
From the Principal Registry of the Court of Probate at Somerset House, and from the Diocesan Registers at Norwich. For the Memoranda of the latter I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Jessopp.


Will of ‘Clemens Paston de Paston, sanÆ mentis,’ etc.
(no style of Armiger or any other designation), A.D. 1419, June.


Leaves his soul to God, St. Margaret, and All Saints; his body to be buried in the parish church of St. Margaret at Paston, between the north door and the tomb of his wife Beatrix.

Legacies—(1) To the High Altar (sum not named); (2) To the Vicar of Paston for tithes, etc., 3s. 4d.; (3)For the lights ‘BeatÆ MargaretÆ in cancella...coram ymagine BeatÆ MargaretÆ, vjli. cer.’; (4)‘Item, luminibus super le Rodelofte ejusdem ecclesiÆ, xijd.’; (5)For the reparation, etc. of the church, 3s. 4d.; (6)To the Vicar of Bakton (as above), 2s.; (7)For the repair, etc. of the Trunch church, 8d.; (8)For the repair of Monslee church, 6d.; (9)‘Item, Priori et Conventui de Bromholm, vjs. viijd.

The residue to Martha, ‘quÆ fuit uxor Johannis Bakton, sorori meÆ, et Willelmo Paston, filio meo,’ that they may pay his debts, make restitution for any wrongs done, and expend the rest in works of charity and piety for the good of his own soul, that of Beatrix, his wife, the souls of his deceased parents and benefactors, ‘et animabus fidelium defunctorum.’

Witnesses—‘Nich’o Priori de Bromholm, Rich. Jernemuth Monacho, Rich. Vicario EcclesiÆ de Paston prÆdicta, Johanne Kyng, capellano, Roberto Gynne, et aliis.’

Proved at Norwich, ‘2 Oct. An. Dom. supradicto.’

188.1 [Reg. Dioces. Norvic., Hyrning, f. 51, b.]

vj li. ... xij d.
anomalous space sin original

‘Item, Priori et Conventui de Bromholm, vjs. viijd.
missing close quote



JAN. 10

In Dei nomine Amen. Ego, Willelmus Paston de Paston, sanÆ mentis et memoriÆ, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meam Omnipotenti Deo, BeatÆ MariÆ, et omnibus Sanctis, et corpus meum sepeliendum ad finem Australem altaris in Capella BeatÆ MariÆ in fine Orientali ecclesiÆ Cathedralis SanctÆ Trinitatis, Norwici. Et si contingat corpus meum ibidem sepeliri, lego cuilibet monacho sacerdoti ecclesiÆ prÆdictÆ qui singulis diebus aliqua septimana per septem annos proximo sequentes post mortem meam missam de Spiritu Sancto in capella prÆdicta tempore celebrationis summÆ missÆ in eadem ecclesia decantaverit, ad exorandum in eadem missa de Spiritu Sancto, et in aliis divinis per ipsum diebus illis factis, pro anima mea et animabus uxoris meÆ, patrum, matrum et omnium consanguineorum et benefactorum nostrorum, et omnium quorum debitores sumus, et omnium per nos injuriam patientium, et eorum omnium pro quibus Deo est deprecandum et omnium fidelium defunctorum septem de nac’ (?). Item, lego Roberto nunc priori ecclesiÆ Sancti AndreÆ de Bromholm quadraginta solidos; et cuilibet monacho ejusdem ecclesiÆ conventus de Bromholm sex solidos et octo denarios; et executoribus testamenti Ricardi Causton, nuper vicarii ecclesiÆ de Paston, viginti solidos; et executoribus testamenti AdÆ, nuper vicarii ecclesiÆ de Bakton, sex solidos et octo denarios; ita quod remittant et relaxent in conscientiis suis animabus prÆdictis si quÆ per earum aliquam sibi debita fuerint. Et si hoc remittere et relaxare recusaverint, de prÆdictis legatis nihil habeant, sed in omnibus quÆ sibi per animas prÆdictas vel earum aliquam deberi rationabiliter aut evidenter, in conscientia vel aliter, juxta discretionem executorum meorum, aut majoris partis eorundem, probaverint aut verificaverint, sibi satisfaciant executores mei. Residuum vero bonorum meorum omnium non legatorum do et lego Agneti uxori meÆ, Johanni filio meo, Willelmo Bakton et Johanni Damme de Sustede, quos ordino et constituo executores hujus testamenti mei, ut ipsi inde disponant pro[ut] in justis conscientiis suis magis viderint Deo placere et animabus prÆdictis prodesse. In cujus rei testimonium prÆsentibus sigillum meum apposui. Datum decimo die Januarii anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo secundo. Hujus autem testamenti mei venerabilem in Christo patrem et dominum, dominum Willelmum Lincolniensem Episcopum190.1 ordino et constituo supervisorem.

189.1 [Register Luffenam, 29.]

190.1 William Alnwick, Bishop of Lincoln from 1436 to 1449. He had been Bishop of Norwich before he was presented to Lincoln.

