FIG. | | PAGE | 1. | Chalk Cliff | 3 | 2. | Whitecliff (Chalk), Dorset | 4 | 3. | Penlee Point, Cornwall | 5 | 4. | Balanus Shells | 6 | 5. | A Cluster of Mussels | 7 | 6. | Breakers | 8 | 7. | Illustrating the Tide-producing Influence of the Moon | 10 | 8. | Illustrating the tides | 11 | 9. | Spring Tides at Full Moon | 12 | 10. | Spring Tides at New Moon | 12 | 11. | Neap Tides | 13 | 12. | Chart showing the relative Times of High Tide on different parts of the British Coast | 16 | 13. | The Vasculum | 22 | 14. | Wire Ring for Net | 24 | 15. | Net Frame with Curved Point | 24 | 16. | Rhomboidal Frame for Net | 24 | 17. | Rhomboidal Net | 25 | 18. | Semicircular Net | 25 | 19. | The Dredge | 25 | 20. | The Crab-pot | 26 | 21. | An old Bird-cage used as a Crab-pot | 27 | 22. | A Young Naturalist at Work | 32 | 23. | A good Hunting-ground on the Cornish Coast | 33 | 24. | Round Bend Hook with Flattened End | 37 | 25. | Limerick Hook, eyed | 37 | 26. | Method of Attaching Snood to Flattened Hook | 38 | 27. | Method of Attaching Snood to Eyed Hook | 38 | 28. | The Lugworm | 39 | 29. | The Ragworm | 40 | 30. | Digging for Bait | 41 | 31. | Method of Opening a Mussel | 42 | 32. | Fishing from the Rocks | 46 | 33. | The Paternoster | 48 | 34. | Section of an Aquarium constructed with a Mixture of Cement and Sand | 54 | 35. | Cement Aquarium with a Glass Plate in Front | 55 | 36. | Aquarium of Wood with Glass Front | 56 | 37. | Hexagonal Aquarium constructed of Angle Zinc, with Glass Sides | 57 | <
-8.htm.html#fig131" class="pginternal">196 132. | Pholas dactylus | 19
al">378 | 262. | Ectocarpus Mertensii | 378 | 263. | Sphacelaria cirrhosa | 379 | 264. | Sphacelaria plumosa | 379 | 265. | Sphacelaria radicans | 380 | 266. | Cladostephus spongiosus | 380 | 267. | Chordaria flagelliformis | 380 | 268. | Laminaria bulbosa | 384 | 269. | Laminaria saccharina | 384 | 270. | Alaria esculenta | 385 | 271. | Sporochnus pedunculatus | 385 | 272. | Desmarestia ligulata | 386 | 273. | Himanthalia lorea | 387 | 274. | Cystoseira ericoides | 388 | 275. | Transverse Section of the Stem of a Monocotyledon | 391 | 276. | Leaf of a Monocotyledon | 392 | 277. | Expanded Spikelet of the Oat | 393 | 278. | The Sea Lyme Grass | 395 | 279. | Knappia agrostidea | 397 | 280. | The Dog’s-tooth Grass | 397 | 281. | The Reed Canary Grass | 397 | 282. | Male and Female Flowers of Carex, magnified | 399 | 283. | The Sea Sedge | 400 | 284. | The Curved Sedge | 400 | 285. | The Great Sea Rush | 400 | 286. | The Broad-leaved Grass Wrack | 401 | 287. | The Sea-side Arrow Grass | 401 | 288. | The Common Asparagus | 401 | 289. | The Sea Spurge | 403 | 290. | The Purple Spurge | 404 | 291. | The Sea Buckthorn | 404 | 292. | Chenopodium botryoides | 405 | 293. | The Frosted Sea Orache | 406 | 294. | The Prickly Salt Wort | 406 | 295. | The Creeping Glass Wort | 407 | 296. | The Sea-side Plantain | 408 | 297. | The Sea Lavender | 408 | 298. | The Dwarf Centaury | 410 | 299. | The Sea Samphire | 412 | 300. | The Sea-side Everl
|   |