
[A] This and other interesting pictures may be seen by applying to the owner of the collection.

[B] In Sevilla HistÓrica the names of Juan Norman, Alonso Rodriguez and Gonzalo Rojas are mentioned as architects employed before 1507.

[C] See chapters on 'the Churches' and upon the 'Artists of Seville.'

[D] There is an excellent Catalogue, with a short historical memoir of each artist, which can be purchased at the entrance of the Museo, for the trifling sum of one peseta. It is, of course, in Spanish.

[E] The titles of the pictures are given in Spanish in order to facilitate their identification in the Catalogue.

[F] The picture has been recently presented to the Museo, by the Infanta Da Maria Luisa Fernanda, and is only mentioned in the Catalogue, in a short notice at the end of the book.

[G] See separate chapter.


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