CANIZY Survey made November, 1917. Plan of the Village. 19141. Mme. Marie Gense—Had a few rabbits; good house. 2. M. Noulin—Was a storekeeper; had rabbits and hens. 3. M. Poiteaux (soldat).[7] 4. M. Leon Tabary (living near Amiens). 5. M. Huillard (soldat). 6. M. Cottret (prisonnier civil). 7. Mme. AugÉ—Had hens and rabbits; small garden. 8. M. Huillard (see 5.) 9. M. Gambard (at CompiÈgne). 10. M. Thuillard, G. (at Bacquencourt). 11. Mme. Cordier—Had 10 cows, 2 bulls, 1 ox, 87 pigs, 3 horses, 150 chickens, 150 rabbits, market garden, orchard. 12. Mme. Carpentier, J.—Had 3 cows, 2 horses, 30 hens, 50 rabbits, market garden. 13. Mme. Picard—Had 2 cows, 1 horse, hens, rabbits, market garden. 14. M. Thuillard, O.—Had 7 cows, 4 horses, 50 hens, 30 rabbits, 10 hectares of land for garden. 15. Mme. Brohon (at Voyennes). 16. Mme. Moroy, R. (at Esmery-Hallon). 17. Mme. Carpentier, R.—Had 2 horses, 21 rabbits, 30 hens, garden. 18. Mme. LefÈvre—Had 2 cows, 2 horses, 50 rabbits, 30 hens, market garden. 19. M. Moroy—Had 1 cow, 1 horse, 1 pig, 30 rabbits, 100 hens. 20. M. Charlet (at Amiens). 21. Mme. Moroy (dead). 22. Mme. Tabary, G.—Had only a few rabbits; husband hostler at 23. 23. Mme. Thuillard, G.—Had 2 cows, 3 horses, hens, rabbits, market garden. 24. M. Touret (prisonnier civil). 25. M. Lanne (at Ham). 26. M. Henet (prisonnier civil). 27. Mme. Butin—Had a few hens and rabbits; small garden. 28. M. Touret (prisonnier civil). 29. Mme. Roquet (dead). 30. Mme. Correon—Had rabbits and hens; small garden. 31. Mme. Desmarchez (at Esmery-Hallon). 32. Mme. Delorme (at Amiens). 33. M. Huyart (at Voyennes). 34. M. Reuet (in Paris). 35. M. Reuet (in Paris). 36. Mme. Villette (at Voyennes). 37. Mme. Cerf (prisonniÈre civile). 38. Mme. Moroy (dead). 39. M. Thuillard, C.—Had 2 cows, 2 horses, 25 chickens, 200 rabbits, large market garden. 40. Mme. Moroy (dead). 41. Mme. Moroy (dead). 42. Mme. Moroy (dead). 43. Mme. Carpentier, R. (see 17). 44. Mme. Butin (see 27). 45. M. Thuillier, A.—Had 10 rabbits, 12 hens; was a cobbler. 46. Mme. Moroy, Claire—Had 1 horse, 1 cow, rabbits, hens. 47. Mme. Delorme, O.—Had 100 rabbits, 40 hens, small garden. In 1914 Canizy had 445 inhabitants. November, 19171. Lives at 37 in a lean-to; small garden. 2. Lives at 5 in a partially ruined house; has an Épicerie, in which we have stocked him, 1 pony, 30 young rabbits, 4 hens. 7. Lives at 7 in a barn; has 10 hens, small garden. 8. House occupied by Tabary, M.; has nothing. 10. Mme. Payelle lives here in a barn; does not belong in village; has nothing. 11. Lives at 11 in a barn; has bought cow, horse, 24 rabbits, 9 hens. 12. Lives at 12 in a baraque; has a small garden. 13. Lives at 16 in a barn; has large market garden and employs one worker (Mme. Correon). 14. Lives at 18 in a shed; has 2 horses, 10 hens, 10 rabbits, large garden. 15. Mme. Musqua lives here; formerly factory worker, never owned land, has nothing. 17. Lives at 17 in a shed; has 3 hens, 2 rabbits, small garden. 18. Lives at 18 in a partially ruined house; has 3 hens, large garden. In her stable she houses Mme. Barbier, a worker in the fields. 19. Lives at 42 in one room; has a garden. 23. Lives at 44 in an ell; has a cow, 8 hens, large garden. 24. (Father of prisoner) lives here, with 46. 30. Lives at 34 in a cottage; works for 13, has nothing. 32. M. Lecart lives here in a cottage; formerly coachman at ChÂteau; has nothing. 39. Lives at 39 in a barn; has a large garden. 42. Mme. Tabary, L., lives here in partially ruined house, never owned land; has a goat. 43. Mme. Cerf, who used to rent 46, lives in a barn; has a few hens and a garden. 44. Lives at 44, with her daughter (see 23). 45. Lives at 16 in a shed; has a garden. 46. Lives at 24 in a barn; has a garden. 47. Lives at 47 in a chicken house; has 4 hens, 1 rabbit. At the ChÂteau live three families, formerly employed on the estate. They have gardens. In all, there are 100 persons in Canizy. |