This catalogue supersedes former editions. The prices given in this catalogue are net and do not include packing which will be charged at cost. To avoid mistakes and delays when ordering please give catalogue number and shipping instructions. Most of the instruments listed in this catalogue are constructed to order only but the smaller sizes of telescopes with accessories, chronographs, simpler measuring machines, etc., are usually kept in stock. The apparatus listed in this catalogue is of our own manufacture, excepting the astronomical regulator clocks, which we have listed for the convenience of our customers. All orders will be filled as promptly as possible with due regard to thorough workmanship and efficient inspection. Everything that leaves our establishment is carefully tested and inspected and we can guarantee our apparatus to be, in every respect, fully as represented. Any piece, which does not come up to the most exacting requirements will always be promptly replaced within the shortest possible time. We shall be glad to satisfy any special requirements of our customers and will make any desired alterations and additions on the standard designs. |