
Boke of Nurture: Footnotes

The ordre of goyng or sittyng. 1

[Balliol MS. 354, ffl C lxxxxi, or leaf 203, back.]

A pope hath no pere
An emprowre A-lone
A kyng A-lone
An high cardynall
A prince, A kyngis son
A duke of blod royall
A busshop
A markes
An erle
A vycownt
A legate
A baroÑ
An abbot mytered
the ij cheff Iugys
the mayre of londoÑ
the chif baroÑ of the cheker//
An Abbot without myter
A knyght
A pryoure
A deaÑe
An Arche-dekoÑ
the Master of the rollis
the vnder Iugis
the vnder barons of the cheker
the mayre of caleis
A provyncyall
A doctur of diuinite
A prothonotory ys boue
the popes colectour
A doctur of both lawes
A sergeant of lawe
the Masters of channsery
A persoÑ of Chyrche
A seculer prest
A marchaÑt
A gentylmaÑ
An Artificer
A yeman of good name

... no pere] This is struck through with a heavy black-line.
boue] Last letter blotched.
colectour] Struck through with several thin lines.

1. Compare with Russell, p. 70-71, and Wynkyn de Worde, p. 170-1. It differs little from them.


Latin Graces.

(From the Balliol MS. 354, leaf 2.)

[“These graces are the usual ones still said in all colleges and religious communities abroad, and are for some part those given at the end of each of the four volumes into which our Roman Breviaries for the year are divided. As a youth, while studying at Rome, Iused to hear them in our hall; and, knowing them by heart, never found them too long.”—Daniel Rock, D.D.]

A general Grace.

The grace that shuld be said affore mete & after mete/all the tymes in the yere.

The eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord.

Benedicite; dominus. Oculi omnium in te sperant, domine / et tu das escam illorum in tempore oportuno. Aperis tu manum tuam / & Imples omne Animal benediccione.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

Gloria patri & filio: & spiritui sancto. Sicut erat in principio, & nunc, et semper: & in secula seculorum. Lord, have mercy upon us. Amen. kyrieleyson, christeleyson, kyrieleyson: pater noster. Et ne nos: Sed libera nos: Oremus.

Lord, bless us.

Benedic, domine, nos, & dona tua que de tua largitate sumus sumpturi / per / Iube domine benedicere.

Make us partakers of the heavenly table.

Mense celestis participes faciat nos Rex eterne glorie / Amen / Deus caritas est: & qui manet in aritate, in deo manet, & deus in eo: Sit deus in nobis, & nos maneamus in ipso. Amen.

Grace after Dinner.

post prandium.

May the God of peace be with us!

Deus pacis & dileccionis maneat semper nobiscum: Tu autem, domine, miserere nostri: Deo gracias / Confiteantur tibi, domine, omnia tua. Et sancti tui benedicant We thank thee, O Lord, for thy benefits. tibi / Gloria: Agimus tibi gracias, omnipotens deus, pro vniuersis beneficijs tuis. Qui viuis & regnas deus: Per omnia secula seculorum: Amen.


Laudate dominum, omnes gentes: laudate eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia Lord, have mercy upon us! eius: & veritas domini manet in eternum. Gloria Christ, have mercy upon us! patri: Sicut erat: kyrieleyson, christeleyson, kirieleyson / Pater noster / Et ne nos. Sed libera.

Dispersit, dedit pauperibus: Iusticia eius manet in I will bless the Lord alway. seculum seculi: Benedicam dominum in omni tempore: Semper laus eius in ore meo: In domino laudabitur anima mea: Audiant mansueti, & letentur: Magnificate dominum mecum. Et MS. exultemus. exaltemus nomen eius in id May the name of the Lord be blessed for ever! ipsum: Sit nomen domini benedictum: Ex hoc nunc & vsque in seculum: Oremus: Retribuere dignare, domine deus, omnibus nobis bona ffacientibus propter nomen sanctum, tuum, vitam eternam: Amen: Benedicamus Hail, Queen of Heaven, domino: Deo gracias. Aue regina celorum, flower of virgins! pray thy Son to save the faithful! mater regis angelorum: O maria, flos verginum, velut rosa vel lilium, funde preces ad filium pro salute fidelium. Aue maria. Meritis & precibus sue pie matris, benedicat nos filius dei patris / Amen.

Grace on Fish-Days.

On ffisshe days.

The poor shall eat and be satisfied.

Benedicite; dominus. Edent pauperes, & saturabuntur: et laudabunt dominum qui requirunt eum; Glory be to the Father, &c. viuent corda eorum in seculum seculi: Gloria patri. Sicut erat &c. kyrieleyson. christeleyson / kyrieleyson / pater noster. Et ne nos: Sed libera: Oremus: Benedic domine: Iube domine: Cibo spiritualis alimonie reficiat The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ nos rex eterne glorie / Amen. Gracia domini nostri Ihesu christi, & caritas dei, & communicacio sancti be with us all. spiritus sit semper cum omnibus nobis. Amen / & in In Lent. Break thy bread to the hungry, and take the wanderer to thy home. lent leve / Gracia domini // & say // Frange esurienti panem tuum, & egenos vagosque induc in domum tuam: cum videris nudum operi eum. [et c]arnem tuam ne despexeris: ait dominus omnipote[ns].

Grace after Dinner.

Grace after dynere.

Deus paci[s &c. Only half the à is left. Memori]am fecit mirabilium suorum 368 misericors & [miserator dominu]s; escam dedit timentibus se. Gloria. Sic[ut erat, &c.]

Four Short Graces. 1. Before Dinner.

Short grace affore dyner.

Benedicite; An inch of the MS. broken away. dominu[s]. .... Apponenda benedicat dei dextera. [In nomine patris &] filii & spiritus sancti / amen.

[leaf 2, back.] 2. After Meals.

Shorte grace after dyner / & after soper / bothe.

Bless the Lord for this meal.

Pro tali conuiuio benedicamus domino: Deo gracias. Mater, ora filium vt post hoc exilium nobis donet Mary, pray for us! gaudium sine fine. Aue maria: / Oremus. Meritis & precibus.

3. Before Supper.

Grace affore soper.

MS. Benedictus, altered to Benedicite. Giver of all, sanctify this supper.

Benedicite; dominus: Cenam sanctificet qui nobis omnia prebet: In nomine patris.

4. After Supper.

¶ Grace after soper.

The Lord is holy in all his works.

Benedictus deus in donis suis: Et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis / Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini: Blessed be the name of the Lord. Qui fecit celum et terram. Sit nomen domini benedictum / Ex hoc nunc, et vsque in seculum / Oremus: Meritis et precibus sue pie matris benedicat nos filius dei patris.

On Easter-Eve.

In vigilia pasche.

Benedicite; dominus. Edent pauperes &c. Gloria Christ, have mercy upon us! patri, Sicut erat: kirieleyson. christeleyson. kyrieleyson. Pater noster: Et ne nos. Set libera. Oremus / Benedic domine: Iube domine benedicere / Cibo spiritualis alimonie & cetera / leccio / Si consurrexistis cum christo, Seek those things that are above. que sursum sunt, querite vbi christus est in dextera dei sedens.

Grace after Dinner.

post prandium.

God of Peace,

Deus pacis & dileccionis: Memoriam fecit / Gloria 369 We give thee thanks, O Lord. patri Sicut erat; Agimus tibi gracias. Laudate dominum omnes gentes: Quoniam confirma[ta]: Gloria patri: Sicut erat. Dominus vobiscum: Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus/ Pour into us thy Spirit, Spiritum in nobis, domine, tue caritatis infunde, vt quos sacramentis paschalibus saciasti: tua facias pietate concordes// through Jesus Christ our Lord. Per eundem dominum nostrum ihesum christum, filium tuum: qui tecum viuit & regnat in vnitate eiusdem spiritussancti, deus / per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.

On Easter-Day.

In die pasche.

This is the day which the Lord hath made: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Benedicite. dominus. Hec dies quam fecit dominus, exultemus & letemur in ea. Gloria patri. Sicut: kirieleyson. christeleyson. kyrieleyson: Pater noster / Bless us, O Lord! Et ne / Oremus. Benedic domine: Iube domine benedicere / Mense celestis Expurgate vetus MS. sermentum. fermentum Our passover is slain, even Christ. vt sitis noua conspersio, sicut estis asimi: Etenim pascha nostrum immolatus est christus, itaque epulemur in domino.

After Dinner.

¶ post prandium.

Qui dat escam omni carni, confitemini deo celi. Tu autem: Laudate dominum. Quoniam confirmata / Gloria Of thy resurrection, Christ, the heavens and the earth are glad. patri. In resurreccione tua, christe. Celi & terra letentur / alleluia. Oremus. Spiritum in nobis &cetera. Per eundem: In vnitate eiusdem. Benedicamus domino, Thanks be to God! deo gracias / ¶ Eodem modo dicitur per totam ebdomadam. Retribuere.

Before Supper.

Ante cenam.

Benedicite. dominus. cenam sanctificet qui nobis omnia prebet / In nomine patris & filii & spiritussancti: Amen.

After Supper.

¶ post cenam.

This is the day, &c. Hallelujah.

Hec dies / : / versus. In resurreccione tua, christe / Celi & terra letentur. alleluia. Dominus vobiscum: Let us bless the Lord! Et cum spiritu tuo. Spiritum in nobis: Benedicamus domino: Deo gracias.



Having thus given the Graces as they stand in the Manuscript, Iadd the scheme of them which Mr Bradshaw has had the kindness to draw out. He says, “Here is a case in which nothing but parallel arrangement can afford a clue to the apparent confusion. The people who used these services were so thoroughly accustomed to them, that a word or two was enough to remind them of what was to follow—sometimes a whole series of prayers, or verses and responds, or suffrages. If your object is to give people of the present day an idea of the meaning of these things, it is almost useless to print them straight as they are in the MS. Even as I have written them out, inserting nothing whatever except the names of the speakers in a bracket, you will perhaps not catch much of the thread. You may remember that at Trinity even now it takes two people to say what is substantially the same Grace as this.”



(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Psalm) Oculi omnium in te sperant, domine: et tu das escam illorum in tempore oportuno.

Aperis tu manum tuam: et imples omne animal benediccione.

(Psalm) Edent pauperes, et saturabuntur, et laudabunt dominum qui requirunt eum: vivent corda eorum in seculum seculi.

(Psalm) Edent pauperes ....

(Psalm) Hec dies quam fecit dominus: exultemus et letemur in ea.

Gloria patri et filio: et spiritui sancto.

Gloria patri ....

Gloria patri ....

Gloria patri ....

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: in secula seculorum. Amen.

Sicut erat, &c. ....

Sicut erat .... Sicut erat ....













Pater noster .... [i.e. the Lord’s prayer.]

Pater noster ....

Pater noster ....

Pater noster ....

(Sacerdos) Et ne nos [inducas in tentationem.]

(Sacerdos) Et ne nos ....

(Sacerdos) Et ne nos ....

(Sacerdos) Et ne ....

(Resp.) Sed libera nos [a malo.]

(Resp.) Sed libera ....

(Resp.) Sed libera ....

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Benedic, domine, nos, et dona tua que de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per [christum dominum nostrum.]

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Benedic domine ....

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Benedic domine ....

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Benedic domine nos ....

[Resp. Amen.]

(Lector) Iube domine benedicere.

(Lector) Iube domine ....

(Lector) Iube domine benedicere.

(Lector) Iube domine benedicere.

(Sacerdos) Mense celestis participes faciat nos rex eterne glorie. Amen.

(Sacerdos) Cibo spiritualis alimonie reficiat nos rex eterne glorie. Amen.

(Sacerdos) Cibo spiritualis alimonie, &c.

(Sacerdos) Mense celestis ....

(Lectio) Deus caritas est, et qui manet in caritate, in deo manet, et deus in eo. Sit deus in nobis, et nos maneamus in ipso.

*(Lectio) Gracia domini nostri ihesu christi, et caritas dei, et communicatio sancti spiritus, sit semper cum omnibus nobis.

(Leccio) Si consurrexistis cum christo, que sursum sunt querite, ubi christus est in dextera dei sedens.

(Lectio) Expurgate vetus fermentum, ut sitis nova conspersio sicut estis asimi: etenim pascha nostrum immolatus est christus. Itaque epulemur in domino.

(Resp.) Amen.

(Resp.) Amen.

[Resp. Amen.] [Resp. Amen.]

* And in lent leve ‘Gracia Domini,’ and say:

(Lectio) Frange esurienti panem tuum, et egenos vagosque induc in domum tuam; cum videris nudum, operi eum, et carnem tuam ne despexeris. Ait dominus omnipotens.

[Resp. Amen.]


[On Fish Days.]
[On Easter Eve.]
[On Easter Day.]

(Sacerdos) Deus pacis et dileccionis maneat semper nobiscum. Tu autem domine, miserere nostri.

(Sacerdos) Deus pacis ....

(Sacerdos) Deus pacis et dileccionis....

(Sacerdos) Qui dat escam omni carni: confitemini deo celi. Tu autem ....

(Resp.) Deo gracias.

[Resp. Deo gracias.]

(Psalm) Confiteantur tibi, domine, omnia tua: et sancti tui benedicant tibi.

(Psalm) [Memoriam] fecit mirabilium suorum misericors, et miserator dominus: escam dedit timentibus se.

(Psalm) Memoriam fecit....


Gloria [patri] ....

Gloria ....

Sic[ut erat .... (an inch of the MS. broken away.) ....]

Sicut erat....

(Capitulum) Agimus tibi gracias, omnipotens deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis, qui vivis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum. amen.

(Capitulum) Agimus tibi gracias ....


(Psalm) Laudate dominum omnes gentes: laudate eum omnes populi.

(Psalm) Laudate dominum omnes gentes....

(Psalm) Laudate dominum....

Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus: et veritas domini manet in eternum.

Quoniam confirmata....

Quoniam confirmata....

Gloria patri ....

Gloria patri....

Gloria patri....

Sicut erat .... Sicut erat....




.... ....

Pater noster ....

.... ....

(Sacerdos) Et ne nos ....

.... ....

(Resp.) Sed libera ....

(Sacerdos) Dispersit, dedit pauperibus:


(Sacerdos) In resurrectione tua, Christe:

(Resp.) Iustitia ejus manet in seculum seculi.

(Resp.) Celi et terra letentur. alleluia.

(Sacerdos) Benedicam dominum in omni tempore:

(Resp.) Semper laus ejus in ore meo.

(Sacerdos) In domino laudabitur anima mea:

(Resp.) Audiant mansueti, et letentur.

(Sacerdos) Magnificate dominum mecum:

(Resp.) Et exaltemus nomen ejus in id ipsum.

[After Dinner.] 3.1 [On Fish Days.] 3.2 [On Easter Eve.] 3.3 [On Easter Day.] 3.4

(Sacerdos) Sit nomen domini benedictum:


(Resp.) Ex hoc nunc, et usque in seculum.


(Sacerdos) Oremus.

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Retribuere dignare, domine deus, omnibus nobis bona facientibus, propter nomen sanctum tuum, vitam eternam. amen.

Spiritum in nobis, domine, tue caritatis infunde, ut quos sacramentis paschalibus saciasti, tua facias pietate concordes. Per eundem dominum nostrum ihesum christum, filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem spiritus sancti, deus per omnia secula seculorum. amen.

Spiritum in nobis, &c. Per eundem &c., in unitate....

(Sacerdos) Benedicamus domino:


(Sacerdos) Benedicamus domino:

(Resp.) Deo gracias.

(Resp.) Deo gracias.

Et eodem modo dicitur per totam ebdomadam.

(Antiphona de sancta maria.)

Ave regina celorum

Mater regis angelorum

O maria flos verginum

Velut rosa vel lilium

Funde preces ad filium

Pro salute fidelium.

(Vers.) Ave Maria....

(Oratio) Meritis et precibus sue pie matris, benedicat nos filius dei patris. amen.



[On Fish Days.] 4.2

[On Easter Eve.] 4.3

[On Easter Day.] 4.4

(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

[Blank.] [Blank.] [Blank.]

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Sacerdos) ... apponenda benedicat dei dextera ... [In nomine patris et] filii et spiritus sancti. amen.


(Sacerdos) Pro tali convivio benedicamus domino.

(Resp.) Deo gracias.

(Antiphona de sancta maria)

Mater ora filium

Ut post hoc exilium

Nobis donet gaudium

Sine fine.

(Vers.) Ave Maria ....

(Sacerdos) Oremus

Meritis et precibus....



[On Fish Days.] 5.2 [On Easter Eve.] 5.3

[On Easter Day.] 5.4


(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

[Blank.] [Blank.]

(Sacerdos) Benedicite.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Resp.) Dominus.

(Sacerdos) Cenam sanctificet qui nobis omnia prebet. In nomine patris ....

(Sacerdos) Cenam sanctificet qui nobis omnia prebet. In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. amen.



(Sacerdos) Hec dies ....

(Sacerdos) Benedictus deus in donis suis:

(Sacerdos) In resurrectione tua, christe:

(Resp.) Et sanctus in omnibus operibus suis.

(Resp.) Celi et terra letentur. alleluia.

(Sacerdos) Adjutorium nostrum in nomine domini:

(Resp.) Qui fecit celum et terram.

(Sacerdos) Sit nomen domini benedictum:

(Resp.) Ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum.


(Sacerdos) Dominus vobiscum:

(Resp.) Et cum spiritu tuo.

(Sacerdos) Oremus.

Meritis et precibus sue pie matris, benedicat nos filius dei patris.


Spiritum in nobis....

(Sacerdos) Benedicamus domino:

(Resp.) Deo gracias.








































Short Graces
for either dinner
or supper
and after









and after

The alphabetical order is that in which the matter is found written in the manuscript.

Henry Bradshaw.


Symon’s Lesson of Wysedome for all Maner Chyldryn.

[From MS. Bodl. 832, leaf 174.]

[The Rev. J.R. Lumby has kindly sent me the following amusing ‘lesson of wysedome’ to ‘all maner chyldryn’, signed Symon, which he found in the Bodleian. Mr G. Parker has read the proof with the MS. Lydgate sinned against most of its precepts. It makes the rod the great persuader to learning and gentleness.]

Children, attend.

All maner chyldryn, ye ly?ten & lere

A le??on of wy?edome Þat ys wryte here!

My chyld, y rede Þe be wys, and take hede of Þis ryme!


Old men yn prouerbe ?ayde by old tyme

You’d be better unborn than untaught. ‘A chyld were beter to be vnbore

Than to be vntaught, and ?o be lore.’1

You mustn’t have your own way always.

