Notice. The Russell and De Worde of this work were issued, with Rhodes’s Boke of Nurture, to the Roxburghe Club, in 4to, in 1867. The whole of the work (except p.361), with Rhodes, and some short poems in English, French, and Latin, was issued to the Early English Text Society, in 8vo, in 1868, with the title The Babees Book, &c. (Manners and Meals in Olden Time).
Abbots of Westminster & Tintern not to sit together, 76/1141-4.
it has the leavings in the lord’s cup, 203/787, and a piece of everything he is served with, 204/799. See John Fitz Roberts’s account for altering and ornamenting an almsdish for Hen. VI., that belonged to the Duk d’Excestre, in Rymer X. 388, col.1.
Aloes epatick, 135/12; Fr. hepatique, Liuer-helping; comforting a whole, or curing a diseased, liuer. Cot.
“The beuer, whose hinder feet and taile onlie are supposed to be fish. Certes the taile of this beast is like vnto a thin whetstone, as the bodie vnto a monsterous rat.... It is also reported that their said tailes are a delicate fish.” Harrison, Desc. Brit., i. 225, col.2.
See Giraldus Cambrensis, Works, vol.v. p.59, ed. 1867.
“Touchyng the befe: I do estymate him of nature melancolyke, and engendre and produce grosse blode well norisshyng folkes robustes and of stronge complexion, whiche occupy them in great busynesse and payne.”—Du Guez’s Introductorie, p.1071.
“In the curious treatise of the virtues of herbs, Royal MS. 18 A. vi., fol. 72 b, is mentioned ‘bryse-wort, or bon-wort, or daysye, consolida minor, good to breke bocches.’” Way, Promptorium, p. 52, note1.
Fr. bordeau, a brothell 292 or bawdie house; bordelier, a wencher, haunter of baudie-houses. Cotgrave.
Adulterous friars are called brothels in Piers Plowman’s Crede, l.1540, v. 2, p.496, ed. Wright.
See Arth. and Merlin, &c., in Halliwell;—a blackguard, Towneley Mysteries, p.142, “stynt, brodels, youre dyn.”
Browers, 199/663; brower must be a napkin or doyley.
“Can it be a bib put on when taking broo or broth in, against the spilling of what is supped up? (Or rather, wiping the fingers from the broo, sauce, or gravy, that men dipped their bits of meat into.) Halliwell curiously explains broo, top of anything. ‘Tak a knyf & shere it smal, the rute and alle, & sethe it in water; take the broo of that, and late it go thorow a clowte’—evidently the juice. Ital. broda, broth, swill for swine, dirt or mire; brodare, to cast broth upon.”—H. Wedgwood.
Recipe1 Þe cromys of whyte brede, & swete apyls, & ?okkis of eggis, & bray Þam wele, & temper it with wyne, & make it to sethe; & when it is thyk, do Þer-to gode spyces, gynger & galingay & canyll & clows, & serve it forthe. (See also Liber Cure Cocorum, p.39-40.)
FRUTURS OF FYGIS. (p.197 or fol. 98.)
Recipe & make bature of floure, ale, peper & saferon, with oÞer spices; Þan cast Þam2 in to a frying pann with batur, & ole, & bake Þam & serve. (See another recipe in Household Ordinances, p.450, under the head “Turtelettys of Fruture.”)
IUSSELL. (p.198 or fol. 98 b.)
Recipe brede gratyd, & eggis; & swyng Þam to-gydere, & do Þerto sawge, & saferon, & salt; Þan take gode brothe, & cast it Þer-to, & bole it enforesayd, & do Þer-to as to charlete &c. (See also Liber Cure Cocorum, p.11; Jussel of Flesh, Household Ordinances, p.462; Jussel enforsed, p.463; Jussel of Fysshe, p.469.)
MAWMENY. (p.201 or fol. 100.)
Recipe brawne of Capons or of hennys, & dry Þam wele, & towse Þam smalle; Þan take thyk mylk of almonds, & put Þe saide brawÑ Þer-to, & styr it wele ouer Þe fyre, & seson it with suger, & powder of Canelle, with mase, quibibs, & anneys in confete, & serve it forthe. (See also the recipe “For to make momene” in Liber Cure Cocorum, p.26; for “Mawmene for xl. Mees” in Household Ordinances, p.455; and “Mawmene to Potage,” p.430.)
FRETOURE. (Harl. MS. 276.)
Vyaunde leche. L.iiii.
Fretoure Take whete Floure, Ale, ?est, Safroun, & Salt, & bete alle to-gederys as Þikke as Þou schuldyst make oÞer bature in fleyssche tyme, & Þan take fayre Applys, & kut hem in maner of Fretourys, & wete hem in Þe bature vp on downe, & frye hem in fayre Oyle, & caste hem in a dyssche, & caste Sugre Þer-on, & serue forth. [The recipe for “Tansye” is No.]
[From Harl. MS. 279, ab. 1430-40 A.D.A pretty MS. that ought to be printed.]
Potage dyuers .lxiij. (fol. 15a.)
Harys in cyueye. Take Harys, & Fle hem, & make hem clene, an hacke hem in gobettys, & sethe hem in Watere & Salt a lytylle; Þan take Pepyr, an Safroun, an Brede, y-grounde y-fere, & temper it wyth Ale. Þan take Oynonys & Percely y-mynced smal to-gederys, & sethe hem be hem self, & afterward take & do Þer-to a porcyon of vynegre, & dresse in. (See also the recipe for “Harus in Cyue” in Liber Cure Cocorum, p.21, & that for “Conyngus in cyue” p.20. Chive is a kind of small onion.)
.lxxiii. (fol. 16a.)
Conyngys in cyveye. Take Conyngys, an fle hem & seÞe hem, & make lyke Þou woldyst make a sewe, saue alle to-choppe hem, & caste Safroun & lyer Þer-to, & Wyne. (See also “Conyngus in cyue” in L.C.C., p.20; and “Conynges in Cyue” in Household Ordinances, p.434.)
xv. (fol. 39b.) [1 fol. 40.]
Doucettes. Take Creme a gode cupfulle, & put it on a straynoure, Þanne take ?olkys of Eyroun, & put Þer-to, & a lytel mylke; Þen strayne it Þrow a straynoure in-to a bolle; Þen take Sugre y-now, & put Þer-to, or ellys hony for defaute1 of Sugre; Þan coloure it with Safroun; Þan take Þin cofyns, & put it in Þe ovynne lere, & lat hem ben hardyd; Þan take a dyssshe y-fastenyd on Þe pelys ende, & pore Þin comade in-to Þe dyssche, & fro Þe dyssche in-to Þe cofyns; & whan Þey don a-ryse Wel, teke hem out, & serue hem forth.
xxxvij. (fol. 43b.)
Doucettes. Take Porke & hakke it smal, & Eyroun y-mellyd to-gederys, & a lytel Milke, & melle hem to-gederys with Hony & Pepir, & bake hem in a cofyn, & serue forth.
[Fol. A 1 b.]The Book of Carving and Arranging; and the Dishes for all the Feasts in the year.
¶ Here begynneth the boke of keruynge and sewynge / and all the feestes in the yere, for the seruyce of a prynce or ony other estate, as ye shall fynde eche offyce, the seruyce accordynge, in the boke folowynge.
Terms of a Carver:
¶ Termes of a Keruer.
Breke that dere
Slice brawn,
lesche yt brawne
rere that goose
lyft that swanne
sauce that capon
spoil a hen,
spoyle that henne
frusshe that chekyn
unbrace a mallard,
vnbrace that malarde
vnlace that cony
dysmembre that heron
dysplaye that crane
dysfygure that pecocke
vnioynt that bytture
untache a curlew,
vntache that curlewe
alaye that fesande
wynge that partryche
wynge that quayle
mynce that plouer
thye that pegyon
border a pasty,
border that pasty
thye that wodcocke
thigh small birds.
thye all maner of small byrdes
tymbre that fyre
tyere that egge
chyne that samon
strynge that lampraye
splat a pike,
splatte that pyke
sauce that playce
sauce that tenche
splaye that breme
syde that haddocke
tuske that barbell
culpon that troute
fin a chub,
fynne that cheuen
transsene that ele
traunche that sturgyon
vndertraunche yt purpos
tayme that crabbe
barb a lobster,
barbe that lopster
¶ Here hendeth the goodly termes.
¶ Here begynneth Butler and Panter.
Thou shalte be Butler and Panter all the fyrst yere / The Butler has 3 knives: and ye muste haue thre pantry knyues / 1. a squarer, 2. a chipper, 3. a smoother. one knyfe to square trenchoure loues / an other to be a [* Fol. A ii.] *chyppere / the thyrde shall be sharpe to make smothe trenchoures / than chyppe your soueraynes brede hote, and all other brede let it be a daye olde / housholde brede thre dayes olde / Trencher-bread must be 4 days old; trenchour brede foure dayes olde / than loke your salte by whyte and drye / the Salt-Planer of ivory; the planer made of Iuory, two inches brode & thre inches longe / & loke that youre salte seller lydde touche not the salte / table cloths kept in a chest, or hung on a perch. than loke your table clothes, towelles, and napkyns, be fayre folden in a cheste or hanged vpon a perche / than loke your table knyues be fayre pullysshed, & your spones clene / To broach a Pipe, have 2 augers, than loke ye haue two tarryours, a more & a lesse, & wyne cannelles of boxe made accordynge / funnels, and tubes, and pierce the Pipe 4 inches from the bottom. a sharpe gymlot & faucettes. And whan ye sette a pype on broche, do thus / set it foure fynger brede aboue ye nether chyme vpwardes aslaunte / and than shall ye lyes neuer a-ryse. seasons] Orig. seasousAlways have ready fruitsAlso loke ye haue in all seasons butter, chese, apples, peres, nottes, plommes, grapes, dates, fygges & raysyns, compost, grene gynger and chardequynce. Serue fastynge butter, plommes, damesons, cheryes, and grapes, after mete, peres, nottes, strawberyes, hurtelberyes, and hard cheese. & hard chese. Also brandrels or pepyns with carawey in confetes. After souper, rost apples & peres, with blaunche poudre, & harde chese / Beware of cow cream. be ware of cowe creme, & of good strawberyes, hurtelberyes, Iouncat, for these wyll make your souerayne seke but he ete harde chese / Hard cheese is aperient, and harde chese hath these operacyons / it wyll kepe ye stomacke open / butter is holsome fyrst & last, keeps off poison. for it wyll do awaye all poysons / Milk and Junket mylke, creme, & Iouncat, close the Maw. they wyll close the mawe, & so dooth a posset / therfore ete harde chese, & drynke romney modon / beware of grene sallettes & rawe fruytes, for they wyll make your sourayne seke / [* Fol. A ii. b.] therfore set no mo-*che For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat an almond and hard cheese. by suche metes 153 as wyll set your tethe on edge; therfore ete an almonde & harde chese / but ete non moche chese without romney modon. Also yf dyuers drynkes, yf theyr fumosytees haue dyspleased your souerayne, A raw apple will cure indigestion. let hym ete a rawe apple, and ye fumosytees wyll cease: mesure is a mery mene & it be well vsed / abstynence is to be praysed whan god therwith is pleased. See every night that your wines don’t boil over or leak. Also take good hede of your wynes euery nyght with a candell, bothe rede wyne and swete wyne, & loke they reboyle nor leke not / & wasshe ye pype hedes euery nyght with colde water / & loke ye haue a chynchynge yron, addes, and lynen clothes, yf nede be / You’ll know their fermenting by their hissing. & yf the[y] reboyle, ye shall knowe by the hyssynge / therfore kepe an empty pype with ye lyes of coloured rose, & drawe the reboyled wyne to ye lyes, & it shal helpe it. Also yf your swete wyne pale, drawe it in to a romney vessell for lessynge.
For to make ypocras.
Take spices; put 6 bags on a perch,
¶ Take gynger / peper / graynes / canell / synamon / suger and tornsole / than loke ye haue fyue or syxe bagges for your ypocras to renne in, & a perche that your renners may ren on / 6 pewter basins under, than muste ye haue .vi. peautre basyns to stande vnder your bagges / than loke your spyce be redy / [* Fol. A iii.]ginger and cinnamon. & your gynger well pared or it be beten* to poudre / than loke your stalkes of synamon be well coloured; (Of the qualities of spices.) & swete canell is not so gentyll in operacyon; synamon is hote and drye / graynes of paradico] sic: o for eparadico ben hote and moyste / gynger / graynes / longe peper / and suger, ben hote and moyst / synamon / 154 canell, & rede wyne, ben hote and drye / tornsole is holsome / for reed wyne colourynge. Now knowe ye the proporcyons of your ypocras / Pound each spice separately, put ’em in bladders, and than bete your poudres eche by themselfe, & put them in bladders, hang ’em in your bags, & hange your bagges sure, that no bage touche other / but let eche basyn touche other; add a gallon of red wine to ’em, let the fyrste basyn be of a galon, and eche of the other of a potell / than put in your basyn a galon of reed wyne, put thereto your poudres, stir it well, run it through two bags, and styre them well / than put them in to the fyrste bagge, and let it renne / than put them in to the seconde bagge / than take a pece in your hande, and taste it, assaye yf it be stronge of gynger / and alaye it with synamon / and it be stro[n]ge of synamon / alaye it with suger / pass it through 6 runners, and put it in a close vessel. and loke ye lette it renne thrughe syxe renners / & your ypocras shall be the fyner / than put your ypocras in to a close vessell, and Keep the dregs for cooking. kepe the receyte / for it wyll serue for sewes / than serue your souerayne with wafers and ypocras. Have your Compost clean, and your ale 5 days old, Also loke your composte be fayre and clene / and your ale fyue dayes olde or men drynke it / than kepe your hous of offyce clene, & be curtoys of answere to eche persone, but not dead. and loke ye gyue no persone noo dowled drynke / for it wyll breke ye scabbe. HOW TO WAIT AT TABLE.To lay the Cloth.And whan ye laye the clothe, wype ye borde clene with a cloute / Put on a couch, then a second cloth, than laye a cloth, a couche, it is called, take your felawe that one ende, & holde you that other ende, than drawe the clothe straught, the fold on the outer edge; a third, the fold on the inner edge. the bought on ye vtter edge / take the vtter parte, & hange it euen / than take the thyrde clothe, [* Fol. A iii. b.] and lay ye bought on the inner *edge / and laye estat with the vpper parte halfe a fote brode / Cover your cupboard, than couer thy cupborde and thyn ewery with the towell of dyaper / put a towel round your neck, one side lying on your left arm; than take thy towell about thy necke, and laye that one syde of ye towell vpon thy lefte arme / on that, 7 loaves of eating bread and 4 trencher loaves. and there-on laye your soueraynes napkyn / and laye on thyn arme seuen loues of brede, with thre or foure trenchour loues, with the ende of ye towell in the lefte hande, as the 155 maner is / In your left hand a saltcellar, than take thy salte seller in thy lefte hande, in your right the towel. and take the ende of ye towell in your ryght hande to bere in spones and knyues / Set the saltcellar on your lord’s right, and trenchers on the left of it. than set your salt on the ryght syde where your souerayne shall sytte, and on ye lefte syde the salte set your trenchours / Lay knives, bread, spoons, napkins, than laye your knyues, & set your brede, one lofe by an other / your spones, and your napkyns fayre folden besyde your brede / and cover ’em up. than couer your brede and trenchoures, spones and knyues / & at euery ende of ye table set a salte seller with two treachour] sic: a for ntreachour loues / To wrap your Lord’s bread stately. and yf ye wyll wrappe your soueraynes brede stately, Square the loaves; ye muste square and proporcyon your brede, and se that no lofe be more than an other / and than shall ye make your wrapper man[er]ly / take a Reynes towel 2½ yards long by the ends; than take a towell of reynes of two yerdes and an halfe, and take the towell by ye endes double, put it on the table, pinch up a handful of one end, and laye it on the table / than take the ende of ye bought a handfull in your hande, and wrappe it harde, and lay it between 2 towels, and on it lay your 6 or 7 loaves bottom to bottom. and laye the ende so wrapped bytwene two towelles; vpon that ende so wrapped, lay your brede, botom to botom, syxe or seuen loues / than set your brede manerly in fourme / and whan your soueraynes table is thus arayed, Put salt, cups, &c., on the other tables. couer all other bordes with salte, trenchoures, & cuppes. so] for se, see.See that your Ewery is properly supplied, and your ale-pots kept clean. Also so thyn ewery be arayed with basyns & ewers, & water hote & colde / and se’ ye haue napkyns, cuppes, & spones / & se your pottes for [* Fol. A 4.] wyne * and ale be made clene, To arrange the Surnape.Put a cloth under a double towel, hold 3 ends together, and to ye surnape make ye curtesy with a clothe vnder a fayre double napry / than take Þe towelles ende nexte you / & the vtter ende of the clothe on the vtter syde of the table, & holde these thre endes atones, fold them in a foot-broad pleat, and lay it smooth. & folde them atones, that a plyte passe not a fote brode / than laye it euen there it sholde lye. After washing, And after mete wasshe with that that is at ye ryghte ende of the table / ye muste guyde it out, the Marshal must carry the surnape out. and the marshall must conuey it / and loke on eche clothe the ryght syde be outwarde, & drawe it streyght / than must ye reyse the vpper parte 156 of ye towell, & laye it with-out ony gronynge / and at Leave out half a yard to make estate. euery ende of ye towell ye must conuey halfe a yerde that ye sewer may make estate reuerently, and let it be. When your lord has washed, remove the Surnape. And whan your souerayne hath wasshen, drawe ye surnape euen / than bere the surnape to the myddes of the borde & take it vp before your souerayne, & bere it in to ye ewery agayne. it] for isWhen he is seated, And whan your souerayne it set, loke your towell be aboute your necke / salute him, uncover your bread, than make your souerayne curtesy / than vncouer your brede & set it by the salte & laye your napkyn, knyfe, & spone, afore hym / kneel on your knee till 8 loaves are served out (?) than knele on your knee tyll the purpayne passe eyght loues / & loke ye set at ye endes of ye table foure loues at a messe / and se that euery persone haue napkyn and spone / & wayte well to ye sewer how many dysshes be couered; Provide as many cups as dishes. ye so many cuppes couer ye / than serue ye forth the table manerly yt euery man may speke your curtesy.
¶ Here endeth of the Butler and Panter, yoman of the seller and ewery. And here foloweth sewynge of flesshe.
[Fol. A 4 b.]
The The Sewer or arranger of dishes sewer muste sewe, & from the borde conuey all maner of potages, metes, & sauces / & euery daye comon with the coke, must ascertain what dishes and fruits are prepared daily for dinner; and he must have people ready to carry up the dishes. and vnderstande & wyte how many dysshes shall be, and speke with the panter and offycers of ye spycery for fruytes that shall be eten fastynge. Than goo to the borde of sewynge, and se ye haue offycers redy to conuey, & seruauntes for to bere, your dysshes. bo] for be Also yf marshall, squyers, and seruauntes of armes, bo there, than serue forth your souerayne withouten blame.
The Succession of Dishes.
¶ Seruyce.
1. Brawn, &c.
¶ Fyrste sette ye forthe mustarde and brawne, potage, befe, motton stewed. 2. Pheasant, &c. Fesande / swanne / 157 capon / pygge, venyson bake / custarde / and leche lombarde. 3. Meat Fritters, &c Fruyter vaunte, with a subtylte, two potages, blaunche manger, and gelly. 4. For a standard, For standarde, venyson roste, kydde, fawne & cony / bustarde, storke, crane, a peacock with his tail. pecocke with his tayle, heronsewe, bytture, woodcocke, partryche, plouer, rabettes, grete byrdes, larkes / 5. Doucettes, Paynpuff, Brew, Snipe, doucettes, paynpuffe, whyte leche, ambre / gelly, creme of almondes, curlewe, brewe, snytes, quayle, sparowes, martynet, perche in gelly / petyperuys] ? u fornPetyperuys andpetyperuys, quynces bake / leche dewgarde, Fayge, fruyter fayge, blandrelles or pepyns Caraways, &c. with carawaye in confettes, wafers and ypocras, they be a-greable. Clear the table Now this feest is done, voyde ye the table.
KERUYNGE OF FLESSHE.Keruynge of Flesshe.
¶ Here endeth the sewynge of flesshe. And begynneth the keruynge of flesshe.
The keruer must knowe the keruynge and the fayre handlynge of a knyfe, and how ye shall seche al maner of fowle / [* Fol. A 5.]Your hands must be clean; only two fingers and a thumb should be put on your knife, your knyfe muste be fayre and *your handes muste be clene; & passe not two fyngers & a thombe vpon your knyfe. In ye myddes of your hande set the halfe sure, wich] for with vnlassynge ye mynsynge wich two fyngers & a thombe; keruynge of brede, layenge, & voydynge of crommes, with two fyngers and a thombe / loke ye haue ye cure / or on fish, flesh, set neuer on fysshe / flesshe / beest / or fowl. ne fowle, more than two fyngers and a thombe / than take your lofe in your lefte hande, & holde your knyfe surely; enbrewe not the table clothe / Wipe your knife on your napkin. but wype vpon your napkyn / than take your trenchouer lofe in your lefte hande, and with the edge of your table knyfe take vp your trenchours as nye the poynt as ye may / Lay 4 trenchers for your lord, with 2 or 4 on them than laye foure trenchours to your soferayne, one by an other / and laye theron other foure trenchours or elles twayne / than take a lofe in your lyfte hande, & pare ye lofe rounde aboute / and the upper crust of a fine loaf. than cut the ouer cruste to your souerayne, and cut the nether cruste, & voyde 158 the parynge, & touche the lofe no more after it is so serued / than clense the table that the sewer may serue youre souerayne. fumosytces] sic: c foreGive heed to what is indigestible, Also ye muste knowe the fumosytces of fysshe, flesshe, and foules, & all maner of sauces accordynge to theyr appetytes / these ben the fumosytes / salte, soure, as resty, fat things, resty, fatte, fryed, senewes, skynnes, hony, croupes, pygous] sic: u for nfeathers, heads, yonge feders, heddes, pygous bones, legs, &c. all maner of legges of bestees & fowles the vtter syde; for these ben fumosytees; laye them neuer to your souerayne.
Keruynge of Flesshe.
¶ Seruyce.
How to carve Brawn,
¶ Take your knyfe in your hande, and cut brawne in ye dysshe as it lyeth, & laye it on your soueraynes trenchour, & se there be mustarde. Venison, Venyson with fourmenty is good for your souerayne: touche not the venyson with your hande, [* Fol. A 5 b.](cut it in 12 bits and slice it into the furmity,) but with your knyfe cut it .xii. draugh*tes with the edge of your knyfe, and cut it out in to ye fourmenty / doo in the same wyse with pesen & bacon, befe chyne and motton / pare the befe, cut the motton / & laye to your souerayne / beware of fumosytees / salte, senewe, fatte, resty & rawe. In syrupe, Pheasant, Stockdoves, fesande, partryche, stockdoue, & chekyns / in the lefte hande take them by the pynyon, & with the foreparte of your knyfe (mince the wings into the syrup,) lyfte vp your wynges / than mynce it in to the syrupe / beware of skynne rawe & senowe. reyse] The top of the s is broken off, making the letter look like an l rubbed at the top.Goose, Teal, &c., (take off the legs and wings,) Goos, tele, malarde, & swanne, reyse the legges, than the wynges / laye the body in ye myddes or in a nother plater / the wynges in the myddes & the legges; after laye the brawne bytwene the legges / & the wynges in the plater. Capon, Capon or henne of grece, lyfte the legges, (mince the wing with wine or ale,) than the wynges, & caste on wyne or ale, than mynce the wynge & giue your souerayne. Fesande, partryche, Plover, Lapwing, Bittern, Egret. plouer or lapwynge, reyse ye wynges, & after the legges. 159 woodcocke, bytture, egryt, snyte, curlewe & heronsewe, vnlace them, breke of the pynyons, necke & becke / than reyse the legges, & let the fete be on styll, than the wynges. How to carve a Crane, (mind the trump in his breast,) Acrane, reyse the wynges fyrst, & beware of the trumpe in his brest. Pecocke, storke, bustarde & Shoveler, shouyllarde, vnlace them as a crane, and let ye fete be on styll. Quail, Martins, Quayle, sparow, larke, martynet, pegyon, Swallow, swalowe, & thrusshe, ye legges fyrst, than ye wynges. Fawn, Kid, Fawne, kyde, and lambe, laye the kydney to your souerayne, than lyfe vp the sholder & gyue your souerayne a rybbe. Roast Venison, Venyson roste, cut it in the dysshe, & laye it to your souerayne. Cony, Acony, lay hym on the backe, cut away the ventes bytwene the hynder legges, breke the canell bone, than reyse the sydes, (lay him on his belly with his two cut-off sides, on each side of him.) than lay the cony on ye wombe, on eche syde the chyne ye two sydes departed from the chyne, than laye the bulke, chyne, & sydes, in ye dysshe. [* Fol. A 6.] *Also ye must mynce Cut 4 strips to each bit of meat, for your lord to pick it up by. foure lesses to one morcell of mete, that your soverayne may take it in the sauce. Open hot Meat-Pies at the top; cold in the middle. All bake metes that ben hote, open them a-boue the coffyn; & all that ben colde, open theym in the mydwaye. Cut Custards in inch blocks. Custarde, cheke them inche square that your souerayne may ete therof. Doucettes, pare off sides and bottom. Doucettes, pare awaye the sydes & the bottom: beware of fumosytes. Fritters hot are good, Fruyter vaunte, fruyter say, be good; better is fruyter pouche; apple fruyters ben good hote / and all cold bad. Tansey is good. colde fruters, touche not. Tansey is good / hote wortes, or gruell of befe or of motton is good. Jelly, Blanche Manger, Charlet, &c., are good, and Gelly, mortrus, creme almondes, blaunche manger, Iussell, and charlet, cabage, and nombles of a dere, ben good / no other potages. & all other potage beware of.
SAUCES FOR FOWLES.Sauces for all maner of Fowles.
¶ Here endeth ye keruynge of flesshe. And begynneth sauces for all maner of fowles.
Mustarde Mustard for beef; Verjuice for boiled chickens; Cawdrons for swans; is good with brawne, befe, chyne, bacon, & motton. Vergius is good to boyled chekyns and capon / swanne with cawdrons / rybbes of 160Garlick, &c., for beef. befe with garlycke, mustarde, peper, vergyus; Ginger for lamb; gynger sauce to lambe, pygge, & fawne / mustarde & suger to fesande, partryche, and conye / Gamelyne for heronsewe, &c.; sauce gamelyne to heronsewe, egryt, plouer, & crane / to brewe, curlewe, Salt, Sugar and Water of Tame for brew, &c. salte, suger, & water of tame / to bustarde, shouyllarde, & bytture, sauce gamelyne: White salt for lapwings, &c. Cinnamon and salt for thrushes &c. woodcocke, lapwynge, larke, quayle, mertynet, venyson, and snyte, with whyte salte / sparowes & throstelles with salte & synamon / thus with all metes, sauce shall haue the operacyons.
¶ Here endeth the sauces for all maner of fowles and metes.
FEESTES AND SERUYCE.[Fol. A 6 b.]The Dinner Courses from Easter to Whitsunday.
¶ Here begynneth the feestes and seruyce from Eester vnto whytsondaye.
On From Easter to Pentecost, set bread, trenchers and spoons: Eester daye & so forthe to Pentycost, after ye seruynge of the table there shall be set brede, trenchours, and spones, after the estymacyon of them that shall syt there; and thus ye shall serue your souerayne; 6 or 8 trenchers for a great lord, 3 for one of low degree. laye [six or eight1*] trenchours / & yf he be of a lower degre [or] estate, laye fyue trenchours / & yf he be of lower degre, foure trenchours / & of an other degre, thre trenchours / Then cut bread for eating. than cut brede for your souerayne after ye knowe his condycyons, wheder it be cutte in ye myddes or pared, or elles for to be cut in small peces. Also ye must vnderstande how ye mete shall be serued before youre souerayne, & namely on For Easter-day Feast: Eester daye after the gouernaunce & seruyce of ye countree where ye were borne. First Course: A Calf, boiled and blessed; Fyrste on that daye he shall serue a calfe soden and blessyd / and than boiled Eggs and green sauce; soden egges with grene sauce, and set them before the most pryncypall estate / and that lorde by cause of his hyghe estate shall departe them all aboute hym / than serue Potage, with beef, potage, as wortes, Iowtes, or browes, with befe, motton, 161 or vele / saffron-stained Capons. & capons that ben coloured with saffron, and bake metes. Second Course: And the seconde course, Iussell with Mameny, Pigeons, mamony, and rosted, endoured / & pegyons with bake metes, as tartes, Chewets, Flawnes.chewettes, & flawnes, & other, after the dysposycyon of the cokes. broche] ? brotheSupper: And at soupertyme dyuers sauces of motton or vele in broche, after the ordynaunce of the stewarde / and than Chickens, Veal, chekyns with bacon, vele, roste pegyons or lambe, roast Kid, & kydde roste with ye heed & the portenaunce on lambe & Pigs’-Feet, pygges fete, with vinegre & percely theron, & a Tansey fried. a tansye fryed, & other bake metes / ye shall vnderstande this maner of seruyce [* Fol. B i.] *dureth to Pentecoste, saue fysshe dayes. Also take hede how ye shall araye these thynges before your souerayne / fyrst ye shall se there be Green Sauces of sorrel or vines, for the first course. grene sauces of sorell or of vynes, that is holde a sauce for the fyrst course / and ye shall begyn to reyse the capon.
KERUYNG OF ALL MANER OF FOWLES.Keruyng of all maner of Fowles.
¶ Here endeth the feest of Eester tyll Pentecoste. And here begynneth keruyng of all maner of fowles.
How to carve a Capon.
¶ Sauce that capon.
¶ Take vp a capon, & lyfte vp the ryght legge and the ryght wynge, & so araye forth & laye hym in the plater as he sholde flee, & serve your souerayne / & knowe well that capons or chekyns ben arayed after one sauce; Sauce: green sauce or verjuice. the chekyn shall be sauced with grene sauce or vergyus.
¶ Lyfte that swanne.
Chawdron is the sauce for him.
¶ Take and dyghte hym as a goose, but let hym haue a largyour brawne, & loke ye haue chawdron.
¶ Alaye that fesande.
¶ Take a fesande, and reyse his legges & his wynges as it were an henne, No sauce but Salt. & no sauce but onely salte.
¶ wynge that partryche.
¶ Take a partryche, and reyse his legges and his wynges as a henne / & ye mynce hym, sauce hym with 162Sauce for Partridges. wyn, poudre of gynger, & salte / that set it vpon a chaufyng-dysshe of coles to warme & serue it.
How to carve a Quail.
¶ wynge that quayle.
¶ Take a quayle, and reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne, Sauce: salt. and no sauce but salte.
Dysplaye that crane.
¶ Take a crane, and vnfolde his legges, and cut of his wynges by the Ioyntes: than take vp hys wynges and his legges, Sauce: ginger, mustard, vinegar, and salt. and sauce hym with poudres of gynger, mustarde, vynegre, and salte.
[Fol. B i. b.]Heron.
Dysmembre that heron.
¶ Take an heron, and reyse his legges and his wynges as a crane, and sauce hym with Sauce as before. vynegre, mustarde, poudre of gynger, and salte.
Vnioint that bytture.
¶ Take a bytture, and reyse his legges & his wynges as an heron, Salt, the sauce. & no sauce but salte.
Breke that egryt.
¶ Take an egryt, and reyse his legges and his wynges as an heron, Salt, the sauce. and no sauce but salte.
Vntache that curlewe.
¶ Take a curlewe, and reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne, Salt, as sauce. and no sauce but salte.
¶ Vntache that brewe.
¶ Take a brewe, and reyse his legges and his wynges in the same maner, and Salt, as sauce. no sauce but onely salte, & serue your souerayne.
Cony (or Rabbit.)
Vnlace that cony.
¶ Take a cony, and laye hym on the backe, & cut awaye the ventes / than reyse the wynges and the sydes, and laye bulke, chyne, and the sydes togyder; Sauce: vinegar and ginger. sauce, vynegre and poudre of gynger.
163Sarcel or Teal.
Breke that sarcell.
¶ Take a sarcell or a teele, and reyse his wynges & his legges, and no sauce but salte onely.
Mynce that plouer.
¶ Take a plouer, and reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne, and no sauce but onely salt.
A snyte.
¶ Take a snyte, and reyse his wynges, his legges, and his sholdres, as a plouer; and no sauce but salte.
[Fol. B ij.]Woodcock.
¶ Thye that woodcocke.
Take a woodcocke, & reyse his legges and his wynges as an henne; this done, dyght the brayne. And here begynneth the feest from Pentecost vnto mydsomer.
Sauces for the Second Course.
In the seconde course for the metes before sayd ye shall take for your sauces, wyne, ale, vynegre, and poudres, after the mete be; & gynger & canell from Pentecost to the feest of saynt Iohn baptyst. First Course: Beef and Capons. The fyrst course shall be befe, motton soden with capons, or rosted / & yf the capons be soden, araye hym in the maner aforesayd. How to sauce and carve a Roast capon: And whan he is rosted, thou must caste on salte, with wyne or with ale / than take the capon by the legges, & caste on the sauce, & breke hym out, lay him out as if ready to fly. & laye hym in a dysshe as he sholde flee. Fyrst ye shall cut the ryght legge and the ryght sholdre, & bytwene the foure membres laye the brawne of the capon, with the croupe in the ende bytwene the legges, as it were possyble for to be Ioyned agayne togyder / & other bake metes after: Second Course: Potage, Charlet, young Geese, Payne Puff, &c. And in the seconde course, potage shall be, Iussell, charlet, or mortrus, with yonge geese, vele, porke, pygyons or chekyns rosted, with payne puffe / fruyters, and other bake metes after the ordynaunce of the coke. How to carve a Goose. Also the goose ought to be cut membre to membre, begynnynge at the ryght legge, and so forth vnder the ryght wynge, 164 & not vpon the Ioynte aboue / Goose must be eaten with green garlic or verjuice. & it ought for to be eten with grene garlyke, or with sorell, or tender vynes, or vergyus in somer season, after the pleasure of your souerayne. Also ye shall vnderstande that all maner of fowle that hath hole fete sholde be reysed vnder the wynge, and not aboue.
THE SERVICE FROM MIDSUMMER TO CHRISTMAS.Dinner Courses from the Nativity* of St John the Baptist, (June 24,) to Michaelmas.
¶ Here endeth the feest from Pentecost to mydsomer. And here begynneth from the feest of saynt Iohn the baptist vnto Myghelmasse.
First Course: soups, vegetables, legs of Pork, &c.
In the fyrst course, potage, wortes, gruell, & fourmenty, with venyson, and mortrus and pestelles of porke with grene sauce. Rosted capon, swanne with chawdron. Second Course: In the seconde course, potage after the ordynaunce of the cokes, roast Mutton, with rosted motton, vele, porke, chekyns or glazed Pigeons, endoured pygyons, heron-sewes, Fritters, &c. fruyters or other bake metes / & take hede to the fesande: he shall be arayed in the maner of a capon / Serve a Pheasant dry, with salt and ginger: but it shall be done drye, without ony moysture, and he shall be eten with salte and pouder of gynger. And a Heronsewe with salt and powder (blanche?) the heronsewe shall be arayed in the same maner without ony moysture, & he shulde be eten with salte and poudre. Also ye shall vnderstande that Treat open-clawed birds like capons. all maner of fowles hauynge open clawes as a capon, shall be tyred and arayed as a capon and suche other.
Dinner Courses from Michaelmas to Christmas.
¶ From the feest of saynt Myghell vnto the feest of Chrystynmasse.
In First Course: legs of Pork, &c. the fyrst course, potage, befe, motton, bacon, or pestelles of porke, or with goose, capon, mallarde, swanne, or fesande, as it is before sayd, with tartes, or bake metes, or chynes of porke. Second Course: In the second course, potage, mortrus, or conyes, or sewe / than roste flesshe, motton, porke, vele, pullettes, chekyns, pygyons, teeles, 165Widgeon, wegyons, mallardes, partryche, woodcoke, plouer, bytture, curlewe, heronsewe / venyson roost, grete byrdes, snytes, Fieldfares, Chewets, Beef, with sauces Gelopere and Pegyll. feldefayres, thrusshes, fruyters, chewettes, befe with sauce gelopere, roost with sauce pegyll, & other [* Fol. B iii.] ba*ke metes as is aforesayde. And yf ye kerue afore your lorde or your lady ony soden flesshe, Cut the skin off boiled meats. kerue awaye the skynne aboue / than kerue resonably of ye flesshe to your lorde or lady, ye] for theyCarve carefully for Ladies; and specyally for ladyes, for yethey soon get angry wyll soone be angry, for theyr thoughtes ben soone changed / and some lordes wyll be sone pleased, & some wyll not / as they be of compleccyon. Carve Goose and Swan like other birds. The goos & swanne may be cut as ye do other fowles yt haue hole fete, or elles as your lorde or your lady wyll aske it. Also a swanne with chawdron, capon, or fesande, ought for to be arayed as it is aforesayd / but the skynne must be had awaye / & whan they ben kerued before your lorde or your lady / for generally The skin of cloven-footed birds is unwholsome; the skynne of all maner cloven foted fowles is vnholsome / of whole-footed birds & the skynne of all maner hole foted fowles ben holsome for to be eten. Also wete ye well that all maner hole foted fowles that haue theyr lyuyng vpon the water, theyr skynnes ben wholesome, holsome & clene, for by ye clenes of the water / & fysshe, is theyr lyuynge. And yf that they ete ony stynkynge thynge, because the water washes all corruption out of ’em. it is made so clene with ye water that all the corrupcyon is clene gone away frome it. Chicken’s skin is not so pure, And the skynne of capon, henne, or chekyn, ben not so clene, for the[y] ete foule thynges in the strete / & therfore the skynnes ben not so holsome / because their nature is not to enter into the river. for it is not theyr kynde to entre in to ye ryuer to make theyr mete voyde of ye fylth. Mallarde, goose, or swanne, they ete vpon the londe foule mete / River birds cleanse their foul stink in the river. but a-non, after theyr kynde, they go to the ryuer, & theyr they clense them of theyr foule stynke. A fesande as it is aforesayd / but ye skynne is not holsome / Take off the heads of all field birds, than take ye heddes of all felde byrdes and wood byrdes, as fesande, pecocke, partryche, woodcocke, and curlewe, for they eat worms, toads, and the like. for they ete in 166 theyr degrees foule thynges, as wormes, todes, and other suche.
SEWYNGE OF FYSSHE.Sewynge of Fysshe.
¶ Here endeth the feestes and the keruynge of flesshe, And here begynneth the sewynge of fysshe.
First Course:
¶ The fyrst course.
To go to sewynge of fysshe: musculade, menewes in sewe of porpas or of samon, bacon herynge with suger, grene fysshe, pyke, lampraye, Salens, &c., baked Gurnet.salens, porpas rosted, bake gurnade, and lampraye bake.
Second Course:
¶ The seconde course.
Jelly, dates, &c.
¶ Gelly whyte and rede, dates in confetes, congre, samon, dorrey, brytte, turbot, halybut / For a standard, for standarde, base, troute, Mullet, Chub, Seal, &c. molette, cheuene, sele, eles & lamprayes roost, tenche in gelly.
Third Course:
¶ The thyrde course.
Bream, Perch, Whelks; and pears in sugar candy. Figs, dates capped with minced ginger, &c.
¶ Fresshe sturgyon, breme, perche in gelly, a Ioll of samon, sturgyon, and welkes; apples & peres rosted with suger candy. raysyns] Orig. raysyus Fygges of malyke, & raysyns, dates capte with mynced gynger / wafers and ypocras, they ben agreable / All over! Clear the table. this feest is done, voyde ye the table.
KERUYNGE OF FYSSHE.[Fol. B iii. b.]Carving and Dressing of Fish.
¶ Here endeth sewynge of fysshe. And here foloweth keruynge of fysshe.
The keruer of fysshe Put tails and livers in the pea broth and furmity. must se to pessene & fourmentye the tayle and ye lyuer: ye must loke yf there be a salte purpos, How to carve Seal Turrentyne, or sele turrentyne, & do after ye fourme of venyson / baked Herring, baken herynge, laye it hole vpon your soueraynes trenchour / white Herring, whyte herynge in a disshe, open it by ye backe, pyke out the bones & the rowe, & se there be mustarde. Of salte fysshe, Green Fish, grene fysshe, salt samon & congre, pare away ye skyn / salte fysshe, stocke fysshe, Merling, Hake, marlynge, makrell, and hake, with butter: take awaye the bones & the skynnes. Pike, Apyke, laye ye167 wombe vpon his trenchour with pyke sauce ynoughe. [* Fol. B 4.]salt Lamprey, Plaice. Asalte * lampraye, gobone it flatte in .vii. or .viii. peces, & lay it to your souerayne. Aplayce, put out the water / than crosse hym with your knyfe, caste on salte & wyne or ale. Gurnard, Bream, Gornarde, rochet, breme, cheuene, base, molet, Roach, Whiting, roche, perche, sole, makrell & whytynge, haddocke and Codling. codlynge, reyse them by the backe, & pyke out the bones, & clense the refet in ye bely. Carp Trout, Carpe, breme, sole, & troute, backe & belly togyder. Samon, Conger, Thornback, Halibut, congre, sturgyon, turbot, thorpole, thornebacke, hounde-fysshe, & halybut, cut them in the dysshe as ye porpas aboute / Tench,tenche in his sauce, cut it / eles & lamprayes roost, pull of the skynne, pyke out ye bones, put therto vyneger & poudre. and Crab.Acrabbe, breke hym a-sonder in to a dysshe, make ye shelle clene, How to dress and serve up a Crab. & put in the stuffe agayne, tempre it with vynegre & pouder, than couer it with brede, and sende it to the kytchyn to hete / than set it to your souerayne, and breke the grete clawes, and laye them in a disshe. slytee] sicHow to dress and carve a Crayfish, Acreues, dyght hym thus: departe hym a-sonder, & slytee the belly, and take out ye fysshe; pare away the reed skynne, and mynce it thynne; put vynegre in the dysshe, and set in on ye table without hete. a Joll of Sturgeon, AIol of sturgyon, cut it in thynne morselles, & lay it rounde aboute the dysshe. a fresh Lamprey, pasty. Fresshe lampraye bake: open ye pasty / than take whyte brede, and cut it thynne, & lay it in a dysshe, (sauce, Galentyne with red wine and powdered cinnamon.) & with a spone take out galentyne, & lay it vpon the brede with reed wyne & poudre of synamon / than cut a gobone of the lampraye, & mynce the gobone thynne, and laye it in the galentyne; than set it vpon the fyre to hete. Fresh Herring, &c. Fresshe herynge with salte & wyne / shrympes wel pyked, floundres, gogyons, menewes & musceles, eles and lamprayes: Sprats, sprottes is good in sewe / Musculade in worts, Oysters. musculade in wortes / oystres in ceuy, oysters in grauy, menewes in porpas, samon & seele, [* Fol. B 4 b.] gelly * whyte and reede, creme of almondes, Dates, pears, dates in 168 comfetes, peres and quynces in syrupe, with percely rotes; Mortrewes of Dogfish. mortrus of houndes fysshe, ryse standynge.
SAUCES FOR FYSSHE.Sauces for Fish.
¶ Here endeth the keruynge of fysshe. And here begynneth sauces for all maner of fysshe.
Mustard for
Mustarde is good for salte herynge / salte fysshe, salte congre, Salmon, &c.; samon, sparlynge, salt ele & lynge: Vinegar for salt Whale, &c.; vynegre is good with salte porpas, turrentyne salte / sturgyon salte, threpole, & salt wale / Galentyne for Lamprey; Verjuice for Roach, &c.; Cinnamon for Chub, &c.; lampray with galentyne / vergyus to roche, dace, breme, molet, base, flounders, sole, crabbe, and cheuene, with poudre of synamon; to thornebacke, herynge, houndefysshe, haddocke, whytynge, & codde, vynegre, poudre of synamon, & gynger; Green Sauce for Halibut, &c. grene sauce is good with grene fysshe & halybut, cottell, & fresshe turbot / put not your grene sauce awaye, for it is good with mustarde.
¶ Here endeth for all maner of sauces for fyssche accordynge to theyr appetyte.
THE CHAUMBERLAYNE.The Duties of a Chamberlain.
¶ The chaumberlayne.
He must be cleanly, and comb his hair;
The caumberlayne muste be dylygent & clenly in his offyce, with his heed kembed, & so to his souerayne that he be not recheles, see to his Lord’s clothes, and brush his hose; & se that he haue a clene sherte, breche, petycote, and doublet / than brusshe his hosen within & without, & se his shone & slyppers be made clene / in the morning warm his shirt, & at morne whan your souerayne wyll aryse, warme his sherte by the fyre / and prepare his footsheet; & se ye haue a fote shete made in this maner. Fyrst set a chayre by the fyre with a cuysshen, an other vnder his fete / than sprede a shete ouer the chayre, and se there be redy a [* Fol. B 5.] kerchefe * and a combe / than warm his petycote, &c.; warme his petycote, his doublet, and his stomachere / & than put on his hosen & put on his shoes, his shone or slyppers, than tie up his hose, stryke vp his hosen manerly, & tye them vp, than lace 169 his doublet hole by hole, & laye the clothe aboute his necke & comb his head, kembe his hede / than loke ye haue a basyn, wash his hands, & an ewer with warme water, and a towell, and wasshe his handes / than knele vpon your knee, put on the robe he orders. & aske your souerayne what robe he wyll were, & brynge him such as your souerayne commaundeth, & put it vpon hym; than doo his gyrdell aboute hym, & take your leue manerly, Make ready his Closet in the Church or Chapel,& go to the chyrche or chapell to your soueraynes closet, & laye carpentes & cuysshens, & lay downe his boke of prayers / than drawe the curtynes, and take your leue goodly, then come home to his Bedchamber, take off the bed-clothes. & go to youre soueraynes chambre, & cast all the clothes of his bedde, & bete the feder bedde & the bolster / but loke ye waste no feders; than shall the blankettes, & se the shetes be fayre & swete, or elles loke ye haue clene shetes / Make his lord’s bed again with clean sheets, than make vp his bedde manerly, than lay the hed shetes & the pyllowes / than take vp the towel & the basyn, and lay hangings round the bed, and windows, &c. & laye carpentes aboute the bedde, or wyndowes & cupbordes layde with carpettes and cuysshyns. Also loke there be a good fyre brennynge bryght / Keep the privy clean, and the board covered with green cloth, and provide down or cotton for wiping. & se the hous of hesement be swete & clene, & the preuy borde couered with a grene clothe and a cuysshyn / than se there be blanked, donne, or cotton, for your souerrayne / When he goes to bed, let him wash; put him on a mantle, take off his shoes, &c. & loke ye haue basyn, & euer with water, & a towell for your souerayne / than take of his gowne, & brynge him a mantell to kepe hym fro colde / than brynge hym to the fyre, & take of his shone & his hosen; than take a fayre kercher of reynes / Comb his head, & kembe his heed, put on his night-cap, & put on his kercher and his bonet / than sprede downe his bedde, laye the heed shete and the pyllowes / & whan your souerayne is to [* Fol. B 5 b.] bedde * draw the curtains round him, drawe the curtynes / than se there be morter or waxe or perchoures be redy / than drive out the dogs and cats, set the urinal near, and then take leave. dryue out dogge or catte, & loke there be basyn and vrynall set nere your souerayne / than take your leue manerly that your souerayne may take his rest meryly.
¶ Here endeth of the chaumberlayne.
170OF THE MARSHALL AND THE VSSHER.Of the Marshal and Usher.
¶ Here foloweth of the Marshall and the vssher.
He must know the orders of precedence of all ranks.
The Marshall and the vssher muste knowe all the estates of the chyrche, and the hyghe estate of a kynge, with the blode royall.
¶ The estate of a Pope hath no pere.
¶ The estate of an Emperour is nexte.
¶ The estate of a kynge.
A Cardinal before a Prince.
¶ The estate of a cardynall.
¶ The estate of a kynges sone, a prynce.
¶ The estate of an archebysshop.
¶ The estate of a duke
¶ The estate of a bysshop
¶ The estate of a marques
¶ The estate of an erle
¶ The estate of a vycount
¶ The estate of a baron.
¶ The estate of an abbot with a myter
The Mayor of London ranks with the 3 Chief Justices.
¶ The estate of the thre chefe Iuges & the Mayre of London.
¶ The estate of an abbot without a myter
¶ The estate of a knyght bacheler
The Knight’s equals.
¶ The estate of a pryour, dene, archedeken, or knyght
[Fol. B 6.]
¶ The estate of the mayster of the rolles.
¶ The estate of other Iustices & barons of the cheker
¶ The estate of the mayre of Calays.
¶ The estate of a prouyncyall, a doctour dyvyne,
¶ The estate of a prothonat: he is aboue the popes collectour, and a doctour of bothe the lawes.
The ex-Mayor of London.
¶ The estate of him that hath ben mayre of London and seruaunt of the lawe.
The Esquire’s equals.
¶ The estate of a mayster of the chauncery, and other worshypfull prechours of pardon, and clerkes that ben gradewable / & all other ordres of 171 chastyte, persones & preestes, worshypfull marchauntes & gentylmen, all this may syt at the squyers table.
Who must dine alone,
¶ An archebysshop and a duke may not kepe the hall, but eche estate by them selfe in chaumbre or in pauylyon, that neyther se other.
who 2 together,
¶ Bysshoppes, Marques, Erles, & Vycountes, all these may syt two at a messe.
who 2 or 3,
¶ A baron, & the mayre of London, & thre chefe Iuges, and the speker of the parlyament, & an abbot with a myter, all these may svttwo or thre at a messe
who 3 or 4.
¶ And all other estates may syt thre or foure at a messe
The Marshall must know who are of royal blood,
¶ Also the Marshall muste vnderstande and knowe the blode royall, for some lorde is of blode royall & of small lyuelode. And some knyght is wedded to a lady of royal blode; she shal kepe the estate that she was before. And a lady of lower degree shal kepe the estate of her lordes blode / for that has the reverence. & therfore the royall blode shall haue the reuerence, as I haue shewed you here before.
¶ Also a marshall muste take hede of the byrthe, and nexte of the lyne, of the blode royall.
He must take heed of the King’s officers,
¶ Also he must take hede of the kynges offycers, of the Chaunceler, Stewarde, Chamberlayne, Tresourer, and Controller.
do honour to strangers,
¶ Also the marshall must take heed vnto straungers, & put them to worshyp & reuerence; for and they haue good chere it is your soueraynes honour.
and receive a Messenger from the King as if one degree higher than he is, for a King’s groom may sit at a Knight’s table.
¶ Also a Marshall muste take hede yf the kynge sende to your souerayne ony message; and yf he send a knyght, receyue hym as a baron; and yf he sende a squyre, receyue hym as a knyght / and yf he sende you a yoman, receyue hym as a squyer / and yf he sende you a grome, receyue hym as a yoman.
¶ Also it is noo rebuke to a knyght to sette a grome of the kynge at his table.
Here ends this Book
¶ Here endeth the boke of seruyce, & keruynge, and sewynge, and all maner of offyce in his kynde vnto a prynce or ony other estate, & all the feestes in the yere. printed by Wynkyn de Worde. Enprynted by wynkyn de worde at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne. A.D. 1513. The yere of our lorde god M.CCCCC.xiij.
Wynkyn de Worde introduces some dishes, sauces, fish, and one wine, not mentioned by Russell.
The new Dishes are—
Fayge (p.157, l. 10). This may be for Sage, the herb, or a variety of Fritter, like Fruyter vaunte (p.157, l.2; p.159, l.24), fruyter say (p.159, l.24), or a dish that I cannot find, or a way of spelling figs.
Fruyter say, p. 159, l. 24. If say is not for Sage, then it may be a fish, contrasted with the vaunte, which I suppose to mean ‘meat.’ Sey is a Scotch name for the Coalfish, Merlangus Carbonarius. Yarrell, ii. 251.
Charlet (p. 159, l. 28). The recipe in ‘Household Ordinances,’ p.463, is, Take swete cowe mylk and put into a panne, and cast in therto ?olkes of eyren and the white also, and sothen porke brayed, and sage; and let hit boyle tyl hit crudde, and colour it with saffron, and dresse hit up, and serve hit forthe.” Another recipe for Charlet Enforsed follows, and there are others for Charlet and Charlet icoloured, in Liber Cure, p.11.
Jowtes, p. 160, last line. These are broths of beef or fish boiled with chopped boiled herbs and bread, H.Ord. p.461. Others are made ‘with swete almond mylke,’ ib. See ‘Joutus de Almonde,’ p.15, Liber Cure. For ‘Joutes’ p.47; ‘for oÞer ioutes,’ p.48.
Browes, p. 160, last line. This is doubtless the Brus of Household Ordinances, p.427, and the bruys of Liber Cure, p.19, l.3, brewis, or broth. Brus was made of chopped pig’s-inwards, leeks, onions, bread, blood, vinegar. For ‘Brewewes in Somere’ see H.Ord. p.453.
Chewettes, p. 161, l. 4, were small pies of chopped-up livers of pigs, hens, and capons, fried in grease, mixed with hard eggs and ginger, and then fried or baked. Household Ordinances, p.442, and Liber Cure, p.41. The Chewets for fish days were similar pies of chopped turbot, haddock, and cod, ground dates, raisins, prunes, powder and salt, fried in oil, and boiled in sugar and wine. L.Cure, p.41. Markham’s Recipe for ‘AChewet Pye’ is at p.80-1 of his English Houswife. Chewit, or small Pie; minced or otherwise. R.Holme. See also two recipes in MS. Harl. 279, fol. 38.
Flaunes (p. 161, l. 4) were Cheesecakes, made of ground cheese beaten up with eggs and sugar, coloured with saffron, and baked in ‘cofyns’ or crusts. ‘A Flaune of Almayne’ or ‘Crustade’ was a more elaborate preparation of dried or fresh raisins and pears or apples pounded, with cream, eggs, bread, spices, and butter, strained and baked in ‘a faire coffyn or two.’ H.Ord. p.452. ‘Pro Caseo ad flauns qualibet die . panis j’ (allowance of). Register of Worcester Priory, fol. 121a. ed. Hale, 1865. Corrigenda
Of new Sauces, Wynkyn de Worde names Gelopere & Pegyll (p.165, l.4). Gelopere I cannot find, and can only suggest that its p may be for f, and that “cloves of gelofer,” the clove-gillyflower, may have been the basis of it. These cloves were stuck in ox tongues, see “Lange de beof,” Liber Cure, p.26. 174 Muffett also recommends Gilly-flour Vinegar as the best sauce for sturgeon in summer, p.172; and Vinegar of Clove-Gilliflowers is mentioned by Culpepper, p.97, Physical Directory, 1649.
Pegylle I take to be the Pykulle of Liber Cure Cocorum, p.31, made thus;
‘Take droppyng of capone rostyd wele
With wyne and mustarde, as have Þou cele [bliss],
With onyons smalle schrad, and sothun in grece,
Meng alle in fere, and forthe hit messe.’
The new Wine is Campolet, p. 153. Henderson does not mention it; Halliwell has ‘Campletes. Akind of wine, mentioned in a curious list in MS. Rawl. C. 86.’ [See the list in the Notes to Russell, above, p.86.] Isuppose it to be the wine from ‘Campole. The name of a certaine white grape, which hath very white kernels.’ Cotgrave.
Of new Fish W. de Worde names the Salens (p.166, l.8), Cottell and Tench (p.167). Torrentyne he makes sele turrentyne (p.166, l.8 from bottom) seemingly, but has turrentyne salte as a fish salted, at p.168, l.7.
Cottell, p. 168, l. 14, the cuttlefish. Of these, SepiÆ vel Lolligines calamariÆ, Muffet says, they are called also ‘sleewes’ for their shape, and ‘scribes’ for their incky humour wherewith they are replenished, and are commended by Galen for great nourishers; their skins be as smooth as any womans, but their flesh is brawny as any ploughmans; therefore I fear me Galen rather commended them upon hear-say then upon any just cause or true experience.
For the Salens I can only suggest thunny. Aldrovandi, de Piscibus, treating of the synonyms of the Salmon, p.482, says, “GrÆcam salmonis nomenclaturam non inuenio, neque est quod id miretur curiosus lector, cum in Oceano tantum fluminibusque in eum se exonerantibus reperiatur, ad quÆ veteres GrÆci nunquam penetrarunt. Qui voluerit, Salangem appellare poterit. Sa?a?? enim boni, id est, delicati piscis nomen legitur apud Hesychium, nec prÆterea qui sit, explicatur: aut a migrandi natura ?ata??d????, vel d??a? fluviatilis dicatur, nam Aristoteles in mari dromades vocat Thunnos aliosque gregales, qui aliunde in Pontum excurrunt, et vix vno loco conquiescunt; aut nomen fingatur a saltu, & ???? dicitur. Non placet tamen, salmonis nomen a saltu deduci, aut etiam Á sale, licet saliendi natura ei optimÈ quadret saleque aut muria inueturaria etiam soleat. Non enim latine sed a Germanis BelgisuÈ Rheni accolis, aut Gallis Aquitanicis accepta vox est.” See also p.318, ‘Scardula, et Iucohia ex Pigis, et Plota, Salena.’ Gesner, de Piscibus, p.273. Can salens be the Greek ‘s????, a shell-fish, perhaps like the razor-fish. Epich. p.22.’—Liddell and Scott—? I presume not. ‘Solen. The flesh is sweet; they may be eaten fryed or boiled.’ 1661, R. Lovell, Hist. of Animals, p.240. ‘Solen: A genus of bivalve mollusks, having a long slender shell; razor-fish.’ Webster’s Dict.
Sele turrentyne, p. 166, l. 8 from bottom. Seemingly a variety of seal, or of eel or sole if sele is a misprint. But I cannot suggest any fish for it.
Rochets, p. 167, l. 5. Rubelliones.Rochets (or rather Rougets, because they are so red) differ from Gurnards and Curs, in that they are redder by a great deal, and also lesser; they are of the like flesh and goodness, yet better fryed with onions, butter, and vinegar, then sodden. Muffett, p.166.
This section was added by the transcriber. It contains the editor’s summaries as given in his sidenotes, and can be read as a condensed version of the full text.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, God keep me! I am an Usher to a Prince, and delight in teaching the inexperienced.
It is charitable to teach ignorant youths.
If any such won’t learn, give them a toy.
One May I went to a forest, and by the Forester’s leave walked in the woodland, where I saw three herds of deer in the sunshine.
A young man with a bow was going to stalk them, but I asked him to walk with me, and inquired whom he served.
‘No one but myself, and I wish I was out of this world.’
‘Good son, despair is sin; tell me what the matter is. When the pain is greatest the cure is nearest!’
‘Sir, I’ve tried everywhere for a master; but because I know nothing, no one will take me.’
‘Will you learn if I’ll teach you? What do you want to be?’
‘A Butler, Sir, Panter, Chamberlain, and Carver. Teach me the duties of these.’
‘I will, if you’ll love God and be true to your master.’
A Panter or Butler must have three knives:
1 to chop loaves, 1 to pare them, 1 to smooth the trenchers.
Give your Sovereign new bread, others one-day-old bread; for the house, three-day bread; for trenchers four-day bread; Have your salt white, and your salt-planer of ivory, two inches broad, three long.
Have your table linen sweet and clean, your knives bright, spoons well washed, two wine-augers some box taps, a broaching gimlet, a pipe and bung.
To broach a pipe, pierce it with an auger or gimlet, four fingers- breadth over the lower rim, so that the dregs may not rise.
Serve Fruit according to the season, figs, dates, quince-marmalade, ginger, &c.
Before dinner, plums and grapes after, pears, nuts, and hard cheese.
After supper, roast apples, &c.
In the evening don’t take cream, strawberries, or junket, unless you eat hard cheese with them.
Hard cheese keeps your bowels open.
Butter is wholesome in youth and old age, anti-poisonous, and aperient.
Milk, Junket, Posset, &c., are binding.
Eat hard cheese after them.
Beware of green meat; it weakens your belly.
For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat almonds and cheese, but not more than half an ounce.
If drinks have given you indigestion, eat a raw apple.
Moderation is best sometimes, at others abstinence.
Look every night that your wines don’t ferment or leak Always carry a gimlet, adze, and linen cloths; and wash the heads of the pipes with cold water.
If the wine boil over, put to it the lees of red wine, and that will cure it.
Romney will bring round sick sweet wine.
The names of Sweet Wines.
Recipe for making Ypocras.
Take spices thus, Cinnamon, &c., long Pepper.
Have three basins and three straining-bags to them; hang ’em on a perch.
Let your ginger be well pared, hard, not worm-eaten, (Colombyne is better than Valadyne or Maydelyne); your sticks of Cinnamon thin, hot and sweet; Canel is not so good.
Cinnamon is hot and dry, Cardamons are hot and moist.
Take sugar or sugar candy, red wine, graines, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, spice, and turnesole, and put each powder in a bladder by itself.
Hang your straining-bags so that they mayn’t touch,--first bag a gallon, others a pottle.
Put the powders in two or three gallons of red wine; then into the runner, the second bag, (tasting and trying it now and then), and the third vessel.
If it’s not right, add cinnamon, ginger, or sugar, as wanted.
If it’s not right, add cinnamon, ginger, or sugar, as wanted.
Mind you keep tasting it.
Strain it through bags of fine cloth, hooped at the mouth, the first holding a gallon, the others a pottle, and each with a basin under it.
The Ypocras is made.
Use the dregs in the kitchen.
Put the Ypocras in a tight clean vessel, and serve it with wafers.
The Buttery.
Keep all cups, &c., clean.
Don’t serve ale till it’s five days old.
Be civil and obliging, and give no one stale drink.
To lay the cloth, &c.
Wipe the table.
Put a cloth on it (a cowche); you take one end, your mate the other; lay the fold of the second cloth(?) on the outer edge of the table, that of the third cloth(?) on the inner.
Cover your cupboard with a diaper towel, put one round your neck, one side on your left arm with your sovereign’s napkin; on that, eight loaves to eat, and three or four trencher loaves: in your left the salt-cellar.
In your right hand, spoons and knives.
Put the Salt on the right of your lord; on its left, a trencher or two; on their left, a knife, then white rolls, and beside them a spoon folded in a napkin.
Cover all up.
At the other end set a Salt and two trenchers.
How to wrap up your lord’s bread in a stately way.
Cut your loaves all equal.
Take a towel two and a half yards long by the ends, fold up a handful from each end, and in the middle of the folds lay eight loaves or buns, bottom to bottom; put a wrapper on the top, twist the ends of the towel together, smooth your wrapper, and quickly open the end of it before your lord.
After your lord’s lay the other tables.
Deck your cupboard with plate, your washing-table with basins, &c.
Have plenty of napkins, &c., and your pots clean.
Make the Surnape with a cloth under a double napkin.
Fold the two ends of your towel, and one of the cloth, a foot over, and lay it smooth for your lord to wash with.
The marshal must slip it along the table, and pull it smooth.
Then raise the upper part of the towel, and lay it even, so that the Sewer (arranger of dishes) may make a state.
When your lord has washed, take up the Surnape with your two arms, and carry it back to the Ewery.
Carry a towel round your neck.
Uncover your bread; see that all diners have knife, spoon, and napkin.
Bow when you leave your lord.
Take eight loaves from the bread-cloth, and put four at each end.
Lay for as many persons as the Sewer has set potages for, and have plenty of bread and drink.
Be lively and soft-spoken, clean and well dressed.
Don’t spit or put your fingers into cups.
Stop all blaming and backbiting, and prevent complaints.
General Directions for Behaviour.
Don’t claw your back as if after a flea; or your head, as if after a louse.
See that your eyes are not blinking and watery.
Don’t pick your nose, or let it drop, or blow it too loud, or twist your neck.
Don’t claw your cods, rub your hands, pick your ears, retch, or spit too far.
Don’t tell lies, or squirt with your mouth, gape, pout, or put your tongue in a dish to pick dust out.
Don’t cough, hiccup, or belch, straddle your legs, or scrub your body.
Don’t pick your teeth, cast stinking breath on your lord, fire your stern guns, or expose your codware before your master.
Many other improprieties a good servant will avoid.’
‘Sir, pray teach me how to carve, handle a knife, and cut up birds, fish, and flesh.’
‘Hold your knife tight, with two fingers and a thumb, in your midpalm.
Do your carving, lay your bread, and take off trenchers, with two fingers and thumb.
Never touch others’ food with your right hand, but only with the left.
Don’t dirty your table or wipe your knives on it.
Take a loaf of trenchers, and with the edge of your knife raise a trencher, and lay it before your lord; lay four trenchers four-square, and another on the top.
Take a loaf of light bread, pare the edges, cut the upper crust for your lord, and don’t touch it after it’s trimmed.
Keep your table clean.
You must know what meat is indigestible, and what sauces are wholesome.
These things are indigestible: Fat and Fried, Raw and Resty, Salt and Sour, also sinews, skin, hair, feathers, crops, heads, pinions, &c., legs, outsides of thighs, skins; these destroy your lord’s rest.’
‘Thanks, father, I’ll put your teaching into practice, and pray for you.
But please tell me how to carve fish and flesh.’
Carving of Meat.
Cut brawn on the dish, and lift slices off with your knife; serve it with mustard.
Venison with furmity.
Touch Venison only with your knife, pare it, cross it with 12 scores, cut a piece out, and put it in the furmity soup.
Touch with your left hand, pare it clean, put away the sinews, &c.
Partridges, &c.: take up by the pinion, and mince them small in the sirrup.
Larger roast birds, as the Osprey, &c., raise up [? cut off] the legs, then the wings, lay the body in the middle, with the wings and legs round it, in the same dish.
Capons: take off the wings and legs; pour on ale or wine, mince them into the flavoured sauce.
Give your lord the left wing, and if he want it, the right one too.
Pheasants, &c.: take off the wings, put them in the dish, then the legs.
Woodcocks, Heronshaws, Brew, &c.
break the pinions, neck, and beak.
Cut off the legs, then the wings, lay the body between them.
Crane: take off the wings, but not the trompe in his breast.
Peacocks, &c.: carve like you do the Crane, keeping their feet on.
Quails, larks, pigeons: give your lord the legs first.
Fawn: serve the kidney first, then a rib.
Pick the fyxfax out of the neck.
1. shoulder,
2. rib.
Rabbit: lay him on his back; pare off his skin; break his haunch bone, cut him down each side of the back, lay him on his belly, separate the sides from the chine, put them together again, cutting out the nape of the neck; give your lord the sides.
Sucking rabbits: cut in two, then the hind part in two; pare the skin off, serve the daintiest bit from the side.
Such is the way of carving gross meats.
Cut each piece into four slices (?) for your master to dip in his sauce.
Of large birds’ wings, put only three bits at once in the sauce.
Of small birds’ wings, scrape the flesh to the end of the bone, and put it on your lord’s trencher.
How to carve Baked Meats.
Open hot ones at the top of the crust, cold ones in the middle.
Take Teal, &c., out of their pie, and mince their wings, stir the gravy in; your lord may eat it with a spoon.
Cut Venison, &c., in the pasty.
Custard: cut in squares with a knife.
Dowcets: pare away the sides; serve in a sawcer.
Payne-puff: pare the bottom, cut off the top.
Fried things are indigestible.
Poached-egg (?) fritters are best.
Tansey is good hot.
Don’t eat Leessez.
Cooks are always inventing new dishes that tempt people and endanger their lives: Syrups Comedies, Jellies, that stop the bowels.
Some dishes are prepared with unclarified honey.
Cow-heels and Calves’ feet are sometimes mixed with unsugared leches and Jellies.
Furmity with venison, mortrewes, jussell, &c., are good.
Other out-of-the-way soups set aside.
Such is a flesh feast in the English way.
Sauces provoke a fine appetite.
Have ready Mustard for brawn, &c.,
Verjuice for veal, &c.,
Chawdon for cygnet and swan, Garlic, &c., for beef and goose, Ginger for fawn, &c.,
Mustard and sugar for pheasant, &c.,
Gamelyn for heronsew, &c.,
Sugar and Salt for brew, &c.,
Gamelyn for bustard, &c.,
Salt and Cinnamon for woodcock, thrushes, &c., and quails, &c.
How to carve Fish.
With pea soup or furmity serve a Beaver’s tail, salt Porpoise, &c.
Split up Herrings, take out the roe and bones, eat with mustard.
Take the skin off salt fish, Salmon, Ling, &c., and let the sauce be mustard, but for Mackarel, &c., butter of Claynes or Hackney (?) Of Pike, the belly is best, with plenty of sauce.
Salt Lampreys, cut in seven gobbets, pick out the backbones, serve with onions and galentine.
Plaice: cut off the fins, cross it with a knife, sauce with wine, &c.
Gurnard, Chub, Roach, Dace, Cod, &c., split up and spread on the dish.
Soles, Carp, &c., take off as served.
Whale, porpoise, congur, turbot, Halybut, &c., cut in the dish, and also Tench in jelly.
On roast Lamprons cast vinegar, &c., and bone them.
Crabs are hard to carve: break every claw, put all the meat in the body-shell, and then season it with vinegar or verjuice and powder.
(?) Heat it, and give it to your lord.
Put the claws, broken, in a dish.
The sea Crayfish: cut it asunder, slit the belly of the back part, take out the fish, clean out the gowt in the middle of the sea Crayfish’s back; pick it out, tear it off the fish, and put vinegar to it; break the claws and set them on the table.
Treat the back like the crab, stopping both ends with bread.
The fresh-water Crayfish: serve with vinegar and powder.
Salt Sturgeon: slit its joll, or head, thin.
Whelk: cut off its head and tail, throw away its operculum, mantle, &c., cut it in two, and put it on the sturgeon, adding vinegar.
Carve Baked Lampreys thus: take off the piecrust, put thin slices of bread on a Dish, pour galentyne over the bread, add cinnamon and red wine.
Mince the lampreys, lay them on the sauce, &c., on a hot plate, serve up to your lord.
White herrings fresh; the roe must be white and tender serve with salt and wine.
Shrimps picked, lay them round a sawcer, and serve with vinegar.”
“Thanks, father, I know about Carving now, but I hardly dare ask you about a Sewer’s duties, how he is to serve.”
The Duties of a Sewer.
“Son, since you wish to learn, I will gladly teach you.
Let the Sewer, as soon as the Master begins to say grace, hie to the kitchen.
I. Ask the Panter for fruits (as butter, grapes, &c.), if they are to be served.
II. Ask the cook and Surveyor what dishes are prepared.
III. Let the Cook serve up the dishes, the Surveyor deliver them and you, the Sewer, have skilful officers to prevent any dish being stolen.
IV. Have proper servants, Marshals, &c., to bring the dishes from the kitchen.
Garlic, verjuice, and pepper, for houndfish, stockfish, &c.
Vinegar, cinnamon, and ginger, for fresh-water crayfish, fresh porpoise, sturgeon, &c.
Green Sauce for green fish (fresh ling): Mustard is best for every dish.
Other sauces are served at grand feasts, but the above will please familiar guests.”
“Fair fall you, father! You have taught me lovesomely; but please tell me, too, the duties of a Chamberlain.”
The Chamberlain’s Duties.
He must be diligent, neatly dressed, clean-washed, careful of fire and candle, attentive to his master, light of ear, looking out for things that will please.
The Chamberlain must prepare for his lord a clean shirt, under and upper coat and doublet, breeches, socks, and slippers as brown as a water-leech.
In the morning, must have clean linen ready, warmed by a clear fire.
When his lord rises, he gets ready the foot-sheet; puts a cushioned chair before the fire, a cushion for the feet, and over all spreads the foot-sheet: has a comb and kerchief ready, and then asks his lord to come to the fire and dress while he waits by.
1. Give your master his under coat,
2. His doublet,
3. Stomacher well warmed,
4. Vampeys and socks,
5. Draw on his socks, breeches, and shoes,
6. Pull up his breeches,
7. Tie ’em up,
8. Lace his doublet,
9. Put a kerchief round his neck,
10. Comb his head with an ivory comb,
11. Give him warm water to wash with,
12. Kneel down and ask him what gown he’ll wear:
13. Get the gown,
14. Hold it out to him;
15. Get his girdle,
16. His Robe.
17. His hood or hat.
18. Before he goes brush him carefully.
Before your lord goes to church, see that his pew is made ready, cushion, curtain, &c.
Return to his bedroom, throw off the clothes, beat the featherbed, see that the fustian and sheets are clean.
Cover the bed with a coverlet, spread out the bench covers and cushions, set up the headsheet and pillow, remove the urinal and basin, lay carpets round the bed, and with others dress the windows and cupboard, have a fire laid.
Keep the Privy sweet and clean, cover the boards with green cloth, so that no wood shows at the hole; put a cushion there, and have some blanket, cotton, or linen to wipe on; have a basin, jug, and towel, ready for your lord to wash when he leaves the privy.
In the Wardrobe take care to keep the clothes well, and brush ’em with a soft brush at least once a week, for fear of moths.
Look after your Drapery and Skinnery.
If your lord will take a nap after his meal, have ready kerchief, comb, pillow and headsheet (don’t let him sleep too long), water and towel.
When he goes to bed,
1. Spread out the footsheet,
2. Take off your lord’s Robe and put it away.
3. Put a cloak on his back,
4. Set him on his footsheet,
5. Pull off his shoes, socks, and breeches,
6. Throw the breeches over your arm,
7. Comb his head,
8. Put on his kerchief and nightcap,
9. Have the bed, and headsheet, &c., ready,
10. Draw the curtains,
11. Set the night-light,
12. Drive out dogs and cats,
13. Bow to your lord,
14. Keep the night-stool and urinal ready for whenever he calls, and take it back when done with.
How to prepare a Bath.
Hang round the roof, sheets full of sweet herbs, have five or six sponges to sit or lean on, and one great sponge to sit on with a sheet over and a sponge under his feet.
Mind the door’s shut.
With a basinful of hot herbs, wash him with a soft sponge, throw rose-water on him; let him go to bed.
Put his socks and slippers on, stand him on his footsheet, wipe him dry, take him to bed to cure his troubles.
To make a Medicinal Bath.
Boil together hollyhock centaury, herb-benet, scabious, withy leaves; throw them hot into a vessel, set your lord on it; let him bear it as hot as he can, and whatever disease he has will certainly be cured, as men say.
The Duties of an Usher and Marshal.
He must know the rank and precedence of all people.
1. The Pope.
2. Emperor.
3. King.
4. Cardinal.
5. Prince.
6. Archbishop.
7. Royal Duke.
II. Bishop, &c.
1. Viscount.
2. Mitred abbot.
3. Three Chief Justices.
4. Mayor of London.
IV. (The Knight’s rank.)
1. Cathedral Prior, Knight Bachelor.
2. Dean, Archdeacon.
3. Master of the Rolls.
4. PuisnÉ Judge.
5. Clerk of the Crown.
6. Mayor of Calais.
7. Doctor of Divinity.
8. Prothonotary.
9. Pope’s Legate.
V. (The Squire’s rank.)
1. Doctor of Laws.
2. Ex-Mayor of London.
3. Serjeant of Law.
4. Masters of Chancery.
5. Preacher.
6. Masters of Arts.
7. Other Religious.
8. Parsons and Vicars.
9. Parish Priests.
10. City Bailiffs.
11. Serjeant at Arms.
12. Heralds (the chief Herald has first place),
13. Merchants,
14. Gentlemen,
15. Gentlewomen may all eat with squires.
I have now told you the rank of every class, and now I’ll tell you how they may be grouped at table.
I. Pope, King, Prince, Archbishop and Duke.
II. Bishop, Marquis, Viscount, Earl.
III. The Mayor of London, Baron, Mitred Abbot, three Chief Justices, Speaker, may sit together, two or three at a mess.
IV. The other ranks (three or four to a mess) equal to a Knight, unmitred Abbot, Dean, Master of the Rolls, under Judges, Doctor of Divinity, Prothonotary, Mayor of Calais.
V. Other ranks equal to a Squire, four to a mess.
Serjeants of Law, ex-Mayor of London, Masters of Chancery, Preachers and Parsons, Apprentices of Law, Merchants and Franklins.
Each estate or rank shall sit at meat by itself, not seeing another.
The Bishop of Canterbury shall be served apart from the Archbishop of York, and the Metropolitan alone.
The Bishop of York must not eat before the Primate of England.
Sometimes a Marshal is puzzled by Lords of royal blood being poor, and others not royal being rich; also by a Lady of royal blood marrying a knight, and vice versÂ.
The Lady of royal blood shall keep her rank; the Lady of low blood shall take her husband’s rank.
Property is not so worthy as royal blood, so the latter prevails over the former, for royal blood may become King.
The parents of a Pope or Cardinal must not presume to equality with their son, and must not want to sit by him, but in a separate room.
A Marshal must look to the rank of every estate, and do honour to foreign visitors and residents.
A well-trained Marshal should think beforehand where to place strangers at the table.
If the King sends any messenger to your Lord receive him one degree higher than his rank.
The King’s groom may dine with a Knight or Marshal, A Marshal must also understand the rank of County and Borough officers, and that a Knight of blood and property is above a poor Knight, the Mayor of London above the Mayor of Queenborough, the Abbot of Westminster above the poor Abbot of Tintern, the Prior of Canterbury above the Prior of Dudley, the Prior who is Prelate of a Cathedral Church above any Abbot or Prior of his diocese, a Doctor of 12 years’ standing above one of 9 (though the latter be the richer), the old Aldermen above the young ones, and
1. the Master of a craft,
2. the ex-warden.
Before every feast, then, think what people are coming, and settle what their order of precedence is to be.
If in doubt, ask your lord or the chief officer, and then you’ll do wrong to no one, but set all according to their birth and dignity.
Now I have told you of Court Manners, how to manage in Pantry, Buttery, Carving, and as Sewer, and Marshal, as I learnt with a Royal Prince whose Usher and Marshal I was.
All other officers have to obey me.
Our office is the chief, whether the Cook likes it or not.
All these offices may be filled by one man, but a Prince’s dignity requires each office to have its officer, and a servant under him, (all knowing their duties perfectly) to wait on their Lord and please his guests.
Don’t fear to serve a prince; take good heed to your duties, watch, and you need not fear.
Tasting is done only for those of royal blood, as a Pope, King, Duke, and Earl: not below.
Tasting is done for fear of poison; therefore keep your room secure, and close your safe, for fear of tricks.
A Prince’s Steward and Chamberlain have the oversight of all offices and of tasting, and they must tell the Marshal, Sewer, and Carver how to do it.
I don’t propose to write more on this matter.
I tried this treatise myself, in my youth, and enjoyed these matters, but now age compels me to leave the court; so try yourself.”
“Blessing on you, Father, for this your teaching of me! Now I shall dare to serve where before I was afraid. I will try, and shall learn by practice. May God reward you for teaching me!”
“Good son, and all readers of this Boke of Nurture, pray for the soul of me, John Russell, (servant of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester;) also for the Duke, my wife, father, and mother, that we may all go to bliss when we die.”
Little book, commend me to all learners, and to the experienced, whom I pray to correct its faults.
Any such, put to my copying, which I have done as I best could.
The transcriber is not to blame; he copied what was before him, and neither of us wrote it, I only corrected the rhyme.
God! grant us grace to rule in Heaven with Thine elect!
Andrewe, Extracts on Fish
Eel. Is of no sex; is best roasted.
Herring. Is delicious when fresh, or salted. Dies when it feels the air.
Whale? Shipmen cast anchor on him, and make a fire on him. He swims away, and drowns them.
Ahuna. When the Ahuna is in danger, he puts his head in his belly, and eats a bit of himself.
Balena. (The woodcut is a big Merman. ? Whale.) Are seen most in winter; breed in summer. In rough weather Balena puts her young in her mouth.
Crevice (Sea and Fresh Water Crayfish). How they engender, and hybernate. How the Crayfish manages to eat Oysters.
Fresh-Water Crayfish is hard to digest.
Carp. Is difficult to net.
Whale. Likes Harmony. Gets harpooned, rubs the harpoon into himself, and slays himself.
Phocas. Kills his wife and gets another.
Halata. Takes her young out of her womb to look at ’em.
Pike: eats venomous beasts; is begotten by a West Wind.
Sea-Mouse Musculus is the cock of Balena.
Lamprey. Must be boiled in wine.
Mulus: has 2 beards.
Orchun. Is Balene’s deadly enemy.
Pecten: winks.
Pinna. How he catches small fishes.
Serra. Cuts through ships with his fins.
Siren. Siren is like an eagle below, sings sweet songs to mariners, and tears them to pieces.
Sturgeon. Eats no food, has no mouth, grows fat on east wind. Has no bones in his body.
Wilyam Bulleyn on Boxyng & Neckeweede
For saucy louts, the best cure is Boxing.
The names of Hemp.
Neckweed (a halter) is good for thievish apprentices, for swashbucklers past grace, and all scamps.
Also for young spendthrifts who after their parents’ death waste their all with harlots and in gambling which makes men beggars, or thieves.
A life of reckless debauchery and robbery ends with Hemp.
The use of Hemp to the Sailor, Plowman, Fisher and Archer.
Andrew Borde on Sleep, Rising, and Dress
After Dinner, sleep standing against a cupboard.
Before bedtime be merry.
Have a fire in your bedroom, but stand a good way off it.
Shut your windows.
Lie first on your left side.
To sleep groveling on the belly, is bad; on the back upright, is worse.
Wear a scarlet nightcap.
Have a flock bed over your featherbed.
On rising, remember God, brush your breeches, put on your hose, stretch, go to stool.
Truss your points, comb your head, wash your hands and face, take a stroll, pray to God.
Play at tennis, or wield weights.
At meals, eat only of 2 or 3 dishes; let supper-dishes be light.
Wear a scarlet petycote.
Line a jacket with white and black lambskin sewn diamond-wise.
Keep your neck warm.
Wear goatskin gloves.
Don’t stand long on grass or stones.
Don’t sleep in ratty rooms.
Don’t take cold in your feet.
William Vaughan’s Fifteen Directions to preserve Health
1. Stretch yourself.
2. Rub yourself.
3. Go to stool.
4. Put on your clothes.
5. Comb your head.
6. Clean your teeth.
(How to keep the teeth sound and the breath sweet. Use Vaughan’s Water made after this recipe. It’s better than 1000 Dentrifices.)
7. Wash. The best remedy for dim sight.
8. Say your Prayers.
9. Set to work. Be honest.
10. Eat only three meals a day. Eat light food before heavy. Drink hinders digestion. Use silver cups.
11. Don’t work directly after meals, but talk, wash, and clean your teeth.
12. Undress by the fire in winter.
13. Before bed, chew Mastic, and
14. Pray to God. Look at your water in a Urinal. Have a hole in your nightcap.
15. Against rheums, eat white pepper.
Harington, The Dyet for every Day.
Stretch your limbs, rub your body and head; protect yourself from cold; dress, washing in Summer, warming yourself in Winter.
In Summer wear deer’s and calves’ skins, in Winter, wolf and fox skins.
Comb your head 40 times, wash your face, clean your eyelids, rub your neck well.
Harington, On Rising, Diet, and Going to Bed.
On rising, empty your bladder and belly, nose and lungs.
Cleanse your whole body.
Say your Prayers.
Walk gently, go to stool.
Work in the forenoon.
Always wear a precious stone in a ring; hold a crystal in your mouth; for the virtue of precious stones is great.
Eat only twice a day.
Don’t drink between dinner and supper.
Don’t have one fixed hour for your meals.
In Winter eat in hot well-aired places.
Fast for a day now and then.
Eat more at supper than dinner.
After meals, wash your face, and clean your teeth, chat and walk soberly.
Don’t sit up late.
Before bed, rub your body gently.
Undress by a fire in Winter, and warm your garments well Put off your cares with your clothes, and take them up again in the morning.
The Boke of Keruynge
The Book of Carving and Arranging; and the Dishes for all the Feasts in the year.
Terms of a Carver:
Slice brawn, spoil a hen, unbrace a mallard, untache a curlew, border a pasty, thigh small birds, splat a pike, fin a chub, barb a lobster.
The Butler has 3 knives:
1. a squarer, 2. a chipper, 3. a smoother.
Trencher-bread must be 4 days old; the Salt-Planer of ivory; table cloths kept in a chest, or hung on a perch.
To broach a Pipe, have 2 augers, funnels, and tubes, and pierce the Pipe 4 inches from the bottom.
Always have ready fruits and hard cheese.
Beware of cow cream.
Hard cheese is aperient, and keeps off poison.
Milk and Junket close the Maw.
For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat an almond and hard cheese.
A raw apple will cure indigestion.
See every night that your wines don’t boil over or leak.
You’ll know their fermenting by their hissing.
Names of Wines
Campolet, Rhenish, &c
To make Ypocras.
Take spices; put 6 bags on a perch, 6 pewter basins under, ginger and cinnamon.
(Of the qualities of spices.) Pound each spice separately, put ’em in bladders, and hang ’em in your bags, add a gallon of red wine to ’em, stir it well, run it through two bags, taste it, pass it through 6 runners, and put it in a close vessel.
Keep the dregs for cooking.
Have your Compost clean, and your ale 5 days old, but not dead.
To lay the Cloth.
Put on a couch, then a second cloth, the fold on the outer edge; a third, the fold on the inner edge.
Cover your cupboard, put a towel round your neck, one side lying on your left arm; on that, 7 loaves of eating bread and 4 trencher loaves.
In your left hand a saltcellar, in your right the towel.
Set the saltcellar on your lord’s right, and trenchers on the left of it.
Lay knives, bread, spoons, napkins, and cover ’em up.
To wrap your Lord’s bread stately.
Square the loaves; take a Reynes towel 2½ yards long by the ends; put it on the table, pinch up a handful of one end, and lay it between 2 towels, and on it lay your 6 or 7 loaves bottom to bottom.
Put salt, cups, &c., on the other tables.
See that your Ewery is properly supplied, and your ale-pots kept clean.
To arrange the Surnape.
Put a cloth under a double towel, hold 3 ends together, fold them in a foot-broad pleat, and lay it smooth.
After washing, the Marshal must carry the surnape out.
Leave out half a yard to make estate.
When your lord has washed, remove the Surnape.
When he is seated, salute him, uncover your bread, kneel on your knee till 8 loaves are served out (?) Provide as many cups as dishes.
The Sewer or arranger of dishes must ascertain what dishes and fruits are prepared daily for dinner; and he must have people ready to carry up the dishes.
The Succession of Dishes.
1. Brawn, &c.
2. Pheasant, &c.
3. Meat Fritters, &c
4. For a standard, a peacock with his tail.
5. Doucettes, Paynpuff, Brew, Snipe, Petyperuys and Fayge,
Caraways, &c.
Clear the table
Keruynge of Flesshe.
Your hands must be clean; only two fingers and a thumb should be put on your knife, or on fish, flesh, or fowl.
Wipe your knife on your napkin.
Lay 4 trenchers for your lord, with 2 or 4 on them and the upper crust of a fine loaf.
Give heed to what is indigestible, as resty, fat things, feathers, heads, legs, &c.
Keruynge of Flesshe.
How to carve Brawn, Venison, (cut it in 12 bits and slice it into the furmity,) Pheasant, Stockdoves, (mince the wings into the syrup,) Goose, Teal, &c., (take off the legs and wings,) Capon, (mince the wing with wine or ale,) Plover, Lapwing, Bittern, Egret.
How to carve a Crane, (mind the trump in his breast,) Shoveler, Quail, Martins, Swallow, Fawn, Kid, Roast Venison, Cony, (lay him on his belly with his two cut-off sides, on each side of him.) Cut 4 strips to each bit of meat, for your lord to pick it up by.
Open hot Meat-Pies at the top; cold in the middle.
Cut Custards in inch blocks.
Doucettes, pare off sides and bottom.
Fritters hot are good, cold bad.
Tansey is good.
Jelly, Blanche Manger, Charlet, &c., are good, and no other potages.
Sauces for all maner of Fowles.
Mustard for beef; Verjuice for boiled chickens; Cawdrons for swans; Garlick, &c., for beef.
Ginger for lamb; Gamelyne for heronsewe, &c.; Salt, Sugar and Water of Tame for brew, &c.
White salt for lapwings, &c.
Cinnamon and salt for thrushes &c.
The Dinner Courses from Easter to Whitsunday.
From Easter to Pentecost, set bread, trenchers and spoons:
6 or 8 trenchers for a great lord, 3 for one of low degree.
Then cut bread for eating.
For Easter-day Feast: First Course: A Calf, boiled and blessed; boiled Eggs and green sauce; Potage, with beef, saffron-stained Capons.
Second Course: Mameny, Pigeons, Chewets, Flawnes.
Supper: Chickens, Veal, roast Kid, Pigs’-Feet, a Tansey fried.
Green Sauces of sorrel or vines, for the first course.
Keruyng of all maner of Fowles.
How to carve a Capon. Sauce: green sauce or verjuice.
Swan. Chawdron is the sauce for him.
Pheasant. No sauce but Salt.
Partridge. Sauce for Partridges.
How to carve a Quail. Sauce: salt.
Crane. Sauce: ginger, mustard, vinegar, and salt.
Heron. Sauce as before.
Rittern. Salt, the sauce.
Egret. Salt, the sauce.
Curlew. Salt, as sauce.
Brew. Salt, as sauce.
Cony (or Rabbit.) Sauce: vinegar and ginger.
Sarcel or Teal.
Sauces for the Second Course.
First Course: Beef and Capons.
How to sauce and carve a Roast capon: lay him out as if ready to fly.
Second Course: Potage, Charlet, young Geese, Payne Puff, &c.
How to carve a Goose.
Goose must be eaten with green garlic or verjuice.
Dinner Courses from the Nativity of St John the Baptist, (June 24,) to Michaelmas.
First Course: soups, vegetables, legs of Pork, &c.
Second Course: roast Mutton, glazed Pigeons, Fritters, &c.
Serve a Pheasant dry, with salt and ginger: a Heronsewe with salt and powder (blanche?) Treat open-clawed birds like capons.
Dinner Courses from Michaelmas to Christmas.
First Course: legs of Pork, &c.
Second Course: Widgeon, Fieldfares, Chewets, Beef, with sauces Gelopere and Pegyll.
Cut the skin off boiled meats.
Carve carefully for Ladies; they soon get angry.
Carve Goose and Swan like other birds.
The skin of cloven-footed birds is unwholsome; of whole-footed birds wholesome, because the water washes all corruption out of ’em.
Chicken’s skin is not so pure, because their nature is not to enter into the river.
River birds cleanse their foul stink in the river.
Take off the heads of all field birds, for they eat worms, toads, and the like.
Sewynge of Fysshe.
First Course:Musculade. Salens, &c., baked Gurnet.
Second Course: Jelly, dates, &c. For a standard, Mullet, Chub, Seal, &c.
Third Course: Bream, Perch, Whelks; and pears in sugar candy. Figs, dates capped with minced ginger, &c.
All over! Clear the table.
Carving and Dressing of Fish
Put tails and livers in the pea broth and furmity.
How to carve Seal Turrentyne, baked Herring, white Herring, Green Fish, Merling, Hake, Pike, salt Lamprey, Plaice.
Gurnard, Bream, Roach, Whiting, Codling.
Carp, Trout, Conger, Thornback, Halibut, Tench, and Crab.
How to dress and serve up a Crab.
How to dress and carve a Crayfish, a Joll of Sturgeon, a fresh Lamprey, pasty. (sauce, Galentyne with red wine and powdered cinnamon.) Fresh Herring, &c.
Sprats, Musculade in worts, Oysters.
Dates, pears, Mortrewes of Dogfish.
Sauces for Fish.
Mustard for Salmon, &c.; Vinegar for salt Whale, &c.; Galentyne for Lamprey; Verjuice for Roach, &c.; Cinnamon for Chub, &c.; Green Sauce for Halibut, &c.
The Duties of a Chamberlain.
He must be cleanly, and comb his hair; see to his Lord’s clothes, and brush his hose; in the morning warm his shirt, and prepare his footsheet; warm his petycote, &c.; put on his shoes, tie up his hose, comb his head, wash his hands, put on the robe he orders.
Make ready his Closet in the Church or Chapel, then come home to his Bed-chamber, take off the bed-clothes.
Make his lord’s bed again with clean sheets, and lay hangings round the bed, and windows, &c.
Keep the privy clean, and the board covered with green cloth, and provide down or cotton for wiping.
When he goes to bed, let him wash; put him on a mantle, take off his shoes, &c.
Comb his head, put on his night-cap, draw the curtains round him, drive out the dogs and cats, set the urinal near, and then take leave.
Of the Marshal and Usher.
He must know the orders of precedence of all ranks.
A Cardinal before a Prince.
The Mayor of London ranks with the 3 Chief Justices.
The Knight’s equals.
The ex-Mayor of London.
The Esquire’s equals. Who must dine alone, who 2 together, who 2 or 3, who 3 or 4. The Marshall must know who are of royal blood, for that has the reverence. He must take heed of the King’s officers, do honour to strangers, and receive a Messenger from the King as if one degree higher than he is, for a King’s groom may sit at a Knight’s table.
The Boke of Curtasye
In this book you may learn Courtesy. Every one needs it.
On reaching a Lord’s gate, give the Porter your weapon, and ask leave to go in.
If the master is of low degree, he will come to you: if of high, the Porter will take you to him.
At the Hall-door, take off your hood and gloves, greet the Steward, &c., at the dais, bow to the Gentlemen on each side of the hall both right and left; notice the yeomen, then stand before the screen till the Marshal or Usher leads you to the table.
Be sedate and courteous if you are set with the gentlemen.
Cut your loaf in two, the top from the bottom; cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3. cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3.
Put your trencher before you, and don’t eat or drink till your Mess is brought from the kitchen, lest you be thought starved or a glutton.
Have your nails clean.
Don’t bite your bread, but break it.
Don’t quarrel at table, or make grimaces.
Don’t cram your cheeks out with food like an ape, for if any one should speak to you, you can’t answer, but must wait.
Don’t eat on both sides of your mouth.
Don’t laugh with your mouth full, or sup up your potage noisily.
Don’t leave your spoon in the dish or on its side, but clean your spoon.
Let no dirt off your fingers soil the cloth.
Don’t put into the dish bread that you have once bitten.
Dry your mouth before you drink.
Don’t call for a dish once removed, or spit on the table: that’s rude.
Don’t scratch your dog.
If you blow your nose, clean your hand; wipe it with your skirt or put it through your tippet.
Don’t pick your teeth at meals, or drink with food in your mouth, as you may get choked, or killed, by its stopping your wind.
Tell no tale to harm or shame your companions.
Don’t stroke the cat or dog.
Don’t dirty the table cloth with your knife.
Don’t blow on your food, or put your knife in your mouth, or wipe your teeth or eyes with the table cloth.
If you sit by a good man, don’t put your knee under his thigh.
Don’t hand your cup to any one with your back towards him.
