Chapter Page
I.— From the Same to the Same, 1
II.— Life at a Watering Place, 9
III.— In which the reader will enjoy hearing the praises lavished by Spaniards on their Country and Country-men, 15
IV.— More conversation, giving us some idea of the Spanish character, 24
V.— Illustrating another trait of Spanish character, 31
VI.— Pepa, 37
VII.— Two men and their schemes in life, 45
VIII.— MarÍa Egyptiaca, 57
IX.— The Marquesa TellerÍa, 69
X.— The Marquis, 79
XI.— Leopoldo, 88
XII.— Gustavo, 94
XIII.— The last illusion, 103
XIV.— Husband and Wife, 111
XV.— A Modus Vivendi, 127
XVI.— In the Dog-days, 133
XVII.— Deserters, 142
XVIII.— The Ascetic, 149
XIX.— The Marquesa goes to a concert, 159
XX.— The old, old drama, 166
XXI.— A struggle with the angel, 179
XXII.— Conquered by the angel, 185
XXIII.— Weather permitting, 188
XXIV.— Reminiscences—Anxieties, 200
XXV.— MarÍa Egyptiaca dresses in grey and does not wash her hands, 211
XXVI.— The devouring ogre—Croup, 222
XXVII.— The mother, 238
XXVIII.— The Marquis de FÚcar enjoys the special favour of Heaven, 242
XXIX.— Erunt duo in carne una, 253
XXX.— An irruption of the barbarians; Alaric, Attila, and Omar, 263
XXXI.— The crisis, 275
XXXII.— Reason versus Passion, 293

Leon Roch




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