78-h@42978-h-16.htm.html#Page_352" class="pginternal">352 Cladostephus, 380 Cliffs, 2 Cliona, 124 Cloak Anemone, 154 Club-mosses, 345 Club Rush, 399 Clupea, 322 ClupeidÆ, 322 Coast—general characters of, 1 Cochlearia, 419 Cockles, 214 Cod, 327 Codium, 353 Coelenterates, 127 Coelopa, 300 Coleoptera, 301, 305 Columella, 226 Common sponges, 119 CompositÆ, 410, 425 Cone Shells, 248 ConidÆ, 248, 255 ConiferÆ, 347, 348 ConfervaceÆ, 352, 389 ConvolvulaceÆ, 409, 425 Convolvulus, 409 Copepoda, 264, 304 Corallina, 61, 369 CorallinaceÆ, 369, 390 Corallines—preserving, 87 Corals, 151 Corbula, 206 Cord Grass, 398 Cordylecladia, 366 Cornish Sucker, 330 Corrosive sublimate, 75 Corystes, 286 CottidÆ, 335 Cottus, 335 Cowries, 247 Crab-pots, 26 Crabs—as bait, 44 — preserving, 81 Crambe, 420 Crangon, 278 Crenella, 219 Crinoidea, 171 Crithmum, 411 CruciferÆ, 417, 426 Crustacea, 257, 304 Crustaceans—preserving, 80 Cryptogams, 343, 347 CryptonemiaceÆ, 363, 389 Ctenophora, 203 GastrochÆnidÆ, 203, 255 GastrosteidÆ, 331 Gastrosteus, 331 Gebia, 276 GelidiaceÆ, 390 Gelidium, 367 Gem Pimplet, 150 GentianaceÆ, 409, 425 Geodephaga, 301 Gephyrea, 176 GeraniaceÆ, 414, 425 Gibb’s Crab, 289 Gigartina, 364 Glass-wort, 407 Glaucium, 420 Globigerina, 109 Globular Beroe, 137 Gloisiphonia, 364 GlumiferÆ, 423 Glycerine, 73 Goadby’s fluid, 73 Gobies, 334 GobiidÆ, 334 GobioesocidÆ, 330 Gobius, 334 Golden Samphire, 411 Gonoplax, 290 Goosefoot, 405 Gracilaria, 366 GramineÆ, 392, 423 Grantia, 120 Grass-wracks, 400 Green Laver, 61 Green Pea-urchin, 168 Grey Mullet, 332 Griffithsia, 61, 360 Ground bait, 49 Gurnards, 335 Gymnosperms, 346, 348 Haddock, 327 Hake, 328 Halecium, 131 Halibut, 326 Halichondria, 123 Halidrys, 388 HaliotidÆ, 242, 255 Haliotis, 242 Halurus, 361 HapalidiaceÆ, 390 Hare’s Ear, 418 Heart Cockle, 212 Heart Urchin, 168 HelminthocladiÆ, 389 Henslow’s Crab, 293 Henware, 385 HepaticÆ, 344, 348 Hermit Crab, 44, 326 PleuronectidÆ, 324 Plocamium, 61, 366 PlumbaginaceÆ, 408, 424 Poa, 396 Podded Sea-oak, 388 Podophthalmata, 266, 269, 304 Pogge, 335 Pollack, 327 Polybius, 293 Polycarpon, 413 PolychÆta, 177 Polygala, 416 PolygalaceÆ, 416, 426 PolygonaceÆ, 404, 424 Polygonum, 404 PolypetalÆ, 403 Polypogon, 397 Polysiphonia, 372 Polystomata, 115 Polyzoa, 188 Porcelain Crab, 280 Porcellana, 280 Porifera, 115 Porphyra, 355 Porpoise, 339 Portland Spurge, 403 Portunus, 292 Prawn, 44, 278 Preservation of marine objects, 71 Preservatives, 72 Prickly Cockle, 215 Prickly Salt-wort, 407 PrimulaceÆ, 424 Prosobranchiata, 232, 236 Protophyta, 343, 347 Protoplasm, 102 Protoplasta, 104, 110 Protozoa, 102 — classification, 104 Psammobia, 208 Pteropoda, 230, 255 Pulmonifera, 255 Punctaria, 383 Puncturella, 241 Purple Spurge, 403 Purple-tipped Urchin, 168 Purpura, 249 Pycnogonum, 293 PyramidellidÆ, 246, 255 Radiata, 140 Radiolaria, 104, 110 Ragworm, 40, 198, 255 Siphonostomata, 236, 247, 255 Six-rayed Sponges, 119 Skates, 318 Slender-beaked Crab, 289 Sloke, 61, 355 Smelt, 321 Smooth Hound, 320 Snoods, 37 SolanaceÆ, 409, 424 Solanum, 409 Soldier Crab, 280 Sole, 326 Solea, 326 Solecurtus, 207 SolenidÆ, 255 SparidÆ, 338 Spartina, 397 Sparus, 338 Spergularia, 415 Sphacelaria, 279 SphÆrococcoideÆ, 366, 390 SphÆrococcus, 366 SphÆroma, 268 Spicules, 118 Spider Crabs, 288 Spike Rush, 399 Spiny-finned fishes, 329 Spirorbis, 187 Sponges, 115 SpongiocarpeÆ, 390 Spoon Worms, 176 SporochnaceÆ, 385, 390 Sporochnus, 385 Spotted Dogfish, 320 Spotted Hog-louse, 268 Spout Shell, 245 Sprats, 323 Spring-tails, 299 Spurges, 403 Spyridia, 363 SpyridiaceÆ, 368, 389 SquamariÆ, 390 Squid, 252 Squirt Worms, 176 Stalk-eyed crustaceans, 266, 269 Starfishes, 157 — preserving, 79 Stargazers, 336 Statice, 408 Stenorhynchus, 289 Sticklebacks, 331 Stilophora, 383 Sting Bull, 337 Sting Fish, 335 Stock, 418 Stomopoda, 269, 304 Stone Crab, Minor inconsistencies in punctuation of tables or captions are silently corrected. Hyphenation is variable. Those compound words which are hyphenated only on line breaks are rendered using modern usage. The word ‘movable’ appears only once as ‘moveable’ (165), which is retained. The index entry for 'Œpophilus' is considered to be an error. All instances of the word appear in the text as 'Æpophilus'. This has been corrected and moved to the appropriate alphabetic position. The following corrections were made to obvious printer’s errors: devel[e/o]ped (336); co[n/m]posed (364). The following list contains punctuation corrections made: p. 65 | one of them[.] | Added. | p. 255 | [Class] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA | Added to match other entries. | p. 257 | their tendencies[,/.] | Corrected. | p. 292 | low-water[-]mark | Unhyphenated elsewhere. | p. 340 | [(]Cetacea) | Added. | p. 390 | in firm gelatine[,/.] | Corrected. | p. 403 | by its stipuled leaves[.] | Added. | p. 434 | RhodospermeÆ, 350, 355, 38[9] | Added. | |