PERSONS OF THE PLAY STEPHEN MORE, Member of Parliament KATHERINE, his wife OLIVE, their little daughter THE DEAN OF STOUR, Katherine's uncle GENERAL SIR JOHN JULIAN, her father CAPTAIN HUBERT JULIAN, her brother HELEN, his wife EDWARD MENDIP, editor of "The Parthenon" ALAN STEEL, More's secretary JAMES HOME, architect " CHARLES SHELDER, Solicitor "A deputation of More's MARK WACE, bookseller "constituents WILLIAM BANNING, manufacturer " NURSE WREFORD WREFORD (her son), Hubert's orderly HIS SWEETHEART THE FOOTMAN HENRY A DOORKEEPER SOME BLACK-COATED GENTLEMEN A STUDENT A GIRL A MOB ACT I. The dining-room of More's town house, evening. ACT II. The same, morning. ACT III. SCENE I. An alley at the back of a suburban theatre. SCENE II. Katherine's bedroom. ACT IV. The dining-room of More's house, late afternoon. AFTERMATH. The corner of a square, at dawn. Between ACTS I and II some days elapse. Between ACTS II and III three months. Between ACT III SCENE I and ACT III SCENE II no time. Between ACTS III and IV a few hours. Between ACTS IV and AFTERMATH an indefinite period.