Achene.? A dry fruit that does not open 13
Acute.? Sharp.
Anther.? The case at the top of the stamen containing the pollen 9
Axil.? The angle formed between leaf-stalk and stem.
Axillary.? Situated in an axil 6
Bast.? Inner bark.
Berry.? A pulpy fruit containing several seeds 13
Bicrenate.? Doubly notched 6
Bifid.? Divided into two parts.
Bisexual.? Including both male and female organs 11
Bract.? A leaf or scale between flower and leaf 10
Bracteate.? Provided with one or more bracts 10
Calyx.? The outer whorl of a complete flower 9
Capitulum.? A head of flowers 9, 175
Capsule.? A term applied to some fruits which open 13
Carpels.? Central parts of a perfect flower 10
Catkin.? A spike of imperfect flowers 12
Chlorophyll.? The green colouring matter of plants.
Composite Flower.? A head of 'florets' all sessile on a common receptacle 175
Cordate.? Heart-shaped 7
Corolla.? The second whorl of a complete flower 9
Corymb.? A cluster of stalked flowers, the flowers being all at one level 8
Cotyledons.? The lobes of the embryo plant, afterwards forming the 'seed-leaves' 13, 47
Crenate.? Notched.
Cupule.? A cup, formed of bracts, surrounding a fruit.
Cyme.? An arrangement of stalked flowers in which the terminal or central one is the first to open 9
Deciduous.? Falling off. Applied to leaves, parts of flowers, &c.
Dehiscent.? Splitting. Applied to fruits which open when ripe 12
Dicotyledon.? A plant with two cotyledons in the embryo 13
Digitate.? Divided into finger-like lobes 7
Disc.? A fleshy ring or cup between the base of the stamens and that of the ovary.
Drupe.? A stone-fruit 13
Entire.? Not divided 6
Epidermis.? The outer skin of a plant
Exstipulate.? Without stipules 5
Filament.? The stalk which bears the anther of the stamen 9
Follicle.? A fruit which opens, when ripe, on one side only 13
Fruit.? The ripened ovary of the flower 12
Glumes.? The scaly bracts of sedges and grasses.
Herbaceous.? Green—not woody.
Hybrid.? The offspring of two different species.
Imperfect Flower.? A flower which does not possess both stamens and pistil 12
Indehiscent.? Not splitting. Applied to fruits that do not open when ripe 12
Inferior.? Below. Applied to the ovary when the calyx adheres to it; and to the calyx when it is free from and below the ovary 6
Inflorescence.? The arrangement of flowers 10
Involucre.? A whorl of bracts sur




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