The chyld Þat hath hys wyll alway


Shal thryve late, y thei2 wel ?ay,

And Þer-for euery gode mannys chyld

That is to wanton and to wyld,

Lerne wel this le??on for ?ertayn,


That thou may be Þe beter man.

Chyld, y warne Þee yn al wy?e

Tell the truth,

That Þu tel trowth & make no lyes.

don’t be froward,

Chyld, be not froward, be not prowde,

hold up your head, 16

But hold vp Þy hedde & ?peke a-lowde;

take off your hood when you’re spoken to.

And when eny man ?pekyth to the,

Do of Þy hode and bow thy kne,

Wash your hands and face.

And way?ch thy handes & Þy face,

Be courteous. 20

And be curteys yn euery place.


And where Þou comy?t, with gode chere

In halle or bowre, bydde “god be here!”

Don’t throw stones at dogs and hogs.

Loke Þou ca?t to no mannes dogge,


With ?taff ne ?tone at hors ne hogge;

Mock at no one.

Loke Þat Þou not ?corne ne iape

NoÞer with man, maydyn, ne ape;

Lete no man of Þee make playnt;

Don’t swear. 28

Swere Þou not by god noÞer by ?aynt.

Eat what’s given you,

Loke Þou be curteys ?tondyng at mete;

And Þat men ?euyth Þee, Þou take & ete;

and don’t ask for this and that.

And loke that Þou nother crye ne crave,


And ?ay “that and that wold y have;”

But ?tond Þou ?tylle be-fore Þe borde,

And loke Þou ?peke no lowde worde.

Honour your father and mother:

And, chyld, wyr?hep thy fader and thy moder,


And loke Þat Þou greve noÞer on ne oÞer,

kneel and ask their blessing.

But euer among Þou ?halt knele adowne,

And a?ke here ble??yng and here bene?owne.

Keep your clothes clean.

And, chyld, kepe thy cloÞes fayre & clene,


And lete no fowle fylth on hem be ?ene.

Don’t go bird’s-nesting, or steal fruit,

Chyld, clem Þou not ouer hows ne walle

For no frute3, bryddes, ne balle;

or throw stones at men’s windows,

And, chyld, ca?t no ?tonys ouer men hows,


Ne ca?t no ?tonys at no glas wyndowys;

or play in church.

Ne make no crying, yapis, ne playes,

In holy chyrche on holy dayes.

Don’t chatter.

And, chyld, y warne Þee of anoÞer thynge,


Kepe Þee fro many wordes and yangelyng.

Get home by daylight.

And, chyld, whan Þou go?t to play,

Loke Þou come home by lyght of day.

Keep clear of fire and water,

And, chyld, I warne the of a-noÞer mater,


Loke Þou kepe Þee wel fro fyre and water;

and the edges of wells and brooks.

And be ware and wy?e how Þat Þou lokys

Ouer any brynk, welle, or brokys;


And when Þou ?tondy?t at any ?chate4,


By ware and wy?e Þat Þou cacche no ?take,

For meny chyld with-out drede

Ys dede or dy??eyuyd throw ywell hede.

(leaf 175.) Take care of your book, cap, and gloves,

Chyld, kepe thy boke, cappe, and glouys,


And al thyng Þat Þee behouys;

or you’ll be birched on your bare bottom.

And but Þou do, Þou ?hat fare the wors,

And Þer-to be bete on Þe bare ers.

Don’t be a liar or thief,

Chyld, be Þou lyer noÞer no theffe;


Be Þou no mecher5 for my?cheffe.

or make faces at any man.

Chyld, make Þou no mowys ne knakkes

Be-fore no men, ne by-hynd here bakkes,

But be of fayre ?emelaunt and contenaunce,


For by fayre manerys men may Þee a-vaunce.

When you meet any one,

Chyld whan Þou go?t yn eny ?trete,

Iff Þou eny gode man or woman mete,

lower your hood and wish ’em “god speed.”

Avale thy hode to hym or to here,


And bydde, “god ?pede dame or ?ere!”

And be they ?malle or grete,

This le??on Þat Þou not for-gete,--

For hyt is ?emely to euery mannys chylde,--

Be meek to clerks. 76

And namely to clerkes to be meke & mylde.

Rise early, go to school,

And, chyld, ry?e by tyme and go to ?cole,

And fare not as Wanton fole,

and learn fast

And lerne as fa?t as Þou may and can,


For owre by?chop is an old man,

And Þer-for Þou mo?t lerne fa?t

if you want to be our bishop.

Iff Þou wolt be by??hop when he is pa?t.

Chyld, y bydde Þe on my ble??yng


That Þou for-?ete nat Þis for no thyng,

Attend to all these things,

But Þou loke, hold hyt wel on Þy mynde,

384 for a good child needs learning,

For Þe be?t Þu ?halt hyt fynde;

For, as Þe wy?e man ?ayth and preuyth,


A leve chyld, lore he be-houyth;

and he who hates the child spares the rod. (leaf 175 b.)

And as men ?ayth Þat ben leryd,

He hatyth Þe chyld Þat ?paryth Þe rodde;

And as Þe wy?e man ?ayth yn his boke


Off prouerbis and wy?edomes, ho wol loke,

As a spur makes a horse go, so a rod makes a child learn and be mild. “As a ?harppe ?pore makyth an hors to renne

Vnder a man that ?hold werre wynne,

Ry?t ?o a ?erde may make a chyld


To lerne welle hys le??on, and to be myld.”

Lo, chyldryn, here may ?e al here and ?e

How al chyldryn cha?tyd ?hold be;

So, children, do well, and you’ll not get a sound beating.

And Þerfor, chyldere, loke Þat ye do well,


And no harde betyng ?hall ye be-falle:

Thys may ?e al be ryght gode men.

May God keep you good!

God graunt yow grace ?o to pre?erue yow.



1. Compare “Better vnfedde then vntaughte” in Seager’s Schoole of Vertue, above, p.236, l.725.

2. thee

3. Cp. Lydgate’s Tricks at School, Forewords, p. xliv.

4. ? meaning. Skathie, a fence. Jamieson. Skaith, hurt, harm. Halliwell.

5. A mychare seems to denote properly a sneaking thief. Way. Prompt., p.336. Mychare, a covetous, sordid fellow. Jamieson. Fr. pleure-pain: m. A niggardlie wretch; a puling micher or miser. Cotgrave.


The Birched School-Boy

OF ABOUT 1500 A.D.

(From the Balliol MS. 354, ffl ij C xxx.)

[As old Symon talks of the rod (p.383-4, ll. 62, 90), as Caxton in his Book of Curtesye promises his ‘lytyl John’ a breechless feast, or as the Oriel MS. reads it, a ‘byrchely’ one,1 & as the Forewords have shown that young people did get floggings in olden time, it may be as well to give here the sketch of a boy flea-bitten, no doubt, with little bobs of hazel twigs, that Richard Hill has preserved for us. Boys of the present generation happily don’t know the sensation of unwelcome warmth that a sound flogging produced, and how after it one had to sit on the bottom of one’s spine on the edge of the hard form, in the position recommended at College for getting well forward in rowing. But they may rest assured that if their lot had fallen on a birching school, they’d have heartily joined the school-boy of 1500 in wishing his and their masters at the devil, even though they as truant boys had been ‘milking ducks, as their mothers bade them.’]

hay! hay! by this day!

what avayleth it me thowgh I say nay?

Learning is strange work;

¶ I wold ffayÑ be a clarke;

but yet hit is a strange werke;2

the birch twigs are so sharp.

the byrchyÑ twyggis be so sharpe,

hit makith me haue a faynt harte.

what avaylith it me thowgh I say nay?

I’d sooner go 20 miles than go to school on Mondays.

¶ On monday in the mornyng whaÑ I shall rise

at vj. of the clok,3 hyt is the gise


to go to skole without a-vise

I had lever go xxti myle twyse!

what avaylith it me thowgh I say nay?

My master asks where I’ve been.

¶ My master lokith as he were madde:

“wher hast thou be, thow sory ladde?”

‘Milking ducks,’ I tell him,

“Milked dukkis, my moder badde:”

hit was no mervayle thow I were sadde.

what vaylith it me thowgh I say nay?

and he gives me pepper for it.

¶ My master pepered my ars with well good spede:

hit was worse thaÑ ffynkll sede;

he wold not leve till it did blede.

Myche sorow haue be for his dede!

what vaylith it me thowgh I say nay?

I only wish he was a hare, and my book a wild cat,

¶ I wold my master were a watt4

& my boke a wyld Catt,

& a brase of grehowndis in his toppe:

I wold be glade for to se that!

what vayleth it me thowgh I say nay?

¶ I wold my master were an hare,

and all his books dogs.

& all his bokis howndis were,

& I my self a Ioly hontere:

Wouldn’t I blow my horn!

to blowe my horÑ I wold not spare!

Don’t I wish he was dead!

ffor if he were dede I wold not care.

what vaylith me thowgh I say nay?


1. See Caxton’s Book of Curtesye, in the Society’s Extra Series, 1868.

2. Compare the very curious song on the difficulty of learning singing, in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, i. 291, from Arundel MS. 292, leaf 71, back.

3. See Rhodes, p.72, l.61; and Seager, p.226, l.58.

4. a hare.

The Song of the School Boy at Christmas.

[Printed also in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, i. 116, ‘From MS. Sloane, No. 1584, of the beginning of the sixteenth century, or latter part of the fifteenth, fol. 33ro., written in Lincolnshire or Nottinghamshire, perhaps, to judge by the mention of persons and places, in the neighbourhood of Grantham or Newark.’ J.O. Halliwell.]

Ante ffinem termini Baculus portamus,

Caput hustiarii ffrangere debemus;

Si preceptor nos petit quo debemus Ire,

Breuiter respondemus, “non est tibi scire.”

O pro nobilis docter, Now we youe pray,

Vt velitis concedere to gyff hus leff to play.

Nunc proponimus Ire, without any ney,

Scolam dissolvere; I tell itt youe in fey,

Sicut istud festum, merth-is for to make,

Accipimus nostram diem, owr leve for to take.

Post natale festum, full sor shall we qwake,

Quum nos Revenimus, latens for to make.

Ergo nos Rogamus, hartly and holle,

Vt isto die possimus, to brek upe the scole.

Non minus hic peccat qui sensum condit in agro,

Quam qui doctrinam Claudet in ore suo.


The Boar’s Head.

[Balliol MS. 354, ffl ij C xij, or leaf 228.]

Caput Apri Refero,
Resonens laudes domino.

The boris hed In hondis I brynge

with garlondis gay & byrdis syngynge;

I pray you all helpe me to synge,

Qui estis in conviuio.

The boris hede, I vnderstond,

ys cheffe seruyce in all this londe:

wher-so-ever it may he fonde,

Seruitur cum sinapio.

The boris hede, I dare well say,

anon after the xijth day

he taketh his leve & goth a-way,

Exiuit tunc de patria.

See other carols on the Boar’s Head, in Songs and Carols, Percy Soc., p.42, 25; Ritson’s Ancient Songs; Sandys’s Carols, and Christmastide, p.231, from Ritson,—adifferent version of the present carol,—&c.

1. I suppose this means the foot, the burden.

1. do, get on.

2. ? Þat = nought can.


3. The Lawnd in woodes. Saltus nemorum. Baret, 1580. Saltus, alaunde. Glossary in Rel. Ant., v.1, p. 7, col. 1. Saltus, aforest-pasture, woodland-pasture, woodland; aforest.

4. at will. A.S. wilsum, free willed.

5. A.S. hirne, corner. Dan. hiÖrne.

6. Halke or hyrne. Angulus, latibulum; A.S. hylca, sinus Promptorium Parvulorum and note.

7. AS. fregnan, to ask; Goth., fraihnan; Germ., fragen.


8. AS. lis remissio, lenitas; Dan. lise, Sw. lisa, relief.

9. for me to


10. In Sir John Fastolfe’s Bottre, 1455, are “ij. kerving knyves, iij. kneyves in a schethe, the haftys of every (ivory) withe naylys gilt ... j.trencher-knyfe.” Domestic Arch., v.3, p.157-8. Hec mensacula, adressyng-knyfe, p.256; trencher-knyves, mensaculos. Jn. de Garlande, Wright’s Vocab. p.123.


11. An Augre, or wimble, wherewith holes are bored. Terebra & terebrum. Vng tarriere. Baret’s Alvearie, 1580.

12. A Cannell or gutter. Canalis. Baret. Tuyau, apipe, quill, cane, reed, canell. Cotgrave. Canelle, the faucet [l.68] or quill of a wine vessel; also, the cocke, or spout of a conduit. Cot.

13. A Faucet, or tappe, a flute, a whistle, apipe as well to conueigh water, as an instrument of Musicke. Fistula ... TÁbulus. Baret.

14. Tampon, a bung or stopple. Cot. Tampyon for a gon—tampon. Palsg.

15. The projecting rim of a cask. Queen Elizabeth’s ‘yeoman drawer hath for his fees, all the lees of wine within fowre fingers of the chine, &c.’ H. Ord. p.295, (referred to by Halliwell).

16. Ashore, aslant, see note to l.299. Labeled in text as “l.71” and printed between notes 13, 14.

17. ? This may be butter-cheese, milk- or cream-cheese, as contrasted with the ‘hard chese’ l.84-5; but butter is treated of separately, l.89.

18. Fruit preserves of some kind; not the stew of chickens, herbs, honey, ginger, &c., for which a recipe is given on p.18 of Liber Cure Cocorum. Cotgrave has Composte: f. Acondiment or composition; 6 awet sucket (wherein sweet wine was vsed in stead of sugar), also, apickled or winter Sallet of hearbes, fruits, or flowers, condited in vinegar, salt, sugar, or sweet wine, and so keeping all the yeare long; any hearbes, fruit, or flowers in pickle; also pickle it selfe. Fr. compote, stewed fruit. The Recipe for Compost in the Forme of Cury, Recipe 100 (C), p.49-50, is “Take rote of persel. pasternak of raseÑs. scrape hem and waische hem clene. take rapis & cabochis ypared and icorne. take an erthen panne with clene water, & set it on the fire. cast all Þise Þerinne. whan Þey buth boiled, cast Þerto peeris, & parboile hem wel. take Þise thyngis up, & lat it kele on a fair cloth, do Þerto salt whan it is colde in a vessel; take vinegur, & powdour, & safroun, & do Þerto, & lat alle Þise Þingis lye Þerin al ny?t oÞer al day, take wyne greke and hony clarified togidur, lumbarde mustard, & raisouns corance al hool. & grynde powdour of canel, powdour douce, & aneys hole. & fenell seed. take alle Þise Þingis, & cast togydur in a pot of erthe. and take Þerof whan Þou wilt, & serue forth.”

19. ? not A.S. wÍnberie, a wine-berry, agrape, but our Whinberry. But ‘Wineberries, currants’, Craven Gloss.; Sw. vin-bÄr, acurrant. On hard cheese, see note to l.86.

20. Blandureau, m. The white apple, called (in some part of England) aBlaundrell. Cotgrave.

21. See note to l. 75.

22. Pouldre blanche. A powder compounded of Ginger, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs; much in use among Cookes. Cotgrave. Is there any authority for the statement in Domestic Architecture, v.1, p.132; that sugar ‘was sometimes called blanch powdre’? P.S.—Probably the recollection of what Pegge says in the Preface to the Forme of Cury, “There is mention of blanch-powder or white sugar,” 132 [p.63]. They, however, were not the same, for see No. 193, p.xxvi-xxvii. On turning to the Recipe 132, of “Peeris in confyt,” p.62-3, we find “whan Þei [the pears] buth ysode, take hem up, make a syrup of wyne greke. oÞer vernage with blaunche powdur, oÞer white sugur, and powdour gyngur, & do the peris Þerin.” It is needless to say that if a modern recipe said take 7 “sugar or honey,” sugar could not be said “to be sometimes called” honey. See Dawson Turner in Howard Household Books.

23. Ioncade: f. A certaine spoone-meat made of creame, Rose-water and Sugar. Cotgrave.

24. See the recipe to make it, lines 121-76; and in Forme of Cury, p.161.

25. Muffett held a very different opinion. ‘Old and dry cheese hurteth dangerously: for it stayeth siege [stools], stoppeth the Liver, engendereth choler, melancholy, and the stone, lieth long in the stomack undigested, procureth thirst, maketh a stinking breath and a scurvy skin: Whereupon Galen and Isaac have well noted, That as we may feed liberally of ruin cheese, and more liberally of fresh Cheese, so we are not to taste any further of old and hard Cheese, then to close up the mouth of our stomacks after meat,’ p.131.

26. In youth and old age. Muffett says, p.129-30, ‘according to the old Proverb, Butter is Gold in the morning, Silver at noon, and lead at night. It is also best for children whilst they are growing, and for old men when they are declining; but very unwholesom betwixt those two ages, because through the heat of young stomacks, it is forthwith converted into choler [bile]. The Dutchmen have a by-Verse amongst them to this effect,

Eat Butter first, and eat it last,

And live till a hundred years be past’


27. See note to l. 82.

28. See ‘Rompney of ModoÑ,’ among the sweet wines, l.119.

29. Eschec & mat. Checke-mate at Chests; and (metaphorically) aremedilesse disaster, miserie, or misfortune. Cot.

30. ? ascia, a dyse, Vocab. in Reliq. Ant. v.1, p.8, col. 1; ascia, 1. an axe; (2.a mattock, ahoe; 3. an instrument for mixing mortar). Diessel, ofte Diechsel, ACarpenter-axe, or a Chip-axe. Hexham.


31. ? The name of the lees of some red wine. Phillips has Rosa Solis, akind of Herb; also a pleasant Liquor made of Brandy, Sugar, Cinnamon, and other Ingredients agreeable to the Taste, and comfortable to the Heart. (So called, as being at first prepared wholly of the juice of the plant ros-solis (sun-dew) or drosera. Dict. of Arts and Sciences, 1767.)

32. See note, l. 31.

33. See note on these wines at the end of the poem.

34. In the Recipe for Jussel of Flessh (Household Ord., p.462), one way of preparing the dish is ‘for a Lorde,’ another way ‘for Commons.’ Other like passages also occur.


35. Graines. Cardamomum, Graine de paradis. Baret. ‘Graines of Paradise; or, the spice which we call, Graines.’ Cotgrave.

36. Cuite, a seething, baking. Cot.

37. Spices. Of those for the Percy Household, 1512, the yearly cost was £25 19s. 7d., for Piper, Rasyns of Corens, Prones, Gynger, Mace, Clovvez, Sugour, Cinamom, Allmonds, Daytts, Nuttmuggs, Granes, Tornesole, Saunders, Powder of Annes, Rice, Coumfetts, Galyngga, Longe Piper, Blaynshe Powder, and Safferon, p.19, 20. Household Book, ed. Bp. Percy.