Don’t lean on your elbow, or dip your thumb into your drink, or your food into the salt cellar: That is a vice.
Don’t spit in the basin you wash in or loosely (?) before a man of God.
If you go to school you shall learn:
1. Cross of Christ,
2. Pater Noster,
3. Hail Mary and the Creed,
4. In the name of the Trinity,
5. of the Apostles,
6. the Confession.
Seek the kingdom of God, and worship Him.
At church, take holy water; pray for all Christian companions; kneel to God on both knees, to man only on one.
At the Altar, serve the priest with both hands.
Speak gently to your father and mother, and honour them.
Do to others as you would they should do to you.
Don’t be foolishly meek.
The seed of the righteous shall never beg or be shamed.
Be ready forgive, and fond of peace.
If you cannot give an asker goods, give him good words.
Be willing to help every one.
Give your partner his fair share.
Go on the pilgrimages (?) you vow to saints, lest God take vengeance on you.
Don’t believe all who speak fair: the Serpent spoke fair words (to Eve).
Be cautious with your words, except when angry.
Don’t lie, but keep your word.
Don’t laugh too often, or you’ll be called a shrew or a fool.
Man’s 3 enemies are: the Devil, the Flesh, and the World.
Destroy these, and be sure of heaven.
Don’t strive with your lord, or bet or play with him.
In a strange place don’t be too inquisitive or fussy.
If a man falls, don’t laugh, but help him up: your own head may fall to your feet.
At the Mass, if the priest doesn’t please you, don’t blame him.
Don’t tell your secrets to a shrew.
Don’t beckon, point, or whisper.
When you meet a man, greet him, or answer him cheerily if he greets you: don’t be dumb, lest men say you have no mouth.
Never speak improperly of women, for we and our fathers were all born of women.
A wife should honour and obey her husband, and serve him.
Try to reconcile brothers if they quarrel.
At a gate, let your equal precede you; go behind your superior and your master unless he bids you go beside him.
On a pilgrimage don’t be third man: 3 oxen can’t draw a plough.
Don’t drink all that’s in a cup offered you; take a little.
If you sleep with any man, ask what part of the bed he likes, and lie far from him.
If you journey with any man, find out his name, who he is, where he is going.
With friars on a pilgrimage, do as they do.
Don’t put up at a red (haired and faced) man or woman’s house.
Answer opponents meekly, but don’t tell lies.
Before your lord at table, keep your hands, feet, and fingers still.
Don’t stare about, or at the wall, or lean against the post.
Don’t pick your nose, scratch your arm, or stoop your head.
Listen when you’re spoken to.
Never harm child or beast with evil eye (?) Don’t blush when you’re chaffed, or you’ll be accused of mischief.
Don’t make faces.
Wash before eating.
Sit where the host tells you; avoid the highest place unless you’re told to take it.
Of the Officers in Lords’ Courts.
Four bear rods; three wands:
1. Porter, the longest,
2. Marshal,
3. Usher, the shortest,
4. Steward, a staff, a finger thick, half a yard long.
Of the Porter.
He keeps the Gate and Stocks, takes charge of misdoers till judged, also of clothes, and warns strangers.
He is found in meat and drink.
On his lord’s removing, he hires horses at 4d. a piece, the statute price.
Of the Marshal of the Hall
How long Squires shall have allowances, and Fire shall burn in the Hall.
He shall arrest rebels, when the steward is away.
Yeoman-Usher and Groom are under him.
The Groom gets fuel for the fire, and makes one in Hall for every meal; looks after tables, trestles, forms, the cup-board, and hangings of the Hall.
Fires last from Allsaints’ Day to Candlemas Eve, (Nov. 1 to Feb. 2.) and thus long, Squires receive their daily candle?
The Marshal shall seat men in the Hall.
Of the Butler, Panter, and Cooks serving him.
They are the Marshal’s servants.
He shall score up all messes served, and order bread and ale for men, but wine for gentlemen.
Each mess shall be reckoned at 6d. and be scored up to prevent the cook’s cheating.
If bread runs short, the Marshal orders more, ‘a reward.’
Of the Butler’s duties.
He shall put a pot and loaf to each mess.
He is the panter’s mate.
The Marshal shall see to men’s lodging.
The Lord’s Chamber and Wardrobe are under the Usher of the Chamber.
Of the Usher and Grooms of the Chamber.
1. Usher,
2. Yeoman-usher,
3. Two grooms and a Page.
The Duties of the Grooms of the Chamber. They shall make palets of litter 9 ft. long, 7 broad, watered, twisted, trodden, with wisps at foot and side, twisted and turned back; from the floor-level to the waist.
For lords, 2 beds, outer and inner, hung with hangings, hooks and eyes set on the binding; the valance hanging on a rod (?), four curtains reaching to the ground; these he takes up with a forked rod.
The counterpane is laid at the foot, cushions on the sides, tapestry on the floor and sides of the room.
The Groom gets fuel, and screens.
The Groom keeps the table, trestles, and forms for dinner; and water in a heater.
He puts 3 wax-lights over the chimney, all in different syces.
The Usher of the Chamber walks about and sees that all is served right, orders the table to be set and removed, takes charge of the Wardrobe and Bedchamber, bids the Wardroper get all ready before the fire, nightgown, carpet, 2 cushions, a form with a footsheet over it; on which the lord changes his gown.
The Usher orders what’s wanted from the Buttery: a link from the Chandler, and ale and wine.
(No meat shall be assayed except for King, Prince, Duke or Heirs-apparent.)
From the Pantry the Usher takes fine and coarse bread, and a wax-light that burns all night in a basin.
(The Yeoman-Usher removes the torches.)
The Usher puts lights on the Bedroom door, brings bread and wine, (the lord washing first,) offers the drink kneeling; puts his lord to bed, and then goes home himself.
The Yeoman-Usher sleeps at the Lord’s door.
Of the Steward.
Few are true, but many false.
He, the clerk, cook and surveyor consult over their Lord’s dinner.
Any dainty that can be had, the Steward buys.
Before dishes are put on, the Steward enters first, then the Server.
The Steward shall post into books all accounts written on tablets, and add them up.
Of the Controller.
He puts down the receipt and consumption of every day.
Of the Surveyor.
He, the steward, and controller, receive nothing, but see that all goes straight.
The Controller checks daily the Clerk of the kitchen’s account.
Of the Clerk of the Kitchen.
He shall keep account of all purchases, and payments, and wages, shall preside at the Dresser, and keep the spices, stores, &c., and the clothes of the officers.
Of the Chancellor.
He looks after the servants’ clothes, and horses, seals patents, and grants of land, &c., for life, or during the lord’s pleasure.
He oversees the land too, and is a great man.
Of the Treasurer.
He takes from the Receiver what is collected from bailiff and grieve, courts and forfeits.
He gives the Kitchen clerk money to buy provisions with, and the clerk gives some to the baker and butler.
The Treasurer pays all wages.
He, the Receiver, Chancellor, Grieves, &c., account once a year to the Auditor, from whom they can appeal to a Baron of the Exchequer.
Of the Receiver of Rents.
He gives receipts, and gets a fee of 6d.
He pays fees to park-keepers, and looks after castles and manor-houses.
Of the Avener.
He shall give the horses in the stable two armsful of hay and a peck of oats, daily.
A Squire is Master of the Horse; under him are Avener and Farrier, (the Farrier has a halfpenny a day for every horse he shoes,) and grooms and pages hired at 2d. a day, or 3 halfpence, and footmen who run by ladies’ bridles.
Of the Baker.
Out of a London bushel he shall bake 20 loaves, fine and coarse.
Of the Huntsman and his Hounds.
He gets a halfpenny a day for every hound.
The Feuterer 2 lots of bread if he has 2 leash of Greyhounds, and a bone for each, besides perquisites of skins, &c.
Of the Ewerer or Water-bringer.
He has all the candles and cloths and gives water to every one.
Who may wash his hands, and where.
The bringer of Water shall kneel down.
The Ewerer shall cover the lord’s table with a double cloth, the lower with the selvage to the lord’s side; the upper cloth shall be laid double, the upper selvage turned back as if for a towel.
He shall put on cleaners for every one.
Of the Panter.
He carries 3 loaves cut square for trenchers, and the covered Saltcellar, 2 Carving-knives, and sets the 3rd, and a spoon to his lord.
Of the Lord’s Knives, (Bread, and Washing.)
The hafts of 2 are laid outwards, that of the 3rd inwards, and the spoon handle by it.
More trencher loaves are set, and wine served to the Duchess.
2 Trencher-loaves, and salt, to the lord’s son; and 1 loaf and saltcellar set at the end of the table.
Then 3 loaves of white bread are brought, and 1 coarse loaf is put in the Alms-dish.
To assay bread, the Panter kneels, the Carver cuts him a slice, and he eats it.
The Ewerer strains water into his basins, on the upper one of which is a towel folded dodgily.
Then the water is assayed in a cup of white wood.
The Carver takes up the basins; a knight takes down the towel, and wipes the cup, into which the Carver pours water; the knight hands it to him; he assays it, and empties the cup.
Two knights hold the towel before the lord’s sleeves, and hold the upper basin while the Carver pours water into the lower; then he puts the lower into the upper, and empties both, takes them to the Ewerer, returns to the lord’s table, lays 4 trenchers for him, with 1 above.
The Carver takes 3 to cut the lord’s messes on, and has a cloth round his neck to wipe his knives on.
Of the Almoner.
He says grace, sets down the Alms-dish, and the Carver puts the first loaf in it.
The other loaves he pares round, cuts one in two, and gives the upper half in halves to him.
The Almoner has a staff in his hand.
He keeps the broken food and wine left, for poor men at the gate, and is sworn to give it all to them.
He distributes silver as he rides.
Of the Sewer (or setter-on of Dishes).
The Cook assays the meat before it’s dished.
The Sewer puts the cover on it, and the cover must never be raised for fear of treason.
(A Dodge: If the silver dish burns you, put bits of bread under it.)
The Sewer assays all the food: potage with a piece of bread; fish or flesh, he eats a piece; baked meats hot, he lifts up the crust, and dips bread in the gravy; baked meats cold, he eats a bit.
The meat-bearer stands or kneels as the Sewer does.
When bread is wanted, the Butler puts one loaf on the table, the other on the cupboard.
The Butler assays all the wine.
What is left in the lord’s cup goes to the Alms-dish.
The Carver fills the empty cup, assays it, and gives it the lord or puts it down.
He carves the lord’s meat, and lays it on his trencher, putting a piece of every thing in the Alms-dish, except any favourite piece or potage sent to a stranger.
(To say more about the Carver would require another section, so I pass it over.)
After dinner the Sewer brings the Surnape, a broad towel and a narrow, and slides it down.
The Usher takes one end of the broad one, the Almoner the other, and when it is laid, he folds the narrow towel double before his lord and lady.
After grace removes them, lays the table on the floor, and takes away the trestles.
Of the Chandler.
He can make all kinds of candles, little and big, and mortars of wax.
He snuffs them with short scissors.
In bed-chambers wax lights only shall be burnt; in hall, Candles of Paris, each mess having one from Nov. 1 to Feb. 2 (see l. 393), and squires one too.
The Butler shall give Squires their daily bread and ale all the year, and Knights their wine.
May Christ bring us to His dwelling-place. Amen!
Bp. Grossetest’s Household Statutes.
All servants should serve truly God and their Master; doing fully all that their Master orders, without answering.
The upper servants must be honest and diligent, and engage no untrusty or unfit man.
iv. Dishonest, quarrelsome, and drunken servants must be turned out.
v. All must be of one accord, vi. obedient to those above them, vii. dress in livery, and not wear old shoes.
viii. Order your Alms to be given to the poor and sick.
ix. Make all the household dine together in the Hall.
x. Let no woman dine with you.
Let the Master show himself to all.
Don’t allow grumbling.
xi. Let your servants go to their homes.
xii. Tell your Panter and Butler to come to the table before grace.
Tell off three yeomen to wait at table.
xiii. Tell the Steward to keep good order in the Hall, and serve every one fairly.
xiv. Have your dish well filled that you may help others to it.
xv. Always admit your special friends, and show them you are glad to see them.
xvi. Talk familiarly to your Bailiffs, ask how your tenants and store do.
xvii. Allow no private meals; only those in Hall.
Stanzas and Couplets of Counsel
Never mistrust or fail your friend.
Don’t talk too much.
Spare your master’s goods as your own.
A lawless youth, a despised old age.
A Gentleman says the best he can of every one.
The schoole of Vertue
First, say this prayer: “O God! enable us to follow virtue. Defend us this day. Let us abound with virtues, flee from vice, and go forward in good doing to our live’s end.”
Repeat the Lord’s Prayer night and morning.
How to wash and dress yourself.
Don’t sleep too long.
Rise early; cast up your bed, and don’t let it lie.
Go down, salute your parents, wash your hands, comb your head, brush your cap and put it on.
Tie on your shirt-collar, fasten your girdle, rub your breeches, clean your shoes, wipe your nose on a napkin, pare your nails, clean your ears, wash your teeth.
Have your torn clothes mended, or new ones obtained.
Get your satchell and books, and haste to School, taking too pen, paper, and ink, which are necessary for use at school.
Then start off.
How to behave going to, and at, School.
Take off your cap to those you meet; give way to passers by.
Call your playmates on your road.
At School salute your master, and the scholars.
Go straight to your place, undo your satchell, take out your books and learn your lesson; stick well to your books.
If you don’t work, you’ll repent it when you grow up.
Who could now speak of famous deeds of old, had not Letters preserved them?
Work hard then, and you’ll be thought worthy to serve the state.
Men of low birth win honour by Learning, and then are doubly happy.
When you doubt, ask to be told.
Wish well to those who warn you.
On your way home walk two and two orderly (for which men will praise you); don’t run in heaps like a swarm of bees like boys do now.
Don’t whoop or hallow as in fox-hunting don’t chatter, or stare at every new fangle, but walk soberly, taking your cap off to all, and being gentle.
Do no man harm; speak fair words.
On reaching home salute your parents reverently.
How to wait at table.
Look your parents in the face, hold up your hands, and say Grace before meate.
Grace before Meat.
Make a low curtesy; wish your parents’ food may do ’em good.
If you are big enough, bring the food to table.
Don’t fill dishes so full as to spill them on your parents’ dress, or they’ll be angry.
Have spare trenchers ready for guests.
See there’s plenty of everything wanted.
Empty the Voiders often.
Be at hand if any one calls.
When the meat is over, clear the table:
1. cover the salt,
2. have a tray by you to carry things off on,
3. put the trenchers, &c., in one Voider,
4. sweep the crumbs into another,
5. set a clean trencher before every one,
6. put on Cheese, Fruit, Biscuits, and
7. serve Wine, Ale or Beer.
When these are finished, clear the table, and fold up the cloth.
Then spread a clean towel, bring bason and jug, and when your parents are ready to wash, and when your parents are ready to wash, pour out the water.
Clear the table; make a low curtsey.
How to behave at your own dinner.
Let your betters sit above you.
See others served first, then wait a while before eating.
Take salt with your knife, cut your bread, don’t fill your spoon too full, or sup your pottage.
Have your knife sharp.
Don’t smack your lips or gnaw your bones: avoid such beastliness.
Keep your fingers clean, wipe your mouth before drinking.
Don’t jabber or stuff.
Silence hurts no one, and is fitted for a child at table.
Don’t pick your teeth, or spit too much.
Behave properly.
Don’t laugh too much.
Learn all the good manners you can.
They are better than playing the fiddle, though that’s no harm, but necessary; yet manners are more important.
How to behave at Church.
Pray kneeling or standing.
Confess your sins to God.
He knows your disease.
Ask in faith, and what you ask you shall have; He is more merciful than pen can tell.
Behave nicely in church, and don’t talk or chatter.
Behave reverently; the House of Prayer is not to be made a fair.
Avoid dicing and carding.
Delight in Knowledge, Virtue, and Learning.
Happy is he who cultivates Virtue.
Cursed is he who forsakes it.
Let reason rule you, and subdue your lusts.
These ills come from gambling: strife, murder, theft, cursing and swearing.
How to behave when conversing.
Understand a question before you answer it; let a man tell all his tale.
Then bow to him, look him in the face, and answer sensibly, not staring about or laughing, but audibly and distinctly, your words in due order, or you’ll straggle off, or stutter, or stammer, which is a foul crime.
Always keep your head uncovered.
Better unfed than untaught.
How to take a Message.
Listen to it well; don’t go away not knowing it.
Then hurry away, give the message; get the answer, return home, and tell it to your master exactly as it was told to you.
Against Anger, &c.
The slave of Anger must fall.
Anger’s deeds are strange to wise men.
A hasty man is always in trouble.
Take no revenge, but forgive.
Envy no one.
An ill body breeds debate.
The Fruits of Charity, &c.
Charity seeketh not her own, but bears patiently.
Charity seeketh not her own, but bears patiently.
Love incites to Mercy.
Patience teaches forbearance.
Pray God to give thee Charity and Patience, to lead thee to Virtue’s School, and thence to Eternal Bliss.
Against Swearing.
Take not God’s name in vain, or He will plague thee.
Beware of His wrath, and live well in thy vocation.
What is the good of swearing?
It kindles God’s wrath against thee.
God’s law forbids swearing, and so does the counsel of Philosophers.
Against filthy talking.
Never talk dirt.
For every word we shall give account at the Day of Doom, and be judged according to our deeds.
Let lewd livers then fear.
Keep your tongue from vain talking.
Against Lying.
To speak the truth needs no study, therefore always practise it and speak it.
Shame is the reward of lying.
Always speak the truth.
Who can trust a liar?
If a lie saves you once, it deceives you thrice.
A bedward Prayer.
God of mercy, take us into Thy care.
Forgive us our sins.
Deliver us from evil, and our enemy the Devil.
Assist us to conquer him and ascribe all honour to Thee.
Each one’s Duty.
The Duty of Princes, Judges, Prelates, Parents, Children, Masters, Servants, Husbands.
The Duty of Wives, Parsons and Vicars, Men of Law, Craftsmen, Landlords, Merchants, Subjects, Rich Men, Poor Men, Magistrates, Officers, The Duty of all Men.
God grant us all to live and die well!
Whate-ever thow sey, avyse thee welle!
A man must mind what he says; hearts are fickle and fell.
Take care what you say. A false friend may hear it, and after a year or two will repeat it.
Hasty speech hurts hearer and speaker. In the beginning, think on the end.
You tell a man a secret, and he’ll betray it for a drink of wine. Mind what you say.
Avoid backbiting and flattering; refrain from malice, and bragging.
A venomous tongue causes sorrow. When words are said, regret is too late.
Mind what you say.
Had men thought of this, many things done in England would never have been begun.
To speak aright observe six things:
1. what; 2. of whom; 3. where; 4. to whom; 5. why; 6. when.
In every place mind what you say.
Almighty God, grant me grace to serve Thee!
Mary, mother, send me grace night and day!
A Dogg Lardyner, & a Sowe Gardyner
A dog in a larder, a sow in a garden, a fool with wise men, are ill matcht.
Roger Ascham’s Advice to Lord Warwick’s Servant
Fear God, serve your lord faithfully, be courteous to your fellows.
Despise no poor man.
Carry no tales.
Tell no lies.
Don’t play at dice or cards.
Take to your lord’s favourite sport.
Beware of idleness.
Always be at hand when you’re wanted.
Diligence will get you praise.
God be with you!
The Babees Book
My God, support me while I translate this treatise from Latin. It shall teach those of tender age.
To know and practise virtues is the most profitable thing in the world.
Young Babies, adorned with grace, I call on you to know this book (for Nurture should accompany beauty), and not on aged men expert therein.
Why add pain to hell, water to the sea, or heat to fire?
Babies, my book is for you only, and so I hope no one will find fault with it, but only amend it.
The only reward I seek is that my book may please all and improve you.
If you don’t know any word in it, ask till you do, and then keep hold of it.
And do not wonder at this being in metre.
I must first describe how you Babies who dwell in households should behave at meals, and be ready with lovely and benign words when you are spoken to.
Lady Facetia, help me! Thou art the Mother of all Virtue.
Help the ignorance of me untaught!
Fair Babies, when you enter your lord’s place, say “God speed,” and salute all there.
Kneel on one knee to your lord.
If any speak to you, look straight at them, and listen well till they have finished; do not chatter or let your eyes wander about the house.
Answer sensibly, shortly, and easily.
Many words are a bore to a wise man.
Stand till you are told to sit: keep your head, hands, and feet quiet: don’t scratch yourself, or lean against a post, or handle anything near.
Bow to your lord when you answer.
If any one better than yourself comes in, retire and give place to him.
Turn your back on no man.
Be silent while your lord drinks, not laughing, whispering, or joking.
If he tells you to sit down, do so at once.
Then don’t talk dirt, or scorn any one, but be meek and cheerful.
If your better praises you, rise up and thank him heartily.
When your lord or lady is speaking about the household, don’t you interfere, but be always ready to serve at the proper time, to bring drink, hold lights, or anything else, and so get a good name.
The best prayer you can make to God is to be well mannered.
If your lord offers you his cup, rise up, take it with both hands, offer it to no one else, but give it back to him that brought it.
At Noon, when your lord is ready for dinner, some pour water on him, some hold the towel for him till he has finished, and don’t leave till grace is said.
Stand by your lord till he tells you to sit, then keep your knife clean and sharp to cut your food.
Be silent, and tell no nasty stories.
Cut your bread, don’t break it.
Lay a clean trencher before you, and eat your broth with a spoon, don’t sup it up.
Don’t leave your spoon in your dish.
Don’t lean on the table, or dirty the cloth.
Don’t hang your head over your dish, or eat with a full mouth, or pick your nose, teeth, and nails, or stuff your mouth so that you can’t speak.
Wipe your mouth when you drink, and don’t dirty the cup with your hands.
Don’t dip your meat in the salt-cellar, or put your knife in your mouth.
Taste every dish that’s brought to you, and when once your plate is taken away, don’t ask for it again.
If strangers dine with you, share all good food sent to you with them.
It’s not polite to keep it all to yourself.
Don’t cut your meat like field labourers, who have such an appetite they don’t care how they hack their food.
Sweet children, let your delight be courtesy, and eschew rudeness.
Have a clean trencher and knife for your cheese, and eat properly.
Don’t chatter either, and you shall get a good repute for gentleness.
When the meal is over, clean your knives, and put them in their places; keep your seats till you’ve washed; then rise up without laughing or joking, and go to your lord’s table.
Stand there till grace is said.
Then some of you go for water, some hold the towel, some pour water over his hands.
Other things I shall not put in this little Report, but skip over, praying that no one will abuse me for this work.
Let readers add or take away: I address it to every one who likes to correct it.
Sweet children, I beseech you know this book, and may God make you so expert therein that you may attain endless bliss.
Lerne or be Lewde
Don’t be too loving or angry, bold or busy, courteous or cruel or cowardly, and don’t drink too often, or be too lofty or anxious, but friendly of cheer.
Hate jealousy, be not too hasty or daring; joke not too oft; ware knaves’ tricks.
Don’t be too grudging or too liberal, too meddling, too particular, new-fangled, or too daring.
Hate oaths and flattery.
Please well thy master.
Don’t be too rackety, or go out too much.
Don’t be too revengeful or wrathful, and wade not too deep.
The middle path is the best for us all.
When you come before a lord take off your cap or hood, and fall on your right knee twice or thrice.
Keep your cap off till you’re told to put it on; hold up your chin; look in the lord’s face; keep hand and foot still; don’t spit or snot; get rid of it quietly; behave well.
When you go into the hall, don’t press up too high.
Don’t be shamefaced.
Wherever you go, good manners make the man.
Reverence your betters, but treat all equally whom you don’t know.
See that your hands are clean, and your knife sharp.
Let worthier men help themselves before you eat.
Don’t clutch at the best bit.
Keep your hands from dirtying the cloth, and don’t wipe your nose on it, or dip too deep in your cup.
Have no meat in your mouth when you drink or speak; and stop talking when your neighbour is drinking.
Scorn and reprove no man.
Keep your fingers from what would bring you to grief.
Among ladies, look, don’t talk.
Don’t laugh loud, or riot with ribalds.
Don’t repeat what you hear.
Words make or mar you.
If you follow a worthier man, let your right shoulder follow his back, and don’t speak till he has done.
Be austere (?) in speech; don’t stop any man’s tale.
Christ gives us all wit to know this, and heaven as our reward.
The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke or Edyllys be
Clerks say that courtesy came from heaven when Gabriel greeted our Lady.
All virtues are included in it.
See that your hands and nails are clean.
Don’t eat till grace is said, or sit down till you’re told.
First, think on the poor; the full belly wots not what the hungry feels.
Don’t eat too quickly.
Touch nothing till you are fully helped.
Don’t break your bread in two, or put your pieces in your pocket, your fingers in the dish, or your meat in the salt-cellar.
Don’t pick your ears or nose, or drink with your mouth full, or cram it full.
Don’t pick your teeth with your knife.
Take your spoon out when you’ve finished soup.
Don’t spit over or on the table, that’s not proper.
Don’t put your elbows on the table, or belch as if you had a bean in your throat.
Be careful of good food; and be courteous and cheerful.
Don’t whisper in any man’s ear.
Take your food with your fingers, and don’t waste it.
Don’t grin, or talk too much, or spill your food.
Keep your cloth before you.
Cut your meat, don’t bite it.
Don’t open your mouth too wide when you eat, or blow in your food.
If your lord drinks, always wait till he has done.
Keep your trencher clean.
Drink behind no man’s back.
Don’t rush at the cheese, or throw your bones on the floor.
Sit still till grace is said and you’ve washed your hands, and don’t spit in the basin.
Rise quietly, don’t jabber, but thank your host and all the company, and then men will say, ‘A gentleman was here!’
He who despises this teaching isn’t fit to sit at a good man’s table.
Children, love this little book, and pray that Jesus may help its author to die among his friends, and not be troubled with devils, but be in joy for ever.
The Young Children’s Book
Whoever will thrive, must be courteous, and begin in his youth.
Courtesy came from heaven, and contains all virtues, as rudeness does all vices.
Get up betimes; cross yourself; wash your hands and face; comb your hair; say your prayers; go to church and hear Mass.
Say ‘Good Morning’ to every one you meet.
Then have breakfast, first crossing your mouth.
Say grace, thank Jesus for your food, and say an Ave for the souls in pain.
Then set to work, and don’t be idle.
Scripture tells you, if you work, you must eat what you get with your hands.
Be true in word and deed; truth keeps a man from blame.
Mercy and Truth are the two ways to heaven, fail not to go by them.
Make only proper promises, and keep them without falsehood.
Love God and your neighbours, and so fulfil all the Law.
Meddle only with what belongs to you.
Scorn not the poor; flatter no one; oppress (?) not servants.
Be meek, and wait till your better has spoken.
When you speak to a man, keep still, and look him in the face.
Don’t be a tale-bearer.
Thank all who speak well of you.
Use few words; don’t swear or lie in your dealings.
Earn money honestly, and keep out of debt.
Try to please; seek peace; mind whom you speak to and what you say.
Wherever you enter, say “God be here;” and speak courteously to master and man.
Stand till you are told to sit at meat, and don’t leave your seat before others.
Sit upright; be sociable, and share with your neighbours.
Take salt with a clean knife; talk no scandal, but speak well of all.
Hear and see; don’t talk.
Be satisfied with what’s set before you.
Wipe your mouth before you drink; keep your fingers and lips clean.
Don’t speak with your mouth full.
Praise your food for whether it’s good or bad, it must be taken in good part.
Mind where you spit, and put your hand before your mouth.
Keep your knife clean, and don’t wipe it on the cloth.
Don’t put your spoon in the dish, or make a noise, like boys, when you sup.
Don’t put meat off your plate into the dish, but into a voider.
If your superior hands you a cup, drink, but take the cup with two hands.
When he speaks to you, doff your cap and bend your knee.
Don’t scratch yourself at table, wipe your nose, or play with your spoon, &c.
This book is for young children who don’t stay long at school.
God grant them grace to be virtuous!
Stans Puer ad Mensam (both versions).
When you stand before your sovereign, speak not recklessly, and keep your hands still.
Don’t stare about, lean against a post, look at the wall, pick your nose, or scratch yourself.
When spoken to, don’t lumpishly look at the ground.
Walk demurely in the streets, and don’t laugh before your lord.
Clean your nails and wash your hands.
Sit where you’re told to, and don’t be too hasty to begin eating.
Don’t grin, shout, or stuff your jaws with food, or drink too quickly.
Keep your lips clean, and wipe your spoon.
Don’t make sops of bread, or drink with a dirty mouth.
Don’t dirty the table linen, or pick your teeth with your knife.
Don’t swear or talk ribaldry, or take the best bits; share with your fellows.
Eat up your pieces, and keep your nails clean.
It’s bad manners to bring up old complaints.
Don’t play with your knife, or shuffle your feet about.
Don’t spill your broth on your chest, or use dirty knives, or fill your spoon too full. Be quick to do whatever your lord orders.
Take salt with your knife; don’t blow in your cup, or begin quarrels.
Interrupt no man in his story.
Drink wine and ale in moderation.
Don’t talk too much, but keep a middle course.
Be gentle and tractable, but not too soft.
Children must not be revengeful; their anger is appeased with a bit of apple.
Children’s quarrels are first play, then crying; don’t believe their complaints; give ’em the rod.
Spare that, and you’ll spoil all.
Young children, pray take heed to my little ballad, which shall lead you into all virtues.
My mistakes I submit to correction.
Ffor to serve a lord.
1. Have your table-cloths and napkins ready, also trenchers, salts, &c.
2. Bring your cloths folded, lay them on the table, then cover the cupboard, the side-table, and the chief table.
3. Bring out the chief salt-cellar, and pared loaves, and hold the carving-knives in your right hand.
4. Put your chief salt-cellar before the chief person’s seat, his bread by it, and his trenchers before it.
5. Put the second salt-cellar at the lower end. If wooden trenchers are used, bring them on.
6. Put salt-cellars on the side-tables.
7. Bring out your basins, &c., and set all your plate on the cupboard.
8. Let the chief servants have basins, &c., ready, and after Grace, hold the best basin to the chief lord, with the towel under; and then let his messmates wash.
9. The chief lord takes his seat, then his messmates theirs; then the lower-mess people theirs. (When Grace begins, the bread cover is to be taken away.)
10. The Carver takes 4 trenchers on his knife-point, and lays them before the chief lord, (one to put his salt on,) and 3 or 2 before the less people.
11. The Butler gives each man a spoon and a napkin.
12. The Carver pares 2 loaves, lays 2 before his lord, and 2 or 1 to the rest.
13. Serve brawn, beef, swan, pheasant, fritters. As a change for beef, have legs or chines of pork, or tongue of ox or hart.
14. Clear away the 1st course, crumbs, bones, and used trenchers.
15. Serve the Second Course: Small birds, lamb, kid, venison, rabbits, meat pie, teal, woodcock. Great birds.
16. Fill men’s cups and remove their trenchers.
17. Collect the spoons.
18. Take up the lowest dishes at the side-tables, and then clear the high table.
19. Sweep all the bits of bread, trenchers, &c., into a voyder.
20. Take away the cups, &c., from all the messes, putting the trenchers,
&c., in a voyder, and scraping the crumbs off with a carving-knife.
21. Serve wafers in towels laid on the table, and sweet wine. In holiday time serve cheese, or fruit; in winter, roast apples.
22. Clear away all except the chief salt-cellar, whole bread, and carving-knives; take these to the pantry.
23. Lay a fresh cloth all along the chief table.
24. Have ready basons and jugs with hot or cold water; and after Grace, hand basins and water to the first mess, then the second.
25. Take off and fold up the towels and cloth, and give ’em to the
26. Clear away tables, trestles, forms; and put cushions on other seats.
27. Butler, put the cups, &c., back into your office.
28. Serve knights and ladies with bread and wine, kneeling.
29. Conduct strangers to the Chamber.
30. Serve them with dainties: junket, pippins, or green ginger; and sweet wines. How to carve a Swan, Goose, Wild-fowl, Crane, Heronsew,
Bittern, Egret, Partridge, Quail, Pheasant.
A Bridal Feast.
First Course. Boar’s head, and a Device of Welcome. Venison and Custard, with a Device of Meekness.
Second Course.
Venison, Crane, &c., and a Device of Gladness and Loyalty.
Third Course.
Sweets, &c., Game, with a Device of Thankfulness.
Fourth Course.
Cheese and a cake with a Device of Child-bearing and a promise of babies.
Latin Graces.
A general Grace.
The eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, bless us. Make us partakers of the heavenly table.
Grace after Dinner.
May the God of peace be with us! We thank thee, O Lord, for thy benefits. Lord, have mercy upon us! Christ, have mercy upon us! I will bless the Lord alway. May the name of the Lord be blessed for ever! Hail, Queen of Heaven, flower of virgins! pray thy Son to save the faithful!
Grace on Fish-Days.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied. Glory be to the Father, &c. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.
In Lent.
Break thy bread to the hungry, and take the wanderer to thy home.
Grace after Dinner.
Four Short Graces.
1. Before Dinner.
2. After Meals.
Bless the Lord for this meal. Mary, pray for us!
3. Before Supper.
Giver of all, sanctify this supper.
4. After Supper.
The Lord is holy in all his works. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
On Easter-Eve.
Christ, have mercy upon us! Seek those things that are above.
Grace after Dinner.
God of Peace, We give thee thanks, O Lord. Pour into us thy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
On Easter-Day.
This is the day which the Lord hath made: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Bless us, O Lord! Our passover is slain, even Christ.
After Dinner.
Of thy resurrection, Christ, the heavens and the earth are glad. Thanks be to God!
Before Supper.
After Supper.
This is the day, &c. Hallelujah. Let us bless the Lord!
Symon’s Lesson of Wysedome for all Maner Chyldryn.
Children, attend.
You’d be better unborn than untaught.
You mustn’t have your own way always.
Tell the truth, don’t be froward, hold up your head, take off your hood when you’re spoken to.
Wash your hands and face.
Be courteous.
Don’t throw stones at dogs and hogs.
Mock at no one.
Don’t swear.
Eat what’s given you, and don’t ask for this and that.
Honour your father and mother: kneel and ask their blessing.
Keep your clothes clean.
Don’t go bird’s-nesting, or steal fruit, or throw stones at men’s windows, or play in church.
Don’t chatter.
Get home by daylight.
Keep clear of fire and water, and the edges of wells and brooks.
Take care of your book, cap, and gloves, or you’ll be birched on your bare bottom.
Don’t be a liar or thief, or make faces at any man.
When you meet any one, lower your hood and wish ’em “god speed.” Be meek to clerks.
Rise early, go to school, and learn fast if you want to be our bishop.
Attend to all these things, for a good child needs learning, and he who hates the child spares the rod.
As a spur makes a horse go, so a rod makes a child learn and be mild.
So, children, do well, and you’ll not get a sound beating.
May God keep you good!
The Birched School-Boy
Learning is strange work; the birch twigs are so sharp.
I’d sooner go 20 miles than go to school on Mondays.
My master asks where I’ve been.
‘Milking ducks,’ I tell him, and he gives me pepper for it.
I only wish he was a hare, and my book a wild cat, and all his books dogs.
Wouldn’t I blow my horn!
Don’t I wish he was dead!
This section was added by the transcriber. It contains the editor’s summaries as given in his sidenotes, and can be read as a condensed version of the full text.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, God keep me! I am an Usher to a Prince, and delight in teaching the inexperienced.
It is charitable to teach ignorant youths.
If any such won’t learn, give them a toy.
One May I went to a forest, and by the Forester’s leave walked in the woodland, where I saw three herds of deer in the sunshine.
A young man with a bow was going to stalk them, but I asked him to walk with me, and inquired whom he served.
‘No one but myself, and I wish I was out of this world.’
‘Good son, despair is sin; tell me what the matter is. When the pain is greatest the cure is nearest!’
‘Sir, I’ve tried everywhere for a master; but because I know nothing, no one will take me.’
‘Will you learn if I’ll teach you? What do you want to be?’
‘A Butler, Sir, Panter, Chamberlain, and Carver. Teach me the duties of these.’
‘I will, if you’ll love God and be true to your master.’
A Panter or Butler must have three knives:
1 to chop loaves, 1 to pare them, 1 to smooth the trenchers.
Give your Sovereign new bread, others one-day-old bread; for the house, three-day bread; for trenchers four-day bread; Have your salt white, and your salt-planer of ivory, two inches broad, three long.
Have your table linen sweet and clean, your knives bright, spoons well washed, two wine-augers some box taps, a broaching gimlet, a pipe and bung.
To broach a pipe, pierce it with an auger or gimlet, four fingers- breadth over the lower rim, so that the dregs may not rise.
Serve Fruit according to the season, figs, dates, quince-marmalade, ginger, &c.
Before dinner, plums and grapes after, pears, nuts, and hard cheese.
After supper, roast apples, &c.
In the evening don’t take cream, strawberries, or junket, unless you eat hard cheese with them.
Hard cheese keeps your bowels open.
Butter is wholesome in youth and old age, anti-poisonous, and aperient.
Milk, Junket, Posset, &c., are binding.
Eat hard cheese after them.
Beware of green meat; it weakens your belly.
For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat almonds and cheese, but not more than half an ounce.
If drinks have given you indigestion, eat a raw apple.
Moderation is best sometimes, at others abstinence.
Look every night that your wines don’t ferment or leak Always carry a gimlet, adze, and linen cloths; and wash the heads of the pipes with cold water.
If the wine boil over, put to it the lees of red wine, and that will cure it.
Romney will bring round sick sweet wine.
The names of Sweet Wines.
Recipe for making Ypocras.
Take spices thus, Cinnamon, &c., long Pepper.
Have three basins and three straining-bags to them; hang ’em on a perch.
Let your ginger be well pared, hard, not worm-eaten, (Colombyne is better than Valadyne or Maydelyne); your sticks of Cinnamon thin, hot and sweet; Canel is not so good.
Cinnamon is hot and dry, Cardamons are hot and moist.
Take sugar or sugar candy, red wine, graines, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, spice, and turnesole, and put each powder in a bladder by itself.
Hang your straining-bags so that they mayn’t touch,--first bag a gallon, others a pottle.
Put the powders in two or three gallons of red wine; then into the runner, the second bag, (tasting and trying it now and then), and the third vessel.
If it’s not right, add cinnamon, ginger, or sugar, as wanted.
If it’s not right, add cinnamon, ginger, or sugar, as wanted.
Mind you keep tasting it.
Strain it through bags of fine cloth, hooped at the mouth, the first holding a gallon, the others a pottle, and each with a basin under it.
The Ypocras is made.
Use the dregs in the kitchen.
Put the Ypocras in a tight clean vessel, and serve it with wafers.
The Buttery.
Keep all cups, &c., clean.
Don’t serve ale till it’s five days old.
Be civil and obliging, and give no one stale drink.
To lay the cloth, &c.
Wipe the table.
Put a cloth on it (a cowche); you take one end, your mate the other; lay the fold of the second cloth(?) on the outer edge of the table, that of the third cloth(?) on the inner.
Cover your cupboard with a diaper towel, put one round your neck, one side on your left arm with your sovereign’s napkin; on that, eight loaves to eat, and three or four trencher loaves: in your left the salt-cellar.
In your right hand, spoons and knives.
Put the Salt on the right of your lord; on its left, a trencher or two; on their left, a knife, then white rolls, and beside them a spoon folded in a napkin.
Cover all up.
At the other end set a Salt and two trenchers.
How to wrap up your lord’s bread in a stately way.
Cut your loaves all equal.
Take a towel two and a half yards long by the ends, fold up a handful from each end, and in the middle of the folds lay eight loaves or buns, bottom to bottom; put a wrapper on the top, twist the ends of the towel together, smooth your wrapper, and quickly open the end of it before your lord.
After your lord’s lay the other tables.
Deck your cupboard with plate, your washing-table with basins, &c.
Have plenty of napkins, &c., and your pots clean.
Make the Surnape with a cloth under a double napkin.
Fold the two ends of your towel, and one of the cloth, a foot over, and lay it smooth for your lord to wash with.
The marshal must slip it along the table, and pull it smooth.
Then raise the upper part of the towel, and lay it even, so that the Sewer (arranger of dishes) may make a state.
When your lord has washed, take up the Surnape with your two arms, and carry it back to the Ewery.
Carry a towel round your neck.
Uncover your bread; see that all diners have knife, spoon, and napkin.
Bow when you leave your lord.
Take eight loaves from the bread-cloth, and put four at each end.
Lay for as many persons as the Sewer has set potages for, and have plenty of bread and drink.
Be lively and soft-spoken, clean and well dressed.
Don’t spit or put your fingers into cups.
Stop all blaming and backbiting, and prevent complaints.
General Directions for Behaviour.
Don’t claw your back as if after a flea; or your head, as if after a louse.
See that your eyes are not blinking and watery.
Don’t pick your nose, or let it drop, or blow it too loud, or twist your neck.
Don’t claw your cods, rub your hands, pick your ears, retch, or spit too far.
Don’t tell lies, or squirt with your mouth, gape, pout, or put your tongue in a dish to pick dust out.
Don’t cough, hiccup, or belch, straddle your legs, or scrub your body.
Don’t pick your teeth, cast stinking breath on your lord, fire your stern guns, or expose your codware before your master.
Many other improprieties a good servant will avoid.’
‘Sir, pray teach me how to carve, handle a knife, and cut up birds, fish, and flesh.’
‘Hold your knife tight, with two fingers and a thumb, in your midpalm.
Do your carving, lay your bread, and take off trenchers, with two fingers and thumb.
Never touch others’ food with your right hand, but only with the left.
Don’t dirty your table or wipe your knives on it.
Take a loaf of trenchers, and with the edge of your knife raise a trencher, and lay it before your lord; lay four trenchers four-square, and another on the top.
Take a loaf of light bread, pare the edges, cut the upper crust for your lord, and don’t touch it after it’s trimmed.
Keep your table clean.
You must know what meat is indigestible, and what sauces are wholesome.
These things are indigestible: Fat and Fried, Raw and Resty, Salt and Sour, also sinews, skin, hair, feathers, crops, heads, pinions, &c., legs, outsides of thighs, skins; these destroy your lord’s rest.’
‘Thanks, father, I’ll put your teaching into practice, and pray for you.
But please tell me how to carve fish and flesh.’
Carving of Meat.
Cut brawn on the dish, and lift slices off with your knife; serve it with mustard.
Venison with furmity.
Touch Venison only with your knife, pare it, cross it with 12 scores, cut a piece out, and put it in the furmity soup.
Touch with your left hand, pare it clean, put away the sinews, &c.
Partridges, &c.: take up by the pinion, and mince them small in the sirrup.
Larger roast birds, as the Osprey, &c., raise up [? cut off] the legs, then the wings, lay the body in the middle, with the wings and legs round it, in the same dish.
Capons: take off the wings and legs; pour on ale or wine, mince them into the flavoured sauce.
Give your lord the left wing, and if he want it, the right one too.
Pheasants, &c.: take off the wings, put them in the dish, then the legs.
Woodcocks, Heronshaws, Brew, &c.
break the pinions, neck, and beak.
Cut off the legs, then the wings, lay the body between them.
Crane: take off the wings, but not the trompe in his breast.
Peacocks, &c.: carve like you do the Crane, keeping their feet on.
Quails, larks, pigeons: give your lord the legs first.
Fawn: serve the kidney first, then a rib.
Pick the fyxfax out of the neck.
1. shoulder,
2. rib.
Rabbit: lay him on his back; pare off his skin; break his haunch bone, cut him down each side of the back, lay him on his belly, separate the sides from the chine, put them together again, cutting out the nape of the neck; give your lord the sides.
Sucking rabbits: cut in two, then the hind part in two; pare the skin off, serve the daintiest bit from the side.
Such is the way of carving gross meats.
Cut each piece into four slices (?) for your master to dip in his sauce.
Of large birds’ wings, put only three bits at once in the sauce.
Of small birds’ wings, scrape the flesh to the end of the bone, and put it on your lord’s trencher.
How to carve Baked Meats.
Open hot ones at the top of the crust, cold ones in the middle.
Take Teal, &c., out of their pie, and mince their wings, stir the gravy in; your lord may eat it with a spoon.
Cut Venison, &c., in the pasty.
Custard: cut in squares with a knife.
Dowcets: pare away the sides; serve in a sawcer.
Payne-puff: pare the bottom, cut off the top.
Fried things are indigestible.
Poached-egg (?) fritters are best.
Tansey is good hot.
Don’t eat Leessez.
Cooks are always inventing new dishes that tempt people and endanger their lives: Syrups Comedies, Jellies, that stop the bowels.
Some dishes are prepared with unclarified honey.
Cow-heels and Calves’ feet are sometimes mixed with unsugared leches and Jellies.
Furmity with venison, mortrewes, jussell, &c., are good.
Other out-of-the-way soups set aside.
Such is a flesh feast in the English way.
Sauces provoke a fine appetite.
Have ready Mustard for brawn, &c.,
Verjuice for veal, &c.,
Chawdon for cygnet and swan, Garlic, &c., for beef and goose, Ginger for fawn, &c.,
Mustard and sugar for pheasant, &c.,
Gamelyn for heronsew, &c.,
Sugar and Salt for brew, &c.,
Gamelyn for bustard, &c.,
Salt and Cinnamon for woodcock, thrushes, &c., and quails, &c.
How to carve Fish.
With pea soup or furmity serve a Beaver’s tail, salt Porpoise, &c.
Split up Herrings, take out the roe and bones, eat with mustard.
Take the skin off salt fish, Salmon, Ling, &c., and let the sauce be mustard, but for Mackarel, &c., butter of Claynes or Hackney (?) Of Pike, the belly is best, with plenty of sauce.
Salt Lampreys, cut in seven gobbets, pick out the backbones, serve with onions and galentine.
Plaice: cut off the fins, cross it with a knife, sauce with wine, &c.
Gurnard, Chub, Roach, Dace, Cod, &c., split up and spread on the dish.
Soles, Carp, &c., take off as served.
Whale, porpoise, congur, turbot, Halybut, &c., cut in the dish, and also Tench in jelly.
On roast Lamprons cast vinegar, &c., and bone them.
Crabs are hard to carve: break every claw, put all the meat in the body-shell, and then season it with vinegar or verjuice and powder.
(?) Heat it, and give it to your lord.
Put the claws, broken, in a dish.
The sea Crayfish: cut it asunder, slit the belly of the back part, take out the fish, clean out the gowt in the middle of the sea Crayfish’s back; pick it out, tear it off the fish, and put vinegar to it; break the claws and set them on the table.
Treat the back like the crab, stopping both ends with bread.
The fresh-water Crayfish: serve with vinegar and powder.
Salt Sturgeon: slit its joll, or head, thin.
Whelk: cut off its head and tail, throw away its operculum, mantle, &c., cut it in two, and put it on the sturgeon, adding vinegar.
Carve Baked Lampreys thus: take off the piecrust, put thin slices of bread on a Dish, pour galentyne over the bread, add cinnamon and red wine.
Mince the lampreys, lay them on the sauce, &c., on a hot plate, serve up to your lord.
White herrings fresh; the roe must be white and tender serve with salt and wine.
Shrimps picked, lay them round a sawcer, and serve with vinegar.”
“Thanks, father, I know about Carving now, but I hardly dare ask you about a Sewer’s duties, how he is to serve.”
The Duties of a Sewer.
“Son, since you wish to learn, I will gladly teach you.
Let the Sewer, as soon as the Master begins to say grace, hie to the kitchen.
I. Ask the Panter for fruits (as butter, grapes, &c.), if they are to be served.
II. Ask the cook and Surveyor what dishes are prepared.
III. Let the Cook serve up the dishes, the Surveyor deliver them and you, the Sewer, have skilful officers to prevent any dish being stolen.
IV. Have proper servants, Marshals, &c., to bring the dishes from the kitchen.
Garlic, verjuice, and pepper, for houndfish, stockfish, &c.
Vinegar, cinnamon, and ginger, for fresh-water crayfish, fresh porpoise, sturgeon, &c.
Green Sauce for green fish (fresh ling): Mustard is best for every dish.
Other sauces are served at grand feasts, but the above will please familiar guests.”
“Fair fall you, father! You have taught me lovesomely; but please tell me, too, the duties of a Chamberlain.”
The Chamberlain’s Duties.
He must be diligent, neatly dressed, clean-washed, careful of fire and candle, attentive to his master, light of ear, looking out for things that will please.
The Chamberlain must prepare for his lord a clean shirt, under and upper coat and doublet, breeches, socks, and slippers as brown as a water-leech.
In the morning, must have clean linen ready, warmed by a clear fire.
When his lord rises, he gets ready the foot-sheet; puts a cushioned chair before the fire, a cushion for the feet, and over all spreads the foot-sheet: has a comb and kerchief ready, and then asks his lord to come to the fire and dress while he waits by.
1. Give your master his under coat,
2. His doublet,
3. Stomacher well warmed,
4. Vampeys and socks,
5. Draw on his socks, breeches, and shoes,
6. Pull up his breeches,
7. Tie ’em up,
8. Lace his doublet,
9. Put a kerchief round his neck,
10. Comb his head with an ivory comb,
11. Give him warm water to wash with,
12. Kneel down and ask him what gown he’ll wear:
13. Get the gown,
14. Hold it out to him;
15. Get his girdle,
16. His Robe.
17. His hood or hat.
18. Before he goes brush him carefully.
Before your lord goes to church, see that his pew is made ready, cushion, curtain, &c.
Return to his bedroom, throw off the clothes, beat the featherbed, see that the fustian and sheets are clean.
Cover the bed with a coverlet, spread out the bench covers and cushions, set up the headsheet and pillow, remove the urinal and basin, lay carpets round the bed, and with others dress the windows and cupboard, have a fire laid.
Keep the Privy sweet and clean, cover the boards with green cloth, so that no wood shows at the hole; put a cushion there, and have some blanket, cotton, or linen to wipe on; have a basin, jug, and towel, ready for your lord to wash when he leaves the privy.
In the Wardrobe take care to keep the clothes well, and brush ’em with a soft brush at least once a week, for fear of moths.
Look after your Drapery and Skinnery.
If your lord will take a nap after his meal, have ready kerchief, comb, pillow and headsheet (don’t let him sleep too long), water and towel.
When he goes to bed,
1. Spread out the footsheet,
2. Take off your lord’s Robe and put it away.
3. Put a cloak on his back,
4. Set him on his footsheet,
5. Pull off his shoes, socks, and breeches,
6. Throw the breeches over your arm,
7. Comb his head,
8. Put on his kerchief and nightcap,
9. Have the bed, and headsheet, &c., ready,
10. Draw the curtains,
11. Set the night-light,
12. Drive out dogs and cats,
13. Bow to your lord,
14. Keep the night-stool and urinal ready for whenever he calls, and take it back when done with.
How to prepare a Bath.
Hang round the roof, sheets full of sweet herbs, have five or six sponges to sit or lean on, and one great sponge to sit on with a sheet over and a sponge under his feet.
Mind the door’s shut.
With a basinful of hot herbs, wash him with a soft sponge, throw rose-water on him; let him go to bed.
Put his socks and slippers on, stand him on his footsheet, wipe him dry, take him to bed to cure his troubles.
To make a Medicinal Bath.
Boil together hollyhock centaury, herb-benet, scabious, withy leaves; throw them hot into a vessel, set your lord on it; let him bear it as hot as he can, and whatever disease he has will certainly be cured, as men say.
The Duties of an Usher and Marshal.
He must know the rank and precedence of all people.
1. The Pope.
2. Emperor.
3. King.
4. Cardinal.
5. Prince.
6. Archbishop.
7. Royal Duke.
II. Bishop, &c.
1. Viscount.
2. Mitred abbot.
3. Three Chief Justices.
4. Mayor of London.
IV. (The Knight’s rank.)
1. Cathedral Prior, Knight Bachelor.
2. Dean, Archdeacon.
3. Master of the Rolls.
4. PuisnÉ Judge.
5. Clerk of the Crown.
6. Mayor of Calais.
7. Doctor of Divinity.
8. Prothonotary.
9. Pope’s Legate.
V. (The Squire’s rank.)
1. Doctor of Laws.
2. Ex-Mayor of London.
3. Serjeant of Law.
4. Masters of Chancery.
5. Preacher.
6. Masters of Arts.
7. Other Religious.
8. Parsons and Vicars.
9. Parish Priests.
10. City Bailiffs.
11. Serjeant at Arms.
12. Heralds (the chief Herald has first place),
13. Merchants,
14. Gentlemen,
15. Gentlewomen may all eat with squires.
I have now told you the rank of every class, and now I’ll tell you how they may be grouped at table.
I. Pope, King, Prince, Archbishop and Duke.
II. Bishop, Marquis, Viscount, Earl.
III. The Mayor of London, Baron, Mitred Abbot, three Chief Justices, Speaker, may sit together, two or three at a mess.
IV. The other ranks (three or four to a mess) equal to a Knight, unmitred Abbot, Dean, Master of the Rolls, under Judges, Doctor of Divinity, Prothonotary, Mayor of Calais.
V. Other ranks equal to a Squire, four to a mess.
Serjeants of Law, ex-Mayor of London, Masters of Chancery, Preachers and Parsons, Apprentices of Law, Merchants and Franklins.
Each estate or rank shall sit at meat by itself, not seeing another.
The Bishop of Canterbury shall be served apart from the Archbishop of York, and the Metropolitan alone.
The Bishop of York must not eat before the Primate of England.
Sometimes a Marshal is puzzled by Lords of royal blood being poor, and others not royal being rich; also by a Lady of royal blood marrying a knight, and vice versÂ.
The Lady of royal blood shall keep her rank; the Lady of low blood shall take her husband’s rank.
Property is not so worthy as royal blood, so the latter prevails over the former, for royal blood may become King.
The parents of a Pope or Cardinal must not presume to equality with their son, and must not want to sit by him, but in a separate room.
A Marshal must look to the rank of every estate, and do honour to foreign visitors and residents.
A well-trained Marshal should think beforehand where to place strangers at the table.
If the King sends any messenger to your Lord receive him one degree higher than his rank.
The King’s groom may dine with a Knight or Marshal, A Marshal must also understand the rank of County and Borough officers, and that a Knight of blood and property is above a poor Knight, the Mayor of London above the Mayor of Queenborough, the Abbot of Westminster above the poor Abbot of Tintern, the Prior of Canterbury above the Prior of Dudley, the Prior who is Prelate of a Cathedral Church above any Abbot or Prior of his diocese, a Doctor of 12 years’ standing above one of 9 (though the latter be the richer), the old Aldermen above the young ones, and
1. the Master of a craft,
2. the ex-warden.
Before every feast, then, think what people are coming, and settle what their order of precedence is to be.
If in doubt, ask your lord or the chief officer, and then you’ll do wrong to no one, but set all according to their birth and dignity.
Now I have told you of Court Manners, how to manage in Pantry, Buttery, Carving, and as Sewer, and Marshal, as I learnt with a Royal Prince whose Usher and Marshal I was.
All other officers have to obey me.
Our office is the chief, whether the Cook likes it or not.
All these offices may be filled by one man, but a Prince’s dignity requires each office to have its officer, and a servant under him, (all knowing their duties perfectly) to wait on their Lord and please his guests.
Don’t fear to serve a prince; take good heed to your duties, watch, and you need not fear.
Tasting is done only for those of royal blood, as a Pope, King, Duke, and Earl: not below.
Tasting is done for fear of poison; therefore keep your room secure, and close your safe, for fear of tricks.
A Prince’s Steward and Chamberlain have the oversight of all offices and of tasting, and they must tell the Marshal, Sewer, and Carver how to do it.
I don’t propose to write more on this matter.
I tried this treatise myself, in my youth, and enjoyed these matters, but now age compels me to leave the court; so try yourself.”
“Blessing on you, Father, for this your teaching of me! Now I shall dare to serve where before I was afraid. I will try, and shall learn by practice. May God reward you for teaching me!”
“Good son, and all readers of this Boke of Nurture, pray for the soul of me, John Russell, (servant of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester;) also for the Duke, my wife, father, and mother, that we may all go to bliss when we die.”
Little book, commend me to all learners, and to the experienced, whom I pray to correct its faults.
Any such, put to my copying, which I have done as I best could.
The transcriber is not to blame; he copied what was before him, and neither of us wrote it, I only corrected the rhyme.
God! grant us grace to rule in Heaven with Thine elect!
Andrewe, Extracts on Fish
Eel. Is of no sex; is best roasted.
Herring. Is delicious when fresh, or salted. Dies when it feels the air.
Whale? Shipmen cast anchor on him, and make a fire on him. He swims away, and drowns them.
Ahuna. When the Ahuna is in danger, he puts his head in his belly, and eats a bit of himself.
Balena. (The woodcut is a big Merman. ? Whale.) Are seen most in winter; breed in summer. In rough weather Balena puts her young in her mouth.
Crevice (Sea and Fresh Water Crayfish). How they engender, and hybernate. How the Crayfish manages to eat Oysters.
Fresh-Water Crayfish is hard to digest.
Carp. Is difficult to net.
Whale. Likes Harmony. Gets harpooned, rubs the harpoon into himself, and slays himself.
Phocas. Kills his wife and gets another.
Halata. Takes her young out of her womb to look at ’em.
Pike: eats venomous beasts; is begotten by a West Wind.
Sea-Mouse Musculus is the cock of Balena.
Lamprey. Must be boiled in wine.
Mulus: has 2 beards.
Orchun. Is Balene’s deadly enemy.
Pecten: winks.
Pinna. How he catches small fishes.
Serra. Cuts through ships with his fins.
Siren. Siren is like an eagle below, sings sweet songs to mariners, and tears them to pieces.
Sturgeon. Eats no food, has no mouth, grows fat on east wind. Has no bones in his body.
Wilyam Bulleyn on Boxyng & Neckeweede
For saucy louts, the best cure is Boxing.
The names of Hemp.
Neckweed (a halter) is good for thievish apprentices, for swashbucklers past grace, and all scamps.
Also for young spendthrifts who after their parents’ death waste their all with harlots and in gambling which makes men beggars, or thieves.
A life of reckless debauchery and robbery ends with Hemp.
The use of Hemp to the Sailor, Plowman, Fisher and Archer.
Andrew Borde on Sleep, Rising, and Dress
After Dinner, sleep standing against a cupboard.
Before bedtime be merry.
Have a fire in your bedroom, but stand a good way off it.
Shut your windows.
Lie first on your left side.
To sleep groveling on the belly, is bad; on the back upright, is worse.
Wear a scarlet nightcap.
Have a flock bed over your featherbed.
On rising, remember God, brush your breeches, put on your hose, stretch, go to stool.
Truss your points, comb your head, wash your hands and face, take a stroll, pray to God.
Play at tennis, or wield weights.
At meals, eat only of 2 or 3 dishes; let supper-dishes be light.
Wear a scarlet petycote.
Line a jacket with white and black lambskin sewn diamond-wise.
Keep your neck warm.
Wear goatskin gloves.
Don’t stand long on grass or stones.
Don’t sleep in ratty rooms.
Don’t take cold in your feet.
William Vaughan’s Fifteen Directions to preserve Health
1. Stretch yourself.
2. Rub yourself.
3. Go to stool.
4. Put on your clothes.
5. Comb your head.
6. Clean your teeth.
(How to keep the teeth sound and the breath sweet. Use Vaughan’s Water made after this recipe. It’s better than 1000 Dentrifices.)
7. Wash. The best remedy for dim sight.
8. Say your Prayers.
9. Set to work. Be honest.
10. Eat only three meals a day. Eat light food before heavy. Drink hinders digestion. Use silver cups.
11. Don’t work directly after meals, but talk, wash, and clean your teeth.
12. Undress by the fire in winter.
13. Before bed, chew Mastic, and
14. Pray to God. Look at your water in a Urinal. Have a hole in your nightcap.
15. Against rheums, eat white pepper.
Harington, The Dyet for every Day.
Stretch your limbs, rub your body and head; protect yourself from cold; dress, washing in Summer, warming yourself in Winter.
In Summer wear deer’s and calves’ skins, in Winter, wolf and fox skins.
Comb your head 40 times, wash your face, clean your eyelids, rub your neck well.
Harington, On Rising, Diet, and Going to Bed.
On rising, empty your bladder and belly, nose and lungs.
Cleanse your whole body.
Say your Prayers.
Walk gently, go to stool.
Work in the forenoon.
Always wear a precious stone in a ring; hold a crystal in your mouth; for the virtue of precious stones is great.
Eat only twice a day.
Don’t drink between dinner and supper.
Don’t have one fixed hour for your meals.
In Winter eat in hot well-aired places.
Fast for a day now and then.
Eat more at supper than dinner.
After meals, wash your face, and clean your teeth, chat and walk soberly.
Don’t sit up late.
Before bed, rub your body gently.
Undress by a fire in Winter, and warm your garments well Put off your cares with your clothes, and take them up again in the morning.
The Boke of Keruynge
The Book of Carving and Arranging; and the Dishes for all the Feasts in the year.
Terms of a Carver:
Slice brawn, spoil a hen, unbrace a mallard, untache a curlew, border a pasty, thigh small birds, splat a pike, fin a chub, barb a lobster.
The Butler has 3 knives:
1. a squarer, 2. a chipper, 3. a smoother.
Trencher-bread must be 4 days old; the Salt-Planer of ivory; table cloths kept in a chest, or hung on a perch.
To broach a Pipe, have 2 augers, funnels, and tubes, and pierce the Pipe 4 inches from the bottom.
Always have ready fruits and hard cheese.
Beware of cow cream.
Hard cheese is aperient, and keeps off poison.
Milk and Junket close the Maw.
For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat an almond and hard cheese.
A raw apple will cure indigestion.
See every night that your wines don’t boil over or leak.
You’ll know their fermenting by their hissing.
Names of Wines
Campolet, Rhenish, &c
To make Ypocras.
Take spices; put 6 bags on a perch, 6 pewter basins under, ginger and cinnamon.
(Of the qualities of spices.) Pound each spice separately, put ’em in bladders, and hang ’em in your bags, add a gallon of red wine to ’em, stir it well, run it through two bags, taste it, pass it through 6 runners, and put it in a close vessel.
Keep the dregs for cooking.
Have your Compost clean, and your ale 5 days old, but not dead.
To lay the Cloth.
Put on a couch, then a second cloth, the fold on the outer edge; a third, the fold on the inner edge.
Cover your cupboard, put a towel round your neck, one side lying on your left arm; on that, 7 loaves of eating bread and 4 trencher loaves.
In your left hand a saltcellar, in your right the towel.
Set the saltcellar on your lord’s right, and trenchers on the left of it.
Lay knives, bread, spoons, napkins, and cover ’em up.
To wrap your Lord’s bread stately.
Square the loaves; take a Reynes towel 2½ yards long by the ends; put it on the table, pinch up a handful of one end, and lay it between 2 towels, and on it lay your 6 or 7 loaves bottom to bottom.
Put salt, cups, &c., on the other tables.
See that your Ewery is properly supplied, and your ale-pots kept clean.
To arrange the Surnape.
Put a cloth under a double towel, hold 3 ends together, fold them in a foot-broad pleat, and lay it smooth.
After washing, the Marshal must carry the surnape out.
Leave out half a yard to make estate.
When your lord has washed, remove the Surnape.
When he is seated, salute him, uncover your bread, kneel on your knee till 8 loaves are served out (?) Provide as many cups as dishes.
The Sewer or arranger of dishes must ascertain what dishes and fruits are prepared daily for dinner; and he must have people ready to carry up the dishes.
The Succession of Dishes.
1. Brawn, &c.
2. Pheasant, &c.
3. Meat Fritters, &c
4. For a standard, a peacock with his tail.
5. Doucettes, Paynpuff, Brew, Snipe, Petyperuys and Fayge,
Caraways, &c.
Clear the table
Keruynge of Flesshe.
Your hands must be clean; only two fingers and a thumb should be put on your knife, or on fish, flesh, or fowl.
Wipe your knife on your napkin.
Lay 4 trenchers for your lord, with 2 or 4 on them and the upper crust of a fine loaf.
Give heed to what is indigestible, as resty, fat things, feathers, heads, legs, &c.
Keruynge of Flesshe.
How to carve Brawn, Venison, (cut it in 12 bits and slice it into the furmity,) Pheasant, Stockdoves, (mince the wings into the syrup,) Goose, Teal, &c., (take off the legs and wings,) Capon, (mince the wing with wine or ale,) Plover, Lapwing, Bittern, Egret.
How to carve a Crane, (mind the trump in his breast,) Shoveler, Quail, Martins, Swallow, Fawn, Kid, Roast Venison, Cony, (lay him on his belly with his two cut-off sides, on each side of him.) Cut 4 strips to each bit of meat, for your lord to pick it up by.
Open hot Meat-Pies at the top; cold in the middle.
Cut Custards in inch blocks.
Doucettes, pare off sides and bottom.
Fritters hot are good, cold bad.
Tansey is good.
Jelly, Blanche Manger, Charlet, &c., are good, and no other potages.
Sauces for all maner of Fowles.
Mustard for beef; Verjuice for boiled chickens; Cawdrons for swans; Garlick, &c., for beef.
Ginger for lamb; Gamelyne for heronsewe, &c.; Salt, Sugar and Water of Tame for brew, &c.
White salt for lapwings, &c.
Cinnamon and salt for thrushes &c.
The Dinner Courses from Easter to Whitsunday.
From Easter to Pentecost, set bread, trenchers and spoons:
6 or 8 trenchers for a great lord, 3 for one of low degree.
Then cut bread for eating.
For Easter-day Feast: First Course: A Calf, boiled and blessed; boiled Eggs and green sauce; Potage, with beef, saffron-stained Capons.
Second Course: Mameny, Pigeons, Chewets, Flawnes.
Supper: Chickens, Veal, roast Kid, Pigs’-Feet, a Tansey fried.
Green Sauces of sorrel or vines, for the first course.
Keruyng of all maner of Fowles.
How to carve a Capon. Sauce: green sauce or verjuice.
Swan. Chawdron is the sauce for him.
Pheasant. No sauce but Salt.
Partridge. Sauce for Partridges.
How to carve a Quail. Sauce: salt.
Crane. Sauce: ginger, mustard, vinegar, and salt.
Heron. Sauce as before.
Rittern. Salt, the sauce.
Egret. Salt, the sauce.
Curlew. Salt, as sauce.
Brew. Salt, as sauce.
Cony (or Rabbit.) Sauce: vinegar and ginger.
Sarcel or Teal.
Sauces for the Second Course.
First Course: Beef and Capons.
How to sauce and carve a Roast capon: lay him out as if ready to fly.
Second Course: Potage, Charlet, young Geese, Payne Puff, &c.
How to carve a Goose.
Goose must be eaten with green garlic or verjuice.
Dinner Courses from the Nativity of St John the Baptist, (June 24,) to Michaelmas.
First Course: soups, vegetables, legs of Pork, &c.
Second Course: roast Mutton, glazed Pigeons, Fritters, &c.
Serve a Pheasant dry, with salt and ginger: a Heronsewe with salt and powder (blanche?) Treat open-clawed birds like capons.
Dinner Courses from Michaelmas to Christmas.
First Course: legs of Pork, &c.
Second Course: Widgeon, Fieldfares, Chewets, Beef, with sauces Gelopere and Pegyll.
Cut the skin off boiled meats.
Carve carefully for Ladies; they soon get angry.
Carve Goose and Swan like other birds.
The skin of cloven-footed birds is unwholsome; of whole-footed birds wholesome, because the water washes all corruption out of ’em.
Chicken’s skin is not so pure, because their nature is not to enter into the river.
River birds cleanse their foul stink in the river.
Take off the heads of all field birds, for they eat worms, toads, and the like.
Sewynge of Fysshe.
First Course:Musculade. Salens, &c., baked Gurnet.
Second Course: Jelly, dates, &c. For a standard, Mullet, Chub, Seal, &c.
Third Course: Bream, Perch, Whelks; and pears in sugar candy. Figs, dates capped with minced ginger, &c.
All over! Clear the table.
Carving and Dressing of Fish
Put tails and livers in the pea broth and furmity.
How to carve Seal Turrentyne, baked Herring, white Herring, Green Fish, Merling, Hake, Pike, salt Lamprey, Plaice.
Gurnard, Bream, Roach, Whiting, Codling.
Carp, Trout, Conger, Thornback, Halibut, Tench, and Crab.
How to dress and serve up a Crab.
How to dress and carve a Crayfish, a Joll of Sturgeon, a fresh Lamprey, pasty. (sauce, Galentyne with red wine and powdered cinnamon.) Fresh Herring, &c.
Sprats, Musculade in worts, Oysters.
Dates, pears, Mortrewes of Dogfish.
Sauces for Fish.
Mustard for Salmon, &c.; Vinegar for salt Whale, &c.; Galentyne for Lamprey; Verjuice for Roach, &c.; Cinnamon for Chub, &c.; Green Sauce for Halibut, &c.
The Duties of a Chamberlain.
He must be cleanly, and comb his hair; see to his Lord’s clothes, and brush his hose; in the morning warm his shirt, and prepare his footsheet; warm his petycote, &c.; put on his shoes, tie up his hose, comb his head, wash his hands, put on the robe he orders.
Make ready his Closet in the Church or Chapel, then come home to his Bed-chamber, take off the bed-clothes.
Make his lord’s bed again with clean sheets, and lay hangings round the bed, and windows, &c.
Keep the privy clean, and the board covered with green cloth, and provide down or cotton for wiping.
When he goes to bed, let him wash; put him on a mantle, take off his shoes, &c.
Comb his head, put on his night-cap, draw the curtains round him, drive out the dogs and cats, set the urinal near, and then take leave.
Of the Marshal and Usher.
He must know the orders of precedence of all ranks.
A Cardinal before a Prince.
The Mayor of London ranks with the 3 Chief Justices.
The Knight’s equals.
The ex-Mayor of London.
The Esquire’s equals. Who must dine alone, who 2 together, who 2 or 3, who 3 or 4. The Marshall must know who are of royal blood, for that has the reverence. He must take heed of the King’s officers, do honour to strangers, and receive a Messenger from the King as if one degree higher than he is, for a King’s groom may sit at a Knight’s table.
The Boke of Curtasye
In this book you may learn Courtesy. Every one needs it.
On reaching a Lord’s gate, give the Porter your weapon, and ask leave to go in.
If the master is of low degree, he will come to you: if of high, the Porter will take you to him.
At the Hall-door, take off your hood and gloves, greet the Steward, &c., at the dais, bow to the Gentlemen on each side of the hall both right and left; notice the yeomen, then stand before the screen till the Marshal or Usher leads you to the table.
Be sedate and courteous if you are set with the gentlemen.
Cut your loaf in two, the top from the bottom; cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3. cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3.
Put your trencher before you, and don’t eat or drink till your Mess is brought from the kitchen, lest you be thought starved or a glutton.
Have your nails clean.
Don’t bite your bread, but break it.
Don’t quarrel at table, or make grimaces.
Don’t cram your cheeks out with food like an ape, for if any one should speak to you, you can’t answer, but must wait.
Don’t eat on both sides of your mouth.
Don’t laugh with your mouth full, or sup up your potage noisily.
Don’t leave your spoon in the dish or on its side, but clean your spoon.
Let no dirt off your fingers soil the cloth.
Don’t put into the dish bread that you have once bitten.
Dry your mouth before you drink.
Don’t call for a dish once removed, or spit on the table: that’s rude.
Don’t scratch your dog.
If you blow your nose, clean your hand; wipe it with your skirt or put it through your tippet.
Don’t pick your teeth at meals, or drink with food in your mouth, as you may get choked, or killed, by its stopping your wind.
Tell no tale to harm or shame your companions.
Don’t stroke the cat or dog.
Don’t dirty the table cloth with your knife.
Don’t blow on your food, or put your knife in your mouth, or wipe your teeth or eyes with the table cloth.
If you sit by a good man, don’t put your knee under his thigh.
Don’t hand your cup to any one with your back towards him.
Don’t lean on your elbow, or dip your thumb into your drink, or your food into the salt cellar: That is a vice.
Don’t spit in the basin you wash in or loosely (?) before a man of God.
If you go to school you shall learn:
1. Cross of Christ,
2. Pater Noster,
3. Hail Mary and the Creed,
4. In the name of the Trinity,
5. of the Apostles,
6. the Confession.
Seek the kingdom of God, and worship Him.
At church, take holy water; pray for all Christian companions; kneel to God on both knees, to man only on one.
At the Altar, serve the priest with both hands.
Speak gently to your father and mother, and honour them.
Do to others as you would they should do to you.
Don’t be foolishly meek.
The seed of the righteous shall never beg or be shamed.
Be ready forgive, and fond of peace.
If you cannot give an asker goods, give him good words.
Be willing to help every one.
Give your partner his fair share.
Go on the pilgrimages (?) you vow to saints, lest God take vengeance on you.
Don’t believe all who speak fair: the Serpent spoke fair words (to Eve).
Be cautious with your words, except when angry.
Don’t lie, but keep your word.
Don’t laugh too often, or you’ll be called a shrew or a fool.
Man’s 3 enemies are: the Devil, the Flesh, and the World.
Destroy these, and be sure of heaven.
Don’t strive with your lord, or bet or play with him.
In a strange place don’t be too inquisitive or fussy.
If a man falls, don’t laugh, but help him up: your own head may fall to your feet.
At the Mass, if the priest doesn’t please you, don’t blame him.
Don’t tell your secrets to a shrew.
Don’t beckon, point, or whisper.
When you meet a man, greet him, or answer him cheerily if he greets you: don’t be dumb, lest men say you have no mouth.
Never speak improperly of women, for we and our fathers were all born of women.
A wife should honour and obey her husband, and serve him.
Try to reconcile brothers if they quarrel.
At a gate, let your equal precede you; go behind your superior and your master unless he bids you go beside him.
On a pilgrimage don’t be third man: 3 oxen can’t draw a plough.
Don’t drink all that’s in a cup offered you; take a little.
If you sleep with any man, ask what part of the bed he likes, and lie far from him.
If you journey with any man, find out his name, who he is, where he is going.
With friars on a pilgrimage, do as they do.
Don’t put up at a red (haired and faced) man or woman’s house.
Answer opponents meekly, but don’t tell lies.
Before your lord at table, keep your hands, feet, and fingers still.
Don’t stare about, or at the wall, or lean against the post.
Don’t pick your nose, scratch your arm, or stoop your head.
Listen when you’re spoken to.
Never harm child or beast with evil eye (?) Don’t blush when you’re chaffed, or you’ll be accused of mischief.
Don’t make faces.
Wash before eating.
Sit where the host tells you; avoid the highest place unless you’re told to take it.
Of the Officers in Lords’ Courts.
Four bear rods; three wands:
1. Porter, the longest,
2. Marshal,
3. Usher, the shortest,
4. Steward, a staff, a finger thick, half a yard long.
Of the Porter.
He keeps the Gate and Stocks, takes charge of misdoers till judged, also of clothes, and warns strangers.
He is found in meat and drink.
On his lord’s removing, he hires horses at 4d. a piece, the statute price.
Of the Marshal of the Hall
How long Squires shall have allowances, and Fire shall burn in the Hall.
He shall arrest rebels, when the steward is away.
Yeoman-Usher and Groom are under him.
The Groom gets fuel for the fire, and makes one in Hall for every meal; looks after tables, trestles, forms, the cup-board, and hangings of the Hall.
Fires last from Allsaints’ Day to Candlemas Eve, (Nov. 1 to Feb. 2.) and thus long, Squires receive their daily candle?
The Marshal shall seat men in the Hall.
Of the Butler, Panter, and Cooks serving him.
They are the Marshal’s servants.
He shall score up all messes served, and order bread and ale for men, but wine for gentlemen.
Each mess shall be reckoned at 6d. and be scored up to prevent the cook’s cheating.
If bread runs short, the Marshal orders more, ‘a reward.’
Of the Butler’s duties.
He shall put a pot and loaf to each mess.
He is the panter’s mate.
The Marshal shall see to men’s lodging.
The Lord’s Chamber and Wardrobe are under the Usher of the Chamber.
Of the Usher and Grooms of the Chamber.
1. Usher,
2. Yeoman-usher,
3. Two grooms and a Page.
The Duties of the Grooms of the Chamber. They shall make palets of litter 9 ft. long, 7 broad, watered, twisted, trodden, with wisps at foot and side, twisted and turned back; from the floor-level to the waist.
For lords, 2 beds, outer and inner, hung with hangings, hooks and eyes set on the binding; the valance hanging on a rod (?), four curtains reaching to the ground; these he takes up with a forked rod.
The counterpane is laid at the foot, cushions on the sides, tapestry on the floor and sides of the room.
The Groom gets fuel, and screens.
The Groom keeps the table, trestles, and forms for dinner; and water in a heater.
He puts 3 wax-lights over the chimney, all in different syces.
The Usher of the Chamber walks about and sees that all is served right, orders the table to be set and removed, takes charge of the Wardrobe and Bedchamber, bids the Wardroper get all ready before the fire, nightgown, carpet, 2 cushions, a form with a footsheet over it; on which the lord changes his gown.
The Usher orders what’s wanted from the Buttery: a link from the Chandler, and ale and wine.
(No meat shall be assayed except for King, Prince, Duke or Heirs-apparent.)
From the Pantry the Usher takes fine and coarse bread, and a wax-light that burns all night in a basin.
(The Yeoman-Usher removes the torches.)
The Usher puts lights on the Bedroom door, brings bread and wine, (the lord washing first,) offers the drink kneeling; puts his lord to bed, and then goes home himself.
The Yeoman-Usher sleeps at the Lord’s door.
Of the Steward.
Few are true, but many false.
He, the clerk, cook and surveyor consult over their Lord’s dinner.
Any dainty that can be had, the Steward buys.
Before dishes are put on, the Steward enters first, then the Server.
The Steward shall post into books all accounts written on tablets, and add them up.
Of the Controller.
He puts down the receipt and consumption of every day.
Of the Surveyor.
He, the steward, and controller, receive nothing, but see that all goes straight.
The Controller checks daily the Clerk of the kitchen’s account.
Of the Clerk of the Kitchen.
He shall keep account of all purchases, and payments, and wages, shall preside at the Dresser, and keep the spices, stores, &c., and the clothes of the officers.
Of the Chancellor.
He looks after the servants’ clothes, and horses, seals patents, and grants of land, &c., for life, or during the lord’s pleasure.
He oversees the land too, and is a great man.
Of the Treasurer.
He takes from the Receiver what is collected from bailiff and grieve, courts and forfeits.
He gives the Kitchen clerk money to buy provisions with, and the clerk gives some to the baker and butler.
The Treasurer pays all wages.
He, the Receiver, Chancellor, Grieves, &c., account once a year to the Auditor, from whom they can appeal to a Baron of the Exchequer.
Of the Receiver of Rents.
He gives receipts, and gets a fee of 6d.
He pays fees to park-keepers, and looks after castles and manor-houses.
Of the Avener.
He shall give the horses in the stable two armsful of hay and a peck of oats, daily.
A Squire is Master of the Horse; under him are Avener and Farrier, (the Farrier has a halfpenny a day for every horse he shoes,) and grooms and pages hired at 2d. a day, or 3 halfpence, and footmen who run by ladies’ bridles.
Of the Baker.
Out of a London bushel he shall bake 20 loaves, fine and coarse.
Of the Huntsman and his Hounds.
He gets a halfpenny a day for every hound.
The Feuterer 2 lots of bread if he has 2 leash of Greyhounds, and a bone for each, besides perquisites of skins, &c.
Of the Ewerer or Water-bringer.
He has all the candles and cloths and gives water to every one.
Who may wash his hands, and where.
The bringer of Water shall kneel down.
The Ewerer shall cover the lord’s table with a double cloth, the lower with the selvage to the lord’s side; the upper cloth shall be laid double, the upper selvage turned back as if for a towel.
He shall put on cleaners for every one.
Of the Panter.
He carries 3 loaves cut square for trenchers, and the covered Saltcellar, 2 Carving-knives, and sets the 3rd, and a spoon to his lord.
Of the Lord’s Knives, (Bread, and Washing.)
The hafts of 2 are laid outwards, that of the 3rd inwards, and the spoon handle by it.
More trencher loaves are set, and wine served to the Duchess.
2 Trencher-loaves, and salt, to the lord’s son; and 1 loaf and saltcellar set at the end of the table.
Then 3 loaves of white bread are brought, and 1 coarse loaf is put in the Alms-dish.
To assay bread, the Panter kneels, the Carver cuts him a slice, and he eats it.
The Ewerer strains water into his basins, on the upper one of which is a towel folded dodgily.
Then the water is assayed in a cup of white wood.
The Carver takes up the basins; a knight takes down the towel, and wipes the cup, into which the Carver pours water; the knight hands it to him; he assays it, and empties the cup.
Two knights hold the towel before the lord’s sleeves, and hold the upper basin while the Carver pours water into the lower; then he puts the lower into the upper, and empties both, takes them to the Ewerer, returns to the lord’s table, lays 4 trenchers for him, with 1 above.
The Carver takes 3 to cut the lord’s messes on, and has a cloth round his neck to wipe his knives on.
Of the Almoner.
He says grace, sets down the Alms-dish, and the Carver puts the first loaf in it.
The other loaves he pares round, cuts one in two, and gives the upper half in halves to him.
The Almoner has a staff in his hand.
He keeps the broken food and wine left, for poor men at the gate, and is sworn to give it all to them.
He distributes silver as he rides.
Of the Sewer (or setter-on of Dishes).
The Cook assays the meat before it’s dished.
The Sewer puts the cover on it, and the cover must never be raised for fear of treason.
(A Dodge: If the silver dish burns you, put bits of bread under it.)
The Sewer assays all the food: potage with a piece of bread; fish or flesh, he eats a piece; baked meats hot, he lifts up the crust, and dips bread in the gravy; baked meats cold, he eats a bit.
The meat-bearer stands or kneels as the Sewer does.
When bread is wanted, the Butler puts one loaf on the table, the other on the cupboard.
The Butler assays all the wine.
What is left in the lord’s cup goes to the Alms-dish.
The Carver fills the empty cup, assays it, and gives it the lord or puts it down.
He carves the lord’s meat, and lays it on his trencher, putting a piece of every thing in the Alms-dish, except any favourite piece or potage sent to a stranger.
(To say more about the Carver would require another section, so I pass it over.)
After dinner the Sewer brings the Surnape, a broad towel and a narrow, and slides it down.
The Usher takes one end of the broad one, the Almoner the other, and when it is laid, he folds the narrow towel double before his lord and lady.
After grace removes them, lays the table on the floor, and takes away the trestles.
Of the Chandler.
He can make all kinds of candles, little and big, and mortars of wax.
He snuffs them with short scissors.
In bed-chambers wax lights only shall be burnt; in hall, Candles of Paris, each mess having one from Nov. 1 to Feb. 2 (see l. 393), and squires one too.
The Butler shall give Squires their daily bread and ale all the year, and Knights their wine.
May Christ bring us to His dwelling-place. Amen!
Bp. Grossetest’s Household Statutes.
All servants should serve truly God and their Master; doing fully all that their Master orders, without answering.
The upper servants must be honest and diligent, and engage no untrusty or unfit man.
iv. Dishonest, quarrelsome, and drunken servants must be turned out.
v. All must be of one accord, vi. obedient to those above them, vii. dress in livery, and not wear old shoes.
viii. Order your Alms to be given to the poor and sick.
ix. Make all the household dine together in the Hall.
x. Let no woman dine with you.
Let the Master show himself to all.
Don’t allow grumbling.
xi. Let your servants go to their homes.
xii. Tell your Panter and Butler to come to the table before grace.
Tell off three yeomen to wait at table.
xiii. Tell the Steward to keep good order in the Hall, and serve every one fairly.
xiv. Have your dish well filled that you may help others to it.
xv. Always admit your special friends, and show them you are glad to see them.
xvi. Talk familiarly to your Bailiffs, ask how your tenants and store do.
xvii. Allow no private meals; only those in Hall.
Stanzas and Couplets of Counsel
Never mistrust or fail your friend.
Don’t talk too much.
Spare your master’s goods as your own.
A lawless youth, a despised old age.
A Gentleman says the best he can of every one.
The schoole of Vertue
First, say this prayer: “O God! enable us to follow virtue. Defend us this day. Let us abound with virtues, flee from vice, and go forward in good doing to our live’s end.”
Repeat the Lord’s Prayer night and morning.
How to wash and dress yourself.
Don’t sleep too long.
Rise early; cast up your bed, and don’t let it lie.
Go down, salute your parents, wash your hands, comb your head, brush your cap and put it on.
Tie on your shirt-collar, fasten your girdle, rub your breeches, clean your shoes, wipe your nose on a napkin, pare your nails, clean your ears, wash your teeth.
Have your torn clothes mended, or new ones obtained.
Get your satchell and books, and haste to School, taking too pen, paper, and ink, which are necessary for use at school.
Then start off.
How to behave going to, and at, School.
Take off your cap to those you meet; give way to passers by.
Call your playmates on your road.
At School salute your master, and the scholars.
Go straight to your place, undo your satchell, take out your books and learn your lesson; stick well to your books.
If you don’t work, you’ll repent it when you grow up.
Who could now speak of famous deeds of old, had not Letters preserved them?
Work hard then, and you’ll be thought worthy to serve the state.
Men of low birth win honour by Learning, and then are doubly happy.
When you doubt, ask to be told.
Wish well to those who warn you.
On your way home walk two and two orderly (for which men will praise you); don’t run in heaps like a swarm of bees like boys do now.
Don’t whoop or hallow as in fox-hunting don’t chatter, or stare at every new fangle, but walk soberly, taking your cap off to all, and being gentle.
Do no man harm; speak fair words.
On reaching home salute your parents reverently.
How to wait at table.
Look your parents in the face, hold up your hands, and say Grace before meate.
Grace before Meat.
Make a low curtesy; wish your parents’ food may do ’em good.
If you are big enough, bring the food to table.
Don’t fill dishes so full as to spill them on your parents’ dress, or they’ll be angry.
Have spare trenchers ready for guests.
See there’s plenty of everything wanted.
Empty the Voiders often.
Be at hand if any one calls.
When the meat is over, clear the table:
1. cover the salt,
2. have a tray by you to carry things off on,
3. put the trenchers, &c., in one Voider,
4. sweep the crumbs into another,
5. set a clean trencher before every one,
6. put on Cheese, Fruit, Biscuits, and
7. serve Wine, Ale or Beer.
When these are finished, clear the table, and fold up the cloth.
Then spread a clean towel, bring bason and jug, and when your parents are ready to wash, and when your parents are ready to wash, pour out the water.
Clear the table; make a low curtsey.
How to behave at your own dinner.
Let your betters sit above you.
See others served first, then wait a while before eating.
Take salt with your knife, cut your bread, don’t fill your spoon too full, or sup your pottage.
Have your knife sharp.
Don’t smack your lips or gnaw your bones: avoid such beastliness.
Keep your fingers clean, wipe your mouth before drinking.
Don’t jabber or stuff.
Silence hurts no one, and is fitted for a child at table.
Don’t pick your teeth, or spit too much.
Behave properly.
Don’t laugh too much.
Learn all the good manners you can.
They are better than playing the fiddle, though that’s no harm, but necessary; yet manners are more important.
How to behave at Church.
Pray kneeling or standing.
Confess your sins to God.
He knows your disease.
Ask in faith, and what you ask you shall have; He is more merciful than pen can tell.
Behave nicely in church, and don’t talk or chatter.
Behave reverently; the House of Prayer is not to be made a fair.
Avoid dicing and carding.
Delight in Knowledge, Virtue, and Learning.
Happy is he who cultivates Virtue.
Cursed is he who forsakes it.
Let reason rule you, and subdue your lusts.
These ills come from gambling: strife, murder, theft, cursing and swearing.
How to behave when conversing.
Understand a question before you answer it; let a man tell all his tale.
Then bow to him, look him in the face, and answer sensibly, not staring about or laughing, but audibly and distinctly, your words in due order, or you’ll straggle off, or stutter, or stammer, which is a foul crime.
Always keep your head uncovered.
Better unfed than untaught.
How to take a Message.
Listen to it well; don’t go away not knowing it.
Then hurry away, give the message; get the answer, return home, and tell it to your master exactly as it was told to you.
Against Anger, &c.
The slave of Anger must fall.
Anger’s deeds are strange to wise men.
A hasty man is always in trouble.
Take no revenge, but forgive.
Envy no one.
An ill body breeds debate.
The Fruits of Charity, &c.
Charity seeketh not her own, but bears patiently.
Charity seeketh not her own, but bears patiently.
Love incites to Mercy.
Patience teaches forbearance.
Pray God to give thee Charity and Patience, to lead thee to Virtue’s School, and thence to Eternal Bliss.
Against Swearing.
Take not God’s name in vain, or He will plague thee.
Beware of His wrath, and live well in thy vocation.
What is the good of swearing?
It kindles God’s wrath against thee.
God’s law forbids swearing, and so does the counsel of Philosophers.
Against filthy talking.
Never talk dirt.
For every word we shall give account at the Day of Doom, and be judged according to our deeds.
Let lewd livers then fear.
Keep your tongue from vain talking.
Against Lying.
To speak the truth needs no study, therefore always practise it and speak it.
Shame is the reward of lying.
Always speak the truth.
Who can trust a liar?
If a lie saves you once, it deceives you thrice.
A bedward Prayer.
God of mercy, take us into Thy care.
Forgive us our sins.
Deliver us from evil, and our enemy the Devil.
Assist us to conquer him and ascribe all honour to Thee.
Each one’s Duty.
The Duty of Princes, Judges, Prelates, Parents, Children, Masters, Servants, Husbands.
The Duty of Wives, Parsons and Vicars, Men of Law, Craftsmen, Landlords, Merchants, Subjects, Rich Men, Poor Men, Magistrates, Officers, The Duty of all Men.
God grant us all to live and die well!
Whate-ever thow sey, avyse thee welle!
A man must mind what he says; hearts are fickle and fell.
Take care what you say. A false friend may hear it, and after a year or two will repeat it.
Hasty speech hurts hearer and speaker. In the beginning, think on the end.
You tell a man a secret, and he’ll betray it for a drink of wine. Mind what you say.
Avoid backbiting and flattering; refrain from malice, and bragging.
A venomous tongue causes sorrow. When words are said, regret is too late.
Mind what you say.
Had men thought of this, many things done in England would never have been begun.
To speak aright observe six things:
1. what; 2. of whom; 3. where; 4. to whom; 5. why; 6. when.
In every place mind what you say.
Almighty God, grant me grace to serve Thee!
Mary, mother, send me grace night and day!
A Dogg Lardyner, & a Sowe Gardyner
A dog in a larder, a sow in a garden, a fool with wise men, are ill matcht.
Roger Ascham’s Advice to Lord Warwick’s Servant
Fear God, serve your lord faithfully, be courteous to your fellows.
Despise no poor man.
Carry no tales.
Tell no lies.
Don’t play at dice or cards.
Take to your lord’s favourite sport.
Beware of idleness.
Always be at hand when you’re wanted.
Diligence will get you praise.
God be with you!
The Babees Book
My God, support me while I translate this treatise from Latin. It shall teach those of tender age.
To know and practise virtues is the most profitable thing in the world.
Young Babies, adorned with grace, I call on you to know this book (for Nurture should accompany beauty), and not on aged men expert therein.
Why add pain to hell, water to the sea, or heat to fire?
Babies, my book is for you only, and so I hope no one will find fault with it, but only amend it.
The only reward I seek is that my book may please all and improve you.
If you don’t know any word in it, ask till you do, and then keep hold of it.
And do not wonder at this being in metre.
I must first describe how you Babies who dwell in households should behave at meals, and be ready with lovely and benign words when you are spoken to.
Lady Facetia, help me! Thou art the Mother of all Virtue.
Help the ignorance of me untaught!
Fair Babies, when you enter your lord’s place, say “God speed,” and salute all there.
Kneel on one knee to your lord.
If any speak to you, look straight at them, and listen well till they have finished; do not chatter or let your eyes wander about the house.
Answer sensibly, shortly, and easily.
Many words are a bore to a wise man.
Stand till you are told to sit: keep your head, hands, and feet quiet: don’t scratch yourself, or lean against a post, or handle anything near.
Bow to your lord when you answer.
If any one better than yourself comes in, retire and give place to him.
Turn your back on no man.
Be silent while your lord drinks, not laughing, whispering, or joking.
If he tells you to sit down, do so at once.
Then don’t talk dirt, or scorn any one, but be meek and cheerful.
If your better praises you, rise up and thank him heartily.
When your lord or lady is speaking about the household, don’t you interfere, but be always ready to serve at the proper time, to bring drink, hold lights, or anything else, and so get a good name.
The best prayer you can make to God is to be well mannered.
If your lord offers you his cup, rise up, take it with both hands, offer it to no one else, but give it back to him that brought it.
At Noon, when your lord is ready for dinner, some pour water on him, some hold the towel for him till he has finished, and don’t leave till grace is said.
Stand by your lord till he tells you to sit, then keep your knife clean and sharp to cut your food.
Be silent, and tell no nasty stories.
Cut your bread, don’t break it.
Lay a clean trencher before you, and eat your broth with a spoon, don’t sup it up.
Don’t leave your spoon in your dish.
Don’t lean on the table, or dirty the cloth.
Don’t hang your head over your dish, or eat with a full mouth, or pick your nose, teeth, and nails, or stuff your mouth so that you can’t speak.
Wipe your mouth when you drink, and don’t dirty the cup with your hands.
Don’t dip your meat in the salt-cellar, or put your knife in your mouth.
Taste every dish that’s brought to you, and when once your plate is taken away, don’t ask for it again.
If strangers dine with you, share all good food sent to you with them.
It’s not polite to keep it all to yourself.
Don’t cut your meat like field labourers, who have such an appetite they don’t care how they hack their food.
Sweet children, let your delight be courtesy, and eschew rudeness.
Have a clean trencher and knife for your cheese, and eat properly.
Don’t chatter either, and you shall get a good repute for gentleness.
When the meal is over, clean your knives, and put them in their places; keep your seats till you’ve washed; then rise up without laughing or joking, and go to your lord’s table.
Stand there till grace is said.
Then some of you go for water, some hold the towel, some pour water over his hands.
Other things I shall not put in this little Report, but skip over, praying that no one will abuse me for this work.
Let readers add or take away: I address it to every one who likes to correct it.
Sweet children, I beseech you know this book, and may God make you so expert therein that you may attain endless bliss.
Lerne or be Lewde
Don’t be too loving or angry, bold or busy, courteous or cruel or cowardly, and don’t drink too often, or be too lofty or anxious, but friendly of cheer.
Hate jealousy, be not too hasty or daring; joke not too oft; ware knaves’ tricks.
Don’t be too grudging or too liberal, too meddling, too particular, new-fangled, or too daring.
Hate oaths and flattery.
Please well thy master.
Don’t be too rackety, or go out too much.
