tml@files@45580@45580-h@45580-h-11.htm.html#Page_155" class="pginternal">155, 159 Darkest Africa, 7, 169 Darkest England, 169 Darkest New York, 204 Dark Continent, the children’s paradise, 202 “Daughter of the Deity,” 17 Daughters, sale of, 131, 133, 134 Davenport’s Rules for his wife, 141 Declaration of Montreal Women against the Confessional, 43 Decretals, 25, 55, 57 Delphian Shrine, The, 18 Detention Houses of, 48 “Devil Bride, The”, 111 Diaz, President, his brave course, 47 Digest of Hindoo Law, Colebrook’s, 13 Disease of the Cloisters, 27, 34 Doctors, Women discover Anaesthetics, 104 Dodge’s Judge, grounds of decision in the “Lucy Walker Case,” i.e. Seney trial, 139, 140, 141 Domstroii, The, 165 Dowers, 157, 158, 159, 281 Ducking Stool, 122, 142, 146, 147 Eastre, Eostre, 103 Egypt, Egyptians, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 30 England, 11, 78, 233 Endowment House, 93, 183, 185 Elementals, The, 24, 100, 101, 108 Eton, its depravity, 85 Evarts, Hon. Wm., on woman under the law, 20 Evangelist, The N.Y., 213 Eve, 24, 25, 39, 177, 235, 283 “Fathers”, The Christian, 24, 33, 42, 52, 235, 236 Father takes name of child, Marriage Customs of England, 143 Marriage of Equal Dignity, 158 Marriage in Ancient Rome, 129 Marriage in Russia, 166 Marozia, her power over the Papal Throne, 31 Martiagium, 8 Martia, “The Just,” 56 “Masterless Women,” 59, 113, 155, 158 Matilda, Countess, her power over popedom, 255 Matriarchate, The, form of United States government due to, 10 Matriarchate, The, 8, 10, 11, 12, 21, 59, 129 Matriarchal, 8, 9, 11, 16 Mazzini, his prophecy, 231 Medicine, its origin, 16 Melancthon, 175, 185 Memorial to President Cleveland by the National Woman Suffrage Association, 149; Memorial History of the American Episcopal Church, 244 Merchetum Sanguinis, 74 Metamorphosis, 95 Mexico, the church in, 47 Minister, a Presbyterian finds apologies in the Bible for illicit conduct, 208 Milton favors polygamy; - his domestic tyranny, 176, 177
Mitakshara, the Compiler of, 14 Monogamy woman’s doctrine, 188 Morganatic marriage, 162, 163 Moses, 9, 17 Mother-rule, 8, 10, 13 Moors of Spain, 30; - Mohammedan learning keeps one corner of Europe bright, 30
Most pronounced doctrine of the Church, 30 Mormons, 77, 92, 93 Mormon, First Presidency of, 181; - polygamists become gods at death, 183;
- theocracy, 185;
- woman’s salvation depends on polygamy, 185;
- trained under orthodox Christianity, 186;
- Priesthood, 188;
- working for a temporal kingdom; President Elliott of Harvard favorably compares Mormons and Puritans, 179
Mormonism, Bishop Lunt defends, 186; - Rev. P. C. Lyford on, 187;
- claims of President John Taylor, 164;
- ovation upon his return, 164
Stool, the Penitence for women, 146 St. Thomas Aquinas on celibacy, 35 St. Paphinutius, the martyr Bishop of Thebes, on celibacy, 35; - St. Dunstan, famed for his hatred of women, 26;
- St. Theresa founded the Barefoot Carmelites, 251
Strothing, The, 164 Story, A of To-day, 71 Succubi, Succubus, 108 Suicide, women driven to, 98 Sultan of Egypt on Christianity, 132 Summary of Solicitations, 42 Sun, The New York, 47, 70, 173, 269 Swrya, the Sun the source of life: woman represented by among the ancient Aryans, 12 Synod, American, the first to try a woman for heresy, 124; - of Elvira, 50;
- Four, 253;
- of New Jersey, to try Rev. Isaac See for admitting women to his pulpit, 214, 215;
- of Paris, 50;
- first of Reformation to sustain polygamy, 175;
- of Winchester, 26
Syros, i.e., God, 18 Syracuse, N.Y., 10, 85, 87, 88, 257 Talmud, the, on cleansings for women, 254 Terre Haute, (Ind.) Mail, 142 Telegraph, (London), 138 Tetzel the great seller of indulgences; Thotmes III, preceded by Hatasu, in worship, 17 Three Persons in Heaven balanced by Three Persons in Hell, 108 Times, The London, 262 Times, The Philadelphia, 220 Times, The Bismark, 279 Toledo Bee, the, 140 Traffic in young girls, 84, 85, 90 Transcript, The Boston, 182 Tribune, The New York, 242, 262, 263, 266 Tribune, The Woman’s, 241 Truth, London, 233 Twelve Tables, law of, 20, 98 Uncleanliness attributed to women, 28 Union Labor Journal, 269 Uniate Greek Church, 46 Usus, 97, 98, 99 Vasist ha, 13 Vayu, the swiftest of the gods, 12 134; Sweden, 201; Switzerland, 199; United States, the, 196, 197, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206; Venice, 201 Women, abduction of, 159; - and girls reported missing, 90, 145;
- babbling punishment of, 147;
- baptized naked, 93;
- burned alive for petit treason, 154;
- as witches, buried alive, 154;
- Bible, not to read, 154, 155;
- the earliest doctors, 104, 192;
- declared witches, 104;
- drowned or burnt because of their knowledge, 105;
- discovered anaesthetics, 104;
- deputations of naked, 69;
- driven to suicide, 98;
- ducking, 147;
- churching, 28, 218, 226;
- classed among brutes without soul or reason, 27;
- harnessed with asses, cows, dogs, 198, 199, 200;
- hunted by blood-hounds, 88, 89;
- impure, too to take the Sacrament, 25, 50;
- in disgrace under the Commonwealth, 264;
- legislated for as slaves, 153;
- tongue nailed to tree for political opinion, 134;
- “masterless,” 155, 158
Women’s English Suffrage Journal, 139, 148, 155 Zeus, 22 Znat, Anahara, 103 Zuni, 7, 1010