"Orpheus with his lute made trees And the mountain tope that freeze....." PERSONS OF THE PLAY JAMES G. FRUST..............The Boss E. BLEWITT VANE.............The Producer MR. FORESON.................The Stage Manager "ELECTRICS"..................The Electrician "PROPS".....................The Property Man HERBERT.....................The Call Boy OF THE PLAY WITHIN THE PLAY GUY TOONE...................The Professor VANESSA HELLGROVE...........The Wife GEORGE FLEETWAY.............Orpheus MAUDE HOPKINS...............The Faun SCENE: The Stage of a Theatre. Action continuous, though the curtain is momentarily lowered according to that action.
VANE. Mr Foreson? FORESON. Sir? VANE. We'll do that lighting again.
Mr Foreson! [Crescendo] Mr Foreson.
VANE. For goodness sake, stand by! We'll do that lighting again. Check your floats. FORESON. [Speaking up into the prompt wings] Electrics! VOICE OF ELECTRICS. Hallo! FORESON. Give it us again. Check your floats.
VANE. Great Scott! What the blazes! Mr Foreson!
Mr Foreson! FORESON. [Re-appearing] Sir? VANE. Tell Miller to come down. FORESON. Electrics! Mr Blewitt Vane wants to speak to you. Come down! VANE. Tell Herbert to sit in that chair.
Mr Foreson! FORESON. [Re-appearing] Sir? VANE. Don't go off the stage. [FORESON mutters.]
ELECTRICS. Yes, Mr Vane? VANE. Look! ELECTRICS. That's what I'd got marked, Mr Vane. VANE. Once for all, what I want is the orchard in full moonlight, and the room dark except for the reading lamp. Cut off your front battens.
Mr Foreson! FORESON. [Re-appearing] Sir? VANE. See this marked right. Now, come on with it! I want to get some beauty into this!
FORESON. [Maliciously] Here you are, then, Mr Vane. Herbert, sit in that chair.
VANE. Now! [All the lights go out. In a wail] Great Scott!
[In a terrible voice] Mr Foreson. FORESON. Sir? VANE. Look—at—that—shade!
On his face, on his face!
FORESON. Is that what you want, Mr Vane? VANE. Yes. Now, mark that! FORESON. [Up into wings Right] Electrics! ELECTRICS. Hallo! FORESON. Mark that! VANE. My God!
Mr Foreson. FORESON. Sir? VANE. Ask him if he's got that? FORESON. Have you got that? ELECTRICS. Yes. VANE. Now pass to the change. Take your floats off altogether. FORESON. [Calling up] Floats out. [They go out.] VANE. Cut off that lamp. [The lamp goes out] Put a little amber in your back batten. Mark that! Now pass to the end. Mr Foreson! FORESON. Sir? VANE. Black out FORESON. [Calling up] Black out!
VANE. Give us your first lighting-lamp on. And then the two changes. Quick as you can. Put some pep into it. Mr Foreson! FORESON. Sir? VANE. Stand for me where Miss Hellgrove comes in. FORESON crosses to the window. No, no!—by the curtain.
Good! Leave it at that. We'll begin. Mr Foreson, send up to Mr Frust.
FORESON. Herb! Call the boss, and tell beginners to stand by. Sharp, now!
VANE. Mr Foreson. FORESON. [Re-appearing] Sir? VANE. I want "Props." FORESON. [In a stentorian voice] "Props!"
VANE. Is that boulder firm? PROPS. [Going to where, in front of the back-cloth, and apparently among its apple trees, lies the counterfeitment of a mossy boulder; he puts his foot on it] If, you don't put too much weight on it, sir. VANE. It won't creak? PROPS. Nao. [He mounts on it, and a dolorous creaking arises.] VANE. Make that right. Let me see that lute.
PROPS. [Attracted by the scent of the cigar] The Boss, Sir. VANE. [Turning to "PROPS"] That'll do, then.