Don’t be too revengeful or wrathful, and wade not too deep.
The middle path is the best for us all.
When you come before a lord take off your cap or hood, and fall on your right knee twice or thrice.
Keep your cap off till you’re told to put it on; hold up your chin; look in the lord’s face; keep hand and foot still; don’t spit or snot; get rid of it quietly; behave well.
When you go into the hall, don’t press up too high.
Don’t be shamefaced.
Wherever you go, good manners make the man.
Reverence your betters, but treat all equally whom you don’t know.
See that your hands are clean, and your knife sharp.
Let worthier men help themselves before you eat.
Don’t clutch at the best bit.
Keep your hands from dirtying the cloth, and don’t wipe your nose on it, or dip too deep in your cup.
Have no meat in your mouth when you drink or speak; and stop talking when your neighbour is drinking.
Scorn and reprove no man.
Keep your fingers from what would bring you to grief.
Among ladies, look, don’t talk.
Don’t laugh loud, or riot with ribalds.
Don’t repeat what you hear.
Words make or mar you.
If you follow a worthier man, let your right shoulder follow his back, and don’t speak till he has done.
Be austere (?) in speech; don’t stop any man’s tale.
Christ gives us all wit to know this, and heaven as our reward.
The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke or Edyllys be
Clerks say that courtesy came from heaven when Gabriel greeted our Lady.
All virtues are included in it.
See that your hands and nails are clean.
Don’t eat till grace is said, or sit down till you’re told.
First, think on the poor; the full belly wots not what the hungry feels.
Don’t eat too quickly.
Touch nothing till you are fully helped.
Don’t break your bread in two, or put your pieces in your pocket, your fingers in the dish, or your meat in the salt-cellar.
Don’t pick your ears or nose, or drink with your mouth full, or cram it full.
Don’t pick your teeth with your knife.
Take your spoon out when you’ve finished soup.
Don’t spit over or on the table, that’s not proper.
Don’t put your elbows on the table, or belch as if you had a bean in your throat.
Be careful of good food; and be courteous and cheerful.
Don’t whisper in any man’s ear.
Take your food with your fingers, and don’t waste it.
Don’t grin, or talk too much, or spill your food.
Keep your cloth before you.
Cut your meat, don’t bite it.
Don’t open your mouth too wide when you eat, or blow in your food.
If your lord drinks, always wait till he has done.
Keep your trencher clean.
Drink behind no man’s back.
Don’t rush at the cheese, or throw your bones on the floor.
Sit still till grace is said and you’ve washed your hands, and don’t spit in the basin.
Rise quietly, don’t jabber, but thank your host and all the company, and then men will say, ‘A gentleman was here!’
He who despises this teaching isn’t fit to sit at a good man’s table.
Children, love this little book, and pray that Jesus may help its author to die among his friends, and not be troubled with devils, but be in joy for ever.
The Young Children’s Book
Whoever will thrive, must be courteous, and begin in his youth.
Courtesy came from heaven, and contains all virtues, as rudeness does all vices.
Get up betimes; cross yourself; wash your hands and face; comb your hair; say your prayers; go to church and hear Mass.
Say ‘Good Morning’ to every one you meet.
Then have breakfast, first crossing your mouth.
Say grace, thank Jesus for your food, and say an Ave for the souls in pain.
Then set to work, and don’t be idle.
Scripture tells you, if you work, you must eat what you get with your hands.
Be true in word and deed; truth keeps a man from blame.
Mercy and Truth are the two ways to heaven, fail not to go by them.
Make only proper promises, and keep them without falsehood.
Love God and your neighbours, and so fulfil all the Law.
Meddle only with what belongs to you.
Scorn not the poor; flatter no one; oppress (?) not servants.
Be meek, and wait till your better has spoken.
When you speak to a man, keep still, and look him in the face.
Don’t be a tale-bearer.
Thank all who speak well of you.
Use few words; don’t swear or lie in your dealings.
Earn money honestly, and keep out of debt.
Try to please; seek peace; mind whom you speak to and what you say.
Wherever you enter, say “God be here;” and speak courteously to master and man.
Stand till you are told to sit at meat, and don’t leave your seat before others.
Sit upright; be sociable, and share with your neighbours.
Take salt with a clean knife; talk no scandal, but speak well of all.
Hear and see; don’t talk.
Be satisfied with what’s set before you.
Wipe your mouth before you drink; keep your fingers and lips clean.
Don’t speak with your mouth full.
Praise your food for whether it’s good or bad, it must be taken in good part.
Mind where you spit, and put your hand before your mouth.
Keep your knife clean, and don’t wipe it on the cloth.
Don’t put your spoon in the dish, or make a noise, like boys, when you sup.
Don’t put meat off your plate into the dish, but into a voider.
If your superior hands you a cup, drink, but take the cup with two hands.
When he speaks to you, doff your cap and bend your knee.
Don’t scratch yourself at table, wipe your nose, or play with your spoon, &c.
This book is for young children who don’t stay long at school.
God grant them grace to be virtuous!
Stans Puer ad Mensam (both versions).
When you stand before your sovereign, speak not recklessly, and keep your hands still.
Don’t stare about, lean against a post, look at the wall, pick your nose, or scratch yourself.
When spoken to, don’t lumpishly look at the ground.
Walk demurely in the streets, and don’t laugh before your lord.
Clean your nails and wash your hands.
Sit where you’re told to, and don’t be too hasty to begin eating.
Don’t grin, shout, or stuff your jaws with food, or drink too quickly.
Keep your lips clean, and wipe your spoon.
Don’t make sops of bread, or drink with a dirty mouth.
Don’t dirty the table linen, or pick your teeth with your knife.
Don’t swear or talk ribaldry, or take the best bits; share with your fellows.
Eat up your pieces, and keep your nails clean.
It’s bad manners to bring up old complaints.
Don’t play with your knife, or shuffle your feet about.
Don’t spill your broth on your chest, or use dirty knives, or fill your spoon too full. Be quick to do whatever your lord orders.
Take salt with your knife; don’t blow in your cup, or begin quarrels.
Interrupt no man in his story.
Drink wine and ale in moderation.
Don’t talk too much, but keep a middle course.
Be gentle and tractable, but not too soft.
Children must not be revengeful; their anger is appeased with a bit of apple.
Children’s quarrels are first play, then crying; don’t believe their complaints; give ’em the rod.
Spare that, and you’ll spoil all.
Young children, pray take heed to my little ballad, which shall lead you into all virtues.
My mistakes I submit to correction.
Ffor to serve a lord.
1. Have your table-cloths and napkins ready, also trenchers, salts, &c.
2. Bring your cloths folded, lay them on the table, then cover the cupboard, the side-table, and the chief table.
3. Bring out the chief salt-cellar, and pared loaves, and hold the carving-knives in your right hand.
4. Put your chief salt-cellar before the chief person’s seat, his bread by it, and his trenchers before it.
5. Put the second salt-cellar at the lower end. If wooden trenchers are used, bring them on.
6. Put salt-cellars on the side-tables.
7. Bring out your basins, &c., and set all your plate on the cupboard.
8. Let the chief servants have basins, &c., ready, and after Grace, hold the best basin to the chief lord, with the towel under; and then let his messmates wash.
9. The chief lord takes his seat, then his messmates theirs; then the lower-mess people theirs. (When Grace begins, the bread cover is to be taken away.)
10. The Carver takes 4 trenchers on his knife-point, and lays them before the chief lord, (one to put his salt on,) and 3 or 2 before the less people.
11. The Butler gives each man a spoon and a napkin.
12. The Carver pares 2 loaves, lays 2 before his lord, and 2 or 1 to the rest.
13. Serve brawn, beef, swan, pheasant, fritters. As a change for beef, have legs or chines of pork, or tongue of ox or hart.
14. Clear away the 1st course, crumbs, bones, and used trenchers.
15. Serve the Second Course: Small birds, lamb, kid, venison, rabbits, meat pie, teal, woodcock. Great birds.
16. Fill men’s cups and remove their trenchers.
17. Collect the spoons.
18. Take up the lowest dishes at the side-tables, and then clear the high table.
19. Sweep all the bits of bread, trenchers, &c., into a voyder.
20. Take away the cups, &c., from all the messes, putting the trenchers,
&c., in a voyder, and scraping the crumbs off with a carving-knife.
21. Serve wafers in towels laid on the table, and sweet wine. In holiday time serve cheese, or fruit; in winter, roast apples.
22. Clear away all except the chief salt-cellar, whole bread, and carving-knives; take these to the pantry.
23. Lay a fresh cloth all along the chief table.
24. Have ready basons and jugs with hot or cold water; and after Grace, hand basins and water to the first mess, then the second.
25. Take off and fold up the towels and cloth, and give ’em to the
26. Clear away tables, trestles, forms; and put cushions on other seats.
27. Butler, put the cups, &c., back into your office.
28. Serve knights and ladies with bread and wine, kneeling.
29. Conduct strangers to the Chamber.
30. Serve them with dainties: junket, pippins, or green ginger; and sweet wines. How to carve a Swan, Goose, Wild-fowl, Crane, Heronsew,
Bittern, Egret, Partridge, Quail, Pheasant.
A Bridal Feast.
First Course. Boar’s head, and a Device of Welcome. Venison and Custard, with a Device of Meekness.
Second Course.
Venison, Crane, &c., and a Device of Gladness and Loyalty.
Third Course.
Sweets, &c., Game, with a Device of Thankfulness.
Fourth Course.
Cheese and a cake with a Device of Child-bearing and a promise of babies.
Latin Graces.
A general Grace.
The eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, bless us. Make us partakers of the heavenly table.
Grace after Dinner.
May the God of peace be with us! We thank thee, O Lord, for thy benefits. Lord, have mercy upon us! Christ, have mercy upon us! I will bless the Lord alway. May the name of the Lord be blessed for ever! Hail, Queen of Heaven, flower of virgins! pray thy Son to save the faithful!
Grace on Fish-Days.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied. Glory be to the Father, &c. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.
In Lent.
Break thy bread to the hungry, and take the wanderer to thy home.
Grace after Dinner.
Four Short Graces.
1. Before Dinner.
2. After Meals.
Bless the Lord for this meal. Mary, pray for us!
3. Before Supper.
Giver of all, sanctify this supper.
4. After Supper.
The Lord is holy in all his works. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
On Easter-Eve.
Christ, have mercy upon us! Seek those things that are above.
Grace after Dinner.
God of Peace, We give thee thanks, O Lord. Pour into us thy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
On Easter-Day.
This is the day which the Lord hath made: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Bless us, O Lord! Our passover is slain, even Christ.
After Dinner.
Of thy resurrection, Christ, the heavens and the earth are glad. Thanks be to God!
Before Supper.
After Supper.
This is the day, &c. Hallelujah. Let us bless the Lord!
Symon’s Lesson of Wysedome for all Maner Chyldryn.
Children, attend.
You’d be better unborn than untaught.
You mustn’t have your own way always.
Tell the truth, don’t be froward, hold up your head, take off your hood when you’re spoken to.
Wash your hands and face.
Be courteous.
Don’t throw stones at dogs and hogs.
Mock at no one.
Don’t swear.
Eat what’s given you, and don’t ask for this and that.
Honour your father and mother: kneel and ask their blessing.
Keep your clothes clean.
Don’t go bird’s-nesting, or steal fruit, or throw stones at men’s windows, or play in church.
Don’t chatter.
Get home by daylight.
Keep clear of fire and water, and the edges of wells and brooks.
Take care of your book, cap, and gloves, or you’ll be birched on your bare bottom.
Don’t be a liar or thief, or make faces at any man.
When you meet any one, lower your hood and wish ’em “god speed.” Be meek to clerks.
Rise early, go to school, and learn fast if you want to be our bishop.
Attend to all these things, for a good child needs learning, and he who hates the child spares the rod.
As a spur makes a horse go, so a rod makes a child learn and be mild.
So, children, do well, and you’ll not get a sound beating.
May God keep you good!
The Birched School-Boy
Learning is strange work; the birch twigs are so sharp.
I’d sooner go 20 miles than go to school on Mondays.
My master asks where I’ve been.
‘Milking ducks,’ I tell him, and he gives me pepper for it.
I only wish he was a hare, and my book a wild cat, and all his books dogs.
Wouldn’t I blow my horn!
Don’t I wish he was dead!
John Russells Boke of Nurture
[Harl. MS. 4011, Fol. 171.]
The Boke of Curtasye.
Fr. Clavicules, f. The kannell bones, channell bones, necke-bones, craw-bones, extending (on each side ore) from the bottom of the throat vnto the top of the shoulder. Cot.
The merry-thought of a bird. The haunch-bones below correspond to the clavicles or kannell bones above.
“Of all meates the best and most utille to the body of man is of capons, chyckyns, faisantes, partriches, yonge partriches, plouuiers, pigeons, quailles, snites (becasses§), wod-cockes, turtell doves, knyghtes (cheualiers†), stares, sparows, or passeriaux, finches, uerdieres,* frions, gold finches, linotes, thrushe, felde fare, and all kyndes of small byrdes (whereof the names ben without nombre) ben metes norisshyng and of litell degestion, and that engendre good blode.” Du Guez’s Introductorie, p.1071-2.
§ Beccasse, f. A Woodcock. Becasse petite, A Snite or Snipe.
† Chevalier, A daintie Water-fowle, as big as a Stock-doue, and of two kinds, the one red, the other blacke. Cot.
* Verdrier, m. The Gold-hammer, Yellow-hammer, Yowlring. Cot.
“Capons boyled, and chekyns, ben lykewyse of good nourysshyng, and doth engender good blode, but whan they ben rosted, they ben somewhat more colloryke, and all maner of meates rosted, the 294 tone more the tother lesse.” Du Guez, p. 1071.
Cappe-de-huse, 62/909, ? cape for the house, Fr. cappe, a short cloake, or loose and sleeuelesse garment, which hath, instead of a Cape, a Capuche behind it. Cot.
“I chyppe breed. Je chappelle du payn ... je descrouste du pain ... and je payre du pain. Chyppe the breed at ones, for our gestes be come.” Palsgrave, p.484, col.1.
See “choppe” and “chyppere.”
Choke, don’t, by drinking with your mouth full, 180/98.
“The naturall maister Aristotell saith that euery body be the course of nature is enclyned to here & se all that refressheth & quickeneth the spretys of man1 / wherfor I haue thus in this boke folowinge2” gathered together divers treatises touching the Manners & Meals of Englishmen in former days, & have added therto divers figures of men of old, at meat & in bed,3 to the end that, to my fellows here & to come, the home life of their forefathers may be somewhat more plain, & their own minds somewhat rejoiced.
The treatises here collected consist of a main one—John Russell’s Boke of Nurture, to which I have written a separate preface4—extracts and short books illustrating Russell, like the Booke of Demeanor and Boke of Curtasy, and certain shorter poems addressed partly to those whom Cotgrave calls “Enfans de famille, Yonkers of account, youthes ii of good houses, children of rich parents (yet aliue),” partly to carvers and servants, partly to schoolboys, partly to people in general, or at least those of them who were willing to take advice as to how they should mend their manners and live a healthy life.
The persons to whom the last poems of the present collection are addressed, the
yonge Babees, whome bloode Royalle
Withe grace, feture, and hyhe habylite
Hathe enourmyd,
the “Bele Babees” and “swete Children,” may be likened to the “young gentylmen, Henxmen,—VI Enfauntes, or more, as it shall please the Kinge,”—at Edward the Fourth’s Court; and the authors or translators of the Bokes in this volume, somewhat to that sovereign’s Maistyr of Henxmen, whose duty it was
“to shew the schooles5 of urbanitie and nourture of Englond, to lerne them to ryde clenely and surely; to drawe them also to justes; to lerne them were theyre barneys; to haue all curtesy in wordes, dedes, and degrees; dilygently to kepe them in rules of goynges and sittinges, after they be of honour. Moreover to teche them sondry languages, and othyr lerninges vertuous, to harping, to pype, sing, daunce, and with other honest and temperate behaviour and patience; and to kepe dayly and wekely with these children dew convenity, with corrections in theyre chambres, according to suche gentylmen; and eche of them to be used to that thinge of vertue that he shall be moste apt to lerne, with remembraunce dayly of Goddes servyce accustumed. This maistyr sittith in the halle, next unto these Henxmen, at the same boarde, to have his respecte unto theyre demeanynges, howe manerly they ete and drinke, and to theyre communication and other formes curiall, after the booke of urbanitie.” (Liber Niger in Household Ordinances, p.45.)
That these young Henxmen were gentlemen, is expressly stated,6 iii and they had “everyche of them an honest servaunt to keepe theyre chambre and harneys, and to aray hym in this courte whyles theyre maisters he present in courte.” Isuppose that when they grew up, some became Esquires, and then their teaching would prove of use, for
“These Esquiers of houshold of old [were] accustumed, wynter and sumer, in aftyrnoones and in eveninges, to drawe to lordes chambres within courte, there to kepe honest company aftyr theyre cunnynge, in talkyng of cronycles of Kings and of other polycyes, or in pypeyng or harpyng, synging, or other actes martialles, to help occupy the courte, and accompany straungers, tyll the tyme require of departing.”
But that a higher station than an Esquier’s was in store for some of these henchmen, may be known from the history of one of them. Thomas Howard, eldest son of Sir John Howard, knight (who was afterwards Duke of Norfolk, and killed at Bosworth Field), was among these henchmen or pages, ‘enfauntes’ six or more, of Edward IV.’s. He was made Duke of Norfolk for his splendid victory over the Scots at Flodden, and Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were his granddaughters. Among the ‘othyr lerninges vertuous’ taught iv him at Edward’s court was no doubt that of drawing, for we find that ‘He was buried with much pomp at Thetford Abbey under a tomb designed by himself and master Clarke, master of the works at King’s College, Cambridge, & Wassel a freemason of Bury S.Edmund’s.’ Cooper’s Ath. Cant., i. p.29, col.2.
RICH MEN’S EDUCATION IN EARLY ENGLAND.The question of the social rank of these Bele Babees6a, children, and Pueri who stood at tables, opens up the whole subject of upper-class education in early times in England. It is a subject that, so far as I can find, has never yet been separately treated7, and I therefore throw together such few notices as the kindness of friends8 and my own chance grubbings have collected; these as a sort of stopgap till the appearance of Mr Anstey’s volume on early Oxford Studies in the Chronicles and Memorials, avolume which will, Itrust, give us a complete account of early education in our land. If it should not, Ihope that Mr Quick will carry his pedagogic researches past Henry VIII.’s time, or that one of our own members will take the subject up. It is worthy of being thoroughly worked out. For convenience’ sake, the notices I have mentioned are arranged under six heads:
One consideration should be premised, that manly exercises, manners and courtesy, music and singing, knowledge of the order of precedency of ranks, and ability to carve, were in early times more important than Latin and Philosophy. ‘Aylmar Þe kyng’ gives these directions to Athelbrus, his steward, as to Horn’s education:
Stiwarde, tak nu here
Mi fundlyng for to lere
Of Þine mestere,
Of wude and of riuere;
And tech him to harpe
WiÞ his nayles scharpe;
Biuore me to kerue,
And of Þe cupe serue;
Þu tech him of alle Þe liste (craft, AS. list)
Þat Þu eure of wiste;
[And] his feiren Þou wise (mates thou teach)
Into oÞere seruise.
Horn Þu underuonge,
And tech him of harpe and songe.
King Horn, E. E. T. Soc., 1866, ed. Lumby, p. 7.9
So in Romances and Ballads of later date, we find
The child was taught great nurterye;
a Master had him vnder his care,
& taught him curtesie.
Tryamore, in Bp. Percy’s Folio MS. vol. ii. ed. 1867.
It was the worthy Lord of learen,
he was a lord of hie degree;
he had noe more children but one sonne,
he sett him to schoole to learne curtesie.
Lord of Learne, Bp. Percy’s Folio MS. vol. i. p. 182, ed. 1867.
Chaucer’s Squire, as we know, at twenty years of age
hadde ben somtyme in chivachie,
In Flaundres, in Artoys, and in Picardie,
And born him wel, as in so litel space,
In hope to stonden in his lady grace ...
Syngynge he was, or flowtynge, al the day ...
Wel cowde he sitte on hors, and wel cowde ryde.
He cowde songes wel make and endite,
Justne and eek daunce, and wel purtray and write ...
Curteys he was, lowly, and servysable,
And carf beforn his fadur at the table.10
Which of these accomplishments would Cambridge or Oxford teach? Music alone.10a That, as Harrison says, was one of the Quadrivials, vi ‘arithmetike, musike, geometrie, and astronomie.’ The Trivium was grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
HOUSES OF NOBLES AND CHANCELLORS WERE SCHOOLS.1. The chief places of education for the sons of our nobility and gentry were the houses of other nobles, and specially those of the Chancellors of our Kings, men not only able to read and write, talk Latin and French themselves, but in whose hands the Court patronage lay. As early as Henry the Second’s time (A.D. 1154-62), if not before11, this system prevailed. Afriend notes that Fitz-Stephen says of Becket:
“The nobles of the realm of England and of neighbouring kingdoms used to send their sons to serve the Chancellor, whom he trained with honourable bringing-up and learning; and when they had received the knight’s belt, sent them back with honour to their fathers and kindred: some he used to keep. The king himself, his master, entrusted to him his son, the heir of the realm, to be brought up; whom he had with him, with many sons of nobles of the same age, and their proper retinue and masters and proper servants in the honour due.” —Vita S.ThomÆ, pp.189, 190, ed. Giles.
Roger de Hoveden, a Yorkshireman, who was a clerk or secretary to Henry the Second, says of Richard the Lionheart’s unpopular chancellor, Longchamps the Bishop of Ely:
“All the sons of the nobles acted as his servants, with downcast looks, nor dared they to look upward towards the heavens unless it so happened that they were addressing him; and if they attended to anything else they were pricked with a goad, which their lord held in his hand, fully mindful of his grandfather of pious memory, who, being of servile condition in the district of Beauvais, had, for his occupation, to guide the plough and whip up the oxen; and who at length, to gain his liberty, fled to the Norman territory.” (Riley’s Hoveden, ii. 232, quoted in The Cornhill Magazine, vol. xv. p.165.)12
All Chancellors were not brutes of this kind, but we must remember that young people were subjected to rough treatment in early days. Even so late as Henry VI.’s time, Agnes Paston sends to London on the 28th of January, 1457, to pray the master of her son of 15, that if the boy “hath not done well, nor will not amend,” his master Greenfield “will truly belash him till he will amend.” And of the same lady’s treatment of her marriageable daughter, Elizabeth, Clere writes on the 29th of June, 1454,
“She (the daughter) was never in so great sorrow as she is now-a-days, for she may not speak with no man, whosoever come, ne not may see nor speak with my man, nor with servants of her mother’s, but that she beareth her on hand otherwise than she meaneth; and she hath since Easter the most part been beaten once in the week or twice, and sometimes twice on a day, and her head broken in two or three places.” (v. i. p.50, col. 1, ed. 1840.)
The treatment of Lady Jane Grey by her parents was also very severe, as she told Ascham, though she took it meekly, as her sweet nature was:
“One of the greatest benefites that God ever gave me, is, that he sent me so sharpe and severe Parentes, and so jentle a scholemaster. For when I am in presence either of father or mother, whether I speake, kepe silence, sit, stand, or go, eate, drinke, be merie or sad, be sewyng, plaiyng, dauncing, or doing anie thing els, Imust do it, as it were, in soch weight, mesure, and number, even so perfitelie as God made the world, or els I am so sharplie taunted, so cruellie threatened; yea presentlie some tymes, with pinches, nippes, and bobbes, and other waies which I will not name for the honor I beare them, so without measure misordered, that I thinke my self in hell till tyme cum that I must go to M. Elmer, who teacheth me so jentlie, so pleasantlie, with soch faire allurementes to learning, that I thinke all the tyme nothing whiles I am with him. And when I am called from him, Ifall on weeping.” —The Scholemaster, ed. Mayor.
The inordinate beating13 of boys by schoolmasters—whom he viii calls in different places ‘sharp, fond, & lewd’14—Ascham denounces strongly in the first book of his Scholemaster, and he contrasts their folly in beating into their scholars the hatred of learning with the practice of the wise riders who by gentle allurements breed them up in the love of riding. Indeed, the origin of his book was Sir Wm. Cecil’s saying to him “I have strange news brought me this morning, that divers scholars of Eton be run away from the school for fear of beating.”
Sir Peter Carew, says Mr Froude, being rather a troublesome boy, was chained in the Haccombe dog-kennel till he ran away fromit.
But to return to the training of young men in nobles’ houses. Itake the following from Fiddes’s Appendix to his Life of Wolsey:
John de Athon, upon the Constitutions of Othobon, tit. 23, in respect to the Goods of such who dyed intestate, and upon the Word Barones, has the following Passage concerning Grodsted Bishop of Lincoln15 (who died 9th Oct., 1253),—
“Robert surnamed Grodsted of holy memory, late Bishop of Lincoln, when King Henry asked him, as if in wonder, where he learnt the Nurture in which he had instructed the sons of nobles (&) peers of the Realm, whom he kept about him as pages (domisellos16),—since he was not descended from a noble lineage, but from humble (parents)—is said to have answered fearlessly, ‘In the house or guest-chambers ix of greater kings than the King of England’; because he had learnt from understanding the scriptures the manner of life of David, Solomon, & other Kings15.”
Reyner, in his Apostol. Bened. from Saunders acquaints us, that the Sons of the Nobility were placed with Whiting Abbot of Glastenbury for their Education, who was contemporary with the Cardinal, and which Method of Education was continued for some Time afterward.
There is in the Custody of the present Earl of Stafford, aNobleman of the greatest Humanity and Goodness, an Original of Instructions, by the Earl of Arundell, written in the Year 1620, for the Benefit of his younger Son, the Earl of Stafford’s Grandfather, under this Title;
Instructions for you my Son William, how to behave your self at Norwich.
In these Instructions is the following paragraph, “You shall in all Things reverence honour and obey my Lord Bishop of Norwich, as you would do any of your Parents, esteeminge whatsoever He shall tell or Command you, as if your Grandmother of Arundell, your Mother, or my self, should say it; and in all things esteem your self as my Lord’s Page; abreeding which youths of my house far superior to you were accustomed unto, as my Grandfather of Norfolk, and his Brother my good Uncle of Northampton were both bred as Pages with Bishopps, &c.”
Sir Thomas More, who was born in 1480, was brought up in the house of Cardinal Morton. Roper says that he was
“received into the house of the right reverend, wise, and learned prelate Cardinal Morton, where, though he was young of years, yet would he at Christmas-tide suddenly sometimes step in among the players, and never studying for the matter make a part of his own there presently among them, which made the lookers on more sport than all the players beside. In whose wit and towardness the Cardinal much delighting would say of him unto the nobles that divers times dined with him, This child here waiting at the table, Whosoever shall live to see it, will prove a marvellous man. Whereupon for his better furtherance in learning he placed him at Oxford, &c.” (Roper’s Life of More, ed. Singer, 1822, p.3.)
Cresacre More in his Life of More (ed. 1828, p. 17) states the same thing more fully, and gives the remark of the Cardinal more accurately, thus:— “that that boy there waiting on him, whoever should live to see it, would prove a marvellous rare man.”17
Through Wolsey’s household, says Professor Brewer, almost all the x Officials of Henry the Eighth’s time passed. Cavendish, in his Life of Wolsey (vol. i. p.38, ed. Singer, 1825) says of the Cardinal, “And at meals, there was continually in his chamber a board kept for his Chamberlains, and Gentlemen Ushers, having with them a mess of the young Lords, and another for gentlemen.” Among these young Lords, we learn at p.57, was
“my Lord Percy, the son and heir of the Earl of Northumberland, [who] then attended upon the Lord Cardinal, and was also his servitor; and when it chanced the Lord Cardinal at any time to repair to the court, the Lord Percy would then resort for his pastime unto the queen’s chamber, and there would fall in dalliance among the queen’s maidens, being at the last more conversant with Mistress Anne Boleyn than with any other; so that there grew such a secret love between them that, at length they were insured together, intending to marry18.”
Among the persons daily attendant upon Wolsey in his house, down-lying and up-rising, Cavendish enumerates “of Lords nine or ten, who had each of them allowed two servants; and the Earl of Derby had allowed five men” (p.36-7). On this Singer prints a note, which looks like a guess, signed Growe, “Those Lords that were placed in the great and privy chambers were Wards, and as such paid for their board and education.” It will be seen below that he had a particular officer called “Instructor of his Wards” (Cavendish, p.38, l.2). Why I suppose the note to be a guess is, because at p.33 Cavendish has stated that Wolsey “had also a great number daily attending upon him, both of noblemen and worthy gentlemen, of great estimation and possessions,—with no small number of the tallest yeomen that he could get in all his realm; in so much that well was that nobleman and gentleman that might prefer any tall and comely yeoman unto his service.”
In the household of the Earl of Northumberland in 1511 were “..yong gentlemen at their fryndes fynding,19 in my lords house for xi the hoole yere” and “Haunsmen ande Yong Gentlemen at thir Fryndes fynding v[j] (As to say, Hanshmen iij. And Yong Gentlemen iij” p.254,) no doubt for the purpose of learning manners, &c. And that such youths would be found in the house of every noble of importance I believe, for as Walter Mapes (?ab. 1160-90 A.D.) says of the great nobles, in his poem De diversis ordinibus hominum, the example of manners goes out from their houses, Exemplar morum domibus procedit eorum. That these houses were in some instances only the finishing schools for our well-born young men after previous teaching at home and at College is possible (though the cases of Sir Thomas More and Ascham are exactly the other way), but the Lord Percy last named had a schoolmaster in his house, “The Maister of Graimer j”, p.254; “Lyverays for the Maister of Gramer20 in Housholde: Item Half a Loof of Houshold Breide, aPottell of Beere, and two White Lyghts,” p.97. “Every Scolemaister techyng Grammer in the Hous C s.” (p.47, 51). Edward IV.’s henxmen were taught grammar; and if the Pastons are to be taken as a type of their class, our nobles and gentry at the end of the 15th century must have been able to read and write freely. Chaucer’s Squire could write, and though the custom of sealing deeds and not signing them prevailed, more or less, till Henry VIII.’s time, it is doubtful whether this implied inability of the sealers to write. Mr Chappell says that in Henry VIII.’s time half our nobility were then writing ballads. Still, the bad spelling and grammar of most of the letters up to that period, and the general ignorance of our upper classes were, says Professor Brewer, the reason why the whole government of the country was in the hands of ecclesiastics. Even in Henry the Eighth’s xii time, Sir Thomas Boleyn is said to have been the only noble at Court who could speak French with any degree of fluency, and so was learned enough to be sent on an embassy abroad. But this may be questioned. Yet Wolsey, speaking to his Lord Chamberlain and Comptroller when they
“showed him that it seemed to them there should be some noblemen and strangers [Henry VIII. and his courtiers masked] arrived at his bridge, as ambassadors from some foreign prince. With that, quoth the Cardinal, ‘I shall desire you, because ye can speak French, to take the pains to go down into the hall to encounter and to receive them, according to their estates, and to conduct them into this chamber’ (Cavendish, p.51). Then spake my Lord Chamberlain unto them in French, declaring my Lord Cardinal’s mind (p.53).”
The general21 opinion of our gentry as to the study of Letters, before and about 1500 A.D., is probably well represented by the opinion of one of them stated by Pace, in his Prefatory Letter to Colet, prefixed to the former’s De Fructu22.
It remains that I now explain to you what moves me to compile and publish a treatise with this title. When, two years ago, more or less, Ihad returned to my native land from the city of Rome, Iwas present at a certain feast, astranger to many; where, when enough had been drunk, one or other of the guests—no fool, as one might infer from his words and countenance—began to talk of educating his children well. And, first of all, he thought that he must search out a good teacher for them, and that they should at any rate attend school. There happened to be present one of those whom we call gentle-men (generosos), and who always carry some horn hanging at their backs, as though they would hunt during dinner. He, hearing letters praised, roused with sudden anger, burst out furiously with these words. “Why do you talk nonsense, friend?” he said; “A curse on those stupid letters! all learned men are beggars: even Erasmus, the most learned of all, is a beggar (as I hear), and in a certain letter of his calls t?? ?at??at?? pe??a? (that is, execrable poverty) his wife, and vehemently complains that he cannot shake her off his shoulders right into a????tea p??t??, that is, into the deep sea. Iswear by God’s body I’d rather that my son should hang than study letters. For it becomes the sons of gentlemen to blow the horn nicely (apte), to hunt skilfully, and elegantly carry and train a hawk. But the study of letters should be left to the sons of rustics.” At this point I could not restrain myself from answering something to this most talkative man, in defence of good letters. “You do not seem to me, good man,” Isaid, “to think rightly. For if any foreigner were to come to the king, such as the ambassadors (oratores) of princes are, and an answer had to be given to him, your son, if he were educated as you wish, could only blow his horn, and the learned sons of rustics would be called to answer, and would be far preferred to your hunter or fowler son; and they, enjoying their learned liberty, would say to your face, ‘We prefer to be learned, and, thanks to our learning, no fools, than boast of our fool-like nobility.’” Then he upon this, looking round, said, “Who is this person that is talking like this? Idon’t know the fellow.” And when some one whispered in his ear who I was, he muttered something or other in a low voice to himself; and finding a fool to listen to him, he then caught hold of a cup of wine. And when he xiv could get nothing to answer, he began to drink, and change the conversation to other things. And thus I was freed from the disputing of this mad fellow,—which I was dreadfully afraid would have lasted a long time,—not by Apollo, like Horace was from his babbler, but by Bacchus.
On the general subject it should be noted that Fleta mentions nothing about boarders or apprentices in his account of household economy; nor does the Liber Contrarotulatoris GarderobÆ Edw. Imi mention any young noblemen as part of the King’s household. That among tradesmen in later times, putting out their children in other houses, and apprenticeships, were the rule, we know from many statements and allusions in our literature, and “The Italian Relation of England” (temp. Hen. VII.) mentions that the Duke of Suffolk was boarded out to a rich old widow, who persuaded him to marry her (p.27). It also says
The want of affection in the English is strongly manifested towards their children; for after having kept them at home till they arrive at the age of 7 or 9 years at the utmost, they put them out, both males and females, to hard service in the houses of other people, binding them generally for another 7 or 9 years. And these are called apprentices, and during that time they perform all the most menial offices; and few are born who are exempted from this fate, for every one, however rich he may be, sends away his children into the houses of others, whilst he, in return, receives those of strangers into his own. And on inquiring their reason for this severity, they answered that they did it in order that their children might learn better manners. But I, for my part, believe that they do it because they like to enjoy all their comforts themselves, and that they are better served by strangers than they would be by their own children. Besides which, the English being great epicures, and very avaricious by nature, indulge in the most delicate fare themselves and give their household the coarsest bread, and beer, and cold meat baked on Sunday for the week, which, however, they allow them in great abundance. That if they had their own children at home, they would be obliged to give them the same food they made use of for themselves. That if the English sent their children away from home to learn virtue and good manners, and took them back again when their apprenticeship was over, they might, perhaps, be excused; but they never return, for the girls are settled by their patrons, and the boys make the best marriages they can, and, assisted by their patrons, not by their fathers, they also open a house and strive diligently by this means to make some fortune for themselves; whence it proceeds that, having no hope of their paternal inheritance, that all become so xv greedy of gain that they feel no shame in asking, almost “for the love of God,” for the smallest sums of money; and to this it may be attributed, that there is no injury that can be committed against the lower orders of the English, that may not be atoned for by money. —A Relation of the Island of England (Camden Society, 1847), pp.24-6.
“This evidently refers to tradesmen.23 The note by the Editor24 however says it was the case with the children of the first nobility, and gives the terms for the Duke of Buckingham’s children with Mrs Hexstall. The document only shows that Mrs Hexstall boarded them by contract ‘during the time of absence of my Lord and my Ladie.’”
The Earl of Essex says in a letter to Lord Burleigh, 1576, printed in Murdin’s State Papers, p.301-2.
“Neverthelesse, uppon the assured Confidence, that your love to me shall dissend to my Childrenne, and that your Lordship will declare yourself a Frend to me, both alive and dead, Ihave willed Mr Waterhouse to shew unto you how you may with Honor and Equity do good to my Sonne Hereford, and how to bind him with perpetual Frendship to you and your House. And to the Ende I wold have his Love towardes those which are dissended from you spring up and increase with his Yeares, Ihave wished his Education to be in your Household, though the same had not bene allotted to your Lordship as Master of the Wardes; and that the whole Tyme, which he shold spend in England in his Minority, might be devided in Attendance uppon my Lord Chamberlayne and you, to the End, that as he might frame himself to the Example of my Lord of Sussex in all the Actions of his Life, tending either to the Warres, or to the Institution of a Nobleman, so that he might also reverence your Lordship for your Wisdome and Gravyty, and lay up your Counsells and Advises in the Treasory of his Hart.”
That girls, as well as boys, were sent out to noblemen’s houses for their education, is evident from Margaret Paston’s letter of the 3rd of April, 1469, to Sir John Paston, “Also I would ye should purvey for your sister [?Margery] to be with my Lady of Oxford, or with my Lady of Bedford, or in some other worshipful place whereas ye think best, and I will help to her finding, for we be either of us weary of other.” Alice Crane’s Letter, in the Paston Letters, v.i. xvi p.35, ed. 1840, also supports this view, as does Sir John Heveningham’s to Margaret Paston, asking her to take his cousin Anneys Loveday for some time as a boarder till a mistress could be found for her. “If that it please you to have her with you to into the time that a mistress may be purveyed for her, Ipray you thereof, and I shall content you for her board that ye shall be well pleased.” Similarly Anne Boleyn and her sister were sent to Margaret of Savoy, aunt of Charles V., who lived at Brussels, to learn courtesy, &c., says Prof. Brewer. Sir Roger Twysden says that Anne was “Not above seven yeares of age, Anno 1514,” when she went abroad. He adds:
“It should seeme by some that she served three in France successively; Mary of England maryed to Lewis the twelfth, an. 1514, with whome she went out of England, but Lewis dying the first of January following, and that Queene (being) to returne home, sooner than either Sir Thomas Bullen or some other of her frendes liked she should, she was preferred to Clauda, daughter to Lewis XII. and wife to Francis I. then Queene (it is likely upon the commendation of Mary the Dowager), who not long after dying, an. 1524, not yet weary of France she went to live with Marguerite, Dutchess of AlanÇon and Berry, aLady much commended for her favor towards good letters, but never enough for the Protestant religion then in the infancy—from her, if I am not deceived, she first learnt the grounds of the Protestant religion; so that England may seem to owe some part of her happyness derived from that Lady.” (Twysden’s Notes quoted by Singer in his ed. of Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey, 1825, p.57.)
As Henry VIII. fell in love with his wife’s maid of honour,—“began to kindle the brand of amours” at the light of Anne Boleyn’s beauty, “her excellent gesture and behaviour,”—so we find in later times rich young men became enamoured of poor young women staying in the same house with them. Mr Bruce sends me an instance:
“the young lady was niece, you will perceive, to a well-beneficed clergyman, and a thriving gentleman well-advanced in the public service. She had lost her mother, and her father was in debt and difficulties. She was therefore placed by the influence of her uncles in a well-known family in Wiltshire.”
State Papers. Dom. Car. I. Vol. ccclii. No. 29. Dr Matthew Nicholas, afterwards Dean of St Paul’s, to Edward Nicholas, Clerk of the Council, and afterwards Secretary of State. Dated, West Dean, April 4, 1637.
“I have spoken with Miss Evelyn since I wrote last unto you, and enquired of her the cause which moued her to displace my coson xvii Hunton. She told me much accordinge to what she had sayd unto my coson Hunton, with this addition, that she had respect in it as well unto her good as her owne convenience, for hauinge nowe noe employment for her but her needle, she founde that sittinge still at her worke made her sickly, and therefore thought she might doe better in another seruice where she might haue the orderinge of an huswifely charge, for which (she told me) she had made her very able. Iexpressed myselfe tender of the disgrace which would lay uppon my coson in beinge displaced in such a manner by warninge giuen, wherof whatsoeuer were the cause, it would be imagined by all that knowe it not, to be in her ill carriage, and wished she had done me that fauour as to haue acquainted me with her intents in such time as I might haue taken some course to haue disposed of her before it had bin knowne that she was to leaue her: she slubbered it ouer with a slight excuse that she had acquainted my wife ... but for my satisfaction she told me that she would be as mindfull of her when God should call her as if she were with her, and in testimony of her good likinge of her seruice she would allowe her forty shillings yearly towarde her maintainance as longe as herself should liue. Iam soe well acquainted with what she hath as yet disposed to her by will, and soe little value forty shillings to my coson Hunton’s credit, as I gaue her noe thankes. Mr Downes (Iheare) is sent for home by his father with an intent to keepe him with him, but I doe imagine that when my coson Hunton shall be other where disposed off, he shall returne; for my conceit is stronge that the feare of his beinge match’d to his disadvantage, who was placed with Mr Evelyn a youth to be bred for his preferment, hath caused this alteration; howsoever there be noe wordes made of it. Iconfess that when I have bin told of the good will that was obserued betweene my coson Hunton and Mr Downes, Idid put it by with my coson Huntons protestation to the contrary, and was willinge by that neglect to have suffered it to have come to pass (if it mought have bin) because I thought it would haue bin to her aduantage, but nowe that the busines is come to this issue (as whatsoeuer be pretended I am confident this is the cause of my cosons partinge) Ibegin to quÆstion my discretion.... Good brother, let me haue your aduise what todo.”
PRIVATE TUITION IN EARLY ENGLAND.2. Home and Private Education. Of these, more or less must have been going on all over England, by private tutors at home, or in the houses of the latter. “In five years (after my baptism) Iwas handed over by my father to Siward, anoble priest, to be trained in letters, to whose mastery I was subdued during five years learning the first rudiments. But in the eleventh year of my age I was given up by my own father for the love of God, and destined to enter the service of the eternal King.” —Orderic, vol. ii. p.301, ed. Prevost.
From Adam de Marisco’s Letters, 53, we find that Henry and Almeric, the eldest and youngest sons of the Earl of Montfort, were put under Grosseteste for tuition, he being then a Bishop. At Paris, John of Salisbury (who died in 1180) gained a living by teaching the sons of noblemen,—(instruendos susceperam, ?took them in to board). —Metalogicus, lib. 11, c.10.
Henry of Huntingdon says, “Richard, the king’s (Henry I.’s) bastard son, was honourably brought up (festive nutritus) by our Bishop Robert (Blote of Lincoln), and duly reverenced by me and others in the same household I lived in.” —Anglia Sacra, vol. ii. p.696. Giraldus Cambrensis speaks of beating his coÆtanei et conscolares terrÆ suÆ, of being reproved for idleness by his uncle, the Bishop of St David’s, and of being constantly chaffed by two of his uncle’s chaplains, who used to decline durus and stultus to him. Also he alludes to the rod. Probably there was some sort of school at either Pembroke or St David’s24a.—De Rebus a se Gestis, lib. 1, c. 2.25
The Statutes of a Gild of young Scholars formed to burn lights in honour of some saint or other, and to help one another in sickness, old age, and to burial, will be printed for us by Mr Toulmin Smith in the Early English Text Society’s books this year.
Under this head of Private Tuition we may class the houses of Abbots, where boys of good birth were educated. In his History of English Poetry, section 36, vol. iii. p.9, ed. 1840, Warton says:
“It appears to have been customary for the governors of the most considerable convents, especially those that were honoured with the mitre, to receive into their own private lodgings the sons of the principal families of the neighbourhood for education. About the year 1450, Thomas Bromele, abbot of the mitred monastery of Hyde near Winchester, entertained in his own abbatial house within that monastery eight young gentlemen, or gentiles pueri, who were placed there for the purpose of literary instruction, and constantly dined at the abbot’s table. Iwill not scruple to give the original words, which are more particular and expressive, of the obscure record which preserves this curious anecdote of monastic life. ‘Pro octo gentilibus pueris apud dominum abbatem studii causa perhendinantibus, et ad mensam domini victitantibus, cum garcionibus suis ipsos comitantibus, hoc anno, xviil. ixs.Capiendo pro26...’” This, by the way, xix was more extraordinary, as William of Wykeham’s celebrated seminary was so near. And this seems to have been an established practice of the abbot of Glastonbury, “whose apartment in the abbey was a kind of well-disciplined court, where the sons of noblemen and young gentlemen were wont to be sent for virtuous education, who returned thence home excellently accomplished.27” Richard Whiting, the last abbot of Glastonbury, who was cruelly executed by the king, during the course of his government educated near three hundred ingenuous youths, who constituted a part of his family; beside many others whom he liberally supported at the universities.28 Whitgift, the most excellent and learned archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, was educated under Robert Whitgift his uncle, abbot of the Augustine monastery of black canons at Wellhow in Lincolnshire, “who,” says Strype, “had several other young gentlemen under his care for education.” (Strype’s Whitgift, v. i. ch. i. p.3.)
Of Lydgate—about 1420-30 A.D. I suppose—Prof. Morley says in his English Writers, vol. ii. Pt. I. p.423:
“After studying at Oxford, Paris, and Padua, and after mastering with special delight the writings of such poets as Dante, Boccaccio, and Alain Chartier, Lydgate opened at his monastery of Bury St Edmund’s a school of rhetoric in which he taught young nobles literature and the art of versifying!”
Richard Pace says in his De Fructu, 1517:
“Now the learning of music too demands its place, especially from me whom it distinguished when a boy amongst boys. For Thomas Langton, bishop of Winchester (the predecessor of him who is now living), whose secretary I was, when he had marked that I was making a proficiency in music far beyond my age (as himself—perchance from his too great affection for me—would point out and repeatedly say), ‘The talent of this lad,’ he said, ‘is born for greater things,’ and a few days afterwards he sent me, to pursue the study of literature, into Italy, to the school at Padua, which then was at its greatest prime, and benevolently supplied the annual expenses, as he showed wonderful favour to all men of letters, and in his day played the part of a second MecÆnas, well remembering (as he ofttimes said) that he had been advanced to the episcopal dignity on account of his learning. For he had gained, with the highest commendation, the distinctions of each law29 (as they say now-a-days). Also he so highly prized the study of Humanity30 that he had boys and youths xx instructed in it at a school in his house; And he was vastly delighted to hear the scholars repeat to him at night the lessons given them by the teacher during the day. In this competition he who had borne himself notably went away with a present of something suitable to his character, and with commendation expressed in the most refined language; for that excellent governor had ever in his mouth the maxim that merit grows with praise.”31
Palsgrave in 1530 speaks of “maister Petrus Vallensys, scole maister to his [Charles, Duke of Suffolk’s] excellent yong sonne the Erle of Lyncolne.”
Roger Ascham, author of the Scholemaster, &c., born in 1515,
“was received at a very youthful age into the family of Sir Antony Wingfield, who furnished money for his education, and placed Roger, together with his own sons, under a tutor whose name was Bond. The boy had by nature a taste for books, and showed his good taste by reading English in preference to Latin, with wonderful eagerness. This was the more remarkable from the fact that Latin was still the language of literature, and it is not likely that the few English books written at that time were at all largely spread abroad in places far away from the Universities and Cathedral towns. In or about the year 1530, Mr Bond the domestic tutor resigned the charge of young Roger, who was now about fifteen years old, and by the advice and pecuniary aid of his kind patron Sir Antony, he was enabled to enter St John’s College, Cambridge, at that time the most famous seminary of learning in all England ... he took his bachelor’s degree in 1531, Feb. 18, in the 18th year of his age [“being a boy, new bachelor of art,” he says himself,] atime of life at which it is now more common to enter the University than to take a degree, but which, according to the modes of education xxi then in use, was not thought premature. On the 23rd of March following, he was elected fellow of the College.” Giles’s Life of Ascham, Works, vol. i. p. xi-xiv.
Dr Clement and his wife were brought up in Sir T. More’s house. Clement was taken from St Paul’s school, London, appointed tutor to More’s children, and afterwards to his daughter Margaret, p.402, col.1.
What a young nobleman learnt in Henry the Eighth’s time may be gathered from the following extracts (partly given by Mr Froude, Hist., v. i. p.39-40) from the letters of young Gregory Cromwell’s tutor, to his father, the Earl of Essex, the King’s Chief Secretary.
“The order of his studie, as the houres lymyted for the Frenche tongue, writinge, plaienge att weapons, castinge of accomptes, pastimes of instruments, and suche others, hath bene devised and directed by the prudent wisdome of Mr Southwell; who with a ffatherly zeale and amitie muche desiringe to have hime a sonne worthy suche parents, ceasseth not aswell concerninge all other things for hime mete and necessary, as also in lerninge, t’expresse his tendre love and affection towardes hime, serchinge by all meanes possible howe he may moste proffitte, dailie heringe hime to rede sumwhatt in thenglishe tongue, and advertisenge hime of the naturell and true kynde of pronuntiacÕn therof, expoundinge also and declaringe the etimologie and native signification of suche wordes as we have borowed of the Latines or Frenche menue, not evyn so comonly used in our quotidiene speche. Mr Cheney and Mr Charles in lyke wise endevoireth and emploieth themselves, accompanienge Mr Gregory in lerninge, amonge whome ther is a perpetuall contention, strife, and conflicte, and in maner of an honest envie who shall do beste, not oonlie in the ffrenche tongue (wherin Mr Vallence after a wonderesly compendious, facile, prompte, and redy waye, nott withoute painfull delegence and laborious industrie doth enstructe them) but also in writynge, playenge at weapons, and all other theire exercises, so that if continuance in this bihalf may take place, whereas the laste Diana, this shall (Itruste) be consecrated to Apollo and the Muses, to theire no small profecte and your good contentation and pleasure. And thus I beseche the Lord to have you in his moste gratious tuition.
At Reisinge in Norff[olk] the last daie of Aprill. Your faithfull and most bounden servaunte
Henry Dowes.
To his right honorable maister Mr Thomas Crumwell chief Secretary vnto the King’s Maiestie.”
Ellis, Original Letters. Series I. vol. i. p. 341-3.
The next Letter gives further details of Gregory’s studies—
“But forcause somer was spente in the servyce of the wylde goddes, it is so moche to be regarded after what fashion yeouth is educate and browght upp, in whiche tyme that that is lerned (for the moste parte) will nott all holelie be forgotten in the older yeres, Ithinke it my dutie to asserteyne yor Maistershippe how he spendith his tyme.... And firste, after he hath herde Masse he taketh a lecture of a Diologe of Erasmus Colloquium, called Pietas Puerilis, whereinne is described a veray picture of oone that sholde be vertuouselie brought upp; and forcause it is so necessary for hime, Ido not onelie cause him to rede it over, but also to practise the preceptes of the same, and I have also translated it into Englishe, so that he may conferre theime both to-githers, whereof (as lerned men affirme) cometh no smalle profecte32 ... after that, he exerciseth his hande in writing one or two houres, and redith uppon Fabian’s Chronicle as longe; the residue of the day he doth spende uppon the lute and virginalls. When he rideth (as he doth very ofte) Itell hime by the way some historie of the Romanes or the Greekes, whiche I cause him to reherse agayn in a tale. For his recreation he useth to hawke and hunte, and shote in his long bowe, which frameth and succedeth so well with hime that he semeth to be therunto given by nature.”
Ellis, i. 343-4.
Of the course of study of ‘well-bred youths’ in the early years of Elizabeth’s reign we have an interesting account by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, father of the great Bacon, in a Paper by Mr J.Payne Collier in the ArchÆologia, vol. 36, Part 2, p.339, Article xxxi.33 “Before he became Lord Keeper, Sir Nicholas Bacon had been Attorney of that Court” [the Court of Wards and Liveries] “a most lucrative appointment; and on the 27th May, 1561, he addressed a letter to Sir William Cecil, then recently (Jan., 1561) made Master of the Wards, followed by a paper thus entitled:—’Articles devised for the bringing up in vertue and learning of the Queenes Majesties Wardes, being heires males, and whose landes, descending in possession and coming to the Queenes Majestie, shall amount to the cleere yearly value of c. markes, or above.’” Sir Nicholas asks the new Master of Wards to reform what he justly calls most “preposterous” abuses in the department:—“That the proceeding hath bin preposterous, appeareth by this: the chiefe thinge, and most of price, in wardeship, is the wardes mynde; the next to that, his bodie; the xxiii last and meanest, his land. Nowe, hitherto the chiefe care of governaunce hath bin to the land, being the meaneste; and to the bodie, being the better, very small; but to the mynde, being the best, none at all, which methinkes is playnely to sett the carte before the horse” (p.343). Mr Collier then summarises Bacon’s Articles for the bringing up of the Wards thus: “The wards are to attend divine service at six in the morning: nothing is said about breakfast,34 but they are to study Latin until eleven; to dine between 11 and 12; to study with the music-master from 12 till 2; from 2 to 3 they are to be with the French master; and from 3 to 5 with the Latin and Greek masters. At 5 they are to go to evening prayers; then they are to sup; to be allowed honest pastimes till 8; and, last of all, before they go to bed at 9, they are again to apply themselves to music under the instruction of the master. At and after the age of 16 they were to attend lectures upon temporal and civil law, as well as de disciplin militari. It is not necessary to insert farther details; but what I have stated will serve to show how well-bred youths of that period were usually brought up, and how disgracefully the duty of education as regards wards was neglected.... It may appear singular that in these articles drawn up by Sir Nicholas, so much stress is laid upon instruction in music35; but it only serves to confirm the notion that the science was then most industriously cultivated by nearly every class of society.” Pace in 1517 requires that every one should study it, but should join with it some other study, as Astrology or Astronomy. He says also that the greatest part of the art had perished by men’s negligence; “For all that our musicians do now-a-days, is almost trivial if compared with what the old ones (antiqui) did, so that now hardly one or two (unus aut alter) can be found who know what harmony is, though the word is always on their tongue.” (De Fructu, p.54-5.) Ascham, while lamenting in 1545 (Toxophilus, p.29) ‘that the laudable custom of xxiv England to teach children their plain song and prick-song’ is ‘so decayed throughout all the realm as it is,’ denounces the great practise of instrumental music by older students: “the minstrelsy of lutes, pipes, harps, and all other that standeth by such nice, fine, minikin fingering, (such as the most part of scholars whom I know use, if they use any,) is far more fit, for the womanishness of it, to dwell in the Court among ladies, than for any great thing in it which should help good and sad study, to abide in the University among scholars.”
By 1577 our rich people, according to Harrison, attended properly to the education of their children. After speaking “of our women, whose beautie commonlie exceedeth the fairest of those of the maine,” he says:
“This neuerthelesse I vtterlie mislike in the poorer sort of them, for the wealthier doo sildome offend herein: that being of themselues without competent wit, they are so carelesse in the education of their children (wherein their husbands also are to be blamed,) by means whereof verie manie of them neither fearing God, neither regarding either manners or obedience, do oftentimes come to confusion, which (if anie correction or discipline had beene vsed toward them in youth) might haue prooued good members of their common-wealth & countrie, by their good seruice and industrie.” —Descr. of Britaine, Holinshed, i. 115, col.2.
This is borne out by Ascham, who says that young men up to 17 were well looked after, but after that age were turned loose to get into all the mischief they liked:
“In deede, from seven to seventene, yong jentlemen commonlie be carefullie enough brought up: But from seventene to seven and twentie (the most dangerous tyme of all a mans life, and most slipperie to stay well in) they have commonlie the rein of all licens in their owne hand, and speciallie soch as do live in the Court. And that which is most to be merveled at, commonlie the wisest and also best men be found the fondest fathers in this behalfe. And if som good father wold seek some remedie herein, yet the mother (if the household of our Lady) had rather, yea, and will to, have her sonne cunnyng and bold, in making him to lyve trimlie when he is yong, than by learning and travell to be able to serve his Prince & his countrie, both wiselie in peace, and stoutlie in warre, whan he is old.
“The fault is in your selves, ye noble mens sonnes, and therfore ye deserve the greater blame, that commonlie the meaner mens children cum to be the wisest councellours, and greatest doers, in the weightie affaires of this realme.” —Scholemaster, ed. Mayor, p.39-40.
Note lastly, on this subject of private tuition, that Mulcaster in xxv his Elementarie, 1582, complains greatly of rich people aping the custom of princes in having private tutors for their boys, and withdrawing them from public schools where the spirit of emulation against other boys would make them work. The course he recommends is, that rich people should send their sons, with their tutors, to the public schools, and so get the advantage of both kinds of tuition.
Girls’ Home Education. The earliest notice of an English Governess that any friend has found for me is in “the 34th Letter of Osbert de Clare in Stephen’s reign, A.D. 1135-54. He mentions what seems to be a Governess of his children, ‘quÆdam matrona quÆ liberos ejus (sc. militis, Herberti de Furcis) educare consueverat.’ She appears to be treated as one of the family: e.g. they wait for her when she goes into a chapel to pray. Ithink a nurse would have been ‘ancilla quÆ liberos ejus nutriendos susceperat.’” Walter de Biblesworth was the tutor of the “lady Dionysia de Monchensi, aKentish heiress, the daughter of William de Monchensi, baron of Swanescombe, and related, apparently35a, to the Valences, earls of Pembroke, and wrote his French Grammar, or rather Vocabulary36, for her. She married Hugh de Vere, the second son of Robert, fifth earl of Oxford. (Wright.) Lady Jane Grey was taught by a tutor at home, as we have seen. Palsgrave was tutor to Henry VIII.’s “most dere and most entirely beloved suster, quene Mary, douagier of France,” and no doubt wrote his Lesclaircissement de la Langue Francoise mainly for her, though also “desirous to do some humble service unto the nobilitie of this victorious realme, and universally unto all other estates of this my natyfe country.” Giles Du Guez, or as Palsgrave says to Henry VIII., “the synguler clerke, maister Gyles Dewes, somtyme instructor to your noble grace in this selfe tong, at the especiall instaunce and request of dyvers of your highe estates and noble men, hath also for his partye written in this matter.” His book is entitled “An Introductorie for to lerne to rede, to pronounce & to speke French trewly: compyled for the Right high, excellent, and most vertuous lady The Lady Mary of xxvi Englande, doughter to our most gracious soverayn Lorde Kyng Henry the Eight.”
UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN EARLY ENGLAND.3. English University Education. In early days Cambridge and Oxford must be looked on, Isuppose, as mainly the great schools for boys, and the generality of scholars as poor men’s children,37 like Chaucer’s ‘poore scolares tuo that dwelten in the soler-halle of Cantebregge,’ his Clerk of Oxenford, and those students, gifts to whom are considered as one of the regular burdens on the husbandman, in “God speed the Plough.” Mr Froude says, Hist. of England, I.37:
“The universities were well filled, by the sons of yeomen chiefly. The cost of supporting them at the colleges was little, and wealthy men took a pride in helping forward any boys of promise38, 38a (Latimer’s Sermons, p.64). It seems clear also, as the Reformation drew nearer, while the clergy were sinking lower and lower, amarked change for the better became perceptible in a portion at least of the laity.”
But Grosseteste mentions a “noble” scholar at Oxford (Epist. 129), and Edward the Black Prince and Henry V. are said to have been students of Queen’s College, Oxford. Wolsey himself was a College tutor at Oxford, and had among his pupils the sons of the Marquess of Dorset, who afterwards gave him his first preferment, the living of Lymington. (Chappell.)
The legend runs that the first school at Oxford was founded by King Alfred39, and that Oxford was a place of study in the time of Edward the Confessor (1041-66). If one may quote a book now considered to be ‘a monkish forgery and an exploded authority,’ Ingulfus, who was Abbot of Croyland, in the Isle of Ely, under William the Conqueror, says of himself that he was educated first at Westminster, and then passed to Oxford, where he made proficiency in such books of Aristotle as were then accessible to students,40 and in the first two books of Tully’s Rhetoric.—Malden, On the Origin of Universities, 1835, p.71.
In 1201 Oxford is called a University, and said to have contained 3000 scholars; in 1253 its first College (University) is founded. In 1244, Hen. III. grants it its first privileges as a corporate body, and confirms and extends them in 1245. In his reign, Wood says the number of scholars amounted to 30,000, anumber no doubt greatly exaggerated.
In the reign of Stephen, we know that Vacarius, a Lombard by birth, who had studied the civil law at Bologna, came into England, and formed a school of law at Oxford41 ... he remained in England in the reign of Henry II. On account of the difficulty and expense of obtaining copies of the original books of the Roman law, and the poverty of his English scholars, Vacarius [ab. 1149, A.D.] compiled an abridgment of the Digests and Codex, in which their most essential parts were preserved, with some difference of arrangement, and illustrated from other law-books.... It bore on its title that it was “pauperibus presertim destinatus;” and hence the Oxford students of law obtained the name of Pauperists.—Malden, p.72-3.
Roger Bacon (who died 124841a) speaks of a young fellow who came xxviii to him, aged 15, not having wherewithal to live, or finding proper masters: “because he was obliged to serve those who gave him necessaries, during two years found no one to teach him a word in the things he learned.” —Opus Tertium, cap. xx. In 1214 the Commonalty of Oxford agreed to pay 52s. yearly for the use of poor scholars, and to give 100 of them a meal of bread, ale, and pottage, with one large dish of flesh or fish, every St Nicholas day.—Wood’s An. i. 185. Wood’s Annals (ed. Gutch, v. i. p.619-20) also notes that in 1461 A.D. divers Scholars were forced to get a license under the Chancellor’s hand and seal (according to the Stat. 12 Ric. II., A.D. 1388, Ib., p.519) to beg: and Sir Thos. More says “then may wee yet, like poor Scholars of Oxford, go a begging with our baggs & wallets, & sing salve Regina at rich mens dores.” On this point we may also compare the Statutes of Walter de Merton for his College at Oxford, A.D. 1274, ed. Halliwell, 1843, p.19:
Cap. 13. De admissione scholarium.
Hoc etiam in eadem domo specialiter observari volo et decerno, ut circa eos, qui ad hujusmodi eleemosinÆ participationem admittendi fuerint, diligenti solicitudine caveatur, ne qui prÆter castos, honestos, pacificos, humiles, indigentes, ad studium habiles ac proficere volentes, admittantur. Ad quorum agnitionem singulis, cum in dicta societate fuerint admittendi sustentationis gratia in eadem, ad annum unum utpote probationis causa primitus concedatur, ut sic demum si in dictis conditionibus laudabiliter se habuerint, in dictam congregationem admittantur.
See also cap. 31, against horses of scholars being kept.
Lodgings were let according to the joint valuation of 2 Magistri (scholars) and two townsmen (probi et legales homines de Villa). Wood, i. 255. An. 15 Hen. III. A.D. 1230-1.
In the beginning of the 15th century it had become the established rule that every scholar must be a member of some college or hall. The scholars who attended the public lectures of the university, without entering themselves at any college or hall, were called chamber dekyns, as in Paris they were called martinets; and frequent enactments were made against them.—Malden, p.85, ref. to Woods Annals, 1408, -13, -22, and 1512, &c.
The following are the dates of the foundations of the different Colleges at Oxford as given in the University Calendar:—
University College, 1253-8042
Corpus Christi College
Balliol College, betw. 1263 & 1268
Christ Church College
Merton College, founded at Maldon, in Surrey, in 1264, removed to Oxford in
Trinity College
St John’s College
Jesus College
Wadham College
Exeter College
Pembroke College
Oriel College
Worcester College
The Queen’s College
New College
Lincoln College
St Edmund Hall
All Souls College
St Mary’s Hall
Magdalen College
New Inn Hall
The King’s Hall and College of Brasenose
Magdalen Hall
St Alban Hall
after 1547
‘The Paston Letters’ do not give us much information about studies or life at Oxford, but they do give us material for estimating the cost of a student there (ii. 12443); they show us the tutor reporting to a mother her son’s progress in learning (ii. 130), and note the custom of a man, when made bachelor, giving a feast: “I was made bachelor ... on Friday was se’nnight (18 June, 1479), and I made my feast on the Monday after (21 June). Iwas promised venison against my feast, of my Lady Harcourt, and of another person too, but I was deceived of both; but my guests held them pleased with such meat as they had, blessed be God.” The letter as to the costs is dated May 19, 1478.
“I marvel sore that you sent me no word of the letter which I sent to you by Master William Brown at Easter. Isent you word that time that I should send you mine expenses particularly; but as at this time the bearer hereof had a letter suddenly that he should come home, & therefore I could have no leisure to send them to you on that wise, & therefore I shall write to you in this letter the whole sum of my expenses since I was with you till Easter last past, and xxx also the receipts, reckoning the twenty shillings that I had of you to Oxon wards, with the bishop’s finding:—
The whole sum of receipts is
And the whole sum of expenses is
And that [= what] cometh over my receipts & my expenses I have borrowed of Master Edmund, & it draweth to
and yet I reckon none expenses since Easter; but as for them, they be not great.”
On this account Fenn says,
“he (Wm. Paston) had expended £6 5s. 5¾d. from the time he left his mother to Easter last, which this year fell on the 22nd March, from which time it was now two months, & of the expenses ‘since incurred’ he says ‘they be not great.’ We may therefore conclude the former account was from the Michaelmas preceding, and a moderate one; if so, we may fairly estimate his university education at £100 a-year of our present money. Imean that £12 10s. 11½d. would then procure as many necessaries and comforts as £100 will at this day.”
What was the basis of Fenn’s calculation he does not say. In 1468, the estimates for the Duke of Clarence’s household expenses give these prices, among others:
Wheat, a quarter
now, say
Ale, a gallon
Beves, less hide and tallow, each
Muttons „ „
Velys „ „
Porkes „ „
Rice, a pound
Holland, an ell (6d., 8d., 16d.)
Diapre „
Towelles „
Napkyns, a dozen, 12s., £1, £2,
* Poor ones.
This sum would make the things named nearly 14 times as dear now as in 1468, and raise Fenn’s £100 to about £180; but no reliance can be placed on this estimate because we know nothing of the condition of the beves, muttons, veles, and porkys, then, as contrasted xxxi with ours. Possibly they were half the size and half the weight. Still, Ihave referred the question to Professor Thorold Rogers, author of the History of Prices 1250-1400 A.D., and he says:
“In the year to which you refer (1478) bread was very dear, 50 per cent. above the average. But on the whole, wheat prices in the 15th century were lower than in the 14th. Fenn’s calculation, alittle below the mark for wheat, is still less below it in most of the second necessaries of life. The multiple of wheat is about 9, that of meat at least 24, those of butter and cheese nearly as much. But that of clothing is not more than 6, that of linen from 4 to5. Taking however one thing with another, 12 is a safe general multiplier.”
This would make the cost of young Paston’s university education £150 11s. 6d. a year.
Mr Whiston would raise Fenn’s estimate of £100 to £200. He says that the rent of land in Kent in 1540 was a shilling or eighteenpence an acre,—see Valor Ecclesiasticus,—and that the tithes and glebes of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, which were worth about £480 a-year in 1542, are now worth £19,000.
The remaining Oxford letter in the Paston volumes seems to allude to the students bearing part of the expenses of the degree, or the feast at it, of a person related to royal family.
“I supposed, when that I sent my letter to my brother John, that the Queen’s brother should have proceeded at Midsummer, and therefore I beseeched her to send me some money, for it will be some cost to me, but not much.”
The first school at Cambridge is said to have been founded by Edward the Elder, the son of Alfred, but on no good authority. In 1223 the term University was applied to the place. The dates of the foundations of its Colleges, as given in its Calendar, are:
St Peter’s
St Catherine’s Hall
(date of charter, 1264)
Clare Hall
St John’s
Trinity Hall
Corpus Christi
(refounded 1465)
Lord Henry Brandon, son of the Duke of Suffolk, died of the xxxii sweating sickness then prevalent in the University, on the 16th July, 1551, while a student of Cambridge. His brother, Lord Charles Brandon, died on the same day. Their removal to Buckden was too late to save them (Ath. Cant., i. 105, 541). Of them Ascham says, ‘two noble Primeroses of Nobilitie, the yong Duke of Suffolke and Lord H. Matrevers were soch two examples to the Courte for learnyng, as our tyme may rather wishe, than look for agayne.’—Scholemaster, ed. Mayor, p.62. Besides these two young noblemen, the first 104 pages of Cooper’s AthenÆ Cantabrigienses disclose only one other, Lord Derby’s son, and the following names of sons of knights:44
Thomas Rotherham, Fellow of King’s, son of Sir Thomas Rotherham, knight, and Alice his wife.
Reginald Bray, high-steward of the university of Oxford, son of Sir Richard Bray, knight, and the lady Joan his second wife.
xxxiii 1502
Humphrey Fitzwilliam, of Pembroke Hall, Vice-Chancellor, appears to have been the son of Sir Richard Fitzwilliam of Ecclesfield, and Elizabeth his wife.
Richard Redman, son of Sir Richard Redman and Elizabeth [Aldburgh] his wife; made Bp. of St Asaph.
Thomas Savage, son of Sir John Savage, knight, Bp. of Rochester. Was LL.D. ? educated at Cambridge.
James Stanley, younger son of Thomas Earl of Derby, educated at both universities, graduated at Cambridge, and became prebendary of Holywell in 1485, Bp. of Ely in 1506.
William Coningsby, son of Sir Humphrey Coningsby, elected from Eton to King’s.
Thomas Elyot, son of Sir Richard Elyot, made M.A.
George Blagge, son of Sir Robert Blagge.
Queen Elizabeth’s favourite, Lord Essex, was at Trinity College, Cambridge. See his letter of May 13, from there, in Ellis, series II. v. iii. p.73; the furniture of his room, and his expenses, in the note p.73-4; and his Tutor’s letter asking for new clothes for ‘my Lord,’ or else ‘he shall not onely be thrid bare, but ragged.’
Archbp. Whitgift45, when B.D. at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, A.D. 1563, “bestowed some of his time and abilities in the instruction of ingenious youth, sent to the college for education, in good learning and Christian manners. And among such his pupils, were two noblemen’s sons, viz. the Lord Herbert, son and heir to the Earl of Pembroke; and John, son and heir to the Lord North.” (Life, by Strype, ed. 1822, vol. i. p.14.)
While Whitgift was Master of Trinity, Strype says he had bred up under him not only several Bishops, but also “the Earls of Worcester and Cumberland, the Lord Zouch, the Lord Dunboy of Ireland, Sir Nicolas and Sir Francis Bacon. To which I may add one more, namely, the son of Sir Nicolas White, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, who married a Devereux.” (Life, i. 157, ed. 1822.)
A search through the whole of the first volume of Wood’s AthenÆ Oxonienses, comprising a period of nearly 100 years, has resulted in the following meagre list of men of noble or knightly birth who distinguished themselves. There are besides many men of “genteel xxxiv parents,” some of trader-ones, many friars, some Winchester men, but no Eton ones, educated at Oxford.
Edmund Dudley, son of John Dudley, Esq., 2nd son of John Lord Dudley, of Dudley Castle in Staffordshire.
ab. 1483
John Colet, the eldest son of Sir Henry Colet, twice lord mayor of London ... was educated in grammaticals, partly in London or Westminster.
Nicholas Vaux, son of Sir Will. Vaux of Harwedon in Northamptonshire (not the Poet, Lord Vaux).
endof Edw.IV.
John Bourchier, Lord Berners, eldest son of Sir John Bourchier, knight, Lord Berners of Hertfordshire ... was instructed in several sorts of learning in the university in the latter end of K. Edw. IV.; in whose reign, and before, were the sons of divers of the English nobility educated in academical literature in Baliol Coll.,46 wherein, as ’tis probable, this our author was instructed also.
Thomas More, son of Sir John More, knight. (The Sir Thomas More.)
? ab. 1510
George Bulleyn, son and heir of Sir Tho. Bullen, and brother of Anne Bulleyn.
? „
Henry Parker, son of Sir William Parker, knight.
Christopher Seintgerman, son of Sir Henry Seintgerman, knight.
? ab. 1520
Thomas Wyatt, son of Henry Wyatt of Alington Castle in Kent, knight and baronet, migrated from St John’s, Cambridge.47
John Heron, a Kentish man born, near of kin to Sir John Heron, knight.
? ab. 1520
Edward Seymoure, son of Sir John Seymoure, or St Maure of Wolf-hall in Wilts, knight, was educated in trivials, and partly in quadrivials for some time in this university. He was Jane Seymour’s brother, and afterwards Duke of Somerset, and was beheaded on Jan. 22, 1552-3.
John Philpot, son of Sir Pet. Philpot, knight of the Bath. Fellow of New Coll.
ab. 15—
Henry Lord Stafford (author of the Mirror for Magistrates), the only son of Edward, Duke of Bucks, ‘received xxxv his education in both the universities, especially in that of Cambridge, to which his father had been a benefactor.’
Reynold Pole (the Cardinal), a younger son of Sir Rich. Pole.
? ab. 1530
Anthony Browne, son of Sir Weston Browne, of Abbesroding and of Langenhoo in Essex, knight.
ab. 1574
Patrick Plunket, baron of Dunsary in Ireland, son of Rob. Plunket, baron of the same place.
ab. 1570
Philip Sidney (the poet), son of Sir Henry Sidney.
John Smythe, son of Sir Clem. Smythe.
(Peter Levens or Levins, our Manipulus or Rhyming-Dictionary man, became a student in the university, an. 1552, was elected probationer-fellow of Mag. Coll. into a Yorkshire place, 18 Jan. 1557, being then bach. of arts, and on the 19th Jan. 1559 was admitted true and perpetual fellow. In 1560 he left his fellowship. Ath. Ox. p. 547, col.2.)
? ab. 1570
Reynolde Scot, a younger son of Sir John Scot of Scotshall, near to Smeeth in Kent.
Hayward Townshend, eldest son of Sir Henry Townshend, knight.
ab. 1587
Francis Tresham (of Gunpowder Plot notoriety), son of Sir Thomas Tresham, knight.
The number of friars and monks at the Universities before the Reformation, and especially at Oxford, must have been large. Tanner says,
In our universities ... were taught divinity and canon law (then, t.Hen. III., much in vogue), and the friers resorting thither in great numbers and applying themselves closely to their studies, outdid the monks in all fashionable knowledge. But the monks quickly perceived it, and went also to the universities and studied hard, that they might not be run down by the friers.49 And as the xxxvi friers got houses in the universities, the monks also got colleges founded and endowed there50 for the education of their novices, where they were for some years instructed in grammar, philosophy, and school divinity, and then returning home, improved their knowledge by their private studies, to the service of God and the credit of their respective societies. So that a little before the Reformation, the greatest part of the proceeders in divinity at Oxford were monks and Regular canons.
By Harrison’s time, A.D. 157751, rich men’s sons had not only pressed into the Universities, but were scrooging poor men’s sons out of the endowments meant only for the poor, learning the lessons that Mr Whiston so well shows our Cathedral dignitaries have carried out xxxvii with the stipends of their choristers, boys and men. “Les gros poissons mangent les menus. Pro. Poore men are (easily) supplanted by the rich, the weake by the strong, the meane by the mighty.”52 (Cotgrave, u. manger.) The law of “natural selection” prevails. Who shall say nay in a Christian land professing the principles of the great “Inventor of Philanthropy”? Whitgift for one, see his Life of Strype, Bk.I. chap. xiii. p.148-50, ed. 1822. In 1589 an act 31 Eliz. c. 6, was passed to endeavour to prevent the abuse, but, like modern Election-bribery Acts with their abuse, did not doit.
“at this present, of one sort & other, there are about three thousand students nourished in them both (as by a late serveie it manifestlie appeared). They [the Colleges at our Universities] were created by their founders at the first, onelie for pore men’s sons, whose parents were not able to bring them up unto learning: but now they have the least benefit of them, by reason the rich do so incroch upon them. And so farre hath this inconvenence spread itself, that it is in my time an hard matter for a pore man’s child to come by a fellowship (though he be neuer so good a scholer & worthie of that roome.) Such packing also is used at elections, that not he which best deserveth, but he that hath most friends, though he be the worst scholer, is alwaies surest to speed; which will turne in the end to the overthrow of learning. That some gentlemen also, whose friends have been in times past benefactors to certeine of those houses, doe intrude into the disposition of their estates, without all respect of order or statutes devised by the founders, onelie thereby to place whome they think good (and not without some hope of gaine) the case is too too evident, and their attempt would soone take place, if their superiors did not provide to bridle their indevors. In some grammar schooles likewise, which send scholers to these universities, it is lamentable to see what briberie is used; BAD EXAMPLE OF RICH MEN AT COLLEGE. for yer the scholer can be preferred, such briberye is made, that pore men’s children are commonly shut out, and the richer sort received (who in times past thought it dishonour to live as it were upon almes) and yet being placed, most of them studie little other than histories, tables, dice & trifles, as men that make not the living by their studie the end of their purposes; which is a lamentable bearing. Besides this, being for the most part either gentlemen, or rich men’s sonnes, they oft bring the universities into much slander.53 For xxxviii standing upon their reputation and libertie, they ruffle and roist it out, exceeding in apparell, and hanting riotous companie (which draweth them from their bookes into an other trade). And for excuse, when they are charged with breach of all good order, thinke it sufficient to saie, that they be gentlemen, which grieveth manie not a little. But to proceed with the rest.
“Everie one of these colleges haue in like manner their professors or readers of the tongs and severall sciences, as they call them, which dailie trade up the youth there abiding privatlie in their halles, to the end they may be able afterwards (when their turne commeth about, which is after twelve termes) to show themselves abroad, by going from thence into the common schooles and publike disputations (as it were In aream) there to trie their skilles, and declare how they have profited since their coming thither.
“Moreover in the publike schooles of both the universities, there are found at the prince’s charge (and that verie largelie) five professors & readers, that is to saie, of divinitie, of the civill law, physicke, the Hebrew and the Greek tongues. And for the other lectures, as of philosophie, logike, rhetorike and the quadriuials, although the latter (Imean, arithmetike, musike, geometrie and astronomie, and with them all skill in the perspectives are now smallie regarded in either of them) the universities themselves do allowe competent stipends to such as reade the same, whereby they are sufficiently provided for, touching the maintenance of their estates, and no less encouraged to be diligent in their functions.”
On the introduction of the study of Greek into the Universities, Dr S.Knight says in his Life of Colet:
“As for Oxford, its own History and Antiquities sufficiently confess, that nothing was known there but Latin, and that in the most xxxix depraved Style of the School-men. Cornelius Vitellius, an Italian, was the first who taught Greek in that University54; and from him the famous Grocyne learned the first Elements thereof.
“In Cambridge, Erasmus was the first who taught the Greek Grammar. And so very low was the State of Learning in that University, that (as he tells a Friend) about the Year 1485, the Beginning of Hen. VII. Reign, there was nothing taught in that publick Seminary besides Alexander’s Parva Logicalia, (as they called them) the old Axioms of Aristotle, and the Questions of John Scotus, till in Process of time good Letters were brought in, and some Knowledge of the Mathematicks; as also Aristotle in a new Dress, and some Skill in the Greek Tongue; and, by Degrees, aMultitude of Authors, whose Names before had not been heard of.55
“It is certain that even Erasmus himself did little understand Greek, when he came first into England, in 1497 (13 Hen. VII.), and that our Countryman Linacer taught it him, being just returned from Italy with great Skill in that Language: Which Linacer and William Grocyne were the two only Tutors that were able to teach it.” Saml. Knight, Life of Dr John Colet, pp.17,18.
The age at which boys went up to the University seems to have varied greatly. When Oxford students were forbidden to play marbles they could not have been very old. But in “The Mirror of the Periods of Man’s Life” (?ab. 1430 A.D.), in the Society’s Hymns to the Virgin and Christ of this year, we find the going-up age put at twenty:
HEre begynnethe Þe fyrst boke of curtasye.
[Fol. 12.]In this book you may learn Courtesy. Every one needs it.
Qwo so wylle of curtasy lere,
In this boke he may hit here!
Yf thow be gentylmon, ?omon, or knaue,
The nedis nurture for to haue.
On reaching a Lord’s gate, give the Porter your weapon, and ask leave to go in.
WheÑ thou comes to a lordis ?ate,
The porter Þou shalle fynde ther-ate;
Take hym thow shalt Þy wepyn tho,
And aske hym leue in to go
¶ To speke with lorde, lady, squyer, or grome.
Ther-to the nedys to take the tome1;
If the master is of low degree, he will come to you: if of high, the Porter will take you to him.
For yf he be of loghe degre,
Than hym falles to come to the;
¶ Yf he be gentylmon of kyÑ,
The porter wille lede the to hym.
At the Hall-door, take off your hood and gloves.
When thow come tho halle dor to,
Do of thy hode, thy gloues also;
greet the Steward, &c., at the dais,
¶ Yf Þo halle be at the furst mete,
This lessoun loke thow no?t for-?ete:
greet the Steward, &c., at the dais,
Þe stuard, countroller, and tresurere,
Sittand at de deshe, Þou haylse in fere.
bow to the Gentlemen on each side of the hall.
¶ WithiÑ Þe halle sett on ayther side,
Sitten other gentylmen as falles Þat tyde;
Enclyne Þe fayre to hom also,
both right24
First to the ry?ht honde Þou shalle go,
178and left;
¶ Sitthen to Þo left honde Þy neghe Þou cast;
To hom Þou boghe withouten wrast2;
notice the yeomen, then stand before the screen
Take hede to ?omon on Þy ryght honde,
And sithen byfore the screne Þou stonde
¶ In myddys Þe halle opon Þe flore,
till the Marshal or Usher leads you to the table.
Whille marshalle or vssher come fro Þe dore,
And bydde the sitte, or to borde the lede.
HOW TO BEHAVE AT TABLE.Be sedate and courteous if you are set with the gentlemen.32
Be stabulle of chere for menske3, y rede;
¶ Yf he Þe sette at gentilmonnes borde,
Loke Þou be hynde4 and lytulle of worde.
Cut your loaf in two, the top from the bottom;
Pare Þy brede and kerue in two,
Tho ouer crust Þo nether fro;
cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3.
¶ In fowre Þou kutt Þo ouer dole,
Sett hom to-gedur as hit where hole;
cut the top crust in 4, and the bottom in 3.
Sithen kutt Þo nether crust in thre,
And turne hit dowÑ, lerne Þis at me.
Put your trencher before you,
¶ And lay thy trenchour Þe be-fore,
And sitt vp-ry?ht for any sore.
and don’t eat or drink till your Mess is brought from the kitchen, lest you be thought starved or a glutton.
Spare brede or wyne, drynke or ale,
To thy messe of kochyÑ be sett in sale;
¶ Lest men sayne Þou art hongur beteÑ,
Or ellis a gloten Þat alle men wyteÑ,
Have your nails clean.
Loke Þy naylys ben clene in blythe,
Lest Þy felaghe lothe ther-wyth.
Don’t bite your bread,
¶ Byt not on thy brede and lay hit doun,—
That is no curteyse to vse in towÑ;—
but break it.
But breke as myche as Þou wylle ete,
The remelant to pore Þou shalle lete.
Don’t quarrel at table,
¶ In peese Þou ete, and euer eschewe
To flyte5 at borde; Þat may Þe rewe.
or make grimaces.
Yf Þou make mawes6 on any wyse,
A velany Þou kacches or euer Þou rise.
179[Fol. 13.]
¶ Let neuer Þy cheke be Made to grete
Don’t cram your cheeks out with food like an ape,
With morselle of brede Þat Þou shalle ete;
An apys mow men sayne he makes,
Þat brede and flesshe in hys cheke bakes.
for if any one should speak to you, you can’t answer, but must wait.
¶ Yf any maÑ speke Þat tyme to the,
And Þou schalle onsware, hit wille not be
But waloande, and a-byde Þou most;
Þat is a schame for alle the host.
Don’t eat on both sides of your mouth.
¶ On bothe halfe Þy mouthe, yf Þat Þou ete,
Mony a skorne shalle Þou gete.
Don’t laugh with your mouth full,
Þou shalle not lau?he ne speke no Þynge
Whille Þi mouthe be fulle of mete or drynke;
or sup up your potage noisily.
¶ Ne suppe not with grete sowndynge
NoÞer potage ne oÞer Þynge.
Don’t leave your spoon in the dish or on its side,
Let not Þi spone stond in Þy dysche,
WheÞer Þou be serued with fleshe or fische;
¶ Ne lay hit not on thy dishe syde,
but clean your spoon.
But clense hit honestly with-outen pride.
Let no dirt off your fingers soil the cloth.[p.27, bot.]
Loke no browynge on Þy fyngur Þore
Defoule Þe clothe Þe be-fore.
¶ In Þi dysche yf Þou wete Þy brede,
Don’t put into the dish bread that you have once bitten.
Loke Þer-of Þat no?t be lede
To cast agayne Þy dysche in-to;
Þou art vn-hynde yf Þou do so.
Dry your mouth before you drink.
¶ Drye Þy mouthe ay wele and fynde
When Þou schalle drynke oÞer ale or wyne.
Don’t call for a dish once removed,
Ne calle Þou no?t a dysche a-?ayne,
Þat ys take fro Þe borde in playne;
or spit on the table:
¶ ?if Þou sp[i]tt ouer the borde, or elles opoÑ,
that’s rude.
Þou schalle be holden an vncurtayse mon;
Don’t scratch your dog.
Yf Þy nowÑ dogge Þou scrape or clawe,
Þat is holden a vyse emong men knawe.
If you blow your nose,
¶ Yf Þy nose Þou clense, as may be-falle,
clean your hand; wipe it with your skirt or put it through your tippet.
Loke Þy honde Þou clense, as wythe-alle,
Priuely with skyrt do hit away,
OÞer ellis thurghe thi tepet Þat is so gay.
180HOW TO BEHAVE AT MEALS.Don’t pick your teeth at meals,
¶ Clense not thi tethe at mete sittande,
With knyfe ne stre, styk ne wande.
or drink with food in your mouth,
While Þou holdes mete in mouthe, be war
To drynke, Þat is an-honest7 char,
¶ And also fysike for-bedes hit,
as you may get choked,
And sais Þou may be choket at Þat byt;
or killed, by its stopping your wind.
Yf hit go Þy wrang throte into,
And stoppe Þy wynde, Þou art fordo.
Tell no tale to harm or shame your companions.
¶ Ne telle Þou neuer at borde no tale
To harme or shame Þy felawe in sale;
For if he then withholde his methe8,
Eftsons he wylle forcast Þi dethe.
¶ Where-sere Þou sitt at mete in borde,
Don’t stroke the cat or dog.
Avoide Þe cat at on bare worde
For yf Þou stroke cat oÞer dogge,
Þou art lyke an ape tey?ed with a clogge.
Don’t dirty the table cloth with your knife.
¶ Also eschewe, with-outen stryfe,
To foule Þe borde clothe with Þi knyfe;
Don’t blow on your food,
Ne blow not on Þy drynke ne mete,
NeÞer for colde, neÞer for hete;
or put your knife in your mouth,
¶ With mete ne bere Þy knyfe to mowthe,
WheÞer Þou be sett be strong or couthe;
[Fol. 14.]or wipe your teeth or eyes with the table cloth.
Ne with Þo borde clothe Þi tethe Þou wype,
Ne Þy nyen Þat rennen rede, as may betyde.
If you sit by a good man,
¶ Yf Þou sitt by a ry?ht good maÑ,
Þis lessoÑ loke Þou Þenke apoÑ:
don’t put your knee under his thigh.
Vndur his the?ghe Þy kne not pit,
Þou ar fulle lewed yf Þou dose hit.
Don’t hand your cup to any one with your back towards him.
¶ Ne bacwarde sittande gyf no?t Þy cupe,
NoÞer to drynke, noÞer to suppe;
Bidde Þi frende take cuppe and drynke,
Þat is holden an-honest thyng.
Don’t lean on your elbow,
¶ Lene not on elbowe at Þy mete,
NoÞer for colde ne for hete;
181or dip your thumb into your drink, or your food into the salt cellar:
Dip not Þi thombe Þy drynke into,
Þou art vncurtayse yf Þou hit do;
¶ In salt saler yf Þat Þou pit
OÞer fisshe or flesshe Þat men may wyt,
That is a vice.
Þat is a vyce, as men me telles,
And gret wonder hit most be elles.
Don’t spit in the basin you wash in
¶ After mete when Þou shalt wasshe,
Spitt not in basyn, ne water Þou dasshe;
or loosely (?) before a man of God.
Ne spit not lorely, for no kyn mede,
Be-fore no mon of god for drede.
¶ Who so euer despise Þis lessoun ry?t,
At borde to sitt he hase no my?t.
Here endys now oure fyrst talkyng,
Crist graunt vs alle his dere blessyng!
¶ Here endithe Þe [first] boke of curtasye.
If you go to school
YF that Þou be a ?ong enfaunt,
And thenke Þo scoles for to haunt,
you shall learn:
This lessoun schalle Þy maistur Þe merke,
1. Cross of Christ,144
Croscrist8a Þe spede in alle Þi werke;
2. Pater Noster,
Sytthen Þy pater noster he wille Þe teche,
As cristes owne postles con preche;
3. Hail Mary and the Creed,
Aftur Þy Aue maria and Þi crede,
Þat shalle Þe saue at dome of drede;
4. In the name of the Trinity,
¶ TheÑ aftur to blesse Þe with Þe trinitÉ,
In nomine patris teche he wille Þe;
5. of the Apostles,
Þen with marke, mathew, luke, and Ion,
With Þe Þer crucis and the hegh name;
6. the Confession.
¶ To schryue Þe in general Þou schalle lere
Þy Confiteor and misereatur in fere.
182Seek the kingdom of God, and
To seche Þe kyngdam of god, my chylde,
Þerto y rede Þou be not wylde.
worship Him.
¶ Ther-fore worschip god, bothe olde and ?ong,
To be in body and soule yliche stronge.
At church, take holy water;
When Þou comes to Þo chirche dore,
Take Þe haly water stondand on flore;
pray for all Christian companions;
¶ Rede or synge or byd prayeris
To crist, for alle Þy crysten ferys;
kneel to God on both knees,
Be curtayse to god, and knele doun
On bothe knees with grete deuocioun.
to man only on one.
¶ To mon Þou shalle knele opon Þe toÑ,
Þe toÞer to Þy self Þou halde aloÑ.
At the Altar, serve the priest with both hands.
When Þou ministers at Þe heghe autere,
With bothe hondes Þou serue Þo prest in fere,
Þe ton to stabulle Þe toÞer
Lest Þou fayle, my dere broÞer.
Speak gently to your father and mother, and honour them.
¶ AnoÞer curtayse y wylle Þe teche,
[Fol. 15.]172
Thy fadur And modur, with mylde speche,
In worschip and serue with alle Þy my?t,
Þat Þou dwelle Þe lengur in erthely ly?t.
Do to others as you would they should do to you.
¶ To anoÞer man do no more amys
Then Þou woldys be doÑ of hym and hys;
So crist Þou pleses, and getes Þe loue
Of meÑ and god Þat syttis aboue.
Don’t be foolishly meek.
¶ Be not to meke, but in mene Þe holde,
For ellis a fole Þou wylle be tolde.
The seed of the righteous shall
He Þat to ry?twysnes wylle enclyne,
As holy wry?t says vs wele and fyne,
never beg or be shamed.
His sede schalle neuer go seche hor brede,
Ne suffur of mon no shames dede.
Be ready forgive,
¶ To for-gyf Þou shalle Þe hast;
To veniaunce loke Þou come on last;
and fond of peace.
Draw Þe to pese with alle Þy strengÞe;
Fro stryf and bate draw Þe on lengÞe.
If you cannot give an asker goods,
¶ Yf mon aske Þe good for goddys sake,
And Þe wont thynge wher-of to take,
183give him good words.
Gyf hym boner wordys on fayre manere,
192semblaunt] MS. semblamt
With glad semblauntand pure good cher.
Be willing to help every one.
¶ Also of seruice Þou shalle be fre
To euery mon in hys degrÉ.
Þou schalle neuer lose for to be kynde;
That on for?etis, anoÞer hase in mynde.
Give your partner his fair share.
¶ Yf Any man haue part with Þe in gyft,
With hym Þou make an euen skyft;
Let hit not henge in honde for glose,
Þou art vncurtayse yf Þou hyt dose.
Go on the pilgrimages (?) you vow to saints,
¶ To sayntis yf Þou Þy gate hase hy?t,
Thou schalle fulfylle hit with alle Þy my?t,
lest God take vengeance on you.
Lest god Þe stryk with grete veniaunce,
And pyt Þe in-to sore penaunce.
Don’t believe all who speak fair:
¶ Leue not alle men that speke Þe fayre,
WheÞer Þat hit ben comyns, burges, or mayre;
the Serpent spoke fair words (to Eve).
In swete wordis Þe nedder was closet,
Disseyuaunt euer and mysloset;
Þer-fore Þou art of adams blode,
Be cautious with your words, except when angry.
With wordis be ware, but Þou be wode:
A schort worde is comynly sothe
Þat fyrst slydes fro monnes tothe.
Don’t lie, but keep your word.
¶ Loke ly?er neuer Þat Þou be-come,
Kepe Þys worde for alle and somme.
Don’t laugh too often,
Law?e not to of[t] for no solace,
For no kyn myrthe Þat any man mase;
or you’ll be called a shrew or a fool.
Who lawes alle Þat men may se,
A schrew or a fole hym semes to be.
Man’s 3 enemies are:
¶ Thre enmys in Þys worlde Þer are
Þat coueyteÑ alle men to for-fare,—
the Devil, the Flesh, and the World.
The deuel, Þe flesshe, Þe worlde also,
That wyrkyn mankynde ful mykyl wo:
Destroy these, and be sure of heaven.
Yf Þou may strye Þes Þre enmys,
Þou may be secur of heueÑ blys.
THE RULE OF GOOD MANNERS.Don’t strive with your lord,
¶ Also, my chylde, a-gaynes Þy lorde
Loke Þou stryfe with no kyn worde,
184or bet or play with him.
Ne waiour non with hym Þou lay,
Ne at Þe dyces with hym to play.
¶ Hym that Þou knawes of gretter state,
[Fol. 16.]
Be not hys felaw in rest ne bate.
In a strange place
?if Þou be stad in strange contrÉ,
don’t be too inquisitive or fussy.232
Enserche no fyr Þen falles to the,
Ne take no more to do on honde
Þen Þou may hafe menske of alle in londe.
If a man falls, don’t laugh, but help him up:
¶ ?if Þou se any mon fal by strete,
Laweghe not Þer-at in drye ne wete,
But helpe hym vp with alle Þy my?t,
As seynt Ambrose Þe teches ry?t;
your own head may fall to your feet.
Þou that stondys so sure on sete,
Ware lest Þy hede falle to Þy fete.
At the Mass, if the priest doesn’t please you,
¶ My chylde, yf Þou stonde at Þo masse,
At vndur stondis bothe more and lasse,
Yf Þo prest rede not at Þy wylle,
don’t blame him.244
Repreue hym no?t, but holde Þe stylle.
Don’t tell your secrets to a shrew.