38. Canel, spyce. Cinamomum, amomum. Promt. Parv. Canelle, our moderne Cannell or Cinnamom. Cot. (Named from its tube stalk?)

39. Tourne-soleil. Tornesole, Heliotropium. Cotgrave. Take bleue turnesole, and dip hit in wyne, that the wyne may catch the colour thereof, and colour the potage therwith. H. Ord., p.465.... and take red turnesole steped wel in wyne, and colour the potage with that wine, ibid. ‘And then with a little Turnsole make it of a high murrey [mulberry] colour.’ Markham’s Houswife, p.70.


40. Manche: f. A sleeue; also a long narrow bag (such as Hypocras is made in). Cotgrave.

41. boulting or straining cloth. ‘ij bulteclothes.’ Status Domus de Fynchall, A.D. 1360. Dom. Arch. v.1, p.136, note f.


42. Stale, dead. Pallyd, as drynke (palled, as ale). Emortuus. P. Parv. See extract from A.Borde in notes at end.

43. See Dict. de L’Academie, p.422, col. 2, ed. 1835. ‘Couche se dit aussi de Toute substance qui est Étendue, appliquÉe sur une autre, de maniÈre À la couvrir. RevÊtir un mur d’une couche de plÂtre, de mortier, &c.

44. Fr. repli: m. A fould, plait, or bought. Cotgrave. cf. Bow, bend.


45. Fine cloth, originally made at Rennes, in Bretagne.


46. A.S. ger?dian, to make ready, arrange, prepare.


47. See the mode of laying the Surnape in Henry VII.’s time described in H. Ord., p.119, at the end of this Poem.


48. “A Portpayne for the said Pantre, an elne longe and a yerd brode.” The Percy, or Northumberland Household Book, 1512, (ed. 1827), p.16, under Lynnon Clothe. ‘A porte paine, to beare breade fro the Pantree to the table with, lintheum panarium.’ Withals.


49. A.S. ÆtwÍtan, twit; oÐwÍtan, blame.

50. ‘prowl, proll, to seek for prey, from Fr. proie by the addition of a formative l, as kneel from knee.’ Wedgwood.

51. Louse is in English in 1530 ’Louse, abeest—pov. Palsgrave. And see the note, p.19, Book of Quinte Essence.

52. To look sullen (?). Glowting round her rock, to fish she falls. Chapman, in Todd’s Johnson. Horrour and glouting admiration. Milton. Glouting with sullen spight. Garth.

53. Snytyn a nese or a candyl. Emungo, mungo. Prompt. Parv. Emungo, to make cleane the nose. Emunctio, snuffyng or wypynge 19 of the nose. Cooper. Snuyt uw neus, Blow your nose. Sewel, 1740; but snuyven, ofte snuffen, To Snuffe out the Snot or Filth out of ones Nose. Hexham, 1660. Alearned friend, who in his bachelor days investigated some of the curiosities of London Life, informs me that the modern Cockney term is sling. In the dress-circle of the Bower Saloon, Stangate, admission 3d., he saw stuck up, four years ago, the notice, “Gentlemen are requested not to sling,” and being philologically disposed, he asked the attendant the meaning of the word.

54. askew. Doyle, squint. Gloucestershire. Halliwell.

55. Codde, of mannys pryuyte (preuy membris). Piga, mentula. Promptorium Parvulorum.

56. Mowe or skorne, Vangia vel valgia. Catholicon, in P.P.

57. ?yxyÑ Singulcio. ?yxynge singultus. P.P. To yexe, sobbe, or haue the hicket. Singultio. Baret. To yexe or sobbe, Hicken, To Hick, or to have the Hick-hock. Hexham.


58. ? shorewise, as shores. ‘Schore, undur settynge of a Þynge Þat wolde falle.’ P. Parv. Du. Schooren, To Under-prop. Aller eschays, To shale, stradle, goe crooked, or wide betweene the feet, or legs. Cotgrave.

59. Dutch Schrobben, To Rubb, to Scrape, to Scratch. Hexham.

60. Iettyn verno. P. Parv. Mr Way quotes from Palsgrave, “I iette, I make a countenaunce with my legges, ie me iamboye,” &c.; and from Cotgrave, “Iamboyer, to iet, or wantonly to go in and out with the legs,” &c.

61. grinding.

62. gnastyn (gnachyn) Fremo, strideo. Catholicon. Gnastyng of the tethe—stridevr, grincement. Palsg. Du. gnisteren, To Gnash, or Creake with the teeth. Hexham.

63. Short coats and tight trousers were a great offence to old writers accustomed to long nightgown clothes. Compare Chaucer’s complaint in the Canterbury Tales, The Parsones Tale, De SuperbiÂ, p.193, col. 2, ed. Wright. “Upon that other syde, to speke of the horrible disordinat scantnes of clothing, as ben these cuttid sloppis or anslets, that thurgh her schortnes ne covereth not the schamful membre of man, to wickid entent. Alas! som men of hem schewen the schap and the boce of the horrible swollen membres, that semeth like to the maladies of hirnia, in the wrapping of here hose, and eek the buttokes of hem, that faren as it were the hinder part of a sche ape in the fulle of the moone.” The continuation of the passage is very curious. “Youre schort gownys thriftlesse” are also noted in the song in Harl. MS. 372. See Weste, Booke of Demeanour, l.141, below.

64. Fr. tache, spot, staine, blemish, reproach.C.


65. sobriety, gravity.

66. Edward IV. had ‘Bannerettes IIII, or Bacheler Knights, to be kervers and cupberers in this courte.’ H. Ord., p.32.

67. See the Termes of a Keruer in Wynkyn de Worde’s Boke of Keruynge below.


68. to embrew. Ferrum tingere sanguine. Baret.

69. The table-knife, ‘Mensal knyfe, or borde knyfe, Mensalis,’ P. Parv., was, Isuppose, alighter knife than the trencher-knife used for cutting trenchers off very stale coarse loaves.


70. ? Fr. pareil, A match or fellow.C.

71. A.S. gramian, to anger.

72. Sowce mete, Succidium. P. Parv.


73. ? Crop or crawe, or cropon of a beste (croupe or cropon), Clunis. P. Parv. Crops are emptied before birds are cooked.

74. A.S. beniman, take away, deprive.

75. Fr. achever, To atchieue; to end, finish. Cot.

76. Hwyr, cappe (hure H.), Tena. A.S. hufe, atiara, ornament. Promptorium Parv.


77. Chyne, of bestys bakke. Spina. P. Parv.


78. slices, strips.

79.De haute graisse, Full, plumpe, goodlie, fat, well-fed, in good liking.’ Cotgrave.


80. Fr. arracher. To root vp ... pull away by violence. Cotgrave.

Compare, “and the Geaunte pulled and drough, but he myght hym not a-race from the sadell.” Merlin, Pt. II. p.346 (E.E.T. Soc. 1866). Corrigenda

81. The Bittern or Bittour, Ardea Stellaris.

82. Egrette, as Aigrette; Afoule that resembles a Heron. Aigrette (Afoule verie like a Heron, but white); acriell Heron, or dwarfe Heron. Cot. Ardea alba, Acrielle or dwarfe heron. Cooper.

83. Snype, or snyte, byrde, Ibex. P.P. Asnipe or snite: abird lesse than a woodcocke. Gallinago minor, &c.Baret.

84. A small Heron or kind of Heron; Shakspere’s editors’ handsaw. The spelling heronshaw misled Cotgrave, &c.; he has Haironniere. Aherons neast, or ayrie; aherne-shaw or shaw of wood, wherein herons breed. ‘An Hearne. Ardea. A hearnsew, Ardeola.’ Baret, 1580. ‘Fr. heronceau, ayoung heron, gives E. heronshaw,’ Wedgwood. Icannot find heronceau, only heronneau. ‘A yong herensew is lyghter of dygestyon than a crane. A.Borde. Regyment, fol. Fi, ed. 1567. ‘In actual application a heronshaw, hernshaw or hernsew, is simply a Common Heron (Ardea Vulgaris) with no distinction as to age, &c.’ Atkinson.

85. The Brewe is mentioned three times, and each time in connection with the Curlew. Ibelieve it to be the Whimbrel (Numenius PhÆopus) or Half Curlew. Ihave a recollection (or what seems like it) of having seen the name with a French form like Whimbreau. [Pennant’s British Zoology, ii. 347, gives Le petit Courly, ou le Courlieu, as the French synonym of the Whimbrel.] Morris (Orpen) says the numbers of the Whimbrel are lessening from their being sought as food. Atkinson.


86. “The singular structure of the windpipe and its convolutions lodged between the two plates of bone forming the sides of the keel of the sternum of this bird (the Crane) have long been known. The trachea or windpipe, quitting the neck of the bird, passes downwards and backwards between the branches of the merry-thought towards the inferior edge of the keel, which is hollowed out to receive it. Into this groove the trachea passes, ... and after making three turns passes again forwards and upwards and ultimately backwards to be attached to the two lobes of the lungs.” Yarrell, Brit. Birds ii. 441. Atkinson.

87. Way, manner. Plyte or state (plight, P.). Status. P. Parv.

88. A sort of gristle, the tendon of the neck. Germ. flachse, Brockett. And see Wheatley’s Dict. of Reduplicated Words.


89. The ‘canelle boon’ between the hind legs must be the pelvis, or pelvic arch, or else the ilium or haunch-bone: and in cutting up the rabbit many good carvers customarily disjoint the haunch-bones before helping any one to the rump. Atkinson.

90. Rabet, yonge conye, Cunicellus. P. Parv. ‘The Conie beareth her Rabettes xxx dayes, and then kindeleth, and then she must be bucked againe, for els she will eate vp hir Rabets. 1575. Geo. Turbervile, The Booke of Venerie, p.178, ch. 63.’ —H.H. Gibbs.


91. slices, or rather strips.

92. board-cloth, table-cloth.

93. Part IV. of Liber Cure Cocorum, p.38-42, is ‘of bakun mete.’ On Dishes and Courses generally, see Randle Holme, Bk. III. Chap. III. p.77-86.

94. rere a cofyn of flowre so fre. L.C.C., p.38, l.8.The crust of a raised pie.


95. for thin; see line 486.

96. ? A dish of batter somewhat like our Yorkshire Pudding; not the Crustade or pie of chickens, pigeons, and small birds of the Household Ordinances, p.442, and Crustate of flesshe of Liber Cure, p.40.

97. ? buche de bois. A logge, backe stocke, or great billet. Cot. Isuppose the buche to refer to the manner of checkering the custard, buche-wise, and not to be a dish. Venison is ‘chekkid,’ l.388-9. This rendering is confirmed by The Boke of Keruynge’s “Custarde, cheke them inch square” (in Keruynge of Flesshe). Another possible rendering of buche as a dish of batter or the like, seems probable from the ‘Bouce Jane, adish in Ancient Cookery’ (Wright’s Provl.Dicty.), but the recipe for it in Household Ordinances, p.431, shows that it was a stew, which could not be checkered or squared. It consisted of milk boiled with chopped herbs, half-roasted chickens or capons cut into pieces, ‘pynes and raysynges of corance,’ all boiled together. In Household Ordinances, p.162-4, Bouche, or Bouche of court, is used for allowance. The ‘Knights and others of the King’s Councell,’ &c., had each 32 ‘for their Bouch in the morning one chet loafe, one manchet, one gallon of ale; for afternoone, one manchett, one gallon of ale; for after supper, one manchett, &c.’

98. See the recipe, end of this volume. In Sir John Howard’s Household Books is an entry in 1467, ‘for viij boshelles of flour for dowsetes vj s. viij d.’ p.396, ed. 1841. See note 5 to l.699, below.

99. The last recipe in The Forme of Cury, p.89, is one for Payn Puff, but as it refers to the preceding receipt, that is given first here.


Take male Marow. hole parade, and kerue it rawe; powdour of Gyngur, yolkis of Ayrene, datis mynced, raisoÑs of coraÑce, salt a lytel, & loke Þat Þou make Þy past with ?olkes of Ayren, & Þat no water come Þerto; and fourme Þy coffyn, and make up Þy past.


Eodem modo fait payn puff, but make it more tendre Þe past, and loke Þe past be rounde of Þe payn puf as a coffyn & apye.

Randle Holme treats of Puffe, Puffs, and Pains, p.84, col. 1,2, but does not mention Payn Puff. ‘Payn puffe, and pety-pettys, and cuspis and doucettis,’ are mentioned among the last dishes of a service on Flessh-Day (H. Ord., p.450), but no recipe for either is given in the book.

*: Glossed Petypanel, a Marchpayne. Leland, Coll. vi. p.6. Pegge.

100. In lines 707, 748, the pety perueys come between the fish and pasties. Icannot identify them as fish. Isuppose they were pies, perhaps The Pety Peruaunt of note 2 above; or better still, the fish-pies, Petipetes (or pety-pettys of the last note), which Randle Holme says ‘are Pies made of Carps and Eels, first roasted, and then minced, and with Spices made up in Pies.’

101. De cibi eleccione: (Sloane MS. 1986, fol. 59 b, and elsewhere,) “Frixa nocent, elixa fouent, assata cohercent.”


102. Meat, sage, & poached, fritters?

103. Recipe in L. Cure, p. 39.

104. There is a recipe ‘for a Tansy Cake’ in Lib. C., p.50. Cogan says of Tansie,— “it auoideth fleume.... Also it killeth worms, and purgeth the matter whereof they be engendred. Wherefore it is much vsed among vs in England, about Easter, with fried Egs, not without good cause, to purge away the fleume engendred of fish in Lent season, whereof worms are soone bred in them that be thereto disposed.” Tansey, says Bailey (Dict. Domesticum) is recommended for the dissipating of wind in the stomach and belly. He gives the recipe for ‘A Tansy’ made of spinage, milk, cream, eggs, grated bread and nutmeg, heated till it’s as thick as a hasty pudding, and then baked.

105. Slices or strips of meat, &c., in sauce. See note to l.516, p.34.

106. Recipe ‘For Sirup,’ Liber Cure, p.43, and ‘Syrip for a Capon or Faysant,’ H. Ord. p.440.

107. potages, soups.

108. Soppes in Fenell, Slitte Soppes, H. Ord. p.445.


109. Recipe for a Cawdel, L. C. C. p.51.

110. Recipes for Gele in Chekyns or of Hennes, and Gele of Flesshe, H. Ord. p.437.

111. A.S. roppas, the bowels.

112. “leeche” is a slice or strip, H. Ord. p.472 (440), p.456 (399)—’cut hit on leches as hit were pescoddes,’ p.439,—and also a stew or dish in which strips of pork, &c., are cooked. See Leche Lumbarde, H. Ord. p. 438-9. Fr. lesche, along slice or shiue of bread, &c. Cot. Hic lesca Ae, scywe (shive or slice), Wright’s Vocab. p. 198: hec lesca, aschyfe, p.241. See also Mr Way’s long note1, Prompt. Parv., p. 292, and the recipes for 64 different “Leche vyaundys” in MS. Harl. 279, that he refersto.

113. For Potages see Part I. of Liber Cure Cocorum, p.7-27.

114. Recipe for Potage de Frumenty in H. Ord. p.425, and for Furmente in Liber Cure, p.7, H. Ord. 462.

115. Recipe ‘For gruel of fors,’ Lib. C. p.47, and H. Ord. p.425.

116. ? minced or powdered beef: Fr. gravelle, small grauell or sand. Cot. ‘Powdred motoun,’ l.533, means sprinkled, salted.


117. Recipes for ‘Mortrewes de Chare,’ Lib. C. p.9; ‘of fysshe,’ p.19; blanched, p.13; and H. Ord. pp. 438, 454, 470.

118. Butter of Almonde mylke, Lib. C. p.15; H. Ord. p.447.

119. See the recipe, p. 145.

120. Recipe for Tartlotes in Lib. C.C. p.41.

121. Recipe for Cabaches in H. Ord. p.426, and caboches, p.454, both the vegetable. There is a fish caboche in the 15th cent. Nominale in Wright’s Vocab. Hic caput, Ae, Caboche, p.189, col. 1, the bullhead, or miller’s thumb, called in French chabot.

122. See two recipes for Nombuls in Liber Cure, p.10, and for ‘Nombuls of a Dere,’ in H. Ord. p.427.

123. For Sauces (Salsamenta) see Part II. of Liber Cure, p.27-34.


124. Recipe ‘for lumbardus Mustard’ in Liber Cure, p.30.

125. Fleshe poudred or salted. Caro salsa, vel salita. Withals.

126. The juice of unripe grapes. See Maison Rustique, p.620.

127. Chaudwyn, l. 688 below. See a recipe for “Chaudern for Swannes” in Household Ordinances, p.441; and for “Þandon (MS. chaudon*) for wylde digges, swannus and piggus,” in Liber Cure, p.9, and “Sawce for swannus,” Ibid. p.29. It was made of chopped liver and entrails boiled with blood, bread, wine, vinegar, pepper, cloves, and ginger.

* Sloane 1986, p. 48, or fol. 27 b. It is not safe to differ from Mr Morris, but on comparing the C of ‘ChaudoÑ for swannis,’ col. 1, with that of ‘Caudelle of almonde,’ at the top of the second col., Ihave no doubt that the letter is C. So on fol. 31 b. the C of Chaudon is more like the C of Charlet opposite than the T of Take under it. The C of Caudel dalmon on fol. 34 b., and that of Cultellis, fol. 24, l.5, are of the same shape.

127a. Pepper. “The third thing is Pepper, asauce for vplandish folkes: for they mingle Pepper with Beanes and Peason. Likewise of toasted bread with Ale or Wine, and with Pepper, they make a blacke sauce, as if it were pap, that is called pepper, and that they cast vpon theyr meat, flesh and fish.” Reg. San. Salerni, p.67. Corrigenda

128. See the recipe “To make Gynger Sause” in H. Ord. p.441, and “For sawce gynger,” L.C.C. p.52.

129. No doubt the “sawce fyne Þat men calles camelyne” of Liber Cure, p.30, ‘raysons of corouns,’ nuts, bread crusts, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, powdered together and mixed with vinegar. “Camelin, sauce cameline, Acertaine daintie Italian sauce.” Cot.