II.—[Last Will, 31 Jan. 1444.]190.2

Universis et singulis ad quos prÆsens scriptum indentatum pervenerit. Ego Willelmus Paston de Paston gratias, reverencias et honores. Cum diversÆ personÆ ad usum, proficuum et denominationem mea feoffatÆ sive seisitÆ existant sibi et hÆredibus suis in feodo simplici in et de uno mesuagio, uno molendino, et certis terris, tenementis redditibus et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Paston, Bakton, Edithorp, Witton, et Moneslee, ac in aliis villis adjacentibus in comitatu Norffolk, quÆ nuper fuerunt Clementis Paston, patris mei jam defuncti, cujus animÆ propitietur Deus; ac de certis terris et tenementis, parcellis manerii vocati Latymers, remanentibus ultra et prÆter alia terras et tenementa parcellas dicti manerii nomine meo adiu190.3 est dat’ Priori et conventui ecclesiÆ Sancti AndreÆ de Bromholm et successoribus suis; quam perquisitionem prÆdicti prioris dominus Rex nunc per literas suas perdonavit; et uno tofto et uno columbari et aliis terris et tenementis cum pertinentiis in Bakton, Paston, Edithorp, Witton, et Casewik quÆ nuper fuerunt Hugonis atte Fen de Jernemouthe; et de aliis terris et tenementis in Paston et Bakton per prÆdictos priorem et conventum mihi et aliis ad usum meum et hÆredibus meis datis et concessis; et de et in uno mesuagio et certis terris, tenementis, redditibus, et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Estsomerton, Westsomerton, He[nnesby?], Martham, Wynterton in Flegge, ac in aliis villis adjacentibus, et in Heigham Porter, Veteri Bokenham et Bokenham Castell, in eodem comitatu, tam illa quÆ.. . . ..[quam] illa quÆ nuper fuerunt Galfridi Somerton, avunculi mei, videlicet fratris Beatricis, matris meÆ carissimÆ jam defunctÆ, quÆ.. . . . . . . ..Et in et de manerio de Oxenede, ac certis terris, tenementis et serviciis in Oxenede, Burgh, Skeyton, Marsham.. . . . . . . ..[et in] aliis villis adjacentibus cum pertinentiis in eodem comitatu, quÆ nuper fuerunt Roberti Salle militis, et Willelmi Clopton militis, firmarii (?).. . . . ..sive aliquorum vel alicujus eorum in eodem comitatu: Et in et de maneriis de Marlyngford, Riston, Vaux, et Shipd[am].. . . . . ..medietate quatuor marcatarum, sive medietate unius marisci nuper ThomÆ Ocam (?) [cum pertinentiis] in eodem comitatu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mesuagiis, ac certis terris, tenementis, redditibus et serviciis cum pertinentiis in Estodenham et aliis v[illis].. . . eodem comitatu.. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Honyngham: Et in et de uno mesuagio ac certis terris et tenementis, redditibus et serviciis.. . . Wy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . comitatu prÆdicto quÆ nuper fuerunt Willelmi Thuxton, Armigeri, vocata Tolyes: Et.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ricardi Doket in Carleton et aliis villis adjacentibus: Et in et de duobus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..villis adjacentibus: Et in et de una pecia terrÆ in Carleton vocata W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . manerio de Snaylwell et aliis terris et tenementis quÆ quondam fuerunt Johannis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ac in et de manerio de Stanstede cum pertinentiis in comitatu Suffolk, et de Horwelbury.. . . . . . ..continue absque aliqua conditione collusione seu covina, istis tamen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mesuagiis, terris, tenementis, redditibus et serviciis prÆdictis ultimo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..consciencia mea, lege Dei et AngliÆ illÆsa, fieri et exequi et adimpleri.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sciatis me, prÆfatum Willelmum Paston, ultimam voluntatem de prÆmissis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ligenti deliberacione declarasse, fecisse et limitasse juxta effectum verborum sequentium.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..seu seisitÆ et omnes aliÆ personÆ quas in prÆdictis maneriis, terris et tenementis vel aliqua parcella eorum ad.. . . . . . . . . . ..imposterum feoffari contigerit, hÆredes et assignati sui, quandocumque post mortem meam.. . . . ..ejus sufficiens warantum in hac parte habentem racionabiliter requisitÆ fuerint per cartas.. . . ..dum.. . . . ..prÆfatÆ Agneti prÆdicta maneria de Oxenede, Marlyngforde, Stanstede, Horwelbury, et Sh...dictas pa.. . . . Latymers dictis priori et conventui minime datas, et prÆdicta mesuagia, molendinum, terras et tenementa, quÆ fuerunt prÆdicti prioris et conventus, Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton, FrancissÆ, Clementis Paston, Hugonis atte Fen, seu alicujus eorum, ac medietatem prÆdictorum marisci et quatuor marcatorum redditus, in toto, per communem Æstimationem, ad valenciam centum librarum per annum; habenda et tenenda eidem Agneti et assignatis suis ad totam vitam ejusdem Agnetis: Ita quod eadem maneria de Oxenede, Marlyngforde, Stanstede et Horwelbury, et terrÆ et tenementa quÆ fuerunt Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton et FrancissÆ, seu alicujus eorum, cum pertinentiis, post mortem prÆfatÆ Agnetis remaneant hÆredibus de corpore meo et corpore prÆdictÆ Agnetis exeuntibus. Et prÆdicta manerium de Shipdene et parcella manerii de Latymers, ac dicta mesuagia, molendinum, terrÆ et tenementa nuper Clementis Paston et Hugonis atte Fen, seu alicujus eorum, cum pertinentiis, post mortem prÆdictÆ Agnetis, ad prÆdictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas, hÆredes et assignatos suos revertantur, ad perficiendam inde hanc ultimam voluntatem meam: Et si nullus extiterit hÆres de corpore meo et corpore prÆdictÆ Agnetis exiens, quod tunc post mortem ejusdem Agnetis prÆdictum manerium de Oxenede et dicta terrÆ et tenementa nuper prÆdictorum Roberti Salle, Willelmi Clopton et FrancissÆ, seu unius eorum, cum pertinentiis, ad prÆdictos feoffatos et hÆredes suos similiter revertantur, ad perficiendam inde hanc ultimam voluntatem meam. Et quod prÆdicta maneria de Marlyngford, Stanstede et Horwelbury, cum pertinentiis, remaneant rectis hÆredibus Edmundi Barry militis, patris prÆdictÆ Agnetis, imperpetuum. Item, volo quod prÆdictÆ personÆ, ut prÆdicitur, feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ, hÆredes seu assignati sui, paciantur et permittant Robertum Clere, armigerum, Edmundum Clere, armigerum, Johannem Pagrave, armigerum, Willelmum Bakton de Bakton, et Johannem Damme de Sustede, vel duos eorum, per communem assensum eorum quinque, prÆdictum manerium de Snaylwell et prÆdicta alia terras et tenementa in Snaylwell, in toto, per communem estimacionem, ad valenciam quadraginta marcarum per annum, occupare, et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere, a festo Sancti Michaelis proximo sequenti post mortem meam usque Edmundus filius meus jam Ætatis xviij. annorum pervenerit ad Ætatem xxj. annorum. Et quod iidem Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton et Johannes Damme, seu dicti duo eorum, viginti marcas annuatim provenientes de eisdem exitibus et proficuis, inter prÆdictum festum Sancti Michaelis et dictam Ætatem prÆdicti Edmundi, filii mei, per commune avisamentum et assensum suum et prÆdictÆ Agnetis, annuatim distribuant in elemosinis inter notos, pauperes et debiles, tam hospicia tenentes quam alios qui non vadunt mendicatum, et pro missis, sacerdotum oracionibus, et suffragiis devotorum pauperum utriusque sexus, tam religiosorum quam aliorum, celebrandis et fiendis, pro anima mea et prÆdictÆ Agnetis, et animabus patrum et matrum nostrorum, et omnium consanguineorum et benefactorum nostrorum, et omnium quorum debitores sumus, et omnium per nos injuriam patientium, et eorum omnium pro quibus Deo est deprecandum, et omnium fidelium defunctorum; et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prÆdicto Edmundo, filio meo quousque ad dictam Ætatem xxj. annorum pervenerit, rationabiles victum, vestitum, apparatum et sustentationem, juxta gradus sui exigenciam, sic quod non superbiat, inveniant, et eum tam ad artis dialecticÆ per dimidium annum, juris civilis per unum annum, ac juris regni AngliÆ postea ad sufficienciam, si fieri poterit, sub sana tutela providenter ponant, et ipsum in eisdem continuare et residere faciant, prout eisdem melius visum fuerit ipsum Edmundum in hac parte sapere et intelligere et sibi in futurum prodesse; et domos, muros, Ædificia, et clausuras in eodem manerio nostro existentia rationabiliter reparari faciant, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde debita solvant, et hoc quod de eisdem exitibus et proficuis ad dictum Ætatem dicti Edmundi remanserit juxta sanas conscientias suas eidem Edmundo satisfaciant tempore quo ipse juxta hanc voluntatem meam statum de eodem manerio receperit et habuerit. Item, volo quod prÆdictÆ personÆ, prout prÆdicitur, feoffatÆ seu f[eoffandÆ], hÆredes seu assignati sui, paciantur et permittant prÆdictos Robertum Clere, Edmundum Clere, Johannem Pagrave, Willelmum Bakton et Johannem Damme, vel duos eorum per communem assensum eorum quinque, prÆdictum manerium de Beauchamp et Hollewelhalle et dicta alia mesuagia, terras, tenementa, tofta, clausuras, redditus et servicia, quondam Ricardi Doket, Willelmi Thuxton, Johannis Patgris senioris, Johannis Whynne et Eustachii Rows, seu aliquorum vel alicujus eorum, in Wymondham, Carleton, Bonnewell, Estodenham, et aliis villis adjacentibus, per communem estimacionem ad valenciam xxv. marcarum per annum occupare, et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere, a prÆdicto festo Sancti Michaelis usque Willelmus filius meus, jam Ætatis vij. annorum, pervenerit ad Ætatem xviij. annorum; et quod iidem Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton et Johannes Damme, vel dicti duo eorum, quinque marcas annuatim provenientes de eisdem exitibus per octo annos proximo sequentes prÆdictum festum Sancti Michaelis, per discretionem et avisamentum sua et prÆdictÆ Agnetis, annuatim distribuant inter pauperes et debiles prÆdictos et [pro]193.1 missis, orationibus et suffragiis celebrandis et.. . . . . . . . forma prÆdicta, et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prÆdicto Willelmo filio meo usque ad dictam Ætatem xviij. annorum pervenerit.. . . . . . . . . . . ..statum et sustentacionem juxta gradus sui exigenciam, sic quod non superbiat, inveniant et tribuant, et.. . . scholas ponant et ibidem continuare et residere faciant prout prÆdicitur de prÆdicto filio meo Edmundo, et domos, muros et clausuras et Ædificia in tenementis...repararent, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde solvant, et de residue dictorum exituum et proficuorum dicto Willelmo filio meo satisfaciant.. . . . . . . ..statum de eisdem manerio, terris et tenementis juxta hanc voluntatem meam.