VANE. [To FRUST] Now, sir, we're all ready for rehearsal of "Orpheus with his Lute." FRUST. [In a cosmopolitan voice] "Orphoos with his loot!" That his loot, Mr Vane? Why didn't he pinch something more precious? Has this high-brow curtain-raiser of yours got any "pep" in it? VANE. It has charm. FRUST. I'd thought of "Pop goes the Weasel" with little Miggs. We kind of want a cock-tail before "Louisa loses," Mr Vane. VANE. Well, sir, you'll see. FRUST. This your lighting? It's a bit on the spiritool side. I've left my glass. Guess I'll sit in the front row. Ha'f a minute. Who plays this Orphoos? VANE. George Fleetway. FRUST. Has he got punch? VANE. It's a very small part. FRUST. Who are the others? VANE. Guy Toone plays the Professor; Vanessa Hellgrove his wife; Maude Hopkins the faun. FRUST. H'm! Names don't draw. VANE. They're not expensive, any of them. Miss Hellgrove's a find, I think. FRUST. Pretty? VANE. Quite. FRUST. Arty? VANE. [Doubtfully] No. [With resolution] Look here, Mr FRUST, it's no use your expecting another "Pop goes the Weasel." FRUST. We-ell, if it's got punch and go, that'll be enough for me. Let's get to it!
VANE. Mr Foreson? FORESON. [Appearing through curtain, Right] Sir? VANE. Beginners. Take your curtain down.
FRUST. Some voice!
PROF. "Orpheus symbolized the voice of Beauty, the call of life, luring us mortals with his song back from the graves we dig for ourselves. Probably the ancients realized this neither more nor less than we moderns. Mankind has not changed. The civilized being still hides the faun and the dryad within its broadcloth and its silk. And yet"—[He stops, with a dried-up air-rather impatiently] Go on, my dear! It helps the atmosphere.
THE WIFE. God! What beauty! PROF. [Looking Up] Umm? THE WIFE. I said: God! What beauty! PROF. Aha! THE WIFE. [Looking at him] Do you know that I have to repeat everything to you nowadays? PROF. What? THE WIFE. That I have to repeat—— PROF. Yes; I heard. I'm sorry. I get absorbed. THE WIFE. In all but me. PROF. [Startled] My dear, your song was helping me like anything to get the mood. This paper is the very deuce—to balance between the historical and the natural. THE WIFE. Who wants the natural? PROF. [Grumbling] Umm! Wish I thought that! Modern taste! History may go hang; they're all for tuppence-coloured sentiment nowadays. THE WIFE. [As if to herself] Is the Spring sentiment? PROF. I beg your pardon, my dear; I didn't catch. WIFE. [As if against her will—urged by some pent-up force] Beauty, beauty! PROF. That's what I'm, trying to say here. The Orpheus legend symbolizes to this day the call of Beauty! [He takes up his pen, while she continues to stare out at the moonlight. Yawning] Dash it! I get so sleepy; I wish you'd tell them to make the after-dinner coffee twice as strong. WIFE. I will. PROF. How does this strike you? [Conning] "Many Renaissance pictures, especially those of Botticelli, Francesca and Piero di Cosimo were inspired by such legends as that of Orpheus, and we owe a tiny gem—like Raphael 'Apollo and Marsyas' to the same Pagan inspiration." WIFE. We owe it more than that—rebellion against the dry-as-dust. PROF. Quite. I might develop that: "We owe it our revolt against the academic; or our disgust at 'big business,' and all the grossness of commercial success. We owe——". [His voice peters out.] WIFE. It—love. PROF. [Abstracted] Eh! WIFE. I said: We owe it love. PROF. [Rather startled] Possibly. But—er [With a dry smile] I mustn't say that here—hardly! WIFE. [To herself and the moonlight] Orpheus with his lute! PROF. Most people think a lute is a sort of flute. [Yawning heavily] My dear, if you're not going to sing again, d'you mind sitting down? I want to concentrate. WIFE. I'm going out. PROF. Mind the dew! WIFE. The Christian virtues and the dew. PROF. [With a little dry laugh] Not bad! Not bad! The Christian virtues and the dew. [His hand takes up his pen, his face droops over his paper, while his wife looks at him with a very strange face] "How far we can trace the modern resurgence against the Christian virtues to the symbolic figures of Orpheus, Pan, Apollo, and Bacchus might be difficult to estimate, but——"
PROF. [Suddenly aware of something] She'll get her throat bad. [He is silent as the voice swells in the distance] Sounds queer at night-H'm! [He is silent—Yawning. The voice dies away. Suddenly his head nods; he fights his drowsiness; writes a word or two, nods again, and in twenty seconds is asleep.]