¶ To any wy?t Þy counselle yf Þou schewe,
Be war Þat he be not a schrewe,
Lest he disclaundyr Þe with tong
Amonge alle men, bothe olde and ?ong.
Don’t beckon, point, or whisper.
¶ Bekenyng, fynguryng, non Þou vse,
And pryuÉ rownyng loke Þou refuse.
When you meet a man, greet him,
Yf Þou mete kny?t, ?omon, or knaue,
Haylys hym a-non, “syre, god ?ou saue.”
or answer him cheerily if he greets you:
Yf he speke fyrst opon Þe Þore,
Onsware hym gladly with-outen more.
don’t be dumb,
¶ Go not forthe as a dombe freke,
Syn god hase laft the tonge to speke;
lest men say you have no mouth.
Lest meÑ sey be sibbe or couthe,9
“?ond is a mon with-outen mouthe.”
Never speak improperly of women,
¶ Speke neuer vnhonestly of woman kynde,
Ne let hit neuer renne in Þy mynde;
Þe boke hym calles a chorle of chere,
That vylany spekes be wemen sere:
for we and our fathers were all born of women.
For alle we ben of wymmen borÑ,
And oure fadurs vs be-forne;
Þerfore hit is a vnhonest thyng
To speke of hem in any hethyng.10
A wife should honour and obey her husband,
¶ Also a wyfe be-falle of ry?t
To worschyp hyr husbonde bothe day and ny?t,
To his byddyng be obediente,
and serve him.
And hym to serue with-outen offence.
Try to reconcile brothers if they quarrel.
¶ Yf two brether be at debate,
Loke noÞer Þou forÞer in hor hate,
But helpe to staunche hom of malice;
Þen Þou art frende to bothe I-wys.
At a gate, let your equal precede you;
¶ ?if Þou go with a-noÞer at Þo gate,
And ?e be bothe of on astate,
Be curtasye and let hym haue Þe way,
That is no vylanye, as men me say;
go behind your superior
And he be comen of gret kynraden,
Go no be-fore Þawgh Þou be beden;
and your master
And yf Þat he Þy maystur be,
Go not be-fore, for curtasÉ,
unless he bids you go beside him.
NoÞer in fylde, wode, noÞer launde,
Ne euen hym with, but he commaunde.
On a pilgrimage don’t be third man:
¶ Yf Þou schalle on pilgrimage go,
Be not Þe thryd felaw for wele ne wo;
[Fol. 17.]3 oxen can’t draw a plough.
Thre oxen in plowgh may neuer wel drawe,
NoÞer be craft, ry?t, ne lawe.
Don’t drink all that’s in a cup offered you; take a little.
¶ ?if Þou be profert to drynk of cup,
Drynke not al of, ne no way sup;
Drynk menskely and gyf agayne,
Þat is a curtasye, to speke in playne.
If you sleep with any man, ask what part of
¶ In bedde yf Þou falle herberet to be,
With felawe, maystur, or her degrÉ,
186the bed he likes, and lie far from him.
Þou schalt enquere be curtasye
In what par[t] of Þe bedde he wylle lye;
Be honest and lye Þou fer hym fro,
Þou art not wyse but Þou do so.
HOW TO BEHAVE.If you journey with any man, find out his name, who he is, where he is going.
¶ With woso men, boÞe fer and negh,
The falle to go, loke Þou be slegh
To aske his nome, and qweche he be,
Whidur he wille: kepe welle Þes thre.
With friars on a pilgrimage, do as they do.
¶ With freres on pilgrimage yf Þat Þou go,
Þat Þei wille ?yme,11 wilne Þou also;
Als on ny?t Þou take Þy rest,
And byde Þe day as tru mannes gest.
Don’t put up at a red (haired and faced) man or woman’s house.
¶ In no kyn house Þat rede mon is,
Ne womon of Þo same colour y-wys,
Take neuer Þy Innes for no kyn nede,
For Þose be folke Þat ar to drede.
Answer opponents meekly,
¶ Yf any thurgh sturnes Þe oppose,
Onswere hym mekely and make hym glose:
but don’t tell lies.
But glosand wordys Þat falsed is,
Forsake, and alle that is omys.
Before your lord at table,
¶ Also yf Þou haue a lorde,
And stondes by-fore hym at Þe borde,
keep your hands, feet, and
While Þat Þou speke, kepe welle Þy honde,
Thy fete also in pece let stonde,
¶ His curtasÉ nede he most breke,—
fingers still.320
Stirraunt fyngurs toos when he shalle speke.
Be stabulle of chere and sumwhat ly?t,
Don’t stare about, or at the wall,
Ne ouer alle wayue Þou not thy sy?t;
¶ Gase not on walles with Þy neghe12,
Fyr ne negh, logh ne heghe;
or lean against the post.
Let not Þe post be-cum Þy staf,
Lest Þou be callet a dotet daf;
Don’t pick your nose,
Ne delf Þou neuer nose thyrle
With thombe ne fyngur, as ?ong gyrle;
187scratch your arm, or stoop your head.
¶ Rob not Þy arme ne no?t hit claw,
Ne bogh not doun Þy hede to law;
Listen when you’re spoken to.
Whil any man spekes with grete besenes,
Herken his wordis with-outen distresse.
¶ By strete or way yf Þou schalle go,
Fro Þes two Þynges Þou kepe Þe fro,
Never harm child or beast with evil eye (?)
NoÞer to harme chylde ne best,
With castyng, turnyng west ne est;
Don’t blush when you’re chaffed,
Ne chaunge Þou not in face coloure,
For lyghtnes of worde in halle ne boure;
or you’ll be accused of mischief.
Yf Þy vysage chaunge for no?t,
Men say ‘Þe trespas Þou hase wro?ght.’
Don’t make faces.
¶ By-fore Þy lorde, ne mawes Þou make
?if Þou wylle curtasie with Þe take.
Wash before eating.
With hondes vnwasshen take neuer Þy mete;
Fro alle Þes vices loke Þou Þe kepe.
[Fol. 18.]Sit where the host tells you; avoid the highest place unless you’re told to take it.
¶ Loke Þou sytt—and make no stryf—
est] Read ost
Where Þo est commaundys, or ellis Þo wyf.
Eschewe Þe he?est place with wyn,13
But Þou be beden to sitt Þer-in.
Of curtasie here endis Þe secunde fyt,
To heuen crist mot oure saules flyt!
Of the Officers in Lords’ Courts.
¶ De officiarijs in curijs dominorum.
Now speke we wylle of officiers
Of court, and als of her mestiers.
Four bear rods; three wands:
Foure men Þer beÑ Þat ?erdis schalle bere,
1. Porter, the longest,
Porter, marshalle, stuarde, vsshere;
The porter schalle haue Þe lengest wande,
2. Marshal,356
The marshalle a schorter schalle haue in hande;
1883. Usher, the shortest,
The vssher of chambur smallest schalle haue,
4. Steward, a staff, a finger thick, half a yard long.
The stuarde in honde schalle haue a stafe,
A fyngur gret, two wharters long,
To reule Þe meÑ of court ymong.
Of the Porter.
¶ De Ianitore.14
He keeps the Gate
¶ The porter falle to kepe Þo ?ate,
and Stocks,
Þe stokkes with hym erly and late;
takes charge of misdoers
?if any maÑ hase in court mys-gayne,
To porter warde he schalle be tane,
Þer to a-byde Þe lordes wylle,
till judged,
What he wille deme by ry?twys skylle.
also of clothes,
For wesselle clothes, Þat no?t be solde,
Þe po[r]ter hase Þat warde in holde.
and warns strangers.
Of strangers also Þat comen to court,
Þo porter schalle warne ser at a worde.
He is found in meat and drink.
Lyueray he hase of mete and drynke,
And settis with hym who so hym thynke.
On his lord’s removing,
When so euer Þo lorde remewe schalle
To castelle til oÞer as hit may falle,
he hires horses at 4d. a piece,
For cariage Þe porter hors schalle hyre,
Foure pens a pece with-in Þo schyre;
the statute price.
Be statut he schalle take Þat on Þe day.
Þat is Þe kyngis crye in faye.
Of the Marshal of the Hall
¶ De Marescallo aule.15
spelle,] MS. spekle.
¶ Now of marschalle of halle wylle I spelle,
And what falle to hys offyce now wylle y telle;
189He shall arrest rebels, when the steward is away. Yeoman-Usher and Groom are under him.
In absence of stuarde he shalle arest
Who so euer is rebelle in court or fest;
?omon-vsshere, and grome also,
Vndur hym ar Þes two:
The Groom gets fuel for the fire,
Þo grome for fuelle Þat schalle brenne
In halle, chambur, to kechyn, as I Þe kenne,
He shalle delyuer hit ilke a dele,
and makes one in Hall for every meal;388
In halle make fyre at yche a mele
looks after tables, trestles, forms, the cup-board, and hangings of the Hall.
Borde, trestuls, and formes also,
Þe cupborde in his warde schalle go,
Þe dosurs cortines to henge in halle.
Þes offices nede do he schalle;
Fires last from Allsaints’ Day to Candlemas Eve, (Nov. 1 to Feb. 2.)
Bryng in fyre on alhalawgh day,
To condulmas euen, I dar welle say.
How long Squires shall have allowances, and Fire shall burn in the Hall.15a
¶ Per quantum tempus armigeri habebunt liberatamet ignis ardebit in aula.
and thus long, Squires receive their daily candle? (see l.839.)
So longe squiers lyuerÉs shalle hafe,16
Of grome of halle, or ellis his knafe;
But fyre shalle brenne in halle at mete,To Cena domini Þat men base ete;
[Fol. 19.]
Þer brow?t schalle be a holyn kene,
Þat sett schalle be in erber grene,
And Þat schalle be to alhalawgh day,
And of be skyfted, as y Þe say.
The Marshal shall seat men in the Hall.
In halle marshalle alle men schalle sett
After here degrÉ, with-outen lett.17
190OF THE BUTLER AND PANTER.Of the Butler, Panter, and Cooks serving him.
¶ De pincernario, panetario, et cocis sibi seruientibus.
They are the Marshal’s servants.
¶ The botelar, pantrer, and cokes also,
To hym ar seruauntis with-outen mo;
He shall score up all messes served, and order bread and ale for men,
Þer-fore on his ?erde skore shalle he20
Alle messys in halle Þat seruet be,Commaunde to sett bothe brede and ale
To alle men Þat seruet ben in sale;
but wine for gentlemen.
¶ To gentilmen with wyne I-bake,
Ellis fayles Þo seruice, y vnder-take;
Each mess shall be reckoned at 6d.
Iche messe at vjd breue shalle he
At the countyng house with oÞer menÉ;
and be scored up to prevent the cook’s cheating.
Yf Þo koke wolde say Þat were more,
Þat is Þo cause Þat he hase hit in skore.
Þe panter18 also yf he wolde stryfe,
For rewarde Þat sett schalle be be-lyue.
If bread runs short, the Marshal orders more, ‘a reward.’
WheÑ brede faylys at borde aboute,
The marshalle gares sett with-outen doute
More brede, Þat calde is a rewarde,
So shalle hit be preuet be-fore stuarde.
Of the Butler’s duties.
¶ De officio pincernarij.19
He shall put a pot and loaf to each mess.
¶ Botler shalle sett for yche a messe
A pot, a lofe, with-outen distresse;
He is the panter’s mate.
Botler, pantrer, felawes ar ay,
Reken hom to-gedur fulle wel y may.
The Marshal shall see to men’s lodging.
The marshalle shalle herber alle men in fere,
That ben of court of any mestere;
The Lord’s Chamber and Wardrobe are under the Usher of the Chamber.
Saue Þe lordys chambur, Þo wadrop to,
Þo vssher of chambur schalle tent Þo two.
Of the Usher and Grooms of the Chamber.
¶ De hostiario et suis seruientibus.20
¶ Speke I wylle A lytulle qwyle
1. Usher,432
Of vssher of chambur, with-outen gyle.
1912. Yeoman-usher,
Þer is gentylmen, ?omon-vssher also,
3. Two grooms and a Page.
Two gromes at Þo lest, A page Þer-to.
OF THE GROOMS AND USHER OF THE CHAMBER.The Duties of the Grooms of the Chamber.
¶ De Officio garcionum.21
They shall make palets of litter 9 ft. long, 7 broad,
¶ Gromes palettis shyn fyle and make litere,22
ix fote on lengthe with-out diswere;
vij fote y-wys hit shalle be brode,
watered, twisted, trodden, with wisps at foot and side, twisted and turned back; from the floor-level to the waist.
Wele watered, I-wrythen, be craft y-trode,
Wyspes drawen out at fete and syde,
I n nomine patris, god kepe me / et filij for charite,
Et spiritus sancti, where that y goo by lond or els by see!
I am an Usher to a Prince, and
an vsshere y Am / ye may beholde / to a prynce of highe degre,
delight in teaching4
Þat enioyethe to enforme & teche / alle Þo thatt wille thrive & thee1,
Of suche thynges as here-aftur shalle be shewed by my diligence
the inexperienced.
To them Þat nought Can / with-owt gret exsperience;
Therfore yf any maÑ Þat y mete withe, Þat2 for fawt of necligence,
y wylle hym enforme & teche, for hurtynge of my Conscience.
It is charitable to teach
To teche vertew and connynge, me thynkethe hit charitable,
ignorant youths.
for moche youthe in connynge / is bareÑ & fulle vnable;
If any such won’t learn,
Þer-fore he Þat no good caÑ / ne to nooÑ wille be agreable.
give them a toy.12
he shalle neuer y-thryve / Þerfore take to hym a babulle.
2IOHN RUSSELL MEETS WITH HIS PUPIL.One May I went to a forest,
As y rose owt of my bed, in a mery sesoun of may,
to sporte me in a forest / where sightes were fresche & gay,
and by the Forester’s leave walked in the woodland,
y met with Þe forster / yprayed hym to say me not nay,
Þat y mygh[t] walke in to his lawnde3 where Þe deere lay.
as y wandered weldsomly4 / in-to Þe lawnd Þat was so grene,
where I saw three herds of deer
Þer lay iij. herdis of deere / a semely syght for to sene;
in the sunshine.
y behild oÑ my right hand / Þe soÑ Þat shoÑ so shene;
A young man with a bow was going to stalk them,20
y saw where walked / a semely yonge maÑ, Þat sklendur was & leene;
his bowe he toke in hand toward Þe deere to stalke;
but I asked him to walk withme,
y prayed hym his shote to leue / & softely with me to walke.
Þis yonge maÑ was glad / & louyd with me to talke,
he prayed Þat he my?t withe me goo / in to som herne5 or halke6;
and inquired whom he served.
Þis yonge maÑ frayned7 / with hoom Þat he wonned ÞaÑ,
‘No one but myself,
“So god me socoure,” he said / “Sir, yserue myself / & els nooÑ oÞer maÑ.”
“is Þy gouernaunce good?” y said, / “soÑ, say me ?iff Þow caÑ.”
and I wish I was out of this world.’28
“y wold y were owt of Þis world” / seid he / “yne rou?t how sone whaÑ.”
3‘Good son,
“Sey nought so, good soÑ, beware / me thynkethe Þow menyst amysse;
despair is sin;
for god forbedithe wanhope, for Þat a horrible synneys,
tell me what the matteris.
Þerfore SoÑ, opeÑ thyÑ hert / for peraveÑture y cowd the lis8;
When the pain is greatest the cure is nearest!’32
“wheÑ bale is hext / ÞaÑ bote is next” / good sone, lerne welle Þis.”
‘Sir, I’ve tried everywhere fora
“In certeyÑ, sir / y haue y-sought / Ferre & nere many a wilsom way
master; but because I know
to gete mete9 a mastir; & for y cowd nou?t / euery maÑ seid me nay,
nothing, no one will takeme.’
y cowd no good, ne nooÑ y shewde /where euer y ede day by day
but wantouÑ & nyce, recheles & lewde / as Iangelynge as a Iay.”
‘Will you learn if I’ll teach you?[Fol. 171b.]
“Now, son, ?iff y the teche, wiltow any thynge lere?
What do you want tobe?’
wiltow be a seruaunde, plow?maÑ, or a laborere,
Courtyour or a clark / Marchaund / or masoun, or an artificere,
Chamburlayn, or buttillere / pantere or karvere?”
‘A Butler, Sir, Panter, Chamberlain, and Carver. Teach me the duties of these.’
“The office of buttiler, sir, trewly / pantere or chamburlayne,
The connynge of a kervere, specially / of Þat y wold lerne fayne
alle Þese connynges to haue / ysay yow in certayÑ,
y shuld pray for youre sowle nevyr to come in payne.”
‘I will, if you’ll love God andbe
“Son, y shalle teche Þe withe ryght a good wille,
So Þat Þow loue god & drede / for Þat is ryght and skylle,
4true to your master.’
and to Þy mastir be trew / his goodes Þat Þow not spille,
but hym loue & drede / and hys commaundement? dew / fulfylle.
THE DUTIES OF THE PANTER OR BUTLER.A Panter or Butler must have
The furst yere, my soÑ, Þow shalle be pantere or buttilare,
three knives:
Þow must haue iij. knyffes kene / in pantry, ysey the, euermare:
1 to chop loaves, 1to pare them,
OÑ knyfe Þe loves to choppe, anothere them for to pare,
1 to smooth the trenchers.52
the iij. sharpe & kene to smothe Þe trenchurs and square.10
Give your Sovereign new bread,
alwey thy soueraynes bred thow choppe, & Þat it be newe & able;
others one-day-old bread;
se alle oÞer bred a day old or Þou choppe to Þe table;
for the house, three-day bread;
alle howsold bred iij. dayes old / so it is profitable;
56for trenchers four-day bread;
and trencher bred iiij. dayes is convenyent & agreable.
Have your salt white,
loke Þy salte be sutille, whyte, fayre and drye,
and your salt-planer of ivory,
and Þy planere for thy salte / shalle be made of yverye /
Compostes18 & confites, chare de quynces / white & grene gyngere;
and ffor aftur questyons, or Þy lord sytte / of hym Þow know & enquere.
[Fol. 172.]Before dinner, plums and grapes;
Serve fastynge / plommys / damsons / cheries / and grapis to plese;
after, pears, nuts, and hard cheese.
aftur mete / peeres, nottys / strawberies, w?neberies,19 and hardchese,also blawnderelles,20 pepyns / careawey in comfyte / Compostes21 ar like to Þese.
After supper, roast apples, &c.80
aftur sopper, rosted apples, peres, blaunche powder,22 your stomak for to ese.
7In the evening don’t take cream,at eve] ‘at eve’ has a red mark through as if to cut it out.
Bewar at eve / of crayme of cowe & also of the goote, Þau? it be late,
strawberries, or junket,
of Strawberies & hurtilberyes / with the cold Ioncate,23For Þese may marre many a maÑ changynge his astate,
unless you eat hard cheese with them.84
but ?iff he haue aftur, hard chese / wafurs, with wyne ypocrate.24
Hard cheese keeps your bowels open.
hard chese hathe Þis condicioun in his operacioun:
Furst he wille a stomak kepe in the botom opeÑ,25
the helthe of euery creature ys in his condicioun;
yf he diete hym thus dayly / he is a good conclusioun.
Butter is wholesome in youth and old age, anti-poisonous,
buttir is an holsom mete / furst and eke last,26
For he wille a stomak kepe / & helpe poyson a-wey to cast,
and aperient.
also he norishethe a maÑ to be laske / and evy humerus to wast,
and with white bred / he wille kepe Þy mouthe in tast.
Milke, crayme, and cruddes, and eke the Ioncate,27
Posset, &c., are binding.
Þey close a mannes stomak / and so dothe Þe possate;
Eat hard cheese after them.
Þerfore ete hard chese aftir, yef ye sowpe late,
and drynk romney modoun,28 for feere of chekmate.29
Beware of green meat; it weakens your belly.
beware of saladis, grene metis, & of frutes rawe
for Þey make many a maÑ haue a feble mawe.
Þerfore, of suche fresch lustes set not an hawe,
For suche wantoun appetites ar not worth a strawe.
For food that sets your teeth on edge, eat almonds and cheese,
alle maner metis Þat Þy tethe oÑ egge doth sette,
take almondes Þerfore; & hard chese loke Þou not for-gette.
but not more than half an ounce.
hit wille voide hit awey / but looke to moche Þerof not Þou ete;
for Þe wight of half an vnce with-owt rompney is gret.
If drinks have given you indigestion, eat a raw apple.
?iff dyuerse drynkes of theire fumosite haue Þe dissesid,
Ete an appulle rawe, & his fumosite wille be cesed;
Moderation is best sometimes,
mesure is a mery meene / whaÑ god is not displesed;
at others abstinence.108
abstynens is to prayse what body & sowle ar plesed.
Look every night that your wines
Take good hede to Þe wynes / Red, white / & swete,
don’t ferment or leak;leak] the t of the MS. has a k over it.
looke euery ny?t with a Candelle Þat Þey not reboyle / nor lete;
and wash the heads of the pipes with cold water.
euery ny?t with cold watur washe Þe pipes hede, & hit not forgete,
Always carry a gimlet, adze, and linen cloths.112
& alle-wey haue a gymlet, & adise,30 with lynneÑ clowtes smalle or grete.
“I feel by William Peacock that my nephew is not yet verily acquainted in the king’s house, nor with the officers of the king’s house he is not taken as none of that house; for the cooks be not charged to serve him, nor the sewer to give him no dish, for the sewer will not take no men no dishes till they be commanded by the controller.” Clement Paston, P.Letters, ed. 1841, v.1, p.144 (XV. vol. iv. p.53, orig.).
“And conÿs, hares, rabettes (laperaus), buckes, does, hartes, hyndes, robuckes, or lepers (cheureus ou saillanz), holde also all of melancoly.” Du Guez.
Lobster. ‘Finallie of the legged kinde we have not manie, neither haue I seene anie more of this sort than the Polypus called in English the lobstar, crafish or creuis, and the crab, [q. v.]. Carolus Stephanus in his maison rustique, doubted whether these lobstars be fish or not; and in the end concludeth them to grow of the purgation of the water as dooth the frog, and these also not to be eaten, for that they be strong and verie hard of digestion.’ Harrison, v. i. 224-5.
“Lobster” citation moved by author from alphabetic position under “L”: Corrigenda.
“Platt-D. waren is to certify, assure; to prove by witnesses, &c.; wahr, true, is, I believe, what is certain, sure. ‘Ik will jou de Waarschup darvan bringen,’ I will bring you the truth of it, will bring you certain intelligence of it. Diswere then would be uncertainty.”—H. Wedgwood.
Do to others as you would they’d do to you, 182/175.
Doctor of both laws (Canon and Civil), utriusque juris, 71/1024; 72/1062.
One reason for turning dogs out of the bedroom at night is given in Palsgrave’s “I wolde gladly yonder dogge were hanged, he never ceased whowlyng all nyght,” p.784-5.
For the -lewe = -ly; cp. ‘delicat horses that ben holden for delyt, that they ben so faire, fat, and costlewe.’ Chaucer. Parsones Tale, Poet. Works, ed. Morris, iii. 298; costlewe furring in here gownes, ib. p.296.
‘The ducke maketh a clere voyce, & causeth man to lay gladdly in the armes & geueth hym the sede of nature / & the sewet is 303 of it very good to souple all maner of paynes in the bodi of man.”—Noble Lyfe. L. i. back.
This is confirmed by young Paston’s being at Eton at nineteen (see below, p. lvi). In 1612, Brinsley (Grammar Schoole, p.307) puts the age at fifteen, and says,
“such onely should be sent to the Vniuersities, who proue most ingenuous and towardly, and who, in a loue of learning, will begin to xl take paines of themselues, hauing attained in some sort the former parts of learning; being good Grammarians at least, able to vnderstand, write and speake Latine in good sort.
“Such as haue good discretion how to gouerne themselues there, and to moderate their expenses; which is seldome times before 15 yeeres of age; which is also the youngest age admitted by the statutes of the Vniuersity, as I takeit.”
FOREIGN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION.4. Foreign University Education. That some of our nobles sent their sons to be educated in the French universities (whence they sometimes imported foreign vices into England57) is witnessed by some verses in a Latin Poem “in MS. Digby, No. 4 (Bodleian Library) of the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century,” printed by Mr Thomas Wright in his Anecdota Literaria, p.38.
Filii nobilium, dum sunt juniores,
Mittuntur in Franciam fieri doctores;
Quos prece vel pretio domant corruptores,
Sic prÆtaxatos referunt artaxata mores.
An English nation or set of students of the Faculty of Arts at Paris existed in 1169; after 1430 the name was changed to the German nation. Besides the students from the French provinces subject to the English, as Poictou, Guienne, &c, it included the English, Scottish, Irish, Poles, Germans, &c. —Encyc. Brit. John of Salisbury (born 1110) says that he was twelve years studying at Paris on his own account. Thomas a Becket, as a young man, studied at Paris. Giraldus Cambrensis (born 1147) went to Paris for education; so did Alexander Neckham (died 1227). Henry says,
“The English, in particular, were so numerous, that they occupied several schools or colleges; and made so distinguished a figure by their genius and learning, as well as by their generous manner of living, that they attracted the notice of all strangers. This appears from the following verses, describing the behaviour of a stranger on xli his first arrival in Paris, composed by Negel Wircker, an English student there, A.D. 1170:—
The stranger dress’d, the city first surveys,
A church he enters, to his God he prays.
Next to the schools he hastens, each he views,
With care examines, anxious which to chuse.
The English most attract his prying eyes,
Their manners, words, and looks, pronounce them wise.
Theirs is the open hand, the bounteous mind;
Theirs solid sense, with sparkling wit combin’d.
Their graver studies jovial banquets crown,
Their rankling cares in flowing bowls they drown.58
Montpelier was another University whither Englishmen resorted, and is to be remembered by us if only for the memory of Andrew Borde, M.D., some bits of whose quaintness are in the notes to Russell in the present volume.
Padua is to be noted for Pace’s sake. He is supposed to have been born in 1482.
Later, the custom of sending young noblemen and gentlemen to Italy—to travel, not to take a degree—was introduced, and Ascham’s condemnation of it, when no tutor accompanied the youths, is too well known to need quoting. The Italians’ saying, Inglese Italianato È un diabolo incarnato, sums itup.59
MONASTIC AND CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS.5. Monastic and Cathedral Schools. Herbert Losing, Bp. of Thetford, afterwards Norwich, between 1091 and 1119, in his 37th Letter restores his schools at Thetford to Dean Bund, and directs that no other schools be opened there.
Tanner (Not. Mon. p. xx. ed. Nasmith), when mentioning “the use and advantage of these Religious houses”—under which term xlii “are comprehended, cathedral and collegiate churches, abbies, priories, colleges, hospitals, preceptories (Knights Templars’ houses), and frieries”—says,
“Secondly, They were schools of learning & education; for every convent had one person or more appointed for this purpose; and all the neighbours that desired it, might have their children taught grammar and church musick without any expence to them.60
In the nunneries also young women were taught to work, and to read English, and sometimes Latin also. So that not only the lower rank of people, who could not pay for their learning, but most of the noblemen and gentlemen’s daughters were educated in those places.”61
As Lydgate (born at Lydgate in Suffolk, six or seven miles from Newmarket) was ordained subdeacon in the Benedictine monastery of Bury St Edmunds in 138962, he was probably sent as a boy to a monastic school. At any rate, as he sketches his early escapades—apple-stealing, playing truant, &c.,—for us in his Testament63, Ishall quote the youth’s bit of the poem here:—
Harleian MS. 2255, fol. 60.
In my boyhood,
Duryng the tyme / of this sesoun ver
I meene the sesoun / of my yeerys greene
Gynnyng fro childhood / strecchithe vp so fer
up to 15,
to Þe yeerys / accountyd ful Fifteene
bexperience / as it was weel seene
The gerisshe sesoun / straunge of condiciouns
Dispoosyd to many vnbridlyd passiouns
strecchithe] strecched. (These collations are from Harl. 218, fol. 65, back.)
[fol. 60b.]
¶ Voyd of resoun / yove to wilfulnesse
Froward to vertu / of thrift gaf litil heede
I loved no work but play
loth to lerne / lovid no besynesse
Sauf pley or merthe / straunge to spelle or reede
Folwyng al appetites / longyng to childheede
lihtly tournyng wylde / and seelde sad
Weepyng for nouht / and anoon afftir glad
gaf] toke.
¶ For litil wroth / to stryve with my felawe
As my passiouns / did my bridil leede
yet I was afraid of being scored by the rod.
Of the yeerde somtyme / I Stood in awe
to be scooryd / that was al my dreede
loth toward scole / lost my tyme in deede
lik a yong colt / that ran with-owte brydil
Made my freendys / ther good to spend in ydil /
scooryd] skoured.
I came to school late,
¶ I hadde in custom / to come to scole late
Nat for to lerne / but for a contenaunce
with my felawys / reedy to debate
to Iangle and Iape / was set al my plesaunce
wherof rebukyd / this was my chevisaunce
lied to get off blame,
to forge a lesyng / and therupon to muse
whan I trespasyd / my silven to excuse
[fol. 61.]and mocked my masters.
¶ To my bettre / did no reverence
Of my sovereyns / gaf no fors at al
wex obstynat / by inobedience
I stole apples and grapes,
Ran in to garydns / applys ther I stal
To gadre frutys / sparyd hegg nor wal
to plukke grapys / in othir mennys vynes
Was moor reedy / than for to seyn matynes
hegg] nedir hegge. seyn] sey.
played tricks and mocked people,
¶ My lust was al / to scorne folk and iape
Shrewde tornys / evir among to vse
to Skoffe and mowe / lyk a wantoun Ape
whan I did evil / othre I did accuse
liked counting cherry-stones better than church.
My wittys five / in wast I did abuse
Rediere chirstoonys / for to telle
Than gon to chirche / or heere the sacry belle
mowe] mowen. did] koude. abuse] alle vse. to] cheristones to. sacry] sacryng.
¶ A child resemblyng / which was nat lyk to thryve
reckless in God’s service,
Froward to god / reklees in his servise
loth to correccioun / slouhe my sylf to shryve
Al good thewys / reedy to despise
chief shammer of illness when I was well,
Cheef bellewedir / of feyned trwaundise
this is to meene / my silf I cowde feyne
Syk lyk a trwaunt / felte no maneer peyne
reklees] rekkes. feyned] froward. felte] and felt.
always unsteady,
¶ My poort my pas / my foot alwey vnstable
my look my eyen / vnswre and vagabounde
In al my werkys / sodeynly chaungable
To al good thewys / contrary I was founde
Now ovir sad / now moornyng / now iocounde
sparing none for my pleasure.
Wilful rekles / mad stertyng as an hare
To folwe my lust / for no man wold I spare.
mad] made.
At these monastic schools, I suppose, were educated mainly the boys whom the monks hoped would become monks, cleric or secular; mostly the poor, the Plowman’s brother who was to be the Parson, not often the ploughman himself. Once, though, made a scholar and monk there, and sent by the Monastery to the University, the workman’s, if not the ploughman’s, son, might rule nobles and xlv sit by kings, nay, beard them to their face. Thomas a Becket, himself the son of poor parents63a, was sent to be brought up in the “religious house of the Canons of Merton.”
In 1392 the writer of Piers Plowman’s Crede sketches the then state of things thus:
Now every cobbler’s son and beggar’s brat turns writer, then Bishop,
Now mot ich soutere hys sone · seten to schole,
And ich a beggeres brol · on the book lerne,
And worth to a writere · and with a lorde dwelle,
Other falsly to a frere · the fend for to serven;
So of that beggares brol · a [bychop64] shal worthen,
Among the peres of the lond · prese to sytten,
and lords’ sons crouch to him,
And lordes sones65 lowly · to tho losels alowte,
Knyghtes crouketh hem to · and cruccheth ful lowe;
a cobbler’s son
And his syre a soutere · y-suled in grees,
His teeth with toylyng of lether · tatered as a sawe.
Here I might stop the quotation, but I go on, for justice has never yet been done66 to this noble Crede and William’s Vision as pictures of the life of their times,—chiefly from the profound ignorance of us English of our own language; partly from the grace, the freshness, and the brilliance of Chaucer’s easier and inimitable verse:—
Alaas! that lordes of the londe · leveth swiche wreechen,
And leveth swych lorels · for her lowe wordes.
should make gentlemen Bishops,
They shulden maken [bichopes64] · her owen bretheren childre,
Other of som gentil blod · And so yt best semed,
and set these scamps
And fostre none faytoures64 · ne swich false freres,
To maken fat and fulle · and her flesh combren.
to clean ditches,
For her kynde were more · to y-clense diches
Than ben to sopers y-set first · and served with sylver.
and eat beans and bacon-rind instead of peacocks,
A grete bolle-ful of benen · were beter in hys wombe,
And with the bandes of bakun · his baly for to fillen
Than pertryches or plovers · or pecockes y-rosted,
And comeren her stomakes · with curiuse drynkes
and having women.
That maketh swyche harlotes · hordom usen,
And with her wikkid word · wymmen bitrayeth.
God wold her wonyynge · were in wildernesse,
And fals freres forboden · the fayre ladis chaumbres;
If Lords but knew their tricks,
For knewe lordes her craft · treuly I trowe
They shulden nought haunten her house · so ho[m]ly64 on nyghtes,
xlvithey’d turn these beggars into the straw.
Ne bedden swich brothels · in so brode shetes,
But sheten her heved in the stre · to sharpen her wittes.
bandes] ? randes. Sk.
There is one side of the picture, the workman’s son turned monk, and clerk to a lord. Let us turn to the other side, the ploughman’s son who didn’t turn monk, whose head was ‘shet’ in the straw, who delved and ditched, and dunged the earth, eat bread of corn and bran, worts fleshless (vegetables, but no meat), drank water, and went miserably (Crede, l.1565-71). What education did he get? To whom could he be apprenticed? What was his chance in life? Let the Statute-Book answer:—
A.D. 1388. 12º Rich. II., Cap.v.
Item. It is ordained & assented, That he or she which used to labour at the Plough and Cart, or other Labour or Service of Husbandry till they be of the Age of Twelve Years, that from thenceforth they shall abide at the same Labour, without being put to any Mystery or Handicraft; and if any Covenant or Bond of Apprentie (so) be from henceforth made to the Contrary, the same shall be holden for none.
A.D. 1405-6. 7º Henri IV., Cap. xvii.
.....And Whereas in the Statutes made at Canterbury among other Articles it is contained That he or she that useth to labour at the Plough or Cart, or other Labour or Service of Husbandry, till he be of the age of Twelve Years, that from the same time forth he shall abide at the same Labour, without being put to any Mystery or Handicraft; and if any Covenant or Bond be made from that time forth to the contrary, it shall be holden for none: Notwithstanding which Article, and the good Statutes afore made through all parts of the Realm, the Infants born within the Towns and Seignories of Upland, whose Fathers & Mothers have no Land nor Rent nor other Living, but only their Service or Mystery, be put by their said Fathers and Mothers and other their Friends to serve, and bound Apprentices, to divers Crafts within the Cities and Boroughs of the said Realm sometime at the Age of Twelve Years, sometime within the said Age, and that for the Pride of Clothing and other evil Customs that Servants do use in the same; so that there is so great Scarcity of Labourers and other Servants of Husbandry that the Gentlemen and other People of the Realm be greatly impoverished for the Cause aforesaid: Our Sovereign Lord the King considering the said Mischief, and willing thereupon to provide Remedy, by the advice & assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the request of the said Commons, hath ordained and stablished, That no Man nor Woman, of what Estate or Condition they be, shall put their Son or Daughter, of whatsoever Age he or she be, to Serve as Apprentice to no Craft nor other Labour within any City or Borough in the Realm, except he have Land or Rent to the Value of Twenty Shillings by the Year at xlvii the least, but they shall be put to other labours as their Estates doth require, upon Pain of one Year’s Imprisonment, and to make Fine and Ransom at the King’s Will. And if any Covenant be made of any such Infant, of what Estate that he be, to the contrary, it shall be holden for none. Provided Always, that every Man and Woman, of what Estate or Condition that he be, shall be free to set their Son or Daughter to take Learning at any manner School that pleaseth them within the Realm.
A most gracious saving clause truly, for those children who were used to labour at the plough and cart till they were twelve years old67. Let us hope that some got the benefit ofit!
These Acts I came across when hunting for the Statutes referred to by the Boke of Curtasye as fixing the hire of horses for carriage at fourpence a piece, and they caused me some surprise. They made me wonder less at the energy with which some people now are striving to erect “barriers against democracy” to prevent the return match for the old game coming off.—However improving, and however justly retributive, future legislation for the rich by the poor in the spirit of past legislation for the poor by the rich might be, it could hardly be considered pleasant, and is surely worth putting up the true barrier against, one of education in each poor man’s mind. (He who americanizes us thus far will be the greatest benefactor England has had for some ages.)—These Statutes also made me think how the old spirit still lingers in England, how a friend of my own was curate in a Surrey village where the kind-hearted squire would allow none of the R’s but Reading to be taught in his school; how another clergyman lately reported his Farmers’ meeting on the school question: Reading and Writing might be taught, but Arithmetic not; the boys would be getting to know too xlviii much about wages, and that would be troublesome; how, lastly, our gangs of children working on our Eastern-counties farms, and our bird-keeping boys of the whole South, can almost match the children of the agricultural labourer of 1388.
The early practice of the Freemasons, and other crafts, refusing to let any member take a bondsman’s son as an apprentice, was founded on the reasonable apprehension that his lord would or might afterwards claim the lad, make him disclose the trade-secrets, and carry on his art for the lord’s benefit. The fourth of the ‘Fyftene artyculus or fyftene poyntus’ of the Freemasons, printed by Mr Halliwell (p.16), is on this subject.
Articulus quartus (MS. Bibl. Reg. 17 A, Art. I., fol. 3, &c.)
The fowrthe artycul thys moste be,
That the mayster hym wel be-se
That he no bondemon prentys make,
Ny for no covetyse do hym take;
For the lord that he ys bond to,
May fache the prentes whersever he go.
?ef yn the logge he were y-take,
Muche desese hyt my?th ther make,
And suche case hyt my?th befalle
That hyt my?th greve summe or alle;
For alle the masonus that ben there
Wol stonde togedur hol y-fere.
?ef suche won yn that craft schulde dwelle,
Of dyvers desesys ?e my?th telle.
For more ?ese thenne, and of honestÉ,
Take a prentes of herre degrÉ.
By olde tyme, wryten y fynde
That the prentes schulde be of gentyl kynde;
And so sumtyme grete lordys blod
Toke thys gemetry that ys ful good.
herre] higher.
I should like to see the evidence of a lord’s son having become a working mason, and dwelling seven years with his master ‘hys craft to lurne.’
In the following section, the attribution of quotes is sometimes obscure. The text layout has been kept as close as possible to the original.
Cathedral Schools. About the pre-Reformation Schools I can find only the extract from Tanner given above, p. xlii. On the post-Reformation Schools I refer readers to Mr Whiston’s Cathedral Trusts, 1850. He says:
“The Cathedrals of England are of two kinds, those of the old and those of the new foundation: of the latter, Canterbury (the old archiepiscopal see) and Carlisle, Durham, Ely, Norwich, Rochester, and Worcester, old episcopal sees, were A.D. 1541-2 refounded, or rather reformed, by Henry VIII. ... Besides these, he created five other cathedral churches or colleges, in connexion with the five new episcopal sees of Bristol, Chester, Gloucester, Oxford, and Peterborough. He further created the see of Westminster, which was ... subsequently (A.D. 1560) converted to a deanery collegiate by Queen Elizabeth ... (p.6). The preamble of the Act 31 Henry VIII. c. 9, for founding the new cathedrals, preserved in Henry’s own handwriting, recites that they were established ‘To the intente that Gods worde myght the better be sett forthe, cyldren broght up in lernynge, clerces nuryshyd in the universities, olde servantes decayed, to have lyfing, allmes housys for pour folke to be sustayned in, Reders of grece, ebrew, and latyne to have good stypende, dayly almes to be mynistrate, mending of hyght wayes, and exhybision for mynisters of the chyrche.’”
“A general idea of the scope and nature of the cathedral establishments, as originally planned and settled by Henry VIII., may be formed from the first chapter of the old statutes of Canterbury, which is almost identical with the corresponding chapter of the statutes of all the other cathedrals of the new foundation. It is as follows:
“On68 the entire number of those who have their sustentation (qui sustentantur) in the cathedral and metropolitical church of Canterbury:
“First of all we ordain and direct that there be for ever in our aforesaid church, one dean, twelve canons, six preachers, twelve minor canons, one deacon, one subdeacon, twelve lay-clerks, one master of the choristers, ten choristers, two teachers of the boys in grammar, one of whom is to be the head master, the other, second master, fifty boys to be instructed in grammar,69 twelve poor men to be maintained at the costs and charges of the said church, two vergers, two subsacrists (i.e., sextons), four servants in the church to ring the bells, and arrange all the rest, two porters, who shall also be barber-tonsors, one caterer,70 one butler, and one under butler, one cook, and one under-cook, who, indeed, in the number prescribed, are to serve in our church every one of them in his own order, according to our statutes and ordinances.”
In the Durham statutes, as settled in the first year of Philip and Mary, the corresponding chapter is as follows:
On71 the total number of those who have their sustentation (qui sustentantur) in the cathedral church of Durham.
“We direct and ordain that there be for ever in the said church, one dean, twelve prebendaries, twelve minor canons, one deacon, one sub-deacon, ten clerks, (who may be either clerks or laymen,) one master of the choristers, ten choristers, two teachers of the boys in grammar, eighteen boys to be instructed in grammar, eight poor men to be maintained at the costs of the said church, two subsacrists, two vergers, two porters, one of whom shall also be barber-tonsor, one butler, one under-butler, one cook, and one under-cook.”
“The monastic or collegiate character of the bodies thus constituted, is indicated by the names and offices of the inferior ministers above specified, who were intended to form a part of the establishment of the Common Hall, in which most of the subordinate members, including the boys to be instructed in grammar, were to take their meals. There was also another point in which the cathedrals were meant to resemble and supply the place of the old religious houses, i.e., in the maintenance of a certain number of students at the universities.”
Rt. Whiston, Cathedral Trusts and their Fulfilment, p.2–4.
“The nature of these schools, and the desire to perpetuate and improve them, may be inferred from ‘certein articles noted for the reformation of the cathedral churche of Excestr’, submitted by the commissioners of Henry VIII., unto the correction of the Kynges Majestie,’ as follows:
The tenth Article submitted. “That ther may be in the said Cathedral churche a free songe scole, the scolemaster to have yerly of the said pastor and prechars xx. marks for his wages, and his howss free, to teache xl. children frely, to rede, to write, synge and playe upon instruments of musike, also to teache ther A.B.C. in greke and hebrew. And every of the said xl. children to have wekely xiid. for ther meat and drink, and yerly vis viiid. for a gowne; they to be bownd dayly to syng and rede within the said Cathedral churche such divine service as it may please the Kynges Majestie to allowe; the said childre to be at comons alltogether, with three prests hereaffter to be spoke off, to see them well ordered at the meat and to reforme their manners.”
Article the eleventh, submitted. “That ther may be a fre grammer scole within the same Cathedral churche, the scole-master to have xxli. by yere and his howss fre, the ussher xli. & his howss li fre, and that the said pastor and prechars may be bound to fynd xl. children at the said grammer scole, giving to every oon of the children xiid. wekely, to go to commons within the citie at the pleasour of the frendes, so long to continew as the scolemaster do se them diligent to lerne. The pastor to appointe viii. every prechar iiii. and the scolemaster iiii.; the said childre serving in the said churche and going to scole, to be preferred before strangers; provided always, that no childe be admitted to thexhibicion of the said churche, whose father is knowne to be worthe in goodes above cccli., or elles may dispend above xlli. yerly enheritance.” —Ibid., p.10–12.
“Now £300 at that time was worth about £5,000 now, so that these schools were designed for the lower ranks of society, and open to the sons of the poorer gentry.
“An interesting illustration of this [and of the class-feeling in education at this time] is supplied,” says Mr Whiston, “by the narrative of what took place—
“when the Cathedral Church of Canterbury was altered from monks to secular men of the clergy, viz.: prebendaries or canons, petty-canons, choristers and scholars. At this erection were present, Thomas Cranmer, archbishop, with divers other commissioners. And nominating and electing such convenient and fit persons as should serve for the furniture of the said Cathedral church according to the new foundation, it came to pass that, when they should elect the children of the Grammar school, there were of the commissioners more than one or two who would have none admitted but sons or younger brethren of gentlemen. As for other, husbandmen’s children, they were more meet, they said, for the plough, and to be artificers, than to occupy the place of the learned sort; so that they wished none else to be put to school, but only gentlemen’s children. POOR MEN’S SONS HAVE HEADS AS WELL AS RICH ONES’. Whereunto the most reverend father, the Archbishop, being of a contrary mind, said, ‘That he thought it not indifferent so to order the matter; for,’ said he, ‘poor men’s children are many times endued with more singular gifts of nature, which are also the gifts of God, as, with eloquence, memory, apt pronunciation, sobriety, and such like; and also commonly more apt to apply their study, than is the gentleman’s son, delicately educated.’ Hereunto it was on the other part replied, ‘that it was meet for the ploughman’s son to go to plough, and the artificer’s son to apply the trade of his parent’s vocation; and the gentleman’s children are meet to have the knowledge of government and rule in the commonwealth. For we have,’ said they, ‘as much need of ploughmen as any other state; and all sorts of men may not go to school.’ ‘I grant,’ replied the Archbishop, ‘much of your meaning herein as needful in a commonwealth; but yet utterly to exclude the ploughman’s son and the poor man’s son from the benefits of learning, as though they were unworthy to have lii the gifts of the Holy Ghost bestowed upon them as well as upon others, is as much to say, as that Almighty God should not be at liberty to bestow his great gifts of grace upon any person, nor nowhere else but as we and other men shall appoint them to be employed, according to our fancy, and not according to his most goodly will and pleasure, who giveth his gifts both of learning, and other perfections in all sciences, unto all kinds and states of people indifferently. Even so doth he many times withdraw from them and their posterity again those beneficial gifts, if they be not thankful. If we should shut up into a strait corner the bountiful grace of the Holy Ghost, and thereupon attempt to build our fancies, we should make as perfect a work thereof as those that took upon them to build the Tower of Babel; for God would so provide that the offspring of our first-born children should peradventure become most unapt to learn, and very dolts, as I myself have seen no small number of them very dull and without all manner of capacity. And to say the truth, Itake it, that none of us all here, being gentlemen born (as I think), but had our beginning that way from a low and base parentage; and through the benefit of learning, and other civil knowledge, for the most part all gentlemen ascend to their estate.’ Then it was again answered, that the most part of the nobility came up by feats of arms and martial acts. ‘As though,’ said the Archbishop, ‘that the noble captain was always unfurnished of good learning and knowledge to persuade and dissuade his army rhetorically; who rather that way is brought unto authority than else his manly looks. To conclude; the poor man’s son by pains-taking will for the most part be learned when the gentleman’s son will not take the pains to get it. And we are taught by the Scriptures that Almighty God raiseth up from the dunghill, and setteth him in high authority. And whensoever it pleaseth him, of his divine providence, he deposeth princes unto a right humble and poor estate. Wherefore, if the gentleman’s son be apt to learning, let him be admitted; if not apt, let the poor man’s child that is apt enter his room.’ With words to the like effect.”
R. Whiston, Cathedral Trusts, p.12-14.
The scandalous way in which the choristers and poor boys were done out of their proportion of the endowments by the Cathedral clergy, is to be seen in Mr Whiston’s little book.
6. Endowed Grammar Schools. These were mainly founded for citizens’ and townsmen’s children. Winchester (founded 1373) was probably the only one that did anything before 1450 for the education of our gentry. Eton was not founded till 1440. The following list of endowed schools founded before 1545, compiled for me by liii Mr Brock from Carlisle’s Concise Description, shows the dates of all known to him.
BEFORE 1450 A.D.
bef. 1162 Derby. Free School.
1195 St Alban’s. Free Grammar School.
1198 St Edmund’s, Bury. Fr. Sch.
1328 Thetford. Gr. Sch.
? 1327 Northallerton. Gr. Sch.
1332 Exeter. Gr. Sch.
1343 Exeter. High School.
bef. 1347 Melton Mowbray. Schools.
1373 Winchester College.
1384 Hereford. Gr. Sch.
1385 Wotton-under-Edge. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1395 or 1340 Penrith. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1399-1413 (Hen. IV.) Oswestry. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1418 Sevenoaks. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1422 Higham Ferrers. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1422-61 (Hen. VI.) Ewelme. Gr. Sch.
1440 Eton College.
1447 London. Mercers’ School, but founded earlier.
1461-83 (Edw. IV.) Chichester. The Prebendal School.
bef. 1477 Ipswich.72 Gr. Sch.
1484 Wainfleet. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1485-1509 (Hen. VII.) or before. Kibroorth, near Market Harborough. Fr. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1486 Reading. Gr. Sch.
1486 Kingston upon Hull. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1487 Stockport. Gr. Sch.
1487 Chipping Campden. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1491 Sudbury. Fr. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1495 Lancaster. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1497 Wimborne Minster. Fr. Gr. Sch.
time of Hen. VII., 1485-1509 King’s Lynn. Gr. Sch.
1502-52 Macclesfield. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1503 Bridgenorth. Fr. Sch.
1506 Brough or Burgh under Stainmore. Fr. Sch.
1507 Enfield. Gr. Sch.
1507 Farnworth, in Widnes, near Prescot. Fr. Gr. Sch.
ab. 1508 Cirencester. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1509 Guildford. Royal Gr. Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Peterborough. Gr. Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Basingstoke. Gr Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Plymouth. Gr. Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Warwick. College or Gr. Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Earl’s Colne, near Halsted. Fr. Gr. Sch.
t. Hen. VIII. 1509-47 Carlisle. Gr. Sch.
1512 Southover and Lewes. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1513 Nottingham. Fr. Sch.
1515 Wolverhampton. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1517 Aylesham. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1512-18 London.73 St Paul’s Sch.
1520 Bruton or Brewton. Fr. Gr. Sch.
ab. 1520 Rolleston, nr. Burton-upon-Trent. Fr. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1521 Tenterden. Fr. Sch.
1521 Milton Abbas, near Blandford. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1522 Taunton. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1522 Biddenden, near Cranbrook. Free Latin Gr. Sch.
bef. 1524-5 Manchester. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1524 Berkhampstead. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1526 Pocklington. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1526 Childrey, near Wantage. Fr. Sch.
bef. 1528 Cuckfield. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1528 Gloucester. Saint Mary de Crypt. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1528 Grantham. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1530 Stamford, or Stanford. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1530 Newark-upon-Trent. Fr. Gr. Sch.
bef. Reform. Norwich. Old Gr. Sch.
t. Ref. Loughborough. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1532 Horsham. Fr. Sch.
1533 Bristol. City Fr. Gr. Sch.
ab. 1533 Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Royal Gr. Sch.
ab. 1535 Stoke, near Clare. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1541 Brecknock. Gr. Sch.
1541 Ely. Fr. Sch.
1541 Durham. Gr. Sch.
1541-2 Worcester. The King’s [t.i. Cathedral Grammar] or College School.
1542 Canterbury. The King’s School.
1542 Rochester. The King’s Sch.74
1542 Findon, properly Thingdon, near Wellingborough. Fr. Sch.
1542 Northampton. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1543 Abergavenny. Fr. Gr. Sch.
1544 Chester. [Cathedral] Gr., or King’s School.
1544 Sutton Coldfield. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1545 Gloucester. Cathedral [t.i. King’s], or College School.
1545 St Mary of Ottery. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1547 Wisbech. Gr. Sch.
bef. 1549 Wellington. Gr. Sch.
About 1174 A.D., Fitzstephen speaks of the London schools and scholars thus:—I use Pegge’s translation, 1772, to which Mr Chappell referredme,—
“The three principal churches in London75 are privileged by grant and ancient usage with schools, and they are all very flourishing. Often indeed through the favour and countenance of persons eminent in philosophy, more schools are permitted. On festivals, at those churches where the Feast of the Patron Saint is solemnized, the masters convene their scholars. The youth, on that occasion, dispute, some in the demonstrative way, and some logically. These produce their enthymemes, and those the more perfect syllogisms. Some, the better to shew their parts, are exercised in disputation, contending with one another, whilst others are put upon establishing some truth by way of illustration. Some sophists endeavour to apply, on feigned topics, avast heap and flow of words, others to impose upon you with lv false conclusions. As to the orators, some with their rhetorical harangues employ all the powers of persuasion, taking care to observe the precepts of art, and to omit nothing opposite to the subject. The boys of different schools wrangle with one another in verse; contending about the principles of Grammar, or the rules of the Perfect Tenses and Supines. Others there are, who in Epigrams, or other compositions in numbers, use all that low ribaldry we read of in the Ancients; attacking their school-masters, but without mentioning names, with the old Fescennine licentiousness, and discharging their scoffs and sarcasms against them; touching the foibles of their school-fellows, or perhaps of greater personages, with true Socratic wit, or biting them more keenly with a Theonine tooth: The audience, fully disposed to laugh,
‘With curling nose ingeminate the peals.’”
Of the sports of the boys, Fitzstephen gives a long description. On Shrove-Tuesday, each boy brought his fighting cock to his master, and they had a cock-fight all morning in the school-room.76 After dinner, football in the fields of the suburbs, probably Smithfield. Every Sunday in Lent they had a sham-fight, some on horseback, some on foot, the King and his Court often looking on. At Easter they played at the Water-Quintain, charging a target, which if they missed, souse they went into the water. ‘On holidays in summer the pastime of the youths is to exercise themselves in archery, in running, leaping, wrestling, casting of stones, and flinging to certain distances, and lastly with bucklers.’ At moonrise the maidens danced. In the winter holidays, the boys saw boar-fights, hog-fights, bull and bear-baiting, and when ice came they slid, and skated on the leg-bones of some animal, punting themselves along with an iron-shod pole, and charging one another. Aset of merry scenes indeed.
“In general, we are assured by the most learned man of the thirteenth century, Roger Bacon, that there never had been so great an appearance of learning, and so general an application to study, in so many different faculties, as in his time, when schools were erected in every city, town, burgh, and castle.” (Henry’s Hist. of England, vol. iv. p.472-3.)
In the twenty-fifth year of Henry VI., 1447, four Grammar schools were appointed to be opened in London77 for the education of lvi the City youth (Carlisle). But from the above lists it will be seen that Grammar Schools had not much to do with the education of our nobility and gentry before 1450A.D.
Of Eton studies, the Paston Letters notice only Latin versifying, but they show us a young man supposed to be nineteen, still at school, having a smart pair of breeches for holy days, falling in love, eating figs and raisins, proposing to come up to London for a day or two’s holiday or lark to his elder brother’s, and having 8d. sent him in a letter to buy a pair of slippers with. William Paston, ayounger brother of John’s, when about nineteen years old, and studying at Eton, writes on Nov. 7, 1478, to thank his brother for a noble in gold, and says,
“my creanser (creditor) Master Thomas (Stevenson) heartily recommendeth him to you, and he prayeth you to send him some money for my commons, for he saith ye be twenty shillings in his debt, for a month was to pay for when he had money last; also I beseech you to send me a hose cloth, one for the holy days of some colour, and another for working days (how coarse soever it be, it maketh no matter), and a stomacher and two shirts, and a pair of slippers: and if it like you that I may come with Alweder by water”—would they take a pair-oar and pull down? (the figs and raisins came up by a barge;)—“and sport me with you at London a day or two this term-time, then ye may let all this be till the time that I come, and then I will tell you when I shall be ready to come from Eton by the grace of God, who have you in his keeping.” Paston Letters, modernised, vol. 2, p.129.
This is the first letter; the second one about the figs, raisins, and love-making (dated 23 Feb. 1478-9) is given at vol. ii. p.122-3.
Tusser, who was seized as a Singing boy for the King’s Chapel, lets us know that he got well birched at Eton.
Wele wrethyn and turnyd a-?ayne Þat tyde;
On legh vnsonken hit shalle be made,
To Þo gurdylstode hegh on lengthe and brade.
For lords, 2 beds,
For lordys two beddys schalle be made,
outer and inner,444
Bothe vtter and inner, so god me glade,
hung with hangings, hooks and eyes set on the binding; the valance hanging on a rod (?), four curtains reaching to the ground;
Þat henget shalle be with hole sylour,23
With crochettis24 and loupys sett on lyour;25
¶ Þo valance on fylour26 shalle henge with wyn,
iij curteyns stre?t drawen with-inne,
Þat reche schalle euen to grounde a-boute,
NoÞer more, noÞer lesse, with-outen doute;
these he takes up with a forked rod.
He strykes hom vp with forket wande,
And lappes vp fast a-boute Þe lyft hande;
Þo knop vp turnes, and closes on ry?t,
[Fol. 20.]
¶ As bolde by nek Þat henges fulle ly?t.
The counterpane is laid at the foot, cushions on the sides,
Þo counturpynt he lays on beddys fete,
Qwysshenes on sydes shyn lye fulle mete.
tapestry on the floor
Tapetis27 of spayne on flore by syde,
Þat sprad shyn be for pompe and pryde;
and sides of the room.
Þo chambur sydes ry?t to Þo dore,
He henges with tapetis Þat ben fulle store;
The Groom gets fuel, and screens.
And fuel to chymnÉ hym falle to gete,
And screnes in clof to y-saue Þo hete
The Groom keeps the table, trestles, and forms for dinner;
Fro Þo lorde at mete when he is sett;
Borde, trestuls, and fourmes, with-outen let,
¶ Alle thes Þynges kepe schalle he,
and water in a heater.
And water in chafer for laydyes fre;
He puts 3 wax-lights over the chimney,
iij perchers of wax Þen shalle he fet,
A-boue Þo chymnÉ Þat be sett
all in different syces.
In syce;28 ichoÑ from oÞer shalle be
Þe lenghthe of oÞer Þat men may se,28a
To brenne, to voide, Þat dronkyn is,
OÞer ellis I wote he dose Amys.
The Usher of the Chamber walks about and sees that all is served right,
Þo vssher alle-way shalle sitt at dore
At mete, and walke schalle on Þe flore,
To se Þat alle be seruet on ry?t,
Þat is his office be day and ny?t,
orders the table to be set and removed,
And byd set borde when tyme schalle be,
And take hom vp when tyme ses he.
193takes charge of the Wardrobe and Bedchamber, bids the Wardroper get all ready before the fire,
¶ The wardrop29 he herbers and eke of chambur
Ladyes with bedys of coralle and lambur,
Þo vsshere schalle bydde Þo wardropere
Make redy for alle ny?t be-fore Þe fere;
Þen bryngis he forthe ny?t goun also,
carpet, 2 cushions,484
And spredys a tapet and qwysshens two,
a form with a
He layes hom Þen opon a fourme,
footsheet over it;
And foteshete Þer-on and hit returne.
on which the lord changes his gown.
¶ Þo lorde schalle skyft hys gowÑ at ny?t,
Syttand on foteshete tyl he be dy?t.
The Usher orders what’s wanted from the Buttery:
Þen vssher gose to Þo botrÉ,
“Haue in for alle ny?t, syr,” says he;
a link from the Chandler,
Fyrst to Þe chaundeler he schalle go,
To take a tortes ly?t hym fro;
and ale and wine.
¶ Bothe wyne and ale he tase indede,
Þo botler says, with-outen drede,
(No meat shall be assayed except for King, Prince, Duke or Heirs-apparent.)
No mete for mon schalle sayed30 be,
Bot for kynge or prynce or duke so fre;
For heiers of paraunce also y-wys,
Mete shalle be sayed, now thenkys on this.
From the Pantry the Usher takes fine and coarse bread,
Þen to pantrÉ he hy?es be-lyue,
¶ “Syrs, haue in with-outen stryffe;”
Manchet and chet31 bred he shalle take,
Þo pantere assayes Þat hit be bake;
and a wax-light
A morter of wax ?et wille he bryng,
Fro chambur, syr, with-out lesyng;
that burns all night in a basin.
Þat alle ny?t brennes in bassyn clere,
To saue Þo chambur on ny?t for fyre.
(The Yeoman-Usher removes the torches.)
¶ Þen ?omon of chambur shynne voyde with ryme,
The torches han holden wele Þat tyme;
The Usher puts lights on the Bedroom door,
Tho chambur dore stekes Þo vssher thenne,
With preket and tortes Þat conne brenne;
194brings bread and wine,
Fro cupborde he brynges bothe brede and wyne,
And fyrst assayes hit wele a[nd] fyne.
[Fol. 21.](the lord washing first,)
But fyrst Þe lorde shalle vasshe I-wys,
Fro Þo fyr hous when he comen is;
offers the drink kneeling; puts his lord to bed,
Þen kneles Þe vssher and gyfes hym drynke,
Brynges hym in bed where he shalle wynke;
In strong styd on palet he lay,
and then goes home himself. The Yeoman-Usher sleeps at the Lord’s door.
At home tase lefe and gose his way;
?omon vssher be-fore Þe dore,
In vttur chambur lies on Þe flore.
OF THE STEWARD.Of the Steward.
¶ De seneschallo.32
¶ Now speke I wylle of Þo stuarde als,
ar] MS. andFew are true, but many false. He, the clerk,
Few ar trew, but fele ar fals.
Þo clerke of kechyn, countrollour,
cook and surveyor524
Stuarde, coke, and surueyour,
consult over their
Assenten in counselle, with-outen skorne,
Lord’s dinner.
How Þo lorde schalle fare at mete Þo morne.
Any dainty that can be had, the Steward buys.
Yf any deyntethe in countrÉ be,
Þo stuarde schewes hit to Þo lorde so fre,
And gares by hyt for any cost,
Hit were grete syn and hit were lost.
Before dishes are put on, the Steward enters first, then the Server.
Byfore Þe cours Þo stuarde comes Þen,
Þe seruer hit next of alle kyn men
Mays way and stondes by syde,
Tyl alle be serued at Þat tyde.
The Steward shall post into books all accounts written on tablets,
At countyng stuarde schalle ben,
Tylle alle be breuet of wax so grene,
Wrytten in-to bokes, with-out let,
Þat be-fore in tabuls hase ben sett,
Tyl countes also Þer-on ben cast,
and add them up.540
And somet vp holy at Þo last.
195Of the Controller.
¶ De contrarotulatore.33
He puts down the
¶ The Countrollour shalle wryte to hym,
Taunt resceu, no more I myn;
receipt and consumption of every day.
And taunt dispendu Þat same day,
Vncountabulle he is, as y ?ou say.
Of the Surveyor.
¶ De superuisore.34
¶ Surueour and stuarde also,
He, the steward, and controller, receive nothing, but see that all goes straight.
Thes thre folke and no mo,
For no?t resayuen bot euer sene
Þat noÞyng fayle and alle be whene;
Þat Þo clerke of kechyn schulde not mys,
The Controller checks daily the Clerk of the kitchen’s account.
Þer-fore Þo countrollour, as hafe I blys,
Wrytes vp Þo somme as euery day,
And helpes to count, as I ?ou say.
Of the Clerk of the Kitchen.
¶ De Clerico coquine.35
He shall keep account of all
¶ The clerke of Þe cochyÑ shalle alle Þyng breue,
Of men of court, bothe lothe and leue,
purchases, and payments, and wages,
Of achatis and dispenses Þen wrytes he,
And wages for gromes and ?emen fre;
shall preside at the Dresser,
At dressour also he shalle stonde,
And fett forthe mete dresset with honde;
and keep the spices, stores, &c.,
Þe spicery and store with hym shalle dwelle,
And mony thynges als, as I no?t telle,
and the clothes of the officers.
For clethyng of officers alle in fere,
Saue Þe lorde hym self and ladys dere.
¶ De cancellario.36
He looks after the servants’ clothes, and horses,
¶ The chaunceler answeres for hor clothyng,
For ?omen, faukeners, and hor horsyng,
For his wardrop and wages also;
[Fol. 22.]seals patents, and grants of land, &c., for life, or during the lord’s pleasure.
And asseles patentis mony and mo;
Yf Þo lorde gyf o?t to terme of lyf,
The chaunceler hit seles with-outen stryf;
] MS. Þer
Tan come nos plerra men seyne, Þat is quando nobis placet,
Þat is, whille vs lykes hym no?t omys;
He oversees the land too, and is a great man.
Ouer-se hys londes Þat alle be ry?t:
On of Þo grete he is of my?t.
Of the Treasurer.
¶ De thesaurizario.37
¶ Now speke y wylle of tresurere,
Husbonde and houswyf he is in fere;
He takes from the Receiver what is collected from bailiff and grieve, courts and forfeits.
Of Þe resayuer he shalle resayue,
Alle Þat is gedurt of baylÉ and grayue,38
Of Þe lordes courtes and forfetis als,
WheÞer Þay ben ry?t or Þay ben fals.
He gives the Kitchen clerk money to buy provisions with, and the clerk gives some to the baker and butler.
To Þo clerke of cochen he payes monÉ
For vetayle to bye opon Þo countrÉ:
The clerke to kater and pulter is,
To baker and butler bothe y-wys
Gyffys seluer to bye in alle thyng
Þat longes to here office, with-outen lesyng.
The Treasurer pays all wages.
Þe tresurer schalle gyfe alkyn wage,
To squyer, ?omon, grome, or page.
He, the Receiver, Chancellor, Grieves, &c.,
Þo resayuer and Þo tresurer,
Þo clerke of cochyn and chaunceler,
Grayuis, and baylys, and parker,
account once a year to the Auditor,
Schone come to acountes euery ?ere
By-fore Þo auditour of Þo lorde onone,
Þat schulde be trew as any stone;
from whom they can appeal to a Baron of the Exchequer.
Yf he dose hom no ry?t lele,
To A baron of chekker Þay mun hit pele.
197Of the Receiver of Rents.
¶ De receptore firmarum.
¶ Of Þe resayuer speke wylle I,
Þat fermys39 resayuys wytturly
He gives receipts,
Of grayuys, and hom aquetons makes,
and gets a fee of 6d.
Sex pons Þer-fore to feys he takes,
He pays fees to park-keepers, and looks after castles and manor-houses.
And pays feys to parkers als I-wys,
600loued] Or loned.
Þer-of at acountes he loued is,
And ouer-seys castels, maners a-boute,
Þat no?t falle with-in ne with-oute.
Now let we Þes officers be,
And telle we wylle of smaller menÉ.
Of the Avener.
¶ De Auenario.40
He shall give the horses in the stable
¶ Þe Aueyner schalle ordeyn prouande41 good won,
For Þo lordys horsis euerychon;
two armsful of hay and a peck of oats, daily.
Þay schyn haue two cast42 of hay,
A pek of prouande on a day;
Euery horse schalle so muche haue,
At racke and manger Þat standes with staue.
A Squire is Master of the Horse; under him are Avener and Farrier,
A maystur of horsys a squyer43 Þer is,
Aueyner and ferour vndur hym I-wys;
Þose ?omen Þat olde sadels schyn haue,
Þat schyn be last for kny?t and knaue,
(the Farrier has a halfpenny a day for every horse he shoes,)
For yche a hors Þat ferroure44 schalle scho,
An halpeny on day he takes hym to;
198and grooms and pages hired
Vndur ben gromes and pages mony one,
Þat ben at wage euerychone;
[Fol. 23.]at 2d. a day, or 3 halfpence,
Som at two pons on a day,
and som at iij ob., I ?ou say;
and footmen who run by ladies’ bridles.
Mony of hem fote-men Þer ben,
Þat rennen by Þe brydels of ladys shene.
¶ De pistore.45
¶ Of Þo baker now speke y wylle,
And wat longes his office vntylle;
Out of a London bushel he shall bake 20 loaves, fine and coarse.
Of a lunden buschelle he shalle bake
xx louys, I vndur-take;
brom] Read broun, brown.
Manchet and chet to make brom bred hard,
For chaundeler and grehoundes and huntes reward.
Of the Huntsman and his Hounds.
¶ De venatore et suis canibus.
He gets a halfpenny a day for every hound.
¶ A halpeny Þo hunte takes on Þe day
For euery hounde, Þo sothe to say:
The Feuterer 2 lots of bread if he has 2 leash of Greyhounds, and a bone for each,
Þo vewter, two cast of brede he tase,
Two lesshe of grehoundes yf Þat he hase;
To yche a bone, Þat is to telle,
If I to ?ou Þe sothe shalle spelle;
besides perquisites of skins, &c.
By-syde hys vantage Þat may be-falle,
Of skynnes and oÞer thynges with-alle,
Þat hunteres con telle better Þan I,
Þer-fore I leue hit wytt[ur]ly.
199Of the Ewerer or Water-bringer.
¶ De aquario.46
¶ And speke I wylle of oÞer mystere
Þat falles to court, as ?e mun here;
He has all the candles and cloths
An euwere in halle Þere nedys to be,
And chandelew schalle haue and alle napere;
and gives water to every one.
He schalle gef water to gentilmen,
And als in alle ?omen.
Who may wash his hands, and where.
¶ Qui debent manus lauareet in quorum domibus.
¶ In kynges court and dukes also,
Þer ?omen schynne wasshe and no mo;—
In duke Ionys house a ?oman Þer was,
For his rewarde prayde suche a grace;
Þe duke gete graunt Þer-of in londe,
Of Þe kyng his fader, I vndudurstonde.—(so)
The bringer of Water
Wosoeuer gefes water in lordys chaunber,
In presens of lorde or leuedÉ dere,
shall kneel down.
He schalle knele downe opoÑ his kne,
Ellys he for?etes his curtasÉ;
The Ewerer shall cover the lord’s table with a double cloth, the lower with the selvage to the lord’s side; the upper cloth shall be laid double,
Þis euwer schalle hele his lordes borde,
With dowbulle napere at on bare worde:
The seluage to Þo lordes syde with-inne,
And douÑ schalle heng Þat oÞer may wynne;
Þo ouer nape schalle dowbulle be layde,
To Þo vttur syde Þe seluage brade;
the upper selvage turned back as if for a towel.
Þo ouer seluage he schalle replye,47
As towelle hit were fayrest in hye;
Browers48 he schalle cast Þer-opon,
He shall put on cleaners for every one.664
Þat Þe lorde schulle clense his fyngers [on],
Þe leuedy and whoseuer syttes with-inne,
Alle browers schynne haue bothe moreand myÑ.
¶ De panetario.
He carries 3 loaves cut square for trenchers,
¶ Þenne comes Þe pantere with loues thre,
Þat square are coruyn of trenchour fre,
To sett with-inne and oon with-oute,
and the covered Saltcellar,
And saller y-coueryd and sett in route;
[Fol. 24.]
With Þo ouemast lofe hit shalle be sett,
With-oute forthe square, with-outen lett;
2 Carving-knives, and sets the 3rd, and a spoon to his lord.
Two keruyng knyfes with-oute one,
Þe thrydde to Þo lorde, and als a spone.
Of the Lord’s Knives, (Bread, and Washing.)
¶ De Cultellis domini.
The hafts of 2 are laid outwards, that of the 3rd inwards, and the steel spoon by it.
¶ Of Þo two Þo haftes schynne outwarde be,
Of Þe thrydd Þe hafte inwarde lays he,
Þe spony stele Þer by schalle be layde;
More trencher loaves are set, and wine served to the Duchess.
Moo loues of trenchirres at a brayde
He settes, and seruys euyr in fere
To duches his wyne Þat is so dere.
2 Trencher-loaves, and salt, to the lord’s son; and 1 loaf and saltcellar set at the end of the table.
Two loues of trenchors and salt Þo,
He settes be-fore his son also;
A lofe of trenchours and salt on last,
At bordes ende he settes in hast.
Then 3 loaves of white bread are brought, and 1 coarse loaf is put in the Alms-dish.
Þen brede he brynges, in towelle wrythyÑ,
Thre lofys of Þo wyte schalle be geuyÑ;
A chet lofe to Þo elmys dyshe,
WeÞer he seruyd be with flesshe or fysche;
At aÞer ende he castes a cope,
Layde dowÑ on borde, Þe endys plyed vp.
To assay bread, the Panter kneels, the Carver cuts him a slice,
That he assayes knelande on kne,
Þo keruer hym parys a schyuer so fre;
And touches Þo louys yn quere a-boute,
and he eats it.
Þo pantere hit etys with-oute dowte;
The Ewerer strains water into his basins,
Þo euwere thurgh towelle syles49 clene
His water into Þo bassynges shene;
on the upper one of which is a towel
Þo ouer bassyn Þer-on schalle close,
A towelle Þer-on, as I suppose,
201folded dodgily.
Þat folden schalle be with fulle grete lore,
Two quarters on lenkethe and sumdele more;
Then the water is assayed in a cup of white wood.
A qwyte cuppe of tre Þer-by shalle be,
Þer-with Þo water assay schalle he;
Quelmes50 hit agayn by-fore alle men;
The Carver takes up the basins; a knight takes down the towel, and wipes the cup, into which the Carver pours water;704
Þo keruer Þe bassynges tase vp Þenne;
Annaunciande squier, or ellis a kny?t,
Þo towelle dowÑ tase by fulle good ry?t;
Þo cuppe he tase in honde also,
Þo keruer powres wat[er] Þe cuppe into;
the knight hands it to him; he assays it, and empties the cup.
The kny?t to Þo keruer haldes anon,
He says hit ar he more schalle doÑ;
Þo cuppe Þen voyde is in Þo flette,51
Þe euwer hit takes with-outen lette.
Two knights hold the towel before the lord’s sleeves,
The towelle two kny?htis schyn halde in fere,
Be-fore Þe lordes sleues, Þat ben so dere;
and hold the upper basin while the Carver pours water into the lower;
The ouer bassyn Þay halde neuer Þe queder,
Quylle Þo keruer powre water in-to Þe nedur.
For a pype Þer is insyde so clene,
Þat water deuoydes, of seluer schene;
then he puts the lower into the upper, and empties both,
Þen settes he Þe nethyr, I vnd[u]rstonde,
In Þe ouer, and voydes with bothe is honde;
takes them to the Ewerer, returns to the lord’s table, lays 4 trenchers for him, with 1 above.
And brynges to Þe euwer Þer he come fro;
To Þo lordys bordes a?ayn con go;
And layes iiij trenchours Þo lorde be-fore,
Þe fyft aboue by good lore;
The Carver takes 3 to cut the lord’s messes on,
By hym self thre schalle he dresse,
[Fol. 25.]
To cut opon Þe lordes messe;
and has a cloth round his neck to wipe his knives on.
Smale towelle a-boute his necke shalle bene,
To clens his knyfys Þat ben so kene.
¶ De Elemosinario.52
He says grace, sets down the Alms-dish,
¶ The aumenere by Þis hathe sayde grace,
And Þo almes dysshe hase sett in place;
202and the Carver puts the first loaf in it.
Þer-in Þe keruer a lofe schalle sette,
To serue god fyrst with-outen lette;
The other loaves he pares round,
Þese oÞer lofes he parys a-boute,
Lays hit myd dysshe with-outen doute.
cuts one in two, and gives the upper half in halves to him.
Þe smalle lofe he cuttis euen in twynne,
Þo ouer dole in two lays to hym.
The Almoner has a staff in his hand.
The aumenere a rod schalle haue in honde,
As office for almes, y vndurstonde.
He keeps the broken food and wine left, for poor men at the gate,
Alle Þe broken met he kepys y wate,
To dele to pore men at Þe ?ate.
And drynke Þat leues serued in halle;
Of ryche and pore bothe grete and smalle.
and is sworn to give it all to them.
He is sworne to ouer-se Þe seruis wele,
And dele hit to Þe pore euery dele;
He distributes silver as he rides.
Seluer he deles rydand by way;
And his almys dysshe, as I ?ou say,
To Þe porest man Þat he can fynde,
OÞer ellys I wot he is vnkynde.
Of the Sewer (or setter-on of Dishes).
¶ De ferculario.
¶ This wyle Þo squyer to kechyn shalle go,
And brynges a bof for assay Þo;
The Cook assays the meat before it’s dished.
Þo Coke assayes Þe mete vngry?t,
The Sewer puts the cover on it,752
Þo sewer he takes and kouers on ry?t;
Wo so euer he takes Þat mete to bere,
and the cover must never be raised
Schalle not so hardy Þo couertoure rere,
For colde ne hote, I warne ?ou alle,
for fear of treason.756
For suspecyoÑ of tresoun as may befalle.
(A Dodge: If the silver dish burns you,
Yf Þo syluer dysshe wylle algate brenne,
A soteltÉ I wylle Þe kenne,
put bits of bread under it.)
Take Þe bredde coruyn and lay by-twene,
And kepe Þe welle hit be not sene;
¶ I teche hit for no curtayse,
But for Þyn ese.
The Sewer assays all the food:
When Þe sewer comys vnto Þe borde,
Alle Þe mete he sayes at on bare worde,
203potage with a piece of bread;
Þe potage fyrst with brede y-coruyn,
Couerys hom agayn lest Þey ben storuyn;
fish or flesh, he eats a piece;
With fysshe or flessh yf [they] be serued,
A morselle Þer-of shalle he be keruyd;
And touche Þe messe ouer alle aboute,
Þo sewer hit etis with-outen doute.
baked meats hot, he lifts up the crust,
With baken mete yf he seruyd be Þo,
Þo lydes vp-rered or he fyr go,
Þe past or pye he sayes with-inne,
and dips bread in the gravy;
Dippes bredde in grauÉ no more ne mynne;
baked meats cold, he eats a bit.
?if Þe baken mete be colde, as may byfalle,
A gobet of Þo self he sayes with-alle.
The meat-bearer stands or kneels as the Sewer does.
But Þou Þat berys mete in hande,
Yf Þo sewer stonde, loke Þou stande;
Yf he knele, knele Þou so longe for o?t,
[Fol. 26.]780
¶ Tylle mete be sayde Þat Þou hase broght.
As oft at hegh borde yf brede be nede,
When bread is wanted, the Butler puts one loaf on the table, the other on the cupboard.
The butler two louys takys indede;
Þat on settes down, Þat oÞer agayn
He barys to cupborde in towelle playn.
The Butler assays all the wine.
As oft as Þe keruer fettys drynke,
Þe butler assayes hit how good hym thynke;
What is left in the lord’s cup goes to the Alms-dish.
In Þe lordys cupp Þat leuys vndrynken,
Into Þe almesdisshe hit schalle be sonken.
The keruer anon with-outen thou?t,
OF THE CARVER, SURNAPE-LAYERS, AND CHANDLER.The Carver fills the empty cup,
Vnkouers Þe cup Þat he hase brou?t;
Into Þe couertoure wyn he powres owt,
Or in-to a spare pece, with-outen doute;
assays it, and gives it the lord or puts it down.
Assayes, an gefes Þo lorde to drynke,
Or settes hit doun as hym goode thynke.
He carves the lord’s meat,
Þo keruer53 schalle kerue Þo lordes mete,
Of what kyn pece Þat he wylle ete;
and lays it on his trencher,
And on hys trenchour he hit layes,
On Þys maner with-out displayes;
putting a piece of every thing in the Alms-dish,
In almesdysshe he layes yche dele,
Þat he is with serued at Þo mele;
But he sende hit to ony strongere,
except any favourite piece or potage sent to a stranger.
A pese Þat is hym leue and dere,
And send hys potage also,
Þat schalle not to Þe almes go.
(To say more about the Carver would require another section, so I pass it over.)
Of keruer more, yf I shulde telle,
AnoÞer fytt Þenne most I spelle,
Ther-fore I let hit here ouer passe,
To make oure talkyng summedelasse.
After dinner the Sewer brings the Surnape, a broad towel and a narrow, and slides it down.
When Þe lorde hase eten, Þo sewer schalle bryng
Þo surnape on his schulder bryng,
A narew towelle, a brode be-syde,
And of hys hondes he lettes hit slyde;
The Usher takes one end of the broad one, the Almoner the other, and when it is laid, he folds the narrow towel double before his lord and lady.
Þe vssher ledes Þat on hed ry?t,
Þo aumener Þo oÞer away shalle dy?t.
When Þe vssher comys to Þe borde ende,
Þo narow towelle he strecches vnkende;
Be-fore Þo lorde and Þe lady so dere,
Dowbelle he playes Þo towelle Þere;
After grace removes them,
Whenne Þay haue wasshen and grace is sayde,
Away he takes at a brayde;
lays the table on the floor, and takes away the trestles.
Awoydes Þo borde in-to Þo flore,
Tase away Þo trestis Þat ben so store.
Of the Chandler.
¶ De candelario.54
¶ Now speke I wylle a lytulle whyle
Of Þo chandeler, with-outen gyle,
205He can make all kinds of candles, little and big,
Þat torches55 and tortes56 and preketes57 con make,
Perchours,58 smale condel, I vnder-take;
Of wax Þese candels alle Þat brennen,
and mortars of wax.828
And morter of wax Þat I wele kenne;
He snuffs them with short scissors.
Þo snof of hom dose a-way
With close sesours, as I ?ow say;
Þe sesours ben schort and rownde y-close,
With plate of irne vp-on bose.
In bed-chambers wax lights only shall be burnt;
In chambur no ly?t Þer shalle be brent,
Bot of wax Þer-to, yf ?e take tent;
[Fol. 27.]in hall, Candles of Paris,
In halle at soper schalle caldels (so) brenne
Of parys, Þer-in Þat alle men kenne;
each mess having one from Nov.1 to Feb.2 (see l.393), and squires one too.
Iche messe a candelle fro alhalawghe day
To candelmesse, as I ?ou say;Of candel liueray squiyers schalle haue,
So long, if hit is mon wille kraue.
The Butler shall give Squires their daily bread and ale all the year, and Knights their wine.
Of brede and ale also Þo boteler
Schalle make lyuerÉ thurgh-out Þe ?ere
To squyers, and also wyn to kny?t,
Or ellys he dose not his office ry?t.
Here endys the thryd speche.
May Christ bring us to His dwelling-place. Amen!
Of alle oure synnes cryst be oure leche,
And bryng vs to his vonyng place!
Amen, sayes ?e, for hys grete grace!
¶ Amen, par charite.
be not gapynge nor ganynge, ne with Þy mouth to powt
put your tongue in a dish to pick dust out.
lik not with Þy tonge in a disch, amote to haue owt.
Be not rasche ne recheles, it is not worth a clowt.
[Fol. 175.]Don’t cough,
with youre brest / sighe, nor cowghe / nor brethe, youre souerayne before;
hiccup, or belch,
be yoxinge,57 ne bolkynge / ne gronynge, neuer Þe more;
20straddle your legs,
with youre feet trampelynge, ne settynge youre leggis a shore58;
or scrub your body.300
with youre body be not shrubbynge59; Iettynge60 is no loore.
Don’t pick your teeth,
Good soÑ, Þy tethe be not pikynge, grisynge,61 ne gnastynge62;
cast stinking breath on your lord,
ne stynkynge of brethe oÑ youre souerayne castynge;
with puffynge ne blowynge, nowÞer fulle ne fastynge;
fire your stern guns, or expose304
and alle wey be ware of Þy hyndur part from gunnes blastynge.
your codware
These Cuttid63 galauntes with theire codware; Þat is aÑ vngoodly gise;—
Other tacches64 as towchynge / y spare not to myspraue aftur myne avise,—
21before your master.
wheÑ he shalle serue his mastir, before hym oÑ Þe table hit lyes;
Euery souereyne of sadnes65 alle suche sort shalle dispise.
Many other improprieties
Many moo condicions a maÑ myght fynde / ÞaÑ now ar named here,
a good servant will avoid.’
Þerfore Euery honest seruand / avoyd alle thoo, & worshippe lat hym leere.
Panter, yomaÑ of Þe Cellere, butlere, & Ewere,
y wille Þat ye obeye to Þe marshalle, Sewere, & kervere.66’
HOW TO CARVE, AND TO LAY TRENCHERS.‘Sir, pray teach me how to carve,connynge] MS. comynge.
“Good syr, y yow pray Þe connynge of kervynge ye wille me teche,
handle a knife, and cut up birds,
and Þe fayre handlynge of a knyfe, yyow beseche,
and alle wey where y shalle alle maner fowles / breke, vnlace, or seche,67
fish, and flesh.’316
and with Fysche or flesche, how shalle y demene me with eche.”
“SoÑ, thy knyfe must be bryght, fayre, & clene,
and Þyne handes faire wasche, it wold Þe welle be sene.
‘Hold your knife tight, with two fingers and a thumb,
hold alwey thy knyfe sure, Þy self not to tene,
and passe not ij. fyngurs & a thombe oÑ thy knyfe so kene;
in your midpalm.
In mydde wey of thyne hande set the ende of Þe haft Sure,
Do your carving, lay your bread, and take off trenchers,
Vnlasynge & mynsynge .ij. fyngurs with Þe thombe / Þat may ye endure.
with two fingers and thumb.
kervynge / of bred leiynge / voydynge / of cromes & trenchewre,
with ij. fyngurs and a thombe / loke ye haue Þe Cure.
Sett neuer oÑ fysche nor flesche / beest / nor fowle, trewly,
Moore ÞaÑ ij. fyngurs and a thombe, for Þat is curtesie.
Never touch others’ food with your right hand,
Touche neuer with youre right hande no maner mete surely,
but only with the left.328
but with your lyft hande / as y seid afore, for Þat is goodlye.
[Fol. 175b.]
Alle-wey with youre lift hand hold your loof with myght,
and hold youre knyfe Sure, as y haue geue yow sight.
Don’t dirty your table
enbrewe68 not youre table / for ÞaÑ ye do not ryght,
or wipe your knives onit.332
ne Þer-vppoÑ ye wipe youre knyffes, but oÑ youre napkyÑ plight.
Take a loaf of trenchers, and
Furst take a loofe of trenchurs in Þy lifft hande,
ÞaÑ take Þy table knyfe,69 as y haue seid afore hande;
with the edge of your knife raise a trencher, and lay it before your lord;
with the egge of Þe knyfe youre trenchere vp be ye reysande
as nyghe Þe poynt as ye may, to-fore youre lord hit leyande;
lay four trenchers four-square,
right so .iiij. trenchers ooÑ by a-nothur .iiij. square ye sett,
and another on the top.
and vppoÑ Þo trenchurs .iiij. a trenchur sengle with-out lett;
Take a loaf of light bread,
ÞaÑ take youre loof of light payne / as y haue said ?ett,
and with the egge of Þe knyfe nyghe your hand ye kett.
pare the edges,
Furst pare Þe quarters of the looff round alle a-bowt,
23cut the upper crust for your lord,
ÞaÑ kutt Þe vpper crust / for youre souerayne, & to hym alowt.
Suffere youre parelle70 to stond stille to Þe botom / & so ny?e y-spend owt,
cromes] MS. may be coomes.344
so ley hym of Þe cromes a quarter of Þe looff Saunc? dowt;
and don’t touch it after it’s trimmed.
Touche neuer Þe loof aftur he is so tamed,
put it, [on] a platere or Þe almes disch Þer-fore named.
Keep your table clean.
Make clene youre bord euer, ÞaÑ shalle ye not be blamed,
ÞaÑ may Þe sewere his lord serue / & neythur of yow be gramed71
You must know what meat is indigestible,
Of alle maner metes ye must thus know & fele
Þe fumositees of fysch, flesche, & fowles dyuers & feele,
and what sauces are wholesome.
And alle maner of Sawces for fische & flesche to preserue your lord in heele;
to yow it behouyth to knew alle Þese euery deele.”
“Syr, hertyly y pray yow for to telle me Certenle
of how many metes Þat ar fumose in Þeire degre.”
These things are indigestible:
“In certeyÑ, my soÑ, Þat sone shalle y shew the
by letturs dyuers tolde by thries thre,
F, R, and S / in dyuerse tyme and tyde
Fat and Fried,
F is Þe furst / Þat is, Fatt, Farsed, & Fried;
Raw and Resty,
R, raw / resty, and rechy, ar comberous vndefied;
Salt and Sour,360
S / salt / sowre / and sowse72 / alle suche Þow set a-side,
24also sinews, skin, hair, feathers, crops,
with other of the same sort, and lo thus ar thay,
Senowis, skynnes / heere / Cropyns73 / yonge fedurs for certeÑ y say,
heads, pinions, &c.,
heedis / pynnyns, boonis / alle Þese pyke away,
Suffir neuer Þy souerayne / to fele Þem, ythe pray /
Alle maner leggis also, bothe of fowle and beestis,
outsides of thighs,
the vttur side of the thyghe or legge of alle fowlis in feestis,
the fumosite of alle maner skynnes y promytt Þee by heestis,
these destroy your lord’s rest.’368
alle Þese may benym74 Þy souerayne / from many nyghtis restis.”
‘Thanks, father,
“Now fayre befalle yow fadur / & welle must ye cheve,75
I’ll put your teaching into practice,
For these poyntes by practik y hope fulle welle to preve,
and pray for you.
and yet shalle y pray for yow / dayly while Þat y leue /
bothe for body and sowle / Þat god yow gyde from greve;
But please
Praynge yow to take it, fadur / for no displesure,
yf y durst desire more / and Þat y myghte be sure
tell me how to carve fish and flesh.’
to know Þe kervynge of fische & flesche / aftur cockes cure:
y hed leuer Þe sight of that / thaÑ A Scarlet hure.”76
KERUYNG OF FLESH.Carving of Meat.
Kervyng of flesh:
Cut brawn on the dish, and lift
“Son, take Þy knyfe as y taught Þe while ere,kut bravne in Þe dische ri?t as hit liethe there,
25slices off with your knife;
and to Þy souereynes trenchoure / with Þe knyfe / ye hit bere:
pare Þe fatt Þer-from / be ware of hide & heere.
ThaÑ whan ye haue it so y-leid / oÑ Þy lordes trenchoure,
serve it with mustard.
looke ye haue good mustarde Þer-to and good licoure;
Venison with furmity.
Fatt venesoun with frumenty / hit is a gay plesewre
youre souerayne to serue with in sesoun to his honowre:
Touch Venison only with your knife,
Towche not Þe venisoun with no bare hand
but withe Þy knyfe; Þis wise shalle ye be doande,
pare it,
withe Þe fore part of Þe knyfe looke ye be hit parand,
cross it with 12 scores,388
xij. draughtes with Þe egge of Þe knyfe Þe venison crossande.
[Fol. 176b.]
ThaÑ whaÑ ye Þat venesoun so haue chekkid hit,
cut a piece out, and put it in the furmity soup.
with Þe fore parte of youre knyfe / Þat ye hit owt kytt,
In Þe frumenty potage honestly ye convey hit,
in Þe same forme with pesyÑ & bakeÑ whaÑ sesoun Þer-to dothe sitt.
Touch with your left hand,
Withe youre lift hand touche beeff / Chyne77 / motoun, as is a-fore said,
pare it clean,
& pare hit clene or Þat ye kerve / or hit to your lord be layd;
and as it is showed afore / beware of vpbrayde;
put away the sinews, &c.396
alle fumosite, salt / senow / Raw / a-side be hit convayde.
Partridges, &c.: takeup
In sirippe / partriche / stokdove / & chekyns, in seruynge,
by the pinion,
with your lifft hand take Þem by Þe pynoÑ of Þe whynge,
& Þat same with Þe fore parte of Þe knyfe be ye vp rerynge,
and mince them small in the sirrup.400
Mynse hem smalle in Þe siruppe: of fumosite algate be ye feerynge.
Larger roast birds, as the Osprey, &c.,
Good soÑ, of alle fowles rosted y telle yow as y CaÑ,Every goos / teele / Mallard / Ospray / & also swanne,
raise up [? cut off] the legs, then the wings,
reyse vp Þo leggis of alle Þese furst, ysey the thaÑ,
afftur Þat, Þe whynges large & rownd / ÞaÑ dare blame Þe no man;
lay the body in the middle,
Lay the body in myddes of Þe dische / or in a-nodur chargere,
with the wings and legs roundit,
of vche of Þese with whynges in myddes, Þe legges so aftir there.
ye] MS. may be yo.
of alle Þese in .vj. lees78 / if Þat ye wille, ye may vppe arere,
in the same dish.408
& ley Þem betwene Þe legges, & Þe whynges in Þe same platere.
CapoÑ, & hen of hawt grees79, Þus wold Þey be dight:—
take off the wings and legs;
Furst, vn-lace Þe whynges, Þe legges Þan in sight,
pour on ale or wine,
Cast ale or wyne oÑ Þem, as Þer-to belongeth of ryght,
mince them into the flavoured sauce.412
& mynse Þem ÞaÑ in to Þe sawce with powdurs kene of myght.
Take capoun or heÑ so enlased, & devide;
Give your lord the left wing,
take Þe lift whynge; in Þe sawce mynce hit eueÑ beside,
They generally came in the last course (see Modus Cenandi). Du Guez, after speaking of the English dishes in order, pottage, beef, mutton, capons, river birds, game, and lastly, small birds, says, “howbeit that in Spaine and in Fraunce the use [succession at dinner] of suche metes is more to be commended than ours ... for they begynne always with the best, and ende with the most grosse, which they leave for the servantes, where-as we do al the contrary,” p. 1072.
But of all maner of meate, the moost daungerous is that whiche is of fruites (fruitz crudz), as cheres, small cheryse (guingues2), great cherise (gascongnes), strauberis, fryberis (framboises) mulberis, cornelles,3 preunes, chestaynes nuts, fylberdes, walnuttes, cervyse, medlers, aples, peres, peches, melons, concombres, and all other kyndes of fruites, howbeit that youth, bycause of heate and moystnesse, doth dygest them better than age dothe. Du Guez’s Introductorie, p.1073-4.
Fylour, 191/447, a rod on which the bed-curtains hung.
“Fylour looks like felloe, G. felge, which is explained as something bent round; it would apply to the curtain-rod round the top of the bed.” Wedgwood.
Cp. in the account of Sir John Nevile, of Chete, in The Forme of Cury, p.171, “for a pair of perfumed Gloves, 3s. 4d.; for a pair of other Gloves, 4d.”
Fr. MoruË: f. The Cod, or Greenefish (a lesse and dull-eyed kind whereof is called by some, the Morhwell). MoruË verte. Greenefish. Moruyer. Poissonnier moruyer. A Fishmonger that sells nothing but Cod, or Greenefish. Cot.
8a. Croscrist. La Croix de par Dieu. The Christs-crosse-row; or, the hornebooke wherein a child learnes it. Cotgrave. The alphabet was called the Christ-cross-row, some say because a cross was prefixed to the alphabet in the old primers; but as probably from a superstitious custom of writing the alphabet in the form of a cross, by way of charm. This was even solemnly practised by the bishop in the consecration of a church. See Picart’s Religious Ceremonies, vol. i. p.131. Nares. Corrigenda
14. See the duties of Prince Edward’s Porters, A.D. 1474, in Household Ordinances, p. *30, and of Henry VIII.’s Porters, ibid. p.239.
15. Though Edward IV. had Marshals (Household Ordinances, p.84, &c.), one of whom made the Surnape when the King was in the Hall (p.32), or Estate in the Surnape (p.38), yet there is no separate heading or allowance for them in the Liber Niger. Two yeomen Ushers are mentioned in p.38, but the two yeomen Ewars, their two Grooms and Page, p.84, perform (nearly) the duties given above to the Usher and his Grooms.