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..hÆredes seu assignati sui paciantur et permittant prÆdictam Agnetem.. . . . . ..prÆdicta mesuagia, terras [et] tenementa in Est Somerton, West Somerton, Hennesby, Martham, et Wynterton, tam illa quÆ fuerunt.. . . . ..quam illa quÆ.. . . . . . . . . Reston in toto per communem Æstimacionem ad valenciam xxv. marcarum.. . . . . . . . . ..occupare, et exitus et [proficua?] inde percipere et gaudere a prÆdicto festo Sancti Michaelis usque Clemens filius meus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..xviij. annorum; et quod eadem Agnes de eisdem exitibus et proficuis prÆdicto Clementi Paston.. . . . . . . . . . dictam Ætatem xviij. annorum, et Elizabeth filiÆ meÆ quousque maritetur, racionabiles victum, vestitum,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..exigenciam, sic quod non superbiant, et de eisdem exitibus et proficuis nutriatur honeste.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..filiam, prÆdictam Elizabetham, prout statui suo convenit, ac inveniat et ponat prÆdictum Clementem, filium meum, tam ad scholas grammaticales quam alias et cÆteras erudiciones, prout prÆdicitur de prÆdictis fratribus suis; et domos, muros, clausuras, et Ædificia in eisdem mesuagio, terris et tenementis existentia, racionabiliter reparari faciat, et redditus et servicia et alia onera inde debita solvat, ac annuatim quousque dictus Clemens, filius meus, ad dictam Ætatem xviij. annorum [pervenerit?]193.1 distribuat manu propria in elemosinis, juxta discretionem suam, inter magis pauperes et debiles creaturas, in honore Quinque principalium Vulnerum et Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, et Quinque Gaudiorum BeatÆ MariÆ Virginis et Matris ejus, pro animabus prÆdictis, quinque marcas; et de hoc quod de eisdem exitibus et proficuis ad dictam Ætatem prÆdicti Clementis, filii mei, remanserit, satisfaciat eadem Agnes juxta sanam conscienciam suam eidem Clementi tempore quo ipse juxta hanc voluntatem meam statum de eisdem manerio, mesuagiis, terris, et tenementis, de prÆdictis personis feoffatis sive feoffandis receperit; et quod dictÆ personÆ feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ, hÆredes, seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes postquam ipsi post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam per Johannem Paston, filium meum primogenitum, racionabiliter fuerint requisiti, per facta sua tripartita et indentata, dimittent, liberent et assignent prÆdicto Johanni Paston, jam Ætatis xx. annorum et amplius, prÆdictum manerium de Gresham cum pertinentiis, habendum eidem Johanni ad totam vitam suam; Ita quod si contingat prÆdictum Johannem Paston aliquem exitum vel hÆredem de corpore MargaretÆ nunc uxoris suÆ procreare, quod tunc idem manerium cum pertinentiis post mortem ejusdem Johannis remaneat dictÆ uxori suÆ, tenendum sibi ad terminum vitÆ ejusdem uxoris. Et si prÆdictus Johannes Paston nullum exitum vel hÆredem de corpore dictÆ uxoris suÆ procreaverit, tunc immediate post mortem ejusdem Johannis idem manerium cum pertinentiis hÆredibus masculis de corpore meo exeuntibus integre remaneat. Et si nullus fuerit hÆres masculus de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc idem manerium cum pertinentiis integre remaneat prÆdictÆ Agneti, uxori meÆ, habendum et tenendum eidem Agneti ad totam vitam ejusdem Agnetis; Ita quod tunc post ejusdem Agnetis mortem idem manerium cum pertinentiis ad prÆdictos donatores et hÆredes suos revertatur, ad exequendum et perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod eÆdem personÆ feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ, hÆredes seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes postquam ipsi, post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam, et postquam prÆdictus Edmundus, filius meus, fuerit Ætatis xxj. annorum plenarie completorum, racionabiliter fuerint requisitÆ, per consimilia facta dimittant, liberent et assignent prÆdicto Edmundo, filio meo, prÆdictum manerium de Snaylwell, et prÆdicta terras et tenementa nuper Johannis Langham de Snaylwell, in Snaylwell, ac dictam reversionem manerii de Shipdene et prÆdictarum parcellarum manerii de Latymers, dictis priori et conventui minime data,194.1 ac dictorum mesuag’, molendini, terrarum et tenementorum quÆ fuerunt prÆdictorum prioris et conventus, ac Clementis, patris mei, et Hugonis atte Fen, aut unius eorum, post mortem prÆdictÆ Agnetis, habenda et tenenda eidem Edmundo et hÆredibus masculis de corpore ipsius Edmundi exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Edmundum sine hÆrede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem manerium, terrÆ, tenementa et reversio cum pertinentiis hÆredibus de corpore ejusdem Edmundi exeuntibus remaneant. Et si nullus fuerit hÆres de corpore prÆdicti Edmundi exiens, quod tunc eadem manerium, terrÆ, tenementa et reversio remaneant hÆredibus de corpore meo exeuntibus. Et si nullus fuerit hÆres de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc prÆdicta reversio ad predictos donatores et hÆredes suos revertatur, et prÆdictum manerium de Snaylwell, terrÆ et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, remaneant prÆdictÆ Agneti ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod, post ejus mortem, idem manerium cum pertinentiis ad prÆdictos donatores et hÆredes suos similiter revertatur, ad perficiendum et perimplendum hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod eÆdem personÆ feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ, hÆredes seu assignati sui, infra xl. dies proximo sequentes post festum Sancti Michaelis proximo post mortem meam, et postquam prÆdictus Willelmus filius meus fuerit Ætatis xviij. annorum plenarie completorum, racionabiliter fuerint requisitÆ, per consimilia facta dimittant, liberent et assignent prÆdicto Willelmo filio meo, prÆdicta maneria de Hollewelhalle et Beauchamp, et dicta mesuagia, terras et tenementa, redditus et servicia nuper Willelmi Thuxston Armigeri, Ricardi Doket, Eustachii Rows et Johannis Patgrys, seu unius eorum, in Estodenham, Wymondeham, Carleton, Bonewell, et aliis villis adjacentibus, habenda et tenenda eidem Willelmo et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Willelmum sine hÆrede de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem maneria, terrÆ, tenementa, redditus et servicia, cum pertinentiis, remaneant Clementi Paston, filio meo, et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si idem Clemens obierit sine hÆrede de corpore suo exeunte, eadem maneria, terrÆ, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis remaneant dictÆ Agneti ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod post ejus mortem eadem maneria, terrÆ et tenementa cum pertinentiis ad prÆfatos donatores et hÆredes suos revertantur, ad implendum et perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Et quod prÆdictÆ personÆ [feoffatÆ] seu feoffandÆ infra quadraginta dies proximo sequentes post festum Sancti Michaelis postquam prÆdictus Clemens filius meus post mortem meam fuerit Ætatis xviij. annorum plenarie completorum racionabiliter fuerint requisitÆ per consimilia facta dimittant, liberant et assignent prÆdicto Clementi filio meo prÆdictum manerium de Ryston, et prÆdicto mesuagia, terras, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis in Est Somerton, West Somerton, et aliis villis adjacentibus et in Heigham Potter, Bokenham et Bokenham Castell, habenda et tenenda eidem Clementi filio meo et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Clementum filium meum obire sine hÆrede de corpore suo exeunte, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia, terrÆ, tenementa, redditus et servicia remaneant prÆdicto Willelmo, filio meo et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. Et si contingat ipsum Willelmum sine hÆrede de corpore suo exeunte obire, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia, terrÆ, tenementa, redditus et servicia cum pertinentiis remaneant hÆredibus de corpore meo exeuntibus. Et si nullus fuerit de corpore meo exiens, quod tunc eadem manerium, mesuagia terrÆ et tenementa cum pertinentiis remaneant prÆdictÆ Agneti, tenenda sibi ad totam vitam suam. Ita quod eadem manerium, mesuagia, terrÆ et tenementa, cum pertinentiis, post mortem prÆdictÆ Agnetis, ad prÆdictos donatores et hÆredes suos revertantur ad perficiendum inde hanc voluntatem meam. Item ad amorem et favorem inter prÆdictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum, et Clementem filios meos et prÆdictam Elizabeth et prÆfatos hÆredes suos, eorumque mutuam caritatem hinc inde nutriendum (?) et amplificandum, volo et ordino per prÆsentes quod si aliqua terrÆ seu tenementa, sibi aut eorum alicui, per prÆdictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas vel eorum hÆredes vel assignatos in forma prÆdicta per dona et concessiones, immediate, in feodo talliato seu alio statu, per remanere aut alio quovis modo, danda seu concedenda, versus prÆdictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum et Clementem, filios meos, et prÆdictam Elizabeth aut hÆredes suos prÆdictos absque culpa recuperentur, vel aliqua inde parcella recuperetur, vel status eorum inde adnihiletur, quod infra unum annum proximo tunc sequentem residui eorum de porcionibus suis terrarum et