FRUST. What's that girl's name? VANE. Vanessa Hellgrove. FRUST. Aha!
PROF. Phew! Beastly dream! Boof! H'm! [He moves to the window and calls.] Blanche! Blanche! [To himself] Made trees-made trees! [Calling] Blanche! WIFE's VOICE. Yes. PROF. Where are you? WIFE. [Appearing by the stone with her hair down] Here! PROF. I say—I—-I've been asleep—had a dream. Come in. I'll tell you.
PROF. I dreamed I saw a-faun on that boulder blowing on a pipe. [He looks nervously at the stone] With two damned little rabbits and a fox sitting up and listening. And then from out there came our friend Orpheus playing on his confounded lute, till he actually turned that tree there into you. And gradually he-he drew you like a snake till you—er—put your arms round his neck and—er—kissed him. Boof! I woke up. Most unpleasant. Why! Your hair's down! WIFE. Yes. PROF. Why? WIFE. It was no dream. He was bringing me to life. PROF. What on earth? WIFE. Do you suppose I am alive? I'm as dead as Euridice. PROF. Good heavens, Blanche, what's the matter with you to-night? WIFE. [Pointing to the litter of papers] Why don't we live, instead of writing of it? [She points out unto the moonlight] What do we get out of life? Money, fame, fashion, talk, learning? Yes. And what good are they? I want to live! PROF. [Helplessly] My dear, I really don't know what you mean. WIFE. [Pointing out into the moonlight] Look! Orpheus with his lute, and nobody can see him. Beauty, beauty, beauty—we let it go. [With sudden passion] Beauty, love, the spring. They should be in us, and they're all outside. PROF. My dear, this is—this is—awful. [He tries to embrace her.] WIFE. [Avoiding him—an a stilly voice] Oh! Go on with your writing! PROF. I'm—I'm upset. I've never known you so—so—— WIFE. Hysterical? Well! It's over. I'll go and sing. PROF. [Soothingly] There, there! I'm sorry, darling; I really am. You're kipped—you're kipped. [He gives and she accepts a kiss] Better?
All right, now? WIFE. [Standing still and looking at him] Quite! PROF. Well, I'll try and finish this to-night; then, to-morrow we might have a jaunt. How about a theatre? There's a thing—they say —called "Chinese Chops," that's been running years. WIFE. [Softly to herself as he settles down into his chair] Oh! God!
PROF. Very queer the power suggestion has over the mind. Very queer! There's nothing really in animism, you know, except the curious shapes rocks, trees and things take in certain lights—effect they have on our imagination. [He looks up] What's the matter now? WIFE. [Startled] Nothing! Nothing!
PROF. [Coming to himself and writing] "The Orpheus legend is the— er—apotheosis of animism. Can we accept——" [His voice is lost in the sound of his WIFE'S voice beginning again: "Orpheus with his lute—with his lute made trees——" It dies in a sob. The PROFESSOR looks up startled, as the curtain falls]. FRUST. Fine! Fine! VANE. Take up the curtain. Mr Foreson?
FORESON. Sir? VANE. Everybody on.
VANE. Give us some light. FORESON. Electrics! Turn up your floats!
FRUST. I'd like to meet Miss Hellgrove. [She comes forward eagerly and timidly. He grasps her hand] Miss Hellgrove, I want to say I thought that fine—fine. [Her evident emotion and pleasure warm him so that he increases his grasp and commendation] Fine. It quite got my soft spots. Emotional. Fine! MISS H. Oh! Mr Frust; it means so much to me. Thank you! FRUST. [A little balder in the eye, and losing warmth] Er—fine! [His eye wanders] Where's Mr Flatway? VANE. Fleetway.