15a. Fires in Hall lasted to Cena Domini, the Thursday before Easter: see l.398. Squires’ allowances of lights ended on Feb.2, Isuppose. These lights, or candle of l.839, would be only part of the allowances. The rest would continue all the year. See Household Ordinances & North. Hous. Book. Dr Rock says that the holyn or holly and erbere grene refer to the change on Easter Sunday described in the Liber Festivalis:—“In die pasch?. Good friends ye shall know well that this day is called in many places God’s Sunday. Know well that it is the manner in every place of worship at this day to do the fire out of the hall; and the black winter brands, and all thing that is foul with smoke shall be done away, and there the fire was, shall be gaily arrayed with fair flowers, and strewed with green rushes all about, showing a great ensample to all Christian people, like as they make clean their houses to the sight of the people, in the same wise ye should cleanse your souls, doing away the foul brenning (burning) sin of lechery; put all these away, and cast out all thy smoke, dusts; and strew in your souls flowers of faith and charity, and thus make your souls able to receive your Lord God at the Feast of Easter.” —Rock’s Church of the Future, v. iii. pt. 2, p.250. “The holly, being an evergreen, would be more fit for the purpose, and makes less litter, than the boughs of deciduous trees. Iknow some old folks in Herefordshire who yet follow the custom, and keep the grate filled with flowers and foliage till late in the autumn.” —D.R. On Shere-Thursday, or Cena Domini, Dr Rock quotes from the Liber Festivalis—“First if a man asked why Sherethursday is called so, ye may say that in Holy Church it is called ‘Cena Domini,’ our Lord’s Supper Day; for that day he supped with his disciples openly.... It is also in English called Sherethursday; for in old fathers’ days the people would that day sheer their heads and clip their beards, and poll their heads, and so make them honest against Easter-day.” —Rock, ib., p.235. Corrigenda
16. Edward IV.’s Esquiers for the Body, IIII, had ‘for wynter lyverey from All Hallowentide (Nov.1) tyll Estyr, one percher wax, one candell wax, ij candells Paris, one tallwood and dimidium, and wages in the countyng-house.’ H.Ord. p.36. So the Bannerettes, IIII, or Bacheler Knights (p.32), who are kervers and cupberers, take ‘for wynter season, from Allhallowentyde till Estyr, one tortays, one percher, ii candelles wax, ii candelles Paris, ii talwood, ii faggotts,’ and rushes, litter, all the year; which the Esquiers have too. The Percy household allowance of Wax was cciiij score vij lb. dimid. of Wax for th’ expensys of my House for oone hole Yere. Viz. Sysez, Pryketts, Quarions, and Torches after ix d. the lb. by estimacion; p.12.
17. The Liber Niger of Edw. IV. assigns this duty to one of the Gentylmen Usshers. H.Ord. p.37.
19. See the Office of Butler of Englond, H.Ord. p.73.
20. See Gentylmen Usshers of Chaumbre, IIII, H.Ord. p.37. ‘This name ussher is a worde of Frenshe,’ p.38.
21. Compare H.Ord. p.39. ‘Yeomen of Chambre, IIII, to make beddes, to bere or hold torches, to sette bourdes, to apparayle all chaumbres, and suche other servyce as the chaumberlayn, or usshers of chambre command or assigne.’ Liber Niger Edw. IV. See also H.Ord. p.40, Office of Warderobe of Beddes, p.41, Gromes of Chambyr, X; and the elaborate directions for making Henry VII.’s bed, H.Ord. p.121-2.
22.Hoc stramentum, lyttere, (the straw with which the bed was formerly made) p.260, col. 2, Wright’s Vocabularies.
23. Sylure, of valle, or a nother thynge (sylure of a walle), Celatura, Celamen, Catholicon, in P.Parv. Fr. Ciel, Heauen, pl. Ciels, a canopie for, and, the Testerne and Valances of a Bed. Cotgrave. A tester over the beadde, canopus. Withals.
25. Lyowre, to bynde wythe precyows clothys. Ligatorium. P.Parv.
26. Fylowre, of barbours crafte, Acutecula, filarium. P.Parv. See note 3, p.160.
27. Tapet, a clothe, tappis. Palsgrave, 1530. Tapis, Tapistrie, hangings, &c., of Arras. Cotgrave, 1611. Tapis, carpet, a green square-plot. Miege, 1684. The hangynges of a house or chambre, in plurali, aulÆa ... Circundo cubiculum aulÆis, to hange the chambre. The carpettes, tapetes. Withals.
28. And he (a Grome of Chambyr) setteth nyghtly, after the seasons of the yere, torchys, tortays, candylles of wax, mortars; and he setteth up the sises in the King’s chambre, H.Ord. p.41, ‘these torches, five, seven, or nine; and as many sises sett upp as there bee torches,’ ib. p.114; and dayly iiii other of these gromes, called wayters, to make fyres, to sett up tressyls and bourdes, with yomen of chambre, and to help dresse the beddes of sylke and arras. H.Ord. p.41.
30. See the duties of Edward IV.’s Sewar, H.Ord. p.36.
31. Manchet was the fine bread; chet, the coarse. Fr. pain rouffet, Cheat, or boulted bread; houshold bread made of Wheat and Rie mingled. Cotgrave.
32. See the ‘Styward of Housholde,’ H.Ord. p.55-6: ‘He is head officer.’
33. See the ‘Countroller of this houshold royall,’ H.Ord. p.58-9.
34. See the duties and allowances of A Surveyour for the Kyng, in Household Ordinances, p.37.
35. See the ‘chyef clerke of kychyn,’ t. Edw. IV., H.Ord. p.70; and Henry VIII.’s Clerke of the Kitchen, A.D. 1539, ib. p.235.
36. The duties of the Chauncellor of Englond are not stated in Edw. IV.’s Liber Niger, H.Ord. p.29; but one of the two Clerkys of Grene-Clothe was accustomed to ‘delyver the clothinge of housholde,’ p.61.
37. See the ‘Thesaurere of Housholde’ in Edw. IV.’s Liber Niger, H.Ord. p.56-8: ‘the grete charge of polycy and husbandry of all this houshold growyth and stondyth moste part by hys sad and dylygent pourveyaunce and conduytes.’
39. Rents, in kind or money; AS. feorme, food, goods.
40. The Avener of Edw. IV. is mentioned in H.Ord. p.69. See the Charge of Henry VIII.’s Stable, A.D. 1526, ib. p.206-7.
41. Prouender or menglid corne—fovrraige ... provende. Palsgrave.
42. See ‘two cast of brede,’ l.631. ‘One caste of brede’ for the Steward’s yeoman, H.Ord. p.56, &c.
43. Mayster of the horses—escvier de escvirie. Palsg.
44. See Rogers’s Agriculture and Prices in England, v. 1, p.280-1. The latest prices he gives for shoeing are in 1400; “Alton Barnes, Shoeing 5 horses, a year, 6s. 8d. Takley, Shoeing 2 cart horses [a year] 1s. 8d.” A.D. 1466, ‘fore shoyinge ij.d.’ Manners and Household Expenses (ed. Dawson Turner), 1841, p.380. (Sir Jn. Howard, Knt., 1462-9.) The Percy allowance in 1512 was “ijs 198 viiijd. every Hors Shoynge for the hole Yere by estimacion, Viz. a Hors to be shodd oons in iij moneths withowt they jornay.” p.24. A horse’s daily allowance was ‘a Peck of Oats, or 4d. in Breade after iiij Loiffes, 4d. for Provaunder, from 29th Septr. 8 Hen. VIII. to 3rd May following,’ p.266.
45. See Edw. IV.’s Office of Bakehouse, H.Ord. p.68-70. ‘The sergeaunt of thys office to make continually of every busshell, halfe chiete halfe rounde, besydes the flowre for the Kinges mouthe, xxvii loves, every one weying, after one daye olde, xxiii ounces of troye weyghtes.’ p.69.
46. In Edward the Fourth’s Court, ‘Knyghts of Household, XII, bachelers sufficiant, and most valient men of that ordre of every countrey’ had ‘to serve the King of his bason.’ H.Ord. p.33.
47.Replier, To redouble, to bow, fould, or plait into many doublings. Cotgrave.
52. See The Almonry of Henry VIII. A.D. 1526, H.Ord. p.154, and p.144; A.D. 1539, H.Ord. p.239.
53. Edward IV. had ‘Bannerettes, IIII, or Bacheler Knights, to be kervers and cupberers in his Courte.’ ‘The kerver at the boarde, after the King is passed it, may chese for hymself one dyshe or two, that plentie is among.... Theis kervers and cupberers ... them nedeth to be well spede in taking of degree in the schole of urbanytie.’ H.Ord. p.32-3.
54. See the ‘Office of Chaundlerye,’ H.Ord. p.82-3. Paris candles, torches, morters, tortayes, sizes, and smalle lightes, are mentioned there.
56. ? same as tortayes, p.192, note 2; p.204, n.Notes 28 and 54 in this section.
57. Pryket, of a candylstykke, or other lyke. Stiga, P.Parv. Candlesticks (says Mr Way) in ancient times were not fashioned with nozzles, but with long spikes or prykets.... (See wood cut at the end of this book.) In the Memoriale of Henry, prior of Canterbury, A.D. 1285, the term prikett denotes, not the candlestick, but the candle, formed with a corresponding cavity at one end, whereby it was securely fixed upon the spike. p.413, n. 1. Henry VIII.’s allowance ‘unto our right dere and welbilovede the Lady Lucy,’ July 16, 1533, included ‘at our Chaundrye barr, in Wynter, every night oon preket and foure syses of Waxe, with eight Candells white lights, and oon Torche.’ Orig. Letters, ed. Ellis, Series I., vol. ii. p.31.
Bosworth gives A.S. holen, arush; Wright’s Vocab., holin, Fr. hous; and that Cotgrave glosses ‘The Hollie, Holme, or Huluer tree.’ Ancren Riwle, 418 note *, and Rel. Ant., ii. 280, have it too. See Stratmann’s Dict. Corrigenda
junket, orig. cream-cheese made in wicker-baskets, from L. juncus, a rush. Mahn.
‘Junkets, Cakes and Sweetmeats with which Gentlewomen entertain one another, and Young-men their Sweethearts; any sort of delicious Fare to feast and make merry with.’ Philipps.
Lambur, 193/480. ?has it anything to do with Fr. lambrequin, the point of a labell, or Labell of a file in Blazon; Lambel, a Labell of three points, or a File with three Labells pendant (Cot.). Ladies wore and wear ornaments somewhat of this kind.
Lamprey, 50/724; 58/840; p. 119. See Henry V.’s commission to Guillielmus de Nantes de Britanni to supply him and his army with Lampreys up to Easter, 1418. From the Camp at Falaise, Feb. 6. Rymer, ix. 544.
See Leschefrites, leschefrayes, in the index to the MÉnagier de Paris. Reference added by editor.
Leche Lombard, 48/689; 157/2. See ‘Lumber’ in Nares. The recipe in Forme of Cury, p. 36, is
Take rawe Pork, and pulle of the skyn, and pyke out Þe skyn [&] synewis, and bray the Pork in a morter with ayreÑ rawe; do Þerto sugur, salt, raysoÑs, coraÑce, datis mynced, and powdour of Peper, powdour gylofre, and do it in a bladder, and lat it seeÞ til it be ynowh?. and whan it is ynowh, kerf it, leshe it in likenesse of a peskodde, and take grete raysoÑs and grynde hem in a morter, drawe hem up wiÞ rede wyne, do Þerto mylke of almÃndis, colour it with saÑders and safroÑ and do Þerto powdour of peper and of gilofre, and boile it. and whan it is iboiled, take powdour of canel and gynger, and temper it up with wyne. and do alle Þise thyngis togyder. and loke Þat it be r?nyns, and lat it not seeÞ after that it is cast togyder, and serue it forth.
Litere, 191/435, litter, straw or rushes for beds.
Livery of candles, Nov. 1 to Feb. 2, 205/839. Fr. La LivrÉe des Chanoines. their liverie, or corrodie; their stipend, exhibition, dailie allowance in victuals or money. Cot.
Lokere, 268/60, ? not look, oversee, superintend, and so oppress; but from Dutch Loker, an allurer, or an inticer, locken, to allure or entise, Hexham; lokken, to allure, bait. Sewel.
I was rather surprised to find no mention of any Eton men in the first vol. of Wood’s AthenÆ Oxonienses (ed. Bliss) except two, who had first taken degrees at Cambridge, Robert Aldrich and William Alley, the latter admitted at Cambridge 1528 (Wood, p.375, col.2). Plenty of London men are named in Wood, vol.1. No doubt in early times the Eton men went to their own foundation, King’s (or other Colleges at) Cambridge, while the Winchester men went to their foundation, New College, or elsewhere at Oxford. In the first volume of Bliss’s edition of Wood, the following Winchester men are noticed:
p. 30, col. 2, William Grocyn, educated in grammaticals in Wykeham’s school near Winchester.
p. 78, col. 2, William Horman, made fellow of New Coll. in 1477. Author of the Vulgaria Puerorum, &c. (See also Andrew Borde, p. xxxiv, above, note.)
p. 379, col. 2, John Boxall, Fellow of New Coll. 1542.
402, col. 2, Thomas Hardyng„ „ „1536.
450, col. 2, Henry Cole „ „ „1523.
469, col. 1, Nicholas Saunders „„ „1548.
678, col. 2, Richard Haydock„ „ „1590.
That the post-Reformation Grammar Schools did not at first educate as many boys as the old monastic schools is well known. Strype says,
“On the 15th of January, 1562, Thomas Williams, of the Inner Temple, esq. being chosen speaker to the lower house, was presented to the queen: and in his speech to her ... took notice of the want of schools; that at least an hundred were wanting in England which before this time had been, [being destroyed (Isuppose he meant) by the dissolution of monasteries and religious houses, fraternities and colleges.] He would have had England continually flourishing with ten thousand scholars, which the schools in this nation formerly brought up. That from the want of these good schoolmasters sprang up ignorance: and covetousness got the livings by impropriations; which was a decay, he said, of learning, and by it the tree of knowledge lviii grew downward, not upward; which grew greatly to the dishonour, both of God and the commonwealth. He mentioned likewise the decay of the universities; and how that great market-towns were without schools or preachers: and that the poor vicar had but 20l. [or some such poor allowance,] and the rest, being no small sum, was impropriated. And so thereby, no preacher there; but the people, being trained up and led in blindness for want of instruction, became obstinate: and therefore advised that this should be seen to, and impropriations redressed, notwithstanding the laws already made [which favoured them].—Strype, Annals of the Reformation, vol. i. p.437.
Of the Grammar Schools in his time (A.D. 1577) Harrison says:
Besides these universities, also there are a great number of Grammer Schooles throughout the realme, and those verie liberallie endued for the better relief of pore scholers, so that there are not manie corporate townes, now under the queene’s dominion that have not one Gramer Schole at the least, with a sufficient living for a master and usher appointed to the same.
There are in like manner divers collegiat churches, as Windsor, Wincester, Eaton, Westminster (in which I was sometime an unprofitable Grammarian under the reverend father, master Nowell, now dean of Paules) and in those a great number of pore scholers, dailie maintained by the liberality of the founders, with meat, bookes, and apparell; from whence after they have been well entered in the knowledge of the Latine and Greek tongs, and rules of versifying (the triall whereof is made by certain apposers, yearlie appointed to examine them), they are sent to certain especiall houses in each universitie79, where they are received & trained up in the points of higher knowledge in their privat halls till they be adjudged meet to show their faces in the schooles, as I have said alreadie.
Greek was first taught at a public school in England by Lillye soon after the year 1500. This was at St Paul’s School in London, then newly established by Dean Colet, and to which Erasmus alluded as the best of its time in 1514, when he said that he had in three years taught a youth more Latin than he could have acquired in any school in England, ne Liliana quidem excepta, not even Lillye’s excepted. (Warton, iii.1.) The first schoolmaster who stood up for the study of English was, Ibelieve, Richard Mulcaster, of King’s College, Cambridge, and Christ Church, Oxford. In 1561 he was appointed the first head-master of Merchant-Taylors School in London, then just founded as a feeder or pro-seminary for St John’s lix College, Oxford (Warton, iii. 282). In his Elementarie, 1582, he has a long passage on the study of English, the whole of which I print here, at Mr Quick’s desire, as it has slipt out of people’s minds, and Mulcaster deserves honour forit:—
“But bycause I take vpon me in this Elementarie, besides som frindship to secretaries for the pen, and to correctors for the print, to direct such peple as teach childern to read and write English, and the reading must nedes be such as the writing leads vnto, thererfor, (sic) befor I medle with anie particular precept, to direct the Reader, Iwill thoroughlie rip vp the hole certaintie of our English writing, so far furth and with such assurance, as probabilitie can make me, bycause it is a thing both proper to my argument, and profitable to my cuntrie. For our naturall tung being as beneficiall vnto vs for our nedefull deliuerie, as anie other is to the peple which vse it: & hauing as pretie, and as fair obseruations in it, as anie other hath: and being as readie to yield to anie rule of Art, as anie other is: why should I not take som pains to find out the right writing of ours, as other cuntrimen haue don to find the like in theirs? & so much the rather, bycause it is pretended, that the writing thereof is meruellous vncertain, and scant to be recouered from extreme confusion, without som change of as great extremitie? Imean therefor so to deall in it, as I maie wipe awaie that opinion of either vncertaintie for confusion, or impossibilitie for direction, that both the naturall English maie haue wherein to rest, & the desirous st[r]anger maie haue whereby to learn. For the performance whereof, and mine own better direction, Iwill first examin those means, whereby other tungs of most sacred antiquitie haue bene brought to Art and form of discipline for their right writing, to the end that by following their waie, Imaie hit vpon their right, and at the least by their president deuise the like to theirs, where the vse of our tung, & the propertie of our dialect will not yeild flat to theirs. That don, Iwill set all the varietie of our now writing, & the vncertaine force of all our letters, in as much certaintie, as anie writing can be, by these senen precepts,— 1.Generall rule, which concerneth the propertie and vse of ech letter: 2.Proportion which reduceth all words of one sound to the same writing: 3.Composition, which teacheth how to write one word made of mo: 4.Deriuation, which examineth the ofspring of euerie originall: 5.Distinction which bewraieth the difference of sound and force in letters by som writen figure or accent: 6.Enfranchisment, which directeth the right writing of all incorporat foren words: 7.Prerogatiue, which declareth a reseruation, wherein common vse will continew hir precÈdence in our En[g]lish writing, as she hath don euerie where else, both for the form of the letter, in som places, which likes the pen better: and for the difference in writing, where som particular caueat will chek a common rule. In all these seuen I will so examin the particularities of our tung, as either nothing shall lx seme strange at all, or if anie thing do seme, yet it shall not seme so strange, but that either the self same, or the verie like vnto it, or the more strange then it is, shal appear to be in, those things, which ar more familiar vnto vs for extraordinarie learning, then required of vs for our ordinarie vse. And forasmuch as the eie will help manie to write right by a sene president, which either cannot vnderstand, or cannot entend to vnderstand the reason of a rule, therefor in the end of this treatis for right writing, Ipurpos to set down a generall table of most English words, by waie of president, to help such plane peple, as cannot entend the vnderstanding of a rule, which requireth both time and conceit in perceiuing, but can easilie run to a generall table, which is readier to their hand. By the which table I shall also confirm the right of my rules, that theie hold thoroughout, & by multitude of examples help som maim (so) in precepts. Thus much for the right writing of our English tung, which maie seme (so) for a preface to the principle of Reading, as the matter of the one is the maker of the other.—1582. Richd. Mulcaster. The First Part of the Elementarie, pp.53-4.
Brinsley follows Mulcaster in exhorting to the study of English:
“there seemes vnto mee, to bee a verie maine want in all our Grammar schooles generally, or in the most of them; whereof I haue heard som great learned men to complain; That there is no care had in respect, to traine vp schollars so as they may be able to expresse their minds purely and readily in our owne tongue, and to increase in the practice of it, as well as in the Latine or Greeke; whereas our chiefe indeuour should bee for it, and that for these reasons. 1.Because that language which all sorts and conditions of men amongst vs are to haue most vse of, both in speech & writing, is our owne natiue tongue. 2.The purity and elegancie of our owne language is to be esteemed a chiefe part of the honour of our nation: which we all ought to aduance as much as in vs lieth. As when Greece and Rome and other nations haue most florished, their languages also haue beene most pure: and from those times of Greece & Rome, wee fetch our chiefest patterns, for the learning of their tongues. 3.Because of those which are for a time trained vp in schooles, there are very fewe which proceede in learning, in comparison of them that follow other callings.
John Brinsley, The Grammar Schoole, p.21, 22.
His “Meanes to obtaine this benefit of increasing in our English tong, as in the Latin,” are
1. Daily vse of Lillies rules construed.
2. Continuall practice of English Grammaticall translations.
3. Translating and writing English, with some other Schoole exercises.
Ibid., side-notes, p. 22, 23.
On this question of English boys studying English, let it be remembered that in this year of grace 1867, in all England there is lxi just one public school at which English is studied historically—the City of London School—and that in this school it was begun only last year by the new Head-Master, the Rev. Edwin A. Abbot, all honour to him. In every class an English textbook is read, Piers Plowman being that for the highest class. This neglect of English as a subject of study is due no doubt to tutors’ and parents’ ignorance. None of them know the language historically; the former can’t teach it, the latter don’t care about it; why should their boys learn it? Oh tutors and parents, there are such things as asses in the world.
Of the school-life of a Grammar-school boy in 1612 we may get a notion from Brinsley’s p.296, “chap. xxx. Of Schoole times, intermissions and recreations,” which is full of interest. ‘1. The Schoole-time should beginne at sixe: all who write Latine to make their exercises which were giuen ouernight, in that houre before seuen’.—To make boys punctual, ‘so many of them as are there at sixe, to haue their places as they had them by election80 or the day before: all who come after six, euery one to sit as he commeth, and so to continue that day, and vntill he recouer his place againe by the election of the fourme or otherwise.... If any cannot be brought by this, them to be noted in the blacke Bill by a speciall marke, and feele the punishment thereof: and sometimes present correction to be vsed for terrour.... Thus they are to continue vntill nine [at work in class], signified by Monitours, Subdoctour or otherwise. Then at nine ... to let them to haue a quarter of an houre at least, or more, for intermission, eyther for breakefast ... or else for the necessitie of euery one, or their honest recreation, or to prepare their exercises against the Masters comming in. [2.] After, each of them to be in his place in an instant, vpon the knocking of the dore or some other sign ... so to continue vntill eleuen of the clocke, or somwhat after, to counteruaile the time of the intermission at nine.
(3.) To be againe all ready, and in their places at one, in an instant; to continue vntill three, or halfe an houre after: then to haue another quarter of an houre or more, as at nine for drinking and necessities; so to continue till halfe an houre after fiue: thereby in lxii that halfe houre to counteruaile the time at three; then to end so as was shewed, with reading a peece of a Chapter, and with singing two staues of a Psalme: lastly with prayer to be vsed by the Master.’
To the objectors to these intermissions at nine and three, who may reproach the schoole, thinking that they do nothing but play, Brinsley answers,— ‘2. By this meanes also the Schollars may bee kept euer in their places, and hard to their labours, without that running out to the Campo (as the[y] tearme it) at school times, and the manifolde disorders thereof; as watching and striuing for the clubbe,81 and loytering then in the fields; some hindred that they cannot go forth at all. (5.)it is very requisite also, that they should have weekly one part of an afternoone for recreation, as a reward of their diligence, obedience and profiting; and that to be appointed at the Masters discretion, eyther the Thursday, after the vsuall custom; or according to the best opportunity of the place.... All recreations and sports of schollars, would be meet for Gentlemen. Clownish sports, or perilous, or yet playing for money, are no way to be admitted.’
On the age at which boys went to school, Brinsley says, p. 9,
“For the time of their entrance with vs, in our countrey schooles, it is commonly about 7. or 8. yeares olde: six is very soone. If any begin so early, they are rather sent to the schoole to keepe them from troubling the house at home, and from danger, and shrewd turnes, then for any great hope and desire their friends haue that they should learne anything in effect.”
THE GOOD OLD TIMES OF SMOKE AND FILTH.To return from this digression on Education. Enough has been said to show that the progress of Education, in our sense of the word, was rather from below upwards, than from above downwards; and I conclude that the young people to whom the Babees Boke, &c., were addressed, were the children of our nobility, knights, and squires, and that the state of their manners, as left by their home training, was such as to need the inculcation on them of the precepts contained in the Poems. If so, dirty, ill-mannered, awkward young gawks, must most of these hopes-of-England have been, to modern notions. The directions for personal cleanliness must have been much needed when one considers the small stock of linen and clothes that men not lxiii rich must have had; and if we may judge from a passage in Edward the Fourth’s Liber Niger, even the King himself did not use his footpan every Saturday night, and would not have been the worse for an occasional tubbing:—
“This barbour shall have, every satyrday at nyght, if it please the Kinge to cleanse his head, legges, or feet, and for his shaving, two loves, one picher wyne. And the ussher of chambre ought to testyfye if this is necessaryly dispended or not.”
So far as appears from Edward the Fourth’s Liber Niger Domus, soap was used only for washing clothes. The yeoman lavender, or washerman, was to take from the Great Spicery ‘as muche whyte soape, greye, and blacke, as can be thought resonable by proufe of the Countrollers,’ and therewith ‘tenderly to waysshe ... the stuffe for the Kinges propyr persone’ (H. Ord. p.85); but whether that cleansing material ever touched His Majesty’s sacred person (except doubtless when and if the barber shaved him), does not appear. The Ordinances are considerate as to sex, and provide for “weomen lavendryes” for a Queen, and further that “these officers oughte to bee sworne to keepe the chambre counsaylle.” But it is not for one of a nation that has not yet taken generally to tubbing and baths, or left off shaving, to reproach his forefathers with want of cleanliness, or adherence to customs that involve contradiction of the teachings of physiologists, and the evident intent of Nature or the Creator. Moreover, reflections on the good deeds done, and the high thoughts thought, by men of old dirtier than some now, may prevent us concluding that because other people now talk through their noses, and have manners different from our own, they and their institutions must be wholly abominable; that because others smell when heated, they ought to be slaves; or that eating peas with a knife renders men unworthy of the franchise. The temptation to value manners above morals, and pleasantness above honesty, is one that all of us have to guard against. And when we have held to a custom merely because it is old, have refused to consider fairly the reasons for its change, and are inclined to grumble when the change is carried out, we shall be none the worse for thinking of the people, young and old, who, in the time of Harrison and Shakspere, the “Forgotten Worthies”82 lxiv and Raleigh, no doubt ‘hated those nasty new oak houses and chimnies,’ and sighed for the good old times:
“And yet see the change, for when our houses were builded of willow, then had we oken men; but now that our houses are come to be made of oke, our men are not onlie become willow, but a great manie through Persian delicacie crept in among vs, altogither of straw, which is a sore alteration.... Now haue we manie chimnies, and yet our tenderlings complaine of rheumes, catarhs and poses. Then had we none but reredosses, and our heads did neuer ake.83 For as the smoke in those daies was supposed to be a sufficient hardning for the timber of the house; so it was reputed a far better medicine to keepe the goodman and his familie from the quack or pose, wherewith as then verie few were oft acquainted.” Harrison, i. 212, col. 1, quoted by Ellis.
If rich men and masters were dirty, poor men and servants must have been dirtier still. William Langlande’s description of Hawkyn’s one metaphorical dress in which he slept o’ nightes as well as worked by day, beslobbered (or by-moled, bemauled) by children, was true of the real smock; flesh-moths must have been plentiful, and the sketch of Coveitise, as regards many men, hardly an exaggeration:
... as a bonde-man of his bacon · his berd was bi-draveled,
With his hood on his heed · a lousy hat above,
And in a tawny tabard · of twelf wynter age
Al so torn and baudy · and ful of lys crepyng,
But if that a lous84 couthe · han lopen the bettre,
She sholde noght han walked on that welthe · so was it thred-bare.
(Vision, Passus V. vol. 1, l. 2859-70, ed. Wright.)
In the Kinge and Miller, Percy Folio MS., p. 236 (in vol. ii. of the print), when the Miller proposes that the stranger should sleep with their son, Richard the son says to the King,
“Nay, first,” quoth Richard, “good fellowe, tell me true,
hast thou noe creepers in thy gay hose?
art thou not troabled with the Scabbado?”
The colour of washerwomen’s legs was due partly to dirt, I suppose. The princess or queen Clarionas, when escaping with the laundress as her assistant, is obliged to have her white legs reduced to the customary shade of grey:
Right as she should stoupe a-douÑ,
The quene was tukked wel on high;
The lauender perceiued wel therbigh
Hir white legges, and seid “ma dame,
Youre shin boones might doo vs blame;
Abide,” she seid, “so mot I thee,
More slotered thei most be.”
Asshes with the water she menged,
And her white legges al be-sprenged.
ab. 1440 A.D., Syr Generides, p.218, ll.7060-8.
If in Henry the Eighth’s kitchen, scullions lay about naked, or tattered and filthy, what would they do elsewhere? Here is the King’s Ordinance against them in 1526:
“And for the better avoydyng of corruption and all uncleannesse out of the Kings house, which doth ingender danger of infection, and is very noisome and displeasant unto all the noblemen and others repaireing unto the same; it is ordeyned by the Kings Highnesse, that the three master cookes of the kitchen shall have everie of them by way of reward yearly twenty marks, to the intent they shall prouide and sufficiently furnish the said kitchens of such scolyons as shall not goe naked or in garments of such vilenesse as they now doe, and have been acustomed to doe, nor lie in the nights and dayes in the kitchens or ground by the fireside; but that they of the said money may be found with honest and whole course garments, without such uncleannesse as may be the annoyance of those by whom they shall passe”...
That our commonalty, at least, in Henry VIII.’s time did stink (as is the nature of man to do) may be concluded from Wolsey’s custom, when going to Westminster Hall, of
“holding in his hand a very fair orange, whereof the meat or substance within was taken out, and filled up again with the part of a sponge, wherein was vinegar, and other confections against the pestilent airs; the which he most commonly smelt unto, passing among the press, or else when he was pestered with many suitors.” (Cavendish, p.43.)
On the dirt in English houses and streets we may take the testimony of a witness who liked England, and lived in it, and who was not likely to misrepresent its condition,—Erasmus. In a letter to Francis, the physician of Cardinal Wolsey, says Jortin,
“Erasmus ascribes the plague (from which England was hardly ever free) and the sweating-sickness, partly to the incommodious form and bad exposition of the houses, to the filthiness of the streets, and to the sluttishness within doors. The floors, says he, are commonly of clay, strewed with rushes, under which lies unmolested an ancient collection of beer, grease (?), fragments, bones, spittle, excrements [t.i. urine] of dogs and cats [t.i. men,] and every thing that is nasty, &c.” (Life of Erasmus, i. 69, ed. 1808, referred to in Ellis, i. 328, note.)
The great scholar’s own words are,
Tum sola fere sunt argilla, tum scirpis palustribus, qui subinde sic renovantur, ut fundamentum maneat aliquoties annos viginti, sub se fovens sputa, vomitus, mictum canum et hominum, projectam cervisiam, et piscium reliquias, aliasque sordes non nominandas. Hinc mutato coelo vapor quidam exhalatur, mea sententia minime salubris humano corpori.
After speaking also De salsamentis (rendered ‘salt meat, beef, lxvii pork, &c.,’ by Jortin, but which Liber Cure Cocorum authorises us in translating ‘Sauces’85), quibus vulgus mirum in modum delectatur, he says the English would be more healthy if their windows were made so as to shut out noxious winds, and then continues,
“Conferret huc, si vulgo parcior victus persuaderi posset, ac salsamentorum moderatior usus. Tum si publica cura demandaretur Ædilibus, ut viÆ mundiores essent a coeno, mictuque: Curarentur et ea quÆ civitati vicina sint. Jortin’s Life of Erasmus, ed. 1808, iii. 44 (Ep. 432, C. 1815), No. VIII. Erasmus Rot. Francisco. Cardinalis Eboracencis Medico,S.
If it be objected that I have in the foregoing extracts shown the dark side of the picture, and not the bright one, my answer is that the bright one—of the riches and luxury in England—must be familiar to all our members, students (as I assume) of our early books, that the Treatises in this Volume sufficiently show this bright side, and that to me, as foolometer of the Society, this dark side seemed to need showing. But as The Chronicle of May 11, 1867, in its review of Mr Fox Bourne’s English Merchants, seems to think otherwise, Iquote its words, p.155, col.2.
“All the nations of the world, says Matthew of Westminster, were kept warm by the wool of England, made into cloth by the men of Flanders. And while we gave useful clothing to other countries, we received festive garments from them in return. For most of our information on these subjects we are indebted to Matthew Paris, who tells us that when Alexander III. of Scotland was married to Margaret, daughter of Henry III., one thousand English knights appeared at the wedding in cointises of silk, and the next day each knight donned a new robe of another kind. This grand entertainment was fatal to sixty oxen, and cost the then Archbishop of York no less a sum than 4000 marks. Macpherson remarks on this great display of silk as a proof of the wealth of England under the Norman kings, apoint which has not been sufficiently elaborated. In 1242 the streets of London were covered or shaded with silk, for the reception of Richard, the King’s brother, on his return from the Holy Land. Few Englishmen lxviii are aware of the existence of such magnificence at that early period; while every story-book of history gives us the reverse of the picture, telling us of straw-covered floors, scarcity of body linen, and the like. Long after this, in 1367, it is recorded, as a special instance of splendour of costume, that 1000 citizens of Genoa were clothed in silk; and this tale has been repeated from age to age, while the similar display, at an earlier date, in England, has passed unnoticed.”For a notice of the several pieces in the present volume, I refer the reader to the Preface to Russell’s Boke of Nurture, which follows here.
It only remains for me to say that the freshness of my first interest in the poems which I once hoped to re-produce in these Forewords, has become dulled by circumstances and the length of time that the volume has been in the press—it having been set aside (by my desire) for the Ayenbite, &c.;—and that the intervention of other work has prevented my making the collection as complete as I had desired it to be. It is, however, the fullest verse one that has yet appeared on its subject, and will serve as the beginning of the Society’s store of this kind of material.86 If we can do all the English part of the work, and the Master of the Rolls will commission one of his Editors to do the Latin part, we shall then get a fairly complete picture of that Early English Home which, with all its shortcomings, should be dear to every Englishman now.
3, St George’s Square, N.W., 5th June, 1867.
General Preface: Footnotes
1. The first sentence of Aristotle’s Metaphysics is ‘All men by nature are actuated by the desire of knowledge.’ Mr Skeat’s note on l.78 of Partenay, p.228.
2. Lawrens Andrewe. The noble lyfe & natures of man, of bestes, &c. JohÑes Desborrowe. Andewarpe.
3. The woodcuts are Messrs Virtue’s, and have been used in Mr Thomas Wright’s History of Domestic Manners and Customs, &c.
4. If any one thinks it a bore to read these Prefaces, Ican assure him it was a much greater bore to have to hunt up the material for them, and set aside other pressing business for it. But the Boke of Curtasye binding on editors does not allow them to present to their readers a text with no coat and trowsers on. If any Members should take offence at any expressions in this or any future Preface of mine, as a few did at some words in the last I wrote, Iask such Members to consider the first maxim in their Boke of Curtasye, Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Prefaces are gift horses; and if mine buck or shy now and then, Iask their riders to sit steady, and take it easy. On the present one at least they’ll be carried across some fresh country worth seeing.
6. Sir H. Nicolas, in his Glossary to his Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII., p.327, col. 2, says, “No word has been more commented upon than ‘Henchmen’ or Henxmen. Without entering into the controversy, it may be sufficient to state, that in the reign of Henry the Eighth it meant the pages of honour. They were the sons of gentlemen, and in public processions always walked near the monarch’s horse: acorrect idea may be formed of their appearance from the representation of them in one of the pictures in the meeting room of the Society of Antiquarians. It seems from these entries (p.79,* 125, 182, 209, 230, 265) iii that they lodged in the house of Johnson, the master of the king’s barge, and that the rent of it was 40s. per annum. Observations on the word will be found in Spelman’s Etymol., Pegge’s Curialia, from the Liber Niger, Edw. IV., Lodge’s Illustrations, vol. i. p.359, the Northumberland Household Book, Blount’s Glossary.”
The Promptorium has “Heyncemann (henchemanne) Gerolocista, duorum generum, (gerolocista),” and Mr Way in his note says, “The pages of distinguished personages were called henxmen, as Spelman supposes, from Ger. hengst, awar-horse, or according to Bp. Percy, from their place being at the side or haunch of their lord.” See the rest of Mr Way’s note. He is a most provokingly careful editor. If ever you hit on a plum in your wanderings through other books you are sure to find it afterwards in one of Mr Way’s notes when you bethink yourself of turning to the Promptorium.
In Lord Percy’s Household (North. H. Book, p.362) the Henchemen are mentioned next to the Earl’s own sons and their tutor (?) in the list of “Persones that shall attende upon my Lorde at his Borde Daily, ande have no more but his Revercion Except Brede and Drynk.”
My Lordes Secounde Son to serve as Kerver.
My Lordes Thurde Son as Sewer.
A Gentillman that shall attende upon my Lord’s Eldest Son in the rewarde, and appoynted Bicause he shall allwayes be with my Lord’s Sonnes for seynge the Orderynge of them.
My Lordes first Hauneshman to serve as Cupberer to my Lorde.
My Lords ijdeHanshman to serve as Cupberer to my Lady.
See also p.300, p.254, The Hansmen to be at the fyndynge of my Lord, p.47
* p. 79, Item the same daye paied to Johnson the mayster of the kingis barge for the Rent of the house where the henxe men lye xls.
6a. ‘Your Bele Babees are very like the Meninos of the Court of Spain, & Menins of that of France, young nobles brought up with the young Princes.’ H.Reeve. Corrigenda
7. When writing this I had forgotten Warton’s section on the Revival of Learning in England before and at the Reformation, Hist. English Poetry, v. iii. ed. 1840. It should be read by all who take an interest in the subject. Mr Bruce also refers to Kynaston’s Museum MinervÆ. P.S.—Mr Bullein and Mr Watts have since referred me to Henry, who has in each volume of his History of England a regular account of learning in England, the Colleges and Schools founded, and the learned men who flourished, in the period of which each volume treats. Had I seen these earlier I should not have got the following extracts together; but as they are for the most part not in Henry, they will serve as a supplement to him.
8. First of these is Mr Charles H. Pearson, then the Rev. Prof. Brewer, and Mr William Chappell.
10. In the Romance of Blonde of Oxford, Jean of Dammartin is taken into the service of the Earl of Oxford as escuier, esquire. He waits at table on knights, squires, valets, boys and messengers. After table, the ladies keep him to talk French with them.
10a This is not intended to confine the definition of Music as taught at Oxford to its one division of Harmonica, to the exclusion of the others, Rythmica, Metrica, &c. The Arithmetic said to have been studied there in the time of Edmund the Confessor is defined in his Life (MS. about 1310 A.D.) in my E.E. Poems & Lives of Saints, 1862, thus,
Arsmetrike is a lore: Þat of figours al is
& of drau?tes as me draweÞ in poudre: & in numbre iwis.
11. It was in part a principle of Anglo-Saxon society at the earliest period, and attaches itself to that other universal principle of fosterage. ATeuton chieftain always gathered round him a troop of young retainers in his hall who were voluntary servants, and they were, in fact, almost the only servants he would allow to touch his person.T.Wright.
12. Compare Skelton’s account of Wolsey’s treatment of the Nobles, in Why come ye not to Courte (quoted in Ellis’s Letters, v. ii. p.3).
—“Our barons be so bolde,
Into a mouse hole they wold
Runne away and creep
Like a mainy of sheep:
Dare not look out a dur
For drede of the maystife cur,
For drede of the boucher’s dog
“For and this curre do gnarl,
They must stande all afar
To holde up their hand at the bar.
For all their noble bloude,
He pluckes them by the hood
And shakes them by the eare,
And bryngs them in such feare;
He bayteth them lyke a beare,
Like an Ox or a Bul.
Their wittes, he sayth, are dul;
He sayth they have no brayne
Their estate to maintaine:
And make to bowe the knee
Before his Majestie.”
13. Compare also the quotation from Piers Plowman’s Crede, under No. 5, p. xlv, and Palsgrave, 1530 A.D., ‘I mase, Istonysshe, Je bestourne. You mased the boye so sore with beatyng that he coulde not speake a worde.’ See a gross instance of viii cruelty cited from Erasmus’s Letters, by Staunton, in his Great Schools of England, p.179-80.
14. “And therfore do I the more lament that soch [hard] wittes commonlie be either kepte from learning by fond fathers, or bet from learning by lewde scholemasters,” ed. Mayor, p.19. But Ascham reproves parents for paying their masters so badly: “it is pitie, that commonlie more care is had, yea and that emonges verie wise men, to finde out rather a cunnynge man for their horse than a cunnyng man for their children. They say nay in worde, but they do so in deede. For, to the one they will gladlie give a stipend of 200. Crounes by yeare, and loth to offer to the other, 200. shillinges. God, that sitteth in heauen, laugheth their choice to skorne, and rewardeth their liberalitie as it should: for he suffereth them to have tame and well ordered horse, but wilde and unfortunate Children.” Ib. p.20
15-15.SanctÆ memoriÆ Robertum Cognominatum Grodsted dudum Lincolniendem Episcopum, Regi Henrico quasi admirando, cum interrogavit, ubi Noraturam didicit, qu Filios Nobilium Procerum Regni, quos secum habuit Domisellos, instruxerat, cum non de nobili prosapia, sed de simplicibus traxisset Originem, fertur intrepide respondisse, In Domo seu Hospitio Majorum Regum quam sit Rex AngliÆ; Quia Regum, David, Salomonis, & aliorum, vivendi morem didicerat ex Intelligentia scripturarum.
16.Domicellus, Domnicellus, diminutivum a Domnus. Gloss. antiquÆ MSS.: Heriles, Domini minores, quod possumus aliter dicere Domnicelli, Ugutio: Domicelli et Domicellas dicuntur, quando pulchri juvenes magnatum sunt sicut servientes. Sic porro primitus appellabant magnatum, atque adeo Regum filios. Du Cange.
18. How Wolsey broke off the insurance is very well told. Mistress Anne was “sent home again to her father for a season; whereat she smoked”; but she “was revoked unto the Court,” and “after she knew the king’s pleasure and the great love that he bare her in the bottom of his stomach, then she began to look very hault and stout, having all manner of jewels or rich apparel that might be gotten with money” (p.67).
19. Under the heading “Gentylmen of Houshold, viz. Kervers, Sewars, Cupberers, and Gentillmen Waiters” in the North. Household Book, p.40, we find
Item, Gentillmen in Housholde ix, Viz. ij Carvers for my Loords Boorde, and a Servant bitwixt theym both, except thai be at their frendis fyndyng, and than ather of theym to have a Servant.—Two Sewars for my Lordis Boorde, and a Servant bitwixt theym, except they be at their Frendis fyndynge, and than ather of theym to have a Servant.—ij Cupberers for my Lorde and my Lady, and a Servant allowed bitwixt theym, except they be at their Frendis fyndynge, And than ather of theym to have a Servant allowid.
Under the next heading “My Lordis Hansmen at the fyndynge of my Lorde, and Yonge Gentyllmen at there Frendys fyndynge,” is
Item, my Lordis Hansmen iij. Yonge Gentyllmen in Houshold at their Frendis fyndynge ij =v.
21. The exceptions must have been many and marked.
22.Richardi Pacei, invictissimi Regis AngliÆ primarii Secretarii, eiusque apud Elvetios Oratoris, De Fructu qui ex DoctrinÆ percipitur, Liber.
Colophon. Basileae apud Io. Frobenium, mense VIII. bri. an. M.D.XVII.
Restat ut iam tibi explicem, quid me moueat ad libellum hoc titulo conscribendum et publicandum. Quum duobus annis plus minus iam prÆteritis, ex Romana urbe in patriam redijssem, inter-fui cuidam conuiuio multis incognitus. Vbi quum satis fuisset potatum, unus, nescio quis, ex conuiuis, non imprudens, ut ex uerbis uultuque conijcere licuit, coepit mentionem facere de liberis suis bene instituendis. Et primum omnium, bonum prÆceptorem illis sibi quÆrendum, & scholam omnino frequentandam censuit. Aderat forte unus ex his, quos nos generosos uocamus, & qui semper cornu aliquod a tergo pendens gestant, acsi etiam inter prandendum uenarentur. Is audita literarum laude, percitus repentina ira, furibundus prorupit in hÆc uerba. Quid nugaris, inquit, amice? abeant in malam rem istÆ stultÆ literÆ, omnes docti sunt mendici, etiam Erasmus ille doctissimus (ut audio) pauper est, & in quadam sua epistola vocat t?? ?a???at?? pe??a? uxorem suam, id est, execrandam paupertatem, & uehementer conqueritur se son posse illam humeris suis usque in a????tea p??t??, id est, profundum mare excutere. (Corpus dei iuro) uolo filius meus pendeat potius, quam literis studeat. Decet enim generosorum filios, apte inflare cornu, perite uenari, accipitrem pulchre gestare & educare. Studia uero literarum, rusticorum filiis sunt relinquenda. Hic ego cohibere me non potui, quin aliquid homini loquacissimo, in defensionem bonarum literarum, responderem. Non uideris, inquam, mihi bone uir recte sentire, nam si ueniret ad regem aliquis uir exterus, quales sunt principum oratores, & ei dandum esset responsum, filius tuus sic ut tu uis, institutus, inflaret duntaxat cornu, & rusticorum filij docti, ad respondendum nocarentur, ac filio tuo uenatori uel aucupi longe anteponerentur, & sua erudita xiii (usi libertate, tibi in faciem dicerent, Nos malumus docti esse, & per doctrinam non imprudentes, quam stulta gloriari nobilitate. Tum ille hincinde circumspiciens, Quis est iste, inquit, qui hÆc loquitur? hominem non cognosco. Et quum diceretur in aurem ei quisnam essem, nescio quid submissa uoce sibimet susurrans, & stulto usus auditore, illico arripuit uini poculum. Et quum nihil haberet respondendum, coepit bibere, & in alia sermonem transferre. Et sic me liberauit, non Apollo, ut Horatium a garrulo, sed Bacchus a uesani hominis disputatione, quam diutius longe duraturam uehementer timebam.
Professor Brewer gives me the reference.)
23. As to agricultural labourers and their children A.D. 1388-1406, see below, p. xlvi.
24. Readers will find it advisable to verify for themselves some of the statements in this Editor’s notes, &c.
24a. The regular Cathedral school would have existed at St David’s. Corrigenda
25. The foregoing three extracts are sent me by a friend.
26. From a fragment of the Computus Camerarii Abbat. Hidens. in Archiv. Wulves. apud Winton. ut supr. (?Hist. Reg. Angl. edit. Hearne, p.74.)
27. Hist. and Antiq. of Glastonbury. Oxon. 1722, 8vo, p.98.
28. Reyner, Apostolat. Benedict. Tract. 1, sect. ii. p.224. Sanders de Schism. page 176.
30.Lit. humaniores. Latin is still called so in Scotch, and French* (Ithink), universities. J.W. Hales.
* “There are no French universities, though we find every now and then some humbug advertising himself in the Times as possessing a degree of the Paris University. The old Universities belong to the time before the Deluge—that means before the Revolution of 1789. The University of France is the organized whole of the higher and middle institutions of learning, in so far as they are directed by the State, not the clergy. It is an institution more governmental, according to the genius of the country, than our London University, to which, however, its organization bears some resemblance. To speak of it in one breath with Oxford or Aberdeen is to commit the ... error of confounding two things, or placing them on the same line, because they have the same name.” —E.Oswald, in The English Leader, Aug. 10, 1867. Corrigenda
31. (Pace de Fructu, p. 27.) Exigit iam suum musica quoque doctrina locum, ame prÆsertim, quem puerum inter pueros illustravit. Nam Thomas Langton Vyntoniensis episcopus, decessor huius qui nunc [1517 A.D.] uiuit, cui eram a manu minister, quum notasset me longe supra Ætatem (ut ipse nimis fortasse amans mei iudicabat, & dictitabat) in musicis proficere, Huius, inquit, pueri ingenium ad maiora natum est. & paucos post dies in Italiam ad Patauinum gymnasium, quod tunc florentissimum erat, ad bonas literas discendas me misit, annuasque impensas benigne suppeditauit, ut omnibus literatis mirifice fauebat, & Ætate sua alterum Mecenatem agebat, probe memor (ut frequenter dictitabat) sese doctrinÆ causa ad episcopalem dignitatem prouectum. Adeptus enim fuerat per summam laudem, utriusque iuris (ut nunc loquuntur) insignia. Item humaniores literas tanti Æstimabat, ut domestica schola pueros & iuuenes illis erudiendos curarit. Et summopere oblectabatur audire scholasticos dictata interdiu a prÆceptore, sibi nocta reddere. In quo certamine qui prÆclare se gesserat, is aliqua re personÆ suÆ accommodata, donatus abibat, & humanissimis uerbis laudatus. Habebet enim semper in ore ille optimus PrÆsul, uirtutem laudatam crescere.
32. Ascham praises most the practice of double translation, from Latin into English, and then back from English into Latin.—Scholemaster, p.90, 178, ed. Giles.
33. Mr Wm. Chappell gives me the reference, and part of the extract.
34. When did breakfast get its name, and its first notice as a regular meal? Ido not remember having seen the name in the early part of Household Ordinances, or any other work earlier than the Northumberland Household Book.
35. On Musical Education, see the early pages of Mr Chappell’s Popular Music, and the note in ArchÆol., vol. xx, p.60-1, with its references. ‘Music constituted a part of the quadrivium, abranch of their system of education.’
35a. “The first William de Valence married Joan de Monchensi, sister-in-law to one Dionysia, and aunt to another.” The Chronicle, Sept. 21, 1867. Corrigenda
36. Le treytyz ke moun sire Gauter de Bibelesworthe fist À ma dame Dyonisie de Mounchensy, pur aprise de langwage.
37. Later on, the proportions of poor and rich changed, as may be inferred from the extract from Harrison below. In the ‘exact account of the whole number (2920) of Scholars and Students in the University of Oxford taken anno 1612 in the Long Vacation, the Studentes of Christ Church are 100, the Pauperes Scholares et alii Servientes 41; at Magdalene the latter are 76; at New College 18, to 70 Socii; at Brasenose (Æneasense Coll.) the Communarii are 145, and the Pauperes Scholares 17; at Exeter, the latter are 37, to 134 Communarii; at St John’s, 20 to 43; at Lincoln the Communarii are 60, to 27 Batellatores et Pauperes Scholares.’ Collectanea Curiosa, v. i. p.196-203.
38. Was this in return for the raised rents that Ascham so bitterly complains of the new possessors of the monastic lands screwing out of their tenants, and thereby ruining the yeomen? He says to the Duke of Somerset on Nov. 21, 1547 (ed. Giles, i. p.140-1),
Qui auctores sunt tantÆ miseriÆ?... Sunt illi qui hodie passim, in Anglia, prÆdia monasteriorum gravissimis annuis reditibus auxerunt. Hinc omnium rerum exauctum pretium; hi homines expilant totam rempublicam. Villici et coloni universi laborant, parcunt, corradunt, ut istis satisfaciant.... Hinc tot familiÆ dissipatÆ, tot domus collapsÆ.... Hinc, quod omnium miserrimum est, nobile illud decus et robur AngliÆ, nomen, inquam, Yomanorum Anglorum, fractum et collisum est ... Nam vita, quÆ nunc vivitur a plurimis, non vita, sed miseria est.
When will these words cease to be true of our land? They should be burnt into all our hearts.
38a. One of the inquiries ordered by the Articles issued by Archbishop Cranmer, in A.D. 1548, is, “Whether Parsons, Vicars, Clerks, and other beneficed men, having yearly to dispend an hundred pound, do not find, competently, one scholar in the University of Cambridge or Oxford, or some grammar school; and for as many hundred pounds as every of them may dispend, so many scholars likewise to be found [supported] by them; and what be their names that they so find.” Toulmin Smith, The Parish, p.95. Compare also in Church-Wardens Accompts of St Margaret’s, Westminster (ed. Jn. Nichols, p.41).
Item, to Richard Busby, a king’s scholler of Westminster, towards enabling him to proceed master of arts at Oxon, by consent of the vestrie
£6. 13. 4.
Item, to Richard Busby, by consent of the vestry, towards enabling him to proceed bachelor of arts
£5. 0. 0.
Nichols, p.38. See too p. 37. Corrigenda
39. “He placed Æthelweard, his youngest son, who was fond of learning, together with the sons of his nobility, and of many persons of inferior rank, in schools which he had established with great wisdom and foresight, and provided with able masters. In these schools the youth were instructed in reading and writing both the Saxon and Latin languages, and in other liberal arts, before they arrived at sufficient strength of body for hunting, and other manly exercises becoming their rank.” Henry, History of England, vol. ii. pp.354-5 (quoted from Asser).
41. Gervaise of Canterbury says, in his account of Theobald in the Acts of the Archbishops, “quorum primus erat magister Vacarius. Hic in Oxonefordi legem docuit.”
Note deleted in Corrigenda and replaced with following paragraph:
‘The truth is that, in his account of Oxford and its early days, Mr Hallam quotes John of Salisbury, not as asserting that Vacarius taught there, but as making “no mention of Oxford at all”; while he gives for the statement about the law school no authority whatever beyond his general reference throughout to Anthony Wood. But the fact is as historical as a fact can well be, and the authority for it is a passage in one of the best of the contemporary authors, Gervaise of Canterbury. “Tunc leges et causidici in Angliam primo vocati sunt,” he says in his account of Theobald in the Acts of the Archbishops, “quorum primus erat magister Vacarius. Hic in Oxonefordi legem docuit.”’ E.A.F.
41a. Roger Bacon died, perhaps, 11 June, 1292, or in 1294. Book of Dates.Corrigenda
42. This College is said to have been founded in the year 872, by Alfred the Great. It was restored by William of Durham, said to have been Archdeacon of Durham; but respecting whom little authentic information has been preserved, except that he was Rector of Wearmouth in that county, and that he died in 1249, bequeathing a sum of money to provide a permanent endowment for the maintenance of a certain number of “Masters.” The first purchase with this bequest was made in 1253, and the first Statutes are dated 1280.— Oxford Univ. Calendar, 1865, p.167.
43. I refer to the modernized edition published by Charles Knight in two volumes.
44. Other well-born men, in the Ath. Cant., then connected with the University, or supposed to be, were,
Sir Roger Ormston, knight, died. Had been High Steward of the University.
Sir John Mordaunt, High Steward.
George Fitzhugh, 4th son of Henry lord Fitzhugh, admitted B.A.
Robert Leyburn, born of a knightly family, Fellow of Pembroke-hall, and proctor.
John Argentine, of an ancient and knightly family, was elected from Eton to King’s.
Robert Fairfax, of an ancient family in Yorkshire, took the degree of Mus. Doc.
Christopher Baynbrigg, of a good family at Hilton, near Appleby, educated at and Provost of Queen’s, Oxford, incorporated of Cambridge.
Sir Wm. Fyndern, knight, died, and was a benefactor to Clare Hall, in which it is supposed he had been educated.
Robert Rede, of an ancient Northumbrian family, was sometime of Buckingham College, and the Fellow of King’s-hall (?), and was autumn reader at Lincoln’s Inn in 1481.
ab. 1460
Marmaduke Constable, son of Sir Robert Constable, knight, believed to have been educated at Cambridge.
So, Edward Stafford, heir of Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, is also believed to have been educated at Cambridge, because his father was a munificent patron of the University, constantly maintaining, or assisting to maintain, scholars therein.
So, Thomas Howard, son of Sir John Howard, knight, and afterwards Duke of Norfolk, who defeated the Scots at Flodden, is believed, &c.
John Skelton, the poet, probably of an ancient Cumberland family.
Henry Howard, son of Lord Thomas Howard, ultimately Duke of Norfolk. Nothing is known as to the place of his education. If it were either of the English Universities, the presumption is in favour of Cambridge.
The only tradesman’s son mentioned is,
Sir Richard Empson, son of Peter Empson, a sieve-maker, High-Steward.
45. Whitgift himself, born 1530, was educated at St. Anthony’s school, then sent back to his father in the country, and sent up to Cambridge in 1548 or 1549.
47. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, son and heir of Thomas Duke of Norfolk, ‘was for a time student in Cardinal Coll. as the constant tradition has been among us.’ p.153, col.1.
48. Andrew Borde, who writes himself Andreas Perforatus, was born, as it seems, at Pevensey, commonly called Pensey [now Pemsey], in Sussex, and not unlikely educated in Wykeham’s school near to Winchester, brought up at Oxford (as he saith in his Introduction to Knowledge, cap. 35), p.170, col. 2, and note.
49. See Mat. Paris, p. 665, though he speaks there chiefly of monks* beyond sea.
* As appears from Wood’s Fasti Oxon.
The following names of Oxford men educated at monkish or friars’ schools, or of their bodies, occur in the first volume of Wood’s AthenÆ Oxon., ed. Bliss:
p. 6, col. 2.
William Beeth, educated among the Dominicans or Black Friers from his youth, and afterwards their provincial master or chief governor.
p. 7, col. 2.
Richard Bardney, a Benedictine of Lincolnshire.
p. 11, col. 2.
John Sowle, a Carme of London.
p. 14, col. 1.
William Galeon, an Austin friar of Lynn Regis.
p. 18, col. 2.
Henry Bradshaw, one of the Benedictine monks of St Werberg’s, Chester.
p. 19, col. 1.
John Harley, of the order of the Preaching or Dominican, commonly called Black, Friars
xxxvi p. 54, col. 2.
Thomas Spenser, a Carthusian at Henton in Somersetshire; ‘whence for a time he receded to Oxford (as several of his order did) to improve himself, or to pass a course, in theology.’
p. 94, col. 2.
John Kynton, a Minorite or Grey-friar
p. 101, col. 1.
John Rycks, „ „
p. 107, col. 1.
John Forest, a Franciscan of Greenwich.
p. 189, col. 1.
John Griffen, a Cistercian.
p. 278, col. 2.
Cardinal Pole, educated among the Carthusians, and Carmelites or ‘White-fryers.’
p. 363, col. 2.
William Barlowe, an Austin of St Osith in Essex.
p. 630, col. 2.
Henry Walpoole and Richard Walpoole, Jesuits.
The 5th Lord Percy, he of the Household Book, in the year 1520 founded an annual stipend of 10 marcs for 3 years, for a Pedagogus sive Magister, docens ac legens Grammaticam et Philosophiam canonicis et fratribus of the monastery of Alnwick (Warton, ii. 492).
50. It was customary then at Oxford for the Religious to have schools that bore the name of their respective orders; as the Augustine, Benedictine, Carmelite, and Franciscan schools; and there were schools also appropriated to the benefit of particular Religious houses, as the Dorchester and Eynsham schools, &c. The monks of Gloucester had Gloucester convent, and the novices of Pershore an apartment in the same house. So likewise the young monks of Canterbury, Westminster, Durham, St Albans, &c. Kennet’s Paroch. Antiq., p.214. So also Leland saith, Itin. vol. vi. p.28, that at Stamford the names of Peterborough Hall, Semplingham, and Vauldey yet remain, as places whither the Religious of those houses sent their scholars to study. Tanner, Notitia Monastica, Preface, p. xxvi. note w.
51. The abuse was of far earlier date than this. Compare Mr Halliwell’s quotation in his ‘Merton Statutes,’ from his edition of ‘the Poems of John Awdelay, the blind poet of Haghmon Monastery in the 14th century,’
Now ?if a pore mon set hys son to Oxford to scole,
Bothe the fader and the moder hyndryd they schal be;
And ?if ther falle a benefyse, hit schal be ?if a fole,
To a clerke of a kechyn, ore into the chauncerÉ . .
Clerkys that han cunyng,
. . thai mai get no vaunsyng
Without symony.
52. Compare Chaucer: ‘wherfore, as seith Senek, ther is nothing more covenable to a man of heigh estate than debonairtÉ and pitÉ; and therfore thise flies than men clepen bees, whan thay make here king, they chesen oon that hath no pricke wherwith he may stynge.’—Persones Tale, Poet. Works, ed. Morris, iii. 301.
53. Ascham complains of the harm that rich men’s sons did in his time at Cambridge. Writing to Archbp. Cranmer in 1545, he complains of two gravissima xxxviii impedimenta to their course of study: (1.) that so few old men will stop up to encourage study by their example; (2.) “quod illi fere omnes qui hue Cantabrigiam confluunt, pueri sunt, divitumque filii, et hi etiam qui nunquam inducunt animum suum, ut abundanti aliqua perfectaque eruditione perpoliantur, sed ut ad alia reipublicÆ munera obeunda levi aliqua et inchoata cognitione paratiores efficiantur. Et hic singularis quÆdam injuria bifariam academiÆ intentata est; vel quia hoc modo omnis expletÆ absolutÆque doctrinÆ spes longe ante messem, in ipsa quasi herbescenti viriditate, prÆciditur; vel quia omnis pauperum inopumque expectatio, quorum Ætates omnes in literarum studio conteruntur, ab his fucis eorum sedes occupantibus, exclusa illusaque prÆripitur. Ingenium, enim, doctrina, inopia judicium, nil quicquam domi valent, ubi gratia, favor, magnatum literÆ, et aliÆ persimiles extraordinariÆ illegitimÆque rationes vim foris adferunt. Hinc quoque illud accedit incommodum, quod quidam prudentes viri nimis Ægre ferunt partem aliquam regiÆ pecuniÆ in collegiorum socios inpartiri; quasi illi non maxime indigeant, aut quasi ulla spes perfectÆ eruditionis in ullis aliis residere potest, quam in his, qui in perpetuo literarum studio perpetuum vitÆ suÆ tabernaculum collocarunt.” Ed. Giles, i. p.69-70. See also p.121-2.
54.Antea enim Cornelius Vitellius, homo Italus Corneli, quod est maritimum HetruriÆ Oppidum, natus nobili Prosapia, vir optimus gratiosusque, omnium primus Oxonii bonas literas docuerat. [Pol. Verg. lib. xxvi.]
55.Ante annos ferme triginta, nihil tradebatur in schola Cantabrigiensi, prÆter Alexandri Parva Logicalia, ut vocant, & vetera illa Aristotelis dictata, Scoticasque QuÆstiones. Progressu temporis accesserunt bonÆ literÆ; accessit Matheseos Cognitio; accessit novus, aut certe novatus, Aristoteles; accessit GrÆcarum literarum peritia; accesserunt Autores tam multi, quorum olim ne nomina quidem tenebantur, &c. [Erasmi Epist. Henrico Bovillo, Dat. RoffÆ Cal. Sept. 1516.]
56. Sir John Fortescue’s description of the study of law at Westminster and in the Inns of Chancery is in chapters 48-9 of his De laudibus legum AngliÆ.
A. Wood, Antiq. Oxon., p. 55, in Henry’s Hist. of Eng., vol. iii. p.440-1.
59. That Colet used his travels abroad, A.D. 1493-7, for a different purpose, see his life by Dr Knight, pp.23-4.
60. Fuller, book vi. p. 297. Collier, vol. ii. p.165. Stillingfleet’s Orig. Britan. p.206. Bishop Lloyd of Church Government, p.160. This was provided for as early as A.D. 747, by the seventh canon of council of Clovesho, as Wilkins’s Councils, vol. i. p.95. See also the notes upon that canon, in Johnson’s Collection of canons, &c. In Tavistock abbey there was a Saxon school, as Willis, i. 171. Tanner. (Charlemagne in his Capitularies ordained that each Monastery should maintain a School, where should be taught ‘la grammaire, le calcule, et la musique.’ See DÉmogeot’s Histoire de la LittÉrature FranÇaise, p.44, ed. Hachette. R.Whiston.) Henry says “these teachers of the cathedral schools were called The scholastics of the diocess; and all the youth in it who were designed for the church, were intitled to the benefit of their instructions.* Thus, for example, William de Monte, who had been a professor at Paris, and taught theology with so much reputation in the reign of Henry II., at Lincoln, was the scholastic of that cathedral. By the eighteenth canon of the third general council of Lateran, A.D. 1179, it was decreed, That such scholastics should be settled in all cathedrals, with sufficient revenues for their support; and that they should have authority to superintend all the schoolmasters of the diocess, and grant them licences, without which none should presume to teach. The laborious authors of the literary history of France have collected a very distinct account of the scholastics who presided in the principal cathedral-schools of that kingdom in the twelfth century, among whom we meet with many of the most illustrious names for learning of that age.... The sciences that were taught in these cathedral schools were such as were most necessary to qualify their pupils for performing the duties of the sacerdotal office, as Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Theology, and Church-Music.” —Ibid. p.442.
* Du Cange, Gloss. voc. Scholasticus.
61. Fuller and Collier, as before; Bishop Burnet (Reform, vol. i. p... ) saith so of Godstow. Archbishop Greenfield ordered that young gentlewomen who came to the nunneries either for piety or breeding, should wear white veils, to distinguish them from the professed, who wore black ones, 11 Kal. Jul. anno pontif.6. M. Hutton. ex registr. ejus, p.207. In the accounts of the cellaress of Carhow, near Norwich, there is an account of what was received “pro prehendationibus,” or the board of young ladies and their servants for education “rec. de domina Margeria Wederly prehendinat, ibidem xi. septimanas xiii s. iv d. ... pro mensa unius famulÆ dictÆ MargeriÆ per iii. septimanas viii d. per sept.” &c. Tanner.
62. Morley’s English Writers, vol. ii. Pt. I. p.421.
63. Edited by Mr Halliwell in his ‘Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate.’ Percy Society, 1840, quoted by Prof. Morley.
63a. ‘Fitz-Stephen says on the parents of St Thomas, “Neque foenerantibus neque officiose negotiantibus, sed de redditibus suis honorifice viventibus.”’ E.A.F. Corrigenda
64. Mr Skeat’s readings. The abbot and abbots of Mr Wright’s text spoil the alliteration.
65. Compare the previous passages under heading 1,
66. May Mr Skeat bring the day when it will be done!
67. Later on, men’s games were settled for them as well as their trades. In A.D. 1541, the 33 Hen. VIII., cap.9, §xvi., says,
“Be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no manner of Artificer or Craftsman of any Handicraft or Occupation, Husbandman, Apprentice, Labourer, Servant at Husbandry, Journeyman or Servant of Artificer, Mariners, Fishermen, Watermen or any Serving man, shall from the said feast of the Nativity of St John Baptist play at the Tables, Tennis, Dice, Cards, Bowls, Clash, Coyting, Logating, or any other unlawful Game out of Christmas, under the Pain of xxs. to be forfeit for every Time; (2)and in Christmas to play at any of the said Games in their Master’s Houses, or in their Master’s Presence; (3)and also that no manner of persons shall at any time play at any Bowl or Bowls in open places out of his Garden or Orchard, upon the Pain for every Time so offending to forfeit vis. viiiid.” (For Logating, &c., see Strutt.)
68. Translated from the Latin copy in the British Museum, MS. Harl. 1197, art. 15, folio 319b.
69. Duodecim pauperes de sumptibus dictÆ EcclesiÆ alendi.
70. Duo unus PincernÆ, et unus subpincerna, duo unus cociquus, et unus subcoquus. Sic inMS
71. MS. No. 688 in Lambeth Library. MS. Harl. cod. 1594, art. 38, in Brit. Mus.
Metrical Visions [Wolsey.] by George Cavendish, in his Life of Wolsey, (ed. Singer, ii. 17). Wolsey’s Letter of Directions about his school should be consulted. It is printed.
73. Colet’s Statutes for St Paul’s School are given in Howard Staunton’s Great Schools of England, p.179-85.
74. ‘That there was a school at Rochester before Henry VIII.’s time is proved by our Statutes, which speak of the Schola Grammaticalis as being ruinosa & admodum deformis.’R. Whiston.
75. Pegge concludes these to have been St Paul’s, Bow, and Martin’s le Grand.
76. The custom of boys bringing cocks to masters has left a trace at Sedburgh, where the boys pay a sum every year on a particular day (Shrove-Tuesday?) as “cock-penny.” Quick.
77. On the London Schools, see also Sir George Buc’s short cap. 36, “Moore of lvi other Schooles in London,” in his Third Vniuersitie of England (t.i. London). He notices the old schools of the monasteries, &c., ‘in whose stead there be some few founded lately by good men, as the Merchant Taylors, and Thomas Sutton, founder of the great new Hospitall in the Charter house, [who] hath translated the Tenis court to a Grammar Schoole ... for 30 schollers, poore mens children.... There be also other Triuiall Schooles for the bringing up of youth in good literature, viz., in S.Magnus, in S.Michaels, in S.Thomas, and others.’
78. Udall became Master of Eton about 1534. He was sent to prison for sodomy.
79. The perversion of these elections by bribery is noticed by Harrison in the former extract from him on the Universities.
80. See p. 273-4, ‘all of a fourme to name who is the best of their fourme, and who is the best next him’.
81. ? key of the Campo, see pp. 299 and 300, or a club, the holder of which had a right to go out.
82. See Mr Froude’s noble article in The Westminster Review, No.3, July, 1852 (lately republished by him in a collection of Essays, &c.).
83. Their eyes must have smarted. The natives’ houses in India have (generally) no chimneys still, and Mr Moreshwar says the smoke does make your eyes water.
“In the first beginning whilest man was in his innocency, and free from wickednesse, he was subject to no corruption and filth, but when he was seduced by the wickednesse of that great and cunning deceiver, and proudly affected to know as much as God knew, God humbled him with divers diseases, and divers sorts of Worms, with Lice, Hand-worms, Belly-worms, others call Termites, small Nits and Acares ... aLowse ... is a beastly Creature, and known better in Innes and Armies then it is wellcome. The profit it bringeth, Achilles sheweth, IliadI. in these words: Imake no more of him then I doe of a Lowse; as we have an English Proverb of a poor man, He is not worth a Lowse. The Lice that trouble men are either tame or wilde ones, those the English call Lice, and these Crab-lice; the North English call them Pert-lice, that is, apetulant Lowse comprehending both kindes; it is a certain sign of misery, and is sometimes the inevitable scourge of lxv God.” Rowland’s Mouffet’s Theater of Insects, p.1090, ed. 1658 (published in Latin, 1634). By this date we had improved. Mouffet says, “These filthy creatures ... are hated more than Dogs or Vipers by our daintiest Dames,” ib. p.1093; and again, p.1097, “Cardan, that was a fancier of subtilties, writes that the Carthusians are never vexed with Wall-lice, and he gives the cause, because they eat no flesh.... He should rather have alledged their cleanliness, and the frequent washing of their beds and blankets, to be the cause of it, which when the French, the Dutch, and Italians do less regard, they more breed this plague. But the English that take great care to be cleanly and decent, are seldom troubled with them.” Also, on p.1092, he says, ‘As for dressing the body: all Ireland is noted for this, that it swarms almost with Lice. But that this proceeds from the beastliness of the people, and want of cleanly women to wash them is manifest, because the English that are more careful to dress themselves, changing and washing their shirts often, having inhabited so long in Ireland, have escaped that plague.... Remedies. The Irish and Iseland people (who are frequently troubled with Lice, and such as will fly, as they say, in Summer) anoint their shirts with Saffron, and to very good purpose, to drive away the Lice, but after six moneths they wash their shirts again, putting fresh Saffron into the Lye.’ Rowland’s Mouffet (1634), Theater of Insects, p.1092, ed. 1658.
85. Prof. Brewer says that Erasmus, rejecting the MediÆval Latin and adopting the Classical, no doubt used salsamenta in its classical sense of salt-meat, and referred to the great quantity of it used in England during the winter, when no fresh meat was eaten, but only that which had been killed at the annual autumn slaughtering, and then salted down. Stall-fattening not being practised, the autumn was the time for fat cattle. Salsamentum, however, is translated in White and Riddle’s Dictionary, “A.Fish-pickle, brine; B.Salted or pickled fish (so usually in plural).”
86. If any member or reader can refer me to any other verse or prose pieces of like kind, unprinted, or that deserve reprinting, Ishall be much obliged to him, and will try to put them in type.
The Notes were printed near the end of the volume, immediately before the Index. They have been moved here for convenience.
p. 188, l. 377-8, Statut. The only Statute about horse-hire that I can find, is 20 Ric. II. cap.5, A.D. 1396-7, given below. Isuppose the Foure pens of l.376 of the Boke of Curtasye was the price fixed by “the kyngis crye” or Proclamation, l.378, or by the sheriff or magistrates in accordance with it as the “due Agreement to the party” required by the Statute.
“Item. Forasmuch as the Commons have made Complaint, that many great Mischiefs Extortions & Oppressions be done by divers people of evil Condition, which of their own Authority take & cause to be taken royally Horses and other Things, and Beasts out of their Wains Carts and Houses, saying & devising that they be to ride on hasty Messages & Business, where of Truth they be in no wise privy of any Business or Message, but only in Deceit & Subtilty, by such Colour and Device to take Horses, and the said Horses hastily to ride & evil entreat, having no Manner of Conscience or Compassion in this Behalf, so that the said Horses become all spoiled and foundered, paying no manner of Thing nor penny for the same, nor giving them any manner of sustenance; and also that some such manner of people, changing & altering their Names, do take and ride such Horses, and carry them far from thence to another Place, so that they to whom they belong, can never after by any mean see, have again, nor know their said Horses where they be, to the great Mischief Loss Impoverishment & Hindrance of the King’s poor People, their Husbandry, and of their Living: Our Lord the King willing, for the Quietness and Ease of his People, to provide Remedy thereof, will & hath ordained, That none from henceforth shall take any such Horse or Beast in Such Manner, against the Consent of them to whom they be; and if any that do, and have no sufficient Warrant nor Authority of the King, he shall be taken and imprisoned till he hath made due Agreement to the Party.”
That this seizing of horses for the pretended use of the king was no fancied grievance, even in much later times, is testified by Roger Ascham’s letter to Lord Chancellor Wriothesley (?in 1546A.D.) complaining of an audacious seizure of the horse of the invalid Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, on the plea that it was to carry the king’s fish, whereas the seizer’s own servant was the nag’s real burden: “tentatum est per hominem apud nos valde turbulentum, nomine Maxwellum.” Ascham’s Works, ed. Giles, v.1, p.99. In vols. ix., x., and xi. of Rymer, Ifind no Proclamation or Edict about horse-hire. In 1413 Henry V.’s Herbergeator is to provide 284 Henry le Scrop, knight, with all that he wants “Proviso semper quÒd idem Henricus pro hujusmodi Foenis, Equis, Carectis, Cariagiis, & aliis necessariis, per se, seu Homines & Servientes suos prÆdictos, ibidem capiendis, fideliter solvat & satisfaciat, ut est justum.” Rymer, ix.13.
The general rule shown by the documents in Rymer is that reasonable payments be made.
De Equis pro Cariagio Gunnorum Regis capiendis.
A.D. 1413 (1 Sept.), An. 1. Hen. V. Pat. 1, Hen. V. p.3, m.19. Rex, Dilectis sibi, Johanni Sprong, Armigero, & Johanni Louth Clerico, Salutem.
Sciatis quod Assignavimus vos, conjunctim & divisim, ad tot Equos, Boves, Plaustra, & Carectas, quot pro Cariagio certorum Gunnorum nostrorum, ac aliarum Rerum pro eisdem Gunnis necessarium, a Villa BristolliÆ usque Civitatem nostram LondoniÆ, indiguerint, tÀm infra Libertates, quÀm extea (Feodo EcclesiÆ dumtaxat excepto) pro Denariis nostris, in hac parte rationabiliter solvendis Capiendum & Providendum. Rymer, ix. p.49.
So in 1417 the order to have six wings plucked from the wing of every goose (except those commonly called Brodoges—? brood geese—) to make arrows for our archers, says that the feathers are rationabiliter solvendis. See also p.653.
p.188, l.358. The stuarde and his stafe. Cp. Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey (ed. Singer, i.34), “he had in his hall, daily, three especial tables furnished with three principal officers; that is to say, a Steward, which was always a dean or a priest; a Treasurer, a knight; and a Comptroller, an esquire; which bare always within his house their white staves.
“Then had he a cofferer, three marshals, two yeomen ushers, two grooms, and an almoner. He had in the hall-kitchen two clerks of his kitchen, aclerk comptroller, a surveyor of the dresser, a clerk of his spicery.” See the rest of Wolsey’s household officers, p.34-9.
p.190, l.409. Ale. See in Notes on the Months, p.418, the Song “Bryng us in good ale,” copied from the MS. song-book of an Ipswich Minstrel of the 15th century, read by Mr Thomas Wright before the British ArchÆological Association, August, 1864, and afterwards published in The Gentleman’s Magazine. P.S.—The song was first printed complete in Mr Wright’s edition of Songs & Carols for the Percy Society, 1847, p.63. He gives Ritson’s incomplete copy from Harl. MS. 541, at p.102.
Bryng us in good ale, and bryng us in good ale;
For owr blyssyd lady sak, bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no browne bred, fore that is made of brane,
Nor bryng us in no whyt bred, for therin is no game;
But bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no befe, for there is many bonys;
But bryng us in good ale, for that goth downe at onys,
And bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no bacon, for that is passing fate;
But bryng us in good ale, and gyfe us i-nought of that,
And bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no mutton, for that is often lene,
Nor bryng us in no trypes, for thei be syldom clene;
But bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no eggys, for ther ar many schelles;
But bryng us in good ale, and gyfe us no[th]yng ellys,
And bryng us in good ale.
Bryng vs in no butter, for therin ar many herys
Nor bryng us in no pygges flesch, for that will make us borys;
But bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no podynges, for therin is al Godes-good;
Nor bryng us in no venesen, for that is not for owr blood;
But bryng us in good ale.
Bryng us in no capons flesch, for that is ofte der;
Nor bryng us in no dokes flesche, for thei slober in the mer;
But bryng us in good ale.
See also the other ale song at p.81 of the same volume, with the burden
Doll thi ale, doll; doll thi ale, doll;
Ale mak many a mane to have a doty poll.
p.191, l.435, Gromes. “the said four groomes, or two of them at the least, shall repaire and be in the King’s privy chamber, at the farthest between six and seven of the clock in the morning, or sooner, as they shall have knowledge that the King’s highnesse intendeth to be up early in the morning; which groomes so comen to the said chamber, shall not onely avoyde the pallets, but also make ready the fire, dresse and straw the chamber, purgeing and makeing cleane of the same of all manner of filthynesse, in such manner and wise as the King’s highnesse, at his upriseing and comeing thereunto, may finde the said chamber pure, cleane, whollsome, and meete, without any displeasant aire or thing, as the health, commodity, and pleasure of his most noble person doth require.” Household Ordinances, p.155, cap.56, A.D. 1526.
The Boke of / Demeanor / and / the Allowance and / Disallowance / of / certaine Misdemeanors / in / Companie,
[From the reprint by Bensley & Sons (in 1817) of “The Booke of Demeanor from Small Poems entitled The Schoole of Vertue by Richard Weste,” 1619, 12mo.]
To the Reader.
Ightly conceiue me, and obserue me well,
Doe what heere is done for Childrens good,
Hrist in his Gospell (as S. Marke doth tell)
Ath not forbidden Children, nor withstood
Ny that should but aske the ready way,
Egarding Children, not to say them nay.
Irecting all that came, how faith should be,
Hat they should crave of Gods high Majestie,
Ven Salvation, through their faithful Prayer,
Ending their contemplations into the ayre,
O his high throne, whose love so guide us all
Ven to the end we neuer cease to call.
[N.B.—The stops and sidenotes are those of the original, but that has no Headlines.]
The Booke of Demeanor.
Serving at the table.
Stand straight vpright, and both thy feet
together closely standing,
Be sure on’t, ever let thine eye
be still at thy commanding.
Observe that nothing wanting be
which should be on the bord.
Vnlesse a question moved be,
be carefull: not a word.
Serving or filling drinke.
If thou doe give or fill the drinke,
with duty set it downe,
And take it backe with manlike cheere
not like a rusticke Lowne.
[p. 6.]If on an errand.
If on an errand thou be sent,
make haste and doe not stay,
When all have done, observe the time,
serve God and take away.
To schoole againe.
When thou hast done and dined well,
remember thou repaire
To schoole againe with carefulnesse,
be that thy cheefest care.
And marke what shall be read to thee,
or given thee to learne,
That apprehend as neere as may be,
wisdome so doth warne.
With stedfast eye and carefull eare,
remember every word
Thy Schoole master shall speake to thee,
as memory shall afford.
[p. 7.]To use the browes.
Let not thy browes be backward drawn,
it is a signe of pride,
Exalt them not, it shewes a hart
most arrogant beside.
The eyes.
Nor let thine eyes be gloting downe,
cast with a hanging looke:
For that to dreamers doth belong,
that goodnesse cannot brooke.
The forehead.
Let forehead joyfull be and full,
it shewes a merry part,
And cheerefulnesse in countenance,
and pleasantnesse of heart.
Nor wrinckled let thy countenance be,
still going to and fro:
For that belongs to hedge-hogs right,
they wallow even so.
[p. 8.]The nose.
Nor imitate with Socrates,
to wipe thy snivelled nose
Vpon thy cap, as he would doe,
nor yet upon thy clothes.
But keepe it cleane with handkerchiffe,
provided for the same,
Not with thy fingers or thy sleeve,
therein thou art too blame.
Blowing or breathing.
Blow not alowd as thou shalt stand,
for that is most absurd,
Iust like a broken winded horse.
it is to be abhord.
Snuffling in the nose when you speake.
Nor practize snufflngly to speake,
for that doth imitate
The brutish Storke and Elephant,
yea and the wralling cat.
[p. 9.]Neezing.
If thou of force doe chance to neeze,
then backewards turne away
From presence of the company,
wherein thou art to stay.
The Cheekes.
Thy cheekes with shamefac’t modesty,
dipt in Dame Natures die,
Not counterfet, nor puffed out,
observe it carefully.
Keepe close thy mouth, for why, thy breath
may hap to give offence,
And other worse may be repayd
for further recompence.
Nor put thy lips out like a foole
as thou wouldst kisse a horse,
When thou before thy betters art,
and what is ten times worse,
[p. 10.]Yawning.
To gape in such unseemely sort,
with ugly gaping mouth,
Is like an image pictured
a blowing from the south.
Which to avoyd, then turne about,
and with a napkin hide
That gaping foule deformity,
when thou art so aside.
To laugh at all things thou shalt heare,
is neither good nor fit,
It shewes the property and forme
of one with little wit.
Biting the lip.
To bite the lip it seemeth base,
for why, to lay it open,
Most base dissembling doggednesse,
most sure it doth betoken.
[p. 1.]Biting the upper lip.
And so to bite the upper lip
doth most uncomely shew,
The lips set close (as like to kisse)
in manner seeme not so.
The tongue.
To put the tongue out wantonly,
and draw it in agen,
Betokens mocking of thy selfe,
in all the eyes of men,
If spitting chance to move thee so
thou canst it not forbeare,
Remember do it modestly,
consider who is there.
If filthiness, or ordure thou
upon the floore doe cast,
Tread out, and cleanse it with thy foot,
let that be done with haste.
[p. 12.]Hammering in speech.
If in thy tale thou hammering stand,
or coughing twixt thy words,
It doth betoken a liers smell,
that’s all that it affords.
To belch or bulch like Clitipho,
whom Terence setteth forth,
Commendeth manners to be base,
most foule and nothing worth.
If thou to vomit be constrain’d,
avoyd from company:
So shall it better be excus’d,
if not through gluttony.
Keeping the teeth cleane.
Keep white thy teeth, and wash thy mouth
with water pure and cleane,
And in that washing, mannerly
observe and keep a meane.
[p. 13.]Kembing the head.
Thy head let that be kembd and trimd,
let not thy haire be long,
It is unseemely to the eye,
rebuked by the tongue.
Hanging down the head
And be not like a slothfull wight,
delighted to hang downe
The head, and lift the shoulders up,
nor with thy browes to frowne.
Carriage of the body.
To carry up the body faire,
is decent, and doth shew
A comely grace in any one,
Where ever he doth goe.
Hanging the head aside.
To hang the head on any side,
doth shew hypocrisie:
And who shall use it trust him not,
he deales with policie.
[p. 14.]Privy members.
Let not thy privy members be
layd open to be view’d,
It is most shamefull and abhord,
detestable and rude.
214Urine or winde.
Retaine not urine nor the winde,
which doth thy body vex,
So it be done with secresie,
let that not thee perplex.
And in thy sitting use a meane,
as may become thee well,
Not straddling, no nor tottering,
and dangling like a bell.
Observe in Curtesie to take
a rule of decent kinde,
Bend not thy body too far foorth,
nor backe thy leg behind.
[p. 15.]The gate in going.
In going keep a decent gate,
not faining lame or broken,
For that doth seeme but wantonnesse,
and foolishnesse betoken.
Let thy apparrell not exceede,
to passe for sumptuous cost,
Nor altogether be too base,
for so thy credit’s lost.
Be modest in thy wearing it,
and keep it neat and cleane,
For spotted, dirty, or the like,
is lothsome to be seene.
This for thy body may suffice,
how that must ordred be:
Now at the Church thou shalt observe
to God how all must be.
[No doubt incomplete, or to be inserted before Cap. v. of Weste’s Schoole of Vertue, at the end of this Part. F.J.F.]
Bp. Grossetest’s Household Statutes.
[Sloane MS. 1986, p. 193, ab. 1450-60. The last page mentions the 19th year of Henry VI.,A.D. 1440-1.]
INcipiunt statuta familie bone Memorie dompni Roberti Grossetest, lincolnie episcopi.
Let alle men be warned Þat seruen ?ou, and warnyng be ?eue to alle men that be of howseholde, All servants should serve truly God and their Master; to serue god and ?ou trewly & diligently and to performyng, or the wyllyng of god to be performed and fulfyllydde. primus uersiculusdoing fully all that their Master orders,Fyrst let seruauntis doo perfytely in alle thyngis youre wylle, and kepe they ?oure commaundementis after god and ry?thwysnesse, and with-oute condicioÑ and also with-oute gref or offense. And sey ?e, that be principalle heuede or prelate to alle ?oure seruauntis bothe lesse and more, that they doo fully, reedyly, and treuly, without answering. with-oute offense or ayenseyng, alle youre wille & commaundement that is not ayeynys god. 2us T*the secunde ys, that ?e commaunde them that kepe and haue kepyng of ?oure howseholde, The upper servants must be honest and diligent, a-fore ?oure meynye, that bothe with-in and with-oute the meynye be trewe, honest, diligent, bothe chast and profitabulle. 3us¶the thrydde: commaunde ye that nomaÑ be admittyd in ?oure howseholde, nother inwarde nother vtwarde, and engage no untrusty or unfit man. but hit be trustyd and leuyd that ?e be trewe and diligent, and namely to that office to the whiche he is admyttyd; Also Þat he be of goode maners iv. ¶The fowrethe: be hit sow?ht and examined ofte tymys yf ther be ony vntrewman, vnkunnyng, Dishonest, vnhonest, lecherous, 216quarrelsome, and drunken servants must be turned out. stryffulle, [* p. 194] drunke*lewe, vnprofitabulle, yf there be ony suche yfunde or diffamydde vppon these thyngis, that they be caste oute or put fro the howseholde. v. All must be of one accord, ¶The fyft: commaunde ?e that in no wyse be in the howseholde men debatefulle or stryffulle, but that alle be of ooÑ a-corde, of ooÑ wylle, euen lyke as in them ys oon mynde and oon sowle. vi. ¶The sixte: commaunde ?e that alle tho that seruen in ony offyce be obedient to those above them, obedient, and redy, to them that be a-bofe them in thyngis that perteynyÑ to there office. vii. ¶The seuenthe: commaunde ?e that ?oure gentilmen yomen and other, dayly bere and dress in livery, were there robis in ?oure presence, and namely at the mete, for ?oure worshyppe, and not oolde robis and not cordyng to the lyuerey, and not wear old shoes. nother were they oolde schoon ne fylyd. viii. ¶The viij: Order your Alms to be Commaunde ?e that ?oure almys be kepyd, & not sende not to boys and knafis, nother in the halle nothe oute of Þe halle, ne be wasted in soperys ne dyners of gromys, but wysely, temperatly, with-oute bate or betyng, given to the poor and sick. be hit distribute and the[n] departyd to powre meÑ, beggers, syke folke and febulle. ix. Make all the household dine together in the Hall. ¶The ix.: Make ?e ?oure owne howseholde to sytte in the alle, as muche as ye mow or may, at the bordis of oon parte and of the other parte, and lette them sitte to-gedur as mony as may, not here fowre and thre there: and when youre chef maynye be sett, then alle gromys [* p. 195] may* entre, sitte, And ryse x. Let no woman dine with you.wyfe] MS. wyse ¶The x.: Streytly for-bede ?e that no wyfe be at ?oure mete. And sytte ?e euer in the myddul of the hye borde, Let the Master show himself to all. that youre fysegge and chere be schewyd to alle meÑ of bothe partyes, and that ?e may see ly?htly the seruicis and defawtis: and diligently see ?e that euery day in ?oure mete seson be two men ordeyned to ouer-se youre mayny, and of that they shalle drede ?ou xi. ¶The xi: commaunde ?e, and yeue licence as lytul tyme as ye may with honeste to them that be in ?oure howseholde, Let your servants go to their homes. to go home. And whenne ?e yeue licence 217 to them, Assigne ?e to them a short day of comyng a yeyne vndur peyne of lesyng there seruice. Don’t allow grumbling. And yf ony maÑ speke ayen or be worthe] t.i. wrothworthe, say to hym, “what! wille ye be lorde? ye wylle Þat y serue you after ?oure wylle.” and they that wylle not here that ?e say, effectually be they ywarnyd, and ye shalle prouide other seruantis the whiche shalle serue you to youre wylle or plesyng. xii. Tell your Panter and Butler to come to the table before grace. ¶The xij is: command the panytrere with youre brede, & the botelare with wyne and ale, come to-gedur afore ?ou at the tabulle afore gracys, Tell off three yeomen to wait at table. And let be there thre yomen assigned to serue the hye tabulle and the two syde tabullis in solenne dayes; ¶And ley they not the vessels deseruyng for ale and wyne vppon the [* p. 196] tabulle,* but afore you, But be thay layid vnder Þe tabulle. xiii. ¶The 13: Tell the Steward to keep good order in the Hall, commaunde ye the stywarde Þat he be besy and diligent to kepe the maynye in hys owne persone inwarde and vtwarde, and namely in the halle and at mete, that they be-haue them selfe honestly, with-out stryffe, fowlespekyng, and noyse; And that they that be ordeynyd to sette messys, and serve every one fairly. bryng them be ordre and continuelly tyl alle be serued, and not inordinatly, And thorow affeccion] MS. affeccioriaffeccion to personys or by specialte; And take ?e hede to this tyl messys be fully sett in the halle, and after tende ye to ?oure mette. xiv. Have your dish well filled ¶The xiiij: commaunde ?e Þat youre dysshe be welle fyllyd and hepid, and namely of entermes, and of pitance with-oute fat, that you may help others to it. carkyng that ?e may parte coureteysly to thoo that sitte beside, bothe of the ryght hande and the left, thorow alle the hie tabulle, and to other as plesythe you, thow?ght they haue of the same that ye haue. At the soper be seruantis seruid of oon messe, & by?th metis, & after of chese. ¶And yf the[r] come gestis, seruice schalle be haued as nedythe. xv. Always admit your special friends, and show them you are glad to see them. ¶The xv: commaunde ye the officers that they admitte youre knowlechyd men, familiers frendys, and strangers, with mery chere, the 218 wh[i]che they knowen you to wille for to admitte and receyue, and to them the whiche wylle you worschipe, [* p. 197] and* they wylleÑ to do that ye wylle to do, that they may know them selfe to haue be welcome to ?ou, and to be welle plesyd that they be come. ¶And al so muche as ?e may with-oute peril of sykenes & werynys ete ?e in the halle afore ?oure meyny, ¶For that schalle be to ?ou profyte and worshippe. xvi. Talk familiarly to your Bailiffs, ¶The xvj: when youre ballyfs comyn a-fore ?oure, speke to them fayre and gentilly in opyÑ place, and not in priuey, ¶And shew them mery chere, ask how your tenants and store do. & serche and axe of them “how fare owre meÑ & tenauntis, & how cornys dooÑ, & cartis, and of owre store how hit ys multiplyed,” Axe suche thyngis openly, and knowe ?e certeynly that they wille the more drede ?ou. xvii. Allow no private meals; only those in Hall. ¶The xvij: commaunde ?e that dineris and sopers priuely in hid plase be not had, & be thay forbeden that there be no suche dyners nother sopers oute of the halle, For of suche comethe grete destr[u]ccion, and no worshippe therby growythe to the lorde.
¶ Expliciunt Statuta Familie bone Memorie.
Prof. Brewer has, I find, printed these Statuta in his most interesting and valuable Monumenta Franciscana, 1858, p.582-6. He differs from Mr Brock and me in reading drunkelewe (drunken, in Chaucer, &c.) as ‘drunke, lewe,’ and vessels as ‘bossels,’ and in adding e’s1 to some final g’s. He says, by way of Introduction, that, “Though entitled Ordinances for the Household of Bishop Grostete, this is evidently a Letter addressed to the Bishop on the management of his Household by some very intimate friend. From the terms used in the Letter, it is clear that the writer must have been on confidential terms with the Prelate. I cannot affirm positively that the writer was Adam de Marisco, although to no other would this document be attributed with greater probability. No one else enjoyed such a degree of Grostete’s affection; none would have ventured to address him with so much familiarity. Besides, the references made more than once by Adam de Marisco in his letters to the management of the Bishop’s household, greatly strengthen this supposition. See pp. 160, 170 (Mon. Francisc.). The MS. is a small quarto on vellum, in the writing of the 15th century. It is in all probability a translation from a Latin original.”
*The T of T the is used as a paragraph mark in theMS.Italics partly added by transcriber; see Corrigenda.
1. In this he is probably right. The general custom of editors justifies it. Our printers want a pig-tailed or curly g to correspond with the MS. one.
Stanzas and Couplets of Counsel.
[From the Rawlinson MS., C. 86, fol. 31, in the Bodleian Library.]
Vtter thy langage wyth good avisement;
Reule the by Reasoun in thy termo? alle;
Never mistrust or fail your friend.
Mystruste not thy frende for none accusement,
Fayle him neuer at nede, what so euer befalle;
Solace Þi selfe when menn to sporte Þee calle;
Don’t talk too much.
Largely to speke be wele ware for Þat cause;
Rolle faste this reasoun & thynke wele on Þis clause.
