Feasts And Fasts Throughout The Year.


Holy-days On Which There Is A Strict Obligation To Hear Mass, And Refrain From Servile-works.

All Sundays in the Year.
Ascension of our Lord.
Corpus Christi.
January 1—The Circumcision of our Lord.
January 6—The Epiphany.
March 17—The Feast of St Patrick.
March 25—The Annunciation of the B.V.M.
June 29—St. Peter and St. Paul.
August 15—Assumption of the B.V.M.
November 1—Feast of All Saints.
December 25—Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[The obligation is taken away on all other days, by decrees of Popes Pius VI. and VIII.]

Fasting Days On One Meal.

All the Days in Lent, except Sundays.

The Eve of Whitsuntide.

The Quarter-tenses, or Ember-days, being the Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, next after the first Sunday of Lent; after Whit-Sunday; after September 14th: and after December 13th.

The Eves of St. Peter and St. Paul; of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; of All Saints; and of Christmas-day.

The Fridays and Saturdays in Advent.

Days Of Abstinence From Flesh Meat.

All the Sundays in Lent, except when the use of meat is allowed by the Archbishop or Bishop of the diocese.

All the Fridays throughout the Year.

N. B.—Eggs are forbidden on Fridays, when a fast falls on them; and if a Fasting Day fall on a Sunday, the fast is kept on the Saturday before. If Christmas-day fall on a Friday, neither fast nor abstinence is observed.

N.B.—The Catholic Church commands all her children to be present at the great Eucharistic Sacrifice, which we call the Mass, and to rest from servile work, on Sundays and Holy-days.

Secondly—To abstain from flesh on all the days of fasting and abstinence, and on fasting days to eat but one meal.

Thirdly—To confess their sins at least once a year.

Fourthly—To receive the blessed sacrament at least once a year, and that at Easter, viz., between Palm and Low Sundays.

The time appointed in the Archdioceses of Dublin, for complying with the Easter Duty, begins an Ash-Wednesday, and terminates on Ascension Day. They who, without some reasonable cause, neglect this important duty, are liable to be excommunicated whilst living, and when they die, to be deprived of Christian burial, according to the fourth Council of Lateran, can. 21.

Marriage cannot be contracted by persons within the fourth degree of kindred without a dispensation, and if attempted is invalid. Spiritual kindred, contracted by baptism or confirmation, is an impediment.

Clandestine marriage is that which is not performed by the pastor of one of the party, with certificate, or by another priest, with his license, and in the presence of two or three witnesses.

Clandestine marriages are unlawful, and forbidden by the church; and are null or invalid in all the dioceses of Ireland, as the Decree of the Council of Trent, which annuls clandestine marriages, has duly been received in them all, 2nd December, 1827, and was in force thirty days after, or 1st January, 1828.

The solemnizing of marriage is forbidden from the first Sunday in Advent till after Twelfth-day; and from the beginning of Lent till Easter-Sunday. At all other times it may be solemnized.

Plenary Indulgences

Plenary Indulgences are granted to the faithful of this kingdom by complying with the usual conditions:—

On the feast of St. Patrick, or any day within the octave.
Item, on the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, or any day within the octave.
Item, at the hour of death, to such as devoutly invoke the sacred name of Jesus, at least with the heart.

The other Indulgences which are granted to the faithful of the Archdioceses of Dublin, on the feasts of the Nativity of our Lord, the Circumcision, the Epiphany, the Resurrection, the Ascension, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, on the five principal festivals of the Blessed Virgin, and the feast of All Saints, &c, are commonly published from the altars.

Note.—By an Indulgence is meant a relaxation or remission of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, both as to the guilt and eternal punishment. Some Indulgences are called plenary; because, when the full effect of them is gained, they remit all the debt of temporal punishment: others are called partial; for example, an Indulgence of forty or an hundred days, or of three, seven, ten, fifteen, or more years; because the penitent is only thereby released in part, or from such a proportion of the debt of temporal punishment as was formerly enjoined by the penitential canons, according to the enormity of the crimes committed, and as would have been remitted by God, had the penitent undergone, for such a space of time, the severe canonical penances which were in use in the Church until the twelfth century.

The direct and immediate effect, therefore, of an Indulgence is, to remit the debt of temporal punishment, and not to pardon or remit sin, as it supposes sin already forgiven. But the sinner's repentance being seldom so perfect as to release him entirely from the whole punishment he deserves, on account of the injury he has committed against the Divine Majesty, there usually remains some debt of temporal punishment to be discharged, either in this world or in the next. For though the mercy of God is moved by a true repentance, to pardon the guilt and eternal punishment due in hell for mortal sin; yet his justice often substitutes in its place, and reserves some debt of temporal punishment, to which the repenting sinner is liable on account of his past sins; as appears evidently from several remarkable instances recorded in holy writ, particularly Adam, King David, Manasses, the Israelites, &c.

It is to discharge and cancel this debt of temporal punishment, that works of penance are enjoined in the sacred tribunal of Confession; and that the Catholic Church, like a compassionate and indulging mother, opens her spiritual treasures from time to time, to supply the wants and make up the deficiency of her children. In virtue of the power given to her by Jesus Christ, and in imitation of St. Paul, (2 Cor. x.) and several other renowned doctors and pastors who flourished in the purest ages of Christianity, she grants indulgences to such of the faithful as are properly disposed, and apply with fervour to those works of piety and religion, charity and penance, that are required on their part, as conditions necessary to gain the benefit of an indulgence.

The Manner Of Lay Persons Baptizing An Infant In Danger Of Death.

Take common water, pour it on the head or face of the child, and while you are pouring it, say the following words: "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

The Roman Calendar
For The Kingdom Of Ireland:


The Feasts and Fasts of the said Kingdom, the Irish Saints, and Patrons of each Diocese; all on their proper days.


The Festivals of the Holy-Days are in small capital Letters.

The Irish Saints are marked in Italic Letters.

The Founders of Religious Orders are marked thus, †

Note.—Ap. signifies Apostle, M. Martyr, B. Bishop, Ab. Abbot, C. Confessor, V. Virgin, D. Diocese.



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