tenementorum prÆdictorum, ut prÆdicitur, sibi dandorum et concessorum, juxta ratam annui valoris earundem portionum suarum, debitam faciant recompensacionem cÆteris eorum de quorum porcionibus dictas recuperaciones vel status adnihilaciones fieri contigerit. Ita quod onus perdicionis in hac parte, si quod evenerit inter ipsos juxta ratam annui valoris portionum suarum uniformis sit et Æqualis. Item, ad finem quod iste articulus prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ proximo prÆcedens per prÆdictos Johannem, Edmundum, Willelmum et Clementem, filios meos, ac prÆdictam Elizabetham et hÆredes suos prÆdictos sufficiencius et plenius exequatur, et quod dicta dona et concessiones immediate vel per remanere in feodo talliato vel alio statu, ut prÆdicitur, sibi faciendo per eorum facta, feoffamenta, cartas, scripta, vel alio modo non discontinuarentur, volo et ordino quod prÆdictÆ personÆ feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ eorum hÆredes et assignati, antequam ipsi aliquem statum de prÆdictis terris et tenementis aut parcella inde prÆdictis Johanni, Edmundo, Willelmo et Clementi, filiis meis, et prÆdictÆ Elizabeth et hÆredibus suis prÆdictis, seu eorum alicui, faciant, per scriptum suum indentatum dent et concedant prÆdicto Edmundo, filio meo, unum annuum redditum triginta librarum legalis monetÆ, habendum et percipiendum eidem Edmundo et hÆredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeuntibus de prÆdicto manerio de Gresham ad festa PaschÆ et Sancti Michaelis Æquis portionibus, una cum sufficienti clausula districtionis in dicto manerio fiendÆ pro non solucione ejusdem annui redditus sub forma et condicionibus subsequentibus: videlicet, quod prÆdictus annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur, solvatur, nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque dictus Johannes Paston vel aliquis hÆres suus masculus de corpore suo exiens aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel alio statu, de manerio prÆdicto cum pertinentiis eidem Johanni fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte vel toto, discontinuaverit seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque prÆdictus Johannes Paston, vel aliquis hÆres suus masculus de corpore suo exiens, prÆdictum articulum prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ sic incipiendum ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. in aliqua ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit, vel sic tam omnibus et singulis quibus aliquod donum sive concessio, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel in aliquo alio statu, de prÆdicto manerio cum pertinentiis dicto Johanni Paston vel alicui hÆredum de corpore suo exeuntium per prÆdictas personas feoffatas seu feoffandas, hÆredes seu assignatos suos, in forma prÆdicta fiendum per prÆdictum Johannem Paston vel aliquem hÆredum suorum prÆdictorum discontinuatum fuerit non legitime recontinuatum, quam omnibus et singulis annis quibus articulus prÆdictus prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ sic incipiens ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. per prÆdictum Johannem Paston vel aliquem hÆredum suorum prÆdictorum in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo confractus, non tentus, aut non impletus, fuerit non debite reformatus. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prÆdicto Willelmo filio meo unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetÆ habendum et percipiendum annuatim prÆdicto Willelmo et hÆredibus suis de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo prÆdictus Johannes filius meus mortuus fuerit sine hÆrede masculo de tempore196.1 suo exeunte de prÆdicto manerio de Gresham cum pertinentiis ad festa prÆdicta Æquis portionibus, una cum sufficienti clausula districtionis in eodem manerio fiendÆ pro non solutione ejusdem annui redditus sub forma et conditionibus sequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur nec solvatur, aut percipiatur quovismodo quousque prÆdictus Johannes Paston, vel Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis hÆres masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel in alio statu, de eodem manerio cum pertinentiis, aut parcella inde, eidem Johanni vel Edmundo fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam, vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto, discontinuaverit seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prÆdictum articulum prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ sic incipientum ‘Item ad amorem et favorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prÆdicto Clementi, filio meo, unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetÆ, habendum et annuatim percipiendum prÆdicto Clementi, filio meo, et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo uterque prÆdictorum Johannis Paston et Edmundus (sic) Paston mortuus fuerit sine hÆrede masculo de corpore suo exeunte de prÆdicto manerio197.1 de Gresham ad festa prÆdicta Æquis porcionibus, una cum clausula districtionis in forma prÆdicta, sub forma et condicionibus subsequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso, et non levetur, solvatur nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque prÆdictus Johannes Paston, vel prÆdictus Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, vel prÆdictus Willelmus Paston, filius meus, vel aliquis hÆres de corpore suo exiens, aliquod donum sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere,197.2 in feodo talliato vel alio statu, dicto Johanni Paston, Edmundo Paston, vel Willelmo Paston, filiis meis, vel eorum alicui fiendum per feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto discontinuaverit, seu discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prÆdictum articulum prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ sic incipientem ‘Item ad amorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non fecerit, vel non observaverit. Et per consimile factum suum indentatum dent et concedant prÆdictÆ Elizabeth unum annuum redditum triginta librarum consimilis monetÆ, habendum et percipiendum eidem Elizabeth et hÆredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus a tempore quo uterque prÆdictorum Johannis et Edmundi filiorum meorum mortuus erit sine hÆrede masculo de corpore suo exeunte, et uterque prÆdictorum Willelmi et Clementis, filiorum meorum, mortuus fuerit sine hÆrede de corpore suo exeunte de prÆdicto manerio de Gresham ad festa prÆdicta Æquis porcionibus, una cum clausula districtionis in forma prÆdicta, forma et condicionibus subsequentibus, videlicet, quod idem annuus redditus sit et remaneat in suspenso et non levetur, solvatur, nec percipiatur quovismodo, quousque prÆdictus Johannes Paston aut prÆdictus Edmundus Paston, vel aliquis hÆres masculus de corpore alicujus eorum exiens, vel quousque prÆdictus Willelmus Paston seu prÆdictus Clemens, filii mei, vel aliquis hÆres de corpore alicujus eorum exiens.. . . ..sive concessionem, immediate vel per remanere, in feodo talliato vel alio statu, dictis Johanni Paston, Edmundo Paston, Willelmo Paston, et (?) Clementi Paston, vel alicui eorum, fiendum, per factum, feoffamentum, cartam vel scriptum, seu alio modo, in parte aut toto... .manerio.....discontinuari fecerit, vel quousque aliquis eorum prÆdictum articulum prÆsentis voluntatis meÆ sic incipientem ‘Item ad amorem,’ &c. in aliquo ex parte sua perimplendo infregerit, non perfecerit, vel non observaverit. Item, volo quod [si?] aliquis prÆdictorum Johannis, Edmundi, Willelmi, et Clementis, filiorum meorum, ante dictam Ætatem suam xviij. annorum obierit, quod tunc prÆdictÆ personÆ feoffatÆ seu feoffandÆ, eorum hÆredes et assignati, patiantur et permittant prÆdictos Robertum Clere, Edmundum Clere, Johannem [Pagrave], Willelmum Bakton, et Johannem Damme, vel duos eorum per communem assensum eorum quinque, prÆdictam porcionem terrarum et tenementorum prÆdicto sic obeunti, ut prÆdictum est, dandam et concedendam occupare et exitus et proficua inde percipere et habere quousque illi qui proxime post mortem dicti sic obeuntis juxta effectum prÆsentis voluntatis dictam portionem haberet et teneret fuerit Ætatis xviij. annorum plene completorum, et tunc infra quadraginta dies proximo tunc sequentes postquam racionabiliter fuerint requisiti, per scripta sua indentata dimitta nt, liberent, et assignent eandem porcionem cum pertinentiis ipsi qui, ut prÆdicitur, tunc juxta hanc voluntatem meam porcionem illam haberet et teneret, habendam et tenendam sibi in forma prÆdicta. Et si prÆdicti Robertus Clere, Edmundus Clere, Johannes Pagrave, Willelmus Bakton, et Johannes Damme, vel dicti duo eorum eadem exitus et proficua disponant et distribuant in solucione debitorum quÆ me debere contingat, et reformacione et satisfactione mesprisionum et extortionum, si quas fecerim, et pro animabus prÆdictis in forma prÆdicta per discretionem prÆdictÆ Agnetis et executorum meorum. Item, volo quod prÆdicta Elizabeth filia mea habeat ducentas libras legalis monetÆ ad maritagium suum si ipsa per avisamentum prÆdictÆ Agnetis et executorum meorum maritetur. Proviso semper quod eadem Elizabeth pari sexu et Ætate in bona et competenti consanguinitatis linea maritata sit, et per maritagium illud habeat statum sufficientem et securum in lege sibi et viro suo et hÆredibus de corporibus suis exeuntibus, si fieri potent, seu saltem ad totam vitam suam, in terris et tenementis valoris quadraginta librarum per annum ad minus. Et si eadem Elizabeth antequam maritata fuerit, obierit, quod tunc dictÆ pecuniÆ summa pro maritagio ejus limitata in solucione debitorum quÆ me debere contingat, et in reformacione et satisfactione mesprisionum et extorcionum, si quas fecerim, et pro animabus prÆdictis fideliter distribuatur, per discretionem prÆdictÆ Agnetis et executorum meorum. In cujus rei testimonium ego prÆfatus Willelmus Paston prÆsentibus sigillum meum apposui. Datum tricesimo primo die Januarii anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post Conquestum vicesimo secundo.