Spare your master’s goods as your own.8
What mann Þou seruyst, alle wey him drede;
His good as ÞyÑ owne, euer Þou spare.
Lette neuer Þy wylle Þy witt ouer lede,
But be glad of euery mannys welfare.
Folus lade polys; wisemenn ete Þe fysshe;
Wisemenn hath in Þer hondis ofte Þat folys after wysshe.
A lawless youth, a despised old age.
Who so in youthe no vertu vsith,
In age alle honour him refusith.
Deame Þee best in euery doute
Tyl Þe trouthe be tryed oute.
A Gentleman says the best he can of every one.
It is Þe properte of A gentilmann
To say the beste Þat he cann.
Si vie? dolere tua crimina die miserere
Permiserere mei frangitur ira dei
Josephus of Iewes Þat Nobyl was, the firste Auctour of the booke of Policronica, &c.]
The schoole / of Vertue, and booke of
good Nourture for chyldren, and / youth to learne theyr dutie by, / Newely perused, corrected, / and augmented by the / fyrst Auctour
F. S.[eager]
With a briefe declaracion of the / dutie of eche degree.
Anno. 1557.
Dispise not councel, rebuking foly Esteme it as, nedefull and holy.
¶ Imprinted at London in Paules / Churchyarde at the signe of / the Hedgehogge by / Wyllyam Seares.
Though this Boke of Nurture by John Russell is the most complete and elaborate of its kind, Ihave never seen it mentioned by name in any of the many books and essays on early manners and customs, food and dress, that have issued from the press. My own introduction to it was due to a chance turning over, for another purpose, of the leaves of the MS. containing it. Mr Wheatley then told me of Ritson’s reference to it in his Bibliographica Poetica, p.96; and when the text was all printed, areference in The Glossary of Domestic Architecture (v. III. Pt. I. p.76, note, col.2) sent me to MS. Sloane 13151—in the Glossary stated to have been written in 1452—which proved to be a different and unnamed version of Russell. Then the Sloane Catalogue disclosed a third MS., No. 20272, and the earliest of the three, differing rather less than No. 1315 from Russell’s text, but still anonymous. Ihave therefore to thank for knowledge of the MSS. that special Providence which watches over editors as well as children and drunkards, and have not on this occasion to express gratitude to Ritson and Warton, to whom every lover of Early English Manuscripts is under such deep obligations, and whose guiding hands (however faltering) in Poetry have made us long so often for the like in Prose. Would that one of our many Historians of English Literature had but conceived the idea of cataloguing the materials for his History before sitting down to write it! Would that a wise Government would commission another Hardy to do for English Literature what the Deputy-Keeper of the Public Records is now doing for English History— lxx give us a list of the MSS. and early printed books of it! What time and trouble such a Catalogue would save!
But to return to John Russell and his Boke. He describes himself at the beginning and end of his treatise as Usher and Marshal to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, delighting in his work in youth, quitting it only when compelled by crooked age, and then anxious to train up worthy successors in the art and mystery of managing a well-appointed household. Aman evidently who knew his work in every detail, and did it all with pride; not boastful, though upholding his office against rebellious cooks3, putting them down with imperial dignity, “we may allow and disallow; our office is the chief!” Asimple-minded religious man too,—as the close of his Treatise shows,—and one able to appreciate the master he served, the “prynce fulle royalle,” the learned and munificent Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, the patron of Lydgate, Occleve, Capgrave, Withamstede, Leonard Aretine, Petrus Candidus, Petrus de Monte, Tito Livio, Antoyne de Beccara, &c. &c., the lover of Manuscripts, the first great donor to the Oxford University Library which Bodley revived4, “that prince peerless,” as Russell calls him, aman who, with all his faults, loved books and authors, and shall be respected by us as he was by Lydgate. But our business is with the Marshal, not the Master, and we will hear what John Russell says of himself in his own verse,
an vsshere y Am / ye may beholde / to a prynce of highe degre,
Þat enioyethe to enforme & teche / alle Þo thatt wille thrive & thee,
Of suche thynges as here-aftur shalle be shewed by my diligence
To them Þat nought Can / with-owt gret exsperience;
Therfore yf any maÑ Þat y mete withe, Þat for fawt of necligence,
y wylle hym enforme & teche, for hurtynge of my Conscience.
To teche vertew and connynge, me thynketh hit charitable,
for moche youthe in connynge / is bareÑ & fulle vnable. (l.3-9.)
At the end of his Boke he gives us a few more details about himself and his work in life:
Now good soÑ, y haue shewed the / & brought Þe in vre,
to know Þe Curtesie of court / & these Þow may take in cure,
In pantry / botery / or cellere / & in kervynge a-fore a sovereyne demewre,
A sewer / or a mershalle: in Þes science / y suppose ye byÑ sewre,
Which in my dayes y lernyd withe a prynce fulle royalle,
with whom vschere in chambur was y, & mershalle also in halle,
pray for the sowle of IohÑ Russelle, Þat god do hym mede,
Som tyme seruaunde with duke vmfrey, duc of Glowcetur in dede.
For Þat prynce pereles prayethe / & for suche othermo,
Þe sowle of my wife / my fadur and modir also,
vn-to Mary modyr and mayd / she fende us from owre foe,
and brynge vs alle to blis wheÑ we shalle hens goo. AMEN.”
duc] The duc has a red stroke through it, probably to cut it out.
As to his Boke, besides what is quoted above, John Russell says,
Go forthe lytelle boke, and lowly Þow me commende
vnto alle yonge gentilmeÑ / Þat lust to lerne or entende,
and specially to Þem Þat han exsperience, praynge Þe[m] to amende
and correcte Þat is amysse, Þere as y fawte or offende.
And if so Þat any be founde / as Þrou? myÑ necligence,
Cast Þe cawse oÑ my copy / rude / & bare of eloquence,
whiche to drawe out [I] haue do my besy diligence,
redily to reforme hit / by resoÑ and bettur sentence.
As for ryme or resoÑ, Þe forewryter was not to blame,
For as he founde hit aforne hym, so wrote he Þe same,
and Þaughe he or y in oure matere digres or degrade,
blame neithur of vs / For we neuyre hit made;
Symple as y had insight / somwhat Þe ryme y correcte;
blame y cowde no maÑ / y haue no persone suspecte.
Now, good god, graunt vs grace / oure sowles neuer to Infecte!
ÞaÑ may we regne in Þi regioun / eternally with thyne electe. (l.1235-50.)
If John Russell was the writer of the Epilogue quoted above, lines 1235-50, then it would seem that in this Treatise he only corrected and touched up some earlier Book of Norture which he had used in his youth, and which, if Sloane 2027 be not its original, may be still extant in its primal state in Mr Arthur Davenport’s MS., “How to serve a Lord,” said to be of the fourteenth century5, and now supposed to be stowed away in a hayloft with the owner’s other books, awaiting the rebuilding and fitting of a fired house. Ionly hope this MS. may prove to be Russell’s original, as Mr Davenport has most kindly promised to let me copy and print it for the Society. Meantime it is possible to consider John Russell’s Book of Norture as his own. For early poets and writers of verse seem to have liked this fiction of attributing their books to other people, and it is seldom that you find them acknowledging that they have imagined their Poems on their own heads, as Hampole has it in his Pricke of Conscience, p.239, l.8874 (ed. Morris, Philol. Soc.). Even Mr Tennyson makes believe that Everard Hall wrote his Morted’ Arthur, and some Leonard his Golden Year. On the other hand, the existence of the two Sloane MSS. is more consistent with Russell’s own statement (if it is his own, and not his adapter’s in the Harleian MS.) that he did not write his Boke himself, but only touched up another man’s. Desiring to let every reader judge for himself on this point, Ishall try to print in a separate text6, for convenience of comparison, the Sloane MS. 1315, which differs most from Russell, and which the Keeper of the MSS. at the British Museum considers rather earlier (ab. 1440-50 A.D.) than the MS. of Russell (ab. 1460-70 A.D.), while of the earliest of the three, Sloane MS. 2027 (ab. 1430-40 A.D.), the nearer to Russell in phraseology, Ishall give a collation of all important variations. If any reader of the lxxiii present text compares the Sloanes with it, he will find the subject matter of all three alike, except in these particulars:
Sloane 1315.
Sloane 2027.
Omits lines 1-4 of Russell.
Contains these lines.
Inserts after l. 48 of R. a passage about behaviour which it nearly repeats, where Russell puts it, at l. 276, Symple Condicions.
Inserts and omits as Sl. 1315 does, but the wording is often different.
Omits Russell’s stanza, l. 305-8, about ‘these cuttid galauntes with their codware.’
Omits a stanza, l.319-24, p. 21.
Contains this stanza (fol. 42,b.).
Contracts R.’s chapter on Fumositees, p. 23-4.
Contracts the Fumositees too (fol. 45 and back).
Omits R.’s Lenvoy, under Fried Metes, p.33-4.
Has one verse of Lenvoy altered (fol. 45 b.).
Transfers R.’s chapters on Sewes on Fische Dayes and Sawcis for Fishe, l.819-54, p. 55-9, to the end of his chapter on Kervyng of Fishe, l. 649, p. 45.
Transfers as Sl. 1315 does (see fol. 48).
Gives different Soteltes (or Devices at the end of each course), and omits Russell’s description of his four of the Four Seasons, p. 51-4; and does not alter the metre of the lines describing the Dinners as he does, p. 50-5.
Differs from R., nearly as Sl. 1315 does.
Winds up at the end of the Bathe or Stewe, l.1000, p. 69, R., with two stanzas of peroration. As there is no Explicit, the MS. may be incomplete, but the next page is blank.
Has 3 winding-up stanzas, as if about to end as Sloane 1315 does, but yet goes on (omitting the Bathe Medicinable) with the Vssher andMarshalle, R. p.69, and ends suddenly, at l.1062, p.72, R., in the middle of the chapter.
In occasional length of line, in words and rhymes, Sloane 1315 differs far more from Russell than Sloane 2027, which has Russell’s long lines and rhymes throughout, so far as a hurried examination shows.
But the variations of both these Sloane MSS. are to me more like those from an original MS. of which our Harleian Russell is a copy, than of an original which Russell altered. Why should the earliest Sloane 2027 start with
“An vsschere .y. am / as ye may se : to a prynce Of hyghe degre”
if in its original the name of the prince was not stated at the end, as Russell states it, to show that he was not gammoning his readers? Why does Sloane 1315 omit lines in some of its stanzas, and words in some of its lines, that the Harleian Russell enables us to fill up? Why does it too make its writer refer to the pupil’s lord and sovereign, if in its original the author did not clench his teaching by asserting, as Russell does, that he had served one? This Sloane 1315 may well have been copied by a man like Wynkyn de Worde, who wished not to show the real writer of the treatise. On the whole, Iincline to believe that John Russell’s Book of Norture was written by him, and that either the Epilogue to it was a fiction of his, or was written by the superintender of the particular copy in the Harleian MS. 4011, Russell’s own work terminating with the Amen! after line 1234.
But whether we consider Russell’s Boke another’s, or as in the main his own,—allowing that in parts he may have used previous pieces on the subjects he treats of, as he has used Stans Puer (or its original) in his Symple Condicions, l.277-304,—if we ask what the Boke contains, the answer is, that it is a complete Manual for the Valet, Butler, Footman, Carver, Taster, Dinner-arranger, Hippocras-maker, Usher and Marshal of the Nobleman of the time when the work was written, the middle of the fifteenth century.—For I take the date of the composition of the work to be somewhat earlier than that of the MS. it is here printed from, and suppose Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, “imprisoned and murdered 1447,” to have been still alive when his Marshal penned it.—Reading it, we see “The Good Duke” rise and dress7, go to Chapel and meals, entertain at feasts in Hall, then undress and retire to rest; we hear how his head was combed with an ivory comb, his stomacher warmed, his petycote put on, his slippers brown as the waterleech got ready, his privy-seat lxxv prepared, and his urinal kept in waiting; how his bath was made, his table laid, his guests arranged, his viands carved, and his salt smoothed8; we are told how nearly all the birds that fly, the animals that walk the earth, the fish that swim in river and sea, are food for the pot: we hear of dishes strange to us9, beaver’s tail, osprey, brewe, venprides, whale, swordfish, seal, torrentyne, pety perveis or perneis, and gravell of beef10. Bills of fare for flesh and fish days are laid before us; admired Sotiltees or Devices are described; and he who cares to do so may fancy for himself the Duke and all his brilliant circle feasting in Hall, John Russell looking on, and taking care that all goes right.11 Iam not going to try my hand at the sketch, as I do not write for men in the depths of that deducated Philistinism which lately made a literary man say to one of our members on his printing a book of the 15th century, “Is it possible that you care how those barbarians, our ancestors, lived?” If any one who takes up this tract, will not read it through, the loss is his; those who do work at it will gladly acknowledge their gain. That it is worthy of the lxxvi attention of all to whose ears tidings of Early England come with welcome sound across the wide water of four hundred years, Iunhesitatingly assert. That it has interested me, let the time its notes have taken on this, afresh subject to me, testify. If any should object to the extent of them12, or to any words in them that may offend his ear, let him excuse them for the sake of what he thinks rightly present. There are still many subjects and words insufficiently illustrated in the comments, and for the names venprides (l.820); sprotis, (?sprats, as in Sloane 1315), and torrentille (l.548); almond iardyne (l.744); ginger colombyne, valadyne, and maydelyne (l.132-3); leche dugard, &c., Ihave not been able to find meanings. Explanations and helps I shall gladly receive, in the hope that they may appear in another volume of like kind for which I trust soon to find more MSS. Of other MSS. of like kind I also ask for notice.
The reason for reprinting Wynkyn de Worde’s Boke of Keruynge, which I had not at first thought of, was because its identity of phrase and word with many parts of Russell,—a thing which came on me with a curious feeling of surprise as I turned over the leaves,—made it certain that de Worde either abstracted in prose Russell’s MS., chopping off his lines’ tails,—adding also bits here13, leaving out others there,—or else that both writers copied a common original. The most cursory perusal will show this to be the case. It was not alone by happy chance that when Russell had said
O Fruture viant / Fruter sawge byÑ good / bettur is Frutur powche;
Appulle fruture / is good hoot / but Þe cold ye not towche (l.501-2)
Wynkyn de Worde delivered himself of
“Fruyter vaunte, fruyter say be good; better is fruyter pouche;
apple fruyters ben good good hote / and all colde fruters, touche
altering not’s place to save the rhyme; or that when Russell had said of the Crane
The Crane is a fowle / that stronge is with to fare;
Þe whynges ye areyse / fulle large evyÑ thare;
of hyre trompe in Þe brest / loke Þat ye beware
Wynkyn de Worde directed his Carver thus: “A crane, reyse the wynges fyrst, & beware of the trumpe in his brest.” Let any one compare the second and third pages of Wynkyn de Worde’s text with lines 48-137 of Russell, and he will make up his mind that the old printer was either one of the most barefaced plagiarists that ever lived, or that the same original was before him and Russell too. May Mr Davenport’s hayloft, or some learned antiquarian, soon decide the alternative for us! The question was too interesting a “Curiosity of Literature” not to be laid before our Members, and therefore The Boke of Keruynge was reprinted—from the British Museum copy of the second edition of 1513—with added side-notes and stops, and the colophon as part of the title.
Then came the necessary comparison of Russell’s Boke with the Boke of Curtasye, edited by Mr Halliwell from the Sloane MS. 1986 for the Percy Society. Contrasts had to be made with it, in parts, many times in a page; the tract was out of print and probably in few Members’ hands; it needed a few corrections14, and was worthy of a thousand times wider circulation than it had had; therefore a new edition from the MS. was added to this volume. Relying on Members reading it for themselves, Ihave not in the notes indicated all the points of coincidence and difference between this Boke and Russell’s. It is of wider scope than Russell’s, takes in the duties of outdoor officers and servants as well as indoor, and maybe those of a larger household; it has also a fyrst Boke on general manners, and a Second Book on what to learn at school, how to behave at church, &c., but it does not go into the great detail as to Meals and Dress which is the special value of Russell’s Boke, nor is it associated with a writer who tells us something of himself, or a noble who in all our English Middle Age has so bright a name on which we can look back lxxviii as “good Duke Humphrey.” This personality adds an interest to work that anonymity and its writings of equal value can never have; so that we may be well content to let the Curtasye be used in illustration of the Nurture. The MS. of the Curtasye is about 1460 A.D., Mr Bond says. Ihave dated it wrongly on the half-title.
The Booke of Demeanor was “such a little one” that I was tempted to add it to mark the general introduction of handkerchiefs. Having printed it, arose the question, ‘Where did it come from?’ No Weste’s Schoole of Vertue could I find in catalogues, or by inquiring of the Duke of Devonshire, Mr W.C. Hazlitt, at the Bodleian, &c. Seager’s Schoole of Vertue was the only book that turned up, and this I accordingly reprinted, as Weste’s Booke of Demeanor seemed to be little more than an abstract of the first four Chapters of Seager cut down and rewritten. We must remember that books of this kind, which we look on as sources of amusement, as more or less of a joke, were taken seriously by the people they were written for. That The Schoole of Vertue, for instance—whether Seager’s or Weste’s—was used as a regular school-book for boys, let Io. Brinsley witness. In his Grammar Schoole of 1612, pp.17, 18, he enumerates the “Bookes to bee first learned of children”:— 1.their Abcie, and Primer. 2.The Psalms in metre, ‘because children wil learne that booke with most readinesse and delight through the running of the metre, as it is found by experience. 3.Then the Testament.’ 4.“If any require any other little booke meet to enter children; the Schoole of Vertue is one of the principall, and easiest for the first enterers, being full of precepts of ciuilitie, and such as children will soone learne and take a delight in, thorow the roundnesse of the metre, as was sayde before of the singing Psalmes: And after it the Schoole of good manners15, called, the new Schoole of Vertue, leading the childe as by the hand, in the way of all good manners.”
I make no apology for including reprints of these little-known books in an Early English Text. Qui s’excuse s’accuse; and if these Tracts do not justify to any reader their own appearance here, Ibelieve the fault is not theirs.
A poem on minding what you say, which Mr Aldis Wright has kindly sent me, some Maxims on Behaviour, &c., which all end in -ly, and Roger Ascham’s Advice to his brother-in-law on entering a nobleman’s service, follow, and then the Poems which suggested the Forewords on Education in Early England, and have been partly noticed in them, p. i-iv. Ihave only to say of the first, The Babees Boke, that I have not had time to search for its Latin original, or other copies of the text. Its specialty is its attributing so high birth to the Bele Babees whom it addresses, and its appeal to Lady Facetia to help its writer. Of the short alphabetic poems that follow,—The A B C of Aristotle,—copies occur elsewhere; and that in the Harleian Manuscript 1304, which has a different introduction, Ihope to print in the companion volume to this, already alluded to. Vrbanitatis, Iwas glad to find, because of the mention of the booke of urbanitie in Edward the Fourth’s Liber Niger (p. ii. above), as we thus know what the Duke of Norfolk of “Flodden Field” was taught in his youth as to his demeanings, how mannerly he should eat and drink, and as to his communication and other forms of court. He was not to spit or snite before his Lord the King, or wipe his nose on the table-cloth. The next tracts, The Lytylle Chyldrenes Lytil Boke or Edyllys Be16 (atitle made up from the text) and The Young Children’s Book, are differing versions of one set of maxims, and are printed opposite one another for contrast sake. The Lytil Boke was printed from a later text, and with an interlinear French version, by Wynkyn de Worde in ‘Here begynneth a lytell treatyse for to lerne Englisshe and Frensshe.’ This will be printed by Mr Wheatley in his Collection of Early Treatises on Grammar for the Society, as the copy in the Grenville Library in the Brit. Mus. is the only one known. Other copies of this Lytil Boke are at Edinburgh, Cambridge, and Oxford. Of two of these Mr David Laing and Mr Henry Bradshaw have kindly given me collations, which are printed at the end of this Preface. Of the last Poem, Stans Puer ad Mensam, attributed to Lydgate— lxxx as nearly everything in the first half of the 15th century was— I have printed two copies, with collations from a third, the Jesus (Cambridge) MS. printed by Mr Halliwell in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, v. 1, p.156-8, and reprinted by Mr W.C. Hazlitt in his Early Popular Poetry, ii. 23-8. Mr Hazlitt notices 3 other copies, in Harl. MS. 4011, fol. 1, &c.; Lansdowne MS. 699; and Additional MS. 5467, which he collated for his text. There must be plenty more about the country, as in Ashmole MS. 61, fol. 16, back, in the Bodleian.17 Of old printed editions Mr Hazlitt notes one “from the press of Caxton, but the only copy known is imperfect. It was printed two or three times by Wynkyn de Worde. Lowndes mentions two, 1518, 4to, and 1524, 4to; and in the public library at Cambridge there is said by Hartshorne (Book Rarities, 156) to be a third without date. It is also appended to the various impressions of the Boke of Nurture by Hugh Rhodes.” This Boke has been reprinted for the Early English Text Society, and its Stans Puer is Rhodes’s own expansion of one of the shorter English versions of the original Latin18.
The woodcuts Messrs Virtue have allowed me to have copies of for a small royalty, and they will help the reader to realize parts of the text better than any verbal description. The cuts are not of course equal to the beautiful early illuminations they are taken from, but they are near enough for the present purpose. The dates of those from British Museum MSS. are given on the authority of trustworthy officers of the Manuscript Department. The dates of the non-Museum MSS. are copied from Mr Wright’s text. The line of description under the cuts is also from Mr Wright’s text, except in one instance where he had missed the fact of the cut representing the Marriage Feast at Cana of Galilee, with its six water-pots.
The MS. of Russell is on thick folio paper, is written in a close—and seemingly unprofessional—hand, fond of making elaborate capitals to the initials of its titles, and thus occasionally squeezing up into a corner the chief word of the title, because the T of The preceding lxxxi has required so much room.19 The MS. has been read through by a corrector with a red pen, pencil, or brush, who has underlined all the important words, touched up the capitals, and evidently believed in the text. Perhaps the corrector, if not writer, was Russell himself. Ihope it was, for the old man must have enjoyed emphasizing his precepts with those red scores; but then he would hardly have allowed a space to remain blank in line 204, and have left his Panter-pupil in doubt as to whether he should lay his “white payne” on the left or right of his knives. Every butler, drill-serjeant, and vestment-cleric, must feel the thing to be impossible. The corrector was not John Russell.
To all those gentlemen who have helped me in the explanations of words, &c.,—Mr Gillett, Dr GÜnther, Mr Atkinson, Mr Skeat, Mr Cockayne, Mr Gibbs, Mr Way, the Hon. G.P. Marsh—and to Mr E.Brock, the most careful copier of the MS., my best thanks are due, and are hereby tendered. Would that thanks of any of us now profiting by their labours could reach the ears of that prince of Dictionary-makers, Cotgrave, of Frater Galfridus, Palsgrave, Hexham, Philipps, and the rest of the lexicographers who enable us to understand the records of the past! Would too that an adequate expression of gratitude could reach the ears of the lost Nicolas, and of Sir Frederic Madden, for their carefully indexed Household Books,—to be contrasted with the unwieldy mass and clueless mazes of the Antiquaries’ Household Ordinances, the two volumes of the Roxburghe Howard Household Books, and Percy’s Northumberland Household Book20!—They will be spared the pains of the special place of torment reserved for editors who turn out their books without glossary or index. May that be their sufficient reward!
3, St George’s Square, N.W. 16 Dec., 1866.
Mr C. H. Pearson has referred me to a most curious treatise on the state of Duke Humphrey’s body and health in 1404 (that is, 1424, says Hearne), by Dr Gilbert Kymer, his physician, part of which (chapters 3 and 19, with other pieces) was printed by Hearne in the appendix to his Liber Niger, v.ii. p.550 (ed. alt.), from a MS. then in Sir Hans Sloane’s Collection, and now Sloane4 in the British Museum. It begins at p.127 or folio 63, and by way of giving the reader a notion of its contents, Iadd here a copy of the first page of theMS.
Incipit dietarium de sanitatis custodia preinclitissimo principi ac metuendissimo domino, domino humfrido, duci Gloucestrie, Alijsque preclaris titulis insignito, Scriptum & compilatum, per venerabilem doctorem, Magistrum Gilbertum Kymer, Medicinarum professorem, arcium ac philosophie Magistrum & in legibus bacallarium prelibati principis phisicum, Cuiusdietarij colleccionem (?) dilucidancia & effectum viginti sex existunt capitula, quorumconsequenter hic ordo poniturRubricarum.
dietarij colleccionem] The letters are to me more like cl, or coll than anything else, but I am not sure what they are. Rubricarum] The MS. runs on without breaks.
The first note marker is printed at the end of “dietarij”, but must be intended for the following word.
Capitulum 1m est epistola de laude sanitatis & vtilitate bone diete.
Capitulum 2m est de illis in quibus consistit dieta.
Capitulum 3m de tocius co[r]poris & parcium disposicione.
Capitulum 4m est de Ayere eligendo & corrigendo.
Capitulum 5m de quantitate cibi & potus sumenda.
Capitulum 6m de ordine sumendi cibum & potum.
Capitulum 7m de tempore sumendi cibum & potum.
Capitulum 8m de quantitate cibi & potus sumendorum.
Capitulum 9m de pane eligendo.
Capitulum 10m de generibus potagiorum sumendis.
Capitulum 11m de carnibus vtendis & vitandis.
Capitulum 12m de ouis sumendis.
Capitulum 13m de lacticinijs vtendis.
Capitulum 14m de piscibus vtendis & vitandis.
Capitulum 15m de fructibus sumendis.
Capitulum 16m de condimentis & speciebus vtendis.
Capitulum 17m de potu eligendo.
Capitulum 18m de regimine replecionis & inanicionis.
Capitulum 19m de vsu coitus.
Capitulum 20m de excercicio & quiete.
Capitulum 21m de sompni & vigilie regimine.
Capitulum 22m de vsu accidencium anime.
Capitulum 23m de bona consuetudine diete tenenda.
Capitulum 24m de medicinis vicissim vtendis.
Capitulum 25m de aduersis nature infortunijs precauendis.
Capitulum 26m de deo semper colendo vt sanitatem melius tueatur.
Sharon Turner (Hist. of England, v. 498, note 35) says euphemistically of the part of this treatise printed by Hearne, that “it implies how much the Duke had injured himself by the want of self-government. It describes him in his 45th year, as having a rheumatic affection in his chest, with a daily morning cough. It mentions that his nerves had become debilitated by the vehemence of his laborious exercises, and from an immoderate frequency of pleasurable indulgences. It advises him to avoid north winds after a warm sun, sleep after dinner, exercise after society, frequent bathings, strong wine, much fruit, the flesh of swine, and the weakening gratification to which he was addicted. The last (chapter), ‘De Deo semper colendo, ut sanitatem melius tueatur,’ is worthy the recollection of us all.” It is too late to print the MS. in the present volume, but in a future one it certainly ought to appear.
Of Duke Humphrey’s character and proceedings after the Pope’s bull had declared his first marriage void, Sharon Turner further says:
“Gloucester had found the rich dowry of Jacqueline wrenched from his grasp, and, from so much opposition, placed beyond his attaining, and he had become satiated with her person. One of her lxxxiv attendants, Eleanor Cobham, had affected his variable fancy; and tho’ her character had not been spotless before, and she had surrendered her honour to his own importunities, yet he suddenly married her, exciting again the wonder of the world by his conduct, as in that proud day every nobleman felt that he was acting incongruously with the blood he had sprung from. His first wedlock was impolitic, and this unpopular; and both were hasty and self-willed, and destructive of all reputation for that dignified prudence, which his elevation to the regency of the most reflective and enlightened nation in Europe demanded for its example and its welfare. This injudicious conduct announced too much imperfection of intellect, not to give every advantage to his political rival the bishop of Winchester, his uncle, who was now struggling for the command of the royal mind, and for the predominance in the English government. He and the duke of Exeter were the illegitimate brothers of Henry the Fourth, and had been first intrusted with the king’s education. The internal state of the country, as to its religious feelings and interest, contributed to increase the differences which now arose between the prelate and his nephew, who is described by a contemporary as sullying his cultivated understanding and good qualities, by an ungoverned and diseasing love of unbecoming pleasures. It is strange, that in so old a world of the same continuing system always repeating the same lesson, any one should be ignorant that the dissolute vices are the destroyers of personal health, comfort, character, and permanent influence.”21
After narrating Duke Humphrey’s death, Turner thus sums up his character:—
“The duke of Gloucester, amid failings that have been before alluded to, has acquired the pleasing epithet of The Good; and has been extolled for his promotion of the learned or deserving clergy. Fond of literature, and of literary conversation, he patronized men of talent and erudition. One is called, in a public record, his poet and orator; and Lydgate prefaces one of his voluminous works, with a panegyric upon him, written during the king’s absence on his French lxxxv coronation, which presents to us the qualities for which, while he was living, the poet found him remarkable, and thought fit to commend him.”
These verses are in the Royal MS. 18 D 4, in the British Museum, and are here printed from the MS., not from Turner:—
[Fol. 4.]
Eek in this lond—I dar afferme a thyng—
Ther is a prince Ful myhty of puyssaunce,
A kynges sone, vncle to the kynge
Henry the sexte which is now in fraunce,
And is lieftenant, & hath the gouernaunce
Off our breteyne; thoruh was discrecion
He hath conserued in this regioun
Duryng his tyme off ful hihe prudence
Pes and quiete, and sustened rihte.
?it natwithstandyng his noble prouydence
He is in deede prouyd a good knyht,
Eied as argus with reson and forsiht;
Off hihe lectrure I dar eek off hym telle,
And treuli deeme that he dothe excelle
hihe, rihte] These e-s represent the strokes through the h-s.
In vndirstondyng all othir of his age,
And hath gret Ioie with clerkis to commune;
And no man is mor expert off language.
Stable in studie alwei he doth contune,
Settyng a side alle chaunges of fortune;
And wher he louethe, ?iff I schal nat tarie,
Witheoute cause ful lothe he is to varie.
chaunges] MS. thaunges.
Duc off Gloucestre men this prince calle;
And natwithstandyng his staat & dignyte,
His corage neuer doth appalle
To studie in bookis off antiquite;
Therin he hathe so gret felicite
Vertuousli hym silff to ocupie,
Off vicious slouth to haue the maistrie.22
And with his prudence & wit his manheed
Trouthe to susteyne he fauour set a side;
And hooli chirche meyntenyng in dede,
That in this land no lollard dar abide.
As verrai support, vpholdere, & eek guyde,
Spareth non, but makethe hym silff strong
To punysshe alle tho that do the chirche wrong.
Thus is he both manly & eek wise,
Chose of god to be his owne knyhte;
And off o thynge he hath a synguler price,
That heretik dar non comen in his sihte.
In cristes feithe he stant so hol vpriht,
Off hooli chirche defence and [c]hampion
To chastise alle that do therto treson.
synguler] The l is rubbed.
And to do plesance to oure lord ihesu
He studieht euere to haue intelligence.
Reedinge off bookis bringthe in vertu,—
Vices excludyng, slouthe & necligence,—
Makethe a prince to haue experience
To know hym silff in many sundry wise,
Wher he trespaseth, his errour to chastise.
studieht] So in MS.
After mentioning that the duke had considered the book of ‘Boccasio, on the Fall of Princes,’ he adds, ‘and he gave me commandment, that I should, after my conning, this book translate him to do plesance.’ MS. 18 D 4.—Sharon Turner’s History of England, vol. vi. pp.55—7.
P. S. When printing the 1513 edition of Wynkyn de Worde’s Boke of Keruynge, Iwas not aware of the existence of a copy of the earlier edition in the Cambridge University Library. Seeing this copy afterwards named in Mr Hazlitt’s new catalogue, Iasked a friend to compare the present reprint with the first edition, and the result follows.
NOTE ON THE 1508 EDITION OF The Boke of Keruynge,
The title-page of the older edition, of 1508, merely contains the words, “¶Here begynneth the boke of Keruynge;” and beneath them is—as in the second edition of 1513—a picture of two ladies and two gentlemen at dinner, with an attendant bringing a dish, two servants at a side table, and a jester. The colophon tells us that it was “Enprynted by wynkyn de worde at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne. The yere of our lorde M.CCCCC.VIII;” beneath which is Wynkyn de Worde’s device, as in the second edition.
The two editions resemble each other very closely, running page for page throughout, and every folio in the one begins at the same place as in the other. Thus the word “moche” is divided into mo-che in both editions, the “-che” beginning Fol. A. ii.b. Neither is altogether free from misprints, but these are not very numerous nor of much importance. It may be observed that marks of contraction are hardly ever used in the older edition, the word “ye” being written “the” at length, and instead of “hÃged” we find “hanged.” On the whole, the first edition would seem to be the more carefully printed, but the nature of the variations between them will be best understood by an exact collation of the first two folios (pp.151-3 of the present edition), where the readings of the first edition are denoted by the letterA. The only variations are these:—
lyft that swanne] lyfte that swanne A (a misprint).
frusshe that chekyn] fruche that chekyn A.
thye all maner of small byrdes] A omits of.
fynne that cheuen] fyne that cheuen A.
transsene that ele] trassene that ele A.
Here hendeth, &c.] Here endeth, &c. A.
Butler] Butteler A.
P. 152,
l.5. trenchoures] trenchours A.
l. 12. hanged] hanged A.
l. 15. cannelles] canelles A.
l. 18, 19. ye] the (in both places)A.
l. 20. seasous] seasons A.
l. 23. after] After A.
l. 27. good] goot A.
l. 30. ye] the A.
l. 34. modon] modon A.
l. 36. sourayne] souerayne A.
lxxxviii P. 153.
ye] the A (several times).
l. 5. wyll] wyl A.
l. 9. rede] reed A. reboyle] reboyle notA.
l.12. the reboyle] they reboyle A.
l. 17. lessynge] lesynge A.
l. 20. campolet] campolet A.
l. 21. tyer] tyerre A.
l. 22. ypocras] Ipocras A (and in the next line, and l.26).
l. 24. gynger] gynger A.
l. 27. ren] hange A.
l. 29. your] youre A.
In l. 33, A has paradico, as in the second edition.
It will be readily seen that these variations are chiefly in the spelling, and of a trivial character. The only ones of any importance are, on p.151, lyste (which is a misprint) for lyft, and trassene for transsene (cp. Fr. transon, atruncheon, peece of, Cot.); on p.152, goot for good is well worth notice (if any meaning can be assigned to goot), as the direction to beware of good strawberries is not obvious; on p.153, we should note lesynge for lessynge, and hange for ren, the latter being an improvement, though ren makes sense, as basins hung by cords on a perch may, like curtains hung on a rod, be said to run on it. The word ren was probably caught up from the line above it in reprinting.
The following corrections are also worth making, and are made on the authority of the first edition:—
l. 10, For treachour read trenchour.
l. 23. For so read se.
l. 24. For se’ read se.
P. 156,
l. 1. ony] on A.
l. 7. For it read is.
l. 15. ye so] and soo A. (No doubt owing to confusion between & and ye.)
l. 16. your] you A.
l. 29. For bo read be.
P. 157,
l. 20. For wich read with.
P. 158,
l. 3. For fumosytces read fumosytees.
l. 7. For pygous read pynyons (whence it appears that the pinion-bones, not pigeon’s-bones, are meant).
l. 25. The word “reyfe” is quite plain.
P. 160, ll. 18, &c. There is some variation here; the first edition has, after the word souerayne, the following:—“laye trenchours before hym / yf he be a grete estate, lay fyue trenchours / & he be of a lower degre, foure trenchours / & of an other degre, thre trenchours,” &c. This is better; the second edition is clearly wrong about five trenchers. This seems another error made in reprinting, the words lower degre being wrongly repeated.
P. 161,
l. 6. It may be proper to note the first edition also has broche.
l. 8. For for yeread for they.
l. 27. the[y]; in A they is printed in full.
P. 166,
l. 18. For raysyus read raysyns.
P. 167,
l. 21. For slytee read slytte.
P. 169,
ll. 10, 18. carpentes] carpettes A.
l. 14. shall] shake A.
l. 23. blanked] blanket A.
Nearly all the above corrections have already been made in the side-notes. Only two of them are of any importance, viz. the substitution of pynyons on p.158, and the variation of reading on p.160; in the latter case perhaps neither edition seems quite right, though the first edition is quite intelligible.
In our Cambridge edition (see p.170, l. 5) this line about the pope is carefully struck out, and the grim side-note put “lower down”, with tags to show to what estate he and the cardinal and bishops ought to be degraded!
be curteyse, glad of chere, & light of ere in euery semblaunce,
looking out for things that will please.
euer waytynge to Þat thynge Þat may do hym plesaunce:
The Chamberlain must prepare for his lord
to these propurtees if ye will apply, it may yow welle avaunce.
a clean shirt,
Se that youre souerayne haue clene shurt & breche,
under and upper coat and doublet,872
a petycote,241 adublett, a longe coote, if he were suche,
breeches, socks,
his hosyÑ well brusshed, his sokkes not to seche,
and slippers as brown as a water-leech.
his shoÑ or slyppers as browne as is Þe waturleche.
In the morning,
In Þe morow tyde, agaynst youre souerayne doth ryse,
must have clean linen ready, warmed876
wayte hys lynnyÑ Þat hit be clene; ÞeÑ warme hit in Þis wise,
by a clear fire.
by a clere fyre withowt smoke / if it be cold or frese,
and so may ye youre souerayÑ plese at Þe best asise.
61When his lord rises, he gets ready the foot-sheet;
Agayne he riseth vp, make redy youre fote shete
in Þis maner made greithe / & Þat ye not forgete
puts a cushioned chair before the fire,
furst a chayere a-fore Þe fyre / or som oÞer honest sete
[Fol. 184b.]a cushion for the feet,
Withe a cosshyÑ Þer vppoÑ / & anoÞur for the feete
and over all spreads the foot-sheet:
aboue Þe coschyÑ & chayere Þe said shete ouer sprad
So Þat it keuer Þe fote coschyÑ and chayere, ri?t as y bad;
has a comb and kerchief ready,
Also combe & kercheff / looke Þere bothe be had
youre souereyÑ hed to kymbe or he be graytly clad:
and then asks his lord
Than pray youre souereyÑ with wordus mansuetely
to come to the fire and dress while he waitsby.888
to com to a good fyre and aray hym ther by,
and there to sytt or stand / to his persone plesauntly,
and ye euer redy to awayte with maners metely.
1. Give your master his under coat,
Furst hold to hym a petycote aboue youre brest and barme,
2. His doublet,892
his dublet ÞaÑ aftur to put in boÞe hys arme,
3. Stomacher well warmed,
his stomachere welle y-chaffed to kepe hym fro harme,
4. Vampeys and socks,
his vampeys242 and sokkes, ÞaÑ all day he may go warme;
625. Draw on his socks, breeches, and shoes,
TheÑ drawe oÑ his sokkis / & hosyÑ by the fure,
his shoÑ laced or bokelid, draw them oÑ sure;
6. Pull up his breeches,
Strike his hosyÑ vppewarde his legge ye endure,
7. Tie ’emup,
ÞeÑ trusse ye them vp strayte / to his plesure,
8. Lace his doublet,
Then lace his dublett euery hoole so by & bye;
9. Put a kerchief round his neck,900
oÑ his shuldur about his nek a kercheff Þere must lye,
10. Comb his head with an ivory comb,
and curteisly ÞaÑ ye kymbe his hed with combe of yvery,
11. Give him warm water to wash with,
and watur warme his handes to wasche, & face also clenly.
12. Kneel down and ask him
Than knele a dowÑ oÑ youre kne / & Þus to youre souerayÑ ye say
what gown he’ll wear:904
“Syr, what Robe or govÑ pleseth it yow to were to day?”
13. Get the gown,
Suche as he axeth fore / loke ye plese hym to pay,
14. Hold it out to him;
ÞaÑ hold it to hym a brode, his body Þer-in to array;
broke lempk265 / Scabiose266 / Bilgres267 / wildflax / is good for ache;
withy leaves;
wethy leves / grene otes / boyled in fere fulle soft,
throw them hot into a vessel, set your lord onit;996
Cast Þem hote in to a vesselle / & sett youre soverayÑ alloft,
let him bear it as hot as he can,
and suffire Þat hete a while as hoot as he may a-bide;
se Þat place be couered welle ouer / & close oÑ euery side;
and whatever disease he has
and what dissese ye be vexed with, grevaunce ouÞer peyÑ,
will certainly be cured, as men say.1000
Þis medicyne shalle make yow hoole surely, as meÑ seyÑ.”
The office of ussher & marshalle.268
This line is in a later hand.
my lorde, my master, of lilleshulle abbot
“The office of a connynge vschere or marshalle with-owt fable
70He must know the rank and precedence of all people.
must know alle estates of the church goodly & greable,
and Þe excellent estate of a kynge with his blode honorable:
hit is a notable nurture / connynge, curyouse, and commendable.
I. 1. The Pope.
The pope hath no peere;
T h e s t a t e
o f f
Emperowre is nex hym euery where;
Kynge corespondent; Þus nurture shalle yow lere.
highe Cardynelle, Þe dignyte dothe requere;
2. Emperor. 3. King. 4. Cardinal.
Kyngis soÑe, prynce ye hym Calle;
Archebischoppe is to hym peregalle.
Duke of Þe blode royalle,
bishoppe / Marques / & erle / coequalle.
5. Prince. 6. Archbishop. 7. Royal Duke. II. Bishop, &c.
Vycount / legate / baroune / suffrigaÑ / abbot with mytur feyre,
barovÑ of Þeschekere / iij. Þe cheff Iustice? / of londoÑ Þe meyre;
Pryoure Cathedralle, mytur abbot without / aknyght bachillere
Prioure / deane / archedekoÑ / a knyght / Þe body Esquyere,
III. 1. Viscount. 2.Mitred abbot. 3. Three Chief Justices. 4. Mayor of London. IV. (The Knight’s rank.) 1. Cathedral Prior, Knight Bachelor. 2. Dean, Archdeacon.
T h e s t a t e
o f f
Mastir of the rolles / ri?t Þus rykeÑ y,
Vndir Iustice may sitte hym by:
Clerke of the crowne / & theschekere Convenyently
Meyre of Calice ye may preferre plesauntly.
3. Master of the Rolls. 4. PuisnÉ Judge. 5. Clerk of the Crown. 6. Mayor of Calais.
[Fol. 186b.]
Provyncialle, & doctur diuyne,
Prothonotur, apertli to-gedur Þey may dyne.
Þe popes legate or collectoure, to-gedur ye assigne,
Doctur of bothe lawes, beynge in science digne.
7. Doctor of Divinity. 8. Prothonotary. 9. Pope’s Legate. V. (The Squire’s rank.) 1. Doctor of Laws.
Hym Þat hath byÑ meyre / & alondynere,
Sargeaunt of lawe / he may with hym compere;
The mastirs of the Chauncery with comford & chere,
Þe worshipfulle prechoure of pardoun in Þat place to appere.
2. Ex-Mayor of London. 3. Serjeant of Law. 4. Masters of Chancery. 5. Preacher.
6. Masters of Arts.
The clerkes of connynge that haÑ takeÑ degre,
7. Other Religious.
And alle othur ordurs of chastite chosyÑ, & also of pouerte,
8. Parsons and Vicars.
alle parsons & vicaries Þat ar of dignyte,
9. Parish Priests.1032
parische prestes kepynge cure, vn-to Þem loke ye se.
10. City Bailiffs.
For Þe baliffes of a Cite purvey ye must a space,
11. Serjeant at Arms.
A yemaÑ of Þe crowne / Sargeaunt of armes with mace,
12. Heralds (the chief Herald has first place),
A herrowd of Armes as gret a dygnyte has,
Specially kynge harrawd / must haue Þe principalle place;
13. Merchants,
Worshipfulle merchaundes and riche artyficeris,
14. Gentlemen,
GentilmeÑ welle nurtured & of good maneris,
15. Gentlewomen
With gentilwommen / and namely lordes nurrieris,
may all eat with squires.1040
alle these may sit at a table of good squyeris.
Lo, soÑ, y haue shewid the aftur my symple wytte
the rank of every class,
euery state aftir Þeire degre, to Þy knowleche y shalle commytte,
and now I’ll tell you
and how Þey shalle be serued, yshalle shew the ?ett,
how they may be grouped at table.1044
in what place aftur Þeire dignyte how Þey owght to sytte:
Thestate of a
Pope, Emperowre / kynge or cardynalle,
Prynce with goldyÑ rodde Royalle,
Archebischoppe / vsyÑg to were Þe palle,
Duke / alle Þese of dygnyte ow?t not kepe Þe halle.
I. Pope, King, Prince, Archbishop and Duke.
II. Bishop, Marquis, Viscount, Earl.
Bisshoppes, Merques, vicount, Erle goodly,
May sytte at .ij. messe? yf Þey be lovyngely.
III. The Mayor of London, Baron, Mitred Abbot, three Chief Justices, Speaker,
Þe meyre of londoÑ, & a baroÑ, an abbot myterly,
the iij. chef Iustice?, Þe spekere of Þe parlement, propurly
alle these Estates ar gret and honorable,
may sit together, two or three at a mess.
Þey may sitte in Chambur or halle at a table,
.ij. or els iij. at a messe / ?eff Þey be greable:
Þus may ye in youre office to euery maÑ be plesable.
IV. The other ranks (three or four to a mess)
Of alle oÞer estates to a messe / iij. or iiij. Þus may ye sure,
equal to a Knight,
And of alle estatis Þat ar egalle with a knyght / digne & demure,
unmitred Abbot,
Off abbot & prioure saunc? mytur, of convent Þey haÑ cure;
Dean, Master of the Rolls,1060
Deane / ArchedecoÑ, mastur of Þe rolles, aftur youre plesure,
[Fol. 187.]under Judges,
Alle the vndirIustice? and barounes of Þe kynges Eschekiere,
Doctor of Divinity,
a provincialle / a doctoure devine / or boÞe lawes, Þus yow lere,
A prothonotur apertli, or Þe popis collectoure, if he be there,
Mayor of Calais.1064
Also Þe meyre of Þe stapulle / In like purpose Þer may appere.
V. Other ranks equal to a Squire, four to a mess.
Of alle oÞur estates to a messe ye may sette foure / & foure,
as suche persones as ar peregalle to a squyere of honoure:
73Serjeants of Law, ex-Mayor of London,
Sargeaundes of lawe / & hym Þat hath byÑ meyre of londoÑ aforne,
Masters of Chancery,1068
and Þe mastyrs of Þe chauncery, Þey may not be forborne.
Preachers and Parsons,
Alle prechers / residencers / and persones Þat ar greable,
? the cook’s stock for soup; glossed ‘a mixture’ by Mr Morris in Liber Cure Cocorum. And make a lyoure of brede and blode, and lye hit Þerwithe ... ib. p.32, in ‘Gose in a Hogge pot.’ ?Lat. liquor, or Fr. lier to soulder, vnite, combine. Cot.
Mangle your food, don’t, 256/176-9. ‘I mangle a thing, I disfygure it with cuttyng of it in peces or without order. Je mangonne ... and je mutille. You have mangylled this meate horrybly, it is nat to sette afore no honest men (nul homme de bien) nowe.’ Palsgrave.
Master, don’t strive with your, 183/226. Iamais ne gaigne qui plaide À son seigneur; ou, qui procede À son Maistre. Pro. No man euer throue by suing his Lord or Maister; (for either God blesses not so vndutifull a strife, or successe followes not in so vnequal a match.) Cot.
Master of a craft sits above the warden, &c., 78/1159.
Milk, 8/93. ‘Vin sur laict, c’est souhait; laict sur vin, c’est venin.’ Prov. Milke before wine, I would twere mine; milke taken after, is poisons daughter. Cot. u. Souhait.
See Meene. Cp. p. 104 of the Old English Homilies, ed. Morris, 1868. ‘Brutes eat as soon as they get it, but the wise man shall have times set apart for his meals, and then in reason keep to his regimen.’
Morter, 66/968, bed-candle; 169/32; 193/503, a kind of candle used as a night-light.
Morter, a Mortarium, a light or taper set in churches, to burn possibly over the graves or shrines of the dead. Cowel. Qu. if not a cake of wax used for that purpose. Note in Brit. Mus. copy of Hawkins’s Hist. of Music, ii. 294.
Musclade is Span. mezclada, mixture. Ital. mescolanza is used, in Genoa at least, for a fry of small fish.—H.H. Gibbs. Minsheu has mÉzela, mÉscla or mezcladura, a medlie, mingling. Entry added by editor
Mutton, 48/688; p. 105. ‘The moton boyled is of nature and complexion sanguyne, the whiche, to my jugement, is holsome for your grace.’ Du Guez, p.1071.
wait on ‘em at table, 230/337. ’What man he is your father, you ought to make courtesye to hym all though you shulde mete hym twenty tymes a daye.’ Palsgrave, ed. 1852, p.622, col.1.
cp. Margaret Paston’s Letter, Dec., between 1461 and 1466, modernized ed. 1841, v. 1, p.159.
‘Also, if ye be at home this Christmas, it were well done ye should do purvey a garnish or twain of pewter vessell, two basins and two ewers, and twelve candlesticks, for ye have too few of any of these to serve this place.’ Orig. ed. vol. iv. p.107, Letter xxx.
pray for the sowle of IohÑ Russelle, Þat god do hym mede,
(servant of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester;)The duc has a red stroke through it, probably to cut it out.
Som tyme seruaunde with duke vmfrey, duc of Glowcetur in dede.
also for the Duke,
For Þat prynce pereles prayethe / & for suche othermo,
my wife, father, and mother,1232
Þe sowle of my wife / my fadur and modir also,
vn-to Mary modyr and mayd / she fende us from owre foe,
that we may all go to bliss when we die.”
and brynge vs alle to blis wheÑ we shalle hens goo.
Go forthe lytelle boke, and lowly Þow me commende
to all learners,1236
vnto alle yonge gentilmeÑ / Þat lust to lerne or entende,
and to the experienced, whom I pray to correct
and specially to Þem Þat han exsperience, praynge Þe[m] to amende
its faults.
and correcte Þat is amysse, Þere as y fawte or offende.
Any such,
¶ And if so Þat any be founde / as Þrou? myÑ necligence,
83put to my copying,1240
Cast Þe cawse oÑ my copy / rude / & bare of eloquence,
which I have done as I best could.
whiche to drawe out [I] haue do my besy diligence,
redily to reforme hit / by resoÑ and bettur sentence.
The transcriber is not to blame;
¶ As for ryme or resoÑ, Þe forewryter was not to blame,
he copied what was before him,1244
For as he founde hit aforne hym, so wrote he Þe same,
and Þaughe he or y in oure matere digres or degrade,
and neither of us wroteit,
blame neithur of vs / For we neuyre hit made;
I only corrected the rhyme.
¶ Symple as y had insight / somwhat Þe ryme y correcte;
blame y cowde no maÑ / y haue no persone suspecte.
God! grant us grace
Now, good god, graunt vs grace / oure sowles neuer to Infecte!
to rule in Heaven with Thine elect!
ÞaÑ may we regne in Þi regioun / eternally with thyne electe.
The Ladies & Men of Queen Elizabeth’s Court.
“I might here (if I would, or had sufficient disposition of matter conceiued of the same) make a large discourse of such honorable ports, of such graue councellors, and noble personages, as giue their dailie attendance vpon the quÉenes maiestie there. Icould in like sort set foorth a singular commendation of the vertuous beautie, or beautifull vertues of such ladies and gentlewomen as wait vpon hir person, betweene whose amiable countenances and costlinesse of attire, there sÉemeth to be such a dailie conflict and contention, as that it is verie difficult for me to gesse, whether of the twaine shall beare awaie the preheminence. This further is not to be omitted, to the singular commendation of both sorts and sexes of our courtiers here in England, English courtiers the best learned & the worst liuers. that there are verie few of them, which haue xc not the vse and skill of sundrie speaches, beside an excellent veine of writing before time not regarded. Would to God the rest of their liues and conuersations were correspondent to these gifts! for as our common courtiers (for the most part) are the best lerned and indued with excellent gifts, so are manie of them the worst men when they come abroad, that anie man shall either heare or read of. Trulie it is a rare thing with vs now, to heare of a courtier which hath but his owne language. [Ladies learned in languages.] And to saie how many gentlewomen and ladies there are, that beside sound knowledge of the GrÉeke and Latine toongs, are thereto no lesse skilfull in the Spanish, Italian, and French, or in some one of them, it resteth not in me: sith I am persuaded, that as the noble men and gentlemen doo surmount in this behalfe, so these come verie little or nothing at all behind them for their parts; which industrie God continue, and accomplish that which otherwise is wanting!
[Ancient ladies’ employments.]
“Beside these things I could in like sort set downe the waies and meanes, wherby our ancient ladies of the court doo shun and auoid idlenesse, some of them exercising their fingers with the needle, other in caul-worke, diuerse in spinning of silke, some in continuall reading either of the holie scriptures, or histories of our owne or forren nations about vs, and diuerse in writing volumes of their owne, or translating of other mens into our English and Latine toong, [Young ladies’ recreations.] whilest the yoongest sort in the meane time applie their lutes, citharnes, prickesong, and all kind of musike, which they vse onelie for recreation sake, when they haue leisure, and are frÉe from attendance vpon the quÉenes maiestie, or such as they belong vnto. [Old ladies’ skill in surgery, &c.] How manie of the eldest sort also are skilfull in surgerie and distillation of waters, beside sundrie other artificiall practises perteining to the ornature and commendations of their bodies, xci I might (if I listed to deale further in this behalfe) easilie declare, but I passe ouer such maner of dealing, least I should sÉeme to glauer, and currie fauour with some of them. Neuerthelesse this I will generallie saie of them all, [All are cunning that as ech of them are cuning in somthing wherby they kÉepe themselues occupied in the court, so there is in maner none of them, but when they be at home, can helpe to supplie the ordinarie want of the kitchen with a number of delicat dishes of their owne deuising, in cookery, helped by the Portuguese.] wherein the Portingall is their chÉefe counsellor, as some of them are most commonlie with the clearke of the kitchen, who vseth (by a tricke taken vp of late) [Introduction of the Carte, to giue in a brÉefe rehearsall of such and so manie dishes as are to come in at euerie course throughout the whole seruice in the dinner or supper while: which bill some doo call a Memorial, Billet or Fillet.] memoriall, other a billet, but some a fillet, bicause such are commonlie hanged on the file, and kept by the ladie or gentlewoman vnto some other purpose. But whither am I digressed?” —1577, W. Harrison, in Holinshed’s Chronicles, vol.I. p.196, ed. 1586.
Preface to Russell: Footnotes
1. This MS. contains a copy of “The Rewle of the Moone,” fol. 49-67, which I hope to edit for the Society.
2. The next treatise to Russell in this MS. is “The booke off the gouernaunce off Kyngis and Pryncis,” or Liber Aristotiles ad Alexandrum Magnum, abook of Lydgate’s that we ought to print from the best MS. of it. At fol. 74 b. is a heading,—
Here dyed this translatour and noble poette Lidgate and the yong follower gan his prolog on this wys.
3. One can fancy that a cook like Wolsey’s (described by Cavendish, vol. i. p.34), “a Master Cook who went daily in damask satin, or velvet, with a chain of gold about his neck” (amark of nobility in earlier days), would be not leef but loth to obey an usher and marshal.
7. I have put figures before the motions in the dress and undress drills, for they reminded me so of “Manual and Platoon: by numbers.”
8. Mr Way says that the planere, l. 58, is an article new to antiquarians.
9. Randle Holme’s tortoise and snails, in No. 12 of his Second Course, Bk. III., p.60, col.1, are stranger still. “Tortoise need not seem strange to an alderman who eats turtle, nor to a West Indian who eats terrapin. Nor should snails, at least to the city of Paris, which devours myriads, nor of Ulm, which breeds millions for the table. Tortoises are good; snails excellent.” Henry H. Gibbs.
10. “It is nought all good to the goost that the gut asketh” we may well say with William who wrote Piers Ploughmon, v.1, p.17, l.533-4, after reading the lists of things eatable, and dishes, in Russell’s pages. The later feeds that Phylotheus Physiologus exclaims against* are nothing to them: “What an Hodg-potch do most that have Abilities make in their Stomachs, which must wonderfully oppress and distract Nature: For if you should take Flesh of various sorts, Fish of as many, Cabbages, Parsnops, Potatoes, Mustard, Butter, Cheese, aPudden that contains more then ten several Ingredents, Tarts, Sweet-meats, Custards, and add to these Churries, Plums, Currans, Apples, Capers, Olives, Anchovies, Mangoes, Caveare, &c., and jumble them altogether into one Mass, what Eye would not loath, what Stomach not abhor such a Gallemaufrey? yet this is done every Day, and counted Gallent Entertainment.”
* Monthly Observations for the preserving of Health, 1686, p.20-1.
11. See descriptions of a dinner in Parker’s Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages, iii. 74-87 (with a good cut of the Cupboard, Dais, &c.), and in Wright’s Domestic Manners and Customs. Russell’s description of the Franklin’s dinner, l.795-818, should be noted for the sake of Chaucer’s Franklin, and we may also notice that Russell orders butter and fruits to be served on an empty stomach before dinner, l.77, as a whet to the appetite. Modus Cenandi serves potage first, and keeps the fruits, with the spices and biscuits, for dessert.
12. The extracts from Bulleyn, Borde, Vaughan, and Harington are in the nature of notes, but their length gave one the excuse of printing them in bigger type as parts of a Text. In the same way I should have treated the many extracts from Laurens Andrewe, had I not wanted them intermixed with the other notes, and been also afraid of swelling this book to an unwieldy size.
13. The Termes of a Kerver so common in MSS. are added, p.151, and the subsequent arrangement of the modes of carving the birds under these Termes, p.161-3. The Easter-Day feast (p.162) is also new, the bit why the heads of pheasants, partridges, &c., are unwholesome—’for they ete in theyr degrees foule thynges, as wormes, todes, and other suche,’ p.165-6—and several other pieces.
lxxvii the, l. 115, is clothe in the MS.; grayne, l.576 (see too ll.589, 597,) is grayue, Scotch greive, A.S. gerefa, akind of bailiff; resceyne, ll.547, 575, is resceyue, receive; &c.
15. This is doubtless a different book from Hugh Rhodes’s Booke of Nurture & Schoole of Good Manners, p.71, below.
16. What this Edyllys Be means, I have no idea, and five or six other men I have asked are in the same condition. A.S. ÆÞel is noble, ÆÞeling, aprince, anoble; that may do for edyllys. Be may be for A B C, alphabet, elementary grammar of behaviour.
17. P.S. Mr Hazlitt, iv. 366, notices two others in MS. Ashmole 59, art. 57, and in Cotton MS. Calig. A II. fol. 13, the latter of which and Ashmole 61, are, he says, of a different translation.
19. The MS. has no title. The one printed I have made up from bits of the text.
20. Still one is truly thankful for the material in these unindexed books.
21. Sharon Turner’s History of England, vol. v. pp.496-8.
22. This is the stanza quoted by Dr Reinhold Pauli in his Bilder aus Alt-England, c. xi. p.349:
“Herzog von Glocester nennen sie den FÜrsten,
Der trotz des hohen Rangs und hoher Ehren
Im Herzen nÄhrt ein dauerndes GelÜsten
Nach Allem, was die alten BÜcher lehren;
So glÜcklich gross ist hierin sein Begehren,
Dass tugendsam er seine Zeit verbringt
Und trunkne TrÄgheit mÄnniglich bezwingt.”
The reader should by all means consult this chapter, which is headed “Herzog lxxxvi Humfrid von Glocester. BruchstÜck eines FÜrstenlebens im fÜnfzehnten Jahrhunderte” (Humphrey Duke of Gloucester. Sketch of the life of a prince in the fifteenth century). There is an excellent English translation of this book, published by Macmillan, and entitled “Pictures of Old England.” —W.W. Skeat.
--> Ten fresh pieces relating more or less to the subjects of this volume having come under my notice since the Index was printed and the volume supposed to be finished, Ihave taken the opportunity of the delay in its issue—caused by want of funds—to add nine of the new pieces as a Postscript, and the tenth at p.264*. An 11th piece, Caxton’s Book of Curtesye, in three versions, too important to be poked into a postscript, will form No. 3 of the Early English Text Society’s Extra Series, the first Text for 1868.
[18 Oct. 1894. Much has been done for the history of Education since I put the foregoing notes together: see Arthur Leach’s articles in the Contemp. Review, Sept. 1892, Nov. 1894; Fortnightly Review, Nov. 1892; Westminster Gazette, 26 July, 1894; and National Observer, Sept. 1, 1894. Also Herbert Quick’s books,J. Bass Mullinger’s, Maria Hackett’s (1814, 1816, &c.), and Foster Watson’s forthcoming Writers on Education in England, 1500—1660.1 See too Foss’s Lives of the Judges; Jn. Smith’s Lives of the Berkeleys; the Life of William of Wykeham; Lupton’s Life of Colet; articles in Thomassin’s Ecclesiastica Disciplina, Vetus et Nova; Dr. P.Alford’s Abbots of Tavistock, p.119-120; R.N. Worth’s Calendar of the Tavistock Parish Records (1588-9), p.37, 39, &c.; Dugdale, i. 82, ii. 142, iii. 10, iv. 404-5; Leland, Collectanea, vol. i, pt. 2, p.302; Ellis, Orig. Let., 3rd Series, i.333, ii. 243; Marston’s Scourge of Villanie (1599), Works, ed. 1856, iii. 306; Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey, Kelmscott Press, 1893, p.24; John of Salisbury, Epist. XIX, ed. Giles; Churchwardens’ Accounts, Somerset Record Soc. (1890), p. xix; Glastonbury Abbey Accounts, p.249; Engl. Hist. Rev., Jan. 1891, p.24; Songs & Carols, Warton Club, 1855, p.10; Dr. Woodford’s Report on National Education in Scotland, 1868; Macmillan’s Mag., July 1870 (Scotch at Oxford); Essays on Grammar Schools, by members of the Free Kirk in Scotland; Stevenson’s Nottingham Boro’ Records, iv. 272, 299, 302; Dr. Buelbring’s Introduction to Defoe’s Compleat English Gentleman; Bradshaw on the ABC as a School-book, Cambr. Antiq. Soc., vol. iii.; &c., &c.
Much of my Forewords above, appeard in two numbers of the Quarterly Journal of Education, no.2, Aug. 1867, vol.i, p.48-56, and no.3, Nov. 1867, p.97-100. —F.J.F.]
The friend to whom this book was dedicated, C. H. Pearson, died, alas, this year (1894) after his return from Melbourne, where he had organised free education thro’ the whole State, and done much other good work.
Randle Holme, Bk III., chap. ii. §xxvii., p. 19, col.1, says, ‘He beareth Argent, a Semeare, Gules; Sleeves faced or turned up, Or Petty-Coat Azure; the skirt or bottom Laced, or Imbrauthered of the third. This is a kind of loose Garment without, and stiffe Bodies under them, & was a great fashion for Women about the year 1676. Some call them Mantua’s; they have very short Sleeves, nay, some of the Gallants of the times, have the Sleeves gathered up to the top of the Shoulders and there stayed, or fastned with a Button and Loope, or set with a rich Jewel.’ He gives a drawing of it two pages before.
‘physicions ben of opynyon that one ought to begyn the meate of vitayle (uiandes liquides) to thende that by that means to gyve direction to the remenant.’ 1532-3. Giles du Guez’s Introductorie, ed. 1852, p.1071.
The Forme of Cury mentions ‘powdour fort,’ 327 p.15, p.24, and ‘powdour douce,’ p.12, p.14, p.25. Pegge, Pref. xxix., ‘Itake powder-douce to be either powder of galyngal (for see Editor’s MS. II. 20, 24;) or a compound made of sundry aromatic spices ground or beaten small, and kept always ready at hand in some proper receptacle. It is otherwise termed good powders, 83. 130. and in Editor’s MS. 17. 37. 38 (but see the next article,) or powder simply No. 169. 170. (p.76), and p.103, No. xxxv.’
Powder, 40/573, ? not sprinkle verb, but brine or salt sb.
Dutch besprenght vleesch, Powdered or Salted meate. Hexham. Cotgrave has ‘Piece de laboureur salÉ. A peece of powdered beefe. Salant ... salting; powdering or seasoning with salt. Charnier, a poudering tub. Saliere ... a salt-seller, also, a powdering house.’
‘Item that theire be no White Salt [see p.30] occupied in my Lordis Hous withowt it be for the Pantre, or for castyng upon meit, or for seasonynge of meate.’ North. Hous. Book, p.57. The other salt was the Bay-Saltt of p. 32. ‘Poudred Eales or Lamprons 1 mess. 12d.’ H.Ord. p.175.
Powdur, 57/838; 58/847, ? blanche powder. Fr. ‘Pouldre blanche, A powder compounded of Ginger, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs; much in vse among Cookes.’ Cotgrave.
Preket, 193/510, ? not a spike to stick a light on, but a kind of candle. See note 3 on 205/825. One of the said groomes of the privy chamber to carry to the chaundrie all the remaine of morters, torches, quarries, pricketts, wholly and intirely, withoute imbesseling or purloyning any parte thereof. H.Ord. p.157.
All maner of wynes be made of grapes, excepte respyce, the whiche is made of a berye.—A. Borde, Dyetary of Wynes, sign. F.i. Reference added by editor.
[N.B. The even lines (2, 4, &c.) of the original are printed here opposite the odd ones (1, 3, &c.), instead of after them, to save space. The lines must therefore be read right across the page. The sidenotes in large type, ‘Cato, Isocra, &c.,’ are those of the original. The rest are the editor’s, and he has added headlines, some stops, &c.]
For this e-text, the lines have been re-split. Line numbers have been regularized to multiples of 4, as in other selections.
The schoole of Vertue
[sign. A. ii.]First,
FIrst in the mornynge
when thou dost awake,
say this prayer:
To God for his grace
thy peticion then make;
This prayer folowynge
vse dayly to say,
Thy harte lyftynge vp;
Thus begyn to pray
¶ The mornynge prayer.
“O God!
“O God, from whom
al good gifts procede!
enable us to follow virtue.
To thee we repayre
in tyme of our nede,
That with thy grace
thou wouldst vs endue
Vertue to folowe
and vyce to exchue:
Heare this our request,
and graunt our desyre,
[sign. A. ii. b.]
O lorde! moste humbly
we do the requyre!
Defend us this day.
This day vs defende,
that we walkynge aryght
May do the thynge
acceptable in thy syght,
That as we in yeares
And body do growe,
Let us abound with virtues,
So in good vertues
we may lykewyse flowe
To thy honour,
and ioy of our parentes,
Learninge to lyue well,
and kepe thy commaundmentes;
flee from vice,
In flyinge from all
Vice, synne, and cryme,
Applyinge our bookes,
not losynge our tyme,
and go forward in good doing to our live’s end.”
May fructifye and go forwarde
here in good doynge
In this vale of miserie
vnto oure lyuees endynge,
[sign. A. iii.]
That after this lyfe
here transitory
We may attayne
to greater glory.”
Repeat the Lord’s Prayer night and morning.
The Lordes prayer then
se thou recyte,
So vsynge to do
at mornynge and nyght.
226HOW TO RISE AND DRESS IN THE MORNING.How to wash and dress yourself.
¶ Howe to order thy selfe when thou rysest, and in apparelynge thy body. Capitulo .i.
Flye euer slouthe
and ouer much slepe;
Don’t sleep too long.
In health the body
therby thou shalte kepe.
Muche slepe ingendereth
diseases and payne,
It dulles the the wyt
and hurteth the brayne.
[sign. A. iii. b.]Rise early;
Early in the mornynge
thy bed then forsake,
Thy rayment put on,
thy selfe redy make.
cast up your bed,
To cast vp thy bed
It shalbe thy parte,
Els may they say
that beastly thou art;
and don’t let it lie.
So to departe
and let the same lye,
It is not semynge
nor yet manerly.
Go down,
Downe from thy chamber
when thou shalte go,
salute your parents,
Thy parentes salute thou,
and the famely also;
wash your hands, comb your head,
Thy handes se thou washe,
and thy hed keame,
And of thy rayment
se torne be no seame;
[sign. A. iiii.]brush your cap and put it on.
Thy cappe fayre brusht,
thy hed couer than,
Takynge it of
In speakynge to any man.
Cato doth councel thee
thyne elders to reuerence
Declarynge therby
thy dutye and obedience.
Tie on your shirt-collar,
Thy shyrte coler fast
to thy necke knyt;
Comely thy rayment
loke on thy body syt.
fasten your girdle,
Thy gyrdell about
thy wast then fasten,
rub your breeches, clean your shoes,
Thy hose fayre rubd
thy showes se be cleane.
A napkyn se that
thou haue in redines
Thy nose to clense
from all fylthynes.
[sign. A. iiii. b.]wipe your nose on a napkin, pare your nails, clean your ears, wash your teeth.
Thy nayles, yf nede be,
se that thou payre;
Thyne eares kepe cleane,
thy teath washe thou fayre.
Have your torn clothes mended,
If ought about thee
chaunce to be torne,
Thy frendes therof shewe
howe it is worne,
or new ones obtained.
And they wyll newe
for thee prouyde,
Or the olde mende,
In tyme beinge spyde,
Get your satchell and books, and haste to School,
This done, thy setchell
and they bokes take,
And to the scole
haste see thou make.
227taking too
But ere thou go,
with thy self forthynke.
pen, paper, and ink,
That thou take with thee
pen, paper, and ynke;
For these are thynges
for thy study necessary,
Forget not then
with thee them to cary.
The souldiar preparynge
hym selfe to the fielde
[sign. A. v.]which are necessary
Leaues not at home
his sworde and his shielde,
No more shulde a scoler
forget then truly
for use at school.
what he at scole
shulde nede to occupy.
Then start off.
These thynges thus had,
Take strayght thy way
Vnto the schole
without any stay.
How to behave going to, and at, School.
Howe to behaue thy selfe in going by the streate and in the schoole .ii.
Take off your cap to those you meet;
In goynge by the way
and passynge the strete,
Thy cappe put of,
Salute those ye mete;
In geuynge the way
to suche as passe by,
give way to passers by.
It is a poynte
of siuilitie.
[sign. A. v. b.]Call your playmates on your road.
And thy way fortune
so for to fall,
Let it not greue thee
thy felowes to call.
At School
when to the schole
thou shalte resort,
This rule note well
I do the exhort:
salute your master,
Thy master there beynge,
Salute with all reuerence,
Declarynge thereby
thy dutye and obedience;
and the scholars.
Thy felowes salute
In token of loue,
Lest of inhumanitie
they shall the reproue.
Go straight to your place, undo your satchell, take out your books and learn your lesson;
Vnto thy place
appoynted for to syt,
Streight go thou to,
and thy setchel vnknyt,
Thy bokes take out,
thy lesson then learne
[sign. A. vi.]Humbly] Orig. Huubly
Humbly thy selfe
Behaue and gouerne.
stick well to your books.
Therein takynge payne,
with all thyne industry
Learnynge to get
thy boke well applye:
All thynges seme harde
when we do begyn,
But labour and diligence
yet both them wyn;
we ought not to recken
and coumpt the thyng harde
That bryngeth ioye
and pleasure afterwarde;
If you don’t work,
Leaue of then laboure,
and the lacke rue,
228you’ll repent it when you grow up.
Lament and repent
when age doth insue.
Who could now speak of famous deeds of old,
Deades that deserued
Fame and greate prayse,
Buried had ben,
we se in olde dayes;
[sign. A. vi. b.]had not Letters preserved them?
If letters had not then
brought them to lyght
The truth of suche thynges
who coulde nowe resyght?
Applye thy minde
to learnynge and scyence,
For learnynge in nede
wyll be thy defence.
Nothinge to science
compare we may well,
The swetenes wherof
all thynges doth excell.
And Cato the wyse
this worthy sayinge hath,
That man wantinge learnynge
is as the image of death.
The rootes of learnynge
most bytter we deme;
The fruites at last
Moste pleasaunt doth seme.
Work hard then,
Then labour for learnynge
whyle here thou shalt lyue,
[sign. A. vii.]
The ignoraunt to teache,
and good example geue;
and you’ll be thought worthy to serve the state.
So shalte thou be thought
A membre most worthy
The common welth to serue
Orig. ryme212
In tyme of necessitie.
Experience doth teache
And shewe to thee playne
Men of low birth win honour by Learning,
That many to honour
By learninge attayne
That were of byrthe
But symple and bace,—
Suche is the goodnes
Of Gods speciall grace,—
For he that to honour
by vertue doth ryse,
and then are doubly happy.
Is double happy,
and counted most wyse.
When you doubt, ask to be told.
If doubte thou doest,
Desyre to be toulde,
No shame is to learne,
Beinge neuer so oulde;
[sign. A. vii. b.]
Ignoraunce doth cause
Great errors in vs
For wantynge of knowledge
Doubts to discusse;
Then learne to discerne
the good from the yll,
Wish well to those who warn you.
And suche as thee warne,
Bere them good will.
HOW TO BEHAVE IN SCHOOL AND STREET.On your way home walk two and two orderly
when from the schoole
ye shall take your waye,
Or orderly then go ye,
twoo in aray,
your selues matchynge
So equall as ye may,
(for which men will praise you);
That men it seynge
May well of you saye
In commendynge this
your laudable wayes,
whiche must nedes sounde
to your great prayse,
229don’t run in heaps like a swarm of bees
Not runnynge on heapes
as a swarme of bees,
As at this day
Euery man it nowe sees;
[sign. A. viii.]
Not vsynge, but refusynge,
Suche foolyshe toyes
like boys do now.
As commonly are vsed
In these dayes of boyes,
Don’t whoop or hallow as in fox-hunting
As hoopynge and halowynge
as in huntynge the foxe,
That men it hearynge
Deryde them with mockes.
This foolyshnes forsake,
this folly exchewynge,
And learne to followe
this order insuynge.
don’t chatter,
In goynge by the way
Neyther talke nor iangle,
or stare at every new fangle,
Gape not nor gase not
at euery newe fangle,
but walk soberly,
But soberly go ye
with countinaunce graue;
Humblye your selues
towarde all men behaue;
[sign. A. viii. b.]taking your cap off to all,
Be free of cappe
and full of curtesye;
Greate loue of al men
you shall wyn therby.
and being gentle.
Be lowly and gentyll
and of meke moode;
Then men con not
but of you say good.
Do no man harm; speak fair words.
In passynge the strete
Do no man no harme;
Vse thou fewe wordes,
and thy tounge charme,
Then men shal see
that grace in the groweth
From whom vertues
So aboundantly floweth.
On reaching home
when thou arte come
where thy parentes do dwell,
Thy leaue then takynge
Byd thy felowes farewell;
salute your parents reverently.
The house then entrynge,
In thy parence presence
[sign. B. i.]
Humbly salute them
with all reuerence.
How to wait at table.
¶ Howe to behaue thi selfe in seruynge the table. Cap. iii.
VVhen thy parentes downe
to the table shall syt,
In place be ready
For the purpose moste fyt:
Look your parents in the face,
With sober countinaunce
Lokynge them in the face,
hold up your hands, and say
Thy handes holdynge vp,
this begyn grace:
Grace before meate.
“Geue thankes to God
with one accorde
For that shall be
Set on this borde.
230Grace before Meat.
And be not carefull
what to eate,
To eche thynge lyuynge
the Lorde sends meate;
For foode he wyll not
Se you peryshe,
[sign. B. i. b.]
But wyll you fede,
Foster, and cheryshe;
Take well in worth
what he hath sent,
At this tyme be
therwith content,
Praysynge God.”
¶ So treatablie speakyng
as possible thou can,
That the hearers therof
May thee vnderstan.
Make a low curtesy;
Grace beynge sayde,
Lowe cursie make thou,
wish your parents’ food may do ’em good.
Sayinge “muche good
May it do you.”
HOW TO SERVE AT DINNER.If you are big enough,
Of stature then
yf thou be able,
It shall become thee
to serue the table
bring the food to table.
In bringynge to it
Suche meate as shall nede
[sign. B. ii.]
For thy parence vpon
that tyme to fede.
Don’t fill dishes so full as to spill them
Disshes with measure
thou oughtest to fyll,
Els mayste thou happen
thy seruyce to spyll
on your parents’ dress, or they’ll be angry.
On theyr apparell
Or els on the cloth,
whiche for to doe
wolde moue them to wroth.
Have spare trenchers ready for guests.
Spare trenchers with napkyns
haue in redynes
To serue afterwarde,
If there come any gesse.
Be circumspecte;
see nothynge do wante;
See there’s plenty of everything wanted.
Of necessary thynges
that there be no skant,
As breade and drynke,
se there be plentie;
Empty the Voiders often.
The voyders with bones
Ofte se thou emptie.
[sign. B. ii. b.]
At hande be ready,
If any do call,
Be at hand if any one calls.
To fetche or take vp,
If ought fortune to fall.
When the meat is over,
when they haue done,
then ready make
clear the table:
The table vp fayre
In order to take:
1. cover the salt,
Fyrste the saulte
Se that thou couer,
2. have a tray by you to carry things off on,
Hauynge by thee
Eyther one or other
thynges from thy handes
then to conuaye
That from the table
thou shalt take awaye.
3. put the trenchers, &c., in one Voider,
A voyder vpon
the table then haue,
The trenchers and napkyns
therein to receaue;
2314. sweep the crumbs into another,
The croomes with a napkyn
together them swepe,
[sign. B. iii.]
It at the tables ende
In a voyder them kepe.
5. set a clean trencher before every one,
Then before eche man
A cleane treanchour lay,
The best fyrste seruynge,
As iudge thou soone may;
6. put on Cheese, Fruit, Biscuits, and
Then cheese with fruite
On the table set,
With Bisketes or Carowayes,
As you may get.
7. serve Wine, Ale or Beer.
Wyne to them fyll,
Els ale or beare;
But wyne is metest,
If any there were.
When these are finished,
Then on the table
Attende with all diligence,
clear the table,
It for to voyde
when done haue thy parence:
and fold up the cloth.
Eche syde of the clothe
Do thou tourne in,
Foldynge it vp,
At the hygher ende begin.
[sign. B. iii. b.]Then spread a clean towel,
A cleane towell then
On the table spreade,—
The towell wantynge,
the cloth take in steade,—
bring bason and jug,
The bason and ewer
to the table then brynge,
and when your parents are ready to wash,
In place conuenient
theyr pleasure abydynge.
and when your parents are ready to wash,
when thou shalt see
them redy to washe,
The ewer take vp,
and be not to rashe
pour out the water.
In powrynge out water
More then wyll suffise.
Clear the table;
The table then voyde
that they may ryse.
All thynges thus done,
forget not thy dutie,
make a low curtsey.
Before the table
Make thou lowe cursie.
HOW TO BEHAVE AT ONE’S OWN DINNER.[sign. B. iiii.]How to behave at your own dinner.
¶ Howe to order thy selfe syttynge at the table. Capitulo .iiii.
O Chyldren! geue eare
your duties to learne,
Howe at the table
you may your selues gouerne.
Socra. Cato.
Presume not to hyghe,
I say, in no case;
Let your betters sit above you.
In syttynge downe,
to thy betters geue place.
See others served first,
Suffer eche man
Fyrste serued to be,
For that is a poynte
Of good curtesie.
then wait a while before eating.
when they are serued,
then pause a space,
For that is a sygne
of nourture and grace.
232Take salt with your knife, cut your bread, don’t fill your spoon too full,
Saulte with thy knyfe
then reache and take,
[sign. B. iiii. b.]
The breade cut fayre,
And do not it breake.
Thy spone with pottage
to full do not fyll,
For fylynge the cloth,
If thou fortune to spyll,
or sup your pottage.
For rudnes it is
thy pottage to sup,
Or speake to any,
his head in the cup.
Have your knife sharp.
Thy knyfe se be sharpe
to cut fayre thy meate;
Thy mouth not to full
when thou dost eate;
Don’t smack your lips
Not smackynge thy lyppes,
As comonly do hogges,
or gnaw your bones:
Nor gnawynge the bones
As it were dogges;
avoid such beastliness.
Suche rudenes abhorre,
Suche beastlynes flie,
At the table behaue
thy selfe manerly.
[sign. B. v.]Keep your fingers clean,
Thy fyngers se cleane
that thou euer kepe,
Hauynge a Napkyn
thereon them to wype;
wipe your mouth before drinking.
Thy mouth therwith
Cleane do thou make,
The cup to drynke
In hande yf thou take,
Let not thy tongue
At the table walke,
Plato.Don’t jabber or stuff.
And of no matter
Neyther reason nor talke.
Temper thy tongue
and belly alway,
For “measure is treasure,”
the prouerbe doth say,
And measure in althynges
Is to be vsed;
what is without measure
Ought to be refused.
Silence hurts no one,
For silence kepynge
thou shalt not be shent,
[sign. B. v. b.]
where as thy speache
May cause thee repent.
Bothe speache and silence
are commendable,
and is fitted for a child at table.
But sylence is metest
In a chylde at the table.
And Cato doth saye,
that “in olde and yonge
The fyrste of vertue
Is to kepe thy tonge.”
Don’t pick your teeth,
Pyke not thy teethe
at the table syttynge,
or spit too much.
Nor vse at thy meate
Ouer muche spytynge;
this rudnes of youth
Is to be abhorde;
Behave properly.
thy selfe manerly
Behaue at the borde.
Don’t laugh too much.
If occasion of laughter
at the table thou se,
Beware that thou vse
the same moderately.
[sign. B. vi.]Learn all the good manners you can.
Of good maners learne
So muche as thou can;
It wyll thee preferre
when thou art a man.
Aristotle the Philosopher
this worthy sayinge writ,
They are better than playing the fiddle,
That “maners in a chylde
are more requisit
then playnge on instrumentes
and other vayne pleasure;
For vertuous maners
Is a most precious treasure.”
though that’s no harm,
Let not this saynge
In no wyse thee offende,
For playnge of instrumentes
He doth not discommende,
but necessary;
But doth graunt them
for a chylde necessary,
yet manners are more important.
Yet maners muche more
see here he doth vary.
Refuse not his councell,
Nor his wordes dispise;
[sign. B. vi. b.]
To vertue and knowledge
By them mayste thou ryse.
How to behave at Church.
¶ Howe to order thy selfe in the Churche. Cap. .v.
Vvhen to the Churche
thou shalt repayer,
Pray kneeling or standing.
Knelynge or standynge,
to God make thy prayer;
All worldely matters
From thy mynde set apart,
Earnestly prayinge,
to God lyfte vp thy hart.
Psal. 1.
A contrite harte
He wyll not dispyse,
whiche he doth coumpt
A sweete sacrifice.
Confess your sins to God.
To hym thy sinnes
shewe and confesse,
Askynge for them
Grace and forgyuenes;
[sign. B. vii.]He knows your disease.
He is the Phisition
that knoweth thy sore,
And can to health
A-gayne thee restore.
Iames the .i.Ask in faith, and what you ask you shall have;
Aske then in fayth,
Not doubtynge to haue;
The thynges ye desyre
ye shall then receaue;
So they be lawfull
Of God to requyre,
He wyll the heare
and graunt thy desyre;
He is more merciful than pen can tell.
More mercifull he is
then pen can expresse,
The aucthor and geuer
here of all goodnesse.
Math. x.
“All ye that laboure
and burdened be,
I wyll you refreshe
In commynge to me.”
These are Chrystes wordes,
the scripture is playne,
[sign. B. vii. b.]
Spoken to all suche
as here suffre payne;
Our wylles to his worde
then let vs frame,
The heauenly habytacion
therby we may clame.
234Behave nicely in church,
In the churche comly
thy selfe do behaue,
In vsage sober,
thy countinaunce graue.
and don’t talk
whyle you be there,
taulke of no matter,
or chatter.
Nor one with an other
whisper nor chatter.
Behave reverently;
Reuerently thy selfe
Order alwaye
when to the Churche
thou shalt come to pray:
the House of Prayer
Eche thynge hath his tyme,
Consyder the place,
Luke .xix.
For that is a token
of vertue and grace,
[sign. B viii.]
The Lorde doth call it
the house of prayer
is not to be made a fair.
And not to be vsed
As is a fayer.
¶ The fruites of gamynge, vertue and learnynge. Capitulo .vi.
O Lytle chylde,
Eschewe thou euer game,—
For that hath brought
Many one to shame,—
dicing and carding.
As dysynge, and cardynge,
And suche other playes,
which many vndoeth,
as we se nowe a dayes.
But yf thou delyght
In any earthly thynge,
Delight in Knowledge, Virtue, and Learning.
Delyght in knowledge,
Vertue, and learnynge,
For learnynge wyll leade thee
to the schoole of vertue,
[sign. B. viii. b.]
And vertue wyll teache thee
Vice to subdue.
Vice beynge subdued,
thou canst not but floryshe;
Happy is he who cultivates Virtue.
Happy is the man
that vertue doth norysh.
By knowledge lykewyse
thou shalt doubtes discerne,
By vertue agayne
thy lyfe well gouerne.
These be the frutes
By them we do take,
Cursed is he who forsakes it.
Cursed is he then
that doth them forsake.
But we erre in wyt
In folowynge our wyll,
In iudgynge that good
which playnly is yll.
Let reason rule you,
Let reason thee rule,
and not will thee leade
To folowe thy fansie,
A wronge trace to treade.
[sign. C. i.]and subdue your lusts.
But subdue thy luste,
and conqeur thy wyll
If it shall moue thee
to doe that is yll;
These ills come from gambling:
For what hurte by game
to many doth growe,
No wyse man I thynke
but doth it well knowe.
Experience doth shewe
and make it manifeste
That all good men
can it but deteste,
strife, murder, theft,
As strife and debate,
murder and thefte,
whiche amonge christians,
wolde god were lefte,
cursing and swearing.
with cursynge and bannynge,
with swearyng and tearyng,
That no honest harte
can abyde the hearyng:
These be the fruites
that of them doth sprynge,
[sign. C. i. b.]
with many more as euill
that cometh of gamynge.
How to behave when conversing.
¶ How to behaue thy selfe in taulkynge with any man. Capitulo .vii.
If a man demaunde
a question of thee,
In thine aunswere makynge
be not to hastie;
Understand a question before you answer it;
waie well his wordes,
the case vnderstande
Eare an answere to make
thou take in hande,
Els may he iudge
in thee little wit,
To answere to a thynge
and not heare it.
let a man tell all his tale.
Suffer his tale
whole out to be toulde,
Then speake thou mayst,
and not be controulde;
[sign. C. ii.]Then bow to him, look him in the face, and answer sensibly,
Low obeisaunce makyng,
lokinge him in the face,
Tretably speaking,
thy wordes see thou place.
with countinaunce sober
thy bodie vprighte
Thy fete iuste to-gether,
thy handes in lyke plight;
not staring about
Caste not thyne eies
on neither syde.
when thou arte praised,
therin take no pryde.
or laughing,
In tellynge thy tale,
neither laugh nor smyle,
Such folly forsake thou,
banish and exyle;
but audibly
In audible voice
thy wordes do thou vtter,
Not hie nor lowe,
but vsynge a measure.
and distinctly,
Thy wordes se that
thou pronounce plaine,
[sign. C. ii. b.]that] orig. thai
And that they spoken
Be not in vayne;
In vttryng wherof
your words in due order,696
Kepe thou an order,
Thy matter therby
thou shalte much forder;
whiche order yf thou
Do not obserue,
or you’ll straggle off,
From the purpose
nedes must thou swarue.
And hastines of speche
wyll cause thee to erre,
or stutter, or stammer, which is a foul crime.
Or wyll thee teache
to stut or stammer.
To stut or stammer
is a foule crime,
Learne then to leaue it,
take warnyng in tyme;
How euyll a chylde
it doth become,
Thy selfe beynge iudge,
hauinge wisedome;
[sign. C. iii.]
And sure it is taken
by custome and vre,
whyle yonge you be
there is helpe and cure.
This generall rule
yet take with the,
Always keep your head uncovered.
In speakynge to any man
Thy head vn-couered be.
The common prouerbe
remember ye oughte,
Better unfed than untaught.
“Better vnfedde
then vn-taughte.”
How to take a Message.
¶ How to order thy selfe being sente of message. Cap. viii.
If of message
forthe thou be sente,
Listen to it well; don’t go away not knowing it.
Take hede to the same,
Geue eare diligente;
Depart not awaye
and beyng in doute,
[sign. C. iii. b.]
Know wel thy message
before thou passe out;
Then hurry away,
with possible spede
then hast thee right sone;
If nede shall requirr it
so to be done.
give the message;
After humble obeisaunce,
the message forth shewe
Thy wordes well placinge
in vttringe but fewe
As shall thy matter
serue to declare.
get the answer, return home, and tell it to your master
Thine answere made,
then home againe repare,
And to thy master
therof make relacion
As then the answere
shall geue thee occasion.
Neither adde nor deminish
any thynge to the same,
Lest after it proue
to thy rebuke and shame,
[sign. C. iiii.]exactly as it was told to you.
But the same vtter
so nere as thou can;
No faulte they shall fynde
to charge thee with than,
In most humble wyse
loke done that it be,
As shall become beste
a seruantes degre.
Against Anger, &c.
¶ A-gainste Anger, Enuie, and malice. Cap. ix.
The slave of Anger must fall.
If thou be subiecte
and to anger thrall,
And reason thee rule not,
nedes must thou fall.
Conquer thy wyll
and subdue thy luste,
Thy fansy not folowing,
thy cause though be iuste;
Anger’s deeds are strange to wise men.
For anger and furie
wyll thee so chaunge
[sign. C. iiii. b.]
That thy doynges to wise men
wyll appear straunge.
Thine anger and wrath
seke then to appeace,
For wrath, saith Plato,
Leades shame in a leace.
The hastie man
wantes neuer trouble,
A hasty man is always in trouble.
His mad moody mynde
his care doth double.
And malyce thee moue
to reuenge thy cause,
Dread euer god,
and daunger of the lawes.
Take no revenge, but forgive.
Do not reuenge,
though in thy power it be,
Forgeue the offender
being thine enemie.
He is perfectely pacient,
we may repute plaine,
[That] From wrath and furye
himselfe can refrayne.
[sign. C. v.]Envy no one.
Disdayne nor enuie
The state of thy brother,
In worde nor dede
not hurtyng one an other.
An ill body breeds debate.
Debate and disceate,
contencion and enuie,
Are the chiefe frutes
of an euyll bodie.
And Salomon saithe
“The harte full of enuie,
Of him selfe hath
no pleasure nor commoditie.”
The Fruits of Charity, &c.
¶ The fruites of charitie, loue, and pacience. Cap. x.
Charity seeketh not her own, but bears patiently.
Charitie seketh not
that to her doth belonge,
But paciently a-bydinge,
sustainynge rather wronge;
Charity seeketh not her own,
Not enuiynge, but bearinge
with loue and pacience,—
[sign. C. v. b.]but bears patiently.
So noble is her nature,—
forgeuing all ofence.
Love incites to Mercy.
And loue doth moue
the mynde to mercie,
But malice againe
doth worke the contrarie.
whiche in the wicked
wyll euer beare stroke,
Patience teaches forbearance.
Pacience thee teacheth
therof to beare the yoke.
where pacience and loue
to-gether do dwell
All hate and debate,
with malice, they expell.
Loue constant and faithfull,
Pithagoras doth call
To be a vertue
most principall.
Plato doth speake
almoste in effecte
‘where loue is not,
no vertue is perfecte.’
[sign. C. vi.]Pray God to give thee Charity and Patience,
Desire then god
to assiste thee with his grace
Charitie to vse
and pacience to imbrace;
to lead thee to Virtue’s School,
These three folowinge
will thee instructe,
That to vertues schoole
they wyll thee conducte,
and thence to Eternal Bliss.
And from vertues schoole
to eternall blisse
where incessaunt ioie
continually is.
AGAINST SWEARING.Against Swearing.
¶ A-gainge (so) the horrible vice of swearynge. Cap. xi.
Take not God’s name in vain,
In vaine take not
the name of god;
Swere not at all
for feare of his rod.
or He will plague thee.
The house with plagues
he threteneth to visit
sign. C. vi. b.
where othes are vsed:
they shall not escape it.
Iuste are his iudgementes,
and true is his worde,
And sharper then is
a two edged sworde;
Beware of His wrath,
wherfore beware thou
his heauy indignacion,
and live well in thy vocation.
And learne to lyue well
in thy vocacion
wherin that god
shall thee set or call;
Rysinge againe—
if it fortune to fall—
By prayer and repentance,
whiche is the onely waie.
Christ wolde not the death
of a sinner, I saye,
But rather he turne
From his wickednesse,
And so to lyue
in vertue and goodnesse.
[sign. C. vii.]What is the good of swearing?
what better art thou
for this thy swearyng
the name of god tearyng?
It kindles God’s wrath against thee.
Prouokynge his yre
and kyndlinge his wrath
Thee for to plauge,
that geuinge the hath
Knowlage and reason
thy selfe for to rule,
And for to flee
the thynge that is euyl.
Senica doth councell thee
all swerynge to refrayne,
Although great profite
by it thou mighte gaine:
Pericles, whose wordes
are manifeste and playne,
From sweryng admonisheth
thee to obstaine;
239God’s law forbids
The lawe of god,
and commaundement he gaue,
[sign. C. vii. b.swearing,
Swearynge amongst vs
in no wyse wolde haue.
and so does the counsel of Philosophers.
The councell of philosoph[ers]
I haue here expreste,
Amongest whom sweryng
was vtterly deteste;
Much lesse amongest christians
ought it to be vsed,
But vtterly of them
cleane to be refused.
Against filthy talking.
¶ A-gainste the vice of filthy talkynge. Cap. xii.
Never talk dirt.
No filthy taulke
in no wise vse,
Thy tonge therby
for to abuse.
For every word we shall give account
Of euery idell worde
an accumpte we shall render;—
All men I woulde
this sayinge to remember;—
[sign. C. viii.]at the Day of Doom,
To god for it
at the generall daie
In earnest or sporte
we shall speake or saie;
whiche daye to the iuste
shallbe most ioyfull,
And to the wicked
againe as wofull.
and be judged according to our deeds.
As we here doe,
so shall we receaue,
Vnles we repente
and mercy of god craue.
If god wyll deale
with vs so straight
For thinges that be
of so small waight,
Let lewd livers then fear.
Then haue we cause
to feare and dreade,
Our lyues lewdly
if we haue leade.
[sign. C. viii. b.]Keep your tongue from vain talking.
Thy tonge take hede
thou doe refrayne
From speakyng wordes
that are moste vayne;
Thy wyll and witte
to goodnes applie,
Thy mynde exercise
in vertuous studie.
AGAINST LYING.Against Lying.
¶ A-gainste the vice of lyinge. Capitulo .xiii.
To forge, to fayne,
to flater and lye,
Requiere diuers collours
with wordes fayre and slye,
To speak the
But the vtteraunce of truthe
is so simple and playne
240truth needs no study,
That it nedeth no studie
to forge or to fayne;
therefore always
wherfore saye truth,
how euer stand the case,
So shalte thou fynde
more fauour and grace.
practise it and speak it.
