It seems to be the popular opinion that sponges are essentially natives of the warmer seas, and it will probably be a surprise to many young amateur naturalists to learn that there are about three hundred species of this sub-kingdom of the animal world to be found on our own shores. It must not be thought, however, that they are all comparable with the well-known toilet sponges in regard to either size or general form and structure, for some of them are very small objects, no larger than about one-twentieth of an inch in diameter, and some form mere incrustations of various dimensions on the surfaces of rocks and weeds, often of such general appearance that they would hardly be regarded as animal structures by those who have not studied the peculiarities of the group. Sponges are known collectively as the Porifera or Polystomata, and constitute a separate sub-kingdom of animals of such distinct features that they are not readily confused with the creatures of any other group. Their principal characteristic is expressed by both the group names just given, the former of which signifies ‘hole-bearing,’ and the latter ‘many openings’; for in all the members of the sub-kingdom there are a number of holes or pores providing a means of communication between the body cavity or cavities and the surrounding water. Most of these holes are very small, but there is always at least one opening of a larger size at the anterior end. It will be seen from what we have just stated that sponges exhibit a distinctly higher organisation than the protozoa described in the last chapter, inasmuch as they possess a permanent body-cavity that communicates with the exterior; but in addition to this there are many points of differentiation of structure that denote a superior position in the scale of life. Fig. 65.—Section of a Simple Sponge On touching the sponge we observe that it is of a soft, gelatinous consistence throughout, or if, as is often the case, the body is supported by a skeleton of greater or less firmness, a gentle application of the finger will still show that this framework is surrounded by material of a jelly-like nature. This gelatinous substance is the animal itself, and a microscopic examination will show that its body-wall is made up of two distinct layers, the inner consisting of cells, many of which possess a cilium or whip-like filament that protrudes from a kind of collar, its free extremity extending into the body-cavity. These minute cilia are the means by which the water currents just described are set up. By a constant lashing movement they urge the fluid contained in the body-cavity towards the larger hole, thus causing the water to flow in through the numerous small pores. This circulation of sea water through the body-cavity of the sponge is the means by which the animal is supplied with air and food. Air is, of course, absorbed from the water by the soft material of the external layer of the body, but the constant flow of fresh water through the body-cavity enables this process of Fig. 66.—Diagrammatic section of a portion of a Complex Sponge The description just given applies only to the simplest of the sponges, and we have now to learn that in the higher members of the group the structure is much more complicated. In these the surface-pores are the extremities of very narrow tubes which perforate both layers of the body-wall and then communicate with wider tubes or spaces within, some of which are lined with the ciliated cells above described. These spaces, which are sometimes nearly globular in form, and often arranged in groups with a Fig. 67.—Horny Network of a Sponge, magnified But even this is not all, for as yet we have been regarding the sponges as consisting of animal matter only, whereas nearly all of them possess some kind of internal skeleton for the support of the soft, gelatinous animal substance. The skeleton consists of matter secreted by certain cells from material in the water and food, and is either horny, calcareous, or siliceous. The horny skeleton is formed of a network of fibres of a somewhat silky character, and often, as in the case of the toilet sponges, highly elastic; but it is sometimes so brittle that the sponge mass is easily broken when bent. The fibres of this framework support not only the outer wall of the sponge, but also the walls of all the internal tubes and spaces, which are often of so soft a nature that they would collapse without its aid. The other forms of skeletons consist of minute bodies of carbonate of lime or of silica, respectively, which assume certain definite shapes, resembling stars, anchors, hooks, pins, spindles, &c., and are known as spicules. Such spicules are usually present in those sponges that have horny skeletons, but in others they form the entire skeleton. Sponges are classified according to the composition of the skeleton and the forms of the spicules, the chief divisions being:— 1. The Calcareous Sponges (Calcarea). Skeleton consisting of spicules of carbonate of lime in the form of needles and three-or four-rayed stars. 2. The Six-Rayed Sponges (Hexactinellida). Skeleton of six-rayed glassy spicules. 3. Common Sponges (Demospongia). Skeleton horny, flinty, or entirely absent. The first of these divisions contains about a dozen known British species, which are to be found on the rockiest shores, attached to stones, weeds, or shells, generally hidden in very secluded holes or crevices, or sheltered from the light by the pendulous weeds. They should be searched for at the lowest spring tide, particular attention being given to the under surfaces of large stones, narrow, dark crevices, and the roofs of small, sheltered caves. They may be readily recognised as sponges by the numerous pores on the surface, though these are often hardly visible without a lens, and the calcareous nature of the skeleton may be proved by dropping a specimen into dilute hydrochloric acid, when the carbonate of lime will speedily dissolve, the action being accompanied by the evolution of bubbles of carbonic acid gas. Fig. 68.—Grantia compressa Fig. 69.—Spicules of Grantia, magnified Small portions of the skeleton, examined under the microscope, will show the nature of the calcareous spicules of which it is composed. These consist of minute needles and stars, the latter having generally either three or four rays. We give figures of three of the calcareous sponges of our shores, the first of which (Grantia compressa) resembles little oval, flattened bags, which hang pendulous from rocks and weeds, sometimes solitary, but often in clusters. The smaller openings are thickly scattered over the flat sides of the bag, and the larger Fig. 70.