Probata fuerunt prÆdicta testamentum et ultima voluntas coram nobis, Alexandro Prowet, decretorum inceptore, ac reverendissimi in Christo patris et domini, domini Johannis, permissione Divina Cantuariensis archiepiscopi commissario generali, &c., vicesimo quarto die mensis Novembris anno Domini millesimo CCCCmo xliiijto et legitime pronunciatum pro eisdem, administratioque omnium bonorum &c. honestÆ mulieri, Agneti, relictÆ dicti defuncti, primitus protestanti (et protestata fuit palam, publice et expresse, judicialiter coram nobis quod voluit agere et petere partem sibi de jure et consuetudine in hac parte debitam, in casu quo prÆfatus defunctus in testamento sive ultima voluntate quoad Æquivalenciam partis hujusmodi minime ordinavit et disposuit), ac discretis viris Johanni, filio dicti defuncti dum vixit, Willelmo Bakton et Johanni Damme, executoribus in eodem testamento nominatis, sub forma protestationis dictÆ Agnetis commissa extitit in debita juris forma; ac prÆfati executores habent crastinum Purificationis BeatÆ MariÆ Virginis proximo futurum ad exhibendum inventarium &c. ex prÆfixione nostra.

190.2 [The ink in some parts of this document is so very much faded that about half of each line is almost or quite illegible.]

190.3 So in MS.

193.1 Omitted in MS.

194.1 Sic in origine.

196.1 So in MS.

197.1 de prÆdicto manerio. These words are repeated in the MS.

197.2 vel per remanere, repeated in MS.

Porter, Veteri Bokenham et Bokenham Castell
text unchanged: error for “Potter”?

per communem estimacionem
text reads “communen”

sic incipientum ‘Item ...
text unchanged: error for “incipientem” or “incipiendum”?


Will of John Pyrke, Rector of St. Michael and St. Peter’s, Long Stratton


Leaves to John Paston, Esquire, ‘unam cistam rubram de sp. . . .,’ and some other articles.

Executors, John Paston, Esquire, and William Martin of Long Stratton, each to have for his trouble vjs. viijd.

Date of will, 8 Sept. 1479. Proved 13 Nov. 1479 by John Paston alone.

199.1 [Norwich Episcop. Reg., 16.]



In Dei nomine, Amen. Quarto die Septembris Anno Domini Millesimo CCCCmolxxxijo, Ego Robertus Paston de Wyveton, compos mentis et sanÆ memoriÆ meÆ existens, condo testamentum meum sive ultimam meam voluntatem in hunc modum: In primis, lego animam meam Deo Omnipotenti et BeatÆ MariÆ Virgini et Omnibus Sanctis, corpusque meum sepeliendum ubicunque Deus disposuerit. Item, lego summo altari de Weveton prÆdicto pro decimis meis oblitis et male compensatis, xxd. Item, GildÆ BeatÆ MariÆ ibidem, xijd. Item, GildÆ Sancti Johannis BaptistÆ ibidem, xijd. Item, lumini super pelvem coram Crucifixo ibidem, viijd. Item, lego lumini de le Torchys ibidem, vjd. Item, reparacioni capellÆ BeatÆ MariÆ in cimiterio ibidem, vjd. Item, campanis in campanili ibidem, viijd. Item, reparacioni capellÆ SanctÆ Trinitatis super Pontem, vjd. Item, volo quod Margaretta uxor mea habeat sibi et assignatis suis meam partem cujusdam navis vocatÆ le Gylys, cum omni apparatu prÆdictÆ parti navis pertinenti et prÆdictam partem navis prÆdicta Margareta sumptibus suis reparabit. Item, volo quod prÆdicta Margareta uxor mea habeat ad terminam vitÆ suÆ messuagium meum cum omnibus pertinentiis, commoditatibus, utensilibus, et necessariis prÆdicto messuagio concernentibus; et post decessum prÆdictÆ MargaretÆ volo ut prÆdictum messuagium meum vendetur, et de pecunia inde proveniente volo quod Alicia filia mea ad conjugium semen habeat v. marcas: Et si contingat quod prÆdicta Alicia obiret antequam conjuncta fuerit, tunc volo quod prÆdictas marcas executores disponant in operibus caritatis in ecclesia Wyveton prÆdicto.. . . . . . . . . ..Item, volo cum residua pecuniÆ de prÆdicto messuagio provenientis.. . . . . celebrandum in ecclesia de Weveton prÆdicta pro anima mea et anima dictÆ MargaretÆ [&c.].. . . . . ..Et requiro in nomine Jesu feoffatos meos ut ipsi faciant legitimum statum ei vel eis qui messuagium prÆdictum adquirere voluerit aut voluerint sine contradictione sive impedimento aliquibus. Item, lego Willelmo Wynterton, iijs. iiijd. Item, lego negoti meo [no name] unam togam, unam deploidam, unum par caligarum ad disposicionem MargaretÆ uxoris meÆ.—The rest of his goods to be disposed of by his executors at their discretion for the good of his soul.

Executors—his wife Margaret and Edmund Shotery, clerk.

Proved at Cley, 9 Oct. 1482.

199.2 [Norwich Archdeaconry Reg., vol. i. f. 29, b.] [I do not know whether this Robert Paston was at all nearly related to the family, whose correspondence is contained in these volumes; but this will and the will of his wife Margaret, which follows, are interesting in themselves, and deserve a place, even on account of the testator’s surname.]



In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego, Margareta Paston de Weveton, vidua, bonÆ memoriÆ existens die Lune xx. post Dominicam in Albis200.2 anno Domini nostri 1484to, condo testamentum meum ac ultimam voluntatem in hunc modum. In primis, lego et commendo animam meam Deo Omnipotenti, Redemptori meo, BeatÆ MariÆ Virgini, et Omnibus Sanctis celestis curiÆ, corpusque meum sepeliendum in cimiterio ecclesiÆ BeatÆ [no name] de Weveton prÆdicta, cujus summo altari lego pro decimis meis non solutis, xxd. Item, lego fraternitati GildÆ Sancti Joannis BaptistÆ unum pannum le drapre. Item, lego pictuis (sic) porticÆ ejusdem ecclesiÆ, xiijs. ivd., quÆ summa remanet in manibus Johannis Andrews. Item, lego emendacioni ecclesiÆ prÆdictÆ, iijs. ivd. Item, reparacioni campanarum ibidem, vjd. Item, lego lumini Altaris, iiijd. Item, lumini le Torchys, vjd. Item, lego reparacioni capellÆ BeatÆ MariÆ ibidem, vjd. Item, lego fraternitati BeatÆ MariÆ de Salthous, xxd., et Summo Altari ibidem, xijd. Item, reparacioni campanarum ibidem, iiijd. Item, lumini Aratrub’m (?), ivd. Item, volo quod messuagium meum cum omnibus terris dicto messuagio pertinentibus vendatur per meos executores, et summa pecuniÆ inde (sic) dispensatur per eosdem in celebratione missarum per bonum presbyterum scolarem celebratorem in ecclesia BeatÆ MariÆ de Weveton prÆdicta pro anima mea et animabus omnium parentum et benefactorum meorum. Item, lego AliciÆ Bastard quinque marcas de dicto messuagio receptas. Et si contigerit ipsum Aliciam discedere ab hac luce, tunc volo quod Alicia filia mea habeat inde 33s. 4d., et residuum remaneat executoribus meis. Item, volo quod feoffati mei deliberent totam seisinam et possessionem de et in messuagio prÆdicto, cum omnibus suis pertinentiis [blot] qui requisiti fuerint per executores meos. Residuum omnium bonorum meorum non legatorum do et lego et concedo meis executoribus ut ipsi ordinent et disponant pro salute animÆ meÆ et animabus benefactorum meorum, prout melius Deo Omnipotenti placeat, quos ordino et constituo Edmundum Shortere, clericum et Johannem Say meos executores et legitimos attornatos. In cujus rei testimonium prÆsentibus sigillum apposui.

Proved at Cley, 14 June, anno prÆdicto.

200.1 [Norwich Archdeaconry Reg., vol. i. f. 76, a.]

