| PAGE |
General Characters of Plants |
Forms of Roots | 2 |
Running underground stem of Solomon's Seal | 4 |
Arrangement of Leaves | 5 |
Leaf of Pansy with two large Stipules | 5 |
Margins of Leaves | 6 |
Various Forms of Simple Leaves | 7 |
Forms of Compound Leaves | 7 |
Forms of Inflorescence | 8 |
Longitudinal Section through the flower of the Buttercup | 10 |
Inferior and Superior Ovary | 11 |
Unisexual Flowers of the Nettle | 11 |
Dehiscent Fruits | 12 |
The Pollination and Fertilisation of Flowers |
Pollen Cells throwing out their Tubes | 25 |
Climbing Plants |
Prickles of the Wild Rose | 31 |
Ivy, showing the Rootlets or Suckers | 32 |
Stem of the Bindweed, twining to the left | 34 |
Stem of the Hop, twining to the right | 35 |
Early Spring |
Trees in Winter or Early Spring | |
1.Hazel; 2.Ash; 3.Oak; 4.Lime | 41 |
5.Birch; 6.Poplar; 7.Beech; 8.Alder | 43 |
Twig of Lime in Spring, showing the Deciduous, Scaly Stipules | 45 |
Seedling of the Beech | 46 |
Woods and Thickets in Spring |
The Daffodil | 48 |
The Wood Anemone | 49 |
The Goldilocks | 50 |
The Wild Columbine | 51 |
The Dog Violet | 52 |
The Wood Sorrel | 53 |
The Sweet Woodruff | 54 |
The Lesser Periwinkle | 55 |
The Bugle | 56 |
The Broad-leaved Garlic | 57 |
The Star of Bethlehem | 58 |
The Hairy Sedge | 59 |
Spring-flowering Trees and Shrubs |
The Barberry | 62 |
The Spindle Tree | 63 |
The Wild Cherry | 65 |
The Crab Apple | 67 |
The Mountain Ash | 68 |
The Spurge Laurel | 70 |
The Elm in Flower | 71 |
The Oak in Flower | 72 |
The Beech in Fruit | 73 |
The Scots Pine, with Cones | 78 |
The Yew in Fruit | 79 |
htm.html#Page_220" class="pginternal">220 |
The Wild Carrot | 221 |
The Devil's-bit Scabious | 222 |
The Rough Hawkbit | 223 |
The Autumnal Hawkbit | 224 |
The Meadow Thistle | 225 |
The Black Knapweed | 226 |
The Great Knapweed | 226 |
The Common Fleabane | 227 |
The Ox-eye Daisy | 228 |
The Sneezewort | 229 |
The Small Bindweed | 230 |
Section of the Flower of Salvia | 231 |
The Self-heal | 231 |
The Ribwort Plantain | 232 |
The Butterfly Orchis | 233 |
The Cat's-tail Grass | 233 |
The Meadow Barley | 233 |
The Rye Grass or Darnel | 234 |
The Sheep's Fescue | 234 |
Bogs, Marshes, and Wet Places—Summer |
The Lesser Spearwort | 237 |
The Great Hairy Willow Herb | 238 |
The Purple Loosestrife | 239 |
The Water Hemlock | 241 |
The Common Water Dropwort | 242 |
The Marsh Thistle | 243 |
The Brooklime | 244 |
The Water Figwort | 245 |
The Gipsy wort | 246 |
The Round-leaved Mint | 247 |
The Forget-me-not | 248 |
The Water Pepper or Biting Persicaria | 249 |
The Bog Asphodel | 251 |
The Common Rush | 252 |
The Shining-fruited Jointed Rush | 253 |
The Common Sedge | 254 |
The Marsh Sedge | 255 |
Heath, Down, and Moor |
The Milkwort | 258 |
The Broom | 259 |
The Furze or Gorse | 260 |
The Tormentil | 261 |
The Smooth Heath Bedstraw | 264 |
The Dwarf Thistle | 265 |
The Carline Thistle | 267 |
The Common Chamomile | 268 |
The Harebell | 269 |
The Cross-leaved Heath | 270 |
The Bell Heather or Fine-leaved Heath | FIELD AND WOODLAND PLANTS