130. A bird mentioned in ArchÆologia, xiii. 341. Hall. See note, l.422.


131. Shovelars feed most commonly upon the Sea-coast upon cockles and Shell-fish: being taken home, and dieted with new garbage and good meat, they are nothing inferior to fatted Galls. Muffett, p.109. Hic populus, aschevelard (the anas clypeata of naturalists). Wright’s Voc., p.253.

132. See note 6 to line 539, above.

133. Is not this line superfluous? After 135 stanzas of 4 lines each, we here come to one of 5 lines. Isuspect l.544 is simply de trop. W.W. Skeat.

134. For the fish in the Poem mentioned by Yarrell, and for references to him, see the list at the end of this Boke of Nurture.

135. Recipes for “Grene Pesen” are in H. Ord. p.426-7, p.470; and Porre of Pesen, &c.p.444.

136. Topsell in his Fourfooted Beasts, ed. Rowland, 1658, p.36, says of Beavers, “There hath been taken of them whose tails have weighed four pound weight, and they are accounted a very delicate dish, for being dressed they eat like Barbles: they are used by the Lotharingians and Savoyans [says Bellonius] for meat allowed to be eaten on fish-dayes, although the body that beareth them be flesh and unclean for food. The manner of their dressing is, first roasting, and afterward seething in an open pot, that so the evill vapour may go away, and some in pottage made with Saffron; other with Ginger, and many with Brine; it is certain that the tail and forefeet taste very sweet, from whence came the Proverbe, That sweet is that fish, which is not fish at all.”


137. See the recipe for “Furmente with Purpeys,” H. Ord. p.442.

138. I suppose this to be Seal. If it is Eel, see recipes for “Eles in Surre, Browet, GravÊ, Brasyle,” in H. Ord. p.467-8.

139. Wynkyn de Worde has ‘a salte purpos or sele turrentyne.’ If this is right, torrentille must apply to ?ele, and be a species of seal: if not, it must be allied to the Trout or Torrentyne, l.835.

140. Congur in Pyole, H. Ord. p.469. ‘I must needs agree with Diocles, who being asked, whether were the better fish, aPike or a Conger: That (said he) sodden, and this broild; shewing us thereby, that all flaggy, slimy and moist fish (as Eeles, Congers, Lampreys, Oisters, Cockles, Mustles, and Scallopes) are best broild, rosted or bakt; but all other fish of a firm substance and drier constitution is rather to be sodden.’ Muffett, p.145.

141. So MS., but grone may mean green, see l.851 and note to it. If not, ? for Fr. gronan, agurnard. The Scotch crowner is a species of gurnard.

142. Lynge, fysshe, Colin, Palsgrave; but Colin, aSea-cob, or Gull. Cotgrave. See Promptorium, p.296.

143. Fr. Merlus ou Merluz, A Mellwell, or Keeling, akind of small Cod whereof Stockfish is made. Cotgrave. And see Prompt. Parv. p.348, note 4. “Cod-fish is a great Sea-whiting, called also a Keeling or Melwel.” Bennett’s Muffett on Food, p.148.


144. Cogan says of stockfish, “Concerning which fish I will say no more than Erasmus hath written in his Colloquio. There is a kind of fishe, which is called in English Stockfish: it nourisheth no more than a stock. Yet I haue eaten of a pie made onely with Stockefishe, whiche hath been verie good, but the goodnesse was not so much in the fishe as in the cookerie, which may make that sauorie, which of it selfe is vnsavourie ... it is sayd a good Cooke can make you good meate of a whetstone.... Therfore a good Cooke is a good iewell, and to be much made of.” “Stockfish whilst it is unbeaten is called Buckhorne, because it is so tough; when it is beaten upon the stock, it is termed stockfish.” Muffett. Lord Percy (A.D. 1512) was to have “cxl Stok fisch for the expensys of my house for an hole Yere, after ij.d. obol. the pece,” p.7, and “Dccccxlij Salt fisch ... after iiij the pece,” besides 9 barrels of white and 10 cades of red herring, 5 cades of Sprats (sprootis), 400 score salt salmon, 3 firkins of salt sturgeon and 5 cags of salt eels.

145. Fr. Merlan, a Whiting, a Merling. Cot. ‘The best Whitings are taken in Tweede, called Merlings, of like shape and vertue with ours, but far bigger.’ Muffett, p.174.

146. MS. may be Cleynes. ? what place can it be; Clayness, Claynose? Claybury is near Woodford in Essex.

147. A recipe for Pykes in Brasey is in H. Ord. p.451. The head of a Carp, the tail of a Pike, and the Belly of a Bream are most esteemed for their tenderness, shortness, and well rellishing. Muffett, p.177.

148. Cut it in gobets or lumps a-slope. “Aslet or a-slowte (asloppe, aslope), Oblique.” P. Parv. But slout may be slot, bolt of a door, and so aslout = in long strips.


149. Onions make a man stink and wink. Berthelson, 1754. ‘The Onion, though it be the Countrey mans meat, is better to vse than to tast: for he that eateth euerie day tender Onions with Honey to his breakfast, shall liue the more healthfull, so that they be not too new.’ Maison Rustique, p.178, ed. 1616.

150. Recipes for this sauce are in Liber C. p.30, and H. Ord. p.441: powdered crusts, galingale, ginger, and salt, steeped in vinegar and strained. See note to l.634 below.

151. See “Plays in Cene,” that is, Ceue, chives, small onions somewhat like eschalots. H. Ord. p.452. See note 5, l.822.

152. Of all sea-fish Rochets and Gurnards are to be preferred; for their flesh is firm, and their substance purest of all other. Next unto them Plaise and Soles are to be numbered, being eaten in time; for if either of them be once stale, there is no flesh more carrion-like, nor more troublesome to the belly of man. Mouffet, p.164.

153. Roches or Loches in Egurdouce, H. Ord. p.469.

154. Or dacce.

155. Rivet, roe of a fish. Halliwell. Dan. ravn, rogn (rowne of Pr. Parv.) under which Molbech refers to AS. hrÆfe (raven, Bosworth) as meaning roe or spawn. G.P. Marsh. But see refeccyon, P. Parv.

156. See “Soles in Cyne,” that is, Cyue, H. Ord. p.452.

157. Black Sea Bream, or Old Wife. Cantharus griseus. Atkinson. “Abramides MarinÆ. Breams of the Sea be a white and solid 41 substance, good juice, most easie digestion, and good nourishment.” Muffett, p.148.

158. gobbets, pieces, see l. 638.

159. Fr. DorÉe: f. The Doree, or Saint Peters fish; also (though not so properly) the Goldfish or Goldenie. Cotgrave.

160. Brett, § xxi. He beareth Azure a Birt (or Burt or Berte) proper by the name of Brit.... It is by the Germans termed a Brett-fish or Brett-cock. Randle Holme.

161. Rec. for Congur in Sause, H. Ord. p.401; in Pyole, p.469.

162. This must be Randle Holme’s “Dog fish or Sea Dog Fish.” It is by the Dutch termed a Flackhund, and a Hundfisch: the Skin is hard and redish, beset with hard and sharp scales; sharp and rough and black, the Belly is more white and softer. Bk II. Ch. XIV. No. lv, p.343-4. For names of Fish the whole chapter should be consulted, p.321-345.

163. ‘His flesh is stopping, slimy, viscous, & very unwholesome; and (as Alexander Benedictus writeth) of a most unclean and damnable nourishment ... they engender palsies, stop the lungs, putrifie in the stomach, and bring a man that much eats them to infinite diseases ... they are worst being fried, best being kept in gelly, made strong of wine and spices.’ Muffett, p.189.

164. Recipes for Tenches in grave, L.C.C. p.25; in Cylk (wine, &c.), H. Ord. p. 470; in Bresyle (boiled with spices, &c.), p.468.

165. Lamprons in Galentyn, H. Ord. p.449. “Lampreys and Lamprons differ in bigness only and in goodness; they are both a very sweet and nourishing meat.... The little ones called Lamprons are best broild, but the great ones called Lampreys are best baked.” Muffett, p.181-3. See l.630-40 of this poem.


166. Wraw, froward, ongoodly. Perversus ... exasperans. Pr. Parv.

167. for whan, when.

168. A kind of vinegar; A.S. eisile, vinegar; given to Christ on the Cross.

169. Escrevisse: f. A Creuice, or Crayfish [see l.618]; (By some Authors, but not so properly, the Crab-fish is also tearmed so.) Escrevisse de mer. A Lobster; or, (more properly) aSea-Creuice. Cotgrave. ACrevice, or a Crefish, or as some write it, aCrevis Fish, are in all respects the same in form, and are a Species of the Lobster, but of a lesser size, and the head is set more into the body of the Crevice than in the Lobster. Some call this a Ganwell. R.Holme, p.338, col. 1, §xxx.


170. No doubt the intestinal tract, running along the middle of the body and tail. Dr GÜnther. Of Crevisses and Shrimps, Muffett says, p.177, they “give also a kind of exercise for such as be weak: for head and brest must first be divided from their bodies; then each of them must be dis scaled, and clean picked with much pidling; then the long gut lying along the back of the Crevisse is to be voided.”

171. slice by slice.

172. The fresh-water crayfish is beautiful eating, Dr GÜnther says.


173. Iolle of a fysshe, teste. Palsgrave. Ioll, as of salmon, &c., caput. Gouldm. in Promptorium, p.264.

174. For to make a potage of welkes, Liber Cure, p.17. “Perwinkles or Whelks, are nothing but sea-snails, feeding upon the finest mud of the shore and the best weeds.” Muffett, p.164.

175. Pintle generally means the penis; but Dr GÜnther says the whelk has no visible organs of generation, though it has a projecting tube by which it takes in water, and the function of this might have been misunderstood. DrG. could suggest nothing for almond, but on looking at the drawing of the male Whelk (Buccinum undatum) creeping, in the Penny CyclopÆdia, v.9, p.454, col.2 (art. Entomostomata), it is quite clear that the almond must mean the animal’s horny, oval operculum on its hinder part. ‘Most spiral shells have an operculum, or lid, with which to close the aperture when they withdraw for shelter. It is developed on a particular lobe at the posterior part of the foot, and consists of horny layers sometimes hardened with shelly matter.’ Woodward’s Mollusca, p.47.

176. That part of the integument of mollusca which contains the viscera and secretes the shell, is termed the mantle. Woodward.

177. Recipe “For lamprays baken,” in Liber Cure, p.38.

178. A sauce made of crumbs, galingale, ginger, salt, and vinegar. See the Recipe in Liber Cure, p.30.


179. See the duties and allowances of “A Sewar for the Kynge,” Edw. IV., in Household Ordinances, pp. 36-7; Henry VII., p.118. King Edmund risked his life for his assewer, p.36.


180. The word Sewer in the MS. is written small, the flourishes of the big initial O having taken up so much room. The name of the office of sewer is derived from the Old French esculier, or the scutellarius, i.e. the person who had to arrange the dishes, in the same way as the scutellery (scullery) was by rights the place where the dishes were kept. Domestic Architecture, v.3, p.80n.


181. See the duties and allowances of “A Surveyour for the Kyng” (Edw. IV.) in Household Ord. p.37. Among other things he is to see ‘that no thing be purloyned,’ (cf. line 680 below), and the fourty Squyers of Household who help serve the King’s table from ‘the surveying bourde’ are to see that ‘of every messe that cummyth from the dressing bourde ... thereof be nothing withdrawe by the squires.’ ib. p.45.

182. Squyers of Houshold xl ... xx squires attendaunt uppon the Kings (Edw. IV.) person in ryding ... and to help serve his table from the surveying bourde. H. Ord. p.45. Sergeauntes of Armes IIII., whereof ii alway to be attending uppon the Kings person and chambre.... In like wise at the conveyaunce of his meate at every course from the surveying bourde, p.47.


183. Compare the less gorgeous feeds specified on pp. 54-5 of Liber Cure, and pp. 449-50 of Household Ordinances. Also with this and the following ‘Dinere of Fische’ should be compared “the Diett for the King’s Majesty and the Queen’s Grace” on a Flesh Day and a Fish Day, A.D. 1526, contained in Household Ordinances, p.174-6. Though Harry the Eighth was king, he was allowed only two courses on each day, as against the Duke of Gloucester’s three given here. The daily cost for King and Queen was £4. 3s. 4d.; yearly, £1520. 13s. 4d. See also in Markham’s Houswife, pp. 98-101, the ordering of ‘extraordinary great Feasts of Princes’ as well as those ‘for much more humble men.’

184. See Recipes for Bor in Counfett, Boor in Brasey, Bore in Egurdouce, in H. Ord. p.435.

185. Chair de mouton manger de glouton: Pro. Flesh of a Mutton is food for a glutton; (or was held so in old times, when Beefe and Bacon were your onely dainties.) Cot.

186. The rule for the succession of dishes is stated in Liber Cure, p.55, as whole-footed birds first, and of these the greatest, as swan, goose, and drake, to precede. Afterwards come baked meats and other dainties.

187. See note to l. 535 above.

188. See the Recipe for Leche Lumbard in Household Ordinances, p.438. Pork, eggs, pepper, cloves, currants, dates, sugar, powdered together, boiled in a bladder, cut into strips, and served with hot rich sauce.

189. Meat fritter ?, mentioned in l. 501.


190. See “Blaumanger to Potage” p. 430 of Household Ordinances; Blawmangere, p.455; Blonc Manger, L.C.C. p.9, and Blanc Maungere of fysshe, p.19.

191. “Gele in Chekyns or of Hennes,” and “Gelle of Flesshe,” H. Ord. p.437.

192. See the recipe “At a Feeste Roiall, Pecockes shall be dight on this Manere,” H. Ord. p.439; but there he is to be served “forthe with the last cours.” The hackle refers, Isuppose, to his being sown in his skin when cold after roasting.

193. The fat of Rabet-suckers, and little Birds, and small Chickens, is not discommendable, because it is soon and lightly overcome of an indifferent stomack. Muffett, p.110.

194. Recipe at end of this volume. Dowcet mete, or swete cake mete (bake mete, P.) Dulceum, ductileus. P. Parv. Dousette, alytell flawne, dariolle. Palsgrave. Fr. flannet; m. Adoucet or little custard. Cot. See note 1 to l.494 above.

195. May be Iely, amber jelly, instead of a beautiful amber leche.


196. See the note to line 499.

197. Compare “For a servise on fysshe day,” Liber Cure, p.54, and Household Ordinances, p.449.

198. For of. See ‘Sewes on Fische Dayes,’ l.821.

199. ? for bellies: see ‘the baly of Þe fresch samoun,’ l.823 in Sewes on Fische Dayes; or it may be for the sounds or breathing apparatus.

200. Pykes in Brasey, H. Ord. p.451.

201. Purpesses, Tursons, or sea-hogs, are of the nature of swine, never good till they be fat ... it is an unsavoury meat ... yet many Ladies and Gentlemen love it exceedingly, bak’d like venison. Mouffet, p.165.


202. ? due-ing, that is, service; not moistening.

203. Rhombi. Turbuts ... some call the Sea-Pheasant ... whilst they be young ... they are called Butts. They are best being sodden. Muffett, p.173. “Pegeons, buttes, and elis,” are paid for as hakys (hawks) mete, on x Sept. 6 R. H(enry VII) in the Howard Household Books, 1481-90, p.508.

204. Gulls, Guffs, Pulches, Chevins, and Millers-thombs are a kind of jolt-headed Gudgins, very sweet, tender, and wholesome. Muffett, p.180. Randle Holme says, ‘A Chevyn or a Pollarde; it is in Latin called Capitus, from its great head; the Germans Schwall, or Alet; and Myn or Mouen; aSchupfish, from whence we title it a Chub fish.’ ch. xiv. §xxvii.


205. “Creme of Almond Mylk.” H. Ord. p.447.

206. See the recipe, end of this volume.

207. Compare “leche fryes made of frit and friture,” H. Ord. p.449; Servise on Fisshe Day, last line.


208. Melancholy, full of phlegm: see the superscription l.792 below. ‘Flew, complecyon, (fleume of compleccyon, K. flewe, P.) Flegma,’ Catholicon in P. Parv.

209. Mistake for Sotelte.

210. The first letter of this word is neither a clear t nor c, though more like t than c. It was first written Couse (as if for cou[r]se, succession, which makes good sense) or touse, and then a w was put over the u. If the word is towse, the only others I can find like it are tow, ‘towe of hempe or flax,’ Promptorium; ‘heruper, to discheuell, towse, or disorder the haire.’ Cot.


211. See Recipe at end of volume.

212. See Recipe at end of volume.


213. See a recipe for making it of ale, honey, and spices, in [Cogan’s] Haven of Health, chap. 239, p.268, in Nares. Phillips leaves out the ale.

214. Mead, a pleasant Drink made of Honey and Water. Phillips.

215. A recipe for Musculs in Sewe and Cadel of Musculs to Potage, at p.445 H. Ord. Others ‘For mustul (?muscul or Mustela, the eel-powt, Fr. Mustelle, the Powte or Eeele-powte) pie,’ and ‘For porray of mustuls,’ in Liber Cure, p.46-7.

216. ? a preparation of Muscles, as Applade Ryal (Harl. MS. 279, Recipe Cxxxv.) of Apples, Quinade, Rec. Cxv of Quinces, Pynade (fol. 27 b.) of Pynotis (akind of nut); or is it Meselade or Meslade, fol. 33, an omelette—’to euery good meslade take a Þowsand eyroun or mo.’ Herbelade (fol. 42 b.) is a liquor of boiled lard and herbs, mixed with dates, currants, and ‘Pynez,’ strained, sugared, coloured, whipped, & put into ‘fayre round cofyns.’

217. Eschalotte: f. A Cive or Chiue. Escurs, The little sallade hearb called, Ciues, or Chiues. Cotgrave.

218. For to make potage of oysturs, Liber Cure, p.17. Oysturs in brewette, p.53.

219. Seales flesh is counted as hard of digestion, as it is gross of substance, especially being old; wherefore I leave it to Mariners and Sailers, for whose stomacks it is fittest, and who know the best way how to prepare it. Muffett, p.167.


220. Cullis (in Cookery) a strained Liquor made of any sort of dress’d Meat, or other things pounded in a Mortar, and pass’d thro’ aHair-sieve: These Cullises are usually pour’d upon Messes, and into hot Pies, alittle before they are serv’d up to Table. Phillips. See also the recipe for making a coleise of a cocke or capon, from the Haven of Health, in Nares. Fr. Coulis: m. Acullis, or broth of boiled meat strained; fit for a sicke, or weake bodie. Cotgrave.

