< -8.htm.html#fig131" class="pginternal">196
1. Chalk Cliff 3
2. Whitecliff (Chalk), Dorset 4
3. Penlee Point, Cornwall 5
4. Balanus Shells 6
5. A Cluster of Mussels 7
6. Breakers 8
7. Illustrating the Tide-producing Influence of the Moon 10
8. Illustrating the tides 11
9. Spring Tides at Full Moon 12
10. Spring Tides at New Moon 12
11. Neap Tides 13
12. Chart showing the relative Times of High Tide on different parts of the British Coast 16
13. The Vasculum 22
14. Wire Ring for Net 24
15. Net Frame with Curved Point 24
16. Rhomboidal Frame for Net 24
17. Rhomboidal Net 25
18. Semicircular Net 25
19. The Dredge 25
20. The Crab-pot 26
21. An old Bird-cage used as a Crab-pot 27
22. A Young Naturalist at Work 32
23. A good Hunting-ground on the Cornish Coast 33
24. Round Bend Hook with Flattened End 37
25. Limerick Hook, eyed 37
26. Method of Attaching Snood to Flattened Hook 38
27. Method of Attaching Snood to Eyed Hook 38
28. The Lugworm 39
29. The Ragworm 40
30. Digging for Bait 41
31. Method of Opening a Mussel 42
32. Fishing from the Rocks 46
33. The Paternoster 48
34. Section of an Aquarium constructed with a Mixture of Cement and Sand 54
35. Cement Aquarium with a Glass Plate in Front 55
36. Aquarium of Wood with Glass Front 56
37. Hexagonal Aquarium constructed of Angle Zinc, with Glass Sides 57
132. Pholas dactylus 19 al">378
262. Ectocarpus Mertensii 378
263. Sphacelaria cirrhosa 379
264. Sphacelaria plumosa 379
265. Sphacelaria radicans 380
266. Cladostephus spongiosus 380
267. Chordaria flagelliformis 380
268. Laminaria bulbosa 384
269. Laminaria saccharina 384
270. Alaria esculenta 385
271. Sporochnus pedunculatus 385
272. Desmarestia ligulata 386
273. Himanthalia lorea 387
274. Cystoseira ericoides 388
275. Transverse Section of the Stem of a Monocotyledon 391
276. Leaf of a Monocotyledon 392
277. Expanded Spikelet of the Oat 393
278. The Sea Lyme Grass 395
279. Knappia agrostidea 397
280. The Dog’s-tooth Grass 397
281. The Reed Canary Grass 397
282. Male and Female Flowers of Carex, magnified 399
283. The Sea Sedge 400
284. The Curved Sedge 400
285. The Great Sea Rush 400
286. The Broad-leaved Grass Wrack 401
287. The Sea-side Arrow Grass 401
288. The Common Asparagus 401
289. The Sea Spurge 403
290. The Purple Spurge 404
291. The Sea Buckthorn 404
292. Chenopodium botryoides 405
293. The Frosted Sea Orache 406
294. The Prickly Salt Wort 406
295. The Creeping Glass Wort 407
296. The Sea-side Plantain 408
297. The Sea Lavender 408
298. The Dwarf Centaury 410
299. The Sea Samphire 412
300. The Sea-side Everl




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