FRUST. Mr Fleetway, I want to say I thought your Orphoos very remarkable. Fine. FLEETWAY. Thank you, sir, indeed—so glad you liked it. FRUST. [A little balder in the eye] There wasn't much to it, but what there was was fine. Mr Toone.
Mr Toone, I was very pleased with your Professor—quite a character-study. [TOONE bows and murmurs] Yes, sir! I thought it fine. [His eye grows bald] Who plays the goat? MISS HOPK. [Appearing suddenly between the windows] I play the faun, Mr Frost. FORESON. [Introducing] Miss Maude 'Opkins. FRUST. Miss Hopkins, I guess your fawn was fine. MISS HOPK. Oh! Thank you, Mr Frost. How nice of you to say so. I do so enjoy playing him. FRUST. [His eye growing bald] Mr Foreson, I thought the way you fixed that tree was very cunning; I certainly did. Got a match?
MISS H. Oh! Mr Vane—do you think? He seemed quite—Oh! Mr Vane [ecstatically] If only—— VANE. [Pleased and happy] Yes, yes. All right—you were splendid. He liked it. He quite—— MISS H. [Clasping her hand] How wonderful Oh, Mr Vane, thank you!
VANE. [Calling up] That lighting's just right now, Miller. Got it marked carefully? ELECTRICS. Yes, Mr Vane. VANE. Good. [To FRUST who as coming down] Well, sir? So glad—— FRUST. Mr Vane, we got little Miggs on contract? VANE. Yes. FRUST. Well, I liked that little pocket piece fine. But I'm blamed if I know what it's all about. VANE. [A little staggered] Why! Of course it's a little allegory. The tragedy of civilization—all real feeling for Beauty and Nature kept out, or pent up even in the cultured. FRUST. Ye-ep. [Meditatively] Little Miggs'd be fine in "Pop goes the Weasel." VANE. Yes, he'd be all right, but—— FRUST. Get him on the 'phone, and put it into rehearsal right now. VANE. What! But this piece—I—I——! FRUST. Guess we can't take liberties with our public, Mr Vane. They want pep. VANE. [Distressed] But it'll break that girl's heart. I—really—I can't—— FRUST. Give her the part of the 'tweeny in "Pop goes". VANE. Mr Frust, I—I beg. I've taken a lot of trouble with this little play. It's good. It's that girl's chance—and I—— FRUST. We-ell! I certainly thought she was fine. Now, you 'phone up Miggs, and get right along with it. I've only one rule, sir! Give the Public what it wants; and what the Public wants is punch and go. They've got no use for Beauty, Allegory, all that high-brow racket. I know 'em as I know my hand.
VANE. Mr Frost, the Public would take this, I'm sure they would; I'm convinced of it. You underrate them. FRUST. Now, see here, Mr Blewitt Vane, is this my theatre? I tell you, I can't afford luxuries. VANE. But it—it moved you, sir; I saw it. I was watching. FRUST. [With unmoved finality] Mr Vane, I judge I'm not the average man. Before "Louisa Loses" the Public'll want a stimulant. "Pop goes the Weasel" will suit us fine. So—get right along with it. I'll go get some lunch.
VANE. [Dashing his hands through his hair till it stands up] Damnation!
FORESON. Sir? VANE. "Punch and go!" That superstition!
VANE. Mr Foreson! FORESON. [Re-appearing] Sir? VANE. This is scrapped. [With savagery] Tell 'em to set the first act of "Louisa Loses," and put some pep into it.
FORESON. [In the centre of the Stage] Electrics! ELECTRICS. Hallo! FORESON. Where's Charlie? ELECTRICS. Gone to his dinner. FORESON. Anybody on the curtain? A VOICE. Yes, Mr Foreson. FORESON. Put your curtain down.