221. Shrimps are of two sorts, the one crookbacked, the other straitbacked: the first sort is called of Frenchmen Caramots de la santÉ, healthful shrimps; because they recover sick and consumed persons; of all other they are most nimble, witty, and skipping, and of best juice. Muffett, p.167. In cooking them, he directs them to be “unscaled, to vent the windiness which is in them, being sodden with their scales; whereof lust and disposition to venery might arise,” p.168.

222. See the recipe for “Creme of Almonde Mylk,” Household Ordinances, p.447.

223. “Mortrewes of Fysshe,” H. Ord. p.469; “Mortrews of fysshe,” L.C.C. p.19.

224. See “Rys Lumbarde,” H. Ord. p.438, l.3, ‘and if thow wilt have hit stondynge, take rawe ?olkes of egges,’ &c.

225. See the Recipe at the end of this volume.

226. ‘Let no fish be sodden or eaten without salt, pepper, wine, onions or hot spices; for all fish (compared with flesh) is cold and 57 moist, of little nourishment, engendring watrish and thin blood.’ Muffett, p.146, with a curious continuation. Hoc Sinapium, Ance. mustarde.

Salgia, sirpillum, piper, alia, sal, petrocillum,

Ex hiis sit salsa, non est sentencia falsa.

15th cent. Pict. Vocab. in Wright’s Voc. p.267, col.1.

227. Spurlings are but broad Sprats, taken chiefly upon our Northern coast; which being drest and pickled as Anchovaes be in Provence, rather surpass them than come behind them in taste and goodness... As for Red Sprats and Spurlings, Ivouchsafe them not the name of any wholesome nourishment, or rather of no nourishment at all; commending them for nothing, but that they are bawdes to enforce appetite, and serve well the poor mans turn to quench hunger. Muffett, p.169.

228. A Whiting, a Merling, Fr. Merlan. ‘Merling: AStock-fish, or Marling, else Merling; in Latine Marlanus and Marlangus.’ R.Holme, p.333, col.1.

229. After searching all the Dictionaries and Glossaries I could get hold of in the Museum for this Torrentyne, which was the plague of my life for six weeks, Ihad recourse to Dr GÜnther. He searched Rondelet and Belon in vain for the word, and then suggested Aldrovandi as the last resource. In the De Piscibus, Lib. V., Iaccordingly found (where he treats of Trout), “Scoppa, grammaticus Italus, Torentinam nominat, rectius Torrentinam vocaturus, À torrentibus nimirum: in his n[ominatim] & riuis montanis abundat.” (ed. 1644, cum indice copiosissimo.)

230. Whales flesh is the hardest of all other, and unusuall to be eaten of our Countrymen, no not when they are very young and tenderest; yet the livers of Whales, Sturgeons, and Dolphins smell like violets, taste most pleasantly being salted, and give competent nourishment, as Cardan writeth. Muffett, p.173, ed. Bennet, 1655.


231. See the recipe in Liber Cure Cocorum, p.30; and Felettes in Galentyne, H. Ord. p.433.

232. Veriuse, or sause made of grapes not full ripe, Ompharium. Withals.

233. Hakes be of the same nature [as Haddocks], resembling a Cod in taste, but a Ling in likeness. Muffett, p.153.

234. ‘Stocke fysshe, they [the French] have none,’ says Palsgrave.

235. Haddocks are little Cods, of light substance, crumbling flesh, and good nourishment in the Sommer time, especially whilst Venison is in season. Muffett, p.153.

236. Keling. R.Holme, xxiv, p. 334, col. 1, has “He beareth Cules a Cod Fish argent. by the name of Codling. Of others termed a Stockfish, or an Haberdine: In the North part of this Kingdome it is called a Keling, In the Southerne parts a Cod, and in the Westerne parts a Welwell.”

237. See the Recipes for ‘Pur verde sawce,’ Liber Cure, p.27, and ‘Vert Sause’ (herbs, bread-crumbs, vinegar, pepper, ginger, &c.), H.Ord. p.441. Grene Sause, condimentum harbaceum. Withals.

There is a herb of an acid taste, the common name for which ... is green-sauce ... not a dozen miles from Stratford-on-Avon. Notes & Queries, June 14, 1851, vol. iii. p.474. “of Persley leaues stamped withe veriuyce, or white wine, is made a greene sauce to eate with roasted meat ... Sauce for Mutton, Veale and Kid, is greene sauce, made in Summer with Vineger or Verjuyce, with a few spices, and without Garlicke. Otherwise with Parsley, white Ginger, and tosted bread with Vineger. In Winter, the same sawces are made with many spices, and little quantity of Garlicke, and of the best Wine, and with a little Verjuyce, or with Mustard.” Reg. San. Salerni, p.67-8. Corrigenda

238. Ling perhaps looks for great extolling, being counted the beefe of the Sea, and standing every fish day (as a cold supporter) at my 59 Lord Maiors table; yet it is nothing but a long Cod: whereof the greater sised is called Organe Ling, and the other Codling, because it is no longer then a Cod, and yet hath the taste of Ling: whilst it is new it is called GREEN-FISH; when it is salted it is called Ling, perhaps of lying, because the longer it lyeth ... the better it is, waxing in the end as yellow as the gold noble, at which time they are worth a noble a piece. Muffett, p.154-5.

239. A brit or turbret, rhombus. Withals, 1556. Bret, Brut, or Burt, aFish of the Turbot-kind. Phillips.

240. These duties of the Chamberlain, and those of him in the Wardrobe which follow, should be compared with the chapter De Officio Garcionum of “The Boke of Curtasye” ll. 435-520 below. See also the duties and allowances of ‘A Chamberlayn for the King.’ 60 H.Ord. p.31-2. He has only to see that the men under him do the work mentioned in these pages. See office of Warderobe of Bedds, H.O. p.40; Gromes of Chambyr, x, Pages of Chambre, IIII, H.O., p.41, &c.The arraying and unarraying of Henry VII. were done by the Esquires of the Body, H.Ord. p.118, two of whom lay outside his room.

241. A short or small coat worn under the long over-coat. Petycote, tunicula, P.P., and ‘.j.petticote of lynen clothe withought slyves,’ there cited from Sir J. Fastolfe’s Wardrobe, 1459. ArchÆol. xxi. 253. subucula, le, est etiam genus intimÆ vestis, apeticote. Withals.


242. Vamps or Vampays, an odd kind of short Hose or Stockings that cover’d the Feet, and came up only to the Ancle, just above the Shooe; the Breeches reaching down to the Calf of the Leg. Whence to graft a new Footing on old Stockings is still call’d Vamping. Phillips. Fairholt does not give the word. The Vampeys went outside the sock, Ipresume, as no mention is made of them with the socks and slippers after the bath, l.987; but Strutt, and Fairholt after him, have engraved a drawing which shows that the Saxons wore the sock over the stocking, both being within the shoe. ‘Vampey of a hose—auant pied. Vauntpe of a hose—uantpie.’ Palsgrave. A.D. 1467, ‘fore vaunpynge of a payre for the said Lew vj.d.’ p.396, Manners & Household Expenses, 1841.


242a. ? perhaps a comma should go after hed, and ‘his cloak or cape’ as a side-note. But see cappe, p.65, l.964. Corrigenda


243. Henry VII. had a fustian and sheet under his feather bed, over the bed a sheet, then ‘the over fustian above,’ and then ‘a pane of ermines’ like an eider-down quilt. ‘A head sheete of raynes’ and another of ermines were over the pillows. After the ceremony of making the bed, all the esquires, ushers, and others present, had bread, ale, and wine, outside the chamber, ‘and soe to drinke altogether.’ H. Ord. p.122.

244. A siege house, sedes excrementorum. Adraught or priuie, latrina. Withals.


245. An arse wispe, penicillum, -li, vel anitergium. Withals. From a passage in William of Malmesbury’s autograph De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum it would seem that water was the earlier cleanser.

246. In the MS. this line was omitted by the copier, and inserted in red under the next line by the corrector, who has underscored all the chief words of the text in red, besides touching up the capital and other letters.

247. See the ‘Warderober,’ p. 37, and the ‘office of Warderobe of Robes,’ in H. Ord. p.39.



Þo lorde schalle shyft hys gowne at ny?t,

Syttand on foteshete tyl he be dy?t.

The Boke of Curtasye, l.487-8.


249. Morter ... a kind of Lamp or Wax-taper. Mortarium (in old Latin records) aMortar, Taper, or Light set in Churches, to burn over the Graves or Shrines of the Dead. Phillips.

250. Perchers, the Paris-Candles formerly us’d in England; also the bigger sort of Candles, especially of Wax, which were commonly set upon the Altars. Phil.

250a. Dogs. The nuisance that the number of Dogs must have been may be judged of by the following payments in the Church-Wardens’ Accounts of St Margaret’s, Westminster, in Nichols, p.34-5.


Item paid to the dog-killer for killing of dogs

0. 9. 8.

Item paid to the dog-killer more for killing 14 dozen and 10 dogs in time of visitacion

1. 9. 8.

Item paid to the dog-killer for killing of 24 dozen of dogs

1. 8.

See the old French satire on the Lady and her Dogs, in Rel. Ant. i. 155. Corrigenda

251. The Boke of Curtasye (l. 519-20) lets the (chief) usher who puts the lord to bed, go his way, and says

?omon vssher be-fore Þe dore

In vtter chambur lies on Þe flore.


Footnote 252 contains supplementary notes for some items in this stanza, lines 991-994. Note that there is no independent Footnote 260 (“hey hove”), and that “bilgres” was not marked. Note numbers as originally printed are shown in parentheses.

252. See note at end. Mr Gillett, of the Vicarage, Runham, Filby, Norwich, sends me these notes on the herbs for this Bathe Medicinable: —253 (2): “Yardehok = Mallow, some species. They are all more or less mucilaginous and emollient. If Yarde = Virga; then it is Marshmallow, or Malva Sylvestris; if yarde = erde, earth; then the rotundifolia. —254 (3): Paritory is Pellitory of the wall, parietaria. Wall pellitory abounds in nitrate of potass. There are two other pellitories: ‘P. of Spain’—this is Pyrethrum, which the Spanish corrupted into pelitre, and we corrupted pelitre into pellitory. The other, bastard-pellitory, is Achillea Ptarmica. —255 (4): Brown fennelle = probably Peucedanum officinale, Hog’s fennel, adangerous plant; 68 certainly not Anethum Graveolens, which is always dill, dyle, dile, &c. —259 (8): Rybbewort, Plantago lanceolata, mucilaginous. —260 (9): Heyhove = Glechoma hederacea, bitter and aromatic, abounding in a principle like camphor. —261 (10): Heyriff = harif = Galium Aparine, and allied species. They were formerly considered good for scorbutic diseases, when applied externally. Lately, in France, they have been administered internally against epilepsy. —263 (12): Bresewort; if = brisewort or bruisewort, it would be Sambucus Ebulus, but this seems most unlikely. —265: Brokelempk = brooklime. Veronica Beccabunga, formerly considered as an anti-scorbutic applied externally. It is very inert. If a person fed on it, it might do some good, i.e. about a quarter of the good that the same quantity of water-cress would do. —267: Bilgres, probably = henbane, hyoscysmus niger. Compare Dutch [Du. Bilsen, Hexham,] and German Bilse. Bil = byle = boil, modern. It was formerly applied externally, with marsh-mallow and other mucilaginous and emollient plants, to ulcers, boils, &c.It might do great good if the tumours were unbroken, but is awfully dangerous. So is Peucedanum officinale. My Latin names are those of Smith: English Flora. Babington has re-named them, and Bentham again altered them. Ilike my mumpsimus better than their sumpsimus.”

253. ‘The common Mallowe, or the tawle wilde Mallow, and the common Hockes’ of Lyte’s Dodoens, 1578, p.581, Malua sylvestris, as distinguished from the Malua sativa, or “Rosa vltramarina, that is to say, the Beyondesea Rose, in Frenche, Maulue de iardin or cultiuÉe ... in English, Holyhockes, and great tame Mallow, or great Mallowes of the Garden.” The “Dwarffe Mallowe ... is called Malua syluestris pumila.”

254. Peritory, parietaria, vrseolaris, vel astericum. Withals.

255. ? The sweet Fennel, Anethum Graveolens, formerly much used in medicine (Thomson). The gigantic fennel is (Ferula) Assafoetida.

256. Sambucus ebulus, Danewort. See Mr Gillett’s note for Book of Quintessence in Hampole’s Treatises. Fr. hieble, Wallwort, dwarfe Elderne, Danewort. Cotgr.

257. Erbe IÕn’, or Seynt Ionys worte. Perforata, fuga demonum, ypericon. P. Parv.

258. Centaury.

259. Ribwort, arnoglossa. Ribwoort or ribgrasse, plantago. Withals. Plantain petit. Ribwort, Ribwort Plantaine, Dogs-rib, Lambes-tongue. Cotgrave. Plantago lanceolata, AS. ribbe.

260. No separate note: see note 252, above.

261. Haylife, an herbe. Palsgr. Galium aparine, A.S. hegerifan corn, grains of hedgerife (hayreve, or hayreff), are among the herbs prescribed in Leechdoms, v.2, p.345, for “a salve against the elfin race & nocturnal [goblin] visitors, & for the woman with whom 69 the devil hath carnal commerce.”

262. Herba Benedicta. Avens.

263. Herbe a foulon. Fullers hearbe, Sopewort, Mocke-gillouers, Bruisewort. Cotgrave. “AS. 1. brysewyrt, pimpernel, anagallis. Anagallis, brisewort.” Gl. Rawlinson, c.506, Gl. Harl. 3388. Leechdoms, vol.1, p.374. 2. Bellis perennis, MS. Laud. 553, fol.9. Plainly for Hembriswyrt, daisy, AS. dÆges eage. “Consolida minor. Daysie is an herbe Þat sum men callet hembrisworte oÞer bonewort.” Gl. Douce, 290. Cockayne. Leechdoms, v.2, Glossary.

264. Persil de marais. Smallage; or, wild water Parseley. Cot.

265. Brokelyme fabaria. Withals. Veronica Becabunga, Water-Speedwell.Hleomoce, Hleomoc, brooklime (where lime is the Saxon name (Hleomoc) in decay), Veronica beccabunga, with V. anagallis ... “It waxeth in brooks” ... Both sorts Lemmike, Dansk. They were the greater and the less “brokelemke,” Gl. Bodley, 536. “Fabaria domestica lemeke.” Gl. Rawl. c.607.... Islandic Lemiki. Cockayne. Gloss. to Leechdoms, v.2. It is prescribed, with the two centauries, for suppressed menses, and with pulegium, to bring a dead child away, &c. Ib. p.331.

266. Scabiosa, the Herb Scabious, so call’d from its Virtue in curing the Itch; it is also good for Impostumes, Coughs, Pleurisy, Quinsey, &c.Phillips.

267. Not marked in text: see note 252, above.

268. See the duties and allowances of ‘The Gentylmen Usshers of Chaumbre .IIII. of Edw. IV.’, in H. Ord. p.37; and the duties of Henry VIII’s Knight Marshal, ib. p.150.


269. Queenborough, an ancient, but poor town of Kent, in the Isle of Sheppey, situated at the mouth of the river Medway. The chief employment of the inhabitants is oyster-dredging. Walker’s Gazetteer, by Kershaw, 1801.

270. The Annual Receipts of the Monastery “de Tinterna in Marchia Wallie,” are stated in the Valor Eccl. vol. iv. p.370-1, and the result is

£ s. d.
Summa totalis clare valoris dec’ predict’ cclviij v xob’
Decima inde xxv xvj vj ob’q’

Those of the Monasterium Sancti Petri Westm. are given at v.1, p.410-24, and their net amount stated to be £4470 02d.

£ s. d.
Et remanent clare MlMlMliiijclxx ijq’
Decima inde iijcxlvij —q’

271. The clear revenue of the Deanery of Canterbury (Decan’ Cantuar’) is returned in Valor Eccl. v.1, p.27-32, at £163 0 21d.

£ s. d.
Rem’ clxiij xxi
Decima pars inde xvj vj ij

while that of Prioratus de Dudley is only

£ s. d.
Summa de claro xxxiiij xvj
Decima pars inde iij viij job’q’

Valor Ecclesiasticus, v.3, p. 104-5.

272. Dudley, a town of Worcestershire, insulated in Staffordshire, containing about 2000 families, most of whom are employed in the manufacture of nails and other iron wares. Walker, 1801.


273. Two lines are wanting here to make up the stanza. They must have been left out when the copier turned his page, and began again.

274. The word in the MS. is syngle or synglr with a line through the l. It may be for synguler, singulus, i. unus per se, sunderly, vocab. in Rel. Ant. v.1, p.9, col.1.


275. Credence as creance ... a taste or essay taken of another man’s meat. Cotgrave.

276. Compare The Boke of Curtasye, l.495-8,

No mete for mon schalle sayed be

Bot for kynge or prynce or duke so fre;

For heiers of paraunce also y-wys

Mete shalle be seyed.

277. Gardmanger (Fr.) a Storehouse for meat. Blount, ed. 1681, Garde-viant, aWallet for a Soldier to put his Victuals in. Phillipps, ed. 1701.


278. The Boke of Curtasye makes the Sewer alone assay or taste ‘alle the mete’ (line 763-76), and the Butler the drink (line 786).

Extracts about Fish from “The noble lyfe & natures of man, Of bestes / serpentys / fowles & fisshes yt be moste knowen.”

A very rare black-letter book, without date, and hitherto undescribed, except perhaps incorrectly by Ames (vol.1, p.412, and vol.3, p.1531), has been lent to me by Mr Algernon Swinburne. Its title is given above: “The noble lyfe and natures of man” is in large red letters, and the rest in smaller black ones, all surrounded by woodcuts of the wonderful animals, mermaids, serpents, birds, quadrupeds with men’s and women’s heads, astork with its neck tied in a knot, and other beasts “yt be most knowen.” The illustrations to each chapter are wonderfully quaint. The author of it says in his Prologus “In the name of ower sauiour criste Iesu, maker & redemour of al mankynd / ILawrens Andrewe of the towne of Calis haue translated for Johannes doesborrowe, booke prenter in the cite of Andwarpe, this present volume deuyded in thre partes, which were neuer before in no maternall langage prentyd tyl now/” As it is doubtful whether another copy of the book is known, Iextract from the Third Part of this incomplete one such notices of the fish mentioned by Russell or Wynkyn de Worde, as it contains, with a few others for curiosity’s sake:—

here after followeth of the natures of the fisshes of the See whiche be right profitable to be vnderstande / Wherof I wyll wryte be the helpe and grace of almighty god, to whose laude & prayse this mater ensueth.

Cap. Primo.

