LONG ago the leaves and blossoms of the almond-tree came out together like those on other trees. But now the blossoms come out first. Shall I tell you why? One day in early spring the Fairy Queen was riding about the country. “Oh, dear,” she said, “I’m so tired of this wintry weather. I wish the flowers were out. And next week is my birthday”—the Fairy Queen, you must know, has birthdays much oftener than ordinary people—“my first spring birthday this year, and there are still only a few primroses and violets. How I should love to see some pink flowers! I’m so fond of pink.” The little buds of the almond-tree heard her. “Can’t we manage it?” they said to their mother, the tree. “Can’t we be out in time for the Queen’s birthday next week?” “You can try,” said their mother. “But what about your brothers, the leaves? You know how lazy they are. And you can’t come out without them. You would look funny.” “It’s too cold,” they said. “Br-r-r. Why should we hurry?” And so, when the Queen’s birthday came, of course they were not ready, though the pink blossoms were all waiting to burst into bloom. Presently the Queen came riding “I’ve had some lovely presents,” she said. “A necklace of dewdrops from the early morning, a blue velvet cloak from the night, and a basketful of perfumed kisses from the south wind, who came such a long, long way to bring them. I should be perfectly happy if only I had some pink flowers.” The buds of the almond blossom heard her and quivered with excitement. They could wait no longer. With one accord they all burst forth into full bloom. The scent of them was like the smell of honey. The Queen looked up. “Oh, you darlings,” she said. “You darlings. I’ll have my birthday party under your tree. It will be the prettiest spring party I have ever had.” And ever since that day the pink blossoms have always come out in time for the Queen’s first spring birthday without waiting for their lazy little brothers. And every year the fairies hold their earliest revels under the blossoming boughs of the almond-tree. |