Vse truthe, and say truth,
in that thou goest aboute,
For tyme of althinges
the truthe wyll bringe out.
[sign. D. i.]Shame is the reward of lying.
Shame is the rewarde
For lying dewe;
Then auoyde shame,
and vtter wordes trewe.
A lyar by his lying
this profet doth get,
That whan he saith truth
no man wyll him credet;
Always speak the truth.
Then let thy talke
with the truth agree,
And blamed for it
thou shalte neuer bee.
Who can trust a liar?
Howe maie a man
a lyer ought truste?
But doubte his dedes,
his woordes being vniuste.
In tellyng of truth
there lougeth no shame,
Where vttring of lyes
deserueth much blame;
If a lie saves you once,
And though a lye
from stripes ye once saue,
[sign. D. i. b.]it deceives you thrice.
Thrise for that once
it wyll the desceue;
Truste then to truth,
and neither forge nor fayne,
And followe these preceptes:
from liyng do refraine.
A NIGHTLY PRAYER.A bedward Prayer.
¶ A praier to be saide when thou goest to bedde.
God of mercy,
O Mercifull god!
heare this our requeste,
And graunte vnto vs
this nighte quiet reste.
take us into Thy care.
Into thy tuicion,
oh lorde, do vs take!
Our bodies slepynge,
our myndes yet maie wake.
Forgive us our sins.
Forgeue the offences
this daye we haue wroughte
A-gainste thee and our neighbour
in worde, dede, and thoughte!
And graunte vs thy grace
hense forth to flie sinne,
[sign. D. ii.]Deliver us from evil,
And that a newe lyfe
we maie nowe beginne!
Deliuer and defende vs
this night from all euell,
and our enemy the Devil.
And from the daunger
of our enemie, the diuell,
whiche goeth a-boute
sekyng his praie,
And by his crafte
whom we maie betraie.
241Assist us
Assiste vs, oh lorde,
with thy holy sprite,
That valiantly against him
we maie euer fighte;
to conquer him
And winning the victorie,
maie lifte vp our voice,
And in his strength
faithfully reioice,
and ascribe all honour to Thee.
Saying, “to the lorde
be all honour and praise
For his defence
bothe now and alwaies!”
THE DUTY OF ALL DEGREES OF MEN.[sign. D. ii. b.]Each one’s Duty.
¶ the dutie of eche degred. (so) brefely declared.
The Duty of Princes,
1 Ye princes, that the earth
rule and gouerne,
Seke ye for knowledge
doubtes to discerne.
2 Ye iudges, geue iudgement
according to righte
As may be founde
acceptable in the lordes sight.
3 Ye prelates, preache purely
the worde of our lorde,
That your liuings & prechinges
in one maie accorde.
4 Ye fathers and mothers,
so your children instructe
As maye them to grace
and uertue conducte.
[sign. D. iii.]Children,
5 Ye chyldren, lykewyse
obey your parentes here;
In all godlinesse
see that ye them feare.
6 Ye maisters, do you
the thynge that is righte
Not lokynge what
ye may do by mighte.
7 Ye seruauntes, applie
your busines and arte,
Doinge the same
in singlenesse of harte.
8 Ye husbandes, loue your wyues,
and with them dwell,
All bitternesse set aparte,
vsing wordes gentell.
242The Duty of Wives,
9 Ye wyues, to your husbandes
be obedient alwaie,
[sign. D. iii. b.]
For they are your heades,
and ye bounde to obeie.
Parsons and Vicars,
10 Ye persons and vickers
that haue cure and charge,
Take hede to the same,
and roue not at large.
Men of Law,
11 Ye men of lawe,
in no wyse delaie
The cause of the poore,
but helpe what ye maie.
12 Ye that be craftes men,
vse no disceite,
Geuing to all men
tale, measure, and weighte.
13 Ye that be landlordes
and haue housen to let,
At reasonable rentes
do them forth set.
[sign. D. iiii.]Merchants,
14 Ye merchauntes that vse
the trade of merchandise,
Vse lawfull wares
and reasonable prise.
15 Ye subiectes, lyue ye
in obedience and awe,
Fearyng gods stroke,
and daunger of the lawe.
Rich Men,
16 Ye rych, whom god
hath goods vnto sente,
Releue the poore
and helpe the indigente.
Poor Men,
17 Ye that are poore,
with your state be contente,
Not hauinge wherwith
to lyue competente.
18 Ye magestrates, the cause
of the widdow and fatherles
[sign. D. iiii. b.]
Defende againste suche
as shall them opresse.
19 All ye that are called
to any other office,
Execute the same
acordinge to iustice.
243The Duty of all Men.
20 Let eche here so liue
in his vocacion,
As maie his soule saue,
and profet his nacion.
God grant us all to live and die well!
21 This graunting god,
that sitteth on hie,
we shall here well lyue
and after well die.
Famam virtutis mors
Abolire nequit quod. F. S.
¶ Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyearde. By william Seares.
[Some word or words in large black letter have been cut off at the bottom of the page.]
Whate-ever thow sey, avyse thee welle!
[MS. O. 9. 38. Trinity College, Cambridge.]
Almy?ty godde, conserue vs fram care!
Where ys thys worle A-wey y-wente?
A man must mind what he says;
A man that schold speke, had nede to be ware,
ffor lytyl thyng he may be schente;
Tonggys beth y-turne to lyther entente;
hearts are fickle and fell.
Hertys, they beth bothe fykel and felle;
Man, be ware leste thow repente!
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Take care what you say.
A-vyse the, man, yn whate place and whare
A woord of conseyl thow doyst seyne;
A false friend may hear it,
Sum man may ley ther-to hys ere;
Thow wenyst he be thy frend; he ys thy foo certeyne;
and after a year or two will repeat it.
Peraventor aftyr A ?ere or tweyne—
Thow trowyst as tru as eny stele,—
Thys woord yn wreth thow schalt hyre A-gayne!
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Hasty speech hurts hearer and speaker.
Meny man spekyth yn hastenys:
hyt hyndryth hym and eke hys frende;
hym were welle beter his tonge to sese
Than they both ther-for be schende.
Suche wordys beth not to be had yn meynde,
hyt maky?t comforte with care to kele:
In the beginning, think on the end.
Man, yn the begynnyng thenk on Þe eynde!
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
245You tell a man a secret, and he’ll betray it for a drink of wine.
To sum man thow mayste tel a pryuy tale:
Whan he fro the ys wente A-way,
ffor a draw?t of wyne other ale
he wolle the wrey, by my fay,
And make hyt worse (hyt ys noo nay)
Than euer hyt was, A thowsend dele.
Mind what you say.
Thys ys my songe both ny?t & day,
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Avoid backbiting and flattering;
Be ware of bagbytynge, y the rede;
ley flaterynge vndyr thy foote, loke;
Deme the beste of euery dede
Tylle trowth haue serchyd truly Þe roote;
refrain from malice,
Rrefrayne malyce cruelle & hoote;
Dyscretly and wysly speende thy spelle;
and bragging.
Boost ne brage ys worth A Ioote;
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
A venomous tongue causes sorrow.
Dysese, wharre, sorowe and debate,
ys caused ofte by venemys tonge;
When words are said, regret is too late.
haddywyst cometh euer to late
Whan lewyd woordis beth owte y-spronge.
The kocke seyth wysly on his songe
‘hyre and see, and hold the stylle,’
And euer kepe thys lesson A-monge,
Mind what you say.48
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Had men thought of this, many things done in England would never have been begun.
y dere welle swery by the sonne,
yf euery man had thys woord yn thow?t
Meny thynggis had neuer be by-gunne
That ofte yn Ingelond hath be y-wro?t.
See The Wise Man, in Babees Boke, &c. p.48.
The wyse man hath hys sone y-taw?tte
yn ryches, poorte, woo, and welle,
Thys worthy reson for-?ete thow no?t,
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
246To speak aright observe six things:
yf that thow wolte speke A-ry?t,
Ssyx thynggys thow moste obserue then:
1. what; 2. of whom; 3. where; 4. to whom; 5. why; 6. when.
What thow spekyst, & of what wy?t,
Whare, to wham, whye, and whenne.
Thow noost how soone thow schalt go henne;
As lome be meke, as serpent felle;
In every place mind what you say.
yn euery place, A-monge alle men,
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Almighty God,
“Almy?ty god yn personys thre,
With herte mylde mekly y praye,
grant me grace to serve Thee!
Graunte me grace thy seruant to be
Yn woorde and dede euer and aye!
Mary, mother,
Mary, moder, blessyd maye,
Quene of hevyn, Imperes of helle,
send me grace night and day!
Sende me grace both ny?t and daye!”
Whate euer thow sey, A-vyse the welle!
Explicit &c.
A Dogg Lardyner, & a Sowe Gardyner.
[MS. O. 9. 38. Trinity College, Cambridge.]
Printed in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, v. i. p.233, from MS. Lansdowne No. 762, fol. 16 b.
A dog in a larder, a sow in a garden, a fool with wise men, are ill matcht.
hoo so maky?t at crystysmas A dogge lardyner, And yn march Asowe gardyner, And yn may Afoole of every wysmanys counsaylle, he schalle neuer haue goode larder, ne fayre gardyn, nother counsaylle welle y-keptt.
Maxims in -ly
[MS. Lansdowne 762, fol. 16 b, written as prose. Printed in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, v. i. p.233.]
Aryse erly,
serue God devowtely
and the worlde besely,
doo thy werk wisely,
yeue thyne almes secretely,
goo by the waye sadly,
answer the people demuerly,
goo to thy mete apetitely,
sit therat discretely,
of thy tunge be not to liberally,
arise therfrom temperally,
go to thy supper soberly
and to thy bed merely,
be in thyn Inne iocundely,
please thy loue duely,
and Slepe suerly.
Roger Ascham’s Advice / to / Lord Warwick’s Servant.
With the different counsels to babees, pages, and servants, throughout this volume, may be compared Roger Ascham’s advice to his brother-in-law, Mr C.H., when he put him to service with the Earl of Warwick, A.D. 1559. Here follows part of it, from Whitaker’s Hist. of Richmondshire, p.282.
First and formost, in all your thoughts, words, and deeds, Fear God, have before your eyes the feare of God..... serve your lord faithfully, love and serve your lord willingly, faithfullye, and secretlye; be courteous to your fellows. love and live with your fellowes honestly, quiettlye, curteouslye, that noe man have cause either to hate yow for your stubborne frowardnes, or to malice yow for your proud ungentlenes, two faults which commonly yonge men soones[t] fall into in great men’s service. Despise no poor man. Contemne noe poore man, mocke noe simple man, which proud fooles in cort like and love to doe; find fault with your selfe and with none other, the best waye to live honestlye and quiettly in the court. Carry no tales. Carrye noe tales, be noe common teller of newes, be not inquisitive of other menn’s talke, for those that are desirous to heare what they need not, commonly be readye to babble what they shold not. Tell no lies. Vse not to lye, for that is vnhonest; speake not everye truth, for that is vnneedfull; yea, in tyme and place a harmlesse lye is a greate deale better then a hurtfull truth. Don’t play at dice or cards. Use not dyceing nor carding; the more yow use them the lesse yow wilbe esteemed; the cunninger yow be at them 249 the worse man yow wilbe counted. Take to your lord’s favourite sport. for pastime, love and learne that which your lord liketh and vseth most, whether itt be rydeing, shooteing, hunting, hawkeing, fishing or any such exercise. Beware of secrett corners and night sitting vp, the two nurses of mischiefe, unthriftines, losse, and sicknes. Beware of idleness. Beware cheifely of ydlenes, the great pathway that leadeth directly to all evills; be diligent alwayes, Always be at hand when you’re wanted. be present every where in your lord’s service, be at hand to call others, and be not ofte sent for yourselfe; for marke this as part of your creed, that the good service of one whole yeare shall never gett soe much as the absence of one howre may lose, when your lord shall stand in need of yow to send. if yow consider alwayes that absence and negligence must needes be cause of greife and sorrowe to your selfe, of chideing and rueing to your lord, and that Diligence will get you praise. dutye done diligently and presently shall gaine yow profitt, and purchase yow great praise and your lord’s good countenance, yow shall ridd me of care, and wynne your selfe creditt, make me a gladd man, and your aged mother a ioyfull woman, and breed your freinds great comforth. God be with you! Soe I comitt and commend yow to God’s mercifull proteccion and good guidance, who long preserve Your ever loving and affectionate brother in lawe.
To my loveing Brother in Lawe, Mr C.H., Servant to the Rt. Hon. the Earle of Warwick, these.
The Babees Book.
[MS. Harl. 5086, fol. 86-90; ab. 1475 A.D.]
In the printed book, some line numbers were shifted to avoid collision with the pilcrow symbol at the beginning of each stanza. For this e-text, numbers have been regularized to multiples of 4.
My God, support me while I translate this treatise from Latin.
In this tretys the whiche I thenke to wryte
Out of latyn in-to my comvne langage,
He me supporte (sen I kan nat endyte),
The whiche only after his owne ymage
Fourmyd man-kynde! For alle of tendre age
It shall teach those of tender age.
In curtesye Resseyve shulle document,
And vertues knowe, by this lytil coment.
¶ And Facett seythe the Book of curtesye,
To know and practise virtues is the most profitable thing in the world.
Vertues to knowe, thaym forto haue and vse,
Is thing moste heelfulle in this worlde trevly.
Therfore in feythe I wole me nat excuse
From this labour ywys, nor hit Refuse;
For myn owne lernynge wole I say summe thing
That touchis vertues and curtesye havyng.
Young Babies, adorned with grace,
¶ But, O yonge Babees, whome bloode Royalle
Withe grace, Feture, and hyhe habylite
I call on you to know this book (for Nurture should accompany beauty),
Hathe enourmyd, on yow ys that I calle
To knowe this Book; for it were grete pyte,
Syn that in yow ys sette sovereyne beaute,
But yf vertue and nurture were withe alle;
To yow therefore I speke in specyalle,
and not on aged men expert therein.
¶ And nouhte to hem of elde that bene experte
In governaunce, nurture, and honeste.
251Why add pain to hell,24
For what nedys to yeve helle peynes smerte,
water to the sea,
Ioye vnto hevene, or water vnto the see,
[Fol. 86 b.]or heat to fire?
Heete to the Fyre that kan nat but hoote be?
It nedys nouhte: therfore, O Babees yynge,
Babies, my book is for you only,28
My Book only is made for youre lernynge.
and so I hope no one will find fault with it, but only amend it.
¶ Therfore I pray that no man Reprehende
This lytyl Book, the whiche for yow I make;
But where defaute ys, latte ylke man amende,
And nouhte deme yt; [I] pray thaym for youre sake.
The only reward I seek is that my book may please all and improve you.
For other mede ywys I kepe noone take
But that god wolde this Book myhte yche man plese,
And in lernynge vnto yow donne somme ese.
If you don’t know any word in it, ask till you do,36
¶ Eke, swete children, yf there be eny worde
That yee kenne nouhte, spyrre whils yee yt ken;
and then keep hold of it.
Whanne yee yt knowe, yee mowe holde yt in horde,
Thus thurhe spyrryng yee mowe lerne at wyse men.
And do not wonder at this being in metre.40
Also thenke nouhte to straungely at my penne,
In this metre for yow lyste to procede,
Men vsen yt; therfore on hit take hede.
I must first describe how you Babies who dwell in households should behave at meals,
¶ But amonge alle that I thenke of to telle,
My purpos ys first only forto trete
How yee Babees in housholde that done duelle
Shulde haue youre sylf whenne yee be sette at mete,
and be ready with lovely and benign words when you are spoken to.
And how yee shulde, whenne men lyste yow Rehete,
Haue wordes lovly, swete, bleste, and benyngne.
In this helpe me O Marie, Modir dyngne!
Lady Facetia, help me!
¶ And eke, O lady myn, Facecia!
My penne thow guyde, and helpe vnto me shewe;
252[Fol. 87.]Thou art the Mother of all Virtue.52
For as the firste off alle lettres ys the A,
So Artow firste Modir of alle vertue.
Off myn vnkunnynge, swete lady, now Rewe;
Help the ignorance of me untaught!
And thouhe vntauhte I speke of governaunce,
Withe thy swete helpe supporte myn ygnoraunce.
Fair Babies, when you enter your lord’s place, say “God speed,”
A, Bele Babees, herkne now to my lore!
Whenne yee entre into your lordis place,
Say first, “god spede;” And alle that ben byfore
and salute all there.60
Yow in this stede, salue withe humble Face;
Stert nat Rudely; komme Inne an esy pace;
Kneel on one knee to your lord.
Holde vp youre heede, and knele but on oone kne
To youre sovereyne or lorde, whedir he be.
If any speak to you, look straight at them, and listen well till they have finished; do not chatter or let64
¶ And yf they speke withe yow at youre komynge,
Withe stable Eye loke vpone theym Rihte,
To theyre tales and yeve yee goode herynge
Whils they haue seyde; loke eke withe alle your myhte
your eyes wander about the house.68
Yee Iangle nouhte, also caste nouhte your syhte
Aboute the hovs, but take to theym entent
Withe blythe vysage, and spiryt diligent.
Answer sensibly,
¶ Whenne yee Answere or speke, yee shulle be purveyde
What yee shalle say / speke eke thing fructuous;
shortly, and easily.
On esy wyse latte thy Resone be sayde
[Fol. 87 b.]
In wordes gentylle and also compendious,
Many words are a bore to a wise man.
For many wordes ben rihte Tedious
To ylke wyseman that shalle yeve audience;
Thaym to eschewe therfore doo diligence.
253Stand till you are told to sit: keep
¶ Take eke noo seete, but to stonde be yee preste;
Whils forto sytte ye haue in komaundement,
your head, hands, and feet quiet:80
Youre heede, youre hande, your feet, holde yee in reste;
don’t scratch yourself,
Nor thurhe clowyng, your flesshe loke yee nat Rent;
or lean against a post,
Lene to no poste whils that ye stande present
Byfore your lorde, nor handylle ye no thyng
or handle anything near.84
Als for that tyme vnto the hovs touching.
Bow to your lord when you answer.
¶ At euery tyme obeye vnto youre lorde
Whenne yee answere, ellis stonde yee styl as stone
But yf he speke; loke withe oon accorde
If any one better than yourself comes in, retire and give place to him.88
That yf yee se komme Inne eny persone
Better thanne yee, that yee goo bak anoone
And gyff him place; youre bak eke in no way
Turn your back on no man.
Turne on no wihte, as ferforthe as ye may.
¶ Yiff that youre lorde also yee se drynkynge,
Be silent while your lord drinks, not laughing, whispering, or joking.
Looke that ye be in rihte stable sylence
Withe-oute lowde lauhtere or Iangelynge,
Rovnynge, Iapynge, or other Insolence.
Yiff he komaunde also in his presence
If he tells you to sit down, do so at once.
Yow forto sytte, fulfille his wylle belyve,
And for youre seete, looke nat withe other stryve,
[Fol. 88.]Then don’t talk dirt, or scorn any one, but be meek and cheerful.
¶ Whenne yee er sette, take noone vnhoneste tale;
Eke forto skorne eschewe withe alle your myhte;
Latte ay youre chere be lowly, blythe, and hale,
Withe-oute chidynge as that yee wolde fyhte.
If your better praises you,
Yiff yee perceyve also that eny wihte
Lyst yow kommende that better be thanne yee,
rise up and thank him heartily.
Ryse vp anoone, and thanke him withe herte free.
254When your lord or lady is speaking about the household,
¶ Yif that yee se youre lorde or youre lady
Touching the housholde speke of eny thinge,
Latt theym alloone, for that is curtesy,
don’t you interfere, but be always ready to serve at the proper time,
And entremete yow nouhte of theyre doynge,
But be Ay Redy withe-oute feynynge
At hable tyme to done your lorde service,
So shalle yee gete anoone a name of price.
to bring drink, hold lights, or
¶ Also to brynge drynke, holde lihte whanne tyme ys,
anything else,
Or to doo that whiche ouhte forto be done,
Looke yee be preste, for so yee shalle ywys
and so get a good name.116
In nurture gete a gentyl name ful sone;
The best prayer you can make to God is to be well mannered.
And yif ye shulde at god aske yow a bone
Als to the worlde, better in noo degre
Mihte yee desire thanne nurtred forto be.
If your lord offers you his cup,120
¶ Yif that youre lorde his owne coppe lyste commende
rise up, take it with both hands,
To yow to drynke, ryse vp whanne yee it take,
And resseyve it goodly withe boothe youre hende;
[Fol. 88 b.]offer it to no one else, but give it back to him that brought it.
Of yt also to nÕÕne other profre ye make,
But vnto him that brouhte yt yee hit take
Whenne yee haue done, for yt in no kyn wyse
Auhte comvne be, as techis vs the wyse.
¶ Now must I telle in shorte, for I muste so,
At Noon, when your lord is ready for dinner,128
Youre observaunce that ye shalle done at none;
Whenne that ye se youre lorde to mete shalle goo,
Be redy to fecche him water sone;
some pour water on him, some hold the towel for him
Summe helle1 water; summe holde to he hathe done
The clothe to him; And from him yee nat pace
till he has finished, and don’t leave till grace is said.
Whils he be sette, and haue herde sayde the grace.
255Stand by your lord till he tells you to sit,
¶ Byfore him stonde whils he komaunde yow sytte,
Withe clene handes Ay Redy him to serve;
then keep your knife clean and sharp136
Whenne yee be sette, your knyf withe alle your wytte
Vnto youre sylf bothe clene and sharpe conserve,
to cut your food.
That honestly yee mowe your owne mete kerve.
Be silent, and tell no nasty stories.
Latte curtesye and sylence withe yow duelle,
And foule tales looke noone to other telle.
Cut your bread, don’t break it.
¶ Kutte withe your knyf your brede, and breke yt nouhte;
Lay a clean trencher before you, and eat your broth with a spoon,
A clene Trenchour byfore yow eke ye lay,
And whenne your potage to yow shalle be brouhte,
don’t sup it up.144
Take yow sponys, and soupe by no way,
Don’t leave your spoon in your dish.
And in youre dysshe leve nat your spone, I pray,
Don’t lean on the table, or dirty the cloth.
Nor on the borde lenynge be yee nat sene,
But from embrowyng the clothe yee kepe clene.
Don’t hang your head over your dish, or eat with a full mouth, or148
¶ Oute ouere youre dysshe your heede yee nat hynge,
And withe fulle mouthe drynke in no wyse;
pick your nose, teeth, and nails,
Youre nose, your teethe, your naylles, from pykynge,
[Fol. 89.]
Kepe At your mete, for so techis the wyse.
Eke or ye take in youre mouthe, yow avyse,
or stuff your mouth so that you can’t speak.
So mekyl mete but that yee rihte welle mowe
Answere, And speke, whenne men speke to yow.
Wipe your mouth when you drink,
¶ Whanne ye shalle drynke, your mouthe clence withe A clothe;
and don’t dirty the cup with your hands.156
Youre handes eke that they in no manere
Imbrowe the cuppe, for thanne shulle noone be lothe
Withe yow to drynke that ben withe yow yfere.
Don’t dip your meat in the salt-cellar,
The salte also touche nat in his salere
Withe nokyns mete, but lay it honestly
On youre Trenchoure, for that is curtesy.
or put your knife in your mouth.
¶ Youre knyf withe mete to your mouthe nat bere,
And in youre hande nor hold? yee yt no way;
Taste every dish that’s brought to you, and when once your plate is taken away, don’t ask for it again.164
Eke yf to yow be brouhte goode metys sere,
Luke curteysly of ylke mete yee assay,
And yf your dysshe withe mete be tane away
And better brouhte, curtesye wole certeyne
Yee late yt passe and calle it nat ageyne.
If strangers dine with you, share all good food sent to you with them.
¶ And yf straungers withe yow be sette at mete,
And vnto yow goode mete be brouhte or sente,
Withe parte of hit goodely yee theym Rehete,
It’s not polite to keep it all to yourself.172
For yt ys nouhte ywys convenyent
Withe yow at mete, whanne other ben present,
Alle forto holde that vnto yow ys brouhte,
And as wrecches on other vouchesauf nouhte.
[Fol. 89 b.]Don’t cut your meat like field labourers, who have such an appetite they don’t care how they hack their food.176
¶ Kutte nouhte youre mete eke as it were Felde men,
That to theyre mete haue suche an appetyte
That they ne rekke in what wyse, where ne when,
Nor how vngoodly they on theyre mete twyte;
Sweet children, let your delight be courtesy, and eschew rudeness.180
But, swete children, haue al-wey your delyte
In curtesye, and in verrey gentylnesse,
And at youre myhte eschewe boystousnesse.
Have a clean trencher and knife for your cheese,
¶ Whanne chese ys brouhte, A Trenchoure ha ye clene
On whiche withe clene knyf [ye] your chese mowe kerve;
and eat properly.
In your fedynge luke goodly yee be sene.
257Don’t chatter either, and you shall get a good repute for gentleness.
And from Iangelyng your tunge al-wey conserve,
For so ywys yee shalle a name deserve
Off gentylnesse and of goode governaunce,
And in vertue al-wey youre silf avaunce.
When the meal is over,
¶ Whanne that so ys that ende shalle kome of mete,
clean your knives, and put them in their places; keep your seats till you’ve washed;
Youre knyffes clene, where they ouhte to be,
Luke yee putte vppe; and holde eke yee your seete
Whils yee haue wasshe, for so wole honeste.
Whenne yee haue done, looke thanne goodly that yee
then rise up without laughing or joking, and go to your lord’s table.
Withe-oute lauhtere, Iapynge, or boystous worde,
Ryse vppe, and goo vnto youre lordis borde,
Stand there
¶ And stonde yee there, and passe yee him nat fro
till grace is said.
Whils grace ys sayde and brouhte vnto an ende,
Then some of you go for water, some hold the towel, some pour water over his hands.
Thanne somme of yow for water owe to goo,
Somme holde the clothe, somme poure vpÕn his hende.
[Fol. 90.]Other things I shall not put in this little Report,
Other service thanne this I myhte comende
To yow to done, but, for the tyme is shorte,
I putte theym nouhte in this lytyl Reporte,
but skip over, praying that no one will abuse me for this work.204
¶ But ouere I passe, prayyng withe spyrit gladde
Of this labour that no wihte me detray,
Let readers add or take away: I address it to every one who likes to correct it.
But where to lytyl ys, latte him more adde,
And whenne to myche ys, latte him take away;
For thouhe I wolde, tyme wole that I no more say;
I leve therfore, And this Book I directe
To euery wihte that lyste yt to correcte.
Sweet children, Ibeseech you
¶ And, swete children, for whos love now I write,
I yow beseche withe verrey lovande herte,
258know this book, and may God make you so expert therein
To Amerous, to Aunterous, ne Angre the nat to muche;
bold or busy,
To Bolde, ne to Besy, ne Bourde nat to large;
courteous or cruel or cowardly, and don’t drink too often,
To Curteys, to Cruelle, ne Care nat to sore;
To Dulle, ne to Dredefulle, ne Drynke nat to offte;
or be too lofty or anxious,
To Elenge, to Excellent, ne to Carefulle neythur;
but friendly of cheer.
To Fers, ne to Famuler, but Frendely of Chere;
Hate jealousy,
To gladde, ne to Glorious, and Gelousy thow hate;
be not too hasty or daring;8
To Hasty, to Hardy, ne to Hevy in thyn Herte;
joke not too oft;
To Iettyng, ne to Iangelyng, and Iape nat to ofte;
ware knaves’ tricks.
To Kynde, ne to Kepyng, and warre Knavis tacches;
Don’t be too grudging or too liberal,
To Lothe, ne to Lovyng, ne to Lyberalle of goode;
too meddling,12
To Medlous, to Mury, but as goode Maner askithe;
too particular, new-fangled, or too daring.
To noyous, ne to Nyce, ne to Newfangylle;
Hate oaths
To Orped, to Overtwert, and Othes, sir, thow hate;
259and flattery.
To Preysyng, to Preve withe Prynces and Dukes;
Please well thy master.16
To Queynt, to Querelous, and Queme welle thy maistre;
Don’t be too rackety,
To Riotous, to Revelyng, ne Rage nat to muche;
or go out too much.
To Straunge, ne to Steryng, ne Stare nat abroode;
Don’t be
To Toyllous, to Talevys, for Temperaunce it hatithe;
too revengeful20
To Vengable, to Envious, and waste nat to muche;
or wrathful, and wade not too deep.
To Wylde, to Wrathefulle, and Wade nat to depe;
The middle path is the best for us all.
A Mesurable Mene way ys beste for vs alle;
¶ Yitte. Lerne. or. Be. Lewde.
[A Dietary given ‘vnto Kyng Herry vte’ ‘by Sigismounde, Emperour of Rome,’ follows, leaf 91. The colophon (leaf 98, back) is ‘¶Thus endithe this Dyetarye Compyled And made by Plato and Petrus Lucratus, Grete Philosophers and Astronomers.’]
A complete copy of the A B C Alliterative Poem of which the foregoing LERNE OR BE LEWDE is a fragment, occurs in the Lambeth MS. 853, and is therefore added here.
The A B C of Aristotle.
[Lambeth MS. 853, ab. 1430 A.D., page 30, written without breaks.]
The A B C of Aristotle, Harl. MS. 1706, fol. 94, collated by Mr Brock, omits the prologue, and begins after l.14 with, “Here be-gynnethe Arystoles A B C. made be mayster Benett.”
Who-so wilneÞ to be wijs, & worschip desiriÞ,
Lerne he oo lettir, & looke on anothir
Of Þe .a. b. c. of aristotil: argue not a?en Þat:
It is councel for ri?t manye clerkis & kny?tis a Þousand,
And eek it my?te ameende a man ful ofte
For to leerne lore of oo lettir, & his lijf saue;
For to myche of ony Þing was neuere holsum.
Reede ofte on Þis rolle, & rewle Þou Þer aftir;
Who-so be greued in his goost, gouerne him bettir;
Blame he not Þe barn Þat Þis .a. b. c. made,
But wite he his wickid will & his werk aftir;
It schal neuere greue a good man Þou? Þe gilti be meendid.
Now herkeneÞ & heeriÞ how y bigynne.
to amerose, to aunterose, ne argue not to myche.
argue not] Angre the
[Page 31.]
to bolde, ne to bisi, ne boorde not to large.
omit ne
not to large] thou nat to brode
to curteis, to cruel, ne care not to sore.
to dul, ne to dreedful, ne drinke not to ofte.
omit ne
not] thow nat
to elenge, ne to excellent, ne to eernesful neiÞer.
to iettynge, ne to iangelinge, ne iape not to ofte.
iettynge] Iocunde
iape not to] Ioye thow nat
to kinde, ne to kepynge, & be waar of knaue tacchis.
omit to and &
knaue] knaves
to looth for to leene, ne to liberal of goodis.
for to leene] ne to lovyng
goodis] woordys
to medelus, ne to myrie, but as mesure wole it meeue.
medelus] Mellous
but as mesure wole it meeue] ne to besynesse vnleffulle
to noiose, ne to nyce, ne use no new iettis.
ne use no new iettis] ne noughte to neffangle
to orped, ne to ouerÞwart, & ooÞis Þou hate.
ouerÞwart] ouertwarthe
& ooÞis Þou hate] Ne othez to haunte
to presing, ne to preuy with princis ne with dukis;
to queynte, ne *to quarelose, but queeme weel ?oure souereyns.
quarelose] querelous
weel ?oure souereyns] men alle abowte
[* Page 32.]
to riotus, to reueling, ne rage not to rudeli.
omit the second to
not to rudeli] thou nat but lyte
to straunge, ne to stirynge, ne straungeli to stare.
ne straungeli to stare] Ne starte nat abowte
to toilose, ne to talewijs, for temperaunce is beest.
for temperaunce is best] But temperate euere
to venemose, ne to veniable, & voide al vilonye.
ne ...] ne violent Ne waste nat to moche
to wielde, ne to wraÞful, neiÞer waaste, ne waade not to depe,
neiÞer &c.] Ne to wyse deme the
¶ For a mesurable meene is euere Þe beste of alle.
is euere Þe beste of] ys best for vs
X Y Z x y wyche esed & perse.
[“Whi is Þis world biloued” follows.]
See two other copies of this A B C in Harl. MS. 541, fol. 213 and 228.
The copy on fol. 213 has the exordium as prose, thus: Who so wylle be wyse, and worspyppe to wynne, leerÑ he on lettur, and loke vpon an other of the .A.B.C. of Arystotle; nooÑ Argument agaynst that. ffor it is counselle for clerkis and knyghtis a thowsande. And also it myghte amende a meane man, fulle oft the lernyng of A lettur, and his lyf save. It shal not greve a good man though gylt be amende. rede on this ragment / and rule the therafter. The copy on fol. 228 has no Introduction.
‘how many bestis berith lether, and how many skyn? Alle that be ... arracies, that is to say, the skyn pullyd ovyr the hed, beryth skyn.’ Twety, in Rel. Ant., i. 152.
‘And all foules (uolatilles) and byrdes of water (riuiÉres), as ben swannes, gese, malardes, teales, herons, bytters (butors), and all suche byrdes ben of nature melancolyke, lesse neverthelesse rosted then boyled.’ Du Guez, p.1071.
green, are bad, 152/35. ‘He that wine drinkes not after a (cold) sallate, his health indangers (and does wrong to his pallate).’ Cot. See a recipe for Salat of 14 vegetables, &c., in The Forme of Cury, p. 41, No. 76.
Sewere, 45/654, 657, the arranger of dishes on a table. Du. een opperste Tafel-dienaer, A Master-suer, or a Stuard that sets the courses or messes of meate on the table. Hexham.
Shore, a-; Shaylyng with the knees togyther, and the fete a sonder, a eschais. Palsgrave, p.841, 334 col. 2. Fauquet, A shaling wry-legd fellow. Cotgrave.
Short word, the first, is generally true, 183/211.
and where you’re told, 270/91; 187/345. Il se peut seoir sans contredit qui se met lÀ ou son hoste luy dit: Prov. He needs not feare to be chidden that sits where he is bidden; (the like is) Il se peut bien seoir a table quand le maistre luy commande: Prov. Well may he sit him downe whom he that may sets downe.
Sixpence, the value of each mess at dinner, 190/413.
Snite not (blow with your fingers) your nose too loud, 18/284. ‘Deux pour vn. The Snyte-knave; tearmed so, because two of them are worth but one good Snyte.’ Cotgrave. ‘To Snite. To wipe, or slap. Snite his snitch; wipe his nose, i.e. give him a good knock.’ 1796. Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
Does Chaucer allude to these when speaking of the ‘excesse of divers metis and drinkis, and namely of suche maner of bake metis and dische metes brennyng of wilde fuyr, and peynted and castelid with papire, and semblable wast, so that is abusion for to thinke.’ Persones Tale, ed. Morris, iii. 299. ‘A soteltie with writing of balads’ came at the end of the first course of Hen. VII.’s marriage-feast in 1487. Italian Relation, p.115. Rabett sowker, in 2nd course, ib.
Numbering of linenotes does not always correspond exactly to a word’s place in the main text. References that are off by only a line or two have not been corrected.
The Boris hede furst.
[Porkington MS. No. 10, fol. 202; ? ab. 1460-70 A.D.]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, Þe borrys hede is armyd gay!2
The boris hede in hond I bryng
Witt garlond gay in porttoryng.
[Fol. 202 b.]
I pray yow all witt me to synge
Witt hay.
¶¶ Lordys, kny?ttis, and skyers,
Persons, prystis and wycars,
The boris hede ys Þe fur[s]t mes,
Witt hay.
¶¶ The boris hede, as I yow say,
He takis his leyfe, & gothe his way
SoÑ aftur Þe xij theylffyt day,
Witt hay.
¶¶ Then commys in Þe secund kowrs with mekyll pryde,
Þe crannis & Þe heyrrouns, Þe bytturis by Þe syde,
2. “When you print I recommend that the first line of the MS. ‘Hey, hey,’ &c. should stand alone in two lines. They are the burthen of the song, and were a sort of accompaniment, or under-song, sung throughout, while an upper voice sang the words and tune. You will see numbers of the same kind in Wright’s Songs and Carols printed by the Percy Society. It was common in the 14th and 15th centuries.” —Wm. Chappell.
This Carol is printed in Reliq. Antiq., vol. ii., and is inserted here—copied from and read with the MS.—to fill up a blank page. The title is mine.
4. ? the name of a wyne. Recipes for the dish Brouet of Almayne (H.O.), Brewet of Almony, Breuet de Almonde, are in Household Ordinances, p.456; Forme of Cury, p.29, and Liber Cure Cocorum, p.12.
6. Recipe for Potage de Frumenty in Household Ordinances, p.425. potdtage: small “t” printed above “o”
The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke or Edyllys be.
[Harl. MS. 541, fol. 210; and Egerton MS. 1995; ab. 1480 A.D.]
The following two selections, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke or Edyllys be and The Young Children’s Book, were printed on facing even/odd pages. They are here presented separately.
In the first version, variant readings from the Egerton MS were printed as numbered footnotes. They are here grouped into text notes together with two sets of readings from the Collations section. All MS designations were added by the transcriber:
Eg.: Egerton MS. 1995 (above).
Adv.: “part of the Advocates Library MS., fol. 84, back”. The collation of this MS ends at line 34.
Cam.: “the Cambridge University MS. ... Hem is always written for him in this MS., and so with other words.”
“ *† The parts between square brackets [] are from the Egerton MS.”
Lytylle childrene, here ye may lere
Moche curtesy Þat is wrytyne here;
Clerks say that
For clerkis that the vij arte? cunne,
courtesy came from heaven when Gabriel greeted our Lady.4
arne closide] Eg. ben closyde are] Adv. byn closide] Cam. clodyd Loke] Adv. Forst loke Þyne hondis be] Eg. that thy hondys benne wasshe] Adv. wasshyd on] Eg. in on] Cam. yn Þou (l.11, 12)] Cam. ye grace] Eg. the fyrste gracys tylle] Adv. to
or sit down till you’re told.
Loke, my son, Þat thow not sytte
Tylle Þe ruler of Þe hous the bydde;
First, think on the poor; the full belly wots not what the hungry feels.
And at thy mete, yn Þe begynnyng,
Loke on pore men that thow thynk,
For the fulle wombe without[* any faylys]
Wot fulle lytyl[ what the hungery aylys.]
Loke] Adv. And loke Tylle ... the bydde] Adv. To he yt reweleth ye howse ye bytt Þe hous the bydde] Eg. the halle the bytte hous the bydde] Cam. hall Þe beyt And at thy] Eg. Atte the Þe] Cam. they Loke on pore men that] Adv. Loke that on pore men on] Eg. a-pon (and omits that) on] Cam. no without any faylys] Adv. withowtte fayle any faylys] Cam. fayle hungery aylys] Adv. empty ayle aylys] Cam. heydyt
Don’t eat too quickly.
Ete[ not thy mete to hastely,
A-byde and ete esely.
267Touch nothing till you are fully helped.
Tylle Þou haue thy fulle seruyse,
Touche noo messe in noo wyse.
Don’t break your bread in two,
Kerue not thy brede to thynne,
Ne breke hit not on twynne:
or put your pieces in your pocket,
The mosselle that Þou begynnysse to touche,
Cast them not in thy pouche.
Ete ... hastely] Cam. yet ... hastey Abyde] Cam. Bot abyde esely] Cam. all yesley ete esely] Adv. etett eysely Kerue not thy brede] Cam. Kot they bred not Ne breke ... twynne] Cam. Ne to theke bat be-tweyn mosselle] Adv. morsselle; Cam. mossels begynnysse to] Cam. dost in] Adv. owt of; Cam. owt of
your fingers in the dish,
Put not thy fyngerys on thy dysche,
Nothyr in flesche, nothyr in fysche.
or your meat in the salt-cellar.
Put not thy mete in-to the salte,
In-to thy Seler that thy salte halte,]
[Fol. 210, back.]
But ley it fayre on Þi trenchere
The byfore, and Þat is Þyne honore.
Nothyr in flesche ... thy salte halte (ll. 28-30)]
Cam. Ne yn they met, feys, ne fleys. Put not thy mete yn Þey salt seleyr
Into thy] Adv. nor in the thy salte] Adv. hit ley it fayre] Eg. ley it on Þi] Adv. on a on] Cam. yn The byfore] Eg. To-fore the; Adv. Byfore the Þyne] Adv. dele Þyne The byfore ... honore] Cam. Be-fore the, that ys worschep
Don’t pick your ears or nose,
Pyke not Þyne Eris ne thy nostrellis;
If Þou do, men wolle sey Þou come of cherlis.
or drink with your mouth full,
And whylle Þi mete yn Þi mouth is,
Drynk Þow not; for-gete not this.
Ete Þi mete by smalle mosselles;
or cram it full.
Fylle not thy mouth as done brothellis.
Pyke not ... come of cherlis] Adv. Pyke not yi tethe wyth yi knyfe Whyles yu etyst be yi lyfe ne] Cam. nother If] Eg. And; Cam. And come] Cam. comest come of cherlis] Eg. comyste of karlys And] Eg. But; Cam. Seche yn Þi mouth is] Cam. is yn Þi mouth Ete Þi mete by] Cam. Kot ... yn done] Eg. dothe; Cam. omitFylle] Cam. And fylle
Don’t pick your teeth with your knife.
Pyke not Þi tethe with thy knyfe;
In no company begynne Þow stryfe.
Take your spoon out when you’ve finished soup.
And whan Þou hast Þi potage doone,
Out of thy dyssh Þow put thi spone.
Don’t spit over or on the table, that’s not proper.
Ne spitte Þow not over the tabylle,
Ne therupon, for that is no Þing abylle.
In no ... stryfe] Eg. Whyle Þou ettyste by thy lyffe; Cam. Weyles thou hetys, bey they leyffe doone] Eg. Idone Þow put] Cam. take owt Ne] Cam. Nether Ne spitte Þow not] Eg. Spette not the] Eg. thy Ne therupon ... abylle] Eg. Nor a-pon hyt, for hyt ys not able; Cam. For no cortesey het ys not habell
Don’t put your elbows on the table,
Ley not Þyne Elbowe nor thy fyst
Vpon the tabylle whylis Þat thow etist.
or belch as if you had a bean in your throat.
Bulk not as a Beene were yn Þi throte,
[As a ka]rle Þat comys oute of a cote.
Be careful of good food;
[†And thy mete be o]f grete pryce,
[Be ware of hyt, or Þou arte n]ot wyse.
nor] Eg. nothyr Elbowe ... fyst] Cam. Elbowhes ... fystys whylis Þat thow etist] Eg. whyle Þou este whylis Þat] Cam. wheyle Bulk not as a Beene were yn Þi throte] Cam. Bolk not as a bolle yn the crofte karle Þat] Cam. charle cote] Cam. cotte of hyt or Þou art] Cam. the or ye be
[Speke noo worde stylle ne sterke;
269and be courteous and cheerful.52
And honowre and curtesy loke Þou kepe,
And at the tabylle loke Þou make goode chere;
Don’t whisper in any man’s ear. Take your food with your fingers, and don’t waste it. Don’t grin, or talk too much,
Loke Þou rownde not in nomannys ere.
With thy fyngerys Þou towche and taste
Thy mete; And loke Þou doo noo waste.
sterke] Cam. lowde And honowre and curtesy loke Þou kepe] Cam. all of curtesy loke ye carpe at] Cam. all loke Þou] Cam. omitLoke Þou rownde not] Cam. And loke ye thy fyngerys] Cam. omit thy and] Cam. ne doo] Cam. make
Loke Þou laughe not, nor grenne;
And with moche speche Þou mayste do synne.
or spill your food.
Mete ne drynke loke Þou ne spylle,
But sette hit downe fayre and stylle.]
Keep your cloth before you.[Fol. 207.]
Kepe thy cloth clene the byforne,
And bere the so thow haue no scorne.
laughe not] Cam. noÞer laughe with moche speche] Cam. thow meche speke mayst] Cam. may ne drynke] Cam. ner drynke ne spylle] Cam. not fayre and stylle] Cam. stere het not thy] Cam. the so] Eg. that
Cut your meat, don’t bite it.
Byte not Þi mete, but kerve it clene,
Be welle ware no drop be sene.
Don’t open your mouth too wide when you eat,
Whan Þou etyst, gape not to wyde
That Þi mouth be sene on yche a syde.
And son, beware, I rede, of on thyng,
or blow in your food.68
Blow neÞer yn thi mete nor yn Þi drynk.
If your lord drinks, always wait till he has done.
And yif thi lord drynk at Þat tyde,
Drynk Þou not, but hym abyde;
Be it at Evyne, be it at noone,
Drynk Þou not tylle he haue done.
kerve it] Eg. cut hit no] Eg. that noo be sene on yche a] Eg. be in euery yche a syde] Cam. yche syde beware, I rede, of] Eg. be ware of I rede of] Cam. of j redde Þe of neÞer] Eg. Þou not; Cam. neuer mete nor yn Þi] Eg. mete not yn Þi drynk] Cam. drynk Þat] Cam. they noone] Eg. morowe, (and omits next line.)
Keep your trencher clean.
Vpon Þi trencher no fyllthe Þou see,
It is not honest, as I telle the;
Drink behind no man’s back.
Ne drynk behynde no mannes bakke,
For yf Þou do, thow art to lakke.
Don’t rush at the cheese,
And chese come forthe, be not to gredy,
Ne cutte Þow not therof to hastely.
Þou see] Eg. be sene; Cam. be saye Ne drynk] Eg. Drynke Þou not Þou] Cam. yow thow art] Cam. yow ar lakke] Eg. blame forthe] Eg. by-fore the; Cam. before yow gredy] Eg. redy Ne cutte ... hastely] Eg. To cut there-of be not to gredy. cutte Þow not therof] Cam. cutte therof
or throw your bones on the floor.
Caste not Þi bones ynto the flore,
But ley Þem fayre on Þi trenchore.
Kepe clene Þi cloth byfore Þe alle;
271Sit still till grace is said and you’ve washed your hands,
And sit Þou stylle, what so be-falle,
Tylle grace be said vnto Þe ende,
And tylle Þou haue wasshen with Þi frend.
ynto] Cam. yn Þem] Eg. hem byfore Þe alle] Eg. Þe omitted. stylle, what so be-falle] Eg. stylle withalle ende] Cam. hendyng wasshen] Cam. was
Let the more worthy Þan thow
Wassh to-fore Þe, & that is Þi prow;
and don’t spit in the basin.
And spitte not yn Þi basyne,
My swete son, Þat Þow wasshist yne;
worthy] Cam. wortheyor Þan] Eg. thenne to-fore] Eg. by-foreto-] Cam. be- & that is] Cam. omit & Þi prow] Cam. gentyll cortesey And spitte not ... soft & stylle (ll. 87, 88, 89)] Cam. omit. And spitte not yn] Eg. Spete not on (and omits next line.)
Rise quietly, don’t jabber, but
And aryse up soft & stylle,
And iangylle nether with Iak ne Iylle,
[Fol. 207, back.]
But take Þi leve of the hede lowly,
thank your host and all the company,92
And Þank hym with thyne hert hyghly,
And aryse ... Iylle (ll. 89-90)]
Eg. And ryse with hym that sate with the stylle, And thanke hym fayre and welle: Aftyr, Iangely not with Iacke ne gylle.
nether] Cam. not ne] Cam. ne with Þi leve] Cam. leve the hede] Eg. the lorde; Cam. they lorde hyghly] Cam. mekeley
And alle Þe gentyllis togydre yn same,
And bare the so thow haue no blame;
and then men will say,
Than men wylle say therafter
‘A gentleman was here!’96
That a gentylleman was heere.
He who despises this teaching
And he Þat dispiseth this techyng,
isn’t fit to sit at a good man’s table.
He is not worthy, withoute lesyng,
Nether at good mannes tabulle to sitte,
Ner of no worshipe for to wytte.
Þe gentyllis] Eg. omitted. togydre ynsame] Cam. yn the same manere so] Eg. soo that men wylle say] Eg. wylle they sey therafter] Cam. hereafter that] Cam. that he ys was heere] Cam. Þere aftyr And he ...] Cam. omit And dispiseth] Cam. dispise Nether at] Eg. Neuyr at a; Cam. neuer at to] Eg. for to Ner] Eg. Nothyr; Cam. ne for] Eg. pur
Children, love this little book, and
And therfore, chyldren, for charyte,
Louyth this boke though yt lytil be!
pray that Jesus may help its author to die among his friends,
And pray for hym Þat made it thus,
That hym may helpe swete Ihesus
To lyve & dye among his frendes,
and not be troubled with devils,
And neuer to be combred with no fendes;
273but be in joy for ever. Amen!
And geve vs grace yn Ioy to be;
Amen, Amen, for charytee!
for] Cam. for sent Louyth ... lytil be] Eg. Lernythe thys boke that ys callyd Edyllys be Louyth this boke] Cam. Loren this lesen And pray] Cam. omit and made] Cam. wret made it thus] Eg. made thys And neuer ... charytee! (ll. 106-108)]
Eg. And vs graunte in Ioy to a-byde! Say ye alle Amen for charyde in euery syde
And neuer ... no fendes (l. 106)] Cam. omitted. geve vs] Cam. geve hem and vs Amen, Amen] Cam. Sey all, Amen
Explicit. lerne or be lewde quod Whytyng.
Eg. Amen. Here endythe the boke of Curtesy that ys fulle necessary vnto yonge chyldryn that muste nedys lerne the maner of curtesy. Explicit. Amen.
Cam. Expleycyt the Boke of cortesey.
The Young Children’s Book.
[From the Ashmolean MS. 61 (Bodleian Library), ab. 1500 A.D., fol. 20.]
Whoever will thrive, must be courteous, and begin in his youth.
Who so euer wylle thryue or the,
Muste vertus lerne, & curtas be;
Fore who in ?owthe no vertus vsythe,
Yn Age All men hym refusythe.
Courtesy came from heaven,
Clerkys Þat canne Þe scyens seuene,
Seys Þat curtasy came fro heuen
When gabryell owre lady grette,
And ely?abeth with here mette.
and contains all virtues, as rudeness does all vices.
All vertus be closyde in curtasy,
And Alle vyces in vilony.
Get up betimes; cross yourself;
Aryse be tyme oute of thi bedde,
And blysse Þi brest & thi forhede,
wash your hands and face; comb your hair; say your prayers;
Than wasche thi hondes & thi face,
Keme Þi hede, & Aske god grace
The to helpe in All Þi werkes;
Thow schall spede better what so Þou carpes.
go to church and hear Mass.
Than go to Þe chyrche, & here A messe,
There aske mersy fore Þi trespasse.
Say ‘Good Morning’ to every one you meet.
To whom Þou metys come by Þe weye,
Curtasly ‘gode morne’ Þou sey.
Then have breakfast,
When Þou hast done, go breke thy faste
With mete & drynke of gode repaste:
first crossing your mouth.
Blysse Þi mouthe or Þou it ete,
The better schalle be Þi dyete.
268Say grace,
Be-fore Þi mete sey Þou Þi grace,
Yt ocupys bot lytell space;—
thank Jesus for your food,
Fore oure mete, & drynke, & vs,
Thanke we owre lord Ihesus;—
and say an Ave for the souls in pain.
A pater noster & Aue mary
Sey fore Þe saulys Þat in peyne ly;
Then set to work, and don’t be idle.
Than go labour as Þou arte bownde,
And be not Idylle in no stounde:
Scripture tells you,
Holy scryptour Þus it seyth
To Þe Þat Arte of cristen feyth,
if you work, you must eat what you get with your hands.
“Yffe Þou labour, Þou muste ete
That with Þi hondes Þou doyste gete;”
A byrde hath wenges forto fle,
So man hath Armes laboryd to be.
Be true in word and deed;
Luke Þou be trew in worde & dede,
Yn Alle Þi werkes Þan schall Þou spede:
truth keeps a man from blame.
Treuth wyt neuer his master schame,
Yt kepys hym out offe synne & blame.
The weys to heuen Þei bene Þus tweyne,
Mercy and Truth are the two ways to heaven,44
Mercy & treuthe, As clerkes seyne;
Who so wyll come to Þe lyfe of blysse,
fail not to go by them.
To go Þe weys he may not mysse.
Make only proper promises, and keep them
Make no promys bot it be gode,
And kepe Þou it with myght & mode;
Fore euery promys, it is dette,
without falsehood.
That with no falsed muste be lette.
Love God and your neighbours,
God & Þi neybores lufe all wey;
Welle is Þe, than may Þou sey,
and so fulfil all the Law.
Fore so Þou kepys All Þe lawe
With-oute Any fere, drede, or awe.
Meddle only with what belongs to you.
Vn-callyd go Þou to no counselle;
That longes to Þe, with Þat thow melle.
Scorn not the poor;
Scorne not Þe pore, ne hurte no mane;
Lerne of hym Þat the teche cane;
flatter no one; oppress (?) not servants.
Be no glosere nor no mokere,
Ne no seruantes no wey lokere.
270Be meek,
Be not prowd, bot meke & lynd,
And with thi better go Þou be-hynd.
and wait till your better has spoken.
When Þi better schewys his wylle,
To he haue seyd Þou muste be stylle.
When you speak to a man, keep still,
When Þou spekes to Any mane,
Hande, fote, & fynger, kepe Þou styll Þan,
and look him in the face.
And luke Þou vppe in to his face,
And curtase be in euery place.
With Þi fynger schew Þou no thynge,
Don’t be a tale-bearer.
Nor be not lefe to telle tydinge.
Thank all who speak well of you.
Yff Any man sey welle of Þe,
Or of thi frendes, thankyd muste be.
Use few words;
Haue few wordes, & wysly sette,
Fore so Þou may thi worschyppe gete.
don’t swear or lie in your dealings.
Vse no suerynge noÞer lyenge,
Yn thi sellynge & thi byenge,
Fore & Þou do Þou arte to blame,
And at Þe last Þou wylle haue schame.
Earn money honestly, and keep out of debt.
Gete Þi gowd with trewe[t]h & wynne,
And kepe Þe out of dette & synne.
Try to please;
Be loth to greue, & leffe to ples;
seek peace;
Seke Þe pes, & lyfe in es.
mind whom you speak to and what you say.
Offe whome Þou spekes, where & when,
A-vyse Þe welle, & to what men.
Wherever you enter, say “God be here;”
When Þou commys vn to A dore,
Sey “god be here,” or Þou go ferre:
and speak courteously to master and man.
Wer-euer Þou commys, speke honestly
To ser or dame, or Þer meny.
Stand till you are told to sit at meat,
Stand, & sytte not furth-with-alle
Tylle he byde Þe Þat rewlys Þe halle;
and don’t leave your seat before others.
Where he bydis, Þer must Þou sytte,
And fore none oÞer change ne flyte;
Sit upright;
Sytt vp-ryght And honestly,
be sociable, and share with your neighbours.
Ete & drinke, & be feleyly,
Parte with hem Þat sytes Þe by;
Thus teches Þe dame curtasy.
272Take salt with a clean knife;
Take Þe salt with thi clene knyfe;
Be cold of spech, & make no stryfe;
talk no scandal, but speak well of all.
Bakbyte no man Þat is A-weye,
Be glad of Alle men wele to sey.
Hear and see; don’t talk.
Here & se, & sey thou nought,
Than schall Þou not to profe be brought.
Be satisfied with what’s set before you.
With mete & drynke be-fore Þe sette,
Hold Þe plesyd, & aske no bette.
Wipe your mouth before you drink;
Wype thi mouthe when Þou wyll drinke,
Lest it foule thi copys brinke;
keep your fingers and lips clean.
Kepe clene thi fyngeres, lypes, & chine,
Fore so Þou may thi wyrschype wynne.
Don’t speak with your mouth full.
Yn Þi mouth when Þi mete is,
To drinke, or speke, or lau?h, I-wys
Dame curtasy fore-bydes it the:
Praise your food for whether it’s good or bad, it must be taken in good part.112
Bot prayse thi fare, wer-so-euer Þou be,
Fore be it gode or be it badde,
Yn gud worth it muste be had.
Mind where you spit,
When Þou spytes, be welle were
Where so Þou spytes, ny?e or fere;
and put your hand before your mouth.
Hold Þi hand be-fore thi mouth
When Þou spytes, & hyde it couth.
Keep your knife clean,
Kepe Þi knyfe both clene & scherpe,
And be not besy forto kerpe;
Clens Þi knyfe with some cutte bred,
and don’t wipe it on the cloth.
Not with thi cloth, As I Þe rede:
With Any fylth to fowle Þe clothe,
A curtase mane he wylle be lothe.
Don’t put your spoon in the dish,
In Þi dysch sette not Þi spone,
NoÞer on Þe brynke, as vn-lernyd done.
or make a noise, like boys, when you sup.
When Þou sopys, make no no[y]se
With thi mouth As do boys.
Don’t put meat off your plate into the dish, but into a voider.
The mete Þat on Þi trencher is,
Putte it not in-to Þi dysch.
Gete Þe sone A voyder,
And sone A-voyd Þou thi trenchere.
274If your superior hands you a cup, drink,
When thi better take Þe tho coppe,
Drinke thi selffe, & sette it vppe,
but take the cup with two hands.
Take tho coppe with thi hondes.
Lest it falle Þer As Þou stondes.
When he speaks to you, doff your cap and bend your knee.
The two versions of Stans Puer ad Mensam were printed on facing even/odd pages. They are here presented twice: first as separate texts with all accompanying notes, and then side by side. In the original book, the editor’s sidenotes were printed only on the right-hand pages; they have been duplicated here.
[MS. Harl. 2251, ? about 1460 A.D., fol. 153 or 148. The parts between brackets [], and various readings, are from Mr Halliwell’s print in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, v.1, p.156-8, of a 15th-century MS. Q. G. 8, fol. 77, ro, in the Library of Jesus College, Cambridge.]
¶ [My dere childe, first thiself enable
With all thin herte to vertuous disciplyne
When you stand before your sovereign,
Afor thi soverayne standing at the table,
Dispose thi youth aftir my doctryne
To all norture thi corage to enclyne.
speak not recklessly, and keep your hands still.
First when thu spekist be not rekles,
Kepe feete and fingeris and handes still in pese.]
Be symple of chiere, cast nat thyn ye aside,
Agenst the post lete nat thy bak abyde;
Don’t stare about,
Gaase nat aboute, tournyng oueralle;
lean against a post, look at the wall, pick your nose, or scratch yourself.
Make nat thy myrrour also of the walle,
Pyke nat thy nose, and in especialle
Be right wele ware, and sette hieron thi thought,
By-fore thy souerayne cracche ne rubbe nought.
When spoken to, don’t lumpishly look at the ground.
¶ Who spekithe to the in any maner place,
Rudely cast nat thyn ye adowne,
But with a sadde chiere loke hym in the face;
Walk demurely in the streets,
Walke demurely by strete in the towne,
Advertise the withe wisdom and Reasoune.
and don’t laugh before your lord.20
Withe dissolute laughters do thow non offence
To-fore thy souerayn, whiles he is in presence.
Rudely] Rel. Ant., Lumbisshly ye] hede
277Clean your nails and wash your hands.
¶ Pare clene thy nailes, thyn handes wasshe also
To-fore mete, and whan thow dooest arise;
Sit where you’re told to,24
Sitte in that place thow art assigned to;
Prease nat to hye in no maner wise;
And til thow se afore the thy service,
and don’t be too hasty to begin eating.
Be nat to hasty on brede for to byte,
Of gredynesse lest men wolde the endwyte.
endwyte] a-wite.
Don’t grin, shout,
¶ Grennyng and mowes at the table eschowe;
Cry nat to lowde; kepe honestly silence;
or stuff your jaws with food,
To enboce thy Iowis withemete is nat diewe;
Withe ful mowthe speke nat, lest thow do offence;
or drink too quickly.
Drynk nat bretheles for hast ne necligence;
Keep your lips clean, and wipe your spoon.
Kepe clene thy lippes from fat of flesshe or fisshe;
Wype clene thi spone, leve it nat in thy disshe.
mete] brede it bretheles] bridlid clene] fayre
Don’t make sops of bread,36
¶ Of brede I-byten no soppis that thow make;
or drink with a dirty mouth.
In ale nor wyne withe hande leve no fattenes;
Withe mowthe enbrewed thy cuppe thow nat take;
Enbrewe no napery for no rekelesnes;
Don’t dirty the table linen,40
For to souppe [loude] is agenst gentiles;
[N]euer at mete begynne thow nat stryf;
or pick your teeth with your knife.
Thi tethe also thow pike nat withe no knyf.
Enbrewe] Foul nat] be warre gynne no
[Fol. 153, back.]Don’t swear or talk ribaldry, or take the best bits;
¶ Of honest myrthe late be thy daliaunce;
Swere none othes, speke no ribawdrye;
The best morsel, have in remembraunce,
Hole to thyself alwey do nat applie;
share with your fellows.
Part withe thy felaw, for that is curtesie:
Eat up your pieces, and keep your nails clean.48
Laade nat thy trenchour withe many remyssailes;
And from blaknes alwey kepe thy nayles.
¶ Of curtesye also agenst the lawe,
Withesowne dishonest for to do offence;
Of old surfaytes abrayde nat thy felawe;
Toward thy souerayne alwey thyn aduertence;
279Don’t play with your knife,
Play withe no knyf, take heede to my sentence;
At mete and soupper kepe the stille and soft;
or shuffle your feet about.56
Eke to and fro meve nat thy foote to oft.
sowne] Which sou
Don’t spill your broth on your chest, or use dirty knives, or fill your spoon too full.
¶ Droppe nat thi brest withe sawce ne withe potage;
Brynge no knyves vnskoured to the table;
Fil nat thy spone, lest in the cariage
It went beside, whiche were nat comendable;
Be quick to do whatever your lord orders.
Be quyke and redy, meke and seruisable,
Wele awaityng to fulfille anone
What that thy souerayne comav[n]dithe the to be done.
Take salt with your knife; don’t blow in your cup, or begin quarrels.64
¶ And whereso euer that thow dyne or soupe,
Of gentilesse take salt withe thy knyf;
And be wele ware thow blow nat in the cuppe.
Reuerence thy felawe, gynne withe hym no stryf;
Be thy powere kepe pees al thy lyf.
Interrupt no man in his story.
Interrupt nat, where so thow wende,
None other mans tale, til he have made an ende;
¶ Withe thy fyngres make thow nat thy tale;
Drink wine and ale in moderation.72
Be wele avised, namly in tendre age,
To drynk by mesure bothe wyne and ale;
Don’t talk too much,
Be nat copious also of langage;
As tyme requyrithe, shewe out thy visage,
but keep a middle course.76
To gladde ne to sory, but kepe atwene tweyne,
For losse or lucre or any case sodayne.
make] Rel. Ant., marke
[Fol. 154 or 149.]Be gentle and tractable, but not too soft.
¶ Be meke in mesure, nat hasti, but tretable;
Ouer moche is nat worthe in no maner thyng;
Children must not be revengeful;80
To children it longithe nat to be [vengeable,]
Sone meeved and sone forgyvyng;
And as it is remembrid bi writyng,
their anger is appeased with a bit of apple.
Wrathe of children is sone ouergone,
Withe an apple the parties be made atone.
vengeable] MS. Harl., tretable bi] Rel. Ant., by olde
281Children’s quarrels are first play, then crying;
¶ In children werre now myrthe and now debate,
In theyr quarel no grete violence;
Now pley, now wepyng, sielde in one estate;
don’t believe their complaints; give ’em the rod.88
To theyr playntes gyve no credence;
A Rodde refourmythe al theyr insolence;
Spare that, and you’ll spoil all.
In theyr corage no Rancour dothe abyde;
Who sparithe the yerd, al vertu set aside.
werre] Rel. Ant., In childre
¶ Go, litel bille, bareyn of eloquence,
Young children, pray take heed to my little ballad, which shall lead you into all virtues.
Pray yonge children that the shal see or Reede,
Thoughe thow be compendious of sentence,
Of thi clauses for to taken heede,
Whiche to al vertu shal theyr yowthe leede.
Of the writyng, thoughe ther be no date,
My mistakes I submit to correction.
If ought be mysse,—worde, sillable, or dede,—
Put al the defaute vpon Iohne Lydegate.
* Lowndes calls the original of Stans Puer ad Mensam the Carmen Juvenile of Sulpitius. Corrigenda
Stans Puer ad Mensam, two English texts, p. 275-82.
Standard, 49/694, ? the chief dish at a dinner, served standing, 157/3.
‘A large or standing dish,’ says Pegge, on Sir J. Nevile’s ’a Roe roasted for 337 Standert,’ Forme of Cury, p.173, ‘for a Standert, Cranes 2 of a dish,’ p.174, l.3.
States, 55/821, nobles? ‘de twaelf Genooten ofte Staten van Vranckrijck, The twelve Peeres or States of the Kingdome of France.’ 1660. Hexham.
Staunche, 12/174; Fr. estancher, to stanch or stop the flow of liquid. Sp. estancar, to stop a leak; estanco, water-tight. A stanch vessel is one that will hold the water in or out, whence fig. stanch, firm, reliable. Wedgwood.
Stockfish, 39/558; p. 98; 58/845; p. 121. ‘The Icelandic fare is not more inviting than the houses. Stockfish and butter eaten in alternate mouthfuls form the ordinary materials of a meal. The former, however, has to be pummelled on a stone anvil with a sledge hammer before even the natives can bite it; and, after it has undergone this preparation, seems, according to Mr Shepherd, to require teeth to the manner born. The latter is made from sheep’s milk, and as it is kept through the winter in skins, becomes “rancid beyond conception in the early spring.”’—Chronicle, Aug. 10, 1867, on Shepherd’s North-West Peninsula of Iceland.
Stryke, 18/280, stroke. ‘I stryke ones heed, as we do a chyldes whan he dothe well. Je applanie ... My father sayeth I am a good sonne, he dyd stryke my heed by cause I had conned my lesson without the booke.’ Palsgrave. See also ‘I stryke softely’ and ‘I stroke ones heed,’ p.741, ed. 1852.
it was the upper towel or cloth for the master of the house to wipe his hands on after washing them when dinner was done. The sewer to bring it after dinner, 204/809-20.
Surueynge borde, 47/675, table or dresser on which the cook is to put the dishes for dinner.
See Ascham’s account and condemnation of it in 1545, Toxophilus, p.45, ed. Giles, and in his Schoolmaster, p.131, of the little child of four roundly rapping out his ugly oaths.
Sweet words, ware; the serpent was in ’em, 183/207.
Syles is strains. Sile, v., to strain, to purify milk through a straining dish; Su.-Got. sila, colare.—Sile, s., afine sieve or milk strainer; Su.-Got. sil, colum. Brockett. See quotations in Halliwell’s Gloss., and Stratmann, who gives Swed. sÎla, colare. Corrigenda.
Pegge says ‘Not the flower Heliotrope, but a drug. Northumb. Book, p. 3, 19. I suppose it to be Turmeric. V.Brooke’s Nat. Hist. of Vegetables, p.9, where it is used both in victuals and for dying.’ Forme of Cury, p. 38.
Fr. Tuthie: f. Tutie; a medicinable stone or dust, said to be the heauier foyle of Brasse, cleauing to the vpper sides and tops of Brasse-melting houses: and such doe ordinary Apothecaries passe away for Tutie; although the true Tutie be not heauie, but light and white like flocks of wooll, falling into dust as soon as it is touched; this is bred of the sparkles of brasen furnaces, whereinto store of the minerall Calamine, beaten to dust, hath been cast. Cotgrave.
The Book of Curteisie / That is Clepid / Stans Puer ad Mensam.
[Lambeth MS. 853, ab. 1430 A.D., page 150, back. Part written as prose.]
Mi dere sone, first Þi silf able
with al Þin herte to vertuose discipline,—
When you stand before your sovereign,
A-fore Þi souereyn stondinge at Þe table
Dispose Þou Þee aftir my doctryne—
To al nortur Þi corage to encline.
speak not recklessly, and keep your hands still.
First while Þou spekist, be not richelees;
Kepe boÞe fyngir and hond stille in pees;
[Page 151.]8
Be symple in cheer; caste not Þi looke a-side,
Don’t stare about,
gase not about, turnynge Þi si?t oueral.
lean against a post, look at the wall, pick your nose, or scratch yourself.
a?en Þe post lete not Þi bak abide,
neiÞer make Þi myrrour also of Þe wal.
Pike not pi nose; & moost in especial
be weel waar, sette her-on Þi Þou?t,
to-fore Þi souereyn cratche ne picke Þee nou?t.
When spoken to, don’t lumpishly look at the ground.
¶ Who-so speke to Þee in ony maner place,
lumpischli caste not Þin heed a-doun,
but with a sad cheer loke him in Þe face.
Walk demurely in the streets,
walke demurely bi streetis in Þe toun,
And take good hede bi wisdom & resoun
and don’t laugh before your lord.20
Þat bi no wantowne lau?inge Þou do noon offence
To-fore Þi souereyne while he is in presence.
278Clean your nails and wash your hands.
Pare clene Þi nailis; Þin hondis waische also
to-fore Þi mete, [&] whanne Þou doist arise.
Sit where you’re told to,24
sitte Þou in Þat place Þat Þou art a-signed to;
Prece not to hie in no maner wise;
And whanne Þou seest afore Þee Þi seruice,
and don’t be too hasty to begin eating.
be not to hasti upon breed to bite
lest men Þerof Do Þee edwite.
[Page 152.]Don’t grin, shout,
Grennynge & mowynge at Þi table eschewe;
Crie not to lowde: honestli kepe silence.
or stuff your jaws with food,
To enbrace Þi iowis with breed, it is not dewe;
with ful mouÞ speke not lest Þou do offence;
or drink too quickly.
Drinke not bridelid for haste ne necligence;
Keep your lips clean, and wipe your spoon.
Kepe clene Þi lippis from fleisch & fische;
Wipe faire Þi spoon; leue it not in Þi dische.
Don’t make sops of bread,36
Of breed with Þi teeÞ no soppis Þou make;
Lowde for to soupe is a?en gentilnes:
or drink with a dirty mouth.
With mouÞ enbrowide Þi cuppe Þou not take,
In ale ne in wiyn with hond leue no fatnes;
Don’t dirty the table linen,40
Defoule not Þe naprie bi no richelesnes.
Be waar Þat at Þe mete Þou bigynne no striif;
or pick your teeth with your knife.
Þi teeÞ also at Þe table picke with no knyf.
Don’t swear or talk ribaldry, or take the best bits;
Of honest mirÞe euere be Þi daliaunce;
Swere noon ooÞis; speke no ribaudie.
Þe beste morsels,—haue Þis in remembraunce,—
Holli alwey Þi silf to take do not applie.
share with your fellows.
Parte with Þi felawis, for Þat is curteisie.
Eat up your pieces, and keep your nails clean.48
Lete not Þi trenchour be with many morsels;
And fro blaknes kepe weel Þi nailis.
[Page 153.]
Of curtesie it is a?en Þe lawe,
It’s bad manners to bring up old complaints.
With dishoneste, sone, for to do difence;
Of oolde forfetis vpbraide not Þi felawe;
Towarde Þi souereyn do euere reuerence.
280Don’t play with your knife,
Pleie with no knif, take hede to my sentence;
At mete & at soper kepe Þee stille & softe,
or shuffle your feet about.56
And eek to & fro meeue not Þi feeÞ to ofte.
Don’t spill your broth on your chest, or use dirty knives, or fill your spoon too full.
Droppe not Þi brest with seew & oÞer potage,
Bringe no foule knyues vnto Þe table;
Fille not Þi spoon lest in Þe cariage
It scheede bi side, it were not commendable.
Be quick to do whatever your lord orders.
Be quik & redi, meke & seruiable,
Weel awaitinge to fulfille anoon
What Þat Þi souereyn commaundiÞ to be doon.
Take salt with your knife; don’t blow in your cup, or begin quarrels.64
And where-so-euere Þou be to digne or to suppe,
Of gentilnes take salt with Þi knyf,
And be weel waar Þou blowe not in Þe cuppe.
Reuerence Þi felawis; bigynne with hem no strijf;
To Þi power kepe pees al Þi lijf.
Interrupt no man in his story.
Intrippe no man where so Þat Þou wende,
No man in his tale, til he haue maade an eende.
[Page 154.]
¶ With Þi fyngris marke not Þi tale;
Drink wine and ale in moderation.72
be weel avysid, & nameli in tendir age,
To drinke mesurabli boÞe wiyn & ale.
Don’t talk too much,
Be not to copiose of langage;
As tyme requiriÞ schewe out Þi visage,
but keep a middle course.76
To glad, ne to sory, but kepe Þee euene bitwene
For los, or lucre, or ony case sodene.
Be gentle and tractable, but not too soft.
Be soft in mesure, not hasti, but treteable;
Ouer soft is nou?t in no maner Þing
Children must not be revengeful;80
To children longiÞ not to be vengeable,
Soone meued and soone fi?tinge;
And as it is remembrid bi writynge,
their anger is appeased with a bit of apple.
wraÞÞe of children is ouercome soone,
With Þe partis of an appil ben made at oon.
282Children’s quarrels are first play, then crying;
In children werre is now mirÞe & now debate,
In her quarel is no violence,
now pleie, now wepinge, & seelde in oon state;
don’t believe their complaints; give ’em the rod.88
to her pleyntis ?eue no credence;
A rodde reformeÞ al her necligence;
Spare that, and you’ll spoil all.
in her corage no rancour dooÞ abide,
who Þat spariÞ Þe rodde all uertues settiÞ a-side.
[Page 155.]92
A! litil balade, voide of eloquence,
Young children, pray take heed to my little ballad, which shall lead you into all virtues.
I praie ?ou ?onge children Þat Þis schal se & rede,
Þou? ?e be copious of sentence,
?it to Þese clausis for to take hede
Which al into vertues schal ?oure ?ouÞe lede.
In Þis writynge, Þou? Þer be no date,
My mistakes I submit to correction.
Yf ou?t be mys in word, sillable, or dede,
I submitte me to correccioun withoute ony debate.
Thus eendith Þe book of curteisie Þat is clepid stans puer ad mensam.
Stans Puer ad Mensam.
Parallel texts: see note before first version. Text decorations have been omitted, and lines are numbered by7.
¶ [My dere childe, first thiself enable
With all thin herte to vertuous disciplyne
Afor thi soverayne standing at the table,
Dispose thi youth aftir my doctryne
To all norture thi corage to enclyne.
First when thu spekist be not rekles,
Kepe feete and fingeris and handes still in pese.]
Mi dere sone, first Þi silf able
with al Þin herte to vertuose discipline,—
A-fore Þi souereyn stondinge at Þe table
Dispose Þou Þee aftir my doctryne—
To al nortur Þi corage to encline.
First while Þou spekist, be not richelees;
Kepe boÞe fyngir and hond stille in pees;
Be symple of chiere, cast nat thyn ye aside,
Agenst the post lete nat thy bak abyde;
Gaase nat aboute, tournyng oueralle;
Make nat thy myrrour also of the walle,
Pyke nat thy nose, and in especialle
Be right wele ware, and sette hieron thi thought,
By-fore thy souerayne cracche ne rubbe nought.
Be symple in cheer; caste not Þi looke a-side,
gase not about, turnynge Þi si?t oueral.
a?en Þe post lete not Þi bak abide,
neiÞer make Þi myrrour also of Þe wal.
Pike not pi nose; & moost in especial
be weel waar, sette her-on Þi Þou?t,
to-fore Þi souereyn cratche ne picke Þee nou?t.
¶ Who spekithe to the in any maner place,
Rudely cast nat thyn ye adowne,
But with a sadde chiere loke hym in the face;
Walke demurely by strete in the towne,
Advertise the withe wisdom and Reasoune.
Withe dissolute laughters do thow non offence
To-fore thy souerayn, whiles he is in presence.
¶ Who-so speke to Þee in ony maner place,
lumpischli caste not Þin heed a-doun,
but with a sad cheer loke him in Þe face.
walke demurely bi streetis in Þe toun,
And take good hede bi wisdom & resoun
Þat bi no wantowne lau?inge Þou do noon offence
To-fore Þi souereyne while he is in presence.
¶ Pare clene thy nailes, thyn handes wasshe also
To-fore mete, and whan thow dooest arise;
Sitte in that place thow art assigned to;
Prease nat to hye in no maner wise;
And til thow se afore the thy service,
Be nat to hasty on brede for to byte,
Of gredynesse lest men wolde the endwyte.
Pare clene Þi nailis; Þin hondis waische also
to-fore Þi mete, [&] whanne Þou doist arise.
sitte Þou in Þat place Þat Þou art a-signed to;
Prece not to hie in no maner wise;
And whanne Þou seest afore Þee Þi seruice,
be not to hasti upon breed to bite
lest men Þerof Do Þee edwite.
¶ Grennyng and mowes at the table eschowe;
Cry nat to lowde; kepe honestly silence;
To enboce thy Iowis withe mete is nat diewe;
Withe ful mowthe speke nat, lest thow do offence;
Drynk nat bretheles for hast ne necligence;
Kepe clene thy lippes from fat of flesshe or fisshe;
Wype clene thi spone, leve it nat in thy disshe.
Grennynge & mowynge at Þi table eschewe;
Crie not to lowde: honestli kepe silence.
To enbrace Þi iowis with breed, it is not dewe;
with ful mouÞ speke not lest Þou do offence;
Drinke not bridelid for haste ne necligence;
Kepe clene Þi lippis from fleisch & fische;
Wipe faire Þi spoon; leue it not in Þi dische.
¶ Of brede I-byten no soppis that thow make;
In ale nor wyne withe hande leve no fattenes;
Withe mowthe enbrewed thy cuppe thow nat take;
Enbrewe no napery for no rekelesnes;
For to souppe [loude] is agenst gentiles;
[N]euer at mete begynne thow nat stryf;
Thi tethe also thow pike nat withe no knyf.
Of breed with Þi teeÞ no soppis Þou make;
Lowde for to soupe is a?en gentilnes:
With mouÞ enbrowide Þi cuppe Þou not take,
In ale ne in wiyn with hond leue no fatnes;
Defoule not Þe naprie bi no richelesnes.
Be waar Þat at Þe mete Þou bigynne no striif;
Þi teeÞ also at Þe table picke with no knyf.
¶ Of honest myrthe late be thy daliaunce;
Swere none othes, speke no ribawdrye;
The best morsel, have in remembraunce,
Hole to thyself alwey do nat applie;
Part withe thy felaw, for that is curtesie:
Laade nat thy trenchour withe many remyssailes;
And from blaknes alwey kepe thy nayles.
Of honest mirÞe euere be Þi daliaunce;
Swere noon ooÞis; speke no ribaudie.
Þe beste morsels,—haue Þis in remembraunce,—
Holli alwey Þi silf to take do not applie.
Parte with Þi felawis, for Þat is curteisie.
Lete not Þi trenchour be with many morsels;
And fro blaknes kepe weel Þi nailis.
¶ Of curtesye also agenst the lawe,
Withe sowne dishonest for to do offence;
Of old surfaytes abrayde nat thy felawe;
Toward thy souerayne alwey thyn aduertence;
Play withe no knyf, take heede to my sentence;
At mete and soupper kepe the stille and soft;
Eke to and fro meve nat thy foote to oft.
Of curtesie it is a?en Þe lawe,
With dishoneste, sone, for to do difence;
Of oolde forfetis vpbraide not Þi felawe;
Towarde Þi souereyn do euere reuerence.
Pleie with no knif, take hede to my sentence;
At mete & at soper kepe Þee stille & softe,
And eek to & fro meeue not Þi feeÞ to ofte.
¶ Droppe nat thi brest withe sawce ne withe potage;
Brynge no knyves vnskoured to the table;
Fil nat thy spone, lest in the cariage
It went beside, whiche were nat comendable;
Be quyke and redy, meke and seruisable,
Wele awaityng to fulfille anone
What that thy souerayne comav[n]dithe the to be done.
Droppe not Þi brest with seew & oÞer potage,
Bringe no foule knyues vnto Þe table;
Fille not Þi spoon lest in Þe cariage
It scheede bi side, it were not commendable.
Be quik & redi, meke & seruiable,
Weel awaitinge to fulfille anoon
What Þat Þi souereyn commaundiÞ to be doon.
¶ And whereso euer that thow dyne or soupe,
Of gentilesse take salt withe thy knyf;
And be wele ware thow blow nat in the cuppe.
Reuerence thy felawe, gynne withe hym no stryf;
Be thy powere kepe pees al thy lyf.
Interrupt nat, where so thow wende,
None other mans tale, til he have made an ende;
And where-so-euere Þou be to digne or to suppe,
Of gentilnes take salt with Þi knyf,
And be weel waar Þou blowe not in Þe cuppe.
Reuerence Þi felawis; bigynne with hem no strijf;
To Þi power kepe pees al Þi lijf.
Intrippe no man where so Þat Þou wende,
No man in his tale, til he haue maade an eende.
¶ Withe thy fyngres make thow nat thy tale;
Be wele avised, namly in tendre age,
To drynk by mesure bothe wyne and ale;
Be nat copious also of langage;
As tyme requyrithe, shewe out thy visage,
To gladde ne to sory, but kepe atwene tweyne,
For losse or lucre or any case sodayne.
¶ With Þi fyngris marke not Þi tale;
be weel avysid, & nameli in tendir age,
To drinke mesurabli boÞe wiyn & ale.
Be not to copiose of langage;
As tyme requiriÞ schewe out Þi visage,
To glad, ne to sory, but kepe Þee euene bitwene
For los, or lucre, or ony case sodene.
¶ Be meke in mesure, nat hasti, but tretable;
Ouer moche is nat worthe in no maner thyng;
To children it longithe nat to be [vengeable,]
Sone meeved and sone forgyvyng;
And as it is remembrid bi writyng,
Wrathe of children is sone ouergone,
Withe an apple the parties be made atone.
Be soft in mesure, not hasti, but treteable;
Ouer soft is nou?t in no maner Þing
To children longiÞ not to be vengeable,
Soone meued and soone fi?tinge;
And as it is remembrid bi writynge,
wraÞÞe of children is ouercome soone,
With Þe partis of an appil ben made at oon.
¶ In children werre now myrthe and now debate,
In theyr quarel no grete violence;
Now pley, now wepyng, sielde in one estate;
To theyr playntes gyve no credence;
A Rodde refourmythe al theyr insolence;
In theyr corage no Rancour dothe abyde;
Who sparithe the yerd, al vertu set aside.
In children werre is now mirÞe & now debate,
In her quarel is no violence,
now pleie, now wepinge, & seelde in oon state;
to her pleyntis ?eue no credence;
A rodde reformeÞ al her necligence;
in her corage no rancour dooÞ abide,
who Þat spariÞ Þe rodde all uertues settiÞ a-side.
¶ Go, litel bille, bareyn of eloquence,
Pray yonge children that the shal see or Reede,
Thoughe thow be compendious of sentence,
Of thi clauses for to taken heede,
Whiche to al vertu shal theyr yowthe leede.
Of the writyng, thoughe ther be no date,
If ought be mysse,—worde, sillable, or dede,—
Put al the defaute vpon Iohne Lydegate.
A! litil balade, voide of eloquence,
I praie ?ou ?onge children Þat Þis schal se & rede,
Þou? ?e be copious of sentence,
?it to Þese clausis for to take hede
Which al into vertues schal ?oure ?ouÞe lede.
In Þis writynge, Þou? Þer be no date,
Yf ou?t be mys in word, sillable, or dede,
I submitte me to correccioun withoute ony debate.
The notes to the Book of Curtasye were originally printed here (pages 283-285). They have been moved to accompany that book, between pages 206 and 207.
‘in hunting or coursing, the man who held the dogs in slips or couples, and loosed them; a dog-keeper.’ Halliwell. Vaultre, a mongrel between a hound and a maistiffe; fit for the chase of wild bears and boars. Cot. ‘The Gaulish hounds of which Martial and Ovid speak, termed vertagi, or veltres, appear to have been greyhounds, and hence the appellations veltro, Ital., viautre, vaultre, Fr., Welter, Germ. The Promptorium gives 344 “Grehownde, veltres,” p. 209.
Various details regarding the duties of the “foutreres,” and their fee, or share of the produce of the chace, will be found in the Mayster of Game, Vesp. B. xii, fol. 99, 104, b.’ Way in Promptorium, p.291.
On the first of June, 1582, John Wolfe paid the Stationers’ Company 8d. for a licence “to imprinte two ballades,” of which the latter was “a settinge forth of the variety of mens mindes, esteaminge rather welth with a wanton wife, then vertue in a modeste mayde.” Collier’s Extracts, ii. 165. For variety in this entry, Mr Collier proposes to read vanity. See also the ballad,
Leche fryture: see Leschefrites, leschefrayes, in the index to the MÉnagier de Paris.
Musclade is Span. mezclada, mixture. Ital. mescolanza is used, in Genoa at least, for a fry of small fish.—H.H. Gibbs. Minsheu has mÉzela, mÉscla or mezcladura, a medlie, mingling.
Peacock: as to his voice, see Roberts’s Fables InÉdits, T. Wright’s Piers Plowman, ii. 548.
Raspise: All maner of wynes be made of grapes, excepte respyce, the whiche is made of a berye.—A. Borde, Dyetary of Wynes, sign. F. i.
Remyssailes: leavings.
l. 11-12. John Russell lets off his won’t-learns very easily. Willyam Bulleyn had a different treatment for them. See the extract from him on “Boxyng & Neckweede” after these Notes.
l. 49. See the interesting “Lord Fairfax’s Orders for the Servants of his Houshold” [after the Civil Wars], in Bishop Percy’s notes to the Northumberland Household Book, p.421-4, ed. 1827.
l. 51. Chip. ‘other .ij. pages ... them oweth to chippe bredde, but not too nye the crumme.’ H. Ord. p.71-2. The “Chippings of Trencher-Brede” in Lord Percy’s household were used “for the fedyinge of my lords houndis.” Percy H. Book, p.353.
“Non comedas crustam, colorem quia gignit adustam ... the Authour in this Text warneth vs, to beware of crusts eating, because they ingender a-dust cholor, or melancholly humours, by reason that they bee burned and dry. And therefore great estates the which be [orig. the] chollerick of nature, cause the crustes aboue and beneath to be chipped away; wherfore the pith or crumme should be chosen, the which is of a greater nourishment then the crust.” Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, ed. 1634, p.71. Fr. chapplis, bread-chippings. Cotgrave. Corrigenda
l. 52.Trencher. The College servant ‘Scrape Trencher,’ R.Holme, Bk. III., Chap. iv., p.099 [199], notes the change of material from bread to wood. Corrigenda
l. 56.Trencher bread.Item that the Trencher Brede be maid of the Meale as it cummyth frome the Milne. Percy Household Book, p.58.
l. 66. Cannell, aSpout, atap, a cocke in a conduit. Epistomium. Vne canelle, vn robinet. Baret.
l. 68. Faucet. Also he [the yeoman of the Butler of Ale] asketh allowaunce for tubbys, treyes, and faucettes, occupied all the yeare before. H. Ord. p.77.
l. 74.Figs. A.Borde, Introduction, assigns the gathering of figs to “the Mores whych do dwel in Barbary,” ... “and christen men do by them, & they wil be diligent and wyl do al maner of seruice, but they be set most comonli to vile things; they be called slaues, thei do gader grapes and fygges, and with some of the fygges they wyl wip ther tayle, & put them in the frayle.” Figs he mentions under JudÆa. “Iury is called ye lande of Iude, it is a noble countre of ryches, plenty of wine & corne ... Figges and Raysions, & all other frutes.” In his Regyment, fol. M. iii., Borde says of ‘Fygges ... They doth stere a man to veneryous actes, for they doth auge and increase the seede of generacion. And also they doth prouoke a man to sweate: wherfore they doth ingendre lyce.’
ll. 74-95.Chese. ‘there is iiij. sortes of Chese, which is to say, grene Chese, softe chese, harde chese, or spermyse. Grene chese is not called grene by ye reason of colour, but for ye newnes of it, for the whay is not half pressed out of it, and in operacion it is colde and moyste. Softe chese not to new nor to olde, is best, for in operacion it is hote and moyste. 85 Harde chese is hote and drye, and euyll to dygest. Spermyse is a Chese the whiche is made with curdes and with the Iuce of herbes.... Yet besydes these .iiij natures of chese, there is a chese called a Irweue [rewene, ed. 1567] chese, the whiche, if it be well ordered, doth passe all other cheses, none excesse taken.’ A.Borde, Reg. fol. I.i. See note on l.85.
l. 77. In his chapter Of Prunes and Damysens, Andrew Borde says, Syxe or seuen Damysens eaten before dyner, be good to prouoke a mannes appetyde; they doth mollyfie the bely, and be abstersyue, the skynne and the stones must be ablated and cast away, and not vsed. Regyment, N. i.b. Corrigenda
l. 78, 83. The Bill-berry or Windberry, R.Holme, Bk. II., p.52, col. 1; p.79, col. 1; three Wharl Berries or Bill-Berries ... They are termed Whortle Berries or Wind Berries, p.81, col. 2. §xxviii. See the prose Burlesques, Reliq. Antiq., v.1, p.82. Why hopes thu nott for sothe that ther stode wonus a coke on Seynt Pale stepull toppe, and drewe up the strapuls of his brech. How preves thu that? Be all the .iiij. doctors of Wynbere hylles, that is to saye, Vertas, Gadatryme, Trumpas, and Dadyltrymsert.
l. 79.Fruits. These officers make provysyons in seasons of the yere accordynge for fruytes to be had of the Kinges gardynes withoute prises; as cherryes, peares, apples, nuttes greete and smalle, for somer season; and lenten, wardens, quinces and other; and also of presentes gevyn to the Kinge; they be pourveyours of blaundrelles, pepyns, and of all other fruytes. H. Ord. p.82.
l. 80. Mr Dawson Turner’s argument that the “ad album pulverem” of the Leicester Roll, A.D. 1265, was white sugar pounded (Pref. to Household Expenses, ed. 1841,, proves only that the xiiij lib. Zucari there mentioned, were not bought for making White powder only.
ll. 81-93.Crayme. ‘Rawe crayme undecocted, eaten with strawberyes, or hurttes, is a rurall mannes banket. Ihaue knowen such bankettes hath put men in ieobardy of theyr lyues.’ A.Borde, Regyment, fol. I.ij.
l. 82, l. 93. Junket. The auncient manner of grateful suitors, who, hauing prevailed, were woont to present the Judges, or the Reporters, of their causes, with Comfets or other Jonkets. Cotgrave, w. espice.
l. 85. Cheese. Whan stone pottes be broken, what is better to glew them againe or make them fast, nothing like the Symunt made of Cheese; know therfore it will quickly build a stone in a drie body, which is ful of choler adust. And here in Englande be diuers kindes of Cheeses, as Suff. Essex, Banburie .&c.according to their places & feeding of their cattel, time of ye yere, layre of their Kine, clenlinesse of their Dayres, quantitie of their Butter; for the more Butter, the worse Cheese. Bullein, fol. lxxxv.
l. 89.Butter. A.Borde, Introduction, makes the Flemynge say,
Buttermouth Flemyng, men doth me call.
Butter is good meate, it doth relent the gall.
l. 94.Posset is hot Milk poured on Ale or Sack, having Sugar, grated Bisket, Eggs, with other ingredients boiled in it, which goes all to a Curd. R.Holme.
l. 94.Poset ale is made with hote mylke and colde ale; it is a temperate drynke. A.Borde, Reg. G. iij.
Note on line 52 was originally printed here, labeled “l.98”.
l. 105. Hot wines & sweet or confectioned with spices, or very strong Ale or Beere, is not good at meales, for thereby the meat is rather corrupted then digested, and they make hot and stinking vapours to ascend vp to the braines. Sir Jn. Harrington. Pres. of Health, 1624, p.23.
l. 109. Reboyle. ‘If any wynes be corrupted, reboyled, or unwholsome for mannys body, then by the comtroller it to be shewed at the counting bourde, so that by assent all suche pypes or vesselles defectife be dampned and cast uppon the losses of the seyd chiefe Butler.’ H. Ord. p.73.
l. 109. Lete, leek. ‘Purveyours of Wyne ... to ride and oversee the places there as the Kinges wynes be lodged, that it be saufely kept from peril of leeking and breaking of vessels, or lacke of hoopinge or other couperage, and all other crafte for the rackinge, coynynge, rebatinge, and other salvations of wynes, &c.’ H. Ord. p.74.
Halliwell gives under Piment the following list of wines from MS. Rawlinson. C.86.
Malmasyes, Tires, and Rumneys,
With Caperikis, Campletes†, and Osueys,
Vernuge, Cute, and Raspays also,
Whippet and Pyngmedo, that that ben lawyers therto;
And I will have also wyne de Ryne,
With new maid Clarye, that is good and fyne,
Muscadell, Terantyne, and Bastard,
With Ypocras and Pyment comyng afterwarde.
MS. Rawl. C. 86.
And under Malvesyne this:
Ye shall have Spayneche wyne and Gascoyne,
Rose coloure, whyt, claret, rampyon,
Tyre, capryck, and malvesyne,
Sak, raspyce, alycaunt, rumney,
Greke, ipocrase, new made clary,
Suche as ye never had.
Interlude of the Four Elements (no date).
* See Maison Rustique or The Country Farme, p.630-1, as to the qualities of Sweet Wines.
† See Campolet in “The Boke of Keruyng.”
Of the wine drunk in England in Elizabeth’s time, Harrison (Holinshed’s Chron. v.1, p.167, col. 2, ed. 1586) says, “As all estates doo exceed herin, Imeane for strangenesse and number of costlie dishes, so these forget not to vse the like excesse in wine, in so much as there is no kind to be had (neither anie where more store of all sorts than in England, although we have none growing with us, but yearlie to the proportion of 20,000 or 30,000 tun and vpwards, notwithstanding the dailie restreincts of the same brought over vnto vs) wherof at great meetings there is not some store to be had. Neither do I meane this of small wines onlie, as Claret, White, Red, French, 87 &c., which amount to about fiftie-six sorts, according to the number of regions from whence they come: but also of the thirtie kinds of Italian, Grecian, Spanish, Canarian, &c., whereof Vernage, Cate, pument, Raspis, Muscadell, Romnie, Bastard, Tire, Oseie, Caprike, Clareie, and Malmesie, are not least of all accompted of, bicause of their strength and valure. For as I haue said in meat, so the stronger the wine is, the more it is desired, by means wherof in old time, the best was called Theologicum, because it was had from the cleargie and religious men, vnto whose houses manie of the laitie would often send for bottels filled with the same, being sure that they would neither drinke nor be serued of the worst, or such as was anie waies mingled or brued by the vintener: naie the merchant would haue thought that his soule should haue gone streight-waie to the diuell, if he should haue serued them with other than the best.”
