Adirondacks, | 73 | Alexandria Bay, | 49 | American Fall, Niagara, | 20, 24 | Approach to North Conway, P. & O. R. R., | 113 | Ascent of Mount Washington, | 83 | Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, | 118 | Bethlehem, N. H., | 81 | Biddle’s Stairs, Niagara, | 31 | Burning Spring, Niagara, | 42 | Canada Southern Railway, | 17 | Canadian Carryall, | 56 | Canadian Fall, | 33 | Cape Diamond, Quebec, | 64 | Capes Eternity and Trinity, | 71 | Cave of the Winds, Niagara, | 31 | Chateaugay Chasm, O. & L. C. R. R., | 74 | City of Buffalo, | 17 | City of Portland, Maine, | 116 | Climbing Mount Jefferson, | 90 | Conway Center, N. H., | 114 | Crawford House, | 106 | Crossing the Ferry, Detroit, | 16 | Detroit, the City of the Strait, | 15 | Devil’s Hole, Niagara, | 43 | Dining Car System, | 9 | Distant view of Mt. Washington, | 91 | “Down” vs. “Up,”—Rapids and Canal, | 54 | Eagle Cliff, | 98 | Eastward Ho! | 5 | Electric Illumination, Niagara, | 29 | Fabyan House, White Mountains, | 83 | Fail River Line, Boston and New York, | 122 | Falls of Montmorenci, | 67 | Falls of Niagara, | 18 | Fast New York Express, | 8 | Father Hennepin’s Sketch of Niagara, | 36 | Flume and Boulder, Franconia Notch, | 101 | First View of Niagara Falls, | 23 | Franconia Mountains, | 100 | Franconia Notch, | 97 | French Canadian Home, | 67 | Gates of Quebec, two views, | 66 | Only All Rail Route to the Thousand Islands. THE Utica & Black River Railroad, POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE THE Elegant Line to the Islands. advert This Line runs via Utica, Trenton Falls, the Sunset Slope of the Adirondack Mountains, Black River, Sugar River, and Indian River to the Thousand Islands of the River St. Lawrence. It is the only scenic route. New Fast Trains, Make Very Few Stops, and carry elegant Through Cars from Utica to the River St. Lawrence. ornament THOUSAND ISLAND FAST LINE Leaves Chicago 9.00 a. m., arrives at Utica 11.25 a. m. (dinner), leaves Utica 12.10 p. m., arrives Trenton Falls 12.45 p. m., Clayton, 4.05 p. m. Immediate connection with Steamboat for Round Island, Thousand Island Park, and Westminster Park, arrives Alexandria Bay 5.10 p. m. Wagner Cars from Chicago to Utica and Utica to Clayton. EVENING FAST LINE Leaves Chicago 3.30 p. m., arrives Utica 2.00 p. m. (dinner), leaves Utica 4.50 p. m., arrives at Trenton Falls 5.25 p. m., Lowville 7.00 p. m. (supper), Clayton 9.05 p. m., Alexandria Bay 10.10 p. m. Wagner Cars from Chicago to Utica: New Springfield Coaches from Utica to Clayton. A Quick, Cool, and Pleasant Journey. Union Depot at Utica. No Transfers. A First Class Steel Rail Line. The Illustrated Book of Routes and Rates for Summer Tours, 100 pages with Illustrations, Maps, and Cost of 300 different tours via Thousand Islands and Rapids, Montreal, etc., etc. Send two postage stamps for a copy, before deciding on your summer trip. Through Tickets via Utica are on sale at all Ticket offices of the Michigan Central Railroad and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway. If you are unable to get Through Tickets via this route, buy to Utica only. J. F. MAYNARD, General Superintendent. THEO. BUTTERFIELD, Gen’l Pas. Agent, UTICA, N. Y. The Best Equipped Railroad in the World. ornament Without exaggerating, and keeping close within the narrow limits of fact, it may be asserted without fear of truthful contradiction, that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is not only the best and most perfectly equipped railroad in the world, but it is also the most important as to the territory it traverses, the numerous business centers and pleasure resorts that it reaches, and the facilities it offers for pleasant, speedy, safe and comfortable transit for all classes of passengers. It caters alike to the needs, tastes and abilities of the millionaire merchant prince; to the farmer, with his plain and simple wants; and to the economical and necessitous; and gives to each the full value of all he pays for. Its luxuriantly finished and furnished palace sleeping cars, and its more than luxurious drawing-room coaches are marvels of beauty and comfort. Its coaches are new and of the most perfect models that have been adopted by any company, and they are always kept sweet, clean and pure. Its dining cars are superb, and the meals and service provided in them are equal to that given by any first-class hotel in the country. WHERE