.
yird, yirden, earthy.
yocket, yoked, married.


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