200.2 So in MS., but the date would be more intelligible without the numeral ‘xx.’ Dominica in Albis means sometimes Whitsunday, sometimes the Sunday after Easter. The Monday following would in the one case be 7 June, in the other 19 April, in 1484.

corpusque meum sepeliendum
text reads “corpus quemeum”


MAY 18

In Dei nomine, Amen. The xviijth’ day of the moneth of May in the yere of Our Lord God mlcccclxxxvij. and in the secund yere of the reign of King Henry the vij. I, Dame Elisabeth late wife of Sir George Brown, Knyght, being of hoole mynde and in good memorye, thanked be Allmyghty God, make and ordeign this my present testament and last will yn maner and forme folowing, that is to say:—

First. I bequeith my soul to Allmyghty God, Our Lady Saint Mary and to all the Holy Company of Hevon; and my body to be buried withyn the churche of the Blak Freris within Ludgate with my forsaid housband Sir George; to the whiche place I bequeith xxjli. for my said housbandes soul and myne, our fadres and modres soules and for all Cristen soules to be praid for. And for xiij. trentalles of Saint Gregory to be said and songyn for us and thaym by the freris of the said place, as in diriges and masses with all other observaunces belonging to the same, in maner and forme folowing; That is to wete, in the day or morow after my discesse vij. trentallis; and every weke folowing unto my monthes mynde oon trentall, and iij. trentalles at my monthes mynde biside the solempne dirige and masse that is to be requyred for me at that tyme. And I charge myne executours to see that the premisses be done and performed, and also the said freris to feche me from the place where I die unto thair said place where I have lymyted afore to be buried. Also, Iwull that as sone as my body is buryed and th’expenses therof done and paid that myn executours provide and see that my dettes be contented and paid. Also, Ibequeith to the vicar of the church of Dorking in the county of Surrey for my forsaid housbandes soul and myne, our faders and modres, and for all the soules that we be bound unto, to be praid for within the yer after my discesse, as in diriges and masses to be said or song by hym or his deputie and to have us specially in remembraunce in thayr memento by oon hole yer, xxs. Also, Ibequeith to the reparacion of the forsaid churche of Dorking xxs. Also, Ibequeith to the parson of Saint Albans in Wodstrete within London for diriges and masses to be said or song by hym or his deputie, in like wise as the vicar of Dorking is charged, as is afore rehersed, xxs. Also, Ibequeith to the reparacion of the stepull of the said churche of Saint Albane xx. solidos. Also, Ibequeith to the prisoners of Newgate and Ludgate, Kinges Bench and Marshallsee, to every of those places to be praid for, xxd. Also, Ibequeith to bedred folkes and other pour householders, aswell men as women, dwelling within London and without in the suburbis of the same, and moste specially souche as have knowen me and I thaym, xls., as by the discrecions and advises of myne executours it shall be thought best to be done. Moreover I geve and biqueith to my doughter Mary, to the promocion of her mariage, all my plate and other juelles, with all myne hole apparell, and all my stuff of houshold being within my dwelling place or any other within the citee of London or suburbes of the same, that is to say:—First, a standing cupp of silver gilt, chaced with plompes, weyeng with the cover, knoppe and devise xlij. unces et dimidium. Item, a standing cupp of silver and gilt, chaced with flowres, weying with the cover, the knopp and devise, xxvij. unces et dimidium. A playn standing cupp of silver gilt, weing with the cover, the knopp and the devise xxx. unces. A standing cupp of silver and gilt, chaced with half plompes, weying with the cover, knopp and devise xx. unces and dimidium. A playn standing cupp of silver gilt weying with cover and the knoppe and the devyse xxvij. unces and an half. A standyng cuppe of silver and gilt, weyng with the cover, the knoppe and the devyse xxvj. unces. A saltseler of sylver and gilte, weyng with the cover, the knoppe and the devyse xxiij. unces. A saltseler of sylver and gilt, without a cover, weying xxij. unces and an halfe. A litill saltseler of sylver and gilt, weying with the cover and the knoppe and the devyse xv. unces and an half. A litell saltseler of sylver and gilt, without the cover, weying viij. unces and an halfe. And vij. bolles of sylver, parcelles gilt, weying iiij.xx. xviij. unces. And ij. peces of sylver with a cover weying xlviij. unces. A dosen and a half of silver sponys weying xxiij. unces, and iij. sponys of silver and gilt weying iij. unces and iij. quartrons, and a long spone of sylver and gilt for ginger, weying j. unce and iij. quartrons. Item, a chafing disshe of sylver weying xxvj. unces. And ij. litell crewettes of sylver, weying viij. unces. A chalese of sylver and gilt with the paten, weying xj. unces. An haly water stok of silver with the lid, handill, and spryngill, weying xij. unces. An Agnus with a baleys iij. saphires, iij. perlys with an image of Saint Antony apon it. And a tablet with the Salutacion of Our Lady, and the iij. Kingis of Collayn. A bee with a grete pearl. A dyamond, an emerawde, iij. grete perlys hanging apon the same. A nother bee with a grete perle, with an emerawde and a saphire, weying ij. unces iij. quarters. A pece of the Holy Crosse, crossewise made, bordured with silver aboute; iij. brode girdilles, oone of tawny silke with bokill a pendaunt, another of purpill with bokyll and pendaunt, and the iijde. of purpill damaske with bokell and pendaunt. And vj. barres of silver and gilt, and iij. brode harnysed girdilles, oone white tisshew, another red tysshew gold, and the iijde a playne grene coorse. A muskeball of gold weying halfe an unce, and ij. bokilles and ij. pendauntes of gold, oone playne and the other pounsyd, weying an unce and a quarter. And a harnysed girdill enameled with rowsclare, weying halfe an unce. A dymysoynt203.1 with a rubye and an amatyste weying j. unce and an halfe. An harnysed girdill of golde of damaske with a long pendaunt, and a bokill of golde chekkyd, weying j. unce. A grete bed of a state of verdure, and a counterpoynt to the same. And iiij. curteyns of grene tartron. A grete federbed, a bolster, and vj. fetherbeddys over woren, vj. bolsters. And iiij. mattarasses, lytyll over woren, xij. pellowes of downe, v. newe carpettys of ij. ellys in lengeth and yarde and halfe brode, iij. fyne pelow beres, and a grete counterpoynt of tapstery werk of v. yardes and a quarter longe and iiij. yardes brode. A hanging for a chamber of grene say borduryd with acrons of xxxv. yerdes longe; a whyte spervyour; ij. counterpoyntes, an hanging bed, with a lyon thereupon; and the valence white, grene, and red, and iiij. blew courtens to the same. And two coverlettes with lyons; a blak testour for a bed, with iiij. blak curtens, and vj. pecys of blak hanging to the same; ij. cusshens of blak velvet; a cusshyn of blak damask; a cusshen of grene worstede; a long cusshen of blewe saten figure. A blak coveryng for a bed of borde alisaunder. And xj. peces of grene saye, borduryd with acorns, to hang with a chambre. A vestment of blak velwet with orfrayes, browderyd with my saide husbondys armes and myne; an awbe; j. chesyppill, with a stole, and all that belongeth therto; ij. corporas casys of cloth of gold; j. olde vestment; an awbe; an awter clothe wyth the image of Our Lorde; a corporas case of blewe cloth of golde. A nother of blewe saten and russet. An awter clothe of staynyd werke. And iij. stenyd clothes with imagis in them to hang a chapell. ij. awter clothes of white sylke with red crosses, and ij. curtens with white frengis and red. And iiij. curtens, ij. of rayed sarsenet, and two of grene. An awter clothe; a litell pece of grene tartron; a payer of fustyans of iiij. breddys iij. yerdys iij. quarters long. A paire of fyne shetys overworne of iiij. yerdes brede. An hede shete and iij. payer of newe shetys of iij. levis, of iij. ellys and an half long. And two payer of shetys of ij. levis and an half long. And iij. hed shetys of ij. bredys, and vj. paier of shetys over worne of ij. levis. And vj. paier of houshold shetis. And two paier of wollen blankettes. And a violet gowne, furryd with martrons. A blak gowne furryd with gray. A blak gowne furryd with white. A blak gowne furryd with martrons. And a nyght gowne of blak furryd with martrons. A kirtill of tawny chamlet. A purfill of ermyns of ij. skynne depeth, and iij. yardys and an half long. A purfill of martrons of j. skynne depeth, and iiij. yardis long. A purfill of shankes of ij. skynne deppeth, and iiij. yardis long. A bonet of poudrid ermyns. And a pece of cloth of golde with dropis, which was of a duplade. And a dosen of diaper napkyns of flour de lyce werke and crownes. And a dosen and a half of naptkyns of playne clothe with blew pelowers, and a pece of clothe of diaper werke to make with a dosen naptkyns. A bordecloth of floure de lice werk and crownes of x. yardis and an half long, and iij. yardis brode. And a nother bordecloth of flour de lyce werk and crownes, viij. yardes and a half long, ij. yardes and a quarter brode; a towell of diaper of flower delice werke and crownys of xxti yardys long, and iij. quarters brode. Another towell of flower delice werke and crownys of iij. quarters brode and xviij. yardes long. A nother of latise werke and diaper of iij. quarter brede xiiij. yerdes di’ long. Another towell of iiij. greynys, and a fret of viij. yerdes di’ long. A nother towell of latise werk and crownys vj. yerdes and di’ long and iij. quarters brede. And two towellis of great diaper werke, iij. yerdes and a quarter long and iij. quarter brode. And a pece of new creste clothe conteygnyng xxiij. ellys. And two towellys of great diaper werkes of xiij. yerdes long and iij. quarter in brede. And vij. grete cofers, v. chestis, ij. almaryes like a chayer, and a blak cofer bounden with iron. vj. yoyned stoles, iiij. kaskettys, v. litell joynyd stoles. A litill table, ij. yerdes long. A rounde table, ij. trestelles, ij. garnysshe and di’ of pewter vessell counterfete, wherof j. garnysshe and di’ is newe; and vj. great kandelstikkis newe of laton, and iiij. newe bellyd kandelstikkis, ij. litill kandelstikkis, vij. basens of pewater, and v. brasse pannys, of the which oon is xvj. galons, and two of them of viij. galons a pece, and the other ij. more lesse. A grete standing chafer of laton with a lyon apon the lydde, ij. chafers of brasse, and ij. litill brasse pottys, ij. grete cobardys, and ij. other cobardys more and lesse, ij. fyer pannys, a lityll skelet. A ladill and a scomer of laton, ij. colondyrs, ij. spyttys, ij. dreping pannes of iron, iij. dressing knyfys, ij. lechyng knyfys, ij. choppyng knyfys. A tryvet. A brasen morter with a pestell of iron, ij. stone morters, ij. gredyrons, j. payer of potte hokys, a flesshe hoke, and a kolerake. Provydid alwey that myn executours by the advyse of myn overseers ordeigne and put in safegarde to be kept after my discease in to som religious place unto the day of my said doughters mariage, and to the behofe and promocyon of the same, all and every part of the forsaid plate and juelx with all other stuffe of houshold by me to her, as is abovewritten, yoven and bequethed, except souche stuffe as canne not be kept from mowghtes. which I will she have the rule and governaunce of for the safegarde of the same and for her wele. And if my saide doughter Mary dye unmaryed, then I yeve and bequethe all the forsaid plate with all other stuffe of housholde to my soon Mathewe her brother. And if it fortune that he dye unmaryed, as God forfende, then I yeve and bequeth all and every part of my forsaid plate, juelx, and stuffe of housholde unto my soon Sir Edward Ponyngis. And yef it fortune the said Edward to dye, as God defende, that then all the forsaid juelx and other stuffe above written, except a playne standing cuppe of sylver and gilt, with the cover, the knoppe, and the devyse of the same with gryffons hede in the botom wrought apon blewe asure, weying xxvj. uncis, which I geve to my doughter in lawe, Dame Isabell Ponyngis, to be dyvydyd by th’advice of the overseers of this my present testament and last wille, and evynly to be departed unto Antony Browne and Robert Browne, my brethern in lawe, they to do with it thair fre wille. And as touching myne Agnus, tablettes with dyamondys, saphires, perlys, grete and small crosses, gurdillis, dymyseyntes, gownys, with all other thingis longing to myne apparayle, as is above written, yef it fortune my said doughter Mary decease, Igeve and bequethe all and every part of it to my kynnyswoman Margaret Hasslake. And if the said Margaret dye, that then all the said apparell particularly written before remaigne to my said doughter-in-lawe Dame Isabell Ponyngys. Also xx. marc which I lent unto my son Sir Edward Ponynges, Iwoll that it be distributyd by the discrecion of myn executours and overseers among souche as been knowen my servauntys at the day of my discease. The residue of all my singuler goodes, catallys, and juellys after my dettys payde, and my bequestes performyd and fulfyllyd, and burying done, Igeve and fully bequeth to my sonnys, Ser Edward Ponyngis and Mathew Browne, and theym to dispose and do theire fre wille, to pray and to do for my soule as they wolde I sholde do for them, as they will aunswer afore God. And of this my testament and last wille I make and ordeigne myn executours my forsaid sonnes, Ser Edward Ponyngys and Mathew Browne, and theire supervysours Humphrey Conyngesby and Richard Tuke. And I bequeth to every of myne executours for thair labour lxs., and to every of myne overseers for thair labours xls. In Wittenesse hereof, Ithe said Dame Elizabeth to this my present testment and last wille have put my seale. Yoven at London, the day and yere abovesaide.

Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram domino apud Lamehith xxvjto die mensis Junii, anno Domini supradicto, ac approbatum &c. Et commissa fuit administratio&c., Matheo Browne, filio ejusdem et executori&c. de bene&c. Ac de pleno inventario&c., citra festum Sancti Petri quod dicitur ad Vincula, reservata potestate committendi&c., Edwardo Ponynges militi, executori&c.

201.1 [Register Milles, 12.]

203.1 A metal facing for a girdle.

v. newe carpettys of ij. ellys in lengeth and yarde and halfe brode,
text has “brode.”

souche stuffe as canne not be kept from mowghtes, which I will
text has “mowghtes.”



In Dei nomine, Amen. The vijth day of the moneth of Septembre in the yere of Our Lord God ml.CCCClxxxxvj., I, William Paston of London, gentilman, being of hooll mynde and in good memory, laud and praysing be unto Almighti God, make and ordeigne this my present testament and last wille in maner and fourme folowing, that is to sey:—Furst, Igeve and bequeith my soule unto my saide Lorde God, to our blessed Lady Sainte Marye Virgyne, and to all the holy companye of Heven. And I will that my body be buried in the church of Blak Frerez, in London, at the north ende of the high altar there by my Lady Anne, late my wife. Also, I will that there be yeven unto the saide church of Blak Frires, where my saide body shall lye, to be praide for, and for the place of my saide burying to have a large stone upon the saide Lady Anne and me, a convenient rewarde by th’advise and discrecion of myne executours underwriten. Also, Iwill that all my dettes be wele and truely contente and paide. Also, Iwille that xxli. in money be geven and disposed for my soule and all Christen soules in dedes of pitee and charitee the day of my saide burying, that is to sey:—emonges pouer people and prisoners within the citee of London and withoute. Also I will that I have a preste of honest conversacion to synge bothe for me, and for suche as I am chargid to do syng for at Cambrige, as my servant, Thomas Andrewe, can shew by the space of viij. yeres. Also, Iwill that for every wronge by me done in my life tyme a dewe recompence be made there fore by th’enformacion of my saide servante, Thomas Andrew, in that behalf. Also, Iwill that all my landes and tenementes with th’appurtenances be devyded bytwene my ij. doughters, Agnes and Elizabeth, by the discresion of my executours underwritten, and after th’enformacion of my saide servaunte, Thomas Andrew, to whome I have shewid my entent and mynde in the same manye tymes, and often to have to theym and to the heires of theire ij. bodies lawfully begoten. Also, Iwille that all the revennuyes of my fee symple landes, over and a bove the reparacions and charges of the same that shalbe due at Mychelmas next after my deceasce be takyn of my tenauntes and fermours there by favoure, and that the same revenues go to the contentacion and payment of my saide dettes assone as it can be convenyently gadred and levied, &c. Also, Iwill that none of my tenantes nor fermers, suche as be of grete age and fallith in poverte, be in any wise vexid or t[r]oublid after my deceasce by my executours underwritten for no maner of olde dettes due unto me before the day of my deces. Also, Iwill that nether my heires, executours, nor non other person for theim, nor in theire names, in any wise vex, sue, or trouble the saide Thomas Andrew, my servaunte, after my deceasce of or for any maner of rekenynges or other maters bitwene hym and me in all my life tyme, but utterly thereof I discharge hym and will, and will that he be therof acquyte and discharged in that behalve as I have shewid and declared in my life unto my doughter Elizabeth, Mastres Hide, Master Ursewik, Archedecon of Richemonde, Master Doctor Myddelton, Master Thomas Madies, chapeleyn to my Lorde Cardinall,206.1 Master John Shaa, Alderman of London, Master Reede, Master Christofer Mildelton, proctours of the courte of Canterbury, and many other honorable folkis, and to my servauntes in my life tyme, consideryng that he hathe ben my trewe and feithfull servant these xix. yeres or more, in which seasone he hath had dyvers grete paynfull besynes and labours in my causis, by whose gode policie and meanes I have purchased moche of my saide fe symple landes, which also canne geve best enformacion how all suche landes as I have purchased stonden, and what consciens is there in, and howe every thyng shalbe ordred. Also, Iwill that the churche of Saynte Petre, in Wodenorton have a hole vestyment of the price of v. marc. Also, Iwill that Elizabeth Crane be wele maried at my costis, or ellis by the menes of my doughters, unto suche a personne as may dispende by yere xx. marc, or ellis to a gode marchaunt or other craftisman. Item, Iwill that Christofer Talbot be treuly contentid and paied of his yerely annuyte of v. merke by yere duryng his life. Item, Iwill that Thomas Dokkyng have surely his annuyte of xls. by yere duryng his life. Item, Iwille that the bargayne of Adam Sowter be recompensid after th’enformacion had of my saide servaunte, Thomas Andrew. Also, Iwill that every of my servauntes be rewarded for theire good and diligent laboure and attendance had a bowte me after the discresion of my executours underwritten. Also, Iwill that all suche of my godes moveable in Warwikes Inne, and in my place callid Castre Clere, in Norffolk, and in my place in Norwiche, be solde by the discresion of my executours, tawarde and for the contentacion and payment of my saide dettes and performance of this my present will. Also, Iwill that the vicar of Fyncham be recompensid of his bargayne betwene hym and me after th’enformacion of the saide Thomas Andrewe. Item, Iwill that all my servauntes, suche as be behynde of their wages and dueties, be trewly content and paied. Also, Iwill that all other my godes not bequethid, this my will fulfilled, my dettes paied, and all my wronges recompensed by th’enformacion of the saide Thomas Andrew, be departid bytwixte my ij. doughter beforesaide after the discresion of my saide executours. And also, for as moche as I have not sufficient redy money, and that my dettis cannot be redely levied, therfore I will that money be made of all suche plate as I have for the haste of contentacion of my dettes that I owe of my buriallis. And of this my present testament and laste will I make and ordeyne and constitute my executours the moste reverend fadre in God my Lorde Cardinall, the right high and myghty Prynces, my lady the Kynges modre, my Lord Dawbeney, and Sir Edwarde Poynynges, Knyght, my nevew, whome I hartely beseche in executyng and performyng this my laste will to do and dispose concernyng the same in every thyng as they shall thynke best to the pleasure of Almyghty God, and for the helthe of my sowle and all Cristen sowles.

Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram domino apud Lamehith, xxviijo die mensis Novembris, Anno Domini Millesimo CCCCo nonagesimo sexto, juramento ThomÆ Andrew et Laurencii Canwike, testium, quibus ThomÆ et Lawrencio commissa fuit administracio per viam intestati, pro eo et ex eo quod executores in suo testamento nominati ex certis causis legitimis refutarunt, de bene et fideliter administrand’ eadem juxta et secundum vires ipsius defuncti testamentum sive ultimam voluntatem, ac primo de solvend’ Æs alienum in quo idem defunctus hujusmodi mortis suÆ tempore extitit obligatus, deinde legata in hujusmodi suo testamento contenta, quatenus bona et debita &c., ad sancta &c.

205.1 [Register Horne, 12.]

206.1 Cardinal Morton.

I discharge hym and will, and will that
text unchanged: printed “and will, and / will” at line break


NOV. 24

I, Margaret Paston, widow, ‘late wife of Edmond Paston, Squier.....24o Nov. MCCCCCIV... sinful bodie to be buried in the chyrche of Our Lady in Iteryngham.’

‘Item, to the Hey Awter of the chirche of Sharington, vjs. viijd.

‘Item, to the reparacion of the said churche, xxs.

‘Item, to the reparacion of the chirch of Manington, xs.

‘Item, to the reparacion of the chirch of Itteringham, iijs. ivd.

‘Item, to the Hey Awter of Itteringham, iijs. ivd.

‘Item, to the Gilde of Oure blessid Ladi there, iijs. ivd.

‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of Saxthorpe, ijs.

‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Little Baningham, iijs. iiijd.

‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Woolterton, ijs.

‘Item, to the Heigh Awter of the chirche of Wood Dalling, iijs. iiijd.

‘Item, to the reparacion of heigh way in Woolterton, vs.

‘Item, I will that my son William Lumnor have c. sheep, xxiij. nete, x. quarters wheat, xx. quarters barley, x. quarters oats, and as many horse, cartes, plowghes, and harowghes, with alle her apparell, as shall extende to the valu of vili. xiijs. iiijd., beside alle the foresaide shepe, &c.’... .in recompense of all goods... .that Thomas Brigge, late my husbande, by his testament and last will bequeathed or gave to the said William Lumnor... .He to have all the hangings in the grey chamber over the parlour within the manor place of Manington, and the great bed with the covering and hangings, ‘which is of tapestrie worke;’... .also all the hangings of the halle and parlour, ‘with the falte table in the parlure, and all the tables and stooles in the haule, and all the rede hangings of the rede chaumber over the pantry and botry, and a bede of red saye’.....viz., its belongings, pillows, coverlets, &c., &c.

‘Item, to the said William Lumner, my son, ij. grete rosting aundernes, iij. spetes, ij. brass pots with all the brewing vessels.’

Item, to my daughter, Margaret Browne, ‘my fruntelet of purpill velvet, my girdill whereof the herneys is silver and gilt, and the corse is of damaske gold, and also my fruntelet of crymsyn velvet.’

Item, to my daughter Elizabeth Whymbergh my dymysent silver and gilt, and my corse of crymsyn velvet pirled with gold, and also a fruntlet of crymsyn velvet.

Item, to Margaret Lomnor, my daughter-in-lawe, my prymer clad with grene velvet.

Item, to my daughter, Anne Lomnor, my russet gown pervild with menks, and my best coral bedes conteyning once fifty, and my best bonnett.

Item, to Elizabeth Gayne, xiijs. iiijd., to the bying of a gowne for her.

Item, to my son, John Lomnor, a brass pott, a basin, with an ewer of pewter with a roose of lateyn in the bottom of the said basin, and four platters, and four dishes, and iiij. sawcers of pewter.

Item, to my son, Henry Lomnor, xls.

Item, to my nephew, Thomas Lomnor. . . .a feather bed, &c., &c.

Item, to my nephew, James Lomnor. . . . .a feather bed, &c.

‘And all the residue of alle my goodes and catallis, sylver plate, and all my detts to me owing, above not bequeathed nor assigned, Igive and bequeath to my son, William Lomnor, whom I ordeine and make my executor,’ first to pay debts, and distribute the remainder ‘to the most plesure to God and helthe to my sowle.’

Proved at Norwich, 19 May 1505, by William Lumnor.

208.1 [Reg. Norvic. ‘Rix’ f. 107.]

‘Item ... Item ... ‘And
opening quotes printed as shown


MAY 31

‘Dame Agnes Paston, widow, late the wife of Sir John Paston, Knight, deceased,’ makes her will 31 May, A.D. 1510, 2 Hen. VIII. To be buried, if she die in London, in the church of the Black Friars, by her husband John Harvy; or, if she die in Kent, in the parish church in Sondryche. Goods in three chests to be divided among her three sons, George, Thomas, and Edward. Bequeaths to her son George Hervy a pair of large sheets of her own spinning, and all her bedding at Sondryche to her son Thomas Isley. Other bequests to John Palmer of Otteford, to the parson of Brasted, to her daughter Isabel Isley, her cousin Alys Petham, to Margaret Palmer, to Mrs. Bygote ‘with my Lady Marqueys.’209.2 To her son-in-law William Hatteclyff a basin and ewer, parcel gilt, for 20 marks, if he will give so much for it; otherwise it is to go to her sons George Harvy and Edw. Isley. To her son George a silver salt with a cover, at Leuesham. To her chaplain Sir Robert ‘the complete bedde within my little draught chambre att Sonderiche,’ and 10 marks a year for 5 years, to pray for her soul and the souls of John Hervy, Sir John Paston, and John Isley, her husbands. To her son Thomas Isley’s children, and her own and her daughter Isabel Hatteclyff’s children, 5 marks each. To her son George Hervy, ‘a standing cupp with a kever, silver and gilt with sekylles,’ and a gold cross. To her daughter Isley a ring with a rebewe. To her son Thomas Isley her gelding. Other bequests to her cousins Margaret Palmer and Thos. Waserer’s wife; also to young Potter, the man of law, to Agnes Waserer, and to Eliz. mother to Thomas Waserer’s wife, to Joan Julles, William Tidman, to her servant Kyllingworth, to Vincent her housekeeper, to Sir Robert, parish priest of Sonderyche, to Sir William of Nokold. Mr. Robert Scalys parson of Braysted to be overseer of her will; her sons George Harvy and Thos. Isley to be her executors.

Proved at Lambeth, 19 June 1510.

209.1 [Register Benet, 29.]

209.2 Cecily, widow of Thomas, first Marquis of Dorset.


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