IS IT? Starting from Chicago and having various main lines running west, north-west, and north, it covers about all that is desirable in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, the upper Michigan peninsula, Minnesota and Central and South-eastern Dakota and North-eastern Nebraska. It is eminently the railroad of the north-west; and from its commanding location, it controls the traffic of all of the territory it traverses. WHAT IS IT? Over 5,000 miles of the best built and best maintained railroad there is in the country. It is equal in every respect to any road in the world, and is believed to be better than any of its competitors. Its lines are built of heavy steel rail; its bridges are of steel, iron, and stone, and all its appointments are as good as money can buy. COLORADO & CALIFORNIA. This Company’s line between Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha) is shorter than any other between these points, and was the pioneer in forming connection with the Trans-Continental Union and Central Pacific Railroads. Nearly all experienced overland travelers seek this line, because it is known to be the best, shortest, most comfortable, and in every way the most desirable. To seek other more circuitous and inferior routes is accepted as an evidence of inexperience or want of information. If you are destined to or from Colorado, Nebraska, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington Territory, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand or Australia, you should, in making the trip between Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha), in either direction, see that your tickets read over this great road. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS & WINNIPEG. This road, “St. Paul Line,” is the short and desirable route between Chicago and Madison, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the best to travel over if you are destined to or from Chicago and any point north or north-west of St. Paul, Winona and Mankato, Minn.: Frankfort, Huron, Pierre, Aberdeen, Columbia and Watertown, Dakota; Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Watertown and Sheboygan, Wis.; Freeport, Elgin, Dixon and Fulton, Ill.; Clinton, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Webster City, Algona, Tama and Council Bluffs, Iowa, are a few of its hundreds of prominent local stations. It reaches most of the pleasant summer resorts of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and is the road to take for the health and scenic resorts of the Rocky Mountains, the National Yellowstone Park, and nearly all of the notable western and north-west resorts that are accessible by rail. It connects in Union Depots with the Union Pacific Railway at Council Bluffs, and at St. Paul with all roads diverging from that point. Yon can procure tickets over this route from nearly every coupon ticket agent in the country. When buying your tickets, read them carefully, and be sure that at least one coupon reads over the Chicago & North-Western Ry. Ask your nearest coupon ticket agent for one of its large maps; they are FREE, and will show you all of this Company’s lines as they are. Central Vermont Railroad, FOR COMFORT, SAFETY AND SCENERY, CHOOSE, IN TRAVELING EAST OR WEST, THE Central Vermont Railroad Which forms, in connection with the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, the Old and Favorite New England Route TO AND FROM ALL POINTS WEST. ornament The Rolling Stock and Equipment of the Central Vermont Railroad is second to no Road in this country. It is the only line running PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS pullman sleeping cars Between Chicago and Boston without Change, AND SOLID TRAINS OF ELEGANT COACHES AND BAGGAGE CARS Without Change between Montreal and Boston. ornament Steel Rails, Iron Bridges, with Westinghouse Air Brake, Miller Platform, Coupler and Buffer on every train, assure safety while passing swiftly through Mountain, Lake and River Scenery of the most beautiful and varied description. The Train Service of this Road is so arranged that sure connections are made with the Grand Trunk Railway, and with Railroads in New England to and from all the principal cities, villages and towns in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Vermont. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Vermont. Pullman Cars Montreal to Springfield, and Wagner Cars Montreal to New York, Without Change. First-Class Restaurants, with reasonable charges, and ample time given for meals. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH CANADA IN BOND, Avoiding all trouble of customs. During the Summer, Excursion Tickets are Sold over this Line at Greatly Reduced Rates. Ask for rates via this Line before buying, and note that your tickets read via CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD. For sale at all Stations and responsible Ticket Offices East and West. COMPANY’S OFFICES.—260 Washington Street, Boston; 271 Broadway, New York; 136 James Street, Montreal. J. W. HOBART, General Supt. S. W. CUMMINGS, Gen. Pass’r Agent. General Offices—St. Albans, Vt. SUMMER TOURS ———— ON THE ———— GREAT LAKES. STEAMER PASSING PICTURED ROCKS. The attention of Summer Tourists, contemplating a trip for health and recreation, is invited to the attractions of a Tour via the Great Lakes on one of the following Palace Steamers:— India, China, Japan, Winslow, Nyack, Arctic, Empire State, Badger State, and St. Louis, ———— OF ———— The Lake Superior Transit Co., The Lake Superior Transit Co. Leaving Detroit, Cleveland, Erie, and Buffalo, for Duluth, at the head of Lake Superior, and between the ports above named. To those who have not the leisure to travel the entire chain of lakes, we offer a Series of Short Excursions, on Lakes Erie, Huron, or Superior. Steamers leave Detroit, from foot of Woodward Avenue, as follows: For Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Hancock, Houghton, Ashland, Bayfield, and Duluth, Mondays, Tuesdays. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, at 11 o’clock, P.M. For Cleveland. Erie, and Buffalo Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P.M. A Guide Book, descriptive of the routes, entitled “Summer Tours via the Great Lakes,” will be sent free on receipt of stamp, by addressing J. T. WHITING, General Agent L. S. T. Co., Detroit, Mich., or the undersigned T. P. CARPENTER, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lake Superior Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PARLIAMENTARY RULES, The Relation of Any Motion to Every Other Motion, SMITH’S DIAGRAM ———— OF ———— PARLIAMENTARY RULES SHOWING The Relation of Any Motion to Every Other Motion AND Answering at a Glance over 500 Questions in Parliamentary Practice; together with a Key containing Concise Hints and Directions for Conducting the Business of Deliberative Assemblies. ? It is to the Study of Parliamentary Practice what a Map is to the Study of Geography. ornament TESTIMONIALS. ornament From the New York Independent, March 9, 1882. “Smith’s Diagram of Parliamentary Rules” is an admirably ingenious simplification of the confused matter of parliamentary practice. By a very simple arrangement, motions of all kinds, in the order of their precedence, are placed in the center, printed in large type, and their relation to every possible rule is indicated by connecting lines. The diagram is accompanied by a key, which, in explaining itself, clears up the subject as well, and gives concise hints and directions for the conduct of deliberative assemblies. Mr. Uriah Smith has put more of the essence of parliamentary practice into small space and lucid order than we find in any other manual. From J. Warren Keifer, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington. I have carefully examined the volume, and take pleasure in saying that I regard the work as a very valuable one, and arranged so as to indicate to either the casual reader or even an expert the special as well as general rules controlling a particular motion. Your work seems to have been thoroughly done, and I cheerfully commend it as a vade mecum for parliamentarians. From Hon. David H. Jerome, Ex-Governor of Michigan. Can be utilized by a presiding officer at a glance, and without the embarrassing delay necessary to consult ordinary authorities. From Benj. L. Hewitt, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa. After a careful examination of your “Diagram of Parliamentary Rules,” I find it a most exhaustive and complete compendium of parliamentary law, affording, at a glance, solutions of almost every question in parliamentary practice. It cannot fail to meet with public favor. From Prof. I. L. Stone, formerly Superintendent of the City Schools of Battle Creek. For practical use it is worth all the massive treatises in the world. By a happy device you have brought the whole perplexing code of parliamentary laws into such brief space and simple shape that any point of order can be determined at a glance, and without turning a page. Of the flood of new “aids to instruction,” this is one of the very few which really meets and satisfies “a long felt want.” ornament Price, by mail, postpaid: cloth binding, 50 cents; in morocco, $1.00. Address REVIEW & HERALD PUB. CO., Battle Creek, Mich. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. [Works at intersection of Michigan Central and Grand Trunk Railways.] thresher “VIBRATOR” Threshing Machinery, TRACTION AND PORTABLE ENGINES. THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Marvelous Durability: Wonderful Power: Elegant Workmanship: Beautiful Finish: Superior Material. Send for circulars and price lists. (Sent free.) TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIP AGENCY. This Agency represents the leading and most patronized Steamship Lines plying between AMERICA AND EUROPE. First and Second Cabin Round-Trip Tickets At Greatly Reduced Rates. TICKETS sold always as low as at Headquarters, and berths promptly secured (by telegraph, when necessary.) steamer First and Second Cabin Round-Trip Tickets At Greatly Reduced Rates. TICKETS sold always as low as at Headquarters, and berths promptly secured (by telegraph, when necessary.) Prepaid Tickets for those wishing to send for friends in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, or any other European country, at astonishingly low rates. Circulars, or any information about tickets furnished promptly on application to Box 2277.A. SWEDBERG, Battle Creek. Mich. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SANITARIUM Battle Creek, Mich. The Largest and Most Complete Health Institution in the West. Unrivaled facilities for the treatment of chronic and surgical cases. Baths, Electricity, Massage, and all the most approved forms of treatment. Send for circular.AddressSANITARIUM, Battle Creek, Mich. GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS: Roman, Naples, Padua, and Veronese, —— FOR ALL —— STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. Carefully gauged, and the most Perfect in Color, Finish, Durability, and Purity of Tone. Sold Under Guaranty! Imported and for sale by this house only. Musical Instruments and Merchandise. — Manufacturers of the — “PETERS” HAND-MADE CLARINET REEDS, The most Durable, producing the Finest Tone; Also, the “PETERS” PATENT VIOLIN PAD, For Supporting the Violin. TESTIMONIALS FROM HUNDREDS OF VIOLINISTS VALUABLE CATALOGUE, showing how and where strings are made, modes of testing, gauging, selecting, stringing instruments, etc., sent Free! Address W. I. PETERS & CO., Box 2126,Battle Creek, Mich. Union School Furniture Company BATTLE CREEK, MICH., Sole Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED “AUTOMATIC” SCHOOL DESKS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. A New Principle, Universally Approved! Simple. Strong. Convenient. Beautiful! The Most Popular School Seat in Use! This Seat is a DECIDED ADVANCE upon all the Old Styles. Do not use the Old when the New is better! The attention of school officers is invited to the above Seats. The “AUTOMATIC” is now in use in most of the prominent schools in the West, and very generally throughout the United States. Its superior merits have been fully demonstrated. No other seat can compare with it in the essential features of Healthfulness, Comfort, and Durability. Send for our fully illustrated descriptive catalogue, which will give you a correct idea of the Seat, and will show you what leading educators think of it. This catalogue also contains information respecting all kinds of School Supplies, together with elaborate Plans and Specifications of School Buildings, Which are of great value. It will be sent you gratis, on application. HEATERS.