Chapter | | Page | I.— | From the Same to the Same, | 1 | II.— | Life at a Watering Place, | 9 | III.— | In which the reader will enjoy hearing the praises lavished by Spaniards on their Country and Country-men, | 15 | IV.— | More conversation, giving us some idea of the Spanish character, | 24 | V.— | Illustrating another trait of Spanish character, | 31 | VI.— | Pepa, | 37 | VII.— | Two men and their schemes in life, | 45 | VIII.— | MarÍa Egyptiaca, | 57 | IX.— | The Marquesa TellerÍa, | 69 | X.— | The Marquis, | 79 | XI.— | Leopoldo, | 88 | XII.— | Gustavo, | 94 | XIII.— | The last illusion, | 103 | XIV.— | Husband and Wife, | 111 | XV.— | A Modus Vivendi, | 127 | XVI.— | In the Dog-days, | 133 | XVII.— | Deserters, | 142 | XVIII.— | The Ascetic, | 149 | XIX.— | The Marquesa goes to a concert, | 159 | XX.— | The old, old drama, | 166 | XXI.— | A struggle with the angel, | 179 | XXII.— | Conquered by the angel, | 185 | XXIII.— | Weather permitting, | 188 | XXIV.— | Reminiscences—Anxieties, | 200 | XXV.— | MarÍa Egyptiaca dresses in grey and does not wash her hands, | 211 | XXVI.— | The devouring ogre—Croup, | 222 | XXVII.— | The mother, | 238 | XXVIII.— | The Marquis de FÚcar enjoys the special favour of Heaven, | 242 | XXIX.— | Erunt duo in carne una, | 253 | XXX.— | An irruption of the barbarians; Alaric, Attila, and Omar, | 263 | XXXI.— | The crisis, | 275 | XXXII.— | Reason versus Passion, | 293 |