Only All Rail Route to the Thousand Islands. THE Utica & Black River Railroad, POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE THE Elegant Line to the Islands.


This Line runs via Utica, Trenton Falls, the Sunset Slope of the Adirondack Mountains, Black River, Sugar River, and Indian River to the Thousand Islands of the River St. Lawrence. It is the only scenic route.

New Fast Trains, Make Very Few Stops,

and carry elegant Through Cars from Utica to the River St. Lawrence.



Leaves Chicago 9.00 a. m., arrives at Utica 11.25 a. m. (dinner), leaves Utica 12.10 p. m., arrives Trenton Falls 12.45 p. m., Clayton, 4.05 p. m. Immediate connection with Steamboat for Round Island, Thousand Island Park, and Westminster Park, arrives Alexandria Bay 5.10 p. m.

Wagner Cars from Chicago to Utica and Utica to Clayton.


Leaves Chicago 3.30 p. m., arrives Utica 2.00 p. m. (dinner), leaves Utica 4.50 p. m., arrives at Trenton Falls 5.25 p. m., Lowville 7.00 p. m. (supper), Clayton 9.05 p. m., Alexandria Bay 10.10 p. m.

Wagner Cars from Chicago to Utica: New Springfield Coaches
from Utica to Clayton. A Quick, Cool, and Pleasant
Journey. Union Depot at Utica. No Transfers.
A First Class Steel Rail Line.

The Illustrated Book of Routes and Rates for Summer Tours, 100 pages with Illustrations, Maps, and Cost of 300 different tours via Thousand Islands and Rapids, Montreal, etc., etc. Send two postage stamps for a copy, before deciding on your summer trip. Through Tickets via Utica are on sale at all Ticket offices of the Michigan Central Railroad and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway. If you are unable to get Through Tickets via this route, buy to Utica only.

General Superintendent.

Gen’l Pas. Agent, UTICA, N. Y.

Adirondacks, 73
Alexandria Bay, 49
American Fall, Niagara, 20, 24
Approach to North Conway, P. & O. R. R., 113
Ascent of Mount Washington, 83
Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, 118
Bethlehem, N. H., 81
Biddle’s Stairs, Niagara, 31
Burning Spring, Niagara, 42
Canada Southern Railway, 17
Canadian Carryall, 56
Canadian Fall, 33
Cape Diamond, Quebec, 64
Capes Eternity and Trinity, 71
Cave of the Winds, Niagara, 31
Chateaugay Chasm, O. & L. C. R. R., 74
City of Buffalo, 17
City of Portland, Maine, 116
Climbing Mount Jefferson, 90
Conway Center, N. H., 114
Crawford House, 106
Crossing the Ferry, Detroit, 16
Detroit, the City of the Strait, 15
Devil’s Hole, Niagara, 43
Dining Car System, 9
Distant view of Mt. Washington, 91
“Down” vs. “Up,”—Rapids and Canal, 54
Eagle Cliff, 98
Eastward Ho! 5
Electric Illumination, Niagara, 29
Fabyan House, White Mountains, 83
Fail River Line, Boston and New York, 122
Falls of Montmorenci, 67
Falls of Niagara, 18
Fast New York Express, 8
Father Hennepin’s Sketch of Niagara, 36
Flume and Boulder, Franconia Notch, 101
First View of Niagara Falls, 23
Franconia Mountains, 100
Franconia Notch, 97
French Canadian Home, 67
Gates of Quebec, two views, 66
No. 1, 15 feet long, 36 inches wide, weight, 75 lbs. Price, $50.
2, 12 33 50 40.
3, 12 27 40 40.
4, 9 1/2 27 30 35.
6, 8 33 30 35.

Each size makes up four different WEIGHTS or STYLES. You have the same as FOUR BOATS COMBINED IN ONE.

Boat is put in sack made of ducking, only little larger than ordinary grain bag, and then all packed in chest for shipping. The sack is a sufficient protection to the boat in carrying it in wagon or carriage. The chest is used only for transporting it on cars, or on a load of camping goods.

Boats shipped C. O. D. on receipt of $10, subject to examination before paying the balance to the express agent. If not satisfactory, the boat can be returned by freight, and we will return balance of money, after paying freight charges both ways.

Parties ordering, that know the boat, may send draft for full amount, and we will ship by freight or express: or send good reference and we will forward at once. If you want a Portable Boat, we can please you. Send for Illustrated Testimonial Circular.

Manufactured by N. A. OSGOOD, Battle Creek, Mich.

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