Abremon, ? not Bream (see Cap. xiii; p.115 here)

A Bremon* is a fruteful fisshe that hathe moche sede / but it is nat through mouynge of the he / but only of the owne proper nature / and than she rubbeth her belly upon the grounde or sande / and is sharpe in handelinge / & salt of sauour / and this fisshe saueth her yonges in her bely whan it is tempestius weder / & when the weder is ouerpast, than she vomyteth them out agayne.

* ??a??, a fish found in the sea and the Nile, perhaps the bream, Opp. Hal. i. 244. Liddell & Scott.


Cap. ij.

Eel (Russell, l.719).

ANguilla / the Ele is lyke a serpent of fascyon, & may leue eight yere, & without water vi. dayes whan the wind is in the northe / in the winter they wyll haue moche water, & that clere / Is of no sex; amonge them is nouther male nor female / for they become fisshes of the slyme of other fisshes / they must be flayne / they suffer a longe dethe / is best roasted. they be best rosted, but it is longe or they be ynouge / the droppinge of it is gode for paines in the eares.

Cap. iij.

Herring (Russell, l.722).

ALec, the heringe, is a Fisshe of the see / & very many be taken betweene bretayn & germaia / & also in denmarke aboute a place named schonen / And he is best from the beginnynge of August to december / Is delicious when fresh, (Russell, l.748) or salted. and when he is fresshe taken / he is a very delicious to be eten. And also whan he hath ben salted he is a specyall fode vnto man / He can nat leue without water, Dies when it feels the air. for as sone as he feleth the ayre he is dede / & they be taken in gret hepis togeder / & specially where they se light, there wyll they be, than so they be taken with nettis / which commeth be the diuyne Prouydens of almighty God.

Cap. v.

Whale? (Russell, l.582).

A Spidochelon / as Phisiologus saith, it is a monstrous thinge in the see, it is a gret whale fisshe, & hath an ouer-growen rowgh skinne / & he is moste parte with his bake on hye aboue the water in such maner that Shipmen cast anchor on him, some shypmen that see him, wene that it is a lytell ylande / & whan they come be it, they cast their ankers upon him / & go out of theyr shippes and make a fire on him. & make a fyre upon hym to dresse theyr metys / and as sone as he feleth the hete of the fyre / He swims away, and drowns them. thanne he swymmeth fro the place, & drowneth them, & draweth the shippe to the grounde / And his proper nature is, whan he hath yonges, that he openeth his mouthe wyde open / & out of it fleeth a swete ayre / to the which the fisshes resorte, and than he eteth them.


A Aurata is a fysshe in the see that hathe a hede shinynge lyke golde.

Cap. xi.


A Huna is a monster of the see very glorisshe, as Albertus saith / what it eteth it tourneth to greas in his body / it hathe no mawe but a bely / & that he filleth so full that he speweth it out agayne / & that can he do so lyghtely / for he hath no necke / When the Ahuna is in danger, whan he is in peryl of dethe be other fisshes / than he onfacyoneth himselfe as rounde as a bowle, he puts his head in his belly, and eats a bit of himself. withdrawynge his hede into his bely / whan he hathe then hounger / He 115 dothe ete a parte of himselfe rather than the other fisshes sholde ete him hole and all.

Cap. xiii.


BOrbotha be fisshes very slepery, somewhat lyke an ele / hauinge wyde mouthes & great hedes / it is a swete mete / and whan it is xij. yere olde, than it waxeth bigge of body. Butt, or Flounder (Russell, l.735, and note2). Nota / Botte that is a flounder of the fresshe water / & they swimme on the flatte of their body, & they haue finnes rounde about theyr body & with a sothern wynde they waxe fatte / & they have rede spottis. Bream (Russell, l.745, 578). Brenna is a breme, & it is a fisshe of the riuer / & whan he seeth the pyke that wyll take hym / than he sinketh to the botom of the water & maketh it so trobelous that the pyke can nat se hym.

Cap. xiiii.

Balena. (The woodcut is a big Merman. See note, p.123, here. ?Whale. Russell, l.582.)

BAlena is a great beste in the see, and bloweth moche water from him, as if it were a clowde / the shippes be in great daunger of him somtyme / & they be sene moste towardes winter / for in the somer they be hidden in swete brod places Are seen most in winter; breed in summer. of the water where it casteth her yonges, & suffereth so grete payne that than he fleteth aboue the water as one desiringe helpe / his mouth is in the face, & therefore he casteth the more water / she bringeth her yonges forthe lyke other bestis on erthe, & it slepeth / In rough weather Balena puts her young in her mouth. in tempestius weder she hydeth her yonges in her mouthe / and whan it is past she voydeth them out agayne / & they growe x. yere.

Cap. xvi.

Crevice (Sea and Fresh Water Crayfish). (Russell, l.602, l.618.)

CAncer the creuyce is a Fishe of the see that is closed in a harde shelle, hauyng many fete and clawes / and euer it crepeth bacward / & the he hathe two pynnes on his bely, & How they engender, the she hathe none / whan he wyll engender, he climmeth on her bake, and she turneth her syde towardes him, & so they fulfyll their workes. In maye they chaunge their cotes, and hybernate. & in winter they hyde them fiue monethes duringe / whan the creues hath dronken milke it may leue longe without water. when he is olde, he hathe ij. stones in his hed with rede spottes that haue great vertue / for if they be layde in drynke / they withdryue the payne frome the herte. How the Crayfish manages to eat Oysters. the creuyce eteth the Oysters, & geteth them be policye / for whan the oyster gapeth, he throweth lytell stones in him, and so geteth his fishe out, for it bydeth than open.

The Operacion.

Fresh-Water Crayfish is hard to digest.

¶ The Asshes of hym is gode to make white tethe / & to kepe the motes out of the clothes / it withdryueth byles, & 116 heleth mangynes. The creuyce of the fresshe water geueth gret fode, but it is an heuy mete to disieste.

Cap. xviij.


CAucius is a fisshe that will nat be taken with no hokes / but eteth of the bayte & goth his way quyte. Capitaius. Capitaius is a lytel fisshe with a great hede / awyde rounde mouthe / & it hydeth him vnder the stones. Carp. Nota. Carpera is a carpe, & it is a fysshe that hathe great scales / and the female hathe a great rowghe, & she can bringe forthe no yonges tyll she haue receyued mylke of her make / & that she receyueth at the mouth / Is difficult to net. and it is yll for to take / for whan it perceyueth that it shalbe taken with the net, than it thrusteth the hede into the mudde of the water / and than the nette slyppeth ouer him whiche waye soeuer it come; & some holde them fast be the grounde, grasse / or erbis, & so saue themselfe.

Cap. xix.


CEtus is the greatest whale fisshe of all / his mouthe is so wyde that he bloweth vp the water as yf it were a clowde / wherwith he drowneth many shippes / but whan the maryners spye where he is / than thei accompany them a gret many of shyppes togeder about him with diuers instrumentis of musike, & they play with grete armonye / Likes Harmony. & the fische is very gladde of this armonye / & commeth fletynge a-boue the watere to here the melody, Gets harpooned, & than they haue amonge them an instrument of yron, the whiche they festen in-to the harde skinne, & the weght of it synketh downwarde in to the fat & grese / & sodenly with that al the instrumentes of musike be styll, and the shyppes departe frome thens, & anone he sinketh to the grownde / & he feleth that the salt watere smarteth in the wounde, rubs the harpoon into himself, and slays himself. than he turneth his bely vpwaerd and rubbeth his wownde agaynst the ground, & the more he rubbeth, the depere it entreth / & he rubbeth so longe that he sleeth hymself / and whan he is dede, than commeth he vp agayne and sheweth him selfe dede / as he dyd before quicke / and than the shippes gader them togeder agayne, and take, & so lede hym to londe, & do theyr profyte with hym.

Cap. xxij.

Conche, or Muscle.

COnche be abydynge in the harde shellis: as the mone growth or waneth, so be the conches or muscles fulle or nat full, but smale / & there be many sortes of conches or musclys / but the best be they that haue the perlesin.

Cap. xxiij.


COochele / is a snayle dwellinge in the water & also on the londe / they go out of theyr howses / & they thruste out 117 .ij. longe hornes wherwith they fele wether they go / for they se nat where they crepe.

Cap. xxiiij.


THe Conger is a se fisshe facioned like an ele / but they be moche greter in quantyte / & whan it bloweth sore, than waxe they fatte. Polippus. ¶Polippus is also a stronge fisshe that onwarse he wyl pull a man out of a shyp. yet the conger is so stronge that he wyll tere polippum asonder with his teth, & in winter the conger layth in the depe cauernes or holes of the water. & he is nat taken but in somer. ¶Esculapius sayth. Corets. Coretz is a fisshe that hydeth hym in the depe of the water whan it rayneth / for yf he receiued any rayne, he sholde waxe blynde, and dye of it. ¶Iorath sayth. Sea-crevice. The fisshes that be named se craues / whanne they haue yonges / they make suche noise that through theyr noyse they be founde and taken.

Cap. xxvij.

Dolphin or Mermaid.

DElphinus is a monster of the see, & it hath no voyce, but it singheth lyke a man / and towarde a tempest it playeth vpon the water. Some say whan they be taken that they wepe. The delphin hath none cares for to here / nor no nose for to smelle / yet it smelleth very well & sharpe. And it slepeth vpon the water very hartely, that thei be hard ronke a farre of / and thei leue C.xl. yere. & they here gladly playnge on instrumentes, as lutes / harpes / tabours / and pypes. They loue their yonges very well, and they fede them longe with the mylke of their pappes / & they haue many yonges, & amonge them all be .ij. olde ones, that yf it fortuned one of the yonges to dye, than these olde ones wyll burye them depe in the gorwnd [sic] of the see / because othere fisshes sholde nat ete thys dede delphyn; so well they loue theyr yonges. There was ones a kinge that had taken a delphin / whyche he caused to be bounde with chaynes fast at a hauen where as the shippes come in at / & there was alway the pyteoust wepynge / and lamentynge, that the kinge coude nat for pyte / but let hym go agayne.

Cap. xxxi.

Echeola, aMuscle.

ECheola is a muskle / in whose fysshe is a precious stone / & be night they flete to the water syde / and there they receyue the heuenly dewe, where throughe there groweth in them a costly margaret or orient perle / & they flete a great many togeder / & he that knoweth the water best / gothe before & ledeth the other / & whan he is taken, all the other scater a brode, and geteth them away.


Cap. xxxvi.


EChynus is a lytell fysshe of half a fote longe / & hath sharpe prykcles vnder his bely in stede of fete.

Cap. xxxvii.


EZox is a very grete fisshe in that water danowe be the londe of hungarye / he is of suche bygnes that a carte with .iiij. horses can nat cary hym awaye / and he hath nat many bones, but his hede is full / and he hath swete fisshe lyke a porke, and whan this fysshe is taken, thanne geue hym mylke to drynke, and ye may carye hym many a myle, and kepe hym longe quicke.



FOcas is a see bulle, & is very stronge & dangerous / and Kills his wife and gets another. he feghteth euer with his wyf tyll she be dede / and whan he hath kylled her, than he casteth her out of his place, & seketh another, and leueth with her very well tyl he dye / or tyll his wyfe ouercome him and kylle hym / he bydeth alway in one place / he and his yonges leue be suche as they can gete. Halata.Halata is a beste that dothe on-naturall dedys / for whan she feleth her yonges quycke, or stere in her body / Takes her young out of her womb to look at ’em. than she draweth them out & loketh vpon them / yf she se they be to yonge, than she putteth them in agayne, & lateth them grow tyll they be bygger.

Cap. xl.


GLadius is a fisshe so named because he is mouthed after the fascyon of a sworde poynt / and ther-fore often tymes he perseth the shyppes thorough, & so causeth them to be drowned. Aristotiles. Gastarios. Gastarios is a fisshe lyke the scorpion / and is but lytell greter than a spyder / & it styngeth many fisshes with her poyson so that they can nat endure nowhere / and he styngeth the dolphin on the hede that it entreth in-to the brayne. Glaucus. ¶Isidorus. Glaucus is a whyte fissh that is but selden sene except in darke rayne weder / and is nat in season but in the howndes dayes.

Cap. xli.


GObio is a smale longe fissh with a rounde body / full of scales and litell blacke spottys / and some saye they leue of drounde caryon / & the fisshers say contrarye, that they leue in clere watere in sandye graueil / and it is a holsom mete. Gravus. ¶Grauus is a fisshe that hath an iye aboue on hys hede, and therwith he loketh vp, and saueth hym from them that wyll eat hym.




LUcius is a pike / a fisshe of the riuer with a wyde mouthe & sharpe teth: whan the perche spieth him / he turneth his tayle towardes him / & than the pike dare nat byte him because of his finnes, or he can nat swalowe him because he is so sharpe / eats venomous beasts; he eteth venimous bestes, as todes, frogges, & suche like; yet it is sayde that he is very holsom for seke peple. He eteth fisshes almost as moche as himselfe / whan they be to bigge, than he byteth them in ij. peces, & swaloweth the one halfe first, & than the other / is begotten by a West Wind. he is engendered with a westerne wynde.

Cap. lvii.


MUs marinus, the see mouse, gothe out of the water, & there she laith her egges in a hole of the erthe, & couereth the eges, & goth her way & bydeth frome them xxx. dayes, and than commeth agayne and oncouereth them, & than there be yonges, and them she ledeth into the water, & they be first al blynde. Musculus is the cock of Balena. Musculus is a fisshe that layth harde shellis, and of it the great monster balena receyueth her nature, & it is named to be the cocke of balena. Sea-weazle. Mustela is the see wesyll / she casteth her yonges lyke other bestes / & whan she hath cast them, yf she perceiue that they shall be founde, she swaloweth them agayne into her body, and than seketh a place wher as they may be surer without daunger / & than she speweth them out agayne.

Cap. lix.


MUrena is a longe fisshe with a weke skinne lyke a serpent / & it conceyueth of the serpent vipera / it liueth longest in the tayle, for whan that is cut of, it dyeth incontinent / Must be boiled in wine. it must be soden in gode wyne with herbes & spices, or ellis it is very daungerous to be eten, for it hath many venymous humours, and it is euyll to disieste.

Cap. lxi.


MUlus is a see fysshe that is smale of body / & is only a mete for gentils: & there be many maners of these / has 2 beards. but the best be those that haue ij. berdes vnder the mouthe / & whan it is fayre weder, than they waxe fatte / whan he is dede than he is of many colours.

Cap. lxiiij.


NEreydes be monsters of the see, all rowghe of body / & whan any of them dyeth, than the other wepe. of this is spoken in balena, the .xiiij. chapter.

120 Orchun.

ORchun is a monster of the se / whose lykenes can nat lightely be shewed / Is Balene’s deadly enemy. & he is mortal ennemye to the balene, & tereth asonder the bely of the balene / & the balene is so boystous that he can nat turne hym to defende him, and that costeth him his lyfe / for as sone as he feleth him selfe wounded, than he sinketh doune to the botom of the water agayne / & the Orchun throweth at him with stones / & thus balena endith his lyfe.

Cap. lxvi.


OStreÑ is an oyster that openeth his shell to receyue the dewe & swete ayre. In the oyster groweth naturall orient perles that oftentymes laye on the see stronde, & be but lytell regarded, as Isidorus saith.

Cap. lxvij.


Pagrus is a fisshe that hath so harde tethe that he byteth the oyster shelles in peces, & eteth out the fisshe of them. Sea-Peacock. Nota. Pauus maris is the Pecocke of the Se, & is lyke the pecocke of the londe, bothe his backe, necke, & hede / & the nether body is fisshe Percus. Nota. Percus is of diuers colours, & swift in ronnynge in the water, & hathe sharpe finnes, & is a holsome mete for seke people. Pecten: winks. Pecten is a fisshe that is in sandy grounde, & whan he is meued or stered, he wynketh.

Cap. lxx.


Pinna is a fisshe that layeth alwaye in the mudde, and hathe alway a lodisman, & some name it a lytel hoge, & it hathe a rounde body, & it is in a shell lyke a muscle; How he catches small fishes. it layth in the mone as it were dede, gapyng open / and than the smale fisshes come into his shel, wening of him to take their repaste / but whan he feleth that his shell is almoste ful / than he closeth his mouthe, & taketh them & eteth them / & parteth them amonge his felowes. Plaice. The playce is well knowen fisshe, for he is brode & blake on the one syde, and whyte on the other.

Cap. lxvij.


POlippus hath gret strength in his fete / what he therin cacheth, he holdeth it fast / he springeth somtyme vp to the shippes syde, & snacheth a man with him to the grounde of the see, & there eteth him / & that that he leueth, he casteth it out of his denne agayn / they be moche in the se about Venis / & he is taken in barellis where hartys hornes be layd in / for he is gladly be those hornes.

Cap. lxxvij.


RUmbus is a great fisshe stronge & bolde / but he is very slow in swimminge, therfor can he gete his mete but 121 soberly with swimmyng / therfor he layth him down in the grounde or mudde, & hideth him there / and all the fisshes that he can ouercome / commynge forby him, he taketh and eteth them.

Cap. lxxviij.


RUbus is a fisshe of the grekes se & of the sees of ytaly / they be rounde lyke a ringe, & haue many rede spottes / & is full of sharpe finnes & pinnis / he is slow in swimmynge because he is so brode / he gothe be the grounde, & wayteth there his praye / & suche fisshes as he can gete he burieth in the sandes, & it is a very swete fisshe. Ryache. Ryache be fisshes that be rounde / somtyme they be in length & brede two cubites / & it hath a long tayle / theron be sharpe pinnes / & it is slowe in swimmynge.

Cap. lxxix.


Salmo is a fysshe engendred in the swete water, & he waxeth longe & gret / & also he is heuy / & his colour nor sauour is nat gode tyll he haue ben in the salt water & proued it / thus draweth the samon to the water agaynst the streme; he neuer seaseth tyll he haue ben in the se and returned agayn to his olde home, as Phisiologua saith / fisshe] ? fleshe. his fisshe is rede, & he may nat liue in a swet standinge water / he must be in a fresshe riuer that he may playe up and doune at his plesure.

Salpa. Stockfish?

Salpa is a fowle fisshe and lytell set by / for it will neuer be ynough for no maner of dressinge tyll it haue ben beten with grete hamers & staues.

Cap. lxxij.