On Wine, see also Royal Rolls, B.M. 14 B. xix.. Specially: The following extracts are from Henderson’s History of Ancient and Modern Wines, 1824, except where otherwise stated:—1. Vernage was a red wine, of a bright colour, and a sweetish and somewhat rough flavour, which was grown in Tuscany and other parts of Italy, and derived its name from the thick-skinned grape, vernaccia (corresponding with the vinaciola of the ancients), that was used in the preparation of it (See Bacci. Nat. Vinor. Hist., p.20, 62). It is highly praised by Redi.*
* Vernage was made in the Genoese territory. The best was grown at San Gemignano, and in Bacci’s time was in great request at Rome. The wine known as Vernaccia in Tuscany was always of a white or golden colour. Henderson, p.396.2. Vernagelle is not mentioned by Henderson. The name shows it to have been a variety of Vernage.3. l. 118.Cute. “As for the cuit named in Latin Sapa, it commeth neere to the nature of wine, and in truth nothing els it is, but Must or new wine boiled til one third part and no more do remain; & this cuit, if it be made of white Must is counted the better.” Holland’s Plinies Nat. Hist., p.157. “(of the dried grape or raisin which they call Astaphis).... The sweet cuit which is made thereof hath a speciall power and virtue against the HÆmorrhois alone, of all other serpents,” p.148. “Of new pressed wine is made the wine called Cute, in Latin, Sapa; and it is by boiling the new pressed wine so long, as till that there remaine but one of three parts. Of new pressed wine is also made another Cute, called of the Latines Defrutum, and this is by boiling of the new wine onely so long, as till the halfe part be consumed, and the rest become of the thicknesse of honey.” Maison Rustique, p.622. ‘Cute. A.S. CÆren, L. carenum, wine boiled down one-third, and sweetened.’ Cockayne, Gloss. to Leechdoms.4. Pyment. In order to cover the harshness and acidity common to the greater part of the wines of this period, and to give them an agreeable flavour, it was not unusual to mix honey and spices with them. Thus compounded they passed under the generic name of piments,† probably because they were 88 originally prepared by the pigmentarii or apothecaries; and they were used much in the same manner as the liqueurs of modern times. Hend. p.283.
† See the recipe for making Piment in Halliwell’s Dictionary, s.v.
The varieties of Piment most frequently mentioned are the
Hippocras & Clarry. The former was made with either white or red wine, in which different aromatic ingredients were infused; and took its name from the particular sort of bag, termed Hippocrates’s Sleeve, through which it was strained.... Clarry, on the other hand, which (with wine of Osey) we have seen noticed in the Act5 RichardII. (St.1, c.4, vin doulce, ou clarre), was a claret or mixed wine, mingled with honey, and seasoned in much the same way, as may be inferred from an order of the 36th of Henry III. respecting the delivery of two casks of white wine and one of red, to make Clarry and other liquors for the king’s table at York (duo dolia albi vini et garhiofilacum et unum dolium rubri vini ad claretum faciendum). Henderson, p.284. Hippocras, vinum Aromaticum. Withals. “Artificiall stuffe, as ypocras & wormewood wine.” Harrison, Descr. Brit., p.167, col.2, ed. 1586.5. Raspice. “Vin RapÉ,” says Henderson, p.286, note y, “arough sweetish red wine, so called from its being made with unbruised grapes, which, having been freed from the stalks, are afterwards fermented along with them and a portion of other wine.”* Ducange has Raspice.Raspaticium, Ex racemis vinum, cujus prÆparationem tradit J. Wecker. Antidot. special. lib. 2, §6, page 518 et 519. Paratur autem illud ex raspatiis et vinaceis, una cum uvis musto immissis. Raspatia itaque sunt, quÆ Varroni et ColumellÆ scopi, scopiones, si bene legitur; unde nostrum Raste. Ducange, ed. 1845. Raspecia ...Sed ex relato longiori contextu palam est, Raspeciam nihil aliud esse quam vinum mixtis acinis aliisve modis renovatum, nostris vulgo RÂpÉ; hujuscemodi enim vinum alterationi minus obnoxium est, ut hic dicitur de Raspecia. Vide mox Raspetum, Vinum recentatum, Gallis RaspÉ. Charta Henrici Ducis BrabantiÆ pro Communia Bruxellensi ann. 1229: Qui vinum supra uvas habuerit, quod Raspetum vocatur, in tavernis ipsum vendere non potest. Vide Recentatum. Ducange, ed. 1845.
* Besides this meaning of rapÉ (same as raspÉ), Cotgrave gives first “A verie small wine comming of water cast uppon the mother of grapes which have been pressed!”
The highly-praised Raspatum of Baccius, p.30-2, of which, after quoting what Pliny says of secondary wines, he declares, “id primÙm animaduerti volumus À nostra posteritate, quod Lora Latinorum, quam deuterium cum GrÆcis, et secundarium Vinum dixit Plinius, de?te??a, seu p?t??? Dioscorides, quodque t????? vocauit Galenus, cum Aquatis quibus hodie vtimur in tota Italia, & cum nouo genere, quod À delectabili in gustu asperitate, Rasputum vocat; similem omnes hÆ Voces habent significantiam factitii .s. ex aqua Vini. p.30. Quod uini genus in Italia, ubi alterius uini copia non sit, parari simpliciter consuevit colore splendido rubentis purpurÆ, sapore austero, ac dulcacido primis mensibus mox tamen exolescente, p.31-2, &c.” Raspice was also a name for Raspberries. Item, geuene to my lady Kingstone seruaunte bringing Strawberes and Respeces to my ladys grace xij d. Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, p.31; and in his Glossary to this 89 book Sir F. Madden says, ‘In a closet for Ladies 12mo. London, 1654, is a receipt “To preserve Raspices,” and they are elsewhere called “Raspisberries.” See “Delights for Ladies,” 12mo. 1654.’6. Muscadelle of Grew: Bastard: Greke: Malvesyn. “The wines which Greece, Languedoc, and Sapine doe send vs, or rather, which the delicacie and voluptuousnesse of our French throats cause to be fetched from beyond the Sea, such as are Sacks, Muscadels of Frontignan, Malmesies, Bastards (which seeme to me to be so called, because they are oftentimes adulterated and falsified with honey, as we see wine Hydromell to be prepared) and Corsick wines, so much vsed of the Romanes, are very pernicious unto vs, if we vse them as our common drinke. Notwithstanding, we proue them very singular good in cold diseases ... but chiefly and principally Malmesey.” Stevens and Liebault’s Maison Rustique, or The Countrey Farme, by R. Surflet, reviewed by Gerv. Markham, 1616. Muscadell, vinum apianum. Withals. Mulsum, wine and honie sodden together, swiete wine, basterde or Muscadell. Withals. William Vaughan says, “Of Muscadell, Malmesie, and browne Bastard. These kindes of wines are onely for maried folkes, because they strengthen the back.” Naturall and Artificial Directions for Health, 1602, p.9.
Andrewe Borde, of Physicke, Doctor, in his Regyment or Dyetary of helth made in Mountpylior, says, “Also these hote wynes, as Malmesey, wyne corse, wyne greke, Romanyke, Romney, Secke, Alygaune, Basterde, Tyre, Osaye, Muscadell, Caprycke, Tynt, Roberdany, with other hote wynes, be not good to drynke with meate, but after mete and with Oysters, with Saledes, with fruyte, adraughte or two may be suffered ... Olde men may drynke, as I sayde, hygh wynes at theyr pleasure. Furthermore all swete wynes, and grose wynes, doth make a man fatte.”7. Rompney. Henderson, p. 288, says, “Another of the above-mentioned wines (in the Squire of Low Degree) designated by the name of the grape, was the Romenay, otherwise Romenay, Rumney, Romaine, or Romagnia. That it could not be the produce of the Ecclesiastical State, as the two last corruptions of the word would seem to imply, may be safely averred; for at no period, since the decline of the empire, has the Roman soil furnished any wines for exportation; and even Bacci, with all his partiality, is obliged to found his eulogy of them on their ancient fame, and to confess that, in his time, they had fallen into disrepute.” He argues also against the notion that this wine came from Romana in Aragon, and concludes that it was probably a Greek wine, as Bacci (Nat. Vin. Hist. p.333) tells us that the wine from the Ioinan Islands and adjoining continent was called in Italian Romania,—from the Saracen Rum-ili. Now this is all very well, but how about the name of Rompney of Modene or Modena, just outside the Western boundary of the Romagna,—not Meudon, in France, “amongst all the wines which we use at Paris, as concerning the red, the best are those of Coussy, Seure, Vaunes, and Meudon.” Maison Rustique, p.642.—Who will hold to John Russell, and still consider Romney an Italian wine? Rumney, vinum resinatum. Withals.
8. Bastard. Henderson argues against the above-quoted (No.6) supposition of Charles Etienne’s (which is supported by Cotgrave’s Vin miellÉ, honied wine, bastard, Metheglin, sweet wine), and adopts Venner’s account (Via Recta ad Vitam Longam), that “Bastard is in virtue somewhat like to muskadell, and may also in stead thereof be used; it is in goodness so much inferiour to muskadell, as the same is to malmsey.” It took its name, Henderson thinks, from the grape of which it was made, probably a bastard species of muscadine. “One of the varieties of vines now cultivated in the Alto Douro, and also in Madeira, is called bastardo, and the must which it yields is of a sweetish quality.” Of the Bastard wine there were two sorts,—white and brown (brown and white bastard, Measure for Measure, Act iii. sc.2), both of them, according to Markham’s report, “fat and strong; the tawny or brown kind being the sweetest.” In The Libelle of Englysch Polycye, A.D. 1436 (Wright’s Political Songs, v.2, p.160), ‘wyne bastarde’ is put among the commodyetees of Spayne.9. Tire, if not of Syrian growth, was probably a Calabrian or Sicilian wine, manufactured from the species of grape called tirio. Tyre, vinum Tyrense, ex Tyro insula. Withals.10. Ozey. Though this is placed among the “commodities of Portugal” in some verses inserted in the first volume of Hackluyt’s Voyages, p.188—Her land hath wine, osey, waxe, and grain,—yet, says Henderson, “apassage in Valois’ Description of France, p.12, seems to prove, beyond dispute, that oseye was an Alsatian wine; Auxois or Osay being, in old times, the name constantly used for Alsace. If this conjecture is well-founded, we may presume that oseye was a luscious-sweet, or straw-wine, similar to that which is still made in that province. That it was a rich, high-flavoured liquor is sufficiently shown by a receipt for imitating it, which may be seen in Markham (English Housewife, 1683, p, 115), and we learn from Bacci p.350) that the wines which Alsace then furnished in great profusion to England as well as different parts of the continent, were of that description. In the ‘Bataille des Vins’ we find the ‘Vin d’Aussai’ associated with the growths of the Moselle.” Osey is one ‘Of the commoditees of Portingalle,’ Libelle, p.163.11. Torrentyne of Ebrew. Is this from Tarentum, Tarragon, or Toledo? Whence in Ebrew land did our forefathers import wine? Mr G. Grove says, “Ishould at first say that Torrentyne referred to the wine from some wady (Vulgate, torrens) in which peculiarly rich grapes grew, like the wady of Eschcol or of Sorek; but I don’t remember any special valley being thus distinguished as ‘The Torrent’ above all others, and the vineyards are usually on hill-sides, not in vallies.”12. Greke MalevesyÑ. “The best dessert wines were made from the Malvasia grape; and Candia, where it was chiefly cultivated, for a long time retained the monopoly,” says Henderson. He quotes Martin Leake to explain the name. Monemvasia is a small fortified town in the bay of Epidaurus Limera. “It was anciently a promontory called Minoa, but is now an island connected with the coast of Laconia by a bridge. The name of 91Monemvasia, derived from the circumstances of its position (??? ?as?a, single entrance), was corrupted by the Italians to Malvasia; and the place being celebrated for the fine wines produced in the neighbourhood, Malvasia changed to Malvoisie in French, and Malmsey in English came to be applied to many of the rich wines of the Archipelago, Greece, and other countries.” (Researches in Greece, p.197.) Maulmsey, vinum creticum, vel creteum. Withals.13. Caprik may have been a wine from the island of Capri, or Cyprus.14. Clarey. See above under Pyment, and the elaborate recipe for making it, in Household Ordinances, p.473, under the heading “Medicina optima et experta pro Stomacho et pro Capite in Antiquo hominem.” Claret Wine, vinum sanguineum subrubrum, vel rubellum. Withals. “The seconde wine is pure Claret, of a cleare Iacent, or Yelow choler; this wine doth greatly norish and warme the body, and it is an holsome wine with meate.” Bullein, fol.xj.
l. 122.Spice; l. 171.Spicery. Of “The commoditees and nyoetees of Venicyans and Florentynes,” the author of the Libelle says, p.171,
The grete galees of Venees and Florence
Be wel ladene wyth thynges of complacence,
Alle spicerye and of grocers ware,
Wyth swete wynes, alle maners of cheffare,
Apes, and japes, and marmusettes taylede,
Nifles, trifles, that litelle have availede,
And thynges wyth which they fetely blere oure eye,
Wyth thynges not enduryng that we bye.
l. 123.Turnsole. Newton’s Herbal, plate 49, gives Yellow Turnsole G(erarde), the Colouring Turnsole P(arkinson).
l. 123.Tornesole. Achillea tormentosa, A.S. Solwherf. ‘This wort hath with it some wonderful divine qualities, that is, that its blossoms turn themselves according to the course of the sun, so that the blossoms when the sun is setting close themselves, and again when he upgoeth, they open and spread themselves.’ Leechdoms, ed. Cockayne, v.1, p.155.
l. 123, 141.Granes are probably what are now called “Granes of Paradise,” small pungent seeds brought from the East Indies, much resembling Cardamum seeds in appearance, but in properties approaching nearer to Pepper. See Lewis’s Materia Medica, p.298; in North. H. Book.
l. 131-2. I cannot identify these three sorts of Ginger, though Gerarde says: “Ginger groweth in Spaine, Barbary, in the Canary Islands, and the Azores,” p.6. Only two sorts of Ginger are mentioned in Parkinson’s Herbal, p.1613. ‘Ginger grows in China, and is cultivated there.’ Strother’s Harman, 1727, v.1, p.101.
l. 141. Peper. “Pepir blake” is one of the commoditees of the Januays (or Genoese). Libelle, p.172.
Note on line 77 was originally printed here, labeled “l.177”.
l. 178.Ale. See the praise of the unparalleled liquor called Ale, Metheglin, &c., in Iohn Taylor’s Drink and Welcome, 1637. In his Regiment, A.Borde says, “Ale is made of malte and water; and they the whiche do put any other thynge to ale than is rehersed, except yest, barme, or goddes good,*† doth sophysticall there ale. Ale for an Englysshe man is a naturall drynke. Ale muste haue these properties, it must be fresshe and cleare, it muste not be ropy, nor smoky, nor it muste haue no werte nor tayle. Ale shulde not be dronke under .v.dayes olde. Newe Ale is vnholsome for all men. And sowre ale, and dead ale, and ale the whiche doth stande a tylte, is good for no man. Barly malte maketh better Ale than Oten malte or any other corne doth: it doth ingendre grose humours: but it maketh a man stronge.
Beere is made of malte, of hoppes, and water. It is a naturall drynke for a doche man. And nowe of late dayes [1557 ?] it is moche vsed in England to the detryment of many Englysshe men; specyally it kylleth them the whiche be troubled with the Colycke and the stone, and the strayne coylyon; for the drynke is a cold drynke. Yet it doth make a man fatte, and doth inflate the belly, as it doth appere by the doche mennes faces and belyes.” A.Borde, Regyment, fol. G.ii.
* Halliwell says it means yeast. It cannot do so here.
† This, and barme, and bargood (=beer-good) are only equivalents for ‘yeast.’ Goddes-good was so called ‘because it cometh of the grete grace of God’: see the following extract, sent me by Mr Gillett, from the Book of the Corporate Assembly of Norwich, 8 Edw.IV.:
“The Maior of this Cite commaundeth on the Kynges bihalve, yt alle maner of Brewers yt shall brewe to sale wtynne this Cite, kepe ye assise accordyn to ye Statute, & upon peyne ordeyned. And wheras berme, otherwise clepid goddis good, wtoute tyme of mynde hath frely be goven or delyvered for brede, whete, malte, egges, or other honest rewarde, to ye valewe only of a ferthyng at ye uttermost, & noon warned, bicause it cometh of ye grete grace of God, Certeyn persons of this Cite, callyng themselves common Brewers, for their singler lucre & avayll have nowe newely bigonne to take money for their seid goddis good, for ye leest parte thereof, be it never so litle and insufficient to serve the payer therefore, an halfpeny or a peny, & ferthermore exaltyng ye price of ye seid Goddis good at their proper will, ageyns the olde & laudable custome of alle Englande, & specially of this Cite, to grete hurte & slaunder of ye same Cite. Wherefore it is ordeyned & provided, That no maner of brewer of this Cite shall from this time foorth take of eny person for lyvering, gevyng, or grauntyng of ye sd goddis good, in money nor other rewarde, above ye valewe of a ferthyng. He shall, for no malice feyned ne sought, colour, warne, ne restregne ye sd goddis good to eny persone yt will honestly & lefully aske it, & paye therefore ye valewe of a ferthyng, &c.” Corrigenda
l. 194. Neck-towel. The neck-towelles of the pantrey, ewerye, confectionarye, comters, hangers, liggers, and all that is the Kinges stuffe. H. Ord. p.85.
l. 201.Salts. Other two groomes in this office [of Panetry] to help serve the hall, or other lordes, in absence of the yoman, and to cutte trenchours, to make saltes, &c. H. Ord., p.71.
l. 213. Raynes. Towelles of raygnes, towelles of worke, and of playne clothe. H. Ord., pp. 72,84.
l. 237.The Surnape. In the Articles ordained by King Henry VII. for the Regulation of his Household, 31 Dec., 1494, are the following directions, p.119.
As for the Sewer and Usher, and laying of the Surnape.
The sewer shall lay the surnape on the board-end whereas the bread and salte standeth, and lay forth the end of the same surnape and towell; then the usher should fasten his rodd in the foresaid surnape and towell, and soe drawing it downe the board, doeing his reverence afore the Kinge till it passe the board-end a good way, and there the sewer kneeling at the end of the board, and the usher at the other, stretching the said surnape and towell, and soe the usher to laie upp the end of the towell well on the boarde, and rise goeing before the Kinge, doeing his reverence to the King on the same side the surnape bee gone uppon, and on that side make an estate with his rodd; and then goeing before the Kinge doeing his reverence, and soe make another estate on the other side of the King, and soe goeing to the boards end againe, kneele downe to amend the towell, that there bee noe wrinkles 93 save the estates; and then the usher doeing his due reverence to the King; goeing right before the Kinge with his rodd, the side of the same towell there as the bason shall stand; and doeing his reverence to the Kinge, to goe to the boards end againe; and when the King hath washed, to bee ready with his rodd to putt upp the surnape and meete the sewer against the Kinge, and then the sewer to take it upp. (The French name was Serre-nape.)
l. 253.State. Divers Lords and Astates, p.155; divers astates and gentils, p.160. Wardrobe Accounts of King Edward IV.
l. 262. The Pauntry Towells, Purpaynes, Coverpaynes, Chipping-knyffs. Percy or Northumberland Hd. Book, p.387.
l. 277.Symple Condicions. Compare these modern directions to a serving man: “While waiting at dinner, never be picking your nose, or scratching your head, or any other part of your body; neither blow your nose in the room; if you have a cold, and cannot help doing it, do it on the outside of the door; but do not sound your nose like a trumpet, that all the house may hear when you blow it; still it is better to blow your nose when it requires, than to be picking it and snuffing up the mucus, which is a filthy trick. Do not yawn or gape, or even sneeze, if you can avoid it; and as to hawking and spitting, the name of such a thing is enough to forbid it, without a command. When you are standing behind a person, to be ready to change the plates, &c., do not put your hands on the back of the chair, as it is very improper; though I have seen some not only do so, but even beat a kind of tune upon it with their fingers. Instead of this, stand upright with your hands hanging down or before you, but not folded. Let your demeanour be such as becomes the situation which you are in. Be well dressed, and have light shoes that make no noise, your face and hands well washed, your finger-nails cut short and kept quite clean underneath; have a nail-brush for that purpose, as it is a disgusting thing to see black dirt under the nails. Let the lapels of your coat be buttoned, as they will only be flying in your way.” 1825. T. Cosnett. Footman’s Directory, p.97-8. Lord A. Percy’s Waiters were changed every quarter. See the lists of them in the Percy Household Book, p.53-4.
l. 280. Lice. See Thomas Phaire’s Regiment of Life, The boke of Chyldren, H.h. 5; and A.Borde’s Introduction, of the Irishe man,
Pediculus other whyle do byte me by the backe,
Wherfore dyvers times I make theyr bones cracke.
And of the people of Lytle Briten,
Although I iag my hosen & my garment round abowt,
Yet it is a vantage to pick pendiculus owt.
Line note “67/991”, originally printed here, has been renamed “l.991” and moved to the appropriate location.
are among R.Holme’s Names of Slates, Bk. III. ch. v.p.265, col.1.
l. 328. Forks were not introduced into England till Coryat’s time. See his Crudities p.90-1, 4to. London, 1611, on the strange use of the Fork in Italy. “Iobserv’d a custom in all those Italian Cities and Townes through the which I passed, that is not used in any other country that I saw in my travels, neither do I thinke that any other nation of Christendome doth use it, but only Italy. The Italian and also most Strangers that are comorant in Italy, doe always at their meals use a Little Forke when they cut their meat.” Percy’s notes, p.417-18, North. H. Book.
l. 348-9. Fumositees. But to wash the feete in a decoction of Baye leaues, Rosemary, & Fenel, Igreatly disalow not: for it turneth away from the head vapours & fumes dimming and ouercasting the mynde. Now the better to represse fumes and propulse vapours from the Brain, it shalbe excellent good after Supper to chaw with the teeth (the mouth being shut) afew graynes of Coriander first stieped in veneiger wherin Maioram hath bin decocted, & then thinly crusted or couered ouer with Sugar. It is scarrce credible what a special commoditye this bringeth to ye memory. No lesse vertuous & soueraign is the confection of Conserue of Quinces. Quinces called Diacidonion, if a prety quantity thereof be likewise taken after meate. For it disperseth fumes, & suffreth not vapours to strike vpwarde, T. Newton, Lemnie’s Touchstone, ed. 1581, fol. 126. See note on l.105 here.
l. 358.Forced or Farced, a Forced Leg of Mutton, is to stuff or fill it (or any Fowl) with a minced Meat of Beef, Veal, &c., with Herbs and Spices. Farcing is stuffing of any kind of Meats with Herbs or the like; some write it Forsing and Farsing. To Farce is to stuff anything. R.Holme.
l. 378. Brawn. In his chapter on Pygge, Brawne, Bacon, Andrew Borde says of bacon as follows: “Bacon is good for Carters, and plowe men, the which be euer labouryng in the earth or dunge; but & yf they haue the stone, and vse to eate it, they shall synge ‘wo be to the pye!’ Wherefore I do say that coloppes and egges is as holsome for them as a talowe candell is good for a horse mouth, or a peece of powdred Beefe is good for a blere eyed mare. Yet sensuall appetyde must haue a swynge at all these thynges, notwithstandynge.” Regyment, fol. K. iii.b.
l. 382 & l. 515.Venison. I extract part of Andrewe Borde’s chapter on this in his Regyment, fol. K. 4,b.
¶ Of wylde Beastes fleshe.
¶ I haue gone rounde about Chrystendome, and ouerthwarte Chrystendome, and a thousande or two and moore myles out of Chrystendome, Yet there is not so moche pleasure for Harte and Hynde, Bucke and Doe, and for Roo-Bucke and Doe, as is in Englande lande: and although the flesshe be dispraysed in physicke, I praye God to sende me parte of flesshe to eate, physicke notwithstanding .. all physicions (phyon suchons, orig.) sayth 95 that Venson .. doth ingendre colorycke humours; and of trueth it doth so: Wherefore let them take the skynne, and let me haue the flesshe. Iam sure it is a Lordes dysshe, and I am sure it is good for an Englysheman, for it doth anymate hym to be as he is: whiche is stronge and hardy. But I do aduertyse euery man, for all my wordes, not to kyll and so to eate of it, excepte it be lawfully, for it is a meate for great men. And great men do not set so moche by the meate, as they doth by the pastyme of kyllynge ofit.
l. 393.Chine, the Back-bone of any Beast or Fish. R.Holme.
l. 397. Stock Dove, Columba oenas, Yarrell ii. 293.
Doues haue this propertie by themselues, to bill one another and kisse before they tread. Holland’s Plinie, v.1, p.300.
l. 401. Osprey or Fishing Hawk (the Mullet Hawk of Christchurch Bay), Pandion HaliÆËtus, Y. i.30.
l. 402. Mallard or Wild Duck, Anas boschas, Y. iii.265.
l. 421, 542. Betowre. Bittern, the Common, Botaurus stellaris, Y. ii. 571. In the spring, and during the breeding season, the Bittern makes a loud booming or bellowing noise, whence, probably, the generic term Botaurus was selected for it; but when roused at other times, the bird makes a sharp, harsh cry on rising, not unlike that of a Wild Goose. Yarrell, ii. 573. The Bittern was formerly in some estimation as an article of food for the table; the flesh is said to resemble that of the Leveret in colour and taste, with some of the flavour of wild fowl. Sir Thomas Browne says that young Bitterns were considered a better dish than young Herons ... ii. 574. ‘Hearon, Byttour, Shouelar. Being yong and fat, be lightlier digested then the Crane, & ye Bittour sooner then the Hearon.’ Sir T. Eliot, Castell of Health, fol.31.
l. 422. Heron. Holland (Plinie, p. 301) gives—1. ACriell or dwarfe Heron; 2. Bittern; 3. Carion Heron, for Pliny’s—1. Leucon; 2. Asterias; 3. Pellon.
l. 437.Martins are given in the Bill of Fare of Archbp. Nevill’s Feast, A.D. 1466, 3rd Course. R.Holme, p.78.
l. 449. Cannell Bone. ‘Susclavier. Vpon the kannell bone; whence Veine susclaviere. The second maine ascendant branch of the hollow veine.’ Cot.
l. 457. Compare Rabbet Ronners 1 doz., 2 s., temp. Hen. VIII., ao 33. H.Ord. p.223.
l. 492.Custard, open Pies, or without lids, filled with Eggs and Milk; called also Egg-Pie. R.Holme.
See the Recipes for ‘Crustade Ryal,’ ‘Crustade’ (with Chikonys y-smete or smal birdys), and ‘Crustade gentyle’ (with ground pork or veal), fol. 43, Harl. MS. 279. The Recipe for Crustade Ryal is, “Take and pike out Þe marow of bonys as hool as Þou may. Þen take Þe bonys an seÞe hem in Watere or Þat Þe broÞe be fat y-now. Þen take Almaundys & wayssche hem clene & bray hem, & temper hem vppe with Þe fat broÞe; Þan wyl Þe mylke be broun. Þen take pouder Canelle, Gyngere, & Suger, & caste Þer-on. Þen take Roysonys of coraunce & lay in Þe cofynne, & taylid Datys 96 & kyt a-long. Þen take Eyroun a fewe y-straynid, & swenge among Þe Milke Þe ?olke. Þen take the botmon of Þe cofynne Þer Þe Marow schal stonde, & steke Þer gret an long gobettys Þeron vppe ry?t. & lat bake a whyle. Þen pore in comade Þer-on halful, & lat bake, & whan yt a-rysith, it is ynow, Þen serue forth.”
Sir F. Madden in his note on Frees pasties, in his Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, p.131, col. 1, says, “The different species of Confectionary then in vogue are enumerated by Taylor the Water Poet, in his Tract intitled ‘The Great Eater, or part of the admirable teeth and stomack’s exploits of Nicholas Wood,’ &c., published about 1610. ‘Let any thing come in the shape of fodder or eating-stuffe, it is wellcome, whether it be Sawsedge, or Custard, or Eg-pye, or Cheese-cake, or Flawne, or Foole, or Froyze,* or Tanzy, or Pancake, or Fritter, or Flap iacke,† or Posset, or Galleymawfrey, Mackeroone, Kickshaw, or Tantablin!’”
1. And of the carp, that it is a deyntous fyssche, but there ben but fewe in Englonde; and therefore I wryte the lasse of hym.—Jul. Berners’s Book of St Alban’s.
2.Guisnes: f. A kind of little, sweet, and long cherries; tearmed so because at first they came out of Guyenne; also any kind of Cherries. Cotgrave.
3.Corneille, a Cornill berrie; Cornillier, The long cherrie, wild cherrie, or Cornill tree. Cotgrave.
* Froize, or pancake, Fritilla, Frittur, rigulet. Baret. Omlet of Eggs is Eggs beaten together with Minced suet, and so fried in a Pan, about the quantity of an Egg together, on one side, not to be turned, and served with a sauce of Vinegar and Sugar. An Omlet or Froise. R.Holme.† Flapjack is “a fried cake made of butter, apples, &c.” Jennings. It is not a pancake here, evidently. “Untill at last by the skill of the cooke, it is transform’d into the forme of a flapjack, which in our translation is cald a pancake.” Taylor’s Jack-a-lent, i.p.115, in Nares.
l. 500, 706, 730. Pety Perueis. Perueis should be Perneis, as the Sloane MS. 1985 shows. Alter text accordingly. Under the head of bake Metis or Vyaunde Furne?, in Harl. MS. 279, fol. 40 b, we have No. xiiij Pety Pernollys. Take fayre Floure Cofyns. Þen take ?olkys of Eyroun & trye hem fro Þe whyte. & lat Þe ?olkys be al hole & no?t to-broke. & ley .iij. or .iiij. ?olkys in a cofyn. and Þan take marow of bonys, to or .iij. gobettys, & cowche in Þe cofynn. Þen take pouder Gyngere, Sugre, Roysonys of coraunce, & caste a-boue, & Þan kyuere Þin cofyn with Þe same past. & bake hem & frye hem in fayre grece & serve forth.
xx Pety Peruaaunt. Take fayre Flowre, Sugre, Safroun, an Salt. & make Þeroffe fayre past & fayre cofyngis. Þan take fayre y-tryid ?olkys Raw & Sugre an pouder Gyngere, & Raysonys of Coraunce, & myncyd Datys, but not to small. Þan caste al Þis on a fayre bolle, & melle al to-gederys, & put in Þin cofyn, & lat bake oÞer Frye in Freyssche grece. Harl. MS. 279.
l. 501, 701. Powche. I suppose this to be poached-egg fritters; but it may be the other powche; ‘Take the Powche and the Lynour [? liver] of haddok, codlyng, and hake.’ Forme of Cury, p.47. Recipe94.
l. 501.Fritters are small Pancakes, having slices of Apples in the Batter. R.Holme. Frutters, Fruter Napkin, and Fruter Crispin, were dishes at Archbp. Nevill’s Feast, 7 Edw. IV. 1467-8 A.D.
l. 503.Tansy Cake is made of grated Bread, Eggs, Cream, Nutmeg, Ginger, mixt together and Fried in a Pan with Butter, with green Wheat and Tansy stamped. R.Holme. ‘To prevent being Bug-bitten. Put a sprig or two of tansey at the bed head, or as near the pillow as the smell may be agreeable.’ T.Cosnett’s Footman’s Directory, p.292.
l. 504, 511, &c. Leach, akind of Jelly made of Cream, Ising-glass, Sugar, and Almonds, with other compounds (the later meaning, 1787). R.Holme.
l. 517-18.Potages. All maner of liquyde thynges, as Potage, sewe and all other brothes doth replete a man that eteth them with ventosyte. Potage is not so moche vsed in all Chrystendome as it is vsed in Englande. Potage is made of the licour in the whiche flesshe is sod in, with puttynge to, chopped herbes, and Otmell and salte. A.Borde, Reg. fol. H.ii.
l.517, 731. Jelly, a kind of oily or fat liquor drawn from Calves or Neats feet boiled. R.Holme.
l. 519.Grewel is a kind of Broth made only of Water, Grotes brused and Currans; some add Mace, sweet Herbs, Butter and Eggs and Sugar: some call it Pottage Gruel. R.Holme.
l. 521.Cabages. ’Tis scarce a hundred years since we first had cabbages out of Holland; Sir Anthony Ashley, of Wiburg St Giles, in Dorsetshire, being, as I am told, the first who planted them in England. Jn. Evelyn, Acetaria, §11. They were introduced into Scotland by the soldiers of Cromwell’s army. 1854. Notes and Queries, May 6, p.424, col.1.
l. 533.Powdered is contrasted with fresh in Household Ordinances: ‘In beef daily or moton, fresh, or elles all poudred is more availe, 5d.’ H. Ord. p.46. In Muffett (p.173) it means pickled, ‘As Porpesses must be baked while they are new, so Tunny is never good till it have been long pouldred with salt, vinegar, coriander, and hot spices.’ In p.154 it may be either salt or pickled; ‘Horne-beaks are ever lean (as some think) because they are ever fighting; yet are they good and tender, whether they be eaten fresh or poudred.’ Powdered, says Nicolas, meant sprinkled over, and “powdered beef” i.e. beef sprinkled with salt, is still in use. Privy Purse expenses of Elizabeth of Yorke, &c., p.254, col. 1. See note to l.378, 689, here.
l. 535-688.Chaudoun. MS. Harl. 1735, fol. 18, gives this Recipe. ‘¶Chaudon sauz of swannes. ¶Tak ye issu of ye swannes, & wasche hem wel, skoure ye guttys with salt, sethz al to-gidre. Tak of ye fleysche; hewe it smal, & ye guttys with alle. Tak bred, gyngere & galingale, Canel, grynd it & tempre it vp with bred; colour it with blood ore with brent bred, seson it vp with a lytyl vinegre; welle it al to-gydere.’ And see the Chaudoun potage of Pygys, fol. 19, or p.37.
l. 540. Crane, the Common, Crus cinerea, Y. ii. 530.
l. 540. Egret, or Great White Heron, Ardea alba Y. ii. 549. (Buff-coloured, Buff-backed, and Little Egret, are the varieties.)
l. 540. Hernshaw or Common Heron, Ardea cinerea. Y. ii. 537 (nine other varieties).
l. 541. Plover, the Great (Norfolk Plover and Stone Curlew), Ædicnemus crepitans, Y. ii. 465 (10 other varieties).
l. 541. Curlew the Common, Numenius arquata, Y. ii. 610 (there are other varieties).
l. 542. Bustard, the Great, Otis tarda, Y. ii. 428; the Little (rare here) ii. 452.
l. 542. Shoveler (blue-winged, or Broad-Bill), Anas clypeata, Y. iii. 247. Snipe, the Common, Scolopax gallinago, Y. iii. 38 (11 other sorts).
l. 543. Lapwing or Peewit, Vanellus cristatus, ii. 515.
l. 543. The Martin, or House Martin, Hirundo urbica, Y. ii. 255; the Sand or Bank Martin, Hirundo riparia, ii. 261.
l. 544. Quail, the Common, Coturnix vulgaris, Y. ii. 413.
l. 546. On Fish wholesome or not, see Bullein, fol. lxxxiij., and on Meats, fol.82.
l. 548. Torrentille: Mr Skeat suggests ‘? Torrent-eel.’ Though the spelling of Randle Holme’s A Sandile or a Sandeele (Bk. II., p.333), and Aldrovandi’s (p.252 h.) “De Sandilz Anglorum” may help this, yet, as Dr GÜnther says, eels have nothing to do with torrents. Torrentille may be the Italian Tarentella: see note on Torrentyne, l.835 below.
l. 555.Ling. There shall be stryken of every Saltfische called a Lyng Fische vj Stroks after iij Strooks in a Side. Percy Household Book, p.135.
l. 558.Stockfish. Vocatur autem ‘Stockfisch’ À trunco, cui hic piscis aridus tundendus imponitur. ariditate enim ita riget, ut nisi prÆmaceratus aqua, aut prÆtunsus, coqui non possit. Gesner, p.219. ‘Ie te frotteray À double carillon. I will beat thee like a stockfish, Iwill swinge thee while I may stand ouer thee.’ Cotgrave. ‘The tenne chapitule’ of ‘The Libelle of Englysch Polycye’ is headed ‘Of the coundius stokfysshe of Yselonde,’ &c., &c., and begins
Of Yseland to wryte is lytille nede,
Save of stockfische.
A. Borde, in his Introduction to Knowledge, under Islond, says,
And I was borne in Islond, as brute as a beest;
Whan I ete candels ends I am at a feest;
Talow and raw stockefysh I do loue to ete,
In my countrey it is right good meate.
... In stede of bread they do eate stocfyshe, and they wyll eate rawe fyshe & fleshe; they be beastly creatures, vnmannered and vntaughte. The people be good fyshers; muche of theyr fishe they do barter with English men for mele, lases, and shoes & other pelfery. (See also under Denmarke.)
l. 559.Mackerel. See Muffett’s comment on them, and the English and French ways of cooking them, p.157.
l. 569. Onions. Walnuts be hurtfull to the Memory, and so are Onyons, because they annoy the Eyes with dazeling dimnesse through a hoate vapour. T. Newton, Touchstone, ed. 1581, fol. 125b.
l. 572. A Rochet or Rotbart is a red kind of Gurnard, and is so called in the South parts of England; and in the East parts it is called a Curre, and a Golden polle. R.Holme.
l. 575. A Dace or a Blawling, or a Gresling, or a Zienfische, or Weyfisch; by all which the Germans call it, which in Latin is named Leucorinus. And the French Vengeron, which is English’d to me a Dace, or Dace-fish. R.Holme.
l. 577.Refett. “I thought it clear that refett was roe, and I do not yet give it up. But see P.P., Refeccyon, where the editor gives ‘refet of fisshe K., refet or fishe H., reuet P.,’ from other manuscripts, and cites in a note Roquefort from Fr. reffait (refait) as meaning a fish, the rouget, &c., &c.The authority of Roquefort is not much, and he gives no citation. If, however, in K.H. and P. these forms are used instead of the spelling refeccyon, and defined refectio, refectura, it rather embarrasses the matter. Halliwell cites no authority for rivet, roe.” G.P. Marsh. See note to l.839 here, p.108.
l. 580.Gobbin, or Gobbet, or Gubbins: Meat cut in large peeces, as large as an Egg. R.Holme.
l. 584. A Thornbacke, soe called from the Sharp Crooked Pricks set on Studs, all down the middle of the Back. R.Holme.
l. 584.Hound Fysch. A Sow-Hound-Fish ... So it is called from its resemblance of a Dog, and its fatness like to a Swine: though most term it a Dog-Fish. It hath a small Head, great Eyes; wide Mouth, rough, sharp and thick skinned. R.Holme.
l.584, l. 830.Thorlepolle. Aldrovandi, describing the BalÆna vera Rondel[etii] says: Hec belua Anglis, (vt dixi) Hore vocatur, & alio nomine Horlepoole & VVirlepoole etiam, ni fallor, earum nimirum omnium significatione, quÒd impetuo suo & flatu vorticosas in mari tanquam palude procellas excitet. Oleum ex ea colligi aiunt. p.677. See Holland’s Plinie on the Whales and Whirlepooles called BalÆnÆ, which take up in length as much as foure acres or arpens of land, v.1, p.235, &c.
Thornback, Raja. Thornback, which Charles Chester merily and not unfitly calleth Neptune’s beard, was extolled by Antiphanes in AthenÆus history for a dainty fish; indeed it is of a pleasant taste, but of a stronger smell than Skate, over-moist to nourish much, but not so much as to hinder lust, which it mightily encreaseth. Muffett, p.172.
l. 596.Verjuice is the juice of Crabs or sour Apples. R.Holme.
l. 622.Jole of Sturgion or Salmon is the two quarters of them, the head parts being at them. R.Holme.
l. 630.Lamprey pie. In the Hengrave Household Accounts is this entry “for presenting a lamprey pye vj d.” “Item. the xiiij day of January [1503] to a servant of the Pryour of Lanthony in reward for brynging of two bakyn laumpreys to the Quene v s. Nicolas’s Elizabeth of York, p.89, and Glossary.”
Under ‘How several sorts of Fish are named, according to their Age or Growth,’ p.324-5, R.Holme gives
An Eel, first a Fauser, then a Grigg, or Snigg, then a Scaffling, then a little Eel; when it is large, then an Eel, and when very large, aConger.
A Pike, first a Hurling pick, then a Pickerel, then a Pike, then a Luce or Lucie.
A Smelt or Sparling, first a Sprat, then a small Sparling, then a Sparling.
A Codd, first a Whiting, then a Codling, then a Codd.
A Lamprey, first a Lampron Grigg, then a Lampret, then a Lamprell, then a Lamprey.
A Lampron, first a Barle, than a Barling, then a Lamprell, and then a Lamprey or Lampron.
A Crevice, first a Spron Frey, then a Shrimp, then a Sprawn, and when it is large, then called a Crevice.
The curious Burlesques, pp. 81-2, 85-6, vol. 1 of ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, contain a great many names of fish.
l. 631.Pasty is paste rouled broad, and the Meat being laid in Order on it, it is turned over, and made up on three sides, with garnishes about. R.Holme.
Gallinga, Lat. Galanga, says Bp Percy, is the root of a grassy-leaved plant brought from the East Indies, of an aromatic smell and hot biting bitterish Taste, anciently used among other Spices, but now almost laid aside. Lewis, Mat. Med. p.286. See Mr Way’s note 4 in Pr. Parv. p.185.
‘Galendyne is a sauce for any kind of roast Fowl, made of Grated Bread, beaten Cinnamon and Ginger, Sugar, Claret-wine, and Vinegar, made as thick as Grewell.’ Randle Holme, Bk. III., chap. III., p.82, col. 2. See also Recipes in Markham’s Houswife, the second p.70, and the first p.77.
l. 657. A sewer, appositor ciborum. Appono, to sette vpon the table. Withals.
l. 686. See Randle Holme’s ‘relation of the Feast made by George Nevill, Arch-Bishop of York, at the time of his Consecration, or Installation, 7. Edw. IV. 1467-8,’ and his other Bills of Fare, p.77-81, Book III. Chap. III.
l. 686.Mustard is a kind of sharp biting sauce, made of a small seed bruised and mixed with Vinegar. R.Holme.
l. 686.Dynere. Compare the King’s dinner in The Squyr of Lowe Degree.
The Squyer
He toke a white yeard in his hande,
Before the kynge than gane he stande,
And sone he sat hym on his knee,
And serued the kynge ryght royally
With deynty meates that were dere,
With Partryche, Pecocke, and Plouere,
With byrdes in bread ybake,
The Tele, the Ducke, and the Drake,
The Cocke, the Corlewe, and the Crane,
With Fesauntes fayre, theyr ware no wane,
Both Storkes and Snytes ther were also,
And venyson freshe of Bucke and Do,
And other deyntÉs many one,
For to set afore the kynge anone.
l. 312-27, E. Popular Poetry, v. 2, p.36.
Several of the names of the dishes in Russell are used burlesquely in the 101 Feest of the Turnament of Tottenham, E. Pop. P., v.3, pp. 94-6, “saduls sewys, mashefatts in mortrewys, mylstones in mawmary, iordans in iussall, chese-crustis in charlett,” &c.
l. 688, Swan. “Cap. xxviij. The Swanne is veri a fayr birde, with whyte feders / & it hath a blacke skinne & flesshe / the mariner seeth hym gladly / for whan he is mery, the mariner is without sorowe or daunger; & all his strengthe is in his wynges / and he is coleryke of complexion / & whan they will engender, than they stryke wyth theyr nebbys togeder, and cast theyr neckes ouer eche other as yf thei wolden brace eche other; so come they togeder, but the male doth hurt the female; & as sone as he beknoweth that he hathe hurte her, than he departeth frome her compani in all the haste possible / and she pursueth after for to reuenge it / but the anger is sone past, & she wassheth her with her bylle in the water / and clenseth herselfe agayne.” —L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe. Pt. II. sign. m.1.
l. 688, Feysaund. “Cap. xlvi. Fascianus is a wyld cocke or a fesant cocke that byde in the forestes, & it is a fayre byrde with goodly feders. but he hath no commbe as other cockes haue / and they be alway alone except whane they wylle be by the henne. and they that will take this bird / and in many places the byrders doth thus, they paynte the figure of this fayre byrde in a cloth, & holdeth it before hym / & whan this birde seeth so fayr a figure of hym selfe / he goeth nother forward nor bacwarde / but he standeth still, staringe vpon his figure / & sodenly commeth another, and casteth a nette ouer his hede, and taketh hym. Thys byrde morneth sore in fowle weder, & hideth hym from the rayne vnder the busshes. Towarde the morninge and towardes night, than commeth he out of the busshe, and is oftentimes so taken, & he putteth his hede in the ground, & he weneth that all his boddy is hyden / and his flessh is very light and good to disiest.” —L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe. Pt. II. (m.4.)
l. 689.Vensoun bake, or Venison Pasty. Of the Hart and Hinde, Topsel says, “The flesh is tender, especially if the beast were libbed before his horns grew: yet is not the juice of that flesh very wholesome, and therefore Galen adviseth men to abstain as much from Harts flesh as from Asses, for it engendereth melancholy; yet it is better in Summer then in Winter. Simeon Sethi, speaking of the hot Countries, forbiddeth to eat them in Summer, because then they eat Serpents, and so are venemous; which falleth not out in colder Nations, and therefore assigneth them rather to be eaten in Winter time, because the concoctive powers are more stronger through plenty of inward heat; but withal admonisheth, that no man use to eat much of them, for it will breed Palsies and trembling in mans body, begetting grosse humors, which stop the Milt and Liver: and Auicen proveth, that by eating thereof men incur the quartane Ague; wherefore it is good to powder them with salt before the dressing, and then seasoned with Peper and other things, known to every ordinary Cook and woman, they make of them Pasties in most Nations,” p.103, ed. 1658.
l. 694.Blanchmanger, a made dish of Cream, Eggs, and Sugar, put into an open puff paste bottom, with a loose cover. Blamanger, is a Capon roast 102 or boile, minced small, planched (sic) Almonds beaten to paste, Cream, Eggs, Grated Bread, Sugar and Spices boiled to a pap. R.Holme.
l. 694.Po = tage is strong Broth of Meat, with Herbs and Spices Boiled. Pottage is the Broth of Flesh or Fowl, with Herbs and Oatmeal boiled therein. R.Holme.
Piers of Fullham, ll. 171-8, p. 8, v.2, of Early Popular Poetry, ed. Hazlitt, 1866.
l. 695, Bustard. “Cap. xv. The Bistarda is a birde as great as an egle, of the maner of an egle, and of suche colour, saue in the winges & in the tayle it hath some white feders; he hath a crooked byll, & longe talants. and it is slowe of flight / & whan he is on the grownde, than must he ryse .iij. or iiij. tymes or he can come to any fulle flight. he taketh his mete on the erth; for .v.or .vi. of them togeder be so bold that they festen on a shepe & tere hym a-sonder / & so ete the flesshe of him / & this birde dothe ete also of dede bestes & stinkyn caryon, and it eteth also grasse & grene erbes / & it layth his eggis vpon the grounde, & bredeth them out the while that the corne groweth on the felde.” —L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, Lij back.
l. 695, Crane. “Cap. lix. The Crane is a great byrde / and whan they flye, they be a greate many of them to-gyder in ordre, and a-monge them they chose a kynge the whiche they obey / whan the crane sleepth, than standeth he vpon one fote with his hede vnder his winges / & ther is one that kepeth the wache with his hede vpryght to-wardes the ayre / & whan they ete, than the kynge kepeth the wache fore them, and than the cranes ete without sorowe. Aristotiles sayth that aboue Egipt in farre londes come the cranes in the winter / and there the fight with the pygmeis as before is shewed in the .c. & .xvi. chapter.*
The Operacion.
Rasi. The flesshe of him is grosse, & not good to disiest / & it maketh melancolious blode. ¶The crane that is kille in somer shalbe hanged vp one 103 daye / and in winter season .ij. dayes or it be eten, and than it is the more disiestious.” —L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe. Pt. II. (n. iij.)
* Pigmeis be men & women, & but one cubite longe, dwellinge in the mountaynes of ynde " they be full growen at their third yere, & at their seuen yere they be olde " & they gader them in may a grete company togeder, & arme them in theyr best maner " and than go they to the water syde, & where-so-euer they fynde any cranes nestis they breake all the egges, & kyll all the yonges that they fynde " and this they do because the cranes do them many displeasures, & fight with them oftentymes, & do them great scathe " but these folke couer their houses with the cranes feders & egshels. fol. h. ij. back.
l. 695, peacock. “Paon revestu. A Peacocke flayed, parboyled, larded, and stucke thicke with Cloues; then roasted, with his feet wrapped vp to keepe them from scorching; then couered againe with his owne skinne as soone as he is cold, and so vnderpropped that, as aliue, hee seemes to stand on his legs: In this equipage a gallant, and daintie seruice.” —1611, Cotgrave.
l. 695, Peacock. “Pauo / the pecocke is a very fayre byrde / and it hath a longe necke, and hath on his hede feders lyke a lytell crowne / he hathe a longe tayle the whyche he setteth on hye very rycheli, but whan he loketh on hys lothly fete, he lateth his tayle sinke. Be nyght, whan the Pecocke can nat see hymselfe, than he cryeth ernefully, and thynketh that he hath lost hys beautye / and with his crye he feareth all serpentes / in suche maners that they dare nat abyde in those places whereas they here hym crye / and whan the pecocke clymmeth hye, that is a token of rayne ... also the pecocke is envious & wylle nat knowe his yonges tyll that they haue the crowne of feders vpon theyr hede, and that they begynne to lyken hym.... The flesshe of hym will nat lightely rote nor stynke / and it is euyll flesshe to disiest, for it can nat lightely be rosted or soden ynough.” —L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe (o. iv.), Cap. xci.
l. 696, Heironsew. Ardea is a byrde that fetcheth his mete in ye water, & yet he byldeth vpon the hyest trees that he can. This birde defendeth his yonges from ye goshawke, castinge his dounge vpon him / & than the fedders of the goshawke rote of ye dounge of ardea as far as it touchet[h]. Nob. Lyfe, L.ij.
l. 696, Partrich. “Cap. xcvi. Perdix is a byrde very wylye, & the cockes feght oftentymes for the hennes. and these byrdes flye of no heght / and they put theyr hedes in the erthe, & they thinke that they than be well hyden, for whan she seeth nobody she thinketh that nobody seeth here. & she bredeth out other partriches egges / for whan she hath lost her eges, than she steleth other egges & bredeth them / & whan they be hatched that they can go on the grounde / than this damme setteth them out of the nest / but whan they be a-brode, & here the wyse of theyr owne dammes, incontinent they leue theyr damme that brought them up, & go to their owne natural damme / & than she that brought them vp hath lost her labour. The Operacion. The flesshe of a partriche is most holsomest of all wylde fowles, the brest & vppermoste parte of the bodie is the swetest, & hathe the best sauoure / but the hinder parte is nat so swete.” L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, sign. p.i. & back.
l. 698, Lark. Alauda: the larke is a lytel birde, & with euery man well beknowen through his songe / in the somer thei begynneth to singe in the dawning of the day, geuynge knowlege to the people of the cominge of the daye; and in fayre weder he reioyseth sore / but whan it is rayne weder, than it singeth selden / he singeth nat sittinge on the grownde nouther / but whan he assendith vpwarde, he syngeth mereli / & in the descending it falleth to the grownde lyke a stone. The Operacion. The larkes flesshe hardeneth the beli, and the brothe of hym that he was soden in, slaketh the beli. L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, sign. L.iv. back, and L.i.
l. 706, Snyte or Snipe. “Cap. lxxxiiij. Nepa is a byrde with a longe byll / & he putteth his byll in the erthe for to seke the worms in the grounde / and they put their bylles in the erthe sometyme so depe that they can nat gete it vp agayne / & than they scratche theyr billes out agayn with theyr fete. This birde resteth betimes at nyght / and they be erly abrode on the morninge / & they haue swete flesshe to be eaten.” L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe.
l. 706, Sparow. “Passer / The Sparowe is a lytell byrde / and whan the cucko fyndeth the sparowes nest / than he suppeth vp the egges, & layeth newe egges hym self therin agayne / & the sparowe bredeth vp these yonge cuckoes tyl they can flee; than a great many of olde sparowes geder to-geder to thentent that thei sholde holde vp the yonge sparowes that can nat flee / & theyr mete is wormes of the erthe.... All sparowes flesshe is euyl / and their egges also. The flessh is very hote, and moueth to the operacion of lechery.” L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe (o. iv.), Cap. xci.
l. 713.Comfits are round, long or square pellets of Sugar made by the Art of a Confectioner. R.Holme.
l. 737, Eles. Trevisa in his Higden says of Britain ‘Þe lond ys noble, copious, & ryche of noble welles, & of noble ryvers wiÞ plente of fysch. Þar ys gret plente of smal fysch & of eeles, so Þat cherles in som place feedeÞ sowes wiÞ fysch.’ Morris’s Specimens, p.334.
Comyth ther not al day owt of hollond and flaundre
Off fatte eles full many a showte,
And good chepe, who that wayteth the tyddys abowte?
Piers of Fullham, ll. 71-3, Early Pop. Poetry, v.2, p.4 (and see ll. 7-10).
l. 747, 812. Minoes, so called either for their littleness, or (as Dr. Cajus imagined) because their fins be of so lively a red, as if they were died with the true Cinnabre-lake called Minium: They are less than Loches, feeding upon nothing, but licking one another .. they are a most delicate and light meat .. either fried or sodden. Muffett, p.183.
l. 758.Towse. Can this be a form of dough? G.P. Marsh.
l. 782. Sotiltees were made of sugar and wax. Lel. Coll. VI. p.31. Pegge.
l. 788-795, Sanguineus, Colericus, Fleumaticus, Malencolicus. Men were divided into these four classes, according to their humours. Laurens Andrewe says, in his Noble Lyfe, “And the bodij of man is made of many diuers sortes of lymmes / as senewes / vaynes / fatte / flesshe & skynne. And also of the foure moistours / as sanguyne / flematyke / coleryke & melancoly.” (fol. aiv. back) col.2. In his Chapter “Howe that man commeth into the house of dethe,” he has drawings of these four types of man, on either side of King Death & the skeleton under him. Men die, he says in thre ways. one of the four elements of which they are made, overcoming the others; humidum radicale or ‘naturall moystour’ forsaking them; wounds; “& these thre maners of dethes be contained in the four complexcions of man / as in the sanguyne / colerike / flematike / & melancoly. The sanguyne wareth oftentymes so olde through gode gouernaunce / that he must occopy 105 spectacles, & liue longe or hummidum radicale departe frome him / but than he dyeth. The colerike commeth oftentymes to* dethe be accidentall maner through his hastines, for he is of nature hote & drye. The flematike commeth often to dethe thorough great excesse of mete & drinke, or other great labours doinge / for his nature is colde and moyste, & can not well disiest. And melancoly is heuy / full of care & heuynes / whereof he engendereth moche euyll blode that causeth great sekenes, which bringeth him vnto dethe. Thus go we al vnto the howse of dethe / the one thrugh ensuynge of his complexion / the other through the ordenances of almyghty god. The thirde through the planetis & signes of the firmament.” fol. avi.
* orig. do.
l. 799, Beef. Laurens Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, sign. C.i., Pt.i. says, “Of the oxce, ca. xiiij. The oxce is a companable beste, & amonge his compani he is very meke / & alwaye he seketh his felowe that was wont to go in the plowghe wyth hym / and whan he fyndeth nat his felow, than cryeth he wyth a lowde voyce, makyng gret mone / as it were one that wolde make a mourninge complaynt. Abull lyueth .xv. yere, and a oxce .xx. yere. ¶Isaac sayth that an oxce flessh is the dryest flesshe amonge all other / & his blode is nat holsome to be eten, for it wyll nat lightly disieste. & therfore it fedeth sore, & it maketh euyll humoures, & bredeth melancoly / & they melancolicus that eat moche suche metes be like to suffer many diseases, as to gete an harde mylte / the febris quartayn / the dropcy / mangnies, lepry, &c.”
l. 799, Mutton. Wether mutton was rightly held the best. See “The operacion” below. “¶Of the Ramme or weddr. Ca. iij. Ysydorus sayth that the ramme or wedder is the lodysman of other shepe / and he is the male or man of the oye, and is stronger than the other shepe / & he is also called a wedder because of a worme that he hath in his hede / & whan that beginneth for to stirre, than wyll he tucke and feght / and he fereth naturally the thonder, as other shepe dothe. For whan a shepe is with frute, hering the thonder, she casteth her frute, and bryngeth it dede to the worlde. and the wedder in the tyme that he bespryngeth the oye, than is it in the tyme of loue amonge the shepe / and the Ramme or wedder wyl feght boldly for theyr wyues one with another....
The Operacion.
¶ The flesshe of a yonge wether that is gelded is moch better than any other motton / for it is nat so moyste as other motton, and it is hoter, and whan it disgesteth well it maketh gode blode / but the flessh of an oled ramme wyll nat lightely disgest, & that is very euyll.” L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, Pt.I. sign. b. i. back.
l. 800, Chykon. On the cocke & hen L.Andrewe discourses as follows: “the Cocke is a noble byrde with a combe on his hed & vnder his iawes / he croweth in the night heuely & light in the morninge / & is fare herd with the winde. The lyon is afrayd of the cocke / & specially of the whyte / the crowyng of the cocke is swete & profitable; he wakeneth the sleper / he conforteth the sorowful / & reioyseth the wakers in tokenynge that the night is passed.... The flesshe of the coscke is groser than the flesshe of the 106 henne or capon. Nota / the olde cockes flesshe is tenderer than the yonge. The capons flesshe is mightiest of all fowles & maketh gode blode. Auiceanna. The cokerels flesshe that neuer crewe is better than the olde cockes flesshe: the stones be gode for them that haue to light a disiestyon / the brothe of hym is gode for the payn in the mawe that commeth of wynde.” Noble Lyfe, n.i. back. Of the hen, L.Andrewe says: “the henne is the wyfe of the cocke / & ye shall lay odde egges vnder her for to hatche / ... The flesshe of the yonge henne or she haue layde / is better than of the olde henne / also the grese of the cheken is moche hoter than of the henne.” Noble Lyfe, n.i. back.
l. 802, Goose. “The tame gese ... be heuy in fleinge, gredi at their mete, & diligent to theyr rest / & they crye the houres of ye night, & therwith they fere ye theues. In the hillis of alpis be gese as great, nere hande, as an ostriche: they be so heuy of body that they cannat flee, & so me take them with the hande.... The gose flessh is very grose of nature in disiestion.” Noble Lyfe, L.i. back. Part ii. cap.10.
l. 803, Capon. “Gallinacius / the capon is a gelded cocke / & because that he is gelded he waxeth the soner fatte / & though he go with the hennes, he dothe nat defende them / nor he croweth nat.” L.Andrewe, Noble Lyfe, fol. n.ij.
l. 804, Eggis. “the new lyde egges be better than the olde / the henne egges be better than ani other egges, whan thei be fresshe, & specialli whan thei be rere, than they make gode blode / but the egges that be harde rosted be of the grose metis.
The Operacion.
All maners of egges waken a man to the worke of lecherie, & specialli sparowes egges. Auicenna: The ducke egges & suche like make grose humoures. The best of the egges is the yolke, & that causeth sperma / the white of the egge enclineth to be cole. whan an henne shall brede, take hede of those egges that be blont on bothe endes, & thei shal be henne chekens / & those that be longe & sharpe on bothe endes shall be cocke chekens.” L.Andrewe. Noble Lyfe (oiij. back).
l. 808, Lamb. Laurens Andrewe, Pt. i. says. ¶Of the Lamme. Cap. primo. In the beginnynge we haue the Lamme, because he is the moste mekest beste leuinge, for it offendeth nobody / and all that he hathe on him is gode / ye flesshe for to eate, the skynne to make parchement or ledder / the donge for to donge the felde / the clawes & hornes be medicinable / he dredeth the wolfe sore / & he knoweth his damme best be her bleting, though she be amonge many shepe.
The Operacion.
The Lamme that soucketh his damme hath his flesshe very slymie, & nat lowable / and it will nat be disgested, principally of them that haue cold stomakes. lammes of a yere olde be better & lighter to disgest / & they make gode blode / and specyally they be gode for theym that be hote & drye of complexcyon & dwell in a hote & drye lande / lammes flesshe is very gode for one that is hole & lusti, but for theim that be seke it is very euyll: though 107 it lightely disgest and descende out of the man / yet it is euyll for other partes of the body, for it maketh slimy humours. sign. b.i.
l. 808, Cony. “The coney is a lytel beste dwellynge in an hole of the erthe / & thore as he vseth he encreaseth very moche, and therfore he is profitable for man, for he casteth oftentymes in the yere ... Ysaac sayth. That conys flesshe hath properli the vertue to strengen the mawe and to dissolue the bely / and it casseth moche vryne.” The Noble Lyfe, sign. e.i.
l. 811.Mead or Meath, a drink made of Ginger, Sugar, Honey and Spring water boiled together. R.Holme.
Metheglin, a drink made of all sorts of wholesome Herbs boiled and strained with Honey and Water, and set to work with Bearm, as Ale or Beer. R.Holme. Dan. miod.
l. 811.Braggot. This drinke is of a most hot nature, as being compos’d of Spices, and if it once scale the sconce, and enter within the circumclusion of the Perricranion, it doth much accelerate nature, by whose forcible atraction and operation, the drinker (by way of distribution) is easily enabled to afford blowcs to his brother. In Taylor. Drink & Welcome, 1637, A 3, back.
l. 812. Mussels (Mityli, ChamÆ) were never in credit, but amongst the poorer sort, till lately the lilly-white Mussel was found out about Romers-wall, as we sail betwixt Flushing and Bergen-up-Zon, where indeed in the heat of Sommer they are commonly and much eaten without any offence to the head, liver, or stomach: yea my self (whom once twenty Mussels had almost poisoned at Cambridg, and who have seen sharp, filthy, and cruel diseases follow the eating of English Mussels) did fill my self with those Mussels of the Low Country, being never a whit distempered with my bold adventure. Muffett, p.159.
l. 835, 229Torrentyne. The passage before that quoted from Aldrovandi, de Piscibus, p.585, in the note, is, “Trutta, siue ut Platina scribit Truta, siue Trotta Italicum nomen est, À Gallis, quibus Troutte vel potius Truette, vel ab Anglis quibus À Trute, vel Trovvt appellant, acceptum. RhÆti qui Italica lingua corrupta vtuntur, Criues vocant, teste Gesnero.” The special fish from the Tarentine gulf is the “Tarentella, Piscis genus. Tract. MS. de Pisc. cap. 26 ex Cod. reg. 6838. C.: Magnus thunnus, is scilicet qui a nostris Ton vocatur .. dicitur Italis Tarentella, a Tarentino, unde advehitur, sinu.” Ducange, ed. 1846.
l. 845.Hake. Merlucius (or Gadus) vulgaris Y. ii. 258, ‘the Seapike .. It is a coarse fish, not admitted to the tables of the wealthy; but large quantities are anuually preserved both by salting and drying, part of which is exported to Spain.’ ‘Fish, samon, hake, herynge’ are some of the commoditees of Irelonde mentioned in the Libelle (A.D. 1436), p.186.
l. 839, reffett. In the following extract refete has the Promptorium meaning:
eteth of the [full grown] fysche, and be not so lykerous,
Let the yong leve that woll be so plenteous;
ffor though the bottomles belyes be not ffyllyd with such refete,
To suffyr them wex vnto resonable age.—Ibid. ll. 74-8.
l. 867.Hose. For eight pair of hosen of cloth of divers colours, at xiij s. iiij d. the pair; and for four pair “of sokks of fustian” at iij d. the pair (p.118) ... for making and lyning of vj pair of hosen of puke lyned with cloth of the goodes of the saide Richard, for lynyng of every pair iij s. iiij d. xx s. Wardrobe Accounts of Edw. IV. (ed. Nicolas) p.120.
l. 879. Combing the head was specially enjoined by the doctors. See A.Borde, Vaughan, &c., below.
l. 915.Fustian. March, 1503, ‘for v yerdes fustyan for a cote at vij d. the yerd ij s. xj d.’ Nicolas’s Elizabeth of York, p.105. See A.Borde, below. ‘Coleyne threde, fustiane, and canvase’ are among the ‘commodites ... fro Pruse ibroughte into Flaundres,’ according to the Libelle, p.171,
But tha Flemmyngis amonge these thinges dere
In comen lowen beste bacon and bere:
Thus arn thy hogges, and drynkye wele staunt;
Fare wele Flemynge, hay, horys, hay, avaunt. (See n. p.131, below.)
A.Borde, in his Introduction, makes one of the Januayes (Genoese) say,
l. 945. The Motte bredethe amonge clothes tyll that they have byten it a sonder / & it is a maniable worm, and yet it hydeth him in ye clothe that it can scantly be sene / & it bredethe gladly in clothes that haue ben in an euyll ayre, or in a rayn or myst, and so layde vp without hanging in the sonne or other swete ayre after.
The Operacyon.
The erbes that be bitter & well smellinge is good to be layde amonge suche clothes / as the baye leuis, cypres wode. The Noble Lyfe (i. 3.) Pt.i. Cap. c.xlij. sign. i.3.
l. 969.Catte. The mouse hounter or catte is an onclene beste, & a 109 poyson ennemy to all myse / and whan she hath goten [one], she playeth therwith / but yet she eteth it / & ye catte hath longe here on her mouthe / and whan her heres be gone, than hathe she no boldnes / and she is gladli in a warme place / and she licketh her forefete & wassheth therwith her face. Laurens Andrewe, The Noble Lyfe (g. iv.), Part I. cap. c.i.
l. 970, dogge. Here is the first part of Laurens Andrewe’s Chapter.
Of the dogge. ca. xxiiij.
The dogge is an onclenly beste / that eteth so moche that he vomyteth it out & eteth vp agayne / it is lightly angry, and byteth gladly straunge dogges / he barketh moche / he kn[oweth] his name well / he is hered [all over his b]ody, he loueth his mast[er, and is eselye] lerned to many games / & be night he kepeth the house. There be many houndes that for the loue of theyr maister they wyll ronne in their owne dethe / & whan the dogge is seke / he seketh grasse or other erbes / & that he eteth, and heleth himselfe so / and there be many maner of dogges or houndes to hawke & hunt, as grayhoundes / braches / spanyellis, or suche other, to hunt hert and hynde / & other bestes of chace & venery, &c.and suche be named gentyll houndes. The bitche hath mylke .v.or vij. dayes or she litter her whelpes / and that milke is thicker than any other mylke excepte swynes mylke or hares mylke. fol. c.iv.
The catte is a beste that seeth sharpe, and she byteth sore / and scratcheth right perylously / & is principall ennemye to rattis & myce / & her colour is of nature graye / and the cause that they be other wyse colowred, that commethe through chaunge of mete, as it is well marked by the house catte, for they be selden colored lyke the wylde catte. & their flesshe is bothe nesshe & soffte.” Noble Lyfe, Part II. c.iv.
l. 983. Bathe. ‘Bathing is harmful to them [who are splenitie] chiefly after meat, and copulation (following) on surfeit ... Let him also bathe himself in sweet water. Without, he is to be leeched and smeared with oil of roses, and with onlayings (or poultices made of) wine and grapes, and often must an onlay be wrought of butter, and of new wax, and of hyssop and of oil; mingle with goose grease or lard of swine, and with frankincense and mint; and when he bathes let him smear himself with oil; mingle (it) with saffron.’ Leechdoms, v.2, p.245.
l. 987.Scabiosa, so named of old tyme, because it is giuen in drinke inwardly, or ointmentes outwardly, to heale scabbes, sores, corrupcion in the stomacke, yea, and is most frend emong all other herbes in the tyme of the Pestilence, to drinke the water with Mithridatum a mornynges ... the flowers is like a Blewe or white thrummed hatte, the stalk rough, the vpper leaues ragged, and the leaues next the grose rootes be plainer. Under whom often tymes, Frogges will shadowe theim selues, from the heate of the daie: hoppyng and plaiyng vnder these leaues, whiche to them is a pleasaunt Tente or pauillion, saieth Aristophanes, whiche maie a plade 110 (=made a play), wherein Frogges made pastime. Bullein’s Bulwarke, 1562, or, The booke of Simples, fol. xvj.b.
The following note was originally labeled “67/991” (page 67, line 991) and was printed between the notes for l.280 and l.300.
l. 991. Rosemary is not mentioned among the herbs for the bath; though a poem in praise of the herb says:
Moche of this herbe to seeth thu take
In water, and a bathe thow make;
Hyt schal the make ly?t and joly,
And also lykyng and ?owuly.
MS. of C. W. Loscombe, Esq., in ReliquiÆ AntiquÆ, i. 196.
l. 995.Bilgres. Can this be bugloss? Ifind this, as here, in juxtaposition with scabiose, in Bullein’s Bulwarke of Defence, Book of Simples, fol xvj.b. G.P. Marsh.
l. 1004. For Selden’s Chapter on Precedence, see his Titles of Honour, ch. xi. Rouge Dragon (Mr G. Adams) tells me that the order of precedence has varied from time to time, and that the one now in force differs in many points from Russell’s.
l. 1040.Nurrieris. I find no such name in Selden’s chap. ix., Of Women. Does the word mean ‘foster-mothers or fathers,’ from the Latin “Nutricarii, Matricularii, quibus enutriendi ac educandi infantes projectos cura incumbebat: Nourissiers. Vita S. Goaris cap. 10: HÆcque consuetudo erat, ut quando aliquis homo de ipsis infantibus projectis misericordia vellet curam habere, ab illis, quos Nutricarios vocant, matriculariis S. Petri compararet, et illi Episcopo ipsum infantem prÆsentare deberent, et postea Episcopi auctoritas eumdem hominem de illo Nutricario confirmabat. Id clarius explicatur a Wandelberto in Vita ejusdem Sancti, cap. 20.” Ducange, ed. 1845.
Ffor to serve a lord.
[From the Rev. Walter Sneyd’s copy of Mr Davenport Bromley’s MS.]
Mr Sneyd has just told me that Mr Arthur Davenport’s MS. How to serve a Lord, referred to in my Preface to Russell, p. lxxii., is in fact the one from Mr Sneyd’s copy of which his sister quoted in her edition of the ‘Italian Relation of England’ mentioned on pp. xiv. xv. of my Forewords. Mr Sneyd says: ‘I made my copy nearly forty years ago, during the lifetime of the late Mr A. Davenport’s grandfather, who was my uncle by marriage. I recollect that the MS. contains a miscellaneous collection of old writings on various subjects, old recipes, local and family memoranda, &c., all of the 15th century, and, bound up with them in the old vellum wrapper, is an imperfect copy of the first edition of the Book of St Alban’s. On Mr Arthur Davenport’s death, last September, the MS. (with the estates) came into the possession of Mr Davenport Bromley, M.P., but a long time must elapse before it can be brought to light, as the house you mention is still unfinished, and the boxes of books stowed away in confusion.’ On my asking Mr Sneyd for a sight of his copy, he at once sent it to me, and it proved so interesting—especially the Feast for a Bride, at the end—that I copied it out directly, put a few notes to it, and here it is.1 For more notes and explanations the reader must look the words he wants them for, out in the Index at the end of Part II. The date of the Treatise seems to me quite the end of the 15th century, if not the beginning of the 16th. The introduction of the Chamber, p.356, the confusion of the terms of a Carver, ‘unlose or tire or display,’ p.357—enough to make a well-bred Carver faint: even Wynkyn de Worde in 1508 and 1513 doesn’t think of such a thing—the cheese shred with sugar and sage-leaves, 350 p.355, the ‘Trenchours of tree or brede,’ l.16, below, &c., as well as the language, all point to a late date. The treatise is one for a less grand household than Russell, de Worde, and the author of the Boke of Curtastye prescribed rules for. But it yields to none of the books in interest: so in the words of its pretty ‘scriptur’ let it welcome all its readers:
“Welcombe you bretheren godely in this hall!
Joy be unto you all
that en2 this day it is now fall!
that worthy lorde that lay in an Oxe stalle
mayntayne your husbonde and you, with your gystys all!”
[I. Of laying the Cloth and setting out the Table.]
Ffirst, in servise of all thyngys in pantery and botery, and also for the ewery. 1. Have your table-cloths and napkins ready, ffirst, table-clothis, towelles longe and shorte, covertours3 and napkyns, be ordeyned clenly, clene and redy accordyng to the tyme. also trenchers, salts, &c. Also basyns, ewers, Trenchours of tree or brede, sponys, salte, and kervyng knyves.
Thenne ayenst tyme of mete, 2. Bring your cloths folded, the boteler or the ewer shall brynge forthe clenly dressed and fayre applyed3 Tabill-clothis, and the cubbord-clothe, cowched uppon his lefte shulder, lay them on the table, laying them uppon the tabill ende, close applied4 unto the tyme that he have then cover the cupboard, the side-table, and the chief table. firste coverd the cubbord; and thenne cover the syde-tabillis, and laste the principall tabill with dobell clothe draun, cowched, and spradde unto the degre, as longeth therto in festis.
3. Bring out the chief salt-cellar, and pared loaves,
Thenne here-uppon the boteler or panter shall bring forthe his pryncipall salte, and iiij or v loves of paryd brede, havyng a towaile aboute his nekke, the tone half honge or lying uppon his lefte arme unto his hande, and hold the carving-knives in your right hand. and the kervyng knyves holdyng in the ryght hande, iuste unto the salte-seler beryng.
3514. Put your chief salt-cellar before the chief person’s seat, his bread by it,
Thenne the boteler or panter shall sette the seler in the myddys of the tabull accordyng to the place where the principall soverain shalle sette, and sette his brede iuste couched unto the salte-seler; and his trenchers before it. and yf ther be trenchours of brede, sette them iuste before the seler, and lay downe faire the kervyng knyves, the poynts to the seler benethe the trenchours.
5. Put the second salt-cellar at the lower end.
Thenne the seconde seler att the lower ende, with ij paryd loves5 therby, and trenchours of brede yf they be ordeyned; If wooden trenchers are used, bring them on. and in case be that trenchours of tree shalbe ordeyned, the panter shall bryng them with nappekyns and sponys whenne the soverayne is sette att tabill.
6. Put salt-cellars on the side-tables.
Thenne after the high principall tabill sette with brede & salte, thenne salte-selers shall be sette uppon the syde-tablys, but no brede unto the tyme such people be sette that fallith to come to mete. 7. Bring out your basins, &c., and set all your plate on the cupboard. Thenne the boteler shall bryng forth basyns, ewers, and cuppis, Pecys,6 sponys sette into a pece, redressing all his silver plate, upon the cubbord, the largest firste, the richest in the myddis, the lighteste before.
[II. Of Washing after Grace is said.]
8. Let the chief servants have basins, &c., ready,
Thenne the principall servitours moste take in ij handys, basyns and ewers, and towell, and therwith to awayte and attende unto the tyme that the grace be fully saide; and after Grace, hold the best basin to the chief lord, with the towel under; and thenne incontynent after grace saide, to serve water with the principall basyn and ewer unto the principall soverayne, and ij principall servitours to 352 holde the towell under the basyn in lenght before the sovrayne; and after that the sovrayne hath wasshe, and then let his messmates wash. to yeve thenne water unto such as ben ordeyned to sytte at the sovrayne-is messe.
[III. Of the Lord & Guests taking their Seats, & getting their Trenchers, Spoons, Napkins, & Bread.]
9. The chief lord takes his seat, then his messmates theirs;
Thenne after the wesshing servid, the sovrayne will take his place to sitte, and to hym such persons as hit pleaseth hym to have. uppon which tyme of sittyng, the servitorys moste diligently a-wayte to serve them of qussyons, then the lower-mess people theirs. and after that done, to make such personys to be sette at the lower messe as the principall soverayne aggrees that be convenyent.
(When Grace begins, the bread cover is to be taken away.)
Be it remembrid that evermore at the begynnyng of grace the covertour of brede shalbe avoyded and take away. 10. The Carver takes 4 trenchers on his knife-point, thenne the karver, havyng his napkyn at all tymes uppon his left hand, and the kervyng knyf in his right hande, and he shall take uppon the poynte of his knyf iiij trenchours, and lays them before the chief lord, and so cowche them iustely before the principall, iij lying iustely to-geder, ij under, and one uppon, and the fowerth before, (one to put his salt on,) iustely for to lay uppon salte. and 3 or 2 before the less people. and the next, lay iij trenchours; and soo iij or ij after her degree. 11. The Butler gives each man a spoon and a napkin. therto the boteler most be redy with sponys and napkyns, that ther as the trenchours be cowched, lay the spone and the napkyn therto, and soo thorowe the borde.
12. The Carver pares 2 loaves,
Thenne the kerver shall take into his hande on or ij loves, and bere hem to the syde-tabill ende, and ther pare hem quarter on first, and bring hym hole to-geder, lays 2 before his lord, and 2 or 1 to the rest. and cowche ij of the beste before the sovrayne, and to others by ij or on after ther degree.
[IV. Of the Courses of the Dinner.]
[First Course.]
? Assewe.
Thenne the kerver or sewer most asserve every 353 disshe in his degre, after order and course of servise as folowith: 13. Serve brawn, first, mustard and brawne, swete wyne shewed therto.7
beef, swan, pheasant, fritters.
Befe and moton. swan or gese. grete pies, capon or fesaunt; leche, or fretours. Thenne yef potage be chaungeabill after tyme and season of the yere as fallith, as here is rehercid: As a change for beef, by example, ffor befe and moton ye shall take
have legs or chines of pork, or tongue of ox or hart.
Pestelles or chynys of porke,
or els tonge of befe,
or tonge of the harte powderd;8
Befe stewed,
chekyns boylyd, and bacon.
[The Second Course.]
Thenne ayenste the secunde cours, be redy, and come in-to the place. 14. Clear away the 1st course, the kerver muste avoyde and take uppe the service of the first cours,—begynnyng at the lowest mete first,—and crumbs, bones, and used trenchers. all broke cromys, bonys, & trenchours, before the secunde cours and servise be served. 15. Serve the Second Course: thenne the seconde cours shall be served in manner and fourme as ensample thereof here-after folowyng:
After the seconde cours served, kerved, and spente, hit must be sene, cuppys to be fillid, trenchours to be voyded. thenne by goode avysement the tabill muste be take uppe in manner as folowith:— 17. Collect the spoons. first, when tyme ? alowethfoloweth, the panter or boteler muste gader uppe the sponys; after that done by leyser, the sewer or carver shall be-gynne at the loweste ende, 18. Take up the lowest dishes at the side-tables, and then clear the high table. and in order take uppe the lowest messe; after the syde-tabill be avoyded and take uppe, and thenne to procede to the Principall tabill, and ther honestly and clenly avoyde and withdrawe all the servise of the high table. 19. Sweep all the bits of bread, trenchers, &c., into a voyder. ther-to the kerver muste be redy, and redely have a voyder to geder in all the broke brede, trenchours, cromys lying upon the tabill; levyng none other thyng save the salte-seler, hole brede (yf any be lefte), and cuppys.
[VI. How to serve Dessert.]
After this done by goode delyberacion and avysement, 20. Take away the cups, &c., from all the messes, putting the trenchers, &c., in a voyder, the kerver shall take the servise of the principall messe in order and rule, begynnynge at the lowest, and so procede in rule unto the laste,9 and theruppon the kerver to have redy a voyder, and to avoyde all maner trenchours [&] broke brede in a-nother clene disshe voyder, and scraping the crumbs off with a carving-knife. and cromys, which with the kervyng-knyf10 shall be avoyded from the tabill, and thus procede unto the tabill be voyded. Thenne the kerver shall goo unto the cuppebord, 21. Serve wafers in towels laid on the table, and redresse and ordeyne wafers in to towayles of raynes or fyne napkyns which moste be cowched fayre and honestly uppon the tabill, and thenne serve the principall messe first, and so thorowe the 355 tabill .j or ij yf hit so requere: and sweet wine. In holiday time serve cheese, or fruit; therto moste be servid swete wyne symbol and in feriall11 tyme serve chese shraped with sugur and sauge-levis,12 or ellis that hit be faire kervid hole, or frute as the yere yeveth, strawberys, cherys, perys, appulis; in winter, roast apples. and in winter, wardens,13 costardys roste, rosted on fisshe-dayes with blanche pouder, and so serve hit forth symbol Thenne aftur wafers and frute spended, 22. Clear away all except the chief salt-cellar, whole bread, and carving-knives; all maner thinge shalbe take uppe and avoyded, except the principall salt-seler, hole brede, and kervyng-knyves, the which shalbe redressed in maner and fourme as they were first sette on the table; the which, take these to the pantry. principall servitours of the pantre or botery, havyng his towaile, shall take uppe, and bere hit into his office in like wyse as he first brought hit unto the Tabill.
[VII. How the Diners shall wash after Dessert.]
23. Lay a fresh cloth all along the chief table.
Thenne the principall servitours, as kerver and sewer, moste have redy a longe towaile applyed dowble, to be cowched uppon the principall ende of the table; and that towell must be iustely drawen thorowe the tabill unto the lower ende, and ij servitours to awayte theruppon that hit be iustely cowched and sprad. after that done, 24. Have ready basons and jugs with hot or cold water; ther muste be ordeyned basyns, and ewers with water hote or colde as tyme of the yere requerith, and to be sette uppon the tabill, and to stonde unto the grace be saide; and after Grace, hand basins and water to the first mess, and incontynent after grace seide, the servitours to be redy to awayte and attende to yeve water, first to the principall messe, then the second. and after that to the 356 seconde. incontynent after this done, 25. Take off and fold up the towels and cloth, the towayle and tabill-clothis most be drawen, cowched, and sprad, and so by litill space taken uppe in the myddis of the tabill, and give ’em to the Panter. and so to be delyvered to the officer of pantery or botery.
[VIII. Of the Removal of the Table, and the separate Service to grand Guests in the Chamber.]
26. Clear away tables, trestles, forms; and put cushions on other seats.
Thenne uprysyng, servitours muste attende to avoyde tabills, trestellis, formys and stolys, and to redresse bankers and quyssyons. 27. Butler, put the cups, &c., back into your office. then the boteler shall avoyde the cupborde, begynnyng at the lowest, procede in rule to the hieste, and bere hit in-to his office. Thenne after mete, hit moste be awayted and well entended by servitours yf drinke be asked. 28. Serve knights and ladies with bread and wine, kneeling. and yf ther be knyght or lady or grete gentil-woman, they shall be servid uppon kne with brede and wyne. 29. Conduct strangers to the Chamber. Thenne it moste be sene yf strangers shalbe brought to chamber, and that the chamber be clenly appareld and dressed according to the tyme of the yere, as in wynter-tyme, fyer, in somur tyme the bedd couerd with pylawes and hedde-shetys 30. Serve them with dainties: in case that they woll reste. and after this done, they moste have chere of neweltees in the chamber.14 as junket, pippins, Iuncate,15 cheryes, pepyns, and such neweltees as the or green ginger; tyme of the yere requereth; or ellis grene ginger comfetts,16 with such thynge as wynter requereth; and and sweet wines. swete wynes, as ypocrasse, Tyre, muscadell, bastard 357 vernage, of the beste that may be had, to the honor and lawde of the principall of the house.
[IX. How to Carve.]
How to carve a Swan, Goose,
to lose and t[i]re or sawse a capon:17 begynne at the lifte legge first of a Swan;18 & lyfte a gose y-reared at the right legge first, Wild-fowl, Crane, and soo a wilde fowle. To unlose, tire, or display a crane:19 cutte away the nekke in a voyde plate, rere legge and whyngge as of a capon; take of ij leches of the briste, and cowche legge and whyngge and lechis into a faire voyde plater; mynse the legge, and poyntes of whinge; sawse hym with mustard, vinager, and pouder gynger, and serve hit before the sovrayne, and the carcas in a charger besyde: serve it hole before the sovrayne. and he20 may be served and dressed as a capon, save one thyng, his breste bone.21 Heronsew, To tyre or ellis to dismember an heronsew:22 rere legge and whinge as of a crane; cowche them aboute the body on bothe sydes, the hedde and the nekke being upon the golet: serve him forth, and yf he be mynsed, sawse hym with mustard, burage,23 suger, and powder of gynger.
To lose or untache a bitorn:24 kitte his nekke, and lay hit by the hedde in the golette; kitte his whynge by the joynte; rere hym legge and whynge, as the heron; serve him fourth; no sawse unto hym but only salte.
To lose or spoyle an Egrete25: rere uppe his legge 358 and whynge, as of a henne, aboute the carcas: no sawse to him but salte.
Partridge, Quail,
To tyre or to ele26 a partorich27 or a quayle28 y-whyngged: rere uppe whynge and legge, as of an henne; cowche them aboute the carcas; no sawse save salte, or mustard and sugar. Pheasant. To lose or unlase a fesaunt:29 rere uppe legge and whynge as an henne; cowche legge and whynge aboute the carcas; serve hym fourth; no sawse but salte: but and yf he be mynsed, take whyte wyne, sugur, mustard, and a lyttell of powder gynger.
A Bridal Feast.
ffor to make a feste for a bryde.
First Course.Boar’s head, and a Device
The ffirst cours: brawne, with the borys hed,30 lying in a felde, hegge31 about with a scriptur, sayng on this wyse;
of Welcome.
“Welcombe you bretheren godely in this hall!32
Joy be unto you all
that en33 this day it is now fall!
that worthy lorde that lay in an Oxe stalle
mayntayne your husbonde and you, with your gystys, alle!”
Venison and Custard, with a Device of
Ffurmente with veneson, swanne, pigge.
Ffesaunte, with a grete custard, with a sotelte,
A lambe stondyng in scriptour, sayng on this wyse:
“I mekely unto you, sovrayne, am sente,
to dwell with you, and ever be present.”32
Second Course.
The second course.
Venison, Crane, &c., and a Device of
Veneson in broth, viaunde Ryalle,34 veneson rosted, crane, cony, a bake mete, leche damaske,35 with a sotelte: An anteloppe sayng36 on a sele that saith with scriptour
Gladness and Loyalty.
“beith all gladd & mery that sitteth at this messe, and prayeth for the kyng and all his.”37
Third Course.
The thirde course.
Sweets, &c., Game, with a
Creme of Almondys, losynge in syruppe, betoure, partrich, plover, snyte, pouder veal, leche veal, wellis38 in sotelte, Roches in sotelte,39 Playce in sotelte; a bake mete with a sotelte: Device of Thankfulness. an angell with a scriptour, “thanke all, god, of this feste.”
Fourth Course.
The iiij cours.
Cheese and a cake with a Device of Child-bearing
Payne puff,40 chese, freynes,41 brede hote, with a cake,42 and a wif lying in childe-bed, with a scriptour 360 saing in this wyse, and a promise of babies. “I am comyng toward your bryde. yf ye dirste onys loke to me ward, I wene ye nedys muste.”43
Another course or servise.
Brawne with mustard, umblys of a dere or of a sepe;44 swanne, capon, lambe.
1. Though it goes against one’s ideas of propriety to print from a copy, yet when one wants the substance of a MS., it’s better to take it from a copy, when you can get it, than fret for five years till the MS. turns up. When it does so, we can print it if necessary, its owner permitting.
4. Folded. Cf. ‘a towaile applyed dowble’ below. Fr. plier, to fould, plait, plie. Cotgrave.
5. What is done with these loaves does not appear. The carver in Motion 12, Section IV., pares the loaves wherewith he serves the guests.
6. Goblets or cups: ? also ornamental pieces of plate. ‘A peece of wyne’ occurs in Ladye Bessiye, Percy Folio, Ballads & Romances, vol. iii., and in the Percy Society’s edition. John Lord Nevill of Raby, in 1383, bequeaths 48 silver salt-cellars ... 32 peces, 48 spoons, 8 chargers, 27 jugs, &c. Domestic Architecture, ii. 66. ‘Diota. Horat. Any drinking peece having two eares, a two-eared drinking cup.’ Nomenclator in Nares.
9. ? firste. The directions for taking-away seem repeated here, unless these second ones apply only to the spoons, napkins, &c. The cups are wanted for dessert.
11. Fr. ferial, of or belonging to a holyday. Vn ferial beuveur, a square drinker, a faithfull drunkard; one that will take his liquor soundly. Cotgrave. Feries, Holydaies, feastiuall daies, properly such holydaies as Monday and Tuesday in Easter week, &c. Cot.
12. So “Apples and Cheese scraped with Sugar and Sage” at the end of the Second Course of the Dinner at the Marriage of Roger Rockley & Elizabeth Nevile, daughter of Sir John Nevile, the 14th of January in the 17th year of Henry the VIIIth. (A.D. 1526.) Forme of Cury, p.174.
14. I do not suppose that each guest retired to his own bed-room, but to the general withdrawing-room,—possibly used as a general bed-room also, when the Hall had ceased to be it. “The camera usually contained a bed, and the ordinary furniture of a bed-chamber; but it must be remembered that it still answered the purpose of a parlour or sitting-room, the bed being covered over during the daytime with a handsome coverlid, as is still the custom in France & other foreign countries to this day.”—Domestic Architecture, iii. 94-5.
34. Here is the Recipe in Household Ordinances, &c., p.455, for “Viande Riall for xl. Mess:”
Take a galone of vernage, and sethe hit into iij. quartes, and take a pynte therto, and two pounde of sugre, ii lb. of chardekoynes [quinces? ‘Quynce, a frute, pomme de quoyn’, Palsgrave], a pounde of paste-roiale, and let hit sethe untyl a galone of vernage. Take the yolkes of 60 eyren, and bete hom togeder, and drawe hom thurgh a straynour, and in the settynge doune of the fyre putte the ?olkes therto, and a pynte of water of ewrose, and a quartrone of pouder of gynger, and dresse hit in dysshes plate, and take a barre of golde foyle, and another of sylver foyle, and laye hom on Seint Andrews crosse wyse above the potage; and then take sugre plate or gynger plate, or paste royale, and kutte hom of losenges, and plante hom in the voide places betweene the barres: and serve hit forthe.
35. Leyse Damask. Leland, Coll. iv. p.226; Leche Damaske, ibid. vi. p. 5; in Forme of Cury, p.141.
40. See the Recipe for it, p.32, note 2; and in Household Ordinances, p.450.
41. flaunes ? see p.173; or chese-freynes for cheese-cakes.
42. Were the cheese and cake meant as a symbol of the Groaning Cake & Cheese (so called in allusion to the mother’s complaints at her delivery) mentioned by Brand, Pop. Ant. ii. 44, ed. 1841, or was the cake the wedding-cake?
[Postscript, added after the Index had been printed.]
Suffer, & hold your tongue.
[Balliol MS. 354, ffl ij Cxv, or leaf 231.]
This selection contains two unusual characters:
—paired final “l” joined by a tilde-like line, shown here as ll because the more accurate form l?l is likely to display incorrectly or not at all
—final “m” with a round flourish, shown here as m? although the actual curve is much larger
On the subject of this song, compare, among many others, “Whate-ever thow sey, avyse thee welle,” above, p.244; “I hold hym wyse and wel i-tau?t, Can ber an horn and blow it nau?t,” in the Percy Society’s Songs and Carols, p.23. Lydgate’s “Lyke thyn Audience, so vttyr thy Langage,” in my Polit. Rel. & Love Poems, p.25; &c.
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
Be mery, & suffer, as I thÉ vise.
wher-euer thow sytt or rise,
be well ware whom? thow dispise.
thou shalt kysse who is thy ffoo.
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
Beware to whom? thou speke thy will,
ffor thy speche may greve thÉ yll;
here & see, & goo than still;
but well is he that can do soo.
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
Many a man holdyth hym so stowght,
what-so-euer he thynke, he seyth it owt;
but if he loke well a-bowt,
his tonge may be his most ffoo.
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
Be mery now, is all my songe;
the wise man tawght both old & yonge,
‘who can suffer & hold his tonge,
he may be mery, & no-thyng woo.’
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
Yff any maÑ displese thÉ owght,
Suffer with a mery thowght,
let care away, & greve thee nowght,
& shake thy lappe, & lat it go.
he is wise, so most I goo,
that caÑ be mery, & suffer woo.
The Houshold Stuff occupied at the / Lord Mayor’s Feast, a.d. 1505.
[Balliol MS. 354, ffl C iii. All the final ll’s are crossed in the MS.]
here ffolowith suche howshold stuff as must nedis be ocupied at the mayres fest yerely kepte at the yelde hall.
ffirst, v diaper table clothes // iiij Cowchers1 of playÑ clothe // iiij longe towellis of dyaper // Item x napery doz napkyns / Item ij doz Ewry towellis. Item viij shetis for coberde clothes // Item a doz couer-payns2 ffor wafere.
¶ xxxvj butlers towellis, the length of a towell an ell & a half3 // & quarter brode / that is, iiij towellis of an ell & a half,3 of ell brode clothe.
¶ ffor the mayres offessers.
¶ ffirst ffor sewers & carwers / iiij towellis of fyne clothe, ij ellis longe, & half a yarde brode, summa iiij ellis.
363ffl C iij back
ffor drawers of ale & wyne.
viij apurns, summa viij ellis ¶ Item x portpayns to bere in brede/ ¶ summa xxxviij ellis.
¶ wyne.
Rede wyne, a tonne / Claret wyne, a pipe; whit wyne, a hoggishede / ypocras xl. galons.
¶ Brede.
viij quarters of chet brede / In manchettis vijs4 In trenchar brede viijs / In ob5 brede iiij; Item in wafers ixxx messe6 / & the waferer must brynge Couerpayns for to serue owt his wafers.
¶ Ale pottis & Tappis.
xxviij barrellis ale / ErtheÑ pottis for wyne & ale lx doz // pychars xij doz / ij doz stenys7 Item viij C assheÑ cuppis / iiij doz tappis.
¶ plate.
Item iiij doz stondyng Cuppis / xxiiij doz bollis Item v doz saltis: xl doz spones / ij doz gilt sponys / 364 xviij basons with ewers / a payyer of gilt basons // xx siluer pottis.
Explicit the butlers charge that he must speke ffor.
pewter at the feste
ffirst in platters gret & small xijxx x dozen8
Item dyshis gret & small—xijxx x dozen8
Item in sawsers gret & small xijxx x dozen8
Item in chargers gret & small x dozen
At the gyvyng vp of the verder of the wardmot Inquestis after xijth day.
In dishis xx dozen // In platers x dozen //
In sawsers iij dozen // In chargers j dozen
ffor the wacche at mydsomer
In platters xij dozen // In dyshes xxiiij dozen
all this was in the tyme of IohÑ wyngar, mayre of london.
for the hire viijdthe garnyshe of pewter
Lord Mayor Whyngar was Richard Hill’s master. On ffl C lxxvj of the MS. is the entry, “Iste liber pertineth Rycardo Hill, seruant with Master Wynger alderman of london.”
At the back of ffl ijC xx of the MS., in the list of Mayres & Sheryffis, is this entry: