
Alva, Duke of, 221
Banking system, 222
Canals, 221, 228
Churches, 227
Haarlem, siege of, 221
Helder, 220
Museum, 226
Pictures, 227
Rembrandt, 225
Ruyter, de, 227
Spinoza, 223-225
Town hall, 227
Trade, 222-223
Zuyder Zee, 220
Alva, Duke of, 211, 213
Cathedral, 217
ChassÉ, General, 215
Churches, 218
Forts, 218
Matsys, Quentin, 215
Museum, 216
Painters, 211, 215-216
Philip II., 213
Plantin, 219
Quays, 219
Reynolds, Sir J., 216
Schelde, 211
Siege of, 215
William of Orange, 213
Zoological Garden, 219
Chiesa Nuova, 28
Dante, 27
Giotto, 26, 27
Goethe, 28, 29
Ruskin, 27
San Francisco, church of, 25, 26
San Rufino, cathedral of, 28
Santa Maria, church of, 26
Simone, 27
St Bonaventura, 21, 25
St Clare, church of, 28
St Damian, church of, 24
St Francis, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Via Portica, 28
Vasari, 27
Vespasian, temple of, 20
Acropolis, 278, 280, 281
Ægea, isle of, 278
Alcibiades, 275, 276
Alexandria, 267
Archelaus, 277
Apollo, 280
Aristides, 269
Aristotle, 268
Aristophanes, 269
Aspasia, 274
Athene, 279
Attica, 266, 270, 277, 282
Callicrates, 272
Cephissus River, 279
Cimon, 271, 272
Delphi, oracle of, 276
Demosthenes, 268
Erechtheum, 273, 279
HephÆstus, 279
Hermes, street of, 281
Hermippus, 274
Herodotus, 269
HipparetÉ, 275
Hissus River, 279
Ictinus, 272
Lais, 276
Lysander, 276
Lysias, 277
Mars, Hill of, 278
Miltiades, 269, 271
Moore, Albert, 282
Museum, National, 281
Olympus, 278
Pan, 280
Parthenon, 267, 272, 273, 278, 279-280
Pelasgians, 267
Pericles, 272, 274, 275, 277, 279
Phidias, 268, 272, 273
Philopappus, 278
PirÆus, 268
Plato, 268, 270, 279
Plutarch, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274
Praxiteles, 268, 273
Salamis, isle of, 278
Socrates, 268, 269, 274, 275
Sophocles, 268
Sylla, 277
Themistocles, 269, 271, 276
Timander, 275
Watts, G. F., 282
Xenophon, 270, 274
Xerxes, 276
Zeus, 279
Alva, Duke of, 193
Canals, 192, 199
Cathedral, 195
Chamois, Captain, 193
Chapelle du St Sang, 196
Dukes of Burgundy, 192, 194
Forts, 199
“Golden Fleece,” 194
Lace-making, 199
Market, 192
Mary of Burgundy, 196
Motley, 194
Memling, 198
Philip the Good, 194
Prissenhof, 199
Tapestry, 193
Titchmann, 193
Town hall, 196
Van Eyck brothers, 194, 197, 198
Aignan, St, 184
Bernard, St, 180
Bishops of, 181
Cathedral, 181-184
Charlemagne, 180
Churches, 184
Desportes, 185
Eure River, 179
Gothic art, 180, 181-183
Museum, 185
Pierre, St, 184
Regnier, Mathurin, 185
Romans, 179, 180, 185
Agrippina, 229
Bridges, 230
Caxton, 229
Cathedral, 230
Churches, 231, 232
Durer, 232
Eau de Cologne, 234
“Farina,” 234
Museum, 232
Painters, 231, 232
Rathaus, 232
Rhine, 233
Romans, 229
Titian, 232
Trajan, 229
Vandyk, 232
Abderahman, 101, 105, 108, 112, 115
Abu Mohammed, 104
Alcazar, 114
Almanzor, 102
Averroes, 117
Az-Zahra, 102
Berbers, 102, 115
Bridge of, 100
Castillo, 119
CÉspedes, 118
Charles V., 111
Climate, 98
Court of Oranges, 108
De Amicis, 109
Fernando, 103
Gate of Pardon, 107
Gongora, 117
Gran Capitan, 97, 117
Guadalquivir, 98, 99
Gautier, 113
Hakam, 107, 110
Hisham III., 102
Leal, ValdÉs, 118
Lucan, 116
MihrÂb, 110
Moors, 97, 98, 103
Mosque, 106-113
Picture Gallery, 119
Puerta de las Palmas, 108
Ribera, 119
Roderick, 101
Sala Capitular, 112
Seneca, 116
Villaviciosa Chapel, 112
Yusuf, 102.
Angelo, Michael, 58, 64, 65, 70
Apennines, 57
Aquinas, Thoma s, 71
Beatrice, 60
Bargello, 70
Boboli Gardens, 57
Boccaccio, 58, 60, 61
Browning, 58
Bruneschi Palace, 57
Buondelmonti, 59
Campanile, 57
Cellini, 67
Croce, 69
Dante, 58, 60, 65
Delia Robbia, 70
Donatello, 65, 69
Fiesole, 57, 58
Fra Angelico, 66, 67
Ghibellines, 59
Giotto, 57, 58, 65, 69
Guelfs, 59
Hunt, Leigh, 64
Lorenzo, 70
Machiavelli, 59
Marco, San, 67
Maria Santa, 70
Milton, 58, 61
Orcagna, 71
Petrarch, 61
Pisano, 69
Pitti Palace, 57, 66
Porta Mandoria, 65
Raphael, 67
Riccardi Palace, 70
San Miniato, 57
Savonarola, 58, 60, 67, 68
Shelley, 64
Strozzi Chapel, 71
Titian, 67
Totila the Goth, 59
Uberti, 59
Uffizi Palace, 66
Vallombrosa, 58
Vasari, 66
Vecchio Palace, 69
Velazquez, 67
Aldegonde, St, 205, 206
Aerschot, Duke, 205, 206
Alva, Duke of, 203, 205
Belfry, 201
Charles V., 203-204
Edward III., 202, 209
Erasmus, 202
“Golden Fleece,”
San Lorenzo, cathedral of,
San Pietro, church of, 56
San Severo, church of, 55
Battle of, 164-166
Black Prince, 164
Buch, Captal, 165
Coligny, 167, 168
Churches, 168
Dukes of Aquitaine,

John of France, 164
Lude, Count, 167
Morbecque, de, 166
Museum, 167
Petrarch, 166
Population, 169
Protestantism, 167
Romans, 167
Bridges, 259, 264
Capuchin Monastery, 263
Cathedral, 262
Charles IV., 260
Church, 263
Craftsmen, 260
Drama in, 264
Emaus Monastery, 263
Huss, 260
Libussa, 260
Mathew of Cracow, 260
Moldau River, 259
Museum, 264
National Theatre, 264-265
Palaces, 263
Petrlik, 262
Powder Gate, 264
Rudolph, King, 262
Siege of, 261
Sigismund, 261
Symons, Arthur, 262
Thirty Years’ War, 262
Austrian War, 262
Vladislav, 263
Wenceslas, 260
Wicliff, 261
Cathedral, 187-190
CÆsar, 186
Churches, 190
Clovis, 187
Consul of, 186
Gate of Mars, 190
James, Henry, 188, 191
Joan of Arc, 187
Louis XV., 191
Museum, 190
Romans, 186, 190
St Remi, 187, 190
St Jacques, 190
St Thomas, 190
Tapestries, 189
Trade, 191
Vandals, 186
Agrippa, 18
Albani, Villa, 13
Augustus, 15
Antony, Mark, 15
Aurelius, 4
Berbini, Cardinal, 16
Borghese, Villa, 16
Browning, Robert, 19
Bruno, Giordano, 7, 8
CÆsar, 3
CÆsar, Julius, temple of, 15
CÆsars, palace of, 15
Campagna 1, 15, 20
Canova, 12
Capitoline, 13, 15
Capitol Museum, 16, 17
Castor and Pollux, temple of, 15
Catullus, 20
Caligula, palace of, 20
Coliseum, 4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 18
Colonna Palace, 11
Colonna, Vittoria, 12
Constantine, arch of, 17
Copernicus, 17
Coreggio, 11
Cynthia, 20
Della Porta, 14
Dorian Palace, 16
Fabius, arch of, 20
Farnese Palace, 12
Forum 4, 15, 18, 20
Galileo, 8, 13
Gauls, 3
Goethe, 11, 17, 20
Hannibal, 3
Julia, Basilica, 20
Jupiter, 15
Keats, 19
Kircheriano, 16
Lateran Palace, 14
Medici, Villa, 16
Michael Angelo, 9, 10, 11, 12
Michelet, 2, 6
National Museum, 16
Nero, 4
Niebuhr, 2
Palatine Hill, 6, 14, 15
Pantheon, 4, 18
Pauline Chapel, 10
Plutei, walls of the, 15
Pompey, 1, 3
Pompelius, Numa, 2
Poussin, 16
Protestant cemetery, 19
Raphael, 11
Regia, 14, 15
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 11, 17
Romulus, 2, 15