SErra is a fysshe with great tethe, and on his backe he hathe sharpe fynnes lyke the combe of a cocke / and iagged lyke a sawe wherewith Cuts through ships with his fins. thys monstrous fisshe cutteth a ship thorough, & whan he seeth a shippe commynge, than he setteth vp his finnes & thinketh to sayl with the shippe as fast as it / but whan he seeth that he can nat continue / than he latteth his finnes fall agayn & destroieth the shippe with the people, and than eteth the dede bodyes. Scylla. Nota. Scilla is a monster in the see betwene Italye & Sicill / it is great ennemye vnto man. It is faced & handed lyke a gentylwoman / but it hath a wyde mouthe & ferfull tethe / & it is belied like a beste, & tayled lyke a dolphin / it hereth gladly singinge. It is in the water so stronge that it can nat be ouercome / but on the lond it is but weke.

Cap. lxxxiij.


Syrene, the mermayde is a dedely beste that bringeth a man gladly to dethe / frome the nauyll vp she is lyke a woman 122 with a dredfull face / along slymye here, agrete body, Siren is like an eagle below, & is lyke the egle in the nether parte / hauinge fete and talentis to tear asonder suche as she geteth / her tayl is sealed like a fisshe / sings sweet songs to mariners, and she singeth a maner of swete song, and therwith deceyueth many a gode mariner / for whan they here it, they fall on slepe commonly / & than she commeth, and draweth them out of the shippe, and tears them to pieces. and tereth them asonder / they bere their yonges in their armes, & geue them souke of their papis whiche be very grete, hanginge at their brestis / but the wyse maryners stoppe their eares whan they se her / for whan she playth on the water, all they be in fear, & than they cast out an empty tonne to let her play with it tyll they be past her / this is specifyed of them that haue sene it. Sirens, serpents. Ther be also in some places of arabye, serpntis named sirenes, that ronne faster than an horse, & haue wynges to flye.

[Cap. lxxxv.]


SOlaris is a fishe so named because it is gladly be the londes syde in the sonne / he hathe a great hede, awyde mouth, & ablake skine, & slipper as an ele / it waxeth gret, & is gode to be eten. Sole. Solea is the sole, that is a swete fisshe and holsom for seke people.

Cap. lxxxvi.


SOlopendria is a fisshe / whan he hathe swalowed in an angle, than he spueth out al his guttes till he be quyt of the hoke / and than he gadereth in all his guttes agayne. Sea-Scorpion. The] orig. Tge The Scorpion of the see is so named because whan he is taken in any mannys handes he pricketh him with his stinge of his tayle. Plinius saith that the dede creuyce that layeth on the drye sonde be the see syde, becommeth scorpyons.

Cap. lxxxix.


STurio / the sturgion is a gret fisshe in the ronninge waters / Eats no food, and he taketh no fode in his body, but lyueth of the styl and swete ayres therfore he hathe a small bely / with a hede and has no mouth, no mouthe, but vnder his throte he hathe a hole that he closeth whan he wyll / he openeth it whan it is fayre weder / grows fat on east wind. & with an east wynde he waxeth fat / and whan that the north winde bloweth, than falleth he to the grounde / it is a fisshe of ix. fote longe whan he is ful growen / he hath whyte swete flesshe & yolow fatte / Has no bones in his body. & he hathe no bone in all his body but only in his hede.

Cap. xcij.


TEcna is a tenche of the fresshe water, and is fedde in the mudde lyke the ele / & is moche lyke of colours: it is a swete fisshe, but it is euyll to disiest. Tintinalus. ¶Tintinalus is a fayre 123 mery fisshe, & is swete of sauour, & well smellinge lyke the tyme, where of it bereth the name. Torpedo.Torpido is a fisshe. but who-so handeleth hym shalbe lame & defe of lymmes / that he shall fele no thyng / & it hathe a maner of Squitana that is spoken of in the lxxxiiii. chapter1, and his nature.

Cap. xciij.

Trout. Trncka] for Trutta

...... ¶ Trncka / the trowte is a fisshe of the ryuer, & hathe scales, & vpon his body spottys of yelow and blodye coloure. & his fisshe] ? flesshe fisshe is rede frome the monthe of July to the monthe of Nouember / and is moche sweter than the fresshe samon; and all the other part of the yere his fisshe is whyte.

Cap. xcv.


TEstudo is a fysshe in a shelle / & is in the se of Inde / & his shelle is very great & like a muskle / & be nyght they go out for theyr mete / & whan they haue eten theyr bely full / than they slepe swymming vpon the water. than ther come iij. fisshers botes / of the wiche .iij. twayn take one of these muskles. Solinus sayth. that this muskle hathe his vppermest shell so brode that it may couere a howse / where many folke may hyde them vnder / And it gothe out the water vpon the londe / & there it layth an hondred egges as grete as gose eggis / and couer them with erth / & oftentymes be night it gothe to the eggys & layeth vpon them with her brest, & than become they yonges.

[This copy of Admiral Swinburne’s Andrewe ends with the next column of this page, sign. v.i. back, with an illustration not headed, but which is that to Cap. xcvij.]

1. Squatinus is a fisshe in the se, of fiue cubites longe: his tayle is a fote brode, & he hideth him in the slimy mudde of the se, & marreth al other fisshes that come nigh him: it hath so sharpe a skinne that in som places they shaue wode with it, & bone also / on his skinne is blacke short here. The nature hathe made him so harde that he can nat almoste be persed with nouther yron nor stele.

[Note to Balena, p.115. Þar [in Þe se of Brytain] buÞ ofte ytake dolphyns & se-calves, & balenes, (gret fysch, as hyt were of whaales kinde) & dyvers manere schyl-fysch, among Þe whoche schyl-fysch buÞ moskles Þat habbeÞ wiÞynne ham margey perles of al manere colour of hu?, of rody & red, of purpre & of blu?, & specialych & moost of whyte. Trevisa’s Higden, in Morris’s Specimens, p.334. For ‘the cocke of Balena’ see Musculus, p.119, above; and for its ‘mortal ennemye,’ Orchun, p.120.]


Wilyam Bulleyn on Boxyng & Neckeweede.

(From The Booke of Compoundes, fol. lxviii.)


Will boxyng doe any pleasure?


Yea forsothe, verie moche: As example, if you haue any For saucy louts, sausie loughte, or loitryng lubber within your house, that is either to busy of his hand or tongue: and can do nothing but plaie one of the partes of the .24. orders of knaues. the best cure is Boxing. There is no pretier medicen for this, nor soner prepared, then boxyng is: iii. or .iiii. tymes well set on, aspan long on bothe the chekes. And although perhaps this will not alter his lubberly condicions, yet I assure you, it wil for a time chaunge his knauishe complexion, and helpe him of the grene sicknes: and euery man maie practise this, as occasion shall serue hym in his familie, to reforme them. Bulleins Bulwarke of Defence, 1562.

(From The booke of Simples, fol. xxvii. back.)


The names of Hemp.

There is an herbe whiche light fellowes merily will call Gallowgrasse, Neckeweede, or the Tristrams knot, or Saynt Audres lace, or a bastarde brothers badge, with a difference on the left side, &c.you know my meaning.


What, you speake of Hempe? mary, you terme it with manie pretie names. Ineuer heard the like 125 termes giuen to any simple, as you giue to this; you cal it neckwede. Neckweed (ahalter) A,well, Ipray you, woulde you know the propertie of this Neckeweede in this kinde? beinge chaunged into such a lace, this is his vertue. Syr, if there be any yonkers troubled with idelnesse and loytryng, hauyng neither learnyng, nor willyng handes to labour: or that haue studied Phisicke so longe that he or they is good for thievish apprentices, can giue his Masters purse a Purgacion, or his Chist, shoppe, and Countinghouse, astrong vomit; yea, if he bee a very cunning practicioner in false accomptes, he may so suddenly and rashely minister, that he may smite his Father, his Maister, or his friende &c.into a sudden incurable consumption, that he or they shall neuer recouer it againe, but be vtterly vndone, and cast either into miserable pouertie, prisonment, bankeroute &c.If this come to passe, then the [* Fol. xxviii.] *best rewarde for this practicioner, is this Neckeweede: for swashbucklers past grace, if there be any swashbuckler, common theefe, ruffen, or murtherer past grace, ye nexte remedie is this Lace or Corde. For them which neuer loued concored, peace nor honestie, this wil ende all the mischief; this is a purger, not of Melancholy, but a finall banisher of and all scamps. all them that be not fit to liue in a common wealth, no more then Foxes amonge sheepe, or Thistles amonge good Corne, hurters of trew people. This Hempe, Isay, passeth the new Diat, bothe in force and antiquitee. Also for young spendthrifts If yonge wantons, whose parentes haue left them fayre houses, goods and landes, whiche be visciously, idle, vnlearnedly, yea or rather beastly brought vp: who after their parents’ death after the death of their saied parentes, their fruites wil spryng foorth which they haue learned in their wicked youthe: then bankets and brothels will approche, waste their all with harlots the Harlots will be at hande, with dilightes and intisementes, the Baude will doe hir diligence, robbyng not onlie the pursses, but also the hartes of suche yongemen, whiche when they be trapped, can neuer skape, one amonge 126 an hundredth, vntill Hempe breaketh the bande amonge these loytring louers. and in gambling The Dice whiche be bothe smalle and light, in respecte vnto the Coluering, or double Cannon shotte or Bollet, yet with small force and noyse can mine, break downe, and destroy, and caste away their one Maisters houses, faire feldes, pleasaunt Woddes, and al their money, yea frendes and al together, this can the Dice do. And moreouer, which makes men beggars, or thieves. can make of worshipfull borne Gentilmen, miserable beggars, or theefes, yet for the time “a-loft syrs, hoyghe childe and tourne thee, what should youth do els: A life of reckless debauchery I-wisse, not liue like slaues or pesantes, but all golden, glorious, may with dame Venus, my hartes delight” say they. “What a sweete heauen is this: Haue at all, kockes woundes, bloud and nayles, caste the house out at the window, and let the Diuell pay the Malte man: aDogge hath but a day, agood mariage will recouer all together:” and robbery or els with a Barnards blowe, lurkyng in some lane, wodde, or hill top, to get that with falshead in an hower, whiche with trueth, labour, & paine, hath bene gathered for perhappes .xx. yeares, to the vtter vndoyng of some honest familie. Here thou seest, gentle Marcellus, amiserable Tragedie of a wicked shamelesse life. Inede not bring forth the example of the Prodigall childe. Luke .xvi. Chapter, whiche at length came to grace: It is, I feare me, in vaine to talke of him, whose ende was good; ends with but a greate nomber of these flee from grace, and come to endes moste vngracious, finished only life by Hemp. this Hempe. Although sometime the innocente man dieth that way, through periurie for their one propper gooddes, as Naboth died for his owne Vineyarde, miserable in the eies of the worlde, but precious in the sight of God. This is one seruice whiche Hempe doeth.

The use of Hemp

Also this worthy noble herbe Hempe, called Cannabis in Latten, can not bee wanted in a common wealth, 127 to the Sailor, no Shippe can sayle without Hempe, ye sayle clothes, the shroudes, staies, tacles, yarde lines, warps & Cables can not be made. Plowman, No Plowe, or Carte can be without ropes [* Fol. xxviii.b.] *halters, trace &c. Fisher and The Fisher and Fouler muste haue Hempe, to make their nettes. Archer. And no Archer can wante his bowe string: and the Malt man for his sackes. With it the belle is rong, to seruice in the Church, with many mo thynges profitable whiche are commonly knowen of euery man, be made of Hempe.


Andrew Borde on Sleep, Rising, and Dress.

[From his Regyment, ? 1557.]

[Fol. E.i.]

Whole men of what age or complexion so euer they be of, shulde take theyr naturall rest and slepe in the nyght: and to eschewe merydyall sleep. After Dinner, sleep standing But and nede shall compell a man to slepe after his meate: let hym make a pause, and than let hym stande & lene and against a cupboard. slepe agaynst a cupborde, or els let hym sytte upryght in a chayre and slepe. Slepynge after a full stomacke doth ingendre dyuers infyrmyties, it doth hurte the splene, it relaxeth the synewes, it doth ingendre the dropses and the gowte, and doth make a man looke euyll [* Fol. E. i.b.] colored. *Beware of veneryous actes before the fyrste slepe, and specyally beware of suche thynges after dyner or after a full stomacke, for it doth ingendre the crampe and the gowte and other displeasures. Before bedtime be merry. To bedwarde be you mery, or haue mery company ahoute you, so that to bedwarde no angre, nor heuynes, sorowe, nor pensyfulnes, do trouble or dysquyet you. To bedwarde, and also in the mornynge, Have a fire in your bedroom, vse to haue a fyre in your chambre, to wast and consume the euyl vapowres within the chambre, for the breath of man may putryfye the ayre within the chambre: Ido advertyse you not to stande nor to sytte by the fyre, but stand a good way offit. but stande or syt a good way of from the fyre, takynge the flauour of it, for fyre doth aryfie and doth drye vp a mannes blode, and doth make sterke the synewes and ioyntes of man. Shut your windows. In the nyght let the wyndowes of 129 your howse, specyallye of your chambre, be closed. [* Fol. E.ii.] Whan you* be in your bedde,1 Lie first on your left side. lye a lytle whyle on your lefte syde, and slepe on your ryght syde. And whan you do wake of your fyrste slepe, make water yf you feel your bladder charged, & than slepe on the lefte side; and looke as ofte as you do wake, so oft turne your selfe in the bedde from one syde to the other. To sleep groveling on the belly, is bad; To slepe grouellynge vpon the stomacke and bely is not good, oneles the stomacke be slowe and tarde of dygestion; but better it is to laye your hande, or your bedfelowes hande, ouer your stomacke, than to lye grouellynge. on the back upright, is worse. To slepe on the backe vpryght2 is vtterly to be abhorred1: whan that you do slepe, let not your necke, nother your sholders, nother your hands, nor feete, nor no other place of your bodye, lye bare vndiscouered. Slepe not with an emptye stomacke, nor slepe not after that you haue eaten meate one howre or two after. In your bed lye with your head somwhat hyghe, leaste that the [* Fol. E. ii.b.] *meate whiche is in your stomacke, thorowe eructuacions or some other cause, ascende to the oryfe (sic) of the stomacke. Wear a scarlet nightcap. Let your nyght cap be of scarlet: and this I do aduertyse you, to cause to be made a good thycke quylte of cotton, 130 Have a flock bed over your featherbed. or els of pure flockes or of cleane wolle, and let the couerynge of it be of whyte fustyan, and laye it on the fetherbed that you do lye on; and in your bed lye not to hote nor to colde, but in a temporaunce. Olde auncyent Doctors of physicke sayth .viii. howres of slepe in sommer, and ix. in wynter, is suffycent for any man: but I do thynke that slepe oughte to be taken as the complexion of man is. On rising, remember God, brush your breeches, puton Whan you do ryse in the mornynge, ryse with myrth and remembre God. Let your hosen be brusshed within & without, and flauer the insyde of them agaynst the fyre; vse lynnen sockes, your hose, or lynnen hosen nexte your legges: whan you be out of your bedde, stretch, stretche forth your [* Fol. E. iii.] *legges & armes, & your body; cough, and spytte, and go to stool. than go to your stoole to make your egestyon, and exonerate youre selfe at all tymes, that nature wolde expell. For yf you do make any restryction in kepynge your egestyon or your vryne, or ventosyte, it maye put you to dyspleasure in breadynge dyuers infyrmyties. After you haue euacuated your bodye, Truss your points, comb your head, & trussed your poyntes,3 kayme your heade oft, and so do dyuers tymes in the day. wash your hands and face, And wasshe your handes & wrestes, your face, & eyes, and your teeth, with colde water; and after yt you be apparayled, take a stroll, walke in your gardyn or parke, athousande pase or two. And than great and noble men doth vse to here masse, & other men that can not do so, but muste applye theyr busynes, doth pray to God. serue god with some prayers, surrendrynge thankes to hym for hys manyfolde goodnes, with askynge mercye 131 for theyr offences. And before you go to your [* Fol. E. iii.b.] refecti*on, moderatly exercise your body with some labour, Play at tennis, or wield weights. or playeng at the tennys, or castyng a bowle, or paysyng weyghtes or plommettes of leede in your handes, or some other thyng, to open your poores, & to augment naturall heate. At meals, At dyner and supper4 vse not to drynke sundry drynkes, and eate not of dyuers meates: eat only of 2 or 3 dishes; but feede of .ii. or .iii. dysshes at the moste. After that you haue dyned and supte, laboure not by and by after, but make a pause, syttynge or standynge vpryght the space of an howre or more with some pastyme: drynke not moch after dyner. let supper-dishes be light. At your supper, vse lyght meates of dygestyon, and refrayne from grose meates; go not to bed with a full nor an emptye stomacke. And after your supper make a pause or you go to bed; and go to bed, as I sayde, with myrth.Furthermore as concernynge your apparell. In wynter, next your shert Wear a scarlet petycote. vse you to weare a petycote of scarlet: your [* Fol. E.iv.] dowb*let vse at plesure: But I do aduertyse you to Line a jacket with white and black lambskin sewn diamond-wise. lyne your Iacket vnder this fasshyon or maner. Bye you fyne skynnes of whyte lambe & blacke lambe. And let your skynner cut both ye sortes of the skynnes in smale peces triangle wyse, lyke halfe a quarell of a glasse wyndowe. And than sewe a] MS. a a togyther awhyte pece and a blacke, lyke a whole quarell of a glasse wyndowe: and so sewe vp togyther 132 quarell wyse as moche as wyll lyne your Iacket: this furre, for holsommes, is praysed aboue sables, or any other fur. Your exteryall aparel vse accordyng to your honour. In sommer vse to were a scarlet petycote made of stamell or lynse wolse. In wynter and sommer kepe not your bed to hote, nor bynde it to strayte; Keep your neck warm. kepe euer your necke warme. In somer kepe your necke and face from the sonne; Wear goatskin gloves. vse to wear gloues made of goote skyn, perfumed with Amber degrece. And beware in standyng or lyeng on the [* Fol. E. iv.b.] *grounde in the reflection of the sonne, but be mouable. If thou shalt common or talke with any man: Don’t stand long on grass or stones. stande not styll in one place yf it be vpon ye bare grounde, or grasse, or stones: but be mouable in suche places. Stande nor syt vpon no stone or stones: Stande nor syt longe barehed vnder a vawte of stone. Also beware that you do not lye in olde chambres which be not occupyed, Don’t sleep in ratty rooms. specyally suche chambres as myse and rattes and snayles resorteth vnto: lye not in suche chambres, the whiche be depreued cleane from the sonne and open ayre; nor lye in no lowe Chambre, excepte it be boorded. Don’t take cold in your feet. Beware that you take no colde on your feete and legges. And of all weather beware that you do not ryde nor go in great and Impytous wyndes. (ACompendyous Regyment or a Dyetary of helth, made in Mountpylior: Compyled by Andrewe Boorde, of Physicke Doctor. (Colophon.) Imprinted by me Robert Wyer: Dwellynge at the sygne of seynt JohÑ Euangelyst, in S.Martyns Parysshe, besyde Charynge Crosse.)

