[A] Since these words were written one hears of demobilization schemes ready to the last buttons. Let us hope the buttons won't come off.—J. G. [B] "England and the War." Hodder & Stoughton. [C] The first part of this paper was published in the Hibbert Journal in 1910. [D] A paper read on March 21st, 1918. [E] From an essay by the President of the German Agricultural Council, quoted by Mr. T. H. Middleton, of the Board of Agriculture, in his report on the recent development of German agriculture. Transcriber's Note: - Inconsistent hyphenation retained as printed in the original.
- The footnotes have been moved to the end of the book.
- p. 56: Corrected spelling of word "lacheront" to "lÂcheront" located in the phrase "Les Anglais ne lacheront pas".
- p. 149: Corrected spelling of word "gound" to "ground" located in line "up yearly more and more gound to less and less".
- p. 174: Removed extraneous "the" located in the phrase "for the the speaker was once Minister for Agriculture".
- p. 205: "hand" in the phrase "riding at a hand gallop" (a speed between a canter and a full out gallop) retained as printed.
- p. 207: Corrected spelling of word "knowlledge" to "knowledge" located in line "district a model farm radiates scientific knowlledge".
- p. 273: Replaced the period after "no." with a comma located in line "Oh dear, no. sir!".
- p. 322: Added missing comma after the word "dignity" located in the phrase "said the Angel, with dignity".