—Sycon ciliatum The ciliated sycon (Sycon ciliatum), fig. 70, though of a very different appearance externally, is similar in structure to Grantia. It is also found in similar situations, and is not uncommon on many parts of the South Coast, from Weymouth westwards. The other example, Leucosolenia botryoides, shown in fig. 71, is a branching calcareous sponge, consisting of a number of tubes, all united to form one common cavity which is lined throughout with whip-cells. It is usually found attached to weeds. Fig. 71.—Leucosolenia botryoides, with portion magnified Nearly all our British sponges belong to the group Demospongia—common sponges; but the members of this group present a great variety of form and structure. Most of them have a skeleton consisting of siliceous spicules, but some have a horny skeleton, somewhat after the nature of that of the toilet sponges; and others, again, have fleshy bodies entirely, or almost entirely, Fig. 72.—Chalina oculata As the spicules of sponges are in themselves beautiful objects, and are important to the naturalist, inasmuch as they form a basis for the classification of sponges, it is well to know by what means they may be separated from the animal for microscopic examination. The separation is based on the fact that nitric acid (aqua-fortis) will destroy organic matter while it has not the slightest action on silica. In some of our common horny sponges the fibres are so transparent that, when teased out and placed under the microscope, the siliceous spicules may be seen embedded within them, but the spicules, both in these and the fleshy sponges, may be separated completely from the animal matter by putting a fragment of the sponge in a test-tube, covering it with nitric acid, and boiling it for a short time. The tube should then be filled up with water and allowed to stand undisturbed for a time, after which the liquid is poured off gently from the sediment. If the sediment is then put under the microscope on a slip of glass, it will be seen to consist of grains of sand, of which there is always a considerable amount in the pores and cavities of a sponge, and the siliceous spicules. Fig. 73.—Halichondria panicea The Bread-crumb sponge (Halichondria panicea) is even more common, for it is to be found on every rocky coast, encrusting weeds and rocks, often considerably above low-water mark. It is of a yellowish or pale greenish colour, and forms an incrustation varying in thickness from one-twentieth of an inch to half an inch or more; and, like most sponges, should be looked for in narrow crevices, under heavy growths of weeds, or in other situations where it is protected from the light. Sometimes its free surface is unbroken, except, of course, by the minute pores, and, here and there, the larger openings that serve for the outgoing currents; but when it is found encrusting a rock in patches of considerable size, the larger holes all occupy the summit of a little cone resembling a miniature volcano with its crater. This sponge is easily removed from the rock with the aid of a blunt broad-bladed Fig. 74.—Spicules of Halichondria, magnified Rambling on the sea beach we frequently meet with old oyster and other shells perforated by a number of circular holes about the size of a pin’s head or less, and chalk and limestone rocks also are seen similarly bored. On breaking into or grinding down the substance we find that the openings are the ends of channels that form a network of canals and chambers, some of which are so near the surface that they are covered by an exceedingly thin layer of the calcareous substance. These canals and chambers form the home of the Boring Sponge (Cliona), which, although a very soft-bodied animal, has itself excavated them. Fig. 75.—An Oyster Shell bored by Cliona The manner in which the Cliona excavates such a complicated system of passages in so hard a material has naturally raised a considerable amount of curiosity, and those who have studied the Some of those who advocate the chemical theory suppose that an acid fluid is secreted by the sponge, and that the carbonate of lime forming the shell or stone is thereby dissolved; but such advocates have, as yet, failed to detect the presence of any acid substance in the body of the animal. Others ascribe the action to the solvent power of carbonic acid gas. This gas certainly has the power of dissolving carbonate of lime, as may be proved by a very simple experiment: Pour a little lime water into a glass, and blow into it through a glass tube. The lime water speedily becomes milky in appearance, the lime having been converted into particles of chalk or carbonate of lime by union with the carbonic acid gas from the lungs. Continue to blow into the liquid for some time, and the carbonate of lime will slowly disappear, being gradually dissolved by the excess of the gas—the gas over and above that required for the formation of the carbonate. Thus, it has been said, the carbonic acid gas evolved as a product of the respiration of the sponge is the agent by which the channels are excavated. Whatever be the acid to which this power is ascribed, whether it be the carbonic acid or a special acid fluid secreted for the purpose, there is still this difficulty in the way of accepting the theory, namely, that an acid, though it has the power of dissolving the mineral matter of a shell—the carbonate of lime—has no action on the laminÆ of animal substance that form part of the structure. If we put the shell of a mollusc in hydrochloric or dilute nitric acid, we obtain, after the complete solution of the carbonate of lime, a substantial residue of animal matter which the acid does not touch, but in the case of Cliona both animal and mineral substances yield to its power. Fig. 76.—Spicules of Cliona Those who favour the mechanical theory assert that the material is worn away by siliceous particles developed by the sponge, and kept in constant motion as long as the animal lives; and the theory is supported by the statement that, in addition to the spicules of silica, which are pin-shaped, and occupy the interior of the animal, there are little siliceous granules scattered on the surface of the sponge which are kept in constant motion resembling that of cilia; and the minute particles The pin-shaped spicules of Cliona may be obtained for microscopic examination by breaking any old oyster shell that has formed its home, and brushing out the dust from the galleries; or, a part of the shell may be dissolved in acid, and the sediment examined for spicules on a slip of glass. |