Rosa, Salvator, 16
San Clemente, 14
San Giovanni, 14
San Giovanni Laterno, 13
Santa Maria, 12, 14
Santi Giovanni Paolo, 14
Saturn, temple of, 15, 20
Scipio, 3
Senatore, Palazzo del, 16
Septimus Severus, arch of, 15
Shelley, 17, 18, 19
Sistine Chapel, 9, 10
St Peter’s, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18
Symons, Arthur, 10
Tarquinius Superbus, 2
Thorvaldsen, 13
Tiber, 2
Titian, 11, 16
Trajan, 7, 15
Trajan’s Column, 16, 20
Van Dyck, 16
Varus, Quintilius, 20
Vatican, 13, 16
Velazquez, 16
Vespasian, temple of, 8
Vesta, temple of, 14
Arc, Joan of, 172-173
Blanchard, Alan, 172
Bovary, Madame, 173
Cathedral, 173-174
Churches, 171, 174
Corneille, 174
Danes, 170
Flaubert, 175
Gautier, 178
Godard, St, 174
Goujon, 174
Henry V., 173
Rigaud, Bishop, 176
Roan horses, 171
Rollo, 171
St Amant, 177-178
William the Conqueror, 171
Alcazar, 86, 88, 93
Bolero, 81
Borrow, G., 79
Bullfighting, 82
CampaÑa, P., 92
Casa Pilatos, 84
Cathedral, 91-93
Charles V., 88
Climate, 80
Columbus, 86
Dancing, 81
Easter fÊtes, 80
Gautier, 91
Giralda, 79, 86
Gitanos, 83
Golden Tower, 86
Greco, El, 93
Guadalquivir, 86, 95
Horses of, 82
Mendoza, 87
Moors, 85, 86, 94
MontaÑez, 90, 92
Murillo, 83, 90, 92
— house of, 84
Pacheco, 89
Painters of, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93
Park, 95
Pedro the Cruel, 85, 93
Romans, 84, 94
Telmo Palace, 95
Torquemada, 87
Trajan, 85
Triana, 83
Velazquez, 88, 95
Women of, 81
Zurbaran, 93
Abd-er-Rahman, 122
Alcantara Bridge, 122
Alcazar, 126, 133
Ayuntamiento, 126
Bayeu, 125
Bernardo, Don, 127
BerruguÉte, 124, 132, 133
BorgoÑa, 124, 125
Bourgoanne, Chevalier de, 133
CarreÑo, 126
Casa de Mesa, 123
Cathedral, 121, 124, 130
Cervantes, 132
Cid, 126
El Cristo de la Luz, church of, 123
El Transito, church of, 123
Elizabeth de Valois, 126
Gautier, 127, 130
Goya, 125
Greco, El, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
IbaÑez, Blasco de, 120
Infantry, school of, 123
Justi, Carl, 132
Martinez, Guiseppe, 128
Maella, 126
Mendoza, Cardinal, 124, 125
Museum, Provincial, 129
O’Shea, Henry, 127
Ponz, 130
Puerta de los Leones, 124
Puerta del Sol, 123
Roderick, King, 122
San JosÉ, church of, 130
San Juan, church of, 130
San Juan, hospital of, 130
San Martin, bridge of, 123
San Miguel, church of, 123
San Roman, church of, 123
San Sevando, church of, 123
San Vicente, church of, 129
Santa Maria la Blanca, church of, 123
Santo Domingo, church of, 130
Santo TomÉ, church of, 123, 129
St Magdalen, church of, 130
Tagus, 122, 133
Tarik, 122
Tintoretto, 127
Tubal, 121
Vega, Lope de, 131, 132
Ximenes, Cardinal, 125

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Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
footseps=> footsteps {pg 19}
degl Angeli=> degli Angeli {pg 26}
Campofornio=> Campoformio {pg 40}
Torcella=> Torcello {pg 51}
they inculated=> they inculcated {pg 104}
worderful beauty=> wonderful beauty {pg 113}
philosoper=> philosopher {pg 116}
his contemptoraries=> his contemporaries {pg 273}



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