—We are now able to offer you the best School Room Heater in the market. Better and more economical than either stoves or furnaces. See catalogue. Teachers’, Principals’ and Office Desks in Large Variety. If you want anything for the school room—Maps, Globes, Slate Blackboards, Slating, Crayons, Erasers, Bells, Reading Charts, Physiological Charts, Window Shades, Dictionaries, etc.,—write to UNION SCHOOL FURNITURE CO., CHICAGO OFFICE: 180 Wabash Avenue. Battle Creek, Michigan. BOULT’S MOULDING AND DOVETAILING MACHINE CUTS PANELS OF ANY DESIGN OR STYLE Of Mould, in the Solid Wood, with Neatness and Dispatch. IT IS A FIRST-CLASS SHAPER, EDGE, AND SURFACE MOULDER. Also, does beautiful Dovetailing on Thick or Thin Stuffs. ornament MARSH PATENT Cylinder Bed Lathe, With Circular and Scroll Saw, Moulding and Metal Turning Attachments. BUSINESS FOR THE MECHANIC. PLEASURE FOR THE AMATEUR. “There is PLEASURE in it.”“There is HEALTH in it.” “THERE IS MONEY IN IT!” Send for Circulars and Prices to BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO., Battle Creek, Mich., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. EASTERN EXCURSIONIST CHICAGO TO THE SEA ILLUSTRATED. Mountains Rivers Lakes Cataracts and the Sea Shore. Sportsmen and Tourists, Attention All! OSGOOD’S Portable Folding Canvas Boat. BAKER-CO Patented Feb. 26, 1878. The above represents our 12-foot Boat, extended, ready for use. Weight, with Paddle, for Trout Fishing, Exploring, Duck Hunting, etc., 25 pounds. Weight, with Bottom-Board, Oars, etc., everything complete, 50 pounds. View of the Boat in its compact form, showing Boat folded, Bottom-Board, Camp-stools, Gunwale, Stretcher, and Packing-Chest. All but Oars and Paddle go in Chest. SIZE OF CHESTS. For 15-foot Boat, 40 inches long, 20 inches wide, 20 inches deep. For 12-foot Boat, 38 inches long, 17 inches wide, 17 inches deep. FIVE SIZES ARE MANUFACTURED. | No. | 1, | 15 | | feet | long, | 36 | inches | wide, | weight, | 75 | lbs. | Price, | $50. | „ | 2, | 12 | | „ | „ | 33 | „ | „ | „ | 50 | „ | „ | 40. | „ | 3, | 12 | | „ | „ | 27 | „ | „ | „ | 40 | „ | „ | 40. | „ | 4, | 9 | 1/2 | „ | „ | 27 | „ | „ | „ | 30 | „ | „ | 35. | „ | 6, | 8 | | „ | „ | 33 | „ | „ | „ | 30 | „ | „ | 35. | Each size makes up four different WEIGHTS or STYLES. You have the same as FOUR BOATS COMBINED IN ONE. Boat is put in sack made of ducking, only little larger than ordinary grain bag, and then all packed in chest for shipping. The sack is a sufficient protection to the boat in carrying it in wagon or carriage. The chest is used only for transporting it on cars, or on a load of camping goods. Boats shipped C. O. D. on receipt of $10, subject to examination before paying the balance to the express agent. If not satisfactory, the boat can be returned by freight, and we will return balance of money, after paying freight charges both ways. Parties ordering, that know the boat, may send draft for full amount, and we will ship by freight or express: or send good reference and we will forward at once. If you want a Portable Boat, we can please you. Send for Illustrated Testimonial Circular. Manufactured by N. A. OSGOOD, Battle Creek, Mich. FROM THE ST. LAWRENCE TO THE SEA (Ogdensburg to Portland) — VIA — Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain, St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain, and Portland & Ogdensburg R. R.’s, — REACHING THE — Chateaugay Chasm, WHITE MOUNTAINS, PORTLAND, OLD ORCHARD, MOUNT DESERT, AND ALL SEA-SIDE RESORTS OF THE EAST. All Trains Furnished with the Latest Improvements for the Safety and Comfort of Passengers. Special Attention given to Tourist Travel. Tickets on Sale at all Principal Ticket Offices throughout the Country. ? Be sure your tickets read via this POPULAR and OLD ESTABLISHED ROUTE. For further information apply to F. L. POMEROY, C. H. STEVENS, C. H. FOYE, Gen. Pas. Agt. O. & L.C.R.R., Gen. Pas. Agt. St. J. & L.C.R.R., Gen. Pas. Agt. P. & O.R.R., Ogdensburg, N.Y. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Portland, Me. THE STATE HIGHWAY ITS LINES EXTEND: Chicago to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, via Detroit, Mackinaw City to Toledo, via Detroit, Bay City and Saginaw to Jackson, Grand Rapids to Detroit, via Jackson, Jackson to Niles, Air Line. Michigan Central AND OTHER SMALLER LINES. THROUGH PALACE CARS TO AND FROM MICHIGAN AND New York, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, and Toledo. NEW DINING CARS Between Chicago, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls, on Principal Trains. EXCURSION TICKETS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS Via Niagara Falls, St. Lawrence River, Thousand Islands, &c., To all the PLEASURE RESORTS of the EAST. H. B. LEDYARD, General Manager. F. I. WHITNEY, Ass’t Gen’l Pas. & Tick. Agt. O. W. RUGGLES, Gen’l Pas. & Tick. Agt.   |