I. Spring Flowers of the Woods Frontispiece
1. Green Hellebore
2. Plantain-leaved Leopard's-Bane
3. Lady's Slipper
4. Sand Garlic
5. Wild Hyacinth
6. Wood Melic Grass
II. Flowers of the Woods To face p. 130
1. Great Valerian
2. Foxglove
3. Succory-leaved Hawk's-beard
4. Nettle-leaved Bell-flower
5. Broad-leaved Helleborine
6. Hairy Brome-grass
III. Flowers of the Wayside To face p. 150
1. Round-leaved Crane's-bill
2. Black Horehound
3. Evergreen Alkanet
4. Bristly Ox-tongue
5. Red Bartsia
6. Annual Meadow Grass
7. Hemlock Stork's-bill
IV. Flowers of the Field To face p. 210
1. Rough Cock's-foot Grass
2. Lucerne
3. Crimson Clover
4. Blue-Bottle
5. Common Vetch
6. Meadow Clary
V. Flowers of Bogs and Marshes To face p. 236
1. Marsh Gentian
2. Marsh Marigold
3. Marsh Orchis
4. Marsh Mallow
5. Marsh Vetchling
6. Marsh St. John's-wort
7. Bog Pimpernel
VI. Flowers of Down, Heath, and Moor To face p. 256
1. Musk Thistle
2. Clustered Bell-flower
3. Spiny Rest Harrow
4. Hairy Hawkbit
5. Sheep's-bit
6. Spotted Orchis
7. Heath Rush
VII. Flowers of the Corn-field To face p. 280
1. Long Smooth-headed Poppy
2. Field Scabious
3. Corn Cockle
4. Corn Marigold
5. Flax
6. Corn Pheasant's-eye
VIII. Flowers of Chalky Soils To face p. 296
1. Red Valerian
2. Narrow-leaved Flax
3. Tufted Horse-shoe Vetch
4. Spiked Speedwell
5. Pasque Flower
6. Bee Orchis
7. Yellow Oat Grass

Erratum.—On Plate VI, for 'Spring Rest Harrow' read 'Spiny Rest Harrow.'


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