1-1. Compare what Bulleyn says:— slepe. The night is the best time: the daie is euill: to slepe in the fielde is perilous. But vpon, or in the bedde, liyng firste vpon the right side, untill you make water: then vpon the lefte side, is good. How to lie in bed. But to lye vpon the backe, with a gaping mouth, is daungerous: and many thereby are made starke ded in their slepe: through apoplexia, and obstruccion of the sinewes, of the places vitalle, animall, and nutrimentalle. Bullein’s Bulwarke, The booke of the vse of sicke men and medicenes, fol. lxx. See also Sir John Harrington’s directions from Ronsovius: “They that are in health, must first sleepe on the right side, because the meate may come to the liuer, which is to the stomack as a fire vnder the pot, and thereby is digested. To them which haue but weake digestion, Who should put their hands on their stomachs. it is good to sleepe prostrate on their bellies, or to haue their bare hands on their stomackes: and to lye vpright on the backe, is to bee vtterly abhorred.” p.19.

2. This wenche lay upright, and faste slepte. Chaucer. The Reeves Tale, l.4192, ed. Wright.

Of Frication

3 . Fricacion is one of the euacuacions, yea, or clensynges of mankinde, as all the learned affirmeth: that mankinde should rise in the mornyng, and haue his apparell warme, stretchyng foorthe his handes and legges. Preparyng the bodie to the stoole, and then and combing the head. begin with a fine Combe, to kembe the heere vp and down: then with a course warme clothe, to chafe or rubbe the hedde, necke, breast, armeholes, bellie, thighes, &c., and this is good to open the pores. 1562 Bullein’s Bulwarke, The booke of the vse of sicke men and medicenes, fol. lxvij. See Vaughan below, No. 2, p.133.

4. Drunkards, bench-wislers, that will quaffe untill thei are starcke staring madde like Marche Hares: Fleming-like Sinckars; brainlesse like infernall Furies. Drinkyng, braulyng, tossyng of the pitcher, staryng, pissyng*, and sauyng your reuerence, beastly spuyng vntill midnight. Therefore let men take hede of dronkennes to bedward, for feare of sodain death: although the Flemishe† nacion vse this horrible custome in their vnnaturall watching all the night. Bullein, fol. lxix-lxx, see also fol.xj.

* Compare A.Borde of the “base Doche man,” in his Introduction.

I am a Flemyng, what for all that

Although I wyll be dronken other whyles as a rat.

A.Borde, Introduction.

William Vaughan’s Fifteen Directions to preserve Health.

(From his Naturall & Artificial Directions
for health
, 1602, p.57-63.)

Declare vnto mee a dayly dyet, whereby I may liue in health, and not trouble my selfe in Physicke.

1. Stretch yourself.

(1) I will: first of all in the morning when you are about to rise vp, stretch your self strongly: for thereby the animall heate is somewhat forced into the outward partes, the memorie is quickned, and the bodie strengthened.

2. Rub yourself.

(2) Secondarily, rub and chafe your body with the palmes of your hands, or with a course linnen cloth; the breast, back, and belly, gently: but the armes, thighes, and legges roughly, till they seem ruddy and warme.

3. Go to stool.

(3) Euacuate your selfe.

4. Put on your clothes.

(4) Put on your apparell: which in the summer time must be for the most part silke, or buffe, made of buckes skinne, for it resisteth venime and contagious ayres: in winter your vpper garment must be of cotton or friezeadow.

5. Comb your head.

(5) When you have apparelled your selfe hansomely, combe your head softly and easily with an Iuorie combe: for nothing recreateth the memorie more.

6. Clean your teeth.

(6) Picke and rub your teeth: and because I would not haue you to bestow much cost in making 134 dentrifices for them; I will aduertise you by foure rules of importance how to keepe your teeth white and vncorruyt (sic), and also to haue a sweete breath. (How to keep the teeth sound and the breath sweet. First, wash well your mouth when you haue eaten your meat: secondly, sleepe with your mouth somewhat open. Thirdly, spit out in the morning that which is gathered together that night in the throate: then take a linnen cloth, and rub your teeth well within and without, to take away the fumositie of the meat and the yellownesse of the teeth. For it is that which putrifieth them and infecteth the breath. But least peraduenture your teeth become loose and filthy, Use Vaughan’s Water Iwill shew you a water farre better then pouders, which shall fasten them, scoure the month, make sound the gums, and cause the flesh to growe againe, if it were fallen away. made after this recipe. Take halfe a glasse-full of vineger, and as much of the water of the mastick tree (if it may easily be gotten) of rosemarie, myrrhe, mastick, bole Armoniake, Dragons herbe, roche allome, of each of them an ounce; of fine cinnamon halfe an ounce, and of fountaine water three glassefulles; mingle all well together and let it boile with a small fire, adding to it halfe a pound of honie, and taking away the scumme of it; then put in a little bengwine, and when it hath sodden a quarter of an houre, take it from the fire, and keepe it in a cleane bottle, and wash your teeth therewithall as well before meate as after; if you hould some of it in your mouth a little while, it doth much good to the head, and sweetneth the breath. It’s better than 1000 Dentrifices.) I take this water to be better worth then a thousand of their dentifrices.

7. Wash.

(7) Wash your face, eyes, eares and hands, with fountaine water. Ihave knowne diuers students which vsed to bathe their eyes onely in well water twise a day, whereby they preserued their eyesight free from all passions and bloudsheds, and sharpened 135 their memories maruaylously. You may sometimes bathe your eyes in rosewater, fennell water, or eyebright water, if you please; but I know for certaintie, that you neede them not as long as you vse good fountaine water. Moreouer, least you by old age or some other meanes doe waxe dimme of sight, Iwill declare vnto you, The best remedy for dim sight. the best and safest remedie which I knowe, and this it is: Take of the distilled waters of verueine, bettonie, and fennell one ounce and a halfe, then take one ounce of white wine, one drachme of Tutia (if you may easilie come by it) two drachmes of sugarcandy, one drachme of Aloes Epatick, two drachmes of womans milke, and one scruple of Camphire: beat those into pouder, which are to be beaten, and infuse them together for foure and twenty houres space, and then straine them, and so vse it when you list.

8. Say your Prayers.

(8) When you haue finished these, say your morning prayers, and desire God to blesse you, to preserue you from all daungers, and to direct you in all your actions. For the feare of God (as it is written) is the beginning of wisedome: and without his protection whatsoeuer you take in hand, shall fall to ruine. Therefore see that you be mindfull of him, and remember that to that intent you were borne, to weet, to set foorth his glorie and most holy name.

9. Set to work.

(9) Goe about your businesse circumspectly, and endeauour to banish all cares and cogitations, which are the onely baits of wickednesse. Be honest. Defraud no man of his right: for what measure you giue vnto your neighbour, that measure shall you receiue. And finally, imprint this saying deepely in your mind: Aman is but a steward of his owne goods; wherof God one day will demaund an account.

10. Eat only three meals a day.

(10) Eate three meales a day vntill you come to the age of fourtie yeares: as, your breakefast, dinner, and supper; yet, that betweene breakefast and dinner there 136 be the space of foure houres, and betwixt dinner and supper seauen houres: the breakfast must be lesse then dinner, and the dinner somewhat lesse then supper.

Eat light food before heavy.

In the beginning of meales, eate such meates as will make the belly soluble, and let grosse meats be the last. Content your selfe with one kind of meate, for diuersities hurt the body, by reason that meats are not all of one qualitie: Some are easily digested, others againe are heauy, and will lie a long time vpon the stomack: also, the eating of sundrie sorts of meat require often pottes of Drink hinders digestion. drinke, which hinder concoction; like as we see often putting of water into the meat-potte to hinder it from seething. Our stomack is our bodies kitchin, which being distempered, how can we liue in temperate order: drinke not aboue foure times, and that moderately, at each meale: least the belly-God hale you at length captiue into his prison house of gurmandise, where you shall be afflicted with as many diseases as you haue deuoured dishes of sundry sorts. Use silver cups. The cups whereof you drinke, should be of siluer, or siluer and gilt.

11. Don’t work directly after meals, but talk,

(11) Labour not either your mind or body presently after meales: rather sit a while and discourse of some pleasant matters: when you haue ended your confabulations, wash, wash your face and mouth with cold waters, then go to your chamber, and clean your teeth. and make cleane your teeth with your tooth-picker, which should be either of iuorie, silver, or gold. Watch not too long after supper, but depart within two hours to bed. But if necessitie compell you to watch longer then ordinary, then be sure to augment your sleepe the next morning; that you may recompence nature, which otherwise through your watching would not a little be impaired.

12. Undress by the fire in winter.

(12) Put of your clothes in winter by the fire side: and cause your bed to bee heated with a warming panne: 137 vnless your pretence bee to harden your members, and to apply your selfe vnto militarie discipline. This outward heating doth wonderfully comfort the inward heat, it helpeth concoction, and consumeth moisture.

13. Before bed, chew Mastic, and

(13) Remember before you rest, to chew down two or three drachmes of mastick: for it will preserue your body from bad humours.

14. Pray to God.

(14) Pray feruently to God, before you sleepe, to inspire you with his grace, to defend you from all perils and subtelties of wicked fiends, and to prosper you in all your affaires: and then lay aside your cares and businesse, as well publicke as priuate: for that night, in so doing, you shall slepe more quietly. Make water at least once, and cast it out: but in the morning Look at your water in a Urinal. make water in an vrinal: that by looking on it, you may ghesse some what of the state of your body. Sleep first on your right side with your mouth open, Have a hole in your nightcap. and let your night cappe haue a hole in the top, through which the vapour may goe out.

15. Against rheums, eat white pepper.

(15) In the morning remember your affayres, and if you be troubled with rheumes, as soone as you haue risen, vse diatrion piperion, or eate white pepper now and then, and you shall be holpen.



The Dyet for every Day.


Sir John Harington’s ‘Schoole of Salerne,’

2nd part.

The Preservation of Health, or a Dyet for the Healthfull Man, 1624, p. 358.)

. . first I will begin with the dyet for every day.In the beginning when you arise from the bed, Stretch your limbs, extend forth all your members, for by this meanes the animal spirits are drawne to the outward members, the [* Page36.] *braine is made subtill, & the body strengthened. rub your body Then rub the whole body somewhat with the palmes, the brest, back and belly gently, but the armes and legs with the hands, either with warm linnen: and head; next, the head is to be scrubbed from the forepart to the hinderpart very lightly. After you are risen, Iwill that you protect yourself from cold; defend with all care and diligence your head, necke, and feet, from all cold in the morning; for there is no doubt, but in the morning and euening the cold doth offend more, then it doth about noone tide, by reason of the weaknes of the Sun-beames. dress, washing in Summer, Put on your clothes neat and cleane: in the Summer season, first wash with cleane pure water, before described; warming yourself in Winter. but in the Winter season sit somewhat by the fire, not made with turfe or stinking coale, but with oake or other wood that burneth cleare, for our bodies are somewhat affected with our clothes, and as strength is increased by the 139 vse of meat and drinke, and our life defended and preserued; and so our garments doe conserue the heat of our hodies, and doe driue away colds: so that as diet and apparel may seeme alike, so in either of them a like diligence is to be preferred.

[Page 37.] In Summer wear deer’s and calves’ skins,

In the Summer-time I chiefly commend garments of Harts-skinnes, and Calues-skins, for the Hart is a creature of long life, and resisteth poyson and Serpents; therefore I my selfe vse garments of the like sort for the winter season, also neuerthelesse lined with good linnen. Next I doe iudge it not to bee much amisse to vse garments of Silke or Bombace, or of purple: in Winter, wolf and fox skins. also of Martyn or Wolfe-skinnes, or made of Fox skinnes, Isuppose to be good for the winter; notwithstanding in the time of Pestilence, apparell of Silke and skinnes is condemned, because it doth easily admit and receiue the contagious ayre, and doth retain it long. After the body is well clothed, Comb your head 40 times, kembe your head wel with an Iuory comb, from the forehead to the backe-part, drawing the comb some forty times at the least; wash your face, then wash all the instruments of the sences, as the eies, the ears, the nostrils, the mouth, the tongue, the teeth, and all the face with cold water; and the eyes are not only to be washed, but being open plainly, immerg’d: clean your eyelids, and the gumme and foulnes of the eie-lids that do there stick, to remoue; somtimes also to besprinkle the water with Rose-water or Fenel-water, rub your neck well. also rubb the neck well with [* Page38.] *a linnen napking somewhat course, for these things doe confirme the whole body; it maketh the mind more cheerefull, and conserueth the sight. In this place it pleaseth me to adioyne some Dentifrices or clensers of teeth, waters not only to make the teeth white, but also to conserue them, with some medicines also to conserue the sight.....


On Rising, Diet, and Going to Bed.


Sir John Harington’s ‘Schoole of Salerne,’

2nd part.

The Preservation of Health, or a Dyet for the Healthfull Man, 1624, p. 358.)

Also to prosecute our former purpose, On rising, empty your bladder and belly, nose and lungs. when you arise in the morning, to auoyd all superfluities, as well by vrine as by the belly, which doe at the least euery day. Auoid also from the nostrils and the lungs all filthy matter, as wel by clensing, as by spittle, and Cleanse your whole body. clense the face, head, and whole body; & loue you to be cleane and wel apparelled, for from our cradles let vs abhor vncleannes, which neither nature or reason can endure. When you haue done these things, Say your Prayers. remember to powre foorth your prayers vnto God with a cleare voice, that the day may be happy and prosperous vnto you, that God may direct your actions to the glory of his name, the profit of your country, & the conseruation of your bodies. Walk gently, Then walke ye gently, and what excrements soeuer do slip down to the inferiour parts, being excited by [* Page42.] *naturall heate, go to stool. the excretion thereof shall the better succeed.As for your businesses, whether they be publike or priuate, let them be done with a certaine honesty; then afterwards let your hunting iourneyes bee performed; Work in the forenoon. apply your selues to studie and serious businesse the 141 houres of the fore-noone, and so likewise in the after-noone, till twoor three houres before supper: Always wear a precious stone alwaies in your hands vse eyther Corall or yellow Amber, or a Chalcedonium, or a sweet Pommander, or some like precious stone to be worne in a ring; in a ring vpon the little finger of the left hand: haue in your rings eyther a Smaragd, aSaphire, or a Draconites, which you shall beare for an ornament: for in stones, as also in hearbes, there is great efficacie and vertue, but they are not altogether perceived by vs: hold a crystal in your mouth; hold sometime in your mouth eyther a Hyacinth, or a Crystall, or a Granat, or pure Gold, or Siluer, or else sometimes pure Sugar-candy. For Aristotle doth affirme, and so doth Albertus Magnus, that a Smaragd worne about the necke, is good against the Falling-sicknes: for the virtue of precious stones is great. for surely the vertue of an hearbe is great, but much more the vertue of a precious [* Page43.] *stone, which is very likely that they are endued with occult and hidden vertues. Eat only twice a day. Feede onely twice a day, when yee are at mans age: neuerthelesse to those that are subiect to choller, it is lawfull to feede often: beginne alwayes your dinner and supper with the more liquid meates, sometimes with drinkes. Don’t drink between dinner and supper. In the time betweene dinner and supper, abstain altogether from cups, vnlesse necessitie or custome doe require the same: notwithstanding the same custome being so vitious, must be by little and little changed.

Don’t have one fixed hour for your meals.

I would not that you should obserue a certaine houre, either for dinners or suppers, as I haue sufficiently told you before, lest that daily custome should be altered into nature: and after this intermission of this custome of nature, hurt may follow; for custome doth imitate nature, and that which is accustomable, the very same thing is now become naturall.

Take your meate in the hotte time of Summer in cold places, In Winter eatin but in the Winter let there bee a bright 142 fire, hot well-aired places. and take it in hotte places, your parlors or Chambers being first purged and ayred with suffumigations, which I would not haue you to [* Page44.] *enter before the suffumigation bee plainely extinct, lest you draw the fume by reason of the odour.And seeing one and the same order of diet doth not promiscuously agree with all men, take your meate in order, as is before said, and sometimes also Fast for a day now and then. intermit the vse of meats for a whole day together, because through hunger, the faults of the stomacke which haue beene taken eyther by much drinking or surfetting, or by any other meanes, may be depelled and remoued.

By this meanes also your bodies shall be better accustomed to endure and suffer hunger and fasting, eyther in iourneyes or wars. Eat more at supper than dinner. Let your suppers bee more larger then your dinners, vnlesse nightly diseases or some distilations doe afflict you.

After meals, wash your face, and clean your teeth,

After meat taken, neither labour in body nor mind must be vsed, and wash the face and mouth with cold water, clense the teeth either with Iuory, or a Harts horne, or some picker of pure siluer or gold.

After your banquets, passe an houre or two in chat and walk soberly. pleasant talkes, or walke yee very gently and soberly, Don’t sit up late. neither vse much watchings long in the night, but the space of two howres goe to your bed; but if honest [* Page45.] *businesse doe require you to watch, then sleepe afterwards so much the longer, that your sleepe may well recompence your former watchings. Before bed, Before that you go to your bed, rub your body gently. gently smooth down your head, armes, and shoulders, the back and all the body, with a gentle and soft rubbing, vnlesse you meane to do it in the morning to mooue distribution, whose time is best to be done in the morning. Undress by a fire in Winter, In the Winter, sitting by the fire, put off your garments, and dry your feet by the fire, neuerthelesse auoyd the heat and the smoke, because it is very hurtfull both to the lungs, and the eyes.

143 and warm your garments well.

In the Winter time, warme well your garments at the fire, and warm the linings of the same, for it helpeth concoction, and remoueth all humidity and moysture. But my father did not allow of this custome, warning men of strength, and those that are borne for the Common-wealth, not to accustom themselves to such kind of softnesse, which doe weaken our bodies. Also Put off your cares with your clothes, when you put off your garments to go to bed, then put away all your cogitations, & lay them aside, whether they be publike or priuate, for when all your [* Page46.] *members be free from all cares, you shall then sleep the quieter, concoction and the other naturall actions shall best be performed. and take them up again in the morning. But in the morning when you rise againe, resume to your selues your former dayes thoughts and cares; for this precept my Father had often in his mouth, therfore I deliuer it vnto